Environmental Science Syllabus
Environmental Science Syllabus
Environmental Science Syllabus
ISO 9001:2015 Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
SYLLABUS Page 1 of 15
Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Syllabus in Science 107–Environmental Science
Date Enhanced: AUGUST 2021
Mission: Capiz State University is committed to provide advanced knowledge and innovation; develop skills, talents and values;
undertake relevant research, development and extension services; promote entrepreneurship and environmental
consciousness; and enhance industry collaboration and linkages with partner agencies.
Guiding Principles:
Academic Freedom
Academic Standards
Document Type: Document Code INS-SYL-02
ISO 9001:2015 Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
SYLLABUS Page 1 of 15
A CapSU Graduate is a knowledgeable, innovator, researcher, master of change, a leader entrepreneur, environmentalist, and effective
collaborator in their
respective fields of discipline.
The minimum standards for the B.S.Ed. degree program are expressed in the following set of learning outcomes:
A. Common to all programs in all types of schools:
The graduates have the ability to
a) Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
b) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
c) Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor)
d) Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
e) Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
Document Type: Document Code INS-SYL-02
ISO 9001:2015 Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
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Moreover, graduates of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) must have the competencies to support “national,
regional and local development plans” (RA7722).
This course will help the student to prepare for living in current and future society's mixture of technology and mythology by
presenting ideas and concepts about living systems and their environments. Policy makers and citizens are urgently needed to be aware and
have a conscious understanding of ecological principles when exercising community responsibilities to handle the environmental problems of
our times, such as water use, solid waste management, global warming, energy use, conservation of irreplaceable natural resources,
overpopulation, and the preservation of biodiversity. An understanding of biological and ecological principles and their application towards
environmental challenges should give the student the confidence to be a trustworthy and active citizen, a conscientious steward of nature, and
an agent of change for making a healthy, sustainable community and society. Regardless of the students' field of study, as a citizen of both
local and global communities some environmental issues will impact their lives.
X. Course/Subject Outcomes:
phone call/
• Appreciate the
importance of water in
our daily life.
g. Conservation
30% - Midterm
70% - Final
100% - Total
Document Type: Document Code INS-SYL-02
ISO 9001:2015 Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
SYLLABUS Page 1 of 15
XIV. Policies
1. Maximum of 3 absences is given to the student, then referral to the OSA office.
2. Students who are late of more than 15 minutes are not allowed to enter the class.
3. A prescribe uniform of the university should be strictly followed. Students who are not in complete uniform is marked absent and not
allowed to attend classes.
4. Students who cannot deliver report, take the activity on the given schedule will be given a grade of 65 on the said performance or
activity only. However, if there is a valid reason, consideration from the course facilitator will be given. Presentation using MS
PowerPoint is highly recommended for reporting.
5. Requirements should be submitted a week before the final examination.
6. Duplication of written outputs will be considered dishonesty subject for disciplinary action specifically dismissal from the course
7. Strictly, no usage of mobile phones and other gadgets which is not necessary to the course unless been permitted by the professor.
XV. Consultation: The students are encouraged to regularly seek advice to the course facilitator based on the consultation time of the faculty.
The students can set appointment every Monday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
Document Type: Document Code INS-SYL-02
ISO 9001:2015 Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
SYLLABUS Page 1 of 15
XVI. Remarks: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the faculty.
Prepared by:
Presentation 5- Exemplary
1. The purpose and focus are clear and consistent. 4- Proficient
2. The main claim is clear, significant, and challenging. 3- Approaching Proficiency
3. Organization is purposeful, effective, and appropriate. 2- Progressing
4. Neat and presentable output. 1- Beginning
5. On-time submission of output
Content Feedback:
6. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and integrated
7. Claims and ideas are supported and elaborated.
8. Connections between and among ideas are made.
9. Analysis/synthesis/evaluation/interpretation are effective and
Document Type: Document Code INS-SYL-02
ISO 9001:2015 Revision No. 01
Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
SYLLABUS Page 1 of 15
Items Score
Tasks were done with quality
Proper organization, resourcefulness and uniqueness were employed.
The content is congruent to the learning outcomes.
Neatness and aesthetics were adhered.
Reflection statements are profound and clear with supports of evidences and
The portfolio/ output was complete, clear, and well-organized.
The portfolio/output was submitted on-time.