Environmental Science Syllabus

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Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) Course Syllabus in Science 107–Environmental Science
Date Enhanced: AUGUST 2021

I. Capiz State University

Vision: Center of Academic Excellence Delivering Quality Service to all

Mission: Capiz State University is committed to provide advanced knowledge and innovation; develop skills, talents and values;
undertake relevant research, development and extension services; promote entrepreneurship and environmental
consciousness; and enhance industry collaboration and linkages with partner agencies.

Goals: Globally competitive graduates

Institutionalized research culture
Responsive and sustainable extension services
Maximized profit of viable agro-industrial business ventures
Effective and efficient administration

Core Values: God- Centered

Transparency and Accountability and;
Dedication to quality Service

Guiding Principles:
Academic Freedom
Academic Standards
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Institutional Learning Outcomes:

A CapSU Graduate is a knowledgeable, innovator, researcher, master of change, a leader entrepreneur, environmentalist, and effective
collaborator in their
respective fields of discipline.

College of Education Program Outcomes:

To produce teachers who REIGNS:
R – Research-oriented;
E – Exemplary “extensionists” and entrepreneurs;
I – Innovative instructors, ICT literate;
G – God-fearing, goal-oriented, globally competitive;
N – Nature-lovers, networkers, and team players;
S – Service-oriented

II. Campus: CapSU - Main

III. Program/Degree: Bachelor of Secondary Education (B.S.Ed.) - Science

IV. Program Outcomes: Based on CMO No. 75, Series of 2017

The minimum standards for the B.S.Ed. degree program are expressed in the following set of learning outcomes:
A. Common to all programs in all types of schools:
The graduates have the ability to
a) Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
b) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
c) Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 descriptor)
d) Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
e) Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
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B. Common to Teacher Education

a) Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political
b) Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
c) Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific
learners and their environments.
d) Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners.
e) Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational
f) Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and
g) Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities.
h) Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based

C. Specific to Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science

a. Demonstrate deep understanding of specific concepts and principles

b. Apply specific inquiry in teaching and learning
c. Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods

D. Common to a horizontal type as defined in CMO 46, 2012

a. Graduates of professional institutions demonstrate service orientation in their respective professions

b. Graduates of colleges are qualified for various types of employment and participate in development activities and public
discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the communities they serve
c. Graduates of universities contribute to the generation of new knowledge by participating in various research and
development projects
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Moreover, graduates of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) must have the competencies to support “national,
regional and local development plans” (RA7722).

V. Course Title: Environmental Science

VI. Semester/School Year Offered: 1st Semester, School Year 2021-2022

VII. Course Description:

This course will help the student to prepare for living in current and future society's mixture of technology and mythology by
presenting ideas and concepts about living systems and their environments. Policy makers and citizens are urgently needed to be aware and
have a conscious understanding of ecological principles when exercising community responsibilities to handle the environmental problems of
our times, such as water use, solid waste management, global warming, energy use, conservation of irreplaceable natural resources,
overpopulation, and the preservation of biodiversity. An understanding of biological and ecological principles and their application towards
environmental challenges should give the student the confidence to be a trustworthy and active citizen, a conscientious steward of nature, and
an agent of change for making a healthy, sustainable community and society. Regardless of the students' field of study, as a citizen of both
local and global communities some environmental issues will impact their lives.

VIII. Course Credit/Unit: 3 units

IX. Course Prerequisite: None

X. Course/Subject Outcomes:

At the end of the Semester, the students’ must be able to:

• Construct college level writing and critical thinking analysis of current environmental issues in all course work.
• Analyze the relationship between the individual, society, economy, culture and environmental issues and identify ways to minimize impact
on the environment.
• Understand the basic principles of matter and energy flows.
• Describe fundamental ecosystem and ecological principles.
• List the major sources of pollution and describe the effects on ecosystems and human populations.
• Describe the goals of biodiversity conservation and nature preservation programs.
• Describe renewable vs. non-renewable energies or natural resources including affects on climate change.
• Describe the principles of sustainable development and apply them to potential solutions to current issues.
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XI. Course Design Matrix

Topics Most Essential Learning Learning Activities Assessment References Time

Outcomes Tasks Frame
1. General • Understand and explain the - Independent - Quizzes • University Week 1
Orientation: meaning of the University’s Learning (online Code
a. University’s VMGO VMGO, CapSU Quality - Blended Learning quizzes/ • Student
b. CapSU Quality Policy and College’s (combination of paper and Manual
Policy Program Outcomes. any of the pen test) Course
c. College’s Program • Recite the University’s following: - Oral Syllabus
Outcomes VMGO and CapSU Quality Connected assessment/
d. Class Rules Learning, Online topic-content
Learning, Face to
• Understand the class rules. presentation
Face and Project-
based Learning)
(social media
- Learning Forum platform/
phone call/
2. INTRODUCTION TO - Independent - Quizzes Week 2
• Describe the • Guido, Ryan
ENVIRONMENTAL Learning (online
SCIENCE interrelationship of Manuel D,
- Blended Learning quizzes/
environmental science with et.al.,
(combination of paper and
a. Interrelationship with other sciences; Fundamentals
other science; • Enumerate the components of
of environmental science; Environmenta
b. Components of l Science;
environmental and
science; • Define environmental ethics.
c. The environmental
Document Type: Document Code INS-SYL-02
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Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
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d. Three ethical any of the pen test)

• Determine the three ethical following: • Tayo, Gilma
perspectives - Oral
perspectives; Connected T, et.al.,
e. The environmental Learning, Online Fundamentals
• Enlighten with topic-content
attitudes Learning, Face to of
environmental attitudes; and presentation
Face and Project- Environment
f. Environmental based Learning)
(social media
• Contribute ideas in al Science
organizations - Learning Forum platform/
environmental organization.
phone call/

3. MATTER AND - Independent - Quizzes Guido, Ryan Week 3 & 4

• Define matter and energy;
ENERGY Learning (online Manuel D,
• Identify the characteristics of - Blended Learning quizzes/ et.al.,
a. Matter and Energy states of matter; (combination of paper and Fundamentals
any of the pen test) of
• Differentiate the following:
b. State of Matter - Oral Environment
classification of matter; and Connected assessment/ al Science;
c. Classification of • Determine the properties of Learning, Online topic-content
Learning, Face to
Matter matter. presentation
Face and Project-
(social media • Tayo, Gilma
• Define matter and energy; based Learning) T, et.al.,
d. Properties of - Learning Forum platform/
Matter • Identify the different sources phone call/ Fundamentals
of energy; and classroom of
e. Energy, Resource interaction) Environment
• Initiate acts that would help al Science
and Conservation
conserve energy

4. POPULATION - Independent - Quizzes . Week 5&6

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Learning (online Guido, Ryan

a. Population • Define population;
- Blended Learning quizzes/ Manuel D,
Characteristics and
• Identify the factors that (combination of paper and et.al.,
Growth; any of the
affect population growth; pen test) Fundamentals
b. Population and following: - Oral of
Distribution, Density, Connected assessment/ Environment
• Internalize the effect of Learning, Online
and Size; topic-content al Science;
population explosion and its Learning, Face to
c. Patterns of effect on environment. Face and Project-
based Learning)
(social media
Distribution; • Tayo, Gilma
- Learning Forum platform/
phone call/ T, et.al.,
d. Population Growth classroom Fundamentals
interaction) of
al Science

5. HYDROLOGY - Independent - Quizzes Guido, Ryan Week 7&8

• Define water;
Learning (online Manuel D,
a. Essential, • Identify the essentialities of - Blended Learning quizzes/ et.al.,
physical and water; (combination of paper and Fundamentals
chemical any of the pen test) of
• Differentiate the properties following:
properties of - Oral Environment
of water; and Connected
Water assessment/ al Science;
• Determine the most Learning, Online topic-content
Learning, Face to
b. Hydraulic abundant element and presentation
Cycle compounds in sea water.
Face and Project-
(social media • Tayo, Gilma
based Learning) T, et.al.,
- Learning Forum platform/
• Explain the hydrologic Fundamentals
c. Water
cycle; and of
• Illustrate the processes Environment
of water treatment; and al Science
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phone call/
• Appreciate the
importance of water in
our daily life.


6. ATMOSPHERE - Independent - Quizzes Guido, Ryan Week 10&
• Understand the Earth’s
Learning (online Manuel D, 11
a. Meteorology atmosphere; - Blended Learning quizzes/ et.al.,
b. Composition of • Define meteorology; (combination of paper and Fundamentals
Atmosphere any of the pen test) of
c. Earth Atmosphere • Explain the structure of the following: - Oral Environment
d. Weather and Earth’s atmosphere; Connected assessment/ al Science;
Climate Learning, Online topic-content
• Discuss the difference between Learning, Face to
e. Elements of weather and climate; and presentation
Face and Project-
(social media • Tayo, Gilma
• Appreciate the roles of clouds based Learning) T, et.al.,
f. Clouds - Learning Forum platform/
in our daily life. phone call/ Fundamentals
classroom of
interaction) Environment
al Science

7. ECOSYSTEM - Independent - Quizzes Guido, Ryan Week 12&

• Analyze the roles of
Learning (online Manuel D, 13
organism in the ecosystem;
a. Roles of - Blended Learning quizzes/ et.al.,
Organism in the • Describe ecological (combination of paper and Fundamentals
Ecosystem succession; any of the pen test) of
b. Ecological following: - Oral Environment
• Identify the factors Connected
Succession assessment/ al Science;
influencing succession; Learning, Online
c. Factors topic-content
Learning, Face to
Influencing • Determine the types of presentation
Face and Project- •
Succession succession based Learning)
(social media

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Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
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- Learning Forum platform/ Tayo, Gilma

d. Types of Succession • Illustrate the biochemical T, et.al.,
phone call/
e. Global Biochemical cycle; classroom Fundamentals
Cycles • Analyze the environmental interaction) of
impacts; and Environment
f. Environmental al Science
Impacts • Familiarize the different types
g. Types of Ecosystem of ecosystem

8. SOIL - Independent - Quizzes Guido, Ryan Week 14 &

• Describe the soil and its order;
Learning (online Manuel D, 15
a. Geologic Processes • Familiarize with the ecologic - Blended Learning quizzes/ et.al.,
processes; (combination of paper and Fundamentals
b. Soil and Land any of the pen test) of
• Define and differentiate soil following: - Oral Environment
and land; Connected
c. Soil Formation assessment/ al Science;
• Enumerate and identify the Learning, Online topic-content
Learning, Face to
d. Properties of Soil different soil properties; and presentation
Face and Project- • Tayo, Gilma
(social media
g. Soil Erosion; and • Appreciate the role of soil based Learning) T, et.al.,
- Learning Forum platform/
conservation Fundamentals
h. Soil Conservation phone call/
classroom of
interaction) Environment
al Science
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9. HUMAN IMPACT IN - Independent - Quizzes Guido, Ryan Week 16&

• Describe the human impact in
THE ENVIRONMENT Learning (online Manuel D, 17
the environment; - Blended Learning quizzes/ et.al.,
a. Introduction • Identify the factors of human (combination of paper and Fundamentals
impact in the environment; and any of the pen test) of
b. Negative Impact following: - Oral Environment
• Appreciate the responsibility of Connected assessment/ al Science;
c. Positive Impact human to protect the natural Learning, Online topic-content
environment. Learning, Face to
d. Effect of Technology
Face and Project-
(social media • Tayo, Gilma
based Learning) T, et.al.,
- Learning Forum platform/
e. Cause and loss of phone call/ Fundamentals
Biodiversity classroom of
interaction) Environment
f. Habitat Destruction al Science

g. Conservation


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XI. Criteria for Grading:


25% - Class Standing (Assignment, Oral Exam, Performance)

15% - Course Activities and Requirements
10% - Quizzes
50% - Written Examination
100% - Total


25% - Class Standing (Assignment, Oral Exam, Performance)

15% - Course Activities and Requirements
10% - Quizzes
50% - Written Examination
100% - Total

Final Grade Computation

30% - Midterm
70% - Final

100% - Total
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Document Title: Effective Date October 17, 2020
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XII. Rubrics: See attached Criteria

XIII. Other Requirements:

1. Pass the short and long examinations.

2. Submit required projects/exercises.
3. Participation in class discussion and reports.
4. Presents Written laboratory outputs.

XIV. Policies

1. Maximum of 3 absences is given to the student, then referral to the OSA office.
2. Students who are late of more than 15 minutes are not allowed to enter the class.
3. A prescribe uniform of the university should be strictly followed. Students who are not in complete uniform is marked absent and not
allowed to attend classes.
4. Students who cannot deliver report, take the activity on the given schedule will be given a grade of 65 on the said performance or
activity only. However, if there is a valid reason, consideration from the course facilitator will be given. Presentation using MS
PowerPoint is highly recommended for reporting.
5. Requirements should be submitted a week before the final examination.
6. Duplication of written outputs will be considered dishonesty subject for disciplinary action specifically dismissal from the course
7. Strictly, no usage of mobile phones and other gadgets which is not necessary to the course unless been permitted by the professor.

XV. Consultation: The students are encouraged to regularly seek advice to the course facilitator based on the consultation time of the faculty.
The students can set appointment every Monday and Wednesday at 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
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XVI. Remarks: This syllabus is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the faculty.

Prepared by:


Course Facilitator

Noted: Recommending Approval:


Quality Assurance Chair Program Chair



Dean, College of Education
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Attachment A: Rubrics for Performance Tasks/ Activity Sheets:

Items (Criteria) Score Score:

Presentation 5- Exemplary
1. The purpose and focus are clear and consistent. 4- Proficient
2. The main claim is clear, significant, and challenging. 3- Approaching Proficiency
3. Organization is purposeful, effective, and appropriate. 2- Progressing
4. Neat and presentable output. 1- Beginning
5. On-time submission of output
Content Feedback:
6. Information and evidence are accurate, appropriate, and integrated
7. Claims and ideas are supported and elaborated.
8. Connections between and among ideas are made.
9. Analysis/synthesis/evaluation/interpretation are effective and
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Attachment B: Rubrics for Class Participation/ Oral Examination

Rubrics for Lecture and Laboratory Reports
Rubrics for Lecture and Laboratory Reports Score
5- Outstanding
Items 5 4- Very Good
1. Complete understanding of topic 3- Good
2. Proper and effective use of scientific vocabulary and terminology 2- Acceptable/ Meets class standard
3. Clear, concise and engaging demonstration of knowledge 1- Below Standard
4. Content effectively communicated
5. Exhibit self-explanatory layout Feedback:
Attachment C: Rubric for Portfolio/ Group (Individual) Work Outputs

Items Score
Tasks were done with quality
Proper organization, resourcefulness and uniqueness were employed.
The content is congruent to the learning outcomes.
Neatness and aesthetics were adhered.
Reflection statements are profound and clear with supports of evidences and
The portfolio/ output was complete, clear, and well-organized.
The portfolio/output was submitted on-time.

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