Integrating MATLAB in Teaching Linear Programming at The University Level
Integrating MATLAB in Teaching Linear Programming at The University Level
Integrating MATLAB in Teaching Linear Programming at The University Level
*Corresponding author.
How to cite: Astutik, E. P., & Fitriatien, S. R. (2018). Integrating MATLAB in teaching linear
programming at the university level. International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics,
1(2), 84-89.
Mathematics is one of the sciences that has an important role in daily life and is needed in other
subjects (Acharya, 2017; Das & Das, 2013; Furner & Kumar, 2007; Smith & Hausafus, 1998;
Watson, 2018). By learning mathematics, students are expected to be able to understand
mathematical concepts and use them in problem solving. Mathematics is one of the compulsory
subjects at all school levels both in elementary and secondary schools. Therefore, professional
mathematics teachers are needed in producing students who can understand, master and apply
mathematics in problem solving (Jacob, Hill, & Corey, 2017; Schoenfeld, 2010). One of the
universities that concern in teaching and learning mathematics is Universitas PGRI Adi Buana
Surabaya. As a result, the ability of students which are mathematics teacher candidates must be
highly considered, one of which is by providing good quality of learning and being liked by
students so that it will generate interest in learning which will ultimately improve learning
Learning in higher education is inseparable from the role of lecturers in preparing learning,
one of which is by preparing learning media that can help and guide students in understanding
the material presented (Kristanti et al., 2018). However, current learning, especially
mathematics, only presents exercises that are less interesting and easy to make students feel
bored when they continue to do the exercises. Therefore, in this era of globalization, lecturers
can take advantage of the technological advances that are developing today, namely by
International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
2018, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 84-89
P-ISSN: 2621-2188, E-ISSN: 2621-2196
integrating computers and smartphones in learning, which is currently almost all students cannot
be separated from the use of smartphones in their daily lives.
The use of technology in learning allows the learning process to take place individually
(individual learning) which can foster individual learning where students can repeat the material
that has not been understood by doing the exercises independently through software available
on computers or smartphones. One software that can be integrated in mathematics learning is
MATLAB software. MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a software developed by Mathworks.Inc.
(see which is a program for numerical analysis and computation
and is an advanced mathematical programming language formed with a rationale using the
properties and form of a matrix. MATLAB has developed into a sophisticated programming that
contains built-in functions for performing signal processing tasks, linear algebra, and other
mathematical calculations. The advantages of this software compared to other software, namely
MATLAB software can help graph visualization and also help train students' reasoning skills
(Gil, 2017; Majid et al., 2013; Otto & Denier, 2005; Talbert, 2013).
In the Operational Research course, especially in the Linear Programming material students
are expected to understand the concept of the system of linear equations and inequalities n
variables and apply them in solving linear programming problems, as well as applying
appropriate procedures to solve linear programming problems related to real problems and
analyze the correctness of the steps (Mallet & De Simone, 2015; Zulfikarijah, 2004). Based on
observations in the Research Operational class at Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya,
students have difficulty in solving the Linear Programming problems with three variables or
more that have to be solved by the Simplex Method. Therefore, students should be introduced to
technology or software in learning especially those that can help solve Linear Programming
problems with three or more variables. One software that can be used in solving Linear
Programming problems is MATLAB. The use of MATLAB software is very helpful in solving
linear programming problems in which MATLAB can be used when starting to draw graphs and
determine completion test points, as well as testing the optimum function at these points (UMS,
2013). There was a previous research involving technology in solving linear programming
problems, it has been done by Rosiyanti (2016) using LINDO software combined with guided
discovery learning methods. In that study, LINDO software was used by mathematics education
students. In general, there was an increase in learning motivation for linear programming
subjects with guided discovery learning methods assisted by LINDO software reaching 75.11%
so that it could be said that LINDO software became an alternative software for use in learning.
However, lack of research that has been conducted implementing the MATLAB software in
linear programming. By integrating MATLAB software on Linear Programming, students are
expected to be able to utilize the MATLAB software to understand and solve problems related
to the Linear Programming.
This study focused on the application of MATLAB software on Linear Programming. The
objective of this research is to describe the integration of MATLAB software in teaching and
learning linear programming. It is expected that the application of MATLAB software can be
used as an independent learning media as well as a learning media in the classroom to help
students understand the concepts and solve Linear Program problems.
This research used descriptive study which aimed to describe the integration of MATLAB in
teaching and learning linear programming. This research was conducted in mathematics
International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
2018, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 84-89
P-ISSN: 2621-2188, E-ISSN: 2621-2196
education study program Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya during Operational Research
class in 2016 B class of 2017-2018 Academic Year. In this study, data collection was done by
observation, test, and the distribution of student response questionnaires. Observation was made
to find out the students’ activity during the implementation of MATLAB software in linear
programming class, while test was conducted to measure students' ability to solve linear
programming problems. The distribution of student response questionnaires was conducted to
determine student responses to the integration of MATLAB in teaching and learning linear
programming. The data from the observation, test, and questionnaire were then described to
explain the process and result of the integration of MATLAB software in teaching and learning
linear programming
Description of Figure 1:
a. Pay attention to, record the explanation of the
a b. Work on the problem
10% 4% 12% c. Discussion/question and answer between students
17% and lecturer
20% c
d. Discussion/question and answer between students
d and students
18% 19% e. Present the results of the discussion/enhance
responses or ask friends/lecturers
f f. Draw conclusions/summarize the subject matter
g g. Behavior that is not relevant to teaching and
learning (for example: conversations outside of
learning, walking outside the group, doing
something outside the topic of learning, etc.)
From the Figure 1 can be described that students were active in classroom with the total
percentage of 96% students’ activity related to the teaching and learning in which 12% students
paid attention to, recorded the explanation of the lecturer / friend; 17% students worked on the
problem; 19% students discussed or asked question to lecturer; 18% students discussed or asked
question to other students; 20% students presented the results of the discussion/enhanced
responses or ask friends / lecturers; 10% drew conclusions/summarized the subject matter.
International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
2018, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 84-89
P-ISSN: 2621-2188, E-ISSN: 2621-2196
While, 4% students did the activity that is not relevant to teaching and learning (for example:
conversations outside of learning, walking outside the group, doing something outside the topic
of learning, etc.)
During the implementation, students were also given questionnaire to gather students’
responses toward the teaching and learning by integrating MATLAB. The data from the
questionnaire are described in Table 1.
Table 1. Students’ responses toward the integration of MATLAB in linear programming
Percentage (%)
No Question
Yes No
1. Is the implementation of MATLAB software in linear programming fun? 84.21 15.79
Do you understand linear programming material with the implementation of
2. 68.42 31.58
MATLAB software?
3. Can you use MATLAB software to solve linear programming problems? 68.42 31.58
Do you have difficulties in solving linear programming problems using
4. 26.32 73.68
MATLAB software?
From the Table 1 can be described that from the first question (Is the implementation of
MATLAB software in linear programming fun?) 84.21% students answered “Yes” and 15.79%
students answered “No”. For the second question (Do you understand linear programming
material with the implementation of MATLAB software?) 68.42% students answered “Yes” and
31.58% students answered “No”. For the third question (Can you use MATLAB software to
solve linear programming problems?) also got the same answer which were 68.42% students
answered “Yes” and 31.58% students answered “No”. For the last question (Do you have
difficulties in solving linear programming problems using MATLAB software?) 26.32%
students answered “Yes” and 73.68% students answered “No”.
In addition, from the questionnaire also obtained the reasons for student answers as follows.
1. The implementation of MATLAB software in linear programming is fun, because:
a. Making linear programming work easier
b. Faster in determining the results
c. Minimizing the time to answer the questions
d. No need to manually count
e. The MATLAB software is easy to implement in finding the maximization and
minimization problems
f. Learning is more interesting
2. Students understand linear programming material with the implementation of MATLAB
software, because:
a. More interesting, easier and faster in calculating and understanding the learning
b. Problems that cannot be solved manually, but can be completed with the program
3. Students can use MATLAB software to solve linear programming problems, because:
a. Guided by the lecturer
b. Understand the key format in using MATLAB
c. The process steps are easy to understand
d. We only enter numbers in MATLAB without doing complicated calculation
International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
2018, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 84-89
P-ISSN: 2621-2188, E-ISSN: 2621-2196
From the result of the research can be analyzed that during the integration of MATLAB in
Linear Programming, students actively work in classroom by utilizing MATLAB in which the
total percentage of students’ activity related to learning is 96%. Students were also able to use
MATLAB to understand and solve problems related to Linear Programming. It can be seen
from students' ability to solve linear programming problems by using MATLAB is 83.10 where
the average value is classified as high. Students also gave positive responses that 84.21%
students enjoying the learning by using MATLAB. This result in line with Han (2009) which
the students responded positively about using MATLAB in Linear Algebra class.
MATLAB also helped the students in finding the optimum solution of the linear
programming problems without doing more calculation. In solving linear programming,
students usually used graphical and simplex method. However, many of them got difficulties in
solving linear programming problems by using simplex method. This also mentioned by some
authors in which students still have many difficulties in solving simplex problems which
include: data errors, sign errors, errors in making mathematical modeling, errors in using
definitions or theorems, calculation errors, and solutions that are not re-examined (Arsham et
al., 2005; Bixby et al., 1992; Gass, 2003; Moyer, 2017). By using MATLAB, students are able
to minimize the errors in calculation as long as they understand the formula and function in
However, there were 15.79% students did not enjoy the learning by using MATLAB and
31.58% students did not think that MATLAB would help them in solving the Linear
Programming. This result also in line with Han (2009) in which 43% of students responded that
MATLAB would not help the in solving in Linear Algebra problem. In addition, 26.32%
students got difficulties in solving Linear Programming problems by using MATLAB because
MATLAB can only solve Linear Programming problems in standard form. Therefore, students
have to convert the problems to standard form before solving using MATLAB.
This study reported that MATLAB is suitable to be applied in linear programming teaching and
learning. Students were able to use MATLAB to understand and solve problems related to the
Linear Programming. Students also responded positively toward the implementation of
MATLAB in linear programming teaching and learning. However, MATLAB can only solve
Linear Programming problems in standard form. Therefore, students have to convert the
problems to standard form before solving using MATLAB.
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