Year of Conferment: 1982: TH TH
Year of Conferment: 1982: TH TH
Year of Conferment: 1982: TH TH
ROMULO (1898-1985)
Carlos P. Romulo was an envoy, statesman, soldier, correspondent,
writer, founder of Boy Scout of the Philippines. He was already a reporter by
the young age of 16, and became a publisher at 32. He was the only Asian to
be awarded a Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for a series of articles forecasting
and outbreak of World War II.
His body of work includes the following: The United (a novel), I
Walked with Heroes (an autobiography), I Saw the Fall of the Philippines,
Mother America, and I see the Philippines Rise (war-time memoirs).
With countless years of service in the united Nations (UN) and the
Philippine Government, he was able to write Forty Years: A third World
Soldier at the UN and The Philippine Presidents, his record of his encounters
with the country’s leaders.