Adby - Research Paper - Greenhouse Gases
Adby - Research Paper - Greenhouse Gases
Adby - Research Paper - Greenhouse Gases
Gases 1
Greenhouse Gases
Soukvilay Vilavong
August 1, 2011
Greenhouse Gases
One of the world’s most prevalent issues is environmental pollution, which tends
to be constantly increasing and threatening plant and animal species, and all of humanity.
greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the earth’s atmosphere. GHGs refer to carbon dioxide
(CO2), methane (CH4), and other harmful gases emitted into the earth’s atmosphere,
resulting from both natural phenomena and human activities. However, scientists believe
that human activities are significantly responsible for this issue (Paterson, 2011). In this
research paper, human-caused GHGs, their negative effects on the environment and
power plants, and cars burn fossil fuels (e.g. coals, natural gas, and fossil fuel oils) and
release huge amounts of GHGs such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2).
agricultural residues and biomass are key factors contributing to the GHGs’ emission
such as nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). These gases then can cause serious
negative impacts on the environment and human beings (Watts, 2007). Two of the
dominant effects from GHGs are global warming and acid rain.
The most serious effect of GHGs is global warming. A recent study showed that
man-made GHGs, especially CO2 and CH4 intensively caused global warming over the
past 100 years with an average temperature rise of 0.7 °C. The reason is that the
greenhouse gases emitted from man-caused activities trap radiation from the sun and then
warm the earth’s atmosphere (Paterson, 2011). Evidence for global warming is that the
earth is constantly warmer than in the past. According to NASA’s Goddard Institute for
Space Studies [GISS] (2011), 2010 and 2005 were the warmest years in recorded history.
The consequent results of global warming are climate change, melting polar ice caps and
glaciers, rising sea levels, severe windstorms, floods, droughts, and alteration in
infectious diseases, threatening ecosystems and all of humanity (Riebeek & Simmon,
Another serious effect of man-caused GHGs is acid rain. Acid rain refers to acid
substances dropped from the atmosphere with a pH of less than 5 such as rain, fog, hail,
and snow. The primary sources of acid rain are GHGs such as CO2, SO2, and NOX
emitted from burning fossil fuels in industrial plants and in automobiles. Such gases are
then released into the earth’s atmosphere. After that, they react with vapors in the
atmosphere and form acid pollutants such as carbonic acid (H2CO3), sulfuric acid
(H2SO4), and nitric acid (HNO3). As a result, such chemical pollutants return back to the
earth’s surface as a form of acid rain, which can cause serious damage to ecosystems,
A recent study revealed that most soil profiled in European forests was polluted
by a large increase in acidity during 1982 – 1983. In addition, acid rain also polluted
natural rivers, resulting in the loss of aquatic lives. In Canada, sport fish populations have
been lost in acidified lakes and rivers. Furthermore, acid rain was found to have damaged
approximately 7.7% of 7.4 million hectares of West German forests in 1982 (Singh &
Agrawal, 2008). Additionally, acid rain accelerates the decay of buildings and ancient
monuments that are a part of human cultural heritage. For instance, in Europe, where
buildings are much older and pollution levels have been ten times greater than in the
United States, building and monuments are being deteriorated by acid rain (Watson,
1997). Significantly, acid rain causes serious respiratory infections in the human body
such as asthma and bronchitis (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2007).
In short, human activities such as burning fossil fuels and practicing conventional
agriculture are the main causes of increased GHGs in the atmosphere, resulting in global
warming and acid rain, which affect ecosystems and human beings. In order to reduce
such harmful gases, two possible solutions are recommended: promotion of reforestation
There are several benefits to promoting reforestation. Two of the most significant
benefits of trees are their production of O2 and their absorption of CO2. According to
Lecocq, Caurla, Delacote, Barkaoui, & Sauquet (2011), trees can absorb CO2 in the
atmosphere and then sequester it in biomass. The Northern Research Station of the
United States Department of Agriculture (n.d) also reported that forests in the United
States absorb and stock approximately 750 million metric tons of CO2 each year,
equivalent to 10% of the country’s CO2 emissions. Therefore, planting the trees will not
only provide O2, the most essential gas for all living things, but also reduce the emission
Other significant benefits can be obtained from promoting the use of biofuels
from feedstock crops. A recent research study revealed that the combustion of biofuels in
gas turbine based power plants produced less CO2 emissions than fossil fuels.
Furthermore, the CO2 emitted during the combustion was recycled through
photosynthesis of the plants from which the biofuels originated (Gupta, Rehman, &
Sarviya, 2010). This means that biofuel plants play the same role as other trees in
absorbing CO2 and stocking it in biomass, and then releasing O2 back to the air through
photosynthesis. Therefore, promoting the using of biofuels will not only alleviate the
emission of greenhouse gases, but also provide fresh air for all living things on the earth.
There might be an objection that planting biofuel crops will interfere with the
productive land for food production, leading to food deficiencies. In this case, some
biofuel plants can grow in poor soil or wasteland, where food crops cannot survive. For
example, Jatropha curcas L., a drought resistant biodiesel shrub originated in Mexico
and Central America, and now distributed throughout the tropical countries worldwide,
can thrive on about 250 mm of annual rainfall in Cape Verde. It can thrive even in the
concentrated, a large proportion of poor wasteland is dedicated for Jatropha plantation for
biodiesel production (Rehman, Phalke, & Pandey, 2011). In addition, in Laos, where
cultivation of biofuel plants has been strongly promoted by the government since 2006,
26,057 ha of non-fertile land was assigned for Jatropha cultivation for biodiesel
production in 2009 (Gaillard, Robert, & Rietzler, 2010). Therefore, planting biofuel
significant environmental issues. Two of them are global warming and acid rain. These
problems can probably be mitigated if the use of biofuels from plants and reforestation
were strongly promoted through global cooperation. A small simple action from ordinary
people such as planting trees around their houses or using biofuel in their own cars may
Gaillard, L., Robert, P., & Rietzler, R. (2010). Biofuel Development in the Lao PDR:
Baseline Assessment and Policy Evaluation. Retrieved July 23, 2011 from
Gupta, K.K., Rehman, A., & Sarviya, R.M. (2010). Bio-fuels for the Gas Turbine: A
Lecocq, F., Caurla, S., Delacote, P., Barkaoui, A., & Sauquet, A. (2011). Paying for
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Riebeek, H. & Simmon, R. (2010, June 3). Global Warming: How Will Earth Respond
Singh, A. & Agrawal, M. (2008). Acid Rain and Its Ecological Consequences. Journal
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Watts, R.G. (2007). Global Warming and the Future of the Earth. San Rafael, CA: