Mental Healthcare: Why in News?
Mental Healthcare: Why in News?
Mental Healthcare: Why in News?
Why in News?
Theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day (10th October 2018) is "young people
and mental health in a changing world".
High Public Health Burden: An estimated 150 million people across India are
in need of mental health care interventions, according to India’s latest National
Mental Health Survey 2015-16.
Lack of Resources:
Low proportion of mental health workforce in India (per 100,000 population)
include psychiatrists (0.3), nurses (0.12), psychologists (0.07) and social
workers (0.07).
Low financial resource allocation of just over a percent of GDP on healthcare
has created impediments in public access to affordable mental healthcare.
Loss to Economy: due to delayed or non treatment of mentally ill persons there is
loss in terms of human capital and an overall loss to the economy in the form of lost
man-days, plus the poor is stressed as most of mental healthcare is in urban areas
and are unavailable in primary healthcare centres in rural areas, this increases out of
pocket expenditure.
Demographic Dividend: According to WHO, the burden of mental disorders is
maximal in young adults. As most of the population is young (India has more than
50% of its population below the age of 25) so it requires a special focus in mental
health of youth by the government to reap the benefits arising out of the demographic
dividend in India.
Post-Treatment gap: There is need for proper rehabilitation of the mentally ill
persons post his/her treatment which is currently not present.
Poor awareness about the symptoms of mental illness, social stigma and
abandonment of mentally ill especially old and destitute leads to social isolation
and reluctance on part of family members to seek treatment for the patient has
resulted in a massive treatment gap, which further worsens the present mental
illness of a person.
Rise in Severity: Mental health problems, tend to increase during economic
downturns, therefore special attention is needed during times of economic distress.
Prone to abuse: Mentally ill patients are vulnerable to and usually suffer from
physical abuse, sexual abuse, wrongful confinement, even at homes and mental
healthcare facilities which is a cause of concern and a gross human right violation.
Steps Taken
In 1982, the government of India launched the National Mental Health Programme
(NMHP) to improve the status of mental health in India.
NMHP has 3 components:
Treatment of Mentally ill
Prevention and promotion of positive mental health
District Mental Health Programme (DMHP), 1996 – it’s objective is to provide
community mental health services at the primary health care level.
Mental Health Act (MHA-87) was enacted in 1987.
Mental Health Care Act 2017 repealed the Mental Health Act, 1987.
WHO’s Comprehensive Mental Action Plan 2013-2020 was adopted by the 66 th
World Health Assembly.
The Sustainable Development Goals target 3.4 and 3.5 talks about reducing mental
illness within the population.
The Mental Health Atlas was launched by WHO in 2017.
Constitutional Provision
The Supreme Court has held healthcare to be a fundamental right under Article 21 of
the Constitution.
Patient can state on how to be treated or not to be treated for the illness during a mental
health situation.
A person shall have the right to appoint a nominated representative to take on his/her
behalf, all health related decisions
This act brought changes in Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code (which criminalized
attempted suicide).
Now, a person who attempts to commit suicide will be presumed to be “suffering from
severe stress’’ and shall not be subjected to any investigation or prosecution.
The act envisages the establishment of Central Mental Health Authority and State
Mental Health Authority.
Increase Resources
Increasing mental healthcare facilities and related infrastructure through more
resource allocation in the budget.
Adequate Mental healthcare professional availability.
Increasing Awareness:
For patients to undertake timely treatment
To breakdown societal prejudices/ stigma
To discourage questionable treatment from faith healers.
For eg. “The Live Love Laugh Foundation” which aims to reduce the stigma,
spread awareness and change the way we look at Mental Health.
More investment in PHC: There is only one primary healthcare centre for more
than 51,000 people in India. The World Bank estimates that 90% of all health needs
can be met at the primary healthcare level thus more investments are needed in order
for patients to get easier, cheaper and faster access to services, plus, training at
grass root level for ASHA, ANM, AWW centre workers on how to recognize
common to severe mental health problems like schizophrenia, anxiety, depression,
and alcohol abuse.
Digital initiatives are helping improve rural India’s mental health through
telemedicine like Schizophrenia Research India’s (SCARF) mobile bus clinic which is
run by an NGO; there is need for scaling up such initiatives which will bridge the
rural-urban divide.
Community Partnership: By forming their self-help groups of carers families
along with NGO’s which brings community participation and helps reduction in
social stigma associated with mental illness.
Healthcare is a state subject – there is need for better coordination between
Center-States for proper implementation.
Make psychotropic drugs available: Essential psychotropic drugs should be
provided at all levels of healthcare. These medicines should be included in essential
drugs list.
Empathetic Service delivery: Delivery of services should be sensitive,
compassionate and free from stigma and discrimination in public healthcare
institutions plus there is need for police sensitization and training regarding
recognition of acute mental disorders and undertaking of necessary action to protect
the human rights of the mentally ill, his family and his fellow citizens.
Financial support from the government to the families so that direct costs of
treatment are covered and families are not overburdened.
Way Forward
Increasing the number of psychologists and psychiatrists alone won’t help. Stigma
and awareness are two separate issues although interlinked. They need to be
addressed in parallel in order to tackle the burden of mental illness in India.
If individuals continue to view mental illness with apprehension and resistance, it
will remain difficult for people with mental health concerns to seek the support they
require due to the fear of being labelled or judged.