Module 1 Am Activity On Prioritization v2
Module 1 Am Activity On Prioritization v2
Module 1 Am Activity On Prioritization v2
You are an RN providing total patient care to four patients on an orthopedic unit
during the 7 am to 3 pm shift. Given the following patient information, prioritize your
activities for the 8-hour shift. Be realistic about what you can accomplish.
1. Prioritize your patients.
2. What is time for reports, planning your day’s activities, breaks, and lunch.
(Account your 8-hour shift given the activities you need to accomplish for your
3. What activities will you delegate to the next shift?
4. Give 3 overall goals that have guided your time management?
5. What personal VALUES were factors in setting your goals in prioritization? (You
can refer to your lecture notes on PLANNING).
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anyone who enters room. IV site red and puffy. IV needs to be restarted. Dressing change
of operative site ordered daily. Heat lamp treatments ordered b.i.d. to small pressure sores
on coccyx. IV antibiotic piggybacks at 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 2:00 pm. Main IV
bag to run out at 10:00 am. 6:00 am laboratory results to be called to physician this
morning. Needs total assistance in performing activities of daily living, such as bathing and
feeding self.