Kaplan & Norton Certification

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Balanced Scorecard
Certification Program™
The ONLY BSC Certified Program in the World
Endorsed by the Creators of the Balanced Scorecard!

Why Become Palladium

Kaplan-Norton Balanced
Scorecard Certified™?
t Improve your strategy management
and execution expertise
t Build your credentials
t Increase your market value and
professional capital
t Expand your network
t Validate your strategy management
and execution proficiency
t Earn 35 CPE credits

In Association With

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About the Program

Become Palladium Kaplan-Norton

Balanced Scorecard Certified!
Research shows that a majority of organizations fail to achieve their mission and are unable to deliver
results promised by their strategic and operational plans. The reason behind such failure most often lies
not with the strategy, but the organization’s ability to execute it.
The Palladium Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard Certification Program improves strategy execution
expertise and capabilities through education, real-world experience, and professional certification. The
curriculum is designed to teach the Palladium Execution Premium Process™ (XPP), based on the Kaplan-
Norton strategy execution approach—a proven methodology for executing strategy by making better
decisions. Not only can participants become BSC certified as individuals (on two levels—Graduate and
Practitioner), Palladium also affords the opportunity to become certified as an organization with our
new Enterprise Certification Program.

It is the only certification course endorsed by the creators of the Balanced Scorecard and
recognized as the gold standard for strategy practitioner training and certification.

Palladium Execution Premium Process (XPP)

Based on the Kaplan-Norton strategy execution approach

“Successful strategy execution has two basic rules: understand the

management cycle that links strategy and operations, and know what
tools to apply at each stage of the cycle.”
— Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton
Founders of Palladium Group, Inc. and Creators of the Balanced Scorecard
“Mastering the Management System,” Harvard Business Review

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About the Program
Individual level Who is this for? Certification requirements
Kaplan-Norton Strategy professionals, BSC end-users, BSC Boot Camp course completion
BSC Certified and business leaders, who are seeking to + exam
Graduate become certified in the detailed body of
knowledge of the Kaplan-Norton strategy
execution approach.
Kaplan-Norton Strategy and performance professionals BSC Boot Camp course and exam
BSC Certified who are Certified Graduates who, are completion + application:
Practitioner seeking to become Certified Practitioners one letter of testimonial and
in the mastery of the Kaplan-Norton BSC work examples
strategy execution approach and practical
application of the concepts/tools.

Certified Graduate
Graduates must complete the five-day Kaplan-Norton BSC Certification Boot Camp™ to
prepare for and pass an online exam within 12 months to earn certification. Graduates
will dive deep into the six stages of Palladium’s XPP, based on the Kaplan-Norton
strategy execution approach, and learn the specific skills, tools, and enabling foundations
needed to clarify the strategy, drive performance, and optimize data for better decision making.
Graduates are adept at using the BSC and Dashboards to develop the strategy; translate the strategy;
align the organization; plan operations; monitor and learn; and test and adapt the strategy.
Certification Requirement: Course completion and passing the online exam.


Certified Practitioner
Practitioner candidates must complete and submit an application for review by the
Certification Advisory Board which will require one letter of testimonial and work-
product examples of a Strategy Map™ and Balanced Scorecards. Practitioner candidates are recognized
as experts of strategy management and exemplify the skills and experience required to successfully
implement a sustainable strategy management process in an organization.
Certification Requirement: Course completion, passing the online exam, and receiving
application approval.

Certified Enterprise NEW! 2011-2012

Enterprise Certification is a new level of the Palladi

Palladium Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard
Certification Program. For more information email certification@thepalladiumgroup.com.

What Separates the Palladium Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard

Certification Program from the rest?
t The ONLY BSC Certification Program endorsed by the creators of the Balanced Scorecard.
t Intensive, five-day course focused on the most critical elements of the Kaplan-Norton strategy
execution approach and the six stages of Palladium’s XPP.
t The gold standard in Balanced Scorecard certification.
t Exclusive membership in a certified online community.
t 35 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits.
t Condensed and comprehensive preparation for the certification exam.
t Test taking tips, strategies, and “look outs” for the exam.
See page 11 for complete details

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About the Process

Steps To
Becoming Certified III. Advance to
II. Pass the BSC Certified
I. Attend the Five- Certification Exam Practitioner
Day Kaplan-Norton
BSC Boot Camp

I. Attend the Five-Day Kaplan-Norton BSC Boot Camp

Both Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified Graduate and Certified Practitioner candidates must attend and
complete the five-day Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard Certification Boot Camp.

II. Pass the Certification Exam

Delegates who have attended the Kaplan-Norton Certification Boot Camp may now take the
certification exam in order to become Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified. The certification exam is oriented
on the Kaplan-Norton strategy execution approach, the six stages of Palladium’s XPP, and associated
best practices. The certification exam is comprised of a series of multiple choice questions and a
number of free response essay questions.

III. Advance to Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified Practitioner

Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified Graduates who wish to advance to the Certified Practitioner level may
apply online at: thepalladiumgroup.com/getcertified or call 800.554.2111 for an application. Applicants
must present BCS work examples, as well a letter of testimonial to the quality and impact of their BSC
work that will be reviewed by the Certification Advisory Board.

Added Bonus!
Boot Camp delegates have the distinct privilege of membership in a private group
of certified professionals within the Palladium Execution Premium Community™
(XPC)! Access to, and participation in this group will drive and ensure long-term
relationships with Palladium and Drs. Kaplan and Norton. Additionally, it will
provide evergreen education and access to a network of professional strategy
management peers including best practice exchange.

In-House Certification and Training

Did you know we can bring Certification and Training Courses
directly to you and your organization?
For more information contact Hannes Rydström, +46 735 5056774

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About the Boot Camp
The ONLY Boot Camp in
the world endorsed by
Drs. Robert Kaplan
and David Norton Dr. Robert S. Kaplan Dr. David P. Norton
Harvard Business School Palladium Group, Inc.

The five-day Certification Boot Camp provides a deep dive into Palladium’s XPP, based on the Kaplan-
Norton strategy execution approach, arming you with the necessary skills, tools, and foundations
needed to clarify the strategy, drive performance, and optimize data for better decision-making.
Endorsed by Drs. Kaplan and Norton and delivered by their esteemed faculty, this exclusive course
provides a framework of education that focuses awareness and develops a comprehensive and
common systems understanding that embeds strategy management and execution capabilities in
your organization—improving governance, agility, and performance.
Since its inception in 2008, the program has over 1,200 candidates, including CEOs, Vice Presidents,
Directors, and Managers, from large and small organizations, in both the private and public sectors
across 61 countries—and growing! Currently, of the 1,200 candidates, almost 400 individuals have
earned the distinction of Certified Graduate!

The Exam Preparation You Need

Learn the:
t Processes of effective strategy development and translation
t Components of a complete strategy map
t Steps to properly design a Balanced Scorecard
t Methods and techniques necessary to cascade and align strategy
t Principles of effective execution and governance
t Key linkage points between strategy and operations
t Processes and tools to monitor/test/adapt strategy and improve decision-making
By completing the Boot Camp, you and your team will not only be better strategy management
practitioners, you will also be ready for the certification exam.

Wherever you are in the process of preparing for certification, this intensive training will stimulate,
educate, and accelerate learning and practitioner networking.

“Once again Palladium hits the mark; the Certification

Boot Camp provided an intense yet manageable précis of
strategy planning to strategy execution through the Balanced
Scorecard. For anyone seeking the means to upgrade a basic
understanding into a practitioner Certificate this is the
perfect way to achieve it.”
— Richard Beaumont,
Managing Director, Freedom Finance

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Boot Camp Agenda
Day One
8:30am Registration
9:30am- 5:00pm Introductions
Kaplan-Norton Strategy Management System
Clarify Strategy - XPP Stage 1: Develop the Strategy
5:30pm Welcome Networking Reception
Day Two

8:30am-5:00pm Clarify Strategy - XPP Stage 2: Translate the Strategy

Driving Performance - XPP Stage 3: Align the Organization
Day Three

8:30am-5:00pm Driving Performance - XPP Stage 3:

Align the Organization (Continued)
Driving Performance - XPP Stage 4: Plan Operations
Day Four

8:30am Optimize Data - XPP Stage 5: Monitor and Learn

Optimize Data - XPP Stage 6: Test and Adapt
5:00pm Distribution of Kaplan-Norton Book Sets
Day Five

8:30am Infrastructure - Executive Leadership

Infrastructure - Technology
Infrastructure - Office of Strategy Management™
Conclusion - Certification Exam Information
2:30 pm Distribution of CPE Certificates

Morning and afternoon breaks, along with lunch will be provided daily.

Enroll today and

receive all five

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What Our Alumni Are Saying...
Certification Boot Camp alumni are
thrilled with the results! Here is a
sample of what they are saying about
the program and their experiences…
“This Boot Camp is not an option, but a requirement, if you wish to improve your strategy
management process.”
- Bruce Allain, Director of Finance, Irving Shipbuilding

“An outstanding program that unleashes creative thinking, sets a

clear direction for strategic change, and facilitates replication of
best management practices. I believe that this program will have a
tremendous transformational impact on how my organization will
run and manage its business in the future.”
- Samer Abdulhadi, General Manager,
Strategic Planning & Performance Management, Al-Falak

“I appreciated and benefited from the experience levels brought

by the Palladium team. We are always looking for better ways to
use our strategic management / BSC framework and there were
certainly many tools discussed. I have a long list of ideas to bring
back to our organization. It was an excellent program with plenty
of opportunities to share insights from and with other companies
and organizations. The international flavor was a valuable added
- Amy Ellison, Vice President, Human Resources,
Delta Dental of Kansas

“The Boot Camp helped put together all the strategy and strategy management ideas and
issues we have been talking about in my organization into a cohesive framework I can begin
to execute.”
- Johanna Pyles, Manager of Strategic Portfolio Planning, Southern California Edison

“Great end-to-end content and review of the overall strategy management process.”
- Chad Cornei, Enterprise Business Architect, Microsoft Corporation

Earn 35 CPE Credits!

Delegates are entitled to 35 CPE credits upon completion of the program. No prior courses or advanced
preparation is required. Palladium Group, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards
of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of the continuing professional education on the National Registry
of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual
courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National
Registry, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Tel. 615.880.4200 (nasba.org).

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Our Global Footprint

Hundreds of Kaplan-Norton BSC Certified

Graduates, across 61 countries—and GROWING!
Argentina Egypt Malaysia Slovakia
Armenia France Mauritius South Africa
Australia Germany Mexico Spain
Bahamas Guatemala Namibia Sweden
Bahrain Hong Kong Netherlands Switzerland
Barbados Hungary Northern Ireland Tanzania
Belgium Indonesia Norway Thailand
Botswana Iran Pakistan Trinidad & Tobago
Brazil Ireland Paraguay Turkey
Canada Italy Philippines United Arab Emirates
Chile Jamaica Portugal United Kingdom
Columbia Japan Qatar United States
Czech Republic Jordan Romania Vietnam
Denmark Kuwait Russia
Dominica Lebanon Saudi Arabia
Ecuador Macedonia Singapore

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Registration Information
t Visit: bscol.se/getcertified
t Call: +46 705 5056774
t Email: hrydstrom@thepalladiumgroup.com

t $6,995
Early Bird Pricing available.
See website for details and expiration dates.

t Five-day Certification Boot Camp
t Course materials, breakfast, lunch, snacks, and reception
t Certificate of Boot Camp completion
t Access to the exam preparation materials
t Opportunity to take certification exam
t Numbered leather-bound diploma signed by Drs. Kaplan and Norton (upon passing exam)
t One year subscription to Balanced Scorecard Report: The Strategy Execution Source™
t Copies of all five Kaplan-Norton books
t 35 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits
t One year membership in the global private certification group in the Palladium
Execution Premium Community (XPC)
t Use of the Certified Graduate mark in your email signature and other correspondence
t Listing as a credentialed Certified Graduate on the Palladium Kaplan-Norton
Balanced Scorecard Certification Registry

Advance to Cer Practitioner

t $995 fee includes use of the Certified Practitioner mark and featured listing on the Palladium
Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard Certification Registry for Certified Practitioners

Cer cation Renewal

t $495 fee annually to maintain certification in good standing and membership in XPC
Palladium Group, Inc. reserves the right to restrict participation in the Certification Program and Boot Camp to
ensure the intent, integrity, and quality of the program.

Produced by
Palladium Group, Inc. is the global leader in helping organizations solve their
most pressing strategy execution challenges.
We provide our clients with an integrated set of services—strategy and
technology consulting, education, training, and certification—that deliver
tangible results and enduring internal capabilities.
The benefits of our approach are demonstrated through the members of the Palladium Balanced Scorecard Hall
of Fame for Executing Strategy® which recognizes organizations that have achieved premium returns through
outstanding execution. For more information visit www.thepalladiumgroup.com.

In Association With

CANCELLATIONS: Payment is due at the time of registration. Cancellations and transfers must be in writing, subject to a 10% service
fee if received two weeks before the start date. After that date, cancellations are non-refundable and transfers are not allowed. You
may make substitutions at any time; please notify us in writing as soon as possible.

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