Folio #2 Tremors in The Machine 5E - 1E Combe

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The document provides background information about the town of Daern Kelton and mentions several places of interest within the town. It also describes some traps found on the lower levels of the dungeon.

The population of Daern Kelton is 4,930. The Lord is Samuel Snee and the Sheriff is Barist Mourn.

Some of the places of interest mentioned are the Windmill, Abandoned Temple, and Highway Bazaar.


Population: 4930
Lord: Samuel Snee
Sheriff: Barist Mourn
Provincial Ranger: Carlton

‘Brand Ironspike and the rest of the Black Vanguard delve a bit too deep looking for Marung gold’


Your Sandbox
As stated in The Folio #1, this module was created you will, and by so doing, you’ll help create a lasting
as a guide to your own sandbox, and I want to be sure memory that I hope you and your players will come
that it maintains that feel. The gazetteer section won’t back to again and again.
be quite as long as what you found in The Folio #1, One note on Folio #2, I’ve included 5E ‘blocks’ [shaded
but the content should still set you on the correct course in grey] that will allow DMs to utilize a single version of
to expand on the ideas laid out for you in the previous the adventure in both 1E or 5E formats. Otherwise the
volume. adventure is laid out in 1E and plays accordingly.
This time around, you’ll be able to get a much wider And another thing I’m going to put into this module
view of the world around the dungeon, gain insights into is a small section on art. As this is Art of the Genre, I
the next ‘level’ of the campaign, and begin to sow the think it is important to discuss the art that went into the
final seeds that need to be in place before you begin to creation of The Folio #2, just for the sake of posterity.
reap the harvest in the following modules in the series.
So, with that, I’ll leave you once again with my gaming
I hope that by playing The Folio #1, you’ve been able philosophy or ‘read quick, run lean, and be more about
to build the proper foundation, and that with what you the tale than the dice.’
find inside Folio #2 you can expand on your own ideas
and universe. As always, Roslof Keep was made for Scott Taylor
you, and it is yours, not mine, so please do with it as
Campaign Background of Daern Kelton
One thing that was almost immediately brought Daern Kelton was created to help expand the
up when players first looked at Roslof Keep was that available playground of the evolving characters from
the population number did not fit with the amount of the Ivory Scimitars, and once they’ve cut their teeth
available housing shown in the keep map. This was enough to explore, can give them many more stories
because I’d designed The Folio #1 to be focused solely outside the framework of the dungeon.
on the characters’ development inside their respective I’ve developed twelve new ‘places of interest’ that
house and how they interacted with the dungeon. might add some flavor to your campaign, and certainly
What some readers didn’t translate was that the the city map also has enough buildings in it for your
map of Roslof Keep was not the entire story, but just own stories. In ROS3: Rituals of the Kalmarin, I’ll
a little piece of it. Around the keep lies the town of expand the map a bit further as I allow for wilderness
Daern Kelton, and it is there that you can find the bulk adventures, including other delving sites that will have
of the population of 4,930 souls living along the Great secret ties to the campaign as a whole.
Frontier Road. For now, however, you and your players will get the
chance to establish new relationships within the frame,
and perhaps start making plans for a future outside the

A. Windmill: C. Highway Bazaar:
On the outskirts of the southern edge of town, a large All manner of goods that travel from east to west
Windmill slowly turns in the prevailing wind. This across the Free Coast can be found here. This is a fine
landmark is owned by Dolbin Longnose, a gnome who place to fence goods discovered in the dungeon and
not only grinds the grain of the community but also runs most items sold here will provide a 10% bonus above
a small weapons shop in the back of the mill. It is here market value if sold by someone known to be of the
that he utilizes ancient gnomish crafting techniques Seven Companies, as items from the dungeon hold
to create ‘weapons of quality’, each providing a player special value to buyers from Daern Kelton all the way
character with a +2 bonus to hit and damage. These to Taux in the south.
weapons are not considered magical, and their cost is
D. Tower of Justice:
20% less than the equivalent magical weapon of the
Built two generations ago by a member of Men of
same type.
Iron [before that banner fell to House Bri’yann], this
B. Abandoned Temple: small defensive work is home to half a dozen paladins
It is said that the Abandoned Temple, created for the of the God of Law [your choice]. They help patrol the
worship of Nuban Gods, has an ancient and unknown roads from Daern Kelton to Perlot of the Tall Ships in
link to the dungeon. DM Note: This will come into the east, a dangerous stretch of country known as the
play more in ROS2 as ‘the corruption’ somehow begins Kelmarin Wildlands.
to spread to the town.
E. Fleetwood House on Crossroads: 5 gold and up, but a patron can always be sure to enjoy
This is the ancestral home of House Fleetwood, themselves while often gaining interesting bits of gossip
certainly the most powerful family in the known world. about the goings on of the rich and powerful in the
It is rumored among the people of the Daerns that town and keep.
House Fleetwood was the first to find one of the Mithel
G. Knobby End:
Standards and much of their seed wealth came from
This collection of old homes was built long before
the dungeon before it was known to exist. Their Mithel
the great plague, and is now home to the poor and
Standard bore an eight-pointed symbol of chaos, or so
criminal elements of the town. It is said both an
the story goes, but if an 8th banner actually exists, it
organized thieves’ guild, as well as a beggars’ guild
is beyond the knowledge of common men. DM Note:
have headquarters in the tangled back alleys of the
There is an 8th banner within the house, and that can
place, and it is not somewhere to go at night without
come into play later in the campaign.
an escort. DM Note: If any character is a thief and
F. House of Silk and Honey Brothel: needs training, this is the place to get it.
For those with disposable income, this establishment
is known far and wide for providing any service one
could desire. Costs for particular services range from
H. The Company Major Tavern/ and houses itself in the provided garrison. This small
Inn/Stable: fort, as well as the Tower of Justice and Roslof Keep,
Certainly the finest inn between the Citadel of are the only truly defensible areas in the town. DM
Ketton and Perlout of the Tall Ships, ‘The Major’ as Note: If a fighter is looking for a particular skill to
it is called by locals, boasts fine rooms, fantastic local learn, be it 1E or 5E, there are experienced fighters
food and spirits, and provides bardic entertainment here who can teach most anything.
on the weekends. DM Note: Prices are standard as
J. Wayfarer Temple:
found in various gaming supplementations.
No formal temples exist in Daern Kelton as the bulk
I. Mercenary Garrison: of the common population still worships nature gods
When it became clear that the local militia could and spirits, but for those who have migrated to the
not maintain order in the growing town, the mayor town from around the New Kingdoms, this temple is
called upon the Seven Houses to provide a stipend a place of shared worship to any deity. Typically, four
for the maintenance of a mercenary police force that to eight wandering priests can be found here, some of
could not only watch over Daern Kelton but also the which hold services, attempt conversions, and treat
surrounding countryside. Now, the Dragon’s Claw the sick or injured. DM Note: Another great place to
mercenary company currently holds the city contract get healing potions at a discount, they fall just under

25% of market value, assuming the players will listen N. Grand Playhouse:
to the priest proselytize about his god or goddess. It Built by a grant from House Fey’Brace, this fine
is also possible to get a patron contract here, a priest local theatre provides free entertainment to the local
providing some free potions to the party in exchange population four times a year during seasonal festivals.
for them placing a medallion of his god on their Mithel When not in use as a playhouse, the Grand Playhouse
Standard. This is done often among the companies, also functions as the community council building
and should be made note of on other banners if the where local politics are discussed and edicts are rolled
players question it. out to the populace.

K. Roslof Keep:
The old keep, as detailed in ROS1.

L. Apartment House:
Not all folk in Daern Kelton are permanent residents
nor able to afford the price of a standalone home.
These transient individuals, including merchants,
pilgrims, adventurers, and other wanderers often house
themselves in the monthly leasing ‘Apartment House,’
as it carries no other grand name. This is also a great
place to pick up information about the outside world, if
such things interest you.

M. Water Clock:
The ancient Nuban water clock in the town still
functions, and it sets the time for all those who go
about business. It is maintained by a small group
of old men calling themselves ‘The Time Keepers,’
and they work diligently to keep unwanted eyes away
from the inner workings of the ancient structure.
DM Note: This is another place which has a secret
entrance into the dungeon. That means it will also be
subject to ‘the corruption’ when it arises.

Dungeon Master’s Notes & Suggestions
on Running the Dungeon
As in the previous volume, this section details Blades of Shadow. If this is the case, that relationship
things I’ve found useful while running the adventure. can be further fostered by the events unfolding in
Hopefully they will help add a bit to your campaign ROS2.
as well. 5. This is a good time to thread any whispers
1. By this point, the characters have gained enough of outside influences that initially motivated the
experience to at least feel confident about the first level characters to come to Roslof. Nothing overt, just a
of the dungeon, but that shouldn’t mean they feel like hint that the character’s past is not forgotten, and that
true heroes of the community. They should still have a at some point whatever compelled them to come here
great deal of fear of the other companies, and certainly will begin to resurface.
fear of those nobles who seek the banner. They should 6. Again, I can’t reiterate enough how important
only be relatively comfortable at the Aldenmier House, it is to take your time with dungeon exploration! The
but hopefully, infighting has slackened and party second level of the dungeon is almost double the size
conflicts have resolved. of the first, and it should take a large block of gaming
2. A relationship should have begun to form to clear it, especially with pressure coming into play
between the characters and Lord Aldenmier. He from other companies taking notice. The Men of Iron
certainly didn’t have too high of hopes for them when should be much more active during ROS2, although
they were brought on, but now, after proving they can it is still unwise as a DM to create a full confrontation
survive, he will open up a bit, share a celebratory table inside the dungeon.
with them, and spend less time secluded in his study. 7. Dungeon Difficulty: I’ve had people indicate
It should be in these more relaxed times that they find that the dungeon, especially the traps, are ‘too
out a bit more about his life story, which you will find dangerous’ for the level of the characters. Now, I
in the Arcs & Threads section. always feel that characters have an intrinsic advantage
3. The other Noble Houses have begun to realize in the game and I therefore tend to be a ‘tough’ DM.
that House Aldenmier might have found a diamond I want a palpable sense that characters can die, and
in the rough with the party, and that does not sit well deaths in my dungeons are common. However, that is
with those looking to expand their place in the keep. just me, an old school DM, but remember that this is
This should be put into play more forcefully than ever, your sandbox, and you can change anything you like
especially with Lord Snee. in the dungeon, including the damage of traps!
4. It is also possible that a vague alliance might
have been formed between the Ivory Scimitar and the

Overall Story Arcs and Threads
1.The Ghost of House Aldenmier: here leads to many later storylines, and thus I believe
This will be the first true ‘out of the dungeon’ aspect will be a true key in the finishing of the dungeon.
of the campaign, and will focus on the characters while Astrid will eventually become an integral part, either
in the house. The ghost in question is Astrid Aldenmier, as an NPC or a PC in later adventures, for clearing
wife of Lord Aldenmier, and murder victim of Lord the dungeon and helping free Roslof Keep from ‘the
Snee. She will begin appearing to a single character corruption’ caused by a series of earthquakes [see
in the party, probably someone who spends time in the below].
house garden where the well is located. It was there that 2.The Earthquake:
she and her unborn child where drowned when Snee One thing that must happen during the early
pushed her into the well. She is not a Korean Water gameplay of this module is a small earthquake.
Ghost or anything nefarious, simply an apparition of Nothing more than a simple event where characters
her former appearance that is trying to communicate will awake to note an overhead chandelier swinging,
with a player character to help solve the mystery of her an odd sense of movement, and then everything will
death. In ROS2, she won’t actually speak to a character, go back to normal. However, unbeknownst to the
but will appear suddenly, waving in an attempt to get players, the earthquake has caused a small breach in
them closer to the well, and if that eventually works, the dungeon below. This breach causes the Infernal
showing them scuff marks around the lip or other clues Machine to believe an outside power is attempting
suggesting that a struggle took place. If the character to destroy the dungeon and the artificial intelligence
behaves friendly, she will provide them a smile, and launches a plan to resist the incursion by attacking the
in ROS3 will begin communicating directly, assuming city above. Certainly NOT a good event, and one that
they gain the Cloak of Etherealness required to give doesn’t truly manifest in ROS2, but the seeds for this
her physical form once more. The full revelation of her need to be laid here. The Infernal Machine’s attack,
secret can come from the DM at any time, although I’d referred to as ‘the corruption’ will be detailed further
typically suggest holding it back a bit and prolonging in ROS3.
the drama. If Lord Aldenmier becomes aware of the 3. The Prisoner:
true story of the demise of Astrid, he will likely go in a This important story seed is also available to the
blood rage and try to kill Lord Snee, thus putting the characters. At some point, a member of the Black
Ivory Scimitar in great jeopardy. However, successful Vanguard was separated from his party and ended
communication with the ghost will provide the players up being captured by the Bugbears of level two. He
with a unique ally in Roslof Keep, and one that can is being held prisoner in room 9A, and is a Dwarven
be utilized to help prove Snee’s wrongdoing before warrior named Brand Ironspark. To this point, the
revealing anything to Lord Aldenmier. The story arc party’s interaction with the Black Vanguard should
have been limited, but if they choose to free Brand
and help him out of the dungeon, it could be a key
to having the Black Vanguard on their side at a
later point in the campaign.
4. The ‘Feeling’:
As the party becomes more familiar with the
dungeon, those who have a high enough Wisdom
score [15 or higher] begin to get random details of
information about the dungeon. These come in
flashes of ‘vision’ or perhaps a ringing of a bell in
their mind. What is happening is that the Mithel
Standard has begun to attune itself to the party
and will be sending bits of important information
to them as they move through the labyrinth below.
This can be utilized by the DM in many fashions,
but I recommend a ‘sixth sense’ at first, perhaps
alerting them to traps or impending dangers such
as wandering ‘named’ monsters. As the attunement
grows, the standard will also try to communicate
the location of every party that is currently in the Adventure Synopsis
dungeon, and on what level they occupy. Thus, as ROS2 is of course a continuation of ROS1 and should
a means of tension, a party member might hear a follow the progress of the Ivory Scimitar from levels 3-5, or
whisper of ‘Men of Iron, level five’ in his ear. Later, thereabouts. The adventure concentrates around clearing
the message might repeat with the following change, the 2nd level of the dungeon, and as this level of the dungeon
‘Men of Iron, level four’, then faster, ‘Men of Iron, is larger, and the party has begun to make a name for
level three’. Assuming the party is very wary of themselves, the difficulty level is taken up a notch. There
encountering the Men of Iron, this should send will also be the added adventure possibilities that arise from
them into a panic and they might flee the dungeon the expanded setting, including the town of Daern Kelton,
as the standard continues to remind them that the and the appearance of the ghost of Lord Aldenmier’s wife.
Men of Iron are right on their tail! I had a great Solving that mystery, defending their Mithel
deal of fun with this, and remember, as the DM, Standard, and dealing with outside forces like a small
you can share any information you like through this earthquake will keep the adventures on their toes
process. throughout ROS2.

The Infernal Machine Art of this Issue
ROS2 begins with the cover. This piece, entitled ‘The
If this is your first module in the ROS series, I suggest
Fat Lady Sings’ was done by artist Jim Holloway but was
finding a copy of ROS1 for a stronger explanation of the
considered too busy to warrant use by any art directors out
Infernal Machine, but nonetheless I’ll hit a few points here
there. To me, however, it was a shining example of what
to get you started.
makes Holloway’s art so perfect for gaming, humor. I was
1. The Infernal Machine is an A.I. driven magical
very pleased to have the opportunity to use it, and once Jim
construct that works against players trying to clear the
saw the layout he said, ‘It is the cover I’ve waited my whole
dungeon. In essence, it is the will of the DM manifested in
career to have.’
physical form inside the campaign.
My ‘iconic’ character for this issue’s back cover is the
2. It is responsible for the creation of all monsters
sea elf Arkolof Wavesplash, and as with Folio #1 and Else
inside the dungeon, and although it typically only generates
Clarion Moonbright, he was done by artist Michael Wilson
them in rooms with fully closed doors, it has a handful of
who also does half a dozen interior illustrations. The first
‘special’ monsters that it reuses again and again, especially
time I saw Wilson’s work was in Palladium’s Rifts setting,
if they are known to be disliked by the party. In ROS1,
and from that moment on I considered him a great successor
these were Gex the Kobold Sorcerer, and the Sly Six.
to the early 1980s artwork of TSR artist Jeff Dee.
3. This time around, the Infernal Machine only has

one surprise waiting for the players, that being Nargroth

the Minotaur. This devious and powerful monster loves

nothing better than trapping parties in his maze and then

hunting them down. He also considers the second floor

of the dungeon his personal haunt, and may be found

anywhere in it after his initial encounter with the players

in Room 13. Nargroth is considered a standard Minotaur

save that his HD are always two higher than the highest

level member of the party. If this puts him above 6 HD,

he will have three attacks every other round. His favorite

tactic, and one that he is very good at, is sneaking up on

a party from behind and attempting to behead the last

member in the line. He surprises on a 3 in 6.

[Stealth +6 versus party’s passive Wisdom (Perception)]

Artist Jeff Laubenstein, who created the ‘Eastern Bravos’

cover for Folio #1, contributes a great color piece for the
New Monster
back cover and two interior illustrations. I’ve always been
Chaotic Neutral
the biggest Laubenstein fan out there, and anything I create Armor Class: 5
will always have room for his work. He and I also partner HD: 2
up to create the Raman Doodles cartoons for each issue. Hit Points: 20

Considering my love of Jim Holloway’s work, I was Move: 9”

No. of Attacks: 1
incredibly excited to see the homage style to Jim’s work
Damage/Attack: 2-8
in artist Brian Thomas who contributes some fun interior
Special Attacks:
illustrations for the dungeon booklet this time around. Flametongue & Fireball
Thomas is an up-and-comer in the OSR art department, Special Defenses: NIL
and I hope more of his work slips into fun supplements as Magic Resistance: Standard
the years go by. Intelligence: Standard
Size: M
All of our 3D maps were created in Photoshop® by our
Psionic Ability: NIL
tireless designer Andrew Rodgers, and every time I see one
% in lair: 20%
of them I’m blown away at the detail he manages to get out Treasure Type: L, M
of old graph paper sketches. Draftsman G. Scott Swift does

our ‘blue’ 2D map to add even more OSR nostalgia to each Lowl: AC 15, Speed 30 ft, HD 5, Attack: 1, Hit
+6, Damage 7 (1D6+4) or Two-handed 9 (1d8+4),
issue, and it always makes me proud to see it displayed on Flametongue
the back of the dungeon booklet.

Artist Chet Minton adds some ‘color’ with a great cover The ancestral home of the Lowl is the fertile region
piece for the Gazetteer. I’ve worked with him before on around the Aligo Crucible volcano, a good distance
Gygax Magazine, and was very pleased to include a piece northeast of Taux and deeply inland of the Free Coast.
of his here. It was traditionally believed among the Lowl that the
I was also looking to add a bit of ‘Trampier Art’ to wolf-headed fire demon Vitcoska, who lives in the
the issue, and had artist Matthew Ray do the minotaur Crucible’s caldera, had shaped them in her own image
piece you see with this section using some of the Tramp as her chosen people. In other words, they had been
techniques which so many art fans of the OSR love. reshaped by the influence of the elemental plane of fire
Lastly, artist Travis Hanson once again does a great beneath the volcano, hence their mid-fire talents.
action-filled interior cover for the dungeon booklet. Travis The traditional Lowl are content to hunt across their
and I have worked together regularly on Gygax Magazine, ancestral lands, moving between their settlements
and I think his comic style and sense of movement really according to the seasons as prey animals
help set the stage for the adventure to come. migrate and change. They have an art

and culture of their own. Their society is essentially
tribal and they have regular council gatherings of
representatives from each extended family/pack to
decide on laws and to deal with transgressors. They
tend to be mostly peaceable amongst themselves
because they are such good fighters that conflict soon
turns very bloody with savage losses on all sides.
Some more adventurous Lowl leave their ancestral
lands to travel along the trade roads of humanity.
These typically become mercenaries and personal
bodyguards for the rich. They have keen sight and
hearing, as well as a sense of smell that rivals any Credits:
standard canine. Couple these with their large stature, Authors: Scott Taylor & Mark Timm
Editing: Scott Swift
natural strength, and elemental fire mastery, and they Cartography: Mark Timm, Andrew Rodgers
are formidable to the extreme. & Scott Swift
Design/Layout: Andrew Rodgers
Their innate fire ‘spark’ allows them to create a Cover Art: ‘Fat Lady Sings’ by Jim Holloway
small rift in the elemental plane of fire and bestow it Color Module Back Cover Art: Michael Wilson
& Jeff Laubenstein
on their weapons. This power manifests in a type of Color Interior Cover Art: Gazetteer Chet Minton;
Dungeon Travis Hanson
‘Flametongue’ effect on any weapon they carry adding
B/W Interior Illustrations: Gazetteer Jim
a standard +1D4 to damage. Some legendary Lowl Holloway, Michael Wilson, Matthew Ray; Dungeon
Brian ‘Glad’ Thomas, Jeff Laubenstein
have also been said to throw fireballs in battle, but this
Playtesters: Sean Murphy, Kelli Lind, Peter Gordon,
is extremely rare. Jeremy ‘Pugs’ Osteen, Sean ‘2.0’ Maher, Ray Crum,
David ‘British Dave’ Warne, and ‘The Monon Group’.

Greater Lowl can be found with even higher hit dice

The Isle of Dread ©, The Village of Hommlet ©, and Keep on the
than the standard, including Pack Leaders [6HD/ Borderlands © Dungeons & Dragons ©, Players Handbook ©, and
Dungeon Masters Guide © are the sole property of Wizards of the Coast
+1D6 Flametongue blade effect] and Territorial and Art of the Genre make no claims on these trademarks.

Champions [8HD/ +1D8 Flametongue blade effect].

Lowl healers and medicine men are to be considered
8th level Druids for the purpose of spells. At 10 HD
or greater, Lowl can manifest and throw Fireballs with
attack dice equal to their HD. At 15 HD, they are
considered to be under the effect of a constant Fire
Shield spell.

contact with the fungus and fail a saving throw
versus poison are considered to be carriers of
the magical corruption, although they manifest
Folio Module ROS2 no signs of sickness because the magic of the
banner protects them.
The corruption takes several days to manifest
once exposure has happened, with sentient
entities first showing signs of violet blotches on
their skin, then losing their hair, and finally
manifesting morel fugal heads, clawed nails,
and elongated tongues. This process can take
An Adventure for Characters up to a week to fully maturate, and once the
Levels 3-5 process is complete, attacks from the corrupted
can spread the corruption to others.
Since the corruption is not considered a

Player’s Introduction: disease, cure disease spells will not work against
it, and only a dispel magic versus a 20th level
The second level of the dungeon is much like
caster will expel the corruption from a single
the first, although larger. The party must once
again ‘defeat’ every standard room [excluding
The spread of this sickness is not supposed
traps & secret rooms] before it will be allowed
to be something that takes place in ROS2, as
to journey into the third level of the dungeon.
the room in which the corruption lies is in the
One caveat is that the Infernal Machine
farthest part of the dungeon from the entrance,
believes it is under assault from an outside entity
but it is there to lay the groundwork for the
because of the recent earthquake. To combat
troubles that arise in ROS3.
this, it has unleashed a deadly and corruptive
Otherwise the dungeon plays as normal, and
violet fungal ‘corruption’ into the dungeon that
to eventually find the entrance to level three
it wants carried to the surface.
of the dungeon, the characters must first locate
Having its own set of rules, the Infernal
an ankh located in the nest of the Manticore in
Machine won’t actively use the corruption
Room 28.
against members of any Banner Company,
although it is not above using them as a kind
All ‘grey blocks’ are for 5E conversions
of ‘Typhoid Mary’ carrier of the corruption.
in this section.
Thus, members of any company that come into
16 The Tremors in the M achine
statue is pointing at will open and the portcullis leading to the
Room 1
stairs will close. This will grant the party access to the dungeon.
This large square
However, should another party come back this way, they might
chamber is made of dark
move the ‘bar,’ thus giving them access to the stairs, but in return
carved stone and lit by four
trapping the party in the dungeon! The only way around this
blue braziers that hang
mishap is for the party to know the second entrance/exit to the
high up in each of the four
2nd level that is found directly across from the door to Room 16.
corners. It is dominated in
the middle by a large stone
The portcullises are magically locked, and a Knock Spell
statue of a Nuban priestess
should be treated as a Dispel Magic versus a 20th level caster to
or queen pointing directly
open one. It will reclose in five minutes if the spell is successful.
at the stairs. Behind
her, a sturdy metal bar
protrudes from the base of
the statue. Three hallways
exit the chamber to the
east, west and south, each
with a metal portcullis
barring it from use.

There is a bit of a riddle to

this room. First and foremost,
the statue is the key to the
portcullises in the chamber.
Wherever the statue points, the
portcullis will open. Otherwise
ALL other portcullises will be
down & closed.
Thus, when the party first
enters from the stairs, the
statue will be pointed directly
at them. If the base is revolved
by using the metal bar, STR
15 or higher, the portcullis the
from the entry. The door is flanked on
Room 2
both sides by three pillars, each topped
Rubble fills this room as though
with a hideous stone reptile with the
some kind of collapse has taken place.
head of a cobra and the wings of a bat.
Movement is limited between the piles
of debris, but there are paths that lead
The door in this chamber is fake, but will help
toward the rear of the 30’x30’ square
to draw players into the range of the gargoyles
that are prepared to drop on the party once
they are within range. The gargoyles are fairly
Within the debris piles are two Gricks, both
obvious foes, but will still surprise the party
of which are hungry for a meal. They will
on a 2 or less unless the players have identified
await the party coming at least 10 feet into the
they are preparing for an assault from above.
chamber before attacking and will surprise on
3 or less.
6 Gargoyles [AC 5, HD 4+4, HP 24, 22, 22,
20, 18, 18, #AT 4, D 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4, +1 or
2 Gricks [AC 6, HD 6, HP 25, 23 , #AT 2,
better weapon to hit]
D 1D6 [Tentacles]/1D8 [Beak], +1 or better
weapon to hit]
A silver idol of a Nuban Cat with sapphire eyes (450
Treasure gp total value).

Wooden Round Shield +1, 370 gp, 210 sp, magic-

user scroll case containing Web, Fire Ball ,
Spider Climb scrolls. 6 Gargoyles [AC 15, HD 7 +21, HP 52
(x6), #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam: Claw 5 (1d6+2),
2 Gricks [AC 14, HD 6, HP 27, 27, #AT Bite 5 (1d6+2), Damage Resistance (non-
2, Hit +4, Dam: Tentacle 9 (2d6+2), Beak magical), Multiattack
5 (1d6+2), Damage Resistance (non-
magical), Multiattack.
Room 4
A six-foot-wide and eight-foot-high
dark metal door bars your passage
Room 3
farther down the hall. It bares several
Upon opening the door, you gaze across
dozen runes around the edge of the
a dimly lit chamber that extends twenty
frame and has a single indentation in
feet before the door. On the far side of
the center that resembles an ankh.
the room is another door directly across
18 The Tremors in the M achine
If the ankh found in Room 28 is placed a disadvantage, assuming they need to
into the door, read the following: The use standard vision to fight [true seeing
ankh glows and the sound of metal gears will cancel this effect]
grinding echoes down the hall. After
perhaps ten seconds, the door opens 3 Flesh Golems [AC 9, HD 8, HP 40 each,
to reveal a dark hall stretching thirty #AT 2, D 2-16/2-16, +1 or better weapon to hit
feet before the party. At the twenty- and certain spell immunities]
foot marker, the dark stone walls are
replaced by silvered mirrors that reflect The pressure plates can be avoided with a
the light from the party onto intricately successful detect traps roll, but the party must
carved stone tablets on the floor. be actively searching, and they will be forced
to move over at least two of the plates to make
This is a hall of mirrors that leads to the 3rd it to the stairs to level 3.
level of the dungeon. The carved flooring
conceals four pressure plates that will trigger If they do make it to the stairs, and have
secret doors behind the silvered mirrors to cleared all rooms [save secret rooms or trap
open around the chamber. A single triggering rooms] on the 2nd level of the dungeon, they
of each trap will open all four doors and can pass down into level 3. However, if they
release four Flesh Golems into the halls. The have yet to clear the dungeon level, a blue glow
closest Golem to the players will attack in the will surround the stairs and not allow them to
second round after triggering the trap, and a pass until they have cleared all rooms.
new Golem will show up every three rounds
thereafter [total of 3 Golems]. Treasure
Combat in the mirrored halls is extremely
confusing, the reflected light from the silvered- 3 Flesh Golems [AC 9, HD 11+44, HP
metal walls makes it hard to effectively attack 93, 90, 85, #AT 2, Hit +7, Dam: 13 (2d8+4),
foes. Anyone fighting under these conditions is Magic Resistance (advantage on all
considered to be at -2 to attack. The Golems, saves), Lighting Absorption, Aversion to
however, do not suffer this penalty. Fire, Berserk*, Multiattack

When fighting in this environment,

all characters are considered to be at
Room 5
Cockatrice [AC 6, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 1, D
The heavy scent of musk assaults your
1-3, a successful hit with their beak will cause
nostrils as you open this door. Before
‘flesh to stone’ and requires a saving throw to
you, rising up on their hind legs is a
group of four White Apes, their blood-
red eyes and yellow-tusk filled mouths
providing a horrifying greeting.
Platinum diamond ring (500 gp).

The White Apes will attack the party in

Cockatrice [AC 11, HD 6+6, HP 27, #AT
earnest, attempting to divide the group while
1, Hit +3, Dam: Bite 3 (1d4+1), victim
one of them rushes the spell casters.
must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw or be magically petrified*
4 White Apes [AC 6, HD 5, HP 30, 22, 20,
18, #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-8, rending +1-8 if both
fist strikes hit]
Room 7
The door opens into a dark chamber.
2 small rubies (200 gp each), +2 elven hunting
knife (dagger). Any light source casts shadows about a
long chamber, roughly twenty feet wide
4 White Apes [AC 12, HD 3+6, HP 19 and thirty feet deep, that is filled with
(x4), #AT 2, Hit +5, Dam: Fist 6 (1d6+3), stalactites and stalagmites as well as a
Multiattack chorus of dripping water.

Room 6:
A Cloaker lurks in the rock above, and
Six tufts of tall grass grow about the
waits for the players to move beneath it before
floor of this thirty-foot square chamber.
enveloping one of them.
Ambient light comes from a dusky glow
in the ceiling, but does not illuminate
Cloaker [AC 3 (1 for the tail), HD 6, HP 34,
through the thickets of grass.
#AT 2 (tail) + special, D 1-6/1-6/special, once
enveloped with a successful hit, the Cloaker
A concealed Cockatrice lurks inside the grass,
causes 1-4 + the unadjusted AC of the victim
ready to rush out at a single searching player,
each round. Damage inflicted on the Cloaker
attempting to turn him to stone, and then
will cause ½ damage to their enveloped prey]
return to the grass to try again.
20 The Tremors in the M achine
gather around a cooking pot emitting an
Treasure oily smoke. Behind them, a single door
250 scattered gold pieces among the various stands slightly ajar on the south side of
‘mites’, small Bag of Holding that contains a
human sized chain shirt +2. the chamber.

Cloaker [AC 14, HD 12+12, HP 78 #AT A small band of Bugbears calling themselves
2, Hit +6, Dam: Bite 10 (2d6+3), Tail 7 the One Tusk, has survived an encounter with
(1d8+3), Moan (DC 13 Wisdom or become another adventuring company and set up a
frightened), Phantasm*, Multiattack base of operations here. They have figured out
that if they keep the room doors slightly open,
Room 8
new monsters won’t generate, thus the door
You note that the door to this chamber
in the room, as well the door to the hall, have
has been propped open and the reek of
been wedged open.
unwashed bodies, oil, leather, and rancid
food pours out into the hall as you open
7 Bugbears [AC 5, HD 3+1, HP 15, 14, 14,
the door to this chamber. Inside, a small
13, 12, 11, 10, #AT 1, D 2-8]
group of heavily armored humanoids

Once combat begins, the Bugbear cleric from
Room 9
Room 9 will appear in round 2 and begin to
This ten-foot square chamber is laden
assist his tribe members with spells.
with a small cache of treasure, a bed
made of skins, and has one wall with
Bugbear Cleric [AC 5, HD 6, HP 30, #AT 1,
crudely painted [perhaps in blood]
D 1-6, spells: Cure Light Wounds, Protection
images of death and some fell deity. At
from Good, Sanctuary, Hold Person, Chant,
the south wall of the chamber a door has
Silence 15’ Radius, Animate Dead (which he
been slightly propped open but a heavy
will readily use on fallen Bugbears), Cause
chain hangs from it that would keep
Blindness, Cause Disease]
it from opening more than a couple of
500 sp among the Bugbears, while the Cleric
has an ivory scabbard (75 gp) and a +1 R ing of Assuming the party has already defeated the
Bugbear cleric, this room is clear of enemies.

7 Bugbears [AC 16, HD 5+5, HP 25 (x7)

#AT 1, Hit +4, Dam: Melee Weapon 11
400 gp in the treasure cache along with a
(2d8+2), Surprise Attack (if successful single ruby (200 gp).

strike on the 1st round cause an

additional 2D6 damage), Brute*
Room 9A
The reek of bodily functions and blood
Bugbear Cleric [AC 17, HD 10+20, HP
waft out of the chamber once the door
70, #AT 2, Hit +5, Dam: Melee Weapon
is fully opened. Inside, a naked dwarf
12 (2d8+3), Brute*, Surprise Attack*,
is prone and bound with leather cords
Spells 4/3/3/ (Bane, Cure Wounds, Inflict
around his hands and feet. Otherwise,
Wounds, Protection from Good, Hold
the room is empty, save for refuse.
Person, Spiritual Weapon, Silence,
Animate Dead, Mass Healing Word,
The dwarf is, Brand Ironspark, a member of
Feign Death), Multiattack
the Black Vanguard who was separated from
the rest of his company on level four of the
dungeon. He managed to make it to level two
solo, but was overcome by a Bugbear patrol
and has been in their possession for a couple of
22 The Tremors in the M achine
Room 10
days as the Bugbear cleric readied for a bloody Ape musk, heavy and oppressive, slips
ritual of sacrifice. from this room as you open the door.
Without warning, a massive four-armed
If offered the opportunity, Ironspark will join White Ape charges into your midst in a
the party until they reach the surface where flurry of claws, fists, and fangs.
he will thank them and then return to his own
company. This creature is a Gorillian and under a
powerful rage. It will attempt to grab and rend
[AC 10, HD 6 (fighter), HP 8 (40), #AT 3/2, anything coming through the door.
D by weapon, high strength +1/+1]
1 Gorillian[AC 5, HD 5, HP 30, #AT 5, D
Treasure 1d8/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6, Size L, if 2 or more fist
None. attacks hit, the creature can rend the target for
another 1d8 damage per round]

Gibbering Mouther [AC 1, HD 4+3, HP 20,
#AT 6+, D 1 (X6), +1 per round (once fastened
+2 Longsword in a fine leather scabbard.
The sword’s name is ‘Ilanbard, the Taker of to target), spit (save vs. petrification or be blinded
Breath’ and once a day it can steal the air from
an opponent’s lungs causing them to lose all for 1 round), babble (save vs. confusion)]
attacks the round after being struck with the

1 Gorillian [AC 15, HD 6+12, HP 48, None
#AT 5, Hit +6, Dam: Fists 7 (1d6+4), Bite
8 (1d8+4), Multiattack (4 fists and 1 Bite), Gibbering Mouther [AC 9, HD 9+27, HP
Rending (if 2 or more fists his the target 67, #AT 2, Hit +2, Dam: Bite 17 (5d6+),
takes an additional 10 (1d12+4) damage) Spit (15’ range and 5’ radios light flash
causes DC 13 Dexterity save or blinded
1 turn), Gibbering (20’ DC 10 Wisdom
Room 11
save or lose actions until next turn plus
Inside the door, a ten-by-ten hall leads
random action roll*), Aberrant Ground*
to a larger darkened chamber beyond.
Scratched into the wall at the left of the Room 12
opening, the initials EO and the words Once again the power of the dungeon’s
‘was here’ catch the light from the hall in ability to create noxious fumes brings
a yellowed glow. At your approach, the water to your eyes and a lurch to your
sound of a thousand whispers slithers stomach. Inside this thirty-foot square
into your ears as a great mound of flesh, room are several piles of rotting flesh
teeth, and eyes undulates on the floor, and a haze of tiny black insects buzz in
pseudopods reaching out to attack. clouds above them.

The creature is a Gibbering Mouther and There are three Carrion Crawlers inside the
will attempt to strike 1 character with all of its flesh piles that will attack the party once they
tentacle mouths. Once 3 have attached, the have moved into the room. The Crawlers don’t
character must roll 2D6 and on a 4 or less is do damage [1E], but will attempt to paralyze
pulled down and the Mouther will flow over the entire party and then feed at their leisure.
the victim attacking them with 12 ‘lower’
mouths, while also repeating the process of the 3 Carrion Crawlers [AC 3 (head)/7 (body),
‘pull down’ on the next victim. HD 3+1, HP 15, 14, 10, #AT 8, D --, paralysis]

24 The Tremors in the M achine

This is the mini-labyrinth of Nargroth the
Minotaur who is another recurring monster
in the dungeon for the players. Currently
Nargroth is located behind a secret door inside
the maze, but once the party has moved to a
point where he can cut off their escape, he will
emerge, follow, and finally attack them from
behind. Once defeated, Nargroth can reappear
anywhere on the 2nd level of the dungeon,
typically behind the party, especially when
there are traps ahead and he can try to force
them to retreat over them without searching.

Nargroth is further described in the Infernal

Machine section of the Gazetteer booklet.
[AC 4, HD 8+3, HP 54, #AT 5/2, D 2-8 +
Treasure 2, special]
Ivory Statue of a woman crying (500 gp).
3 Carrion Crawlers [AC 13, HD 6+18, Located inside Nargroth’s secret hiding place,
the following loot can be found: Leather
HP 51, 48, 44, #AT 3, Hit +8 (Tentacles)/+4 Armor +3 [small size for gnome or halfling],
Boots of Elvenkind [standard size], Wand of
(Bite), Dam: Tentacle 4 (1d4+2), Bite Fireballs [20 charges], 1300 gp in assorted gems.
7 (2d4+2), A successful strike with a
tentacle forces a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or become paralyzed by Nargroth [AC 14, HD 11+27, HP 96, #AT
poison turn until saving throw is made, 2, Hit +6, Dam: Great Axe 19 (2d12+6), or
Multiattack Gore 13 (2d8+4), Charge (extra 2d8 on
Gore), Labyrinthine Recall*, Reckless
Room 13
(can attack at advantage, but then all
The door opens to a dark hallway that
attacks against him are at advantage as
takes an immediate turn to the north.
well), Multiattack
Ahead, you can see that it turns again,
obscuring your view.
1 Shadow [AC 12, HD 6, HP 27, #AT 1,
Room 14
Hit +4, Dam: Touch 9 (2d6+2), Strength
Darkness lies beyond the threshold of
Drain on each successful attack drains
this door and the air smells stale and
1d4 STR from victim, Amorphos*,
dry. Your light flickers as if combating
Shadow Stealth*, Sunlight Weakness*
the darkness, but the shadowed
chamber beyond looks empty although Room 15
the corners some twenty feet away on The door opens to a buzzing sound
either side refuse to relinquish their that ends in a loud crack. The smell of
hold on the darkness. brimstone fills the air, but otherwise this
twenty-foot square chamber is empty.
This room is home to a Shadow Haunt, which
is an increased HD Shadow [+3 HD]. It waits This is a broken room that provides a buzz/
for the players to come close enough to touch, pop upon entry. This room has been damaged
and then attacks. It seems to understand that by the earthquake felt at the beginning of the
it must be destroyed for the players to move to adventure. It is one of the prime reasons why
the next level of the dungeon and therefore will the Infernal Machine is now creating ‘the
play a game of cat and mouse as it tries to waste corruption’ to attack the outside world.
time and drain as much STR from the party as
Room 16
Upon inspection, the door has been
wedged open. An octagonal chamber
1 Shadow [AC 7, HD 5+3, HP 25, #AT 1, D
rests behind the door and the sounds
2-5 + one point of STR drain on each hit]
of skin slapping and heavy grunts greet
your ears. Inside, a small group of
grey-skinned and stringy white-haired
Once the Shadow is destroyed, a grey cloak
with deep ash runes along the edge can be humanoids participate in a wrestling
seen in one corner. This is The Cloak of
Two Worlds. It acts as a standard Cloak match on a dirt floor, your intrusion
of Protection +2, but 3/day it can cause the
‘Etherealness’ effect for up to 10 minutes. If causing the combat to cease before they
placed on a ghost, it will give the ethereal
creature physical form. This effect does not let out a cry of rage.
restore ‘life’ to an undead, but it does make an
ethereal body whole again, with pale and cool A tribe of Grimlocks have managed to survive
skin that is essentially cold blooded.
in the dungeon’s 2nd level for a few weeks, and
to keep themselves entertained and fit, they
now use this chamber as a way to exercise.

26 The Tremors in the M achine

8 Grimlocks [AC 5, HD 2, HP 10 (x8), #AT 2 Trolls [AC 15, HD 8+40, HP 84, 73, #AT
1, D 1-6, see invisible and blinded by bright 3, Hit +7, Dam: Claws (x2) 11 (2d6+4), Bite
light] 7 (1d6+4), Keen Smell*, Regeneration
(gains 10 HP at start of every turn),
Treasure Multiattack
50 gp, 200 sp, Amethyst (200 gp), R ed Spinal
(175 gp), Monk’s Belt (grants the wearer all
the abilities of a Monk ¼ their level , minimum
Level One. Thus, a 12th level fighter with this
belt would also have the abilities of a 3rd Level Room 18
Monk, although not the extra hit dice.)
Upon opening the door, the howl and
guttural thrum of great apes echo from
8 Grimlocks [AC 14, HD 6, HP 27 (x8),
the chamber walls.
#AT 2, Hit +4, Dam: Tentacle 9 (2d6+2),
Beak 5 (1d6+2), Damage Resistance (non-
More of the dreaded carnivorous White Apes
magical), Multiattack
occupy this room. The four housed here are
just as angry and ferocious as others in the
Room 17 dungeon and will attack on sight.
If the smell of unclean humanoid
or rotting flesh had a child, it would 4 White Apes [AC 6, HD 5, HP 30, 22, 20,
describe the reek that plunges from this 18, #AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-8, rending +1-8 if both
chamber as you open the door. Within, fist strikes hit]
a dense green fog reflects your light
source making the murky depths within Treasure
impossible to see. Small platinum monkey skull (1000 gp),
Quarterstaff +3.

Two Trolls lurk within the fog and will attack

4 White Apes [AC 12, HD 3+6, HP 20
from concealment once the players make their
(x4), #AT 2, Hit +5, Dam: Fist 6 (1d6+2),
way into the room, surprising on 2 in 6.
2 Trolls [AC 4, HD 6+6, HP 25, 22, #AT3, D
5-8/5-8/2-12, regeneration at 3 HP per round]

740 gp, R ing of Protection +2, Warhammer +2,
2 Potions of Extra Healing.
(Potion of Greater Healing)
Room 19 Room 20
The door to this chamber opens slightly The smell of tangy incense and the call
before some resistance is given as you of a tropical bird greet you as you open
force it the rest of the way ajar. Trash, the door to this chamber. Light from
perhaps accumulated from dozens of two smoking braziers lights a thirty-foot
rooms, spills out of the thirty-foot room chamber that is decorated with plants
with two doors, one on the south wall and intricate painted screens. At the
and one on the west. center, a large man with a tiger’s head
is seated at a table of polished black
A Neo-Otyugh resides inside the piles of wood. He smokes a long pipe and slowly
trash, and if the players investigate, it will rise shuffles a deck of brightly backed cards
up and press an attack, attempting to pull party as a bird on a stand behind him twitters
members into the refuse and bury them. away.

1 Neo-Otyugh [AC 0, HD 12, HP 80, #AT This is the lair of the Rakshasa Card Sharp,
3, D 2-12/2-12/1-3, disease] an interesting character generated by the
Infernal Machine who prefers to play a game
Treasure of chance against a character before he kills
200sp, 250 gp, Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds the party. He will greet the players cordially,
(38 Charges).
offering any one of them a game to pass the
(Wand of Greater Healing 4d4+4)
time as he waits in his ‘little prison.’ He will
not elaborate any further, and if the characters
1 Otyugh [AC 14, HD 12+48, HP 114, #AT
refuse to play, he will go berserk and attack.
3, Hit +6, Dam: Tentacle (x2) 7 (1d8+2)
The game of chance can be resolved in any
+4 (1d8), Bite 12 (2d8+3), Tentacle Slam
way the DM sees fit, dice, cards, or simply role-
(medium or small creatures grappled by
play, but no matter who wins, the Rakshasa
at tentacle must make a DC 14 Strength
will bow gracefully before throwing the table
saving throw or take an additional
aside and attacking with a vengeance.
10 (2D6+3) damage and are stunned
until the end of the otyugh’s next turn),
1 Rakshasa [AC -4, HD 7, HP 45, #AT 3,
D 1-3/1-3/2-5, magical weapons below +3 do
half damage and they are immune to spells
below 8th level]
28 The Tremors in the M achine
Room 21
Several pieces of wooden
furniture sit in this room
and a huge tapestry
depicting a desert oasis
at night dominates the
eastern wall.

Once the party enters the

room, the furniture will
animate, creating a large
amount of noise and confusion.
Although the items do not
attack, they make the entire
room hard to move through,
forcing players to ½ normal
movement. In the end, they
are simply an early warning
system for the vampire in
Room 22, while also a means
to hinder player’s escape from
the vampire.

If the characters insist on
+2 Scimitar with ivory handle, Gem of Seeing, Luckstone (Stone
of G ood Luck), 1500 gp in assorted small gems. destroying the animated
objects, they can do this but
1 Rakshasa [AC 16, HD 13+52, HP 110, #AT 2, Hit +7, each piece of furniture [there
Dam: Claws 9 (2d6+2), Curse (all creatures struck with are eight total in the room]
claws are cursed), Innate Spellcasting (3/day, Charm explodes after several hits
Person, Detect Magic, Invisibility, Major Image, causing 1-8 points of damage
Suggestion, 1/day Dominate Person, Fly, Plane Shift, to anyone attacking it.
True Seeing. (1d6+2), Limited Spell Immunity (6th level
of lower), Multiattack
1 Vampire [AC 1, HD 8+3, HP 50, #AT 1,
D 5-10, energy drain (2 levels per hit), Gaze
(charm person), regenerate 3 HP per melee
round, +1 or better weapon to hit]
Room 22
The door opens to the smell of dry Treasure
wind and heat. The interior of this large Black Cloak of Protection +2, 4 bags with 50
pp in each, Scimitar of Speed.
chamber is hung with canvas giving the
appearance of a huge tent, and the floor
1 Vampire [AC 16, HD 17+68, HP
is covered with rugs and pillows. Sitting
144, #AT 2, Hit +9, Dam: Unarmed 8
amid the collection of finery is a man
(1d8+4), Bite 7 (1d6+4), Shapechanger*,
with chocolate-toned skin. He wears
Legendary Resistance*, Misty Escape*,
a white linen wrap, has several golden
Regeneration (20 HP at the start of each
bands and bracelets on his arms, and
turn), Spider Climb, Charm (DC 17
has dark eyes shaded with black ash
Wisdom), Vampire Weakness*, Children
that draws back towards his ears.
of the Night*, Multiattack

This is the lair of a Nuban Vampire, a creature

who will attempt to use his gaze attack on any Room 23
female in the party, and if there is not one, Behind another wedged open door, the
will then use the gaze on the strongest looking heavy musk of unwashed humanoids
fighter. Charmed females will move to stand flows out past you as glowing eyes
behind him, while charmed male warriors will appear from the darkness within the
attack the party, starting with any spell caster chamber.
they can get near.
This is the sleeping chamber for the Grimlock
If brought to zero hit points, the Vampire will band living in the dungeon. If awoken by the
turn into a cloud of vapor that quickly mixes party, it will take them two full rounds to attack.
with the smoke of the room. Characters are
NOT required to kill the vampire outright; 10 Grimlocks [AC 5, HD 2, HP 10 (x10),
simply forcing him into gaseous form will be #AT 1, D 1-6, see invisible and blinded by
enough to have ‘cleared’ the room. bright light]

30 The Tremors in the M achine

Treasure this small dark chamber is filled with
None. the foul leavings of a large group of
10 Grimlocks [AC 11, HD 2+2, HP 11
(x10), #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam: Club 5 (1d4+3)
The Grimlocks have begun using this room
as their latrine, but unbeknownst to them, there
Room 24
is a secret door on the far side of the chamber.
This door is unclosed and wedged, the
Characters searching the room have a
stink of excrement can be detected at
standard chance of finding the door.
twenty feet from the entrance. Inside,
This is the Grimlock waking chamber, and
a collection of the band is going about the
business of preparing food for the day. They
Room 25 will attack as soon as the door is opened or
Another wedged door, this one light breaks the darkness of their chamber.
leading to total darkness as the stink
from this section of the hall is already 10 Grimlocks [AC 5, HD 2, HP 10 (x10),
overpowering, the fetid darkness of #AT 1, D 1-6, see invisible and blinded by
this chamber is of no surprise. Your bright light]
light casts long shadows into this large Treasure
chamber, and within, more glowing eyes 300 gp among them.
of a group of humanoids can be seen
moving toward the door. 10 Grimlocks [AC 11, HD 2+2, HP 11
(x10), #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam: Club 5 (1d4+3)

32 The Tremors in the M achine

Room 26 Room 27
This door has also been wedged open This ceiling of this room is covered
slightly. Within this large chamber, a with a strange honeycomb pattern of
bed of gathered spoils and a makeshift rock. Random coins and bones lie about
table lie amid piles of treasure and the area.
bones. A small collection of weapons
leans against the southwest wall and a Once the players enter, and are investigating
walled up door lies on the same wall as the honeycombs, one unlucky victim will
the entry. become the prey of a Grey Ooze that lurks
within one of the combs. It will spray out on
This chamber is home to the Bugbear Chief the character and attempt to dissolve him or
of the Yellow Teeth Clan. The chief has had her.
the door to Room 32 walled off, but the violet
fungus has begun to leach through and the chief 1 Grey Ooze [AC 8, HD 3+3, HP 15, #AT
is in the beginning stages of ‘the corruption’. If 1, D 2-16, acid corrosion to metal, immune to
a battle takes place in Room 33, he will move spells other than lightning]
to help his fellows, but those fighting against
him should note small patches of violet on his Treasure
mottled skin. Gauntlets of Ogre Power are located in one
of the rear honeycombs, and 130 gps are are
scattered in other honeycombs.

Bugbear Chief [AC 4, HD 6+1, HP 32, #AT

2, D 2-8+2] 1 Grey Ooze [AC 8, HD 3+9, HP 22,
#AT 1, Hit +3, Dam: Pseudopod 4 (1d6+1)
Treasure + Acid 7 (2d6), Corrode Metal (all non-
Chest (locked) [DC 17] with 200 gp, 500 sp, a magic armor is reduced by 1 AC per hit by
Potion of Healing, R ing of Feather Falling.
acid), False Appearance *, Amorphous*

Bugbear Chief [AC 17, HD 10+20, HP

63, #AT 2, Hit +5, Dam: Morningstar
12 (2d8+3), Brute*, Heart of Hruggek
(advantage on saves versus charm),
Surprise Attack (add 7 (2d6) on any
surprise attack), Multiattack
Like Room 10 on Dungeon Level One, the
Room 28
Infernal Machine is looking to weaken the party
The door opens with a burst of wind,
with an unforgiving and unavoidable trap.
the massive chamber beyond holding
Thus, we find this massive fire trap chamber,
the thorny nest of large beast with the
listed here because it contains treasure that
head of a lion, wings of a dragon, and a
must be recovered before the dungeon level is
mace-like spiked tail. Each wall houses
considered ‘clear.’ Players must actively search
a single door.
the room which will cause the black circles
to release a massive blast of fire upon anyone
This is the lair of a Manticore, seemingly
actively searching.
summoned directly from some lofty mountain
home. It will turn and attack any target within
Damage for the flame blast is 3D6 points of
its line of sight with its spikes and stay within
damage. The trap will not reset until the door
its nest which helps provide it with greater AC.
is closed.

1 Manticore [AC 3/1 [in nest], HD 6+3, HP

34, #AT 3 (or special), D 1-3/1-3/1-8, iron
Three fire opals (700 gp each) are set in a small
spikes can fire 6 per round for 4 rounds, each alcove in the rear of the chamber.

spike causing 1-6 points of damage]

Treasure Room 30
The ankh for Room 4 is located here, along The oppressive smell of brimstone
with 760 gp in nest and a H at of Disguise.
presses against you as you open the
1 Manticore [AC 14, HD 8+24, HP 88, door to this chamber. Inside, four large
#AT 3, Hit +5, Dam: Bite 7 (1d98+3), black hounds rise to attention, smoke
Claw 6 (1d6+3), Tail Spike 7 (1d8+3), roiling from their mouths as they begin
Multiattack to growl.

Room 29
Four Hell Hounds have been summoned to
The door opens to a ‘pop/buzz’ above
this room and attack the party upon entry.
your heads and a dimly lit thirty-foot
square chamber with a strange basalt
4 Hell Hounds [AC 4, HD 6, HP 20 each,
floor decorated with dozen of black
#AT 1, D 1-10, or breath weapon for 6 points
circles. Other than the decoration, the
of damage in a cone]
room appears to be empty.
34 The Tremors in the M achine
Treasure Room 32
Obsidian bladed knife with pearl handle +3, 30 Across the hall from this closed
pp in a black silk bag.
door, a crack runs from floor to ceiling
exposing a thin line of natural rock.
4 Hell Hounds [AC 15, HD 7+14, HP
Bits of sandstone litter the floor before
45 (x4), #AT 1, Hit +5, Dam: Bite 7
the door and round the doorframe and
(1d8+3), Fire Breath (15’ Fire Cone, DC 12
a tinge of violet residue stains the stone.
Dexterity for half damage,21 ( 6d6), Pack
Tactics (at advantage if target engaged
Upon entry, this small chamber is filled with
by fellow Hell Hound), Keen Hearing
violet fungus. Anyone entering the room must
and Smell*
make a successful save versus poison or become
Room 31 sickened with ‘the corruption’. The original
This dimly lit chamber resounds inhabitants of the chamber, a small group
with a chorus of guttural barking and of Goblins, have already succumbed to ‘the
the clank of heavy armor and shields. corruption’ and will attack the party as Fungal
Inside, toward the center of the thirty- Goblins. These creatures look like Goblins
foot room, a small phalanx of humanoids with morel fungal mushroom heads and violet
lower their spears in defense of their skin. They attack as a kind of quick zombie,
territory. hoping to rend and eat the victims with their
This newly summoned gang of Hobgoblins
will attack on sight. 4 Fungal Goblins [AC 6, HD 4, HP 20 (x4),
#AT 3, D 1-4/1-4/1-6, claw/claw/bite attack
8 Hobgoblins [AC 5, HD 1+1, HP 10 (x8),
and save versus poison or be corrupted on a
#AT 1, D 1-8]
successful bite attack]

70 gp among them. Treasure
7 cuts of violet topaz (150 gp each).
8 Hobgoblins [AC 18, HD 2+2, HP 11
(x8), #AT 1, Hit +3, Dam: Longsword 5
(1d8+1), Martial Advantage (once per
turn the hobgoblin can deal an extra 7
(2d6) damage if an ally is within 5’
4 Fungal Goblins [AC 17, HD 6, HP 21 is actively searching (DC 20 Perception).
(x4), #AT 2, Hit +4, Dam: Claws 5 (1d6+2), Disarming the trap is at -25% (DC 25). Any
Corruption Bite (DC 12 Constitution characters in the hall when the lead character
of become infected by the corruption comes within three feet of the end door will be
curse), Multiattack subject to a Fireball that envelopes the hall. The
Fireball does 6D6 damage to anyone within
Room 33
10’ of the door and 3D6 to anyone within 20’
The door opens to a haphazard
of the door.
collection of battle spoils, discarded food
scraps, and sleeping pallets. Among the B.
‘decorations’, a small group of larger This is more of a ‘panic’ trap, not meant to
humanoids are in residence. kill party members, but instead make them
want to lose their lunch. It is the Infernal
Another Bugbear clan, this one having only Machine’s way of saying that it controls their
secured two rooms of the dungeon, resides destiny. The chamber is simply a 10’ x 30’
here. They will attack on sight, and noise from room with various glyphs on the walls and
the assault will bring the band’s leader from decorated with an ermine paint that is mixed
Room 26 into the fight in two rounds. with gold flakes. Investigating the room will
cause the trap to trigger, suddenly slamming
7 Bugbears [AC 5, HD 3+1, HP 14 (x7), #AT the metal door [anyone trying to stop the slam
1, D 2-8] must make a successful bend bars check or take
3D6 damage]. This test must be repeated each
Treasure melee round that the door is held open. Once
Round metal shield +3, 270 gp among them. the door is closed, water begins flowing into
the chamber at a high rate. Characters will
7 Bugbears [AC 16, HD 5+5, HP 27 (x7), be forced to swim in three melee rounds, and
#AT 1, Hit +4, Dam: Melee Weapon 11 will nearly be out of air and room at the top of
(2d8+2), Brute*, Surprise Attack (add 7
(2d6) on a surprise attack) the chamber by melee round five. On melee
round six, however, the metal door will slide
open and the water will burst into the hall and
be sucked down through grates in the exterior.
This nasty hall trap looks to be the opening to
Characters should have no real idea about why
another hall with a door at the end. Detecting
the trapped ‘failed’, but it can be a nice topic of
a trap here is at -10% detection for a thief who
discussion once outside the dungeon.
36 The Tremors in the M achine
This trap also has a -10% detection (DC 20 Scott’s Dedication:
Perception) because of its highly magical I’d like to dedicate this module to the players in the
nature. Disarming the trap is at -25% (DC 25). Dambran Campaign as they made endelable marks on
the dungeon that you play here.
See Room 29.
Mark’s Dedication: I’d like to thank the players in
D & E. the Monon Group who were the first to venture into
These are very similar to the pit traps found this dungeon a decade and a half ago.
on the dungeon’s 1st Level, in that they are 10’
deep and filled with obsidian shards [causing Authors: Scott Taylor & Mark Timm
3D6 damage to anyone falling in them]. They Editing: Scott Swift
Cartography: Mark Timm, Andrew Rodgers
aren’t concealed in any way, and are simply a & Scott Swift
way of slowing and frustrating any party trying Design/Layout: Andrew Rodgers
Cover Art: ‘Fat Lady Sings’ by Jim Holloway
to get further back into the dungeon using this Color Module Back Cover Art: Michael Wilson
particular hall. & Jeff Laubenstein
Color Interior Cover Art: Gazetteer Chet Minton;
Dungeon Travis Hanson
B/W Interior Illustrations: Gazetteer Jim
Holloway, Michael Wilson, Matthew Ray; Dungeon
There are also two arrow traps marked with Brian ‘Glad’ Thomas, Jeff Laubenstein
two-sided arrow markers on the map. They Playtesters: Sean Murphy, Kelli Lind, Peter Gordon,
Jeremy ‘Pugs’ Osteen, Sean ‘2.0’ Maher, Ray Crum,
lie along the eastern and western halls that David ‘British Dave’ Warne, and ‘The Monon Group’.
move away from the main entry. These doors,
however, do not have the same +15% bonus to The Isle of Dread ©, The Village of Hommlet ©, and Keep on the
Borderlands © Dungeons & Dragons ©, Players Handbook ©, and
detection as on Dungeon Level One, and any Dungeon Masters Guide © are the sole property of Wizards of the Coast
and Art of the Genre make no claims on these trademarks.
thief can certainly search for them (DC 17
Perception). Once discovered, they cannot
be disarmed, but parties are not required to
open them to ‘clear’ this level of the dungeon.
If triggered, three arrows are fired into the 10’
square before the door each doing 1D6 damage
to a randomly rolled character.

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