Student'S Attitude Towards Online Learning and Their Academic Performance
Student'S Attitude Towards Online Learning and Their Academic Performance
Student'S Attitude Towards Online Learning and Their Academic Performance
Practical Research 2
Canceran, Rachael
Compendio, Ralph Fergus
Go, Vince
Lagamon, Princess
Quintero, Kyle
Pasobillio, Wesley
Portante, Arabella Grace
recently makes the provision of a smooth transition between face-to-face and distance
International and U.S. data provide a benchmark of what can be considered usual
educational progress over a given school year. Indeed, for students for whom the
pandemic may operate as a revolving door, the possibility of dropping out is of particular
concern [ CITATION Gar20 \l 1033 ] . Mental illness, behavior problems, and student’s status
Recently, the education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that
has shaken up its foundation. Given today’s uncertainties, it is vital to gain a nuanced
pandemic. In the Philippines, a new study conducted by SunStar Davao revealed that many
students are struggling in online learning, which causes the student's attitude to make worse
and affects their academic performances entirely [ CITATION Lle20 \l 1033 ]. Innovating
approaches to fulfill their three-pronged objectives of education, research, and service have
been found by leading universities and colleges in the Philippines. Everyone adjusted to work-
from-home arrangements, from operations and support service units to administrators and
teachers. Learning management systems like Canvas, Moodle, and Blackboard, as well as
applications like Google Hangouts, Zoom, and Skype, were employed when students and
arrangements were unsustainable in some cases, and several universities were forced to
affecting their access to these modes of learning. Concerns about the mental health of students
and teachers affected by the uncertainty were also a factor in the decision to halt online
In Davao City, many students become unproductive and unmotivated towards learning
online, which has a vast effect on their academic performances. A grade 12 student enrolled in
a private school in Davao City also finds online learning tiring than having the more familiar
face-to-face setup. She said that she spent her whole day working on assessments, or even
until midnight. Online learning changes her lifestyle and makes her feel depressive and stress-
out causes her to be inoperative in learning online and makes her academic performances fall
This paper aims to study the attitude of students towards online learning and
their academic performances in Holy Cross of Mintal Inc. (HCM) given the several
research questions. The current study is very relevant because it can give a clear
perspective of the audience of the study especially the teacher and students in the
Philippines and in Holy Cross of Mintal in particular. The various factors that influence
the student’s attitudes towards online learning and its relationship to their academic
performance are to be dealt with. The proposed current study also hopes to generate
new ideas and information on students' ways in handling their attitudes towards online
learning which affects their academic performance. Students will then be able to
perceive online learning as face-to-face learning from gaining knowledge about attitudes
towards online learning which can somehow improve their academic performance. This
study is important for teachers as well since it increases awareness for them. They will
know how to handle the students' attitudes towards online learning. Basically, this is
Research Problem
The students’ attitude towards online learning among the Senior High School Students
Students’ attitude towards online learning in relation with their academic performance.
Research Question
Is there any significant relationship between students’ attitude and their academic
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between level of student’s attitude towards
This study will focus on the relationship of students’ attitude in online learning
and their academic performance at the Catholic School: Holy Cross located at Mintal,
Davao City during the year 2020-2021. Initially, this study will confine itself to
This section provides the scholarly writings and literatures of well-known authors
in the field. Their contribution to the field will help support this study.
Online learning
In recent years, the Internet movement has rendered online learning a common
Internet has become a means of distribution. To date, substantial focus has been paid
face schooling [ CITATION DED04 \l 13321 ]. Online teaching offers vast opportunity to
expand the learning environment for diverse student’s populations [ CITATION Jar10 \l
13321 ].[ CITATION Kee06 \l 13321 ] argue that students will get various instructional aid and
communication method from online learning. This is because there are a wide set of
Learner’s attitude
[ CITATION Kee06 \l 13321 ] from their empirical studies indicate that learner have greater
intention to use the system if the system is user friendly. Their research also shows that
system that enable learner to interact effectively and offer access to course content at
the time influencing student to use the system for their learning. As noted by [ CITATION
Has07 \l 13321 ] learner attitude to engage in online learning is also related to student’s
learning environment (yang & Lin, 2010). Following research from [ CITATION Has12 \l
13321 ], there are three aspects of learner attitude that link to online learning
control their learning time and procedures. Second; online learning environment
instruction. This function offer opportunities for teacher to be assisted tutor. Third; online
support online teaching. Previous research indicates that online learning methods are
often less guided and self-directed [ CITATION Eun05 \l 13321 ] . According to[ CITATION
Has12 \l 13321 ], there are learners who prefer direct and guided instruction, thus without
proper guideline, the learner may get lost due to incapability to adapt to online
environment. This study raises the need to engage to mentor online as to facilitate
encouraging, promoting, and modeling, that is often boundary less, egalitarian, and
qualitatively different from traditional face-to-face mentoring”. On the other hand, Singer
and Muller (2001) described e-mentoring as the merger of mentoring with electronic
that the key feature of e-mentoring lies in internet, using e-mail and list servers and non-
face to face method of interactions [ CITATION Lew03 \l 13321 ] . For the purpose of this
research, considering learning occurs through online discussion, the author shares
electronic communications.
the process of teaching and learning. An integral part of such evaluation is the
methodologies, etc. This consideration is rather crucial: it usually serves as the basis
for various decisions whether concrete tools and methodologies could and should be
one important premise upon which we build the following discussion. It is the
adopt patterns and frameworks which were devised and tested in a different (cultural)
context. We subscribe to the idea that decisions about educational technologies should
always be made with increased awareness for the full range of conditions of each
inspiration framing the actual decision-making processes, rather than a set of hard and
fast rules.
Traditional Courses
These are courses “with no online technology used” [ CITATION All03 \l 1033 ] .
Actually, since this statement was made ten years ago, these kinds of traditional
courses have often now come to mean that very few parts of the course (but not none at
all) are delivered in an online format. The majority of each lesson is conducted without
using the online capabilities of computers, even though a small online component might
exist as a supplementary tool for the instructor to use (for example, the distribution of
syllabi through a learning management system). In this study, one group of respondents
took these kinds of traditional writing courses (without individual computers for each
Theoretical Framework
Directed-Learning Theory. “Skillful educators tap students’ natural curiosity and desire
engage with what they are doing to promote understanding” [ CITATION Koh97 \l 1033 ]. He
proposed that this theory is an approach to the classroom management that may result
effectively in the modern classroom environment. And he believes that curiosity and
cooperation can be emphasized on the ideal classroom, and that student’s curiosity
should determine what is taught. He also stated that student-directed learning will keep
the students motivated and teaches them to cooperate with each other when sharing
achievement, Walberg uses a variety of methods to determine the factors that affects
Conceptual Framework
Based on Research Title: Students Attitudes towards Online Learning and their
Academic Performances
Students Attitude. In this study, it refers to the magnitude or level of the students’
attitude towards online learning and their academic performance in terms of the paper
works, online relationship, and virtual meetings. It will be measured as very high, high