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Mulanay Institute

Mulanay, Quezon

Research title:

Effects of Online Learning in the Academic Performance

of Grade 11 Student in Mulanay Institute

submitted to:

Mrs. Vivian A. Iman

Submitted by:

Barreda Jerrylyn

pg. 1

Background of the study

Online learning, often known as remote education or E-learning, refers to

the transmission of educational content and instruction via the Internet. It refers

to training offered electronically via various multimedia and internet platforms and

applications, a multidimensional environment that occurs at different times and

locations and employs a variety of instructional approaches. Online learning may

refer to study at home. Also, the method by which students use the internet to get

learning materials, external help, and interactions with instruction and other


Online learning benefits students in a variety of ways. It allows students to

learn at their own pace and in their own environment. Students can access

resources and courses from anywhere with an internet connection. Online tools

can provide personalized feedback and flexible learning routes based on

individual learning styles and needs.

Online learning modalities have included several approaches to education,

such as asynchronous learning, in which students engage with learning material

on their own time and interact with their instructors. Self-paced learning allows

students to move through the course materials at their own pace, with a flexible


pg. 2
Online learning is a style of education that employs digital platforms and

internet technologies to deliver instructional information, facilitate learning

activities, and monitor student progress. It allows students to interact with

instructional materials and discover new facts about online learning. Online

learning has a difficulty because of a person's lack of internet access, which is

the reason for being late to work online. Individuals experience both bad and

good effects from online learning, which can vary greatly depending on individual

circumstances, course design, and technology aspects.

This type of learning benefits students by providing access to a variety of

multimedia resources, such as videos, online libraries, and others that connect

through social media. Development of digital skills and chances for global

involvement, since online platforms can connect students with classmates and

instructors all over the world.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to describe the various effects of online learning on

the academic performance of grade 11 students at Mulanay Institute.

1. How does online learning effect students' grades and academic achievement?

2. What influence does online learning have on the academic performance of


3. What factors influence successful online learning experiences for grade 11


pg. 3
Scope and limitations

The study will involve 21 grade 11 students from Mulanay Institute. This

has an effect on their academic achievement due to online learning. Thus, the

findings may not be applicable to students in different countries or schools with

diverse online learning implementations.

Significance of the study

Student educational enhancement involves understanding how online

learning influences academic performance and identifying effective tactics and

tools to enhance the online learning experience that have the potential to

increase academic learning of the student.

Flexibility and comfort: Students can study when it is most convenient for them,

allowing them to better balance their own schedules and commitments.

Definition of Terms

Online learning: Online learning is a form of education that takes place over the

internet. It allows students to access and engage with educational resources,

participate in classes, and complete assignments without physically attending a

traditional classroom setting.

Effects: relate to the changes or results that result from a specific action.

Academic performance: is a measure of how well a student meets their

educational goals and objectives.

pg. 4
Chapter 2

Review Related Literature

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of modern teaching

approaches, such as teacher-student interaction and student-centered methods,

on students' academic achievement. Factors that may affect students'

performance and success include technical issues such as internet connectivity,

app limitations, and unfamiliarity with platforms, as well as the variety and quality

of online learning in academic performance at Mulanay Institute. It is also

necessary to evaluate and suggest ways to improve effective online

communication between instructors and students. Alawamleh, M.; Al-Twait, L.M.

& Al-Saht, G.R. (2022)

Theoretical framework

According to Adelayo, O., Elnathan, U., Kingsley, E. et. al, (2023) this

study looked into the effects of electronic learning (e-learning) on the academic

performance of students in selected secondary (high) schools. This study used a

cross-sectional survey to collect information about students' AP scores. The

study focused on three e-learning platforms (Zoom, WhatsApp, and Google

Classroom), which were used by survey participants during the COVID-19

pandemic-induced lockdown. The collected data underwent quantitative

statistical analysis using SPSS. Analyses revealed that e-learning has a negative

impact on student perceptions. Furthermore, the study found that e-learning

pg. 5
methods were less effective than traditional face-to-face education due to issues

such as inadequate network connectivity and a lack of collaborative

activities.Furthermore, it was determined that e-learning materials were not

generally available or easily accessible to participants. Finally, suggestions to

lead future studies and improve student Academic Performance were made.

According to Ritika, A., Naveen, G. (2023) the current study attempted to

illustrate the effect of online learning on student engagement and academic

achievement. It has been discovered that e-learning provides a significant

challenge for both students and teachers, as it necessitates the use of new

teaching methodologies. Introducing virtual learning would necessitate some

changes on the part of both teachers and students. Students benefit from online

access to information and lectures, while teachers benefit from adapting new

learning approaches to encompass curricular topics. This study obtained related

data using the primary data collecting method.The fundamental outcome of this

study is that the online learning strategy benefits students in many ways, despite

some limitations. The primary goal of this research is to determine the impact of

online earnings on students' academic achievement.

According to Qi, Qi., Yiman, S., and Yuting, W., (2024)the development

of science and technology gradually allows online education to be used more

widely. During the COVID-19 epidemic, it has been extensively promoted to

decrease the transfer of people and, thus, become popular in the educational

field. Online education aroused active discussion and exploration by scholars.

This paper discusses the characteristics and influencing factors of online

pg. 6
education in detail and examines how they affect the academic performance

of.Furthermore, the diversity of teachers' teaching methods and personalized

teaching methods in online education benefit students' academic abilities.

Teachers and relevant organizations can learn more about online teaching and

improve their ability to adapt to it. Education practitioners can also shift their

teaching models to be more diverse in order to accommodate the new-style

educational environment and improve students' academic performance in the

long run.

Conceptual framework

Independent Variable:

Online learning:

Access to technology and the availability of various electronic gadgets

have an impact on the academic performance of Mulanay Institute's Gas 12


Dependent Variable:

Academic Performance:

It refers to the value of student learning through online learning. It

focuses on the student's study results as well as their knowledge.

pg. 7
Online learning




• Alawamleh, M., Al-Twait, L.M. and Al-Saht, G.R. (2022), "The effect of

online learning on communication between instructors and students during

Covid-19 pandemic", Asian Education and Development Studies, Vol. 11 No. 2,

pp. 380-400.

• Adebayo, Adeokun, Olusegun., Elnathan, Uranta., Kingsley, Eghonghon,

Ukhurebor., G.E, Jokthan., Dorothy, Nalwadda. (2023). Appraisal of E-Learning

and students’ academic performance: A perspective from secondary schools.

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(1):351-367. doi:


• Ritika, Anand., Naveen, Gupta. (2023). Impact of Online Learning on

Student Engagement and Academic Performance. Praxis international journal of

social science and literature, doi: 10.51879/pijssl/060703

pg. 8
• Qi, Qi., Yiman, She., Yuting, Wang. (2024). The impact of online education

on academic performance of undergraduates. 622-632. doi:


pg. 9
Chapter 3


This chapter will show the research design, sample strategy, and research

instrument that were used in this study. Participants in the study, the method of

data collecting, and the methodologies used for data analysis.

Research Design:

In this study, a correlational design will be used to show the causes that

affect the academic performance of grade 11 students at Mulanay Institute, as

well as a descriptive research design that will require a survey to understand the

effects of online learning on their studies and to see the differences in the impact

on an individual person.

Sampling method:

This study will use the probability method with a simple random

sample size to select participants from the target population so that you can see

the many effects of online learning on their studies. Here, we can observe groups

of people experiencing the influence of online learning on their education through

surveys or answering questions in order to understand its diverse effects on


pg. 10
Sample size:

n= 2
1+ Ne

N - 123

n - 123

e - 2%

n= 2

n= 2
1+ 4.92



Research Instrument:

This study will use structured survey questions to analyze students'

impressions of the influence of online learning on motivation and engagement, as

well as self-reported academic achievement data.

pg. 11

In this chapter will show some rating in this research and the use of

summarizing quantitative data like textual summary that contains some

explanation about the exact tally of percentage in some questions. And the

tabular summary that use of table to show the percentage of the total answer in

some questions.

Question 1: What is your current Grade Point Average (GPA)?

Choices Frequency Percentage

<75 2 10%

75-80 2 10%

81-85 5 23%

86-90 4 19%

90+ 8 38%

Total: 21 100%

The data gathered show that based on 21 respondence show that the 8

or 38% of the total of percentage of grade having a highest Grade point average

or the GPA.

Question 2: How many hours per week do you spend online Learning?

pg. 12
123 population

Choices Frequency Percentage

Less than 2 12 57%


5 hours 4 19%

Others 5 24%

Total: 21 100%

The data gathered show that based on 21 respondence show that the 12

or 57% of the total percentage of hours per week they spend online learning

that show the less than 2 hours they do online learning.

Question 3: What type of online learning resources do you use?

123 population

Choices Frequency Percentage

Video lectures 7 33%

pg. 13
Interactive 9 43%


Other 5 24%

Total: 21 100%

The data gathered show that based on 21 respondence show that the 9

or 43% of the total percentage of online learning resources they use.

Question 4: Would you recommend online learning to other student?

123 population

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 5 24%

No 1 5%

Maybe 15 71%

Total: 21 100%

The data gathered show that based on 21 respondence show that the 15

or 71% of the total student consist of answering maybe that he/she will

recommended online learning to other student.

pg. 14
Question 5: How has online learning affected your participation in extracurricular


123 population

Choices Frequency Percentage

Increase 10 48%

Decrease 2 10%

Not change 9 42%

Total: 21 100%

pg. 15
The data gathered show that based on 21 respondence show that the 10

or 48% of the total student having an increasing participation in extracurricular

activities due to the online learning process.

Question 6: Do you believe that online learning has improved your academic

performance in grade 11?

123 population

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 16 76%

No 5 24%

Total: 21 100%

The data gathered show that based on 21 respondence show that the 16

or 76% of the student answer yes that he/she believe that online learning has

improved their academic performance. While 24% of the student can't improve

their academic performance due to the online learning.

Question 7: Do you believe online learning will continue to be effective in the


123 population

pg. 16
Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 17 81%

No 4 19%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 17 or 81% of students believe that online learning

will continue to be effective in the future and that it is an easy way to learn, while

19% of students disagree.

Question 8: Do you feel more engaged in online classes that in-person classes?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 8 38%

No 13 62%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 13 students, or 62%, said they did not feel more

occupation in online learning than in-person classes. While 38% of respondents

said they felt more occupied as a result of online learning than in-person classes.

pg. 17
Question 9: Do you feel that online learning has improved your understanding

of the subject?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 13 62%

No 8 38%

Total: 21 100%

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 8 38%

No 13 62%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, the results suggest that 13 or 62% of the students

say they have a lack of engagement with their peers as a result of the online

learning process, while 38% say they have enough interaction with their peers.

Question 11: Have you found it challenging to stay engaged during online


Choices Frequency Percentage

pg. 18
Yes 19 90%

No 2 10%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 19 or 90% of students had difficulties focusing on

online learning. While 10% of students answered yes.

Question 12: Have you experienced any technical issues that affected your

online learning?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 17 81%

No 4 19%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, the findings suggest that 81% of students have

experienced technological challenges that influence their online learning, while

the remaining 19% have not.

Question 13: Do you believe online learning has negative impact on your

academic Performance?

pg. 19
Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 12 57%

No 9 43%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 57% of students believe that online learning has a

negative impact on their academic success, while 43% believe that it has no

effect on their academic performance.

Question 14: Have you noticed any improvement in your writing skills through

online assessment?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 13 62%

No 8 38%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 62% of students believe that online learning can

improve their writing skills, even if it is an online exam, while 38% do not believe

they are making improvement.

pg. 20
Question 15: Are you comfortable using the technology required for online


Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 13 62%

No 8 38%

Total: 21 100%

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 11 52%

No 10 48%

Total: 21 100%

The statistics acquired reveal that, based on 21 responses, 52% of the

students are experiencing increased stress or anxiety as a result of online

learning, whereas 48% do not believe they are stressed.

Question 17: Do you feel that online assessment accurately reflect your

knowledge and skills?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 10 48%

pg. 21
No 11 52%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 52% of students believe that online assessments

cannot reflect their knowledge and skills as a result of online learning, while 48%

believe that online assessments can reflect that it is beneficial to know their own

knowledge or skills regardless of online learning.

Question 18: Do you think the quality of instruction has changed since moving to

online learning?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 14 67%

No 7 33%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, the statistics suggest that 67% of students agree

that the level of instruction has changed since their transition to online learning,

while 33% disagree and believe that the quality of educating students will not

change even if they are online.

pg. 22
Question 19: Do you feel that the feedback you receive in online classes is as

effective an in- person feedback?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 13 62%

No 8 38%

Total: 21 100%

Based on 21 responses, 62% of students believe that feedback from online

learning is likely successful through in-person feedback, while 38% believe that

feedback from online learning is ineffective in in-person feedback.

Question 20: Have you found it challenging to stay motivated in an online

learning environment?

Choices Frequency Percentage

Yes 20 95%

No 1 5%

Total: 21 100%

pg. 23
Based on 21 responses, the results suggest that 95% of students struggle

to stay motivated in online learning due to a loss of focus in learning caused by

online classes, while 5% are truly driven despite the fact that they are learning


Chapter 5

Summary, Findings, Recommendation


The previous chapter dealt with the analysis and interpretation of data

obtained by way of focus group interviews. In this chapter, a brief summary on

pg. 24
the research project will be presented. It's summarize the key findings and

provide recommendations based on the research.


The primary objective of this research was to identify the effects of online

learning in the academic performance of grade 11 student at Mulanay Institute.

Results revealed that the online learning have an effects on the academic

Performance of grade 11 students it can change the academic level of a students

having a lack of internet can positively effect the online classes of student. In the

results provides that the extracurricular Performance of the students may

increase due to the online learning. Furthermore, the study found that e-learning

methods were less effective than traditional face-to-face education due to issues

such as inadequate network connectivity and a lack of collaborative activities.

Online tools can provide personalized feedback and flexible learning

routes based on individual learning styles and needs. Overall, the study

highlights of the effects and results of online learning in student Academic

Performance. Some effect of online learning in the academic performance of

students is the Technical issuses that affect the student cause of internet

connectivity, limitation of apps and unfamiliarity with the platforms. Having a loss

of focus as a result of online education, which causes them to fail to maintain

their performance, particularly due to environmental distractions. Should go to a

pg. 25
less destructive place to gain a thorough understanding of online learning and

high-quality internet connectivity.


This study will look into the effects of online learning on grade 11 students

at Mulanay Institute, who are dealing with a variety of challenges when

interacting with others online. Data collected indicate that online learning can be

effective in the future.


The researcher is interested in the effects of online learning, which

demonstrate that they have both positive and bad consequences on pupils. To

future researchers, if you want a good topic for your research, you can identify

and know that you are interested in or have experience with your field, and you

can also use the probability method/sampling. Avoid employing first person in

your study.

pg. 26
pg. 27

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