What's The Difference Between Active and Passive Voice?
What's The Difference Between Active and Passive Voice?
What's The Difference Between Active and Passive Voice?
In English grammar, verbs have five properties: voice, mood, tense, person,
and number; here, we are concerned with voice. The two grammatical voices
are active and passive.
Active voice
When the subject of a sentence performs the verb’s action, we say that the
sentence is in the active voice. Sentences in the active voice have a strong,
direct, and clear tone. Here are some short and straightforward examples of
active voice.
All three sentences have a basic active voice construction: subject, verb, and
object. The subject monkey performs the action described by adore. The
subject the cashier performs the action described by counted. The subject the
dog performs the action described by chased. The subjects are doing, doing,
doing—they take action in their sentences. The active voice reminds us of the
popular Nike slogan, “Just Do It.”
Passive voice
Let’s take a closer look at the first pair of sentences, “Monkeys adore
bananas” and “Bananas are adored by monkeys.” The active sentence
consists of monkeys (subject) + adore (verb) + bananas (object). The passive
sentence consists of bananas (object) + are adored (a form of to be plus the
past participle adored) + by (preposition) + monkeys (subject). Making the
sentence passive flipped the structure and necessitated the preposition by. In
fact, all three of the transformed sentences above required the addition of by.
When to use active and passive voice
Using the active voice conveys a strong, clear tone and the passive voice is
subtler and weaker. Here’s some good advice: don’t use the passive voice
just because you think it sounds a bit fancier than the active voice.
That said, there are times the passive voice is useful and called for. Take “The
squirrel was chased by the dog,” for example. That sentence construction
would be helpful if the squirrel were the focus of your writing and not the dog.
A good rule of thumb is to try to put the majority of your sentences in the
active voice, unless you truly can’t write your sentence in any other way.
An error has occurred with your account, but every attempt was made to remedy it.
That sentence is not incorrect, but it does sound a bit stiff and dishonest. It
sounds less trustworthy than it could—almost evasive. Who wants to do
business with a company that avoids taking full responsibility by slipping into
formal passive voice territory? Face the responsibility head on instead. Own it.
We made an error with your account, but we have made every attempt to remedy it.
To make that sentence active rather than passive, I identified the subject: we.
It was “our company” that was responsible.
If there are any questions, I can be reached at the number below.
Here’s a tip: What to remember: to change a sentence from passive voice into active
voice, identify the subject.
The structure of this sentence is weak because it doesn’t identify the subjects
in either clause. Let’s unveil them. Who might have questions to ask? The
person being addressed: you. Who will be doing the reaching (by calling the
number below)? It is still the communication’s recipient.
If you have any questions, call me at the number below.