Hening Pujasari, SKP., Mbiomed., M.N., PHD: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing
Hening Pujasari, SKP., Mbiomed., M.N., PHD: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing
Hening Pujasari, SKP., Mbiomed., M.N., PHD: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Nursing
, PhD
Faculty of Nursing
Gedung E Lantai 7 Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI, Depok, Jabar, Indonesia 16424, Ph. +62 858 4844 7209
COURSE (Selected)
Updated 01/08/21
2016-17 PhD Student Research Award, University of Illinois College of
2006-07 Nursing Assistant, Kinder Caring Aged Care and Home Nursing
Services, Melbourne, Australia
Updated 01/08/21
GRANTS (Selected)
2021 Prevent and control hipertention during during and post Covid-19
Pandemic Role: Coordinator. IDR 10.000.000
2020 Insomnia and quality of life of adults living with HIV in Jakarta
Indonesia: A moderated mediation analysis. “PUTI Q3 2020” Grant.
Role: Principal Investigator. UI Research and Development
Directorate. IDR 32.500.000
2020 Mobile Care (mCARE) Use for Early Detection and Management of
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) at UI Campus Surroundings: A
Step towards Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs).
Updated 01/08/21
Community engagement project. Role: Coordinator. UI Community
Engagement Directorate. IDR 25.000.000
Updated 01/08/21
2020-2021 Editorial Board Member of Indonesian Nursing Journal (JKI). Online
ISSN: 2354-9203. Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok
Updated 01/08/21
2019-current Co-coordinator of FoN UI Data Integration Team, Faculty of Nursing
Univeristas Indonesia, Depok Indonesia.
Updated 01/08/21
2011 Care Provider for health screening at Nurses UI Care for a Heathier
Community. Depok district, West Java
Updated 01/08/21
HIV Positive Mothers in Jakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Women and
2021 H Pujasari & MH Chung. Sleep disturbance in the context of HIV: A
concept analysis. Journal of Nursing Forum
2021 H Pujasari. Insomnia and quality of life of adults living with HIV in
Jakarta Indonesia: A moderted mediation analysis. AIDS and
Pujasari, H., Culbert, G.J., Levy, J.A.,, Steffen, A., Carley, D.W., & Kapella, M.C.
(2020). Prevalence and Correlates of Insomnia in People Living with HIV in Indonesia: A
Descriptive, Cross-sectional Study. Journal of Association of Nurses AIDS Care 31(5),
606-614. 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000192
Pujasari, H., Levy. J., Culbert, G., Steffen, A., Carley, D., & Kapella, M. (2020). Sleep
disturbance, associated symptoms, and quality of life in adults living with HIV in Jakarta,
Indonesia, AIDS Care 33(1), 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2020.1748868
Safrina, N., Hariyati, R. T. S., & Pujasari, H.(2021). Nurses’ experiences in providing
spiritual care to end of life patients. Enfermería Clínica, 31 (2), S348-S351,
Siahaan, M, Handiyani, H., & Pujasari, H. (2021). Nurses’ experience in interacting with
the infection prevention and control nurse. Enfermería Clínica, 31 (2), S41-S44,
Yulianita, H., Hariyati, R.T.S., Pujasari, H., Komariah, M., & Fitria, N. (2020). Improving
the quality of nursing documentation using supervision of the head of room. Eurasian
Updated 01/08/21
Journal of Biosciences,14 (2), 7579-7584. http://www.ejobios.org/article/improving-the-
Jamil, N., Handiyani, H., & Pujasari, H. (2019). A multimodal approach as a strategy to
improve hand hygiene compliance: A literature review. Enfermeria Clinica, 29(2), 567-
571. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.04.088
Wachid, N., Gayatri, D., & Pujasari, H. (2019). Correlation between sleep quality with
diabetes self-care management on diabetes mellitus type 2 patients, AIP Conference
Proceedings 2092, 040018. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5096751
Wildani, A.A., Handiyani, H., & Pujasari, H. (2019). Experience of nurses who sit
between two chairs: Study and work in Jakarta, Indonesia. Enfermería Clínica, 29(2),
53-58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.04.008
Agustini, N., Nurhaeni N., Pujasari, H, Abidin, E., Lestari, A.W., & Kurniawati, A. (2019).
Family support towards resilience in adolescents with type I diabetes: A preliminary
study in Indonesia. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal 4 (2), 66-71,
doi: 10.31372/20190402.1028
Viselita, F., Handiyani, H., & Pujasari, H. (2019). Quality level of nursing work life and
improvement interventions: Systematic review. Enfermeria Clinica 29(2), 223-228.
doi: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.06.001
Puspita, A.D., Gayatri, D., & Pujasari, H. (2019). Sleep quality in diabetic mellitus with
diabetic foot ulcer, AIP Conference Proceedings 2092, 040009.
Umar, E, Levy, J. A., Donenberg G, Mackesy-Amiti, M.E., Pujasari, H., Bailey, R.C.
(2019). The influence of self-efficacy on the relationship between depression and HIV-
related stigma with ART adherence among the youth in Malawi. Jurnal Keperawatan
Indonesia 22 (2), 147-160. doi 10.7454/jki.v22i2.952
Ramie, A., Afiyanti, Y., & Pujasari, H. (2017). Self Control and Self Efficacy Increase
Mother’s Birth Labor Satisfaction. Jurnal Ners 9 (1), 97-103,
Updated 01/08/21
Kristiawati, K., Yetti, K., & Pujasari, H. (2017). Grant of sucrose and non-nutritive
sucking to pain response and the long cries of neonates to invasive procedures. Jurnal
Ners 5 (2), 127-132. http://dx.doi.org/10.20473/jn.v5i2.3934
Insight dan efikasi diri pada klien skizofrenia yang mendapatkan terapi penerimaan dan
komitmen dan program edukasi pasien di rumah sakit jiwa
A Jalil, BA Keliat, H Pujasari, FIK UI, 2013
Karakteristik subjektif tidur klien rawat inap Dewasa di rumah sakit X Depok
R Marfiani, H Pujasari
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia 18 (3), 149-156, 2015
Penggunaan skala Braden terbukti efektif dalam memprediksi kejadian luka tekan
ED Kale, E Nurachmah, H Pujasari
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia 17 (3), 95-100, 2014
Faktor personil dalam pelaksanaan discharge planning pada perawat rumah sakit di
M Rofi’i, RTS Hariyati, H Pujasari
Jurnal Manajemen Keperawatan 1 (2), 2013
Penurunan ansietas dalam menghadapi ujian nasional pada siswa kelas XII SMAN X
melalui pemberian terapi suportif
KG Swasti, H Pujasari
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman 8 (2) 9, 2013
Sumber Daya Pasien Memengaruhi Pola Hidup Pasien Setelah Operasi Coronary
Artery Bypass Graft
Updated 01/08/21
CS Widyastuti, H Pujasari, R Sitorus
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia 16 (3), 197-204, 2013
Efek pemberian minyak buah merah (pandanus conoideus lam.) terhadap pertumbuhan
in vivo tumor kelenjar susu mencit c3h: tinjauan khusus aktivitas proliferasi dan
H Pujasari
FKUI, 2006
Angka kejadian flebitis dan tingkat keparahannya di ruang penyakit dalam di sebuah
rumah sakit di Jakarta
H Pujasari, M Sumarwati
Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia 6 (1), 1-5, 2002
Updated 01/08/21