Department of Education: Brigada Eskwela Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
Department of Education: Brigada Eskwela Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
Department of Education: Brigada Eskwela Monitoring and Evaluation Tool
Department of Education
B. Home Evident Pts Moderately Pts Highly Evident Pts Total Total
Met Met Met
Learning Spaces 1 Evident 3 Pts Pts.
and Activities 5 ● With coordination 2 6 Met
% with the families on ● With ● With plan of 30
home learning documents actions of ways
Check the box if spaces supporting the forward in every
indicators are condition/descripti indicator from 1-5
available and write ● With attendance on of current
the corresponding record / logbook on home learning
score. virtual/f2f spaces of every
coordination indicator from 1-
1. Report on
dedicated and
comfortable space
for learning at
2. Home learning
space is visual and
with well-lit area.
3.With variety of
reading materials
and attainable to
4.With plan and
5. Home learning
space is with
visual displays of
independent works
or play.
Grand Total
Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the Score
targeted 30 points multiplied by 5 % then product multiplied by 100
T. Amy and Documentation Team
C. Engagement Evident Moderately Evident Highly Evident Pts Total Total
Strategies and 1 Pts 2 Pts 3 Met Pts. Pts.
Activities 5% ● With attendance, Met ● With documents Met ● With analysis and 6 Met
letter, record / logbook supporting how the plan of action of 60
of virtual/f2f activities strategies were ways forward on
including dates and implemented on how effective the
9.Sharing of
partnership best
for printed
materials and
supplies for
remote learning
for the learners,
teachers and
parents (bond
notebooks,, pad
paper, pen
,crayon, pencil
Grand Total
Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the
targeted 60 points multiplied by 5 % then product multiplied by 100. Score
D. School District Evident Pts Moderately Pts Highly Evident Pts Total Total
Collaboration 5 1 Met Evident Met 3 Met Pts. Pts.
% ● Means of 2 ● With narrative 6 Met
coordination/activi ● Plan of actions/ analysis and 60
ties with the timetable on action plan of
T. Nilda and
Advocacy Team Districts. Ex. coordination and ways forward on
Attendance activities how to improve
Letter coordination to
Logbook ● Filed record District Office.
Certificate documents of
Calls/Social Media implemented
Etc. activities
1, Coordinate with
School District
Offices and
convene local
school board to
identify possible
support to school.
2. Participation in
districts activities
like webinars,
workshops .etc.
3. Participate in
district preparatory
meeting for
Brigada Eskwela
4. Programs,
Projects and
coordinated to
school district
5. Recognition,
Awards given by
the school district
6. Coordination
with school district
on disaster risk
reduction and
7. Coordination
with school district
on sustainable
food supply at
8. Coordination
with school district
with WinS program
9. Coordination
with school district
on Reading
program literacy
and numeracy
with school district
with feeding
E. Brigada Evident Pts Moderately Pts Highly Evident Pts Total Total
Met Met Met Pts. Pts.
Eskwela Program 1 Evident 3
Readiness 5% 2 6 30
1.Action Plan and Hard copy of plan Plan is efficiently Plan is reflected
Work Program with predictable followed supported to SIP/AIP and
activities from by documents and 100 %
Target stakeholder per group is 2 partnerships to get 2 points, below 2 partnerships shall be given 1 point.
Points met divided by targeted partnerships (10) then multiplied by 5% and product multiplied by 100.
G. Involvement of Partners in Brigada Pagbasa with the following key activities Tick check if
5% indicators are
T. Precy and Project Implementation Team
1.Collaboration with partners to secure the list of struggling learners and non-readers
per grade level
5. Plan with teachers and community educators on the implementation of the Brigada
Pagbasa Reading intervention.
6. Partnership on pre and post Core Reading Skills Assessments using Functional
Literacy Assessment Tool( FLAT) to identified children by trained parents, caregivers,
community educators and Child Leaders/ Facilitators.
7. Mobilized trained Brigada Pagbasa facilitators to develop contextualized reading
materials and books for reading sessions with children.
8. Review of contextualized reading materials and books for reading sessions with
9. Mobilized and support trained Brigada Pagbasa Facilitators to implement reading and literacy
building interventions to children’s tutorials (Reading, English, Science and Math)
10. Brigada Pagbasa Roll Out, 2 to 3 Hours Reading Remediation Session(Story
Telling, Teaching Beginning Reading, Drills)
11. Conduct feed backing and reflection activities with teachers and community
educators to identify gaps and lessons learnt in the project roll out.
14. Specify other initiated school literacy and numeracy activities and interventions.
Computation shall be based on the acquired pts divided by 15 points multiplied by 5% then product
multiplied by 100. Score
Number Student Beneficiaries Number of Teacher Number of Non-Teaching Total Number of Beneficiaries
Beneficiaries Personnel Beneficiaries
Computation shall be based on the total number of beneficiaries over targeted number of beneficiaries multiplied by 5% and product multiplied by
100.The targeted number of beneficiaries is computed based on the total number of students, teachers and non-teaching personnel. Process shall
be supported by documents through signature of beneficiaries .
II. GENERATED RESOURCES (converted into peso – worth) -30 % T. Sharon and Resource Team
This pertains to generated resources to support the BE-LCP implementation and health and safety protocols. The amount
of generated resources shall include all donations-in-kind and equivalent amount of items based on the prevailing market value and
reflect to the equivalent of the volunteer man hour services.
All donated items classified as property, Plant and Equipment are properly recorded in the book of accounts as stipulated
in DepEd Order No. 82, s. 2011 titled “Guidelines on the Proper Recording of all Donated Properties.” It shall also include all resources
accepted after the steering and working committees were formed and commence to execute their functions.
All amounts of generated resources shall be tallied in DPDS, Inventory Slip and Acknowledgement receipt.
Grand Total
Note: Computation shall be based on the acquired points divided by the targeted points ( 90pts.) then multiplied by 20% and
product multiplied by 100
Points Met
90 x 0 .20 = Product x 100
16. Identify alternative sources and/or maintain supply of drinking water within the school.
17. Ensure that learners, teachers, and personnel have identification cards with relevant information.
18. Create database of learners with the contact details of their immediate family
19. Secure and safely store vital school records.
20. Coordinate with barangay officials on pedestrian safety of learners.
21. Document accidents experienced by learners and personnel within the school to improve prevention
and mitigation measures.
22. Identify a storage area for safekeeping of vital schools records, textbooks, teaching manuals,
computers, and other school equipment.
The evaluation shall be based on the Schools Safety, Preparedness and Resiliency Guide
22 points
School Head
Signature over Printed Name
Monitored/Evaluated by:
Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name
Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name
Division Brigada Eskwela Coordinator
Schools Division Superintendent