Germanium Dioxide
Germanium Dioxide
Germanium Dioxide
Germanium dioxide, also called germanium oxide, germania, and salt of germanium, is an
inorganic compound with the chemical formula GeO₂. It is the main commercial source of
germanium. It also forms as a passivation layer on pure germanium in contact with atmospheric
Formula: GeO2
Molar mass: 104.61 g/mol
Melting point: 1,115 °C
Density: 4.25 g/cm³
Crystal structure: hexagonal
Flash point: Non-flammable
A nominal GeOx (x≤ 2) compound contains mixtures of Ge, Ge suboxides, and GeO2, but the detailed
composition and crystallinity could vary from material to material. In this study, we synthesize GeOx
nanoparticles by chemical reduction of GeO2, and comparatively investigate the freshly prepared
sample and the sample exposed to ambient conditions. Although both compounds are nominally
GeOx, they exhibit different X-ray diffraction patterns. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is
utilized to analyse the detailed structure of GeOx. We find that the two initial GeOx compounds have
entirely different compositions: the fresh GeOx contains large amorphous Ge clusters connected by
GeOx, while after air exposure; the Ge clusters are replaced by a GeO2-GeOx composite. In addition,
the two GeOx products undergo different structural rearrangement under H2 annealing, producing
different intermediate phases before ultimately turning into metallic Ge. In the fresh GeOx, the
amorphous Ge remains stable, with the GeOx being gradually reduced to Ge, leading to a final
structure of crystalline Ge grains connected by GeOx. The air-exposed GeOx on the other hand,
undergoes a GeO2→GeOx→Ge transition, in which H2 induces the creation of oxygen vacancies at
intermediate stage. A complete removal of oxides occurs at high temperature.
Ge is one of the promising candidates for anode materials in Li-ion batteries1,2. It has a theoretical
as high as 1600mA h g−1
(upon formation of a Li4.4Ge alloy) and excellent Li+ diffusion rate at room
. However, the drastic volume expansion in crystalline Ge that occurs after Li insertion
leads to capacity fading which limits its use in practical Li-ion devices3
. Researchers have been seeking
methods to enhance the stability of Ge anodes, such as minimizing the size of Ge4,5, surface
morphology engineering7,8 and forming a composite structure by coating Ge with a layer of
carbon9,10. Recently, amorphous GeOx (x<2) structures have attracted great interest due to their
to enhance the cycling life of Li-ion batteries11–14. Compared to crystalline Ge, oxidized Ge is lower
has better chemical stability, and improved cyclability. In fact, it has been reported that GeO2 is able
deliver a capacity up to 2152mA h g−1
if it reversibly stores 8.4 Li+ (reactions (1) and (2))14–16.
effect of Ge has been demonstrated by Seng et al. using a GeO2/Ge/C nanocomposite as an anode
a Li battery test17. A nominal GeOx structure contains a mixture of Ge dioxides and sub-oxides, as
as elemental Ge. It is critical to understand the composition and the structure of GeOx to achieve
control of the crystallinity and grain size of the different constituents in terms of improving the
Although there has been a large amount of work on synthesizing nanostructured GeOx with new
configurations12,14,18, less attention has been given to understanding the starting material itself
introducing it into a battery test. GeOx contains a mixture of Ge, GeOx, and GeO2, and in an
(or reducing) environment, these three components can transform from one species to another19–
21. In
fact, GeOx has been deliberately synthesized and served either as the precursor for making Ge
and/or GeO2 nanostructures for the purpose of fabricating electronic and optical devices22–24.
Although there have been relatively large amount of early studies done on Ge nanocrystal
GeOx or SiOx thin films for the purpose of electronic devices fabrication, few reports are available on
the structure characterization of the free-standing Ge/GeOx/GeO2 nanocomposite in terms of
applications. In particular, since amorphous Ge and GeOx are more promising for Li-ion anodes than
their crystalline counterparts, the standard crystal structure analysis tool X-ray diffraction (XRD) is
no longer capable of characterizing the crystal structure of GeOx. Transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) with high resolution can tell the crystallinity of individual nanoparticles. However, for
structure, distinguishing different components (e.g. Ge and GeOx) almost entirely relies on the
of the image. In addition, the small sampling size of TEM lacks information on the averaged chemical
After annealing in H2 at 300 °C, the XRD patterns of both fresh GeOx and air-exposed GeOx are both
broadened to some extent, however, the features characteristic of GeO2 are still present in the
When the annealing temperature is increased to 500 °C, fresh GeOx crystallizes into an fcc structure,
with diffraction peaks matching cubic-phase metallic Ge. These features are further sharpened
annealing at 700 °C. As for air-exposed GeOx, the 500 °C annealing results in a mixed phase
both GeO2 and Ge. From the intensity of the two peak series, the GeO2 is still the major component.
full conversion from GeO2 to Ge is observed at 700 °C annealing.
We analyse the crystalline grain size of our samples using the Scherrer equation (Eq. 3),
in which τ is the crystalline size, K is the shape factor, λ is the wavelength of the incident X-ray, β is
full width at half maximum. In this case, the values of β for 700 °C annealed fresh GeOx and air-
Figure 1. (a) TEM image of as-prepared fresh GeOx nanoparticles. (b–d) XRD patterns of GeOx
nanoparticles before and after annealing in comparison with standards. (b) fresh GeOx (sample
series 1); (c)
air-exposed GeOx (sample series 2); (d) standard XRD patterns of cubic Ge and quartz GeO2
33,34. Labels in
(b) and (c): (a) as-prepared samples; (b) samples annealed at 300 °C; (c) samples annealed at 500 °C;
(d) samples annealed at 700 °C. The intensity of 1-d is reduced in half to fit the panel.
GeOx are 0.0055 rad (0.318⁰) and 0.0065 rad (0.370⁰), respectively. Taking K=0.89 (the typical value
the shape factor) and λ = 1.5406Å, we can obtain the averaged crystalline sizes for annealed fresh
and air-exposed GeOx are 26nm and 22nm, respectively. The crystalline domain size of metallic Ge
annealing fresh GeOx is slightly larger than that of air-exposed GeOx.
Although after the final annealing, the two GeOx possess very similar XRD patterns, the initial and
intermediate phases are significantly different. Since XRD is only sensitive to structure of long-range
order (i.e. crystalline), we then turn to XAFS to further examine the local structure of GeOx
Figure 2 shows the Ge K-edge XANES for all GeOx samples, before and after annealing, in comparison
with commercial GeO2 powder. As a fully oxidized Ge standard, the XANES of GeO2 is dominated
by one sharp peak (marked by the dashed line in Fig. 2), which corresponds to the transition of an
from the Ge 1s core level to an unoccupied 4p state. Compared to GeO2, both GeOx samples, with
or without heat treatment, have additional features at lower energy (marked by the dotted line in
Fig. 2),
indicating the presence of Ge with an oxidation states lower than that in GeO2. Recall from the XRD
pattern in Fig. 1 that the fresh GeOx is amorphous until annealed at a temperature above 500 °C.
XANES, we can see that there are both Ge- and GeO2-like structures in the fresh GeOx, and the lack
diffraction peaks in the XRD suggests that they are amorphous. Under annealing at 500 °C and 700
crystalline Ge appears (as confirmed by XRD, refer back to Fig. 1), although there is still amorphous
GeO2 present as evidenced by XANES. On the other hand, air-exposed GeOx is dominated by GeO2.
slight broadening at the lower energy side of the main peak is caused by the presence of Ge sub-
and Ge. A sudden transition occurs after annealing at 700 °C, in which almost all the GeO2
and the spectrum is dominated by a low-valent species Ge (spectrum 2-d). The energy onset and the
spectral profile resembles the previously reported metallic Ge2,28. Unlike the fresh GeOx which has
mixture of metallic Ge and amorphous GeO2, air-exposed GeOx after 700 °C turns almost completely
to metallic Ge. We note that the XRD patterns for the fresh and air-exposed samples after annealing
700 °C are essentially the same, but the metallic Ge-related feature in the XANES is more intense for
air-exposed sample than the fresh sample, suggesting that in the air exposed sample, a larger
of the available Ge is converted to cubic Ge than in the fresh sample. This is further corroborated by
noting that the air-exposed sample lacks a clear GeO2-related feature in the XANES; suggesting that
much Ge has been converted to metallic Ge that a distinct GeO2 phase is unable to form. Recall that
the air-exposed sample annealed at 700 °C exhibits a smaller grain size for metallic Ge than the fresh
sample annealed at 700 °C. If any Ge oxide remaining in these samples after annealing at 700 °C
the space between the grains, if these grains are close-packed then the smaller grains in the air-
sample will lead to smaller domains of Ge oxide; possibly too small for a distinct GeO2 lattice to
A closer examination of the oxidation states in Ge can be performed by examining the 1st derivative
of the XANES spectra. The plots are shown in Fig. 3, and the peak positions (the edge jump)
to the oxidation states of Ge in the samples. This method allows us to obtain the evolution of Ge
states during annealing in detail. The lower energy dashed line marks the edge jump of Ge0
the higher energy line marks the one of Ge4+. Interestingly, the evolution of the edge jump positions
a function of annealing temperature is quite different between the two sets of GeOx.