Easy On-Site Crushing: Atlas Copco BC Bucket Crusher
Easy On-Site Crushing: Atlas Copco BC Bucket Crusher
Easy On-Site Crushing: Atlas Copco BC Bucket Crusher
EU demands for 70% recycling quota For all types of inert material
The EU directive on waste management sets a recycling A bucket crusher can handle all types of inert material such
quota of 70% for construction and demolition waste by year as asphalt, stone and concrete debris as well as mine and
2020. Targeted recycling machines and equipment turn quarry material.
mechanised recycling into a fast, cost effective and precision
process. Ideal for urban worksites
The use of a traditional crusher is often hindered by its size.
Saves cost Bucket crushers can be an alternative at urban worksites and
Less transportation or dumpsite cost. Crushed material can in confined spaces.
be directly re-used on site or sold to third parties.
lower cost of ownership low-maintenance
Robust design and a long service life 30 hour greasing interval
even under extreme stresses. and only two grease points.
(m 3/h / ton/h)**
50 / 75 Bc 4900
40 / 60 Bc 3500
30 / 45 Bc 2250
20 / 30 Bc 1500
10 / 15
0 15 40 60 80 100 120 (mm)*
*Output opening adjustment in mm. **Values ton/h calculated considering an estimated weight of material 1,5 ton/m3.
The result may also vary according to carrier condition, operator ability and other factors that the bucket crusher cannot influence.
Sustainable Productivity
An investment in quality is an investment in sustainability and reliability. Intelligent
engineering, top quality materials, first-class components and modern engines with
low fuel consumption and emissions, contribute to long lasting machines with high
trade-in values. To keep things that way and to maximize your uptime we provide
reliable service whenever and wherever you need it. At the end of the day, you get
the job done with good results. Atlas Copco’s goal is to help you reduce maintenance,
increase efficiency and keep life cycle costs down.
Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by
We reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Photos and illustrations
general description only, is not guaranteed and contains no warranties of any kind.
Warranty or Product Liability.
August 2012