Case Overview:
HiLabs healthcare-focused artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions automatically detects data errors without human
knowledge or input. It is a rare fusion of AI, big data, and medical ontologies. HiLabs has multiple products and each
product addresses multiple use cases. It offers services and products to different healthcare agencies. The applicant is
expected to create a user application for the same.
It is expected that the case study consists of the following 5 slides-
• Assumptions
• Target Users and valid use cases (try to identify new potential users and use case as well)
• Application user flow
• Wireframes/Mockups of the important screens (HINT: identify user touch points. You can choose MCheck
specific user flow for the mockup(s); use balasamiq for creating mockups)
• Pricing of the product/solution: Identify the different pricing strategies and choose the best one by giving logical
reason(s)/evaluation (Please use strategies that are relevant to the industry and context)
HiLabs’ Products:
• MCheck-It does comprehensive testing via pattern matching data comparison between source and target. It
takes a proactive approach to detect frauds and provides rapid root cause analysis for every data discrepancy.
MCheck is currently used in process validation, identifying issues in provider directories, identifying high dollar
claims, clinical data automation and identifying data errors in downstream data like HEDIS measures
• Other products include MCode (Identifies under coding in the data. This solution is particularly beneficial to the
health plans), MSure (Identifies up coding in the data identifies medically unnecessary services that are
solely for the purpose of generating insurance payments), MVision (allows for what if analysis to identify impact
on RAF score and dollar impact) and MRead (ML-NLP based solution)
• Healthcare insurance companies (eg. Anthem, Aetna)
• Service providers (eg. hospitals, pharmacy)
• Members (individuals/families who have taken an insurance plan from a healthcare insurance company)
• Government (eg. CMS) who are jointly involved with healthcare insurance companies for certain healthcare
plans like Medicare Advantage
The product can be used by the client in 2 ways-on-premises or on cloud. The on-premises flow chart is depicted below.
If the product is used in cloud, the only difference is in its ingestion part where we services/products like AWS data
exchange, Appflow, Fargate, AWS SFTP, Kinesis, AWS Datasync, AWS Data Migration services
Case Study For APM Role
Algorithm Overview:
The products work on unsupervised ML techniques to identify millions of combinations of patterns, and then identify
outliers in these patterns. The ML engine is further customized based on relevant user inputs/medical ontologies to
fine tune the results (supervised learning)
Case Study For APM Role