Module in Key Boarding
Module in Key Boarding
Module in Key Boarding
It is of great importance that one knows how to type and better still
has a mastery of the keyboard as this knowledge will facilitate
learning word processing. All the exercises in this lesson can be
done on a personal computer. However, there are instructions on
how to do the intricacies on the personal computer. With the
advent of electronic technology, more and more office workers use
computer and software in performing office tasks due to the
voluminous paperwork and numerous advantages of word
Week I
I- Discussion
- is an input device to enter character and functions into the computer system by pressing buttons, or
keys. It is the primary device used to enter text. A keyboard typically contain keys for individual letters,
numbers and special characters as well as keys for specific functions.
Lesson 1 Prepare to Type
I- Introduction
Most keyboards have a very similar layout. The individual keys for letters, numbers and special
characters are collectively called the character keys. The layout of these keys is derived from the
original layout of keys on a typewriter. The most widely used layout in the English language is
called QUERTY, named after the sequence of the first six letters from the top left.
Keep the keyboard and screen aligned directly in front of you. Adjust the screen to a
comfortable angle for easy viewing.
The Home Keys are A S D F (left hand) and J K L ; (right hand). Your
thumbs are used to press the spacebar.
It is important to repeat your drills until you develop ‘motor memory’ in your fingers. Then you
will be able to type confidently with speed and accuracy without looking at your keyboard.
Keyboard Parts
Parts and Terms used in Microcomputer
Monitor Television screen or device which is capable of displaying
character and graphical information.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) Physical device that performs all
operations of the monitor.
Keyboard normally the same as a typewriter keyboard, however there
are special keys, function keys and numeric keypad added.
Wordprocessing term used in the transformation of ideas and
information into an acceptable communication format used as
automated system in modern office. Today, the term has come to mean
using a computer to create, edit, revise, format, or print text.
Lesson 3: Parts of a business Letter
1. Letterhead or Heading 6. Complimentary close
2. Date 7. Signature
3. Inside address 8. Initials
4. Salutation 9. Enclosure (if any)
5. Body of the letter
November 3, 2020
Thank you for your inquiry concerning the parts of a business letter. The
important ones are:
Date. Current date is always used in a letter. The date has significant value in
filling correspondence and it has some legal implications, too.
Body of the letter. The most important part is the body because it contains
the message. The typist must be alert for mistakes of any kind. Proper
punctuations should be inserted, spelling should be checked, and
paragraphing should be provided.
Signature. The correct name and title of the writer must be provided. The
letter without signature is considered not valid and needs no attention.
A clean and well placed letter creates a favorable impression and encourages
the recipient to read with care and attention. I hope this answers your
question satisfactorily.
Jsc initials
Enc. enclosure
4 common types of Letter style:
1. Block style – all lines begin at the left margin except the date,
complimentary close, and signature block. They start from the center or
slightly to the right off center on the page. This style is usually typed with
mixed or standard punctuation. The salutation is followed by a colon, and the
complimentary close by a comma.
November 3, 2020
This letter is typed in blocked style. Note that all lines begin at the left margin except the date,
complimentary close, and signature block. They start from the center, or slightly to the right off center
on the page. Some authors refer to this form as the “modified block with block paragraphs.”
This style is usually typed with mixed or standard punctuation. The salutation is followed by a colon,
and the complimentary close, by a comma. This form of punctuation is widely used in most business
To facilitate typing the date and the closing lines, set the tabular stop at the center or slightly off to the
right of the paper so that you can tabulate it whenever you wish.
Julius S. Chavez
Letter Styles-Semi-Blocked
November 3, 2020
Semi-blocked letters are similar to the modified block or blocked letters except that the
first line of each paragraph is indented five or ten spaces. The five-space paragraph indention
is most commonly used. This style usually uses the mixed or standard form of punctuation.
This letter style is a combination of the indented and the blocked forms. Some persons
call this the “modified block style with indented paragraphs.”
Note the use of the reference initials at the bottom of the letter to indicate the person
who dictated the letter and the one who transcribed it. The modern trend is to put the typist’s
initials only if the dictator’s name is typed under the signature. However, some writers prefer
to place both.
Julius S. Chavez
Hanging-Indented style
November 3, 2020
This letter illustrates the hanging-indented style which, at a glance, looks like the paragraph is
inverted, The first line of each paragraph is flush with the left margin and all
succeeding lines are indented.
Note how the writer draws the reader’s eye to the beginning of each paragraph by placing the
first word “hanging” in the margin, thus making the letter very attractive. The
paragraph indention maybe five, seven, or even more—just enough to make the key
word stand out clearly.
Yes, for sales promotion correspondence, the hanging-indented style is most appropriate. This
Form necessitates careful planning as the whole point of this style is to feature
paragraph starters which have some common point of interest to produce special
Julius S. Chavez
Full-Blocked style
Miss Razel B. Ogahayon/69 Dama de noche/Guinhalaran, Silay City. Once again, we are
pleased to invite you to share with us your talent and expertise by joining any of the special
and standing committees of the institute. (P) Your active membership in any of these
committees would enable us to realize our goals of promoting the professional growth of every
CPA and of making the Institute a strong and viable in the development of the accountancy
profession in the Philippines. Very truly yours, JULIUS S. CHAVEZ, Executive Director.