RCA Tube Manual

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‘The, RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL TECHNICAL SERIES No. R-10 FOREWORD The RCA Rapiorron Manuat has been prepared especially to supply technical information regarding the characteristics and operation of RCA Radiotrons to those who work or experiment with radio tubes and circuits. Careful consideration has been given to the selection of material which presents general and specific tube information in the most useful and helpful form. Tube types have been arranged in numerical sequence on the basis of the last two digits of model number designations. This is in accordance with our program of generally utilizing a two digit system for identifying tubes as evidenced by the new type numbers, ic., 46, 56, 57, 58, and 82. Eventually, the two digit system will be extended to practically all of the older models by dropping the first digit of the present three digit designations. This Manual will be found valuable by radio service men, radio technicians, experimenters, radio amateurs, and those who have an interest in the technical aspects of radio tubes. Commercial Engineering Section RCA RADIOTRON CO, INC Harrison, New Jersey CONTENTS Pacz Exectrons AnD ELECTRODES . ik Cathodes, Diodes, Triodes, Tetrodes, Pentodes Manuracture or RCA RapioTRons 7 Rapio TUBE CHARACTERISTICS 10 Static Characteristics Dynamic Characteristics ‘Amplification Factor, Plate Resistance, Mutual Conductance Rapio Tuse APPLICATION - 12 Amplification Voltage, Power, Super-Control, Class B Detection Grid Leak Method, Grid Bias Method Oscillation INSTALLATION . 18 Filament and Heater Gircuits, Plate Voltage, Grid Voltage, Screen Voltage, Shielding, Output Coupling Devices Socxet ConNnECTIONS 39 Cuaracteristics CHART 40 MaxIMUM OVERALL DIMENSIONS 42 Invex or Tusr Types ‘Tyee Pacr ‘Type Pace WDll . 2». «(On Chart) 40 RCA-233 44 WX12 . . (On Chart) 40 RCA-134 46 RCA46 . - RCA235 48 RCASO. 2 ee 69 RCA-236 31 ROAST. 0 eee 7 ROA 53 ROASB ee 2 55 RCAS2. . 2. . + BL : . 37 UXTIPA 2 ee . 25 .(On Chart) 40 UX-120 : . 27 60 UXIAA 2 2 2 ee 16 66 UV-199 Loe 83 68 UXAM 8B 78 UX-200-A, (On Chart) 40 ses 80 UX20LA se 2 Inside Back Cover RCA-210 14 Inside Back Cover UX-222 e 28 Inside Back Cover UY224A . ». 9 Inside Back Cover UX2206 0 6 ee . ot Inside Back Cover UY27. ee 8 . . «Inside Back Cover ROA230 foe . 35 Ux874 . . ..(OnChart) 41 RCA-231 . a7 uvesT6 . . . . .(OnChart) 41 RGA232—— . - 38 UV-886, (OnChart) 41 The RCA Radiotron MANUAL Electrons and Electrodes The radio tube is a marvelous device. Although it appears to be a fragile affair constructed of metal and glass, in reality it is a rugged instrument that makes pos- sible the performing of operations, amazing in conception, with a precision and a certainty that is astounding. It is an exceedingly sensitive and accurate instru- ment—the product of coordinated efforts of engineers and craftsmen. Its con- struction requires materials from every corner of the earth. Its use is world-wide. Its future possibilities, even in the light of present day accomplishments, are but dimly foreseen, for each development opens new fields of design and application. The radio tube consists of a cathode and one or more additional electrodes— all enclosed in an evacuated glass bulb—with their electrical connections brought to exterior terminals. The cathode supplies electrons while the other electrodes control and collect them. ‘The importance of the radio tube lies in its ability to control almost instantly the flight of the millions of electrons supplied by the cathode. It accomplishes this with a minimum of control energy. Because it is almost instantaneous in its action, the radio tube can operate efficiently and accurately at electrical frequencies much higher than possible with rotating machines. All matter exists in the solid, liquid, or gascous state, These three forms of matter consist entirely of minute divisions known as molecules. Molecules are assumed to be composed of atoms, According to a present accepted theory, atoms have a nucleus which is a positive charge of electricity. Around this nucleus revolve tiny charges of negative electricity known as “electrons.” Scientists have estimated that these invisible bits of electricity weigh only 1/46 billion, billion, billion, billionths of an ounce since they may travel at speeds of thousands of miles per second. Electron movement may be accelerated by the addition of energy. Heat is one form of energy which can be conveniently used to speed up the electron. For example, if the temperature of a metal is gradually raised, the electrons gain vel- ocity. When the metal becomes hot enough to glow, some electrons may acquire sufficient speed to break away from their nuclei. This action is utilized in the radio tube to produce the necessary electron supply. CATHODES A cathode is an essential part of a radio tube since it supplies the electrons necessary for tube operation, In general, heat is the form of energy applied to the cathode to release the electrons. The method of heating the active material of the cathode may be used to distinguish between the different forms of cathodes. For example, a directly-heated cathode, or filament-cathode, is a wire heated by the passage of an electric current, An indirectly-heated cathode, or heater-cathode, consists of a filament, or heater, enclosed in a metal sleeve. The sleeve carries the active material on its outside surface and is heated by radiation and conduction from the heater. A filament’, or directly-heated cathode, may be further classified by identifying the filament or electron emitting material. The materials in regular use are, tung: sten, thoriated-tungsten, and metals which have been coated with alkaline earth oxides, Tungsten filaments are made from pure metal. Since they must operate at high temperatures (a dazzling white) to emit suficient electrons, a relatively large amount of filament power is required. Thoriated-tungsten filaments are drawn from tungsten slugs which have been impregnated with thoria. Due to _ THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL the thorium, these filaments liberate electrons at 2 more moderate temperature (a bright yellow) and are, therefore, much more economical of filament power than are pure tungsten filaments, Alkaline earths are usually applied by coating a nickel alloy wire or ribbon with a mixture containing the materials. ‘This coating, which is dried into a substantial layer on the filament, requires only a very low temperature (a dull red) to produce a copious supply of electrons. Coated fila- ments operate very efficiently and require relatively litule filament power. How- ever, each of these cathode materials has special advantages which determine the choice for a particular application. In general, tubes made with filament-cathodes Or heater-cathodes and designed for use in radio receivers, utilize the coated construction CATHODE | CATHODE | nsuLaTeo] 3] InsuLateD HEATER |S} HEATER SUPPORT WIRE DIRECTLY HEATED CATHODES INDIRECTLY HEATED CATHODES (FILAMENT TYPE) (HEATER TYPE) Filament-cathode types of tubes are particularly well suited for operation from a steady source of filament supply voltage such as a battery. Tubes for this ser- vice can be designed with cathodes which give economical production of electrons and, consequently, economical set operation. Tubes constructed primarily for economical battery operation are not very satisfactory for use with alternating current filament supply, duc to the variation in electron emission and potential in the space charge region which occurs with each alternation of the current. This variation is amplified by the tube and produces hum in the loudspeaker. When filament-cathade types of tubes are to be used on ac filament supply, special pre- cautions are taken in the design to reduce hum disturbances to a point where the hum will not be troublesome. These precautions include such features as the utilization of massive filaments which minimize temperature fluctuations, the use of filaments which have sufficient excess electron emission so that a very large temperature change is required to reduce the emission below the value needed for normal tube operation, and the proportioning of tube parts to minimize the elec: trostatic and magnetic effects produced by ac. on the filament. The “26 is an example of a filament-cathode type of tube particularly useful for operation on ac. Heater, ot indirectly-heated cathodes, comprise an assembly of a thin metal sleeve coated with active material and a heater contained within and separated from the sleeve. The heater is made of tungsten wire and is used only for the purpose of heating the sleeve and its coating to an electron-emitting temperature. ‘The tungsten wire is operated at a moderate temperature and supplies the energy for heating the sleeve. The heatercathode construction is well adapted for use in radio tubes intended for operation from ac power lines. The use of separate parts for emitter and heater functions, the electrical insulation of the heater from. the emitter, and the shielding effect of the sleeve may all be utibzed in the design of the tube to pre- vent the a-c heater supply from causing hum, Repgesentative types are the "24-A, °27, and ‘35. From the viewpoint of circuit design, the heater-cathode construction offers advantages in connection flexibility dae to the electrical separation of the heater from the sleeve and active cathode curface. This feature, in conjunction with the freedom from electrical disturbances which might be introduced through the filament supply lines, has led also to the use of this construction in a series of tubes (°36-°39) designed particularly for automobile or dc line radio sets THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL DIODES Electrons are of no value in a radio tube unless they can be put to work. A radio tube is designed with the necessary parts to utilize the electron flow. These parts consist of a cathode and one or more supplementary electrodes. The simplest form of radio tube contains two electrodes, a “cathode” and a “plate” and is often called a “diode,” the family name for two-electrode tubes, ‘The electrodes are enclosed in a bulb with the necessary connections brought out through air-tight seals, The air is removed from the bulb to allow free mover ment for the electrons and to prevent injury to the emitting surfaces. When the cathode is heated, electrons leave the cathode surface and form an invisible cloud in the space around it. Any positive electric potential within the evacuated bulb will offer a strong attraction to the electrons (unlike electric charges attract; like charges repel). In a diode, the positive potential is applied to the second clec trode, known as the anode, The potential is supplied by a suitable electrical source connected between the plate terminal and a cathode terminal. Under the influence of the positive plate potential, clectrons flow from the cathode to the plate and return through the external plate battery circuit to the cathode, thus completing the circuit. This ow of electrons is known as the plate current and may be measured by a sensitive current meter, If a negative potential is supplied to the plate, the free electrons in the space surrounding the cathode will be forced back to the cathode, and no plate current will flow, ‘Thus, the tube permits electrons to flow irom the cathode to the plate but not from the plate to the cathode. If an alternating J apron voltage ie applied to the plate, the plate is tame” alternatingly made positive and negative, Plate current flows only during the time when the sec yore plate is positive. This phenomenon makes the tube usehul as a rectifier of alternating current, (J (J \Jeeregowages TREE that is, to provide a current flow always in the -! same direction. Rectifying action is utilized in 4 gover same dlzeation- Rectfying action is utlized is WAV \WA\\/\/\ 8 “B,” “GC” and screen voltages to the other tubes in the receiver circuit. Rectifier tubes may have aaa d SS ‘one plate and one cathode. The ‘81 is of this FILAMENT PLATE form and is called a half-wave rectifier, since + o-c vourace current can flow only during onwhalf of the sRopeeceen alternating-current cycle, When two plates and FULL-WAVE. RECTIFICATION one ot more cathodes are used in the same tube, current may be obtained on both halves of the ac cycle. The "80 is an example of this type and is called a full-wave rectifier. Not all of the electrons emitted by the cathode reach the plate. Some return to the cathode while others remain in the space between the cathode and plate for a brief period to form an effect known as space-charge. This charge has a repell- ing action on other electrons which leave the cathode surface, and impedes their passage to the plate, The extent of this action and the amount of space-charge is greatly dependent upon the cathode temperature and the plate potential. The higher the plate potential, the less is the tendency for the space electrons remain- ing to repel others. This effect may be noted by applying increasingly higher plate voltages to a tube operating at a fixed cathode voltage. Under these con- Sitions, the maximum number of available electrons is fixed, but increasingly higher’ plate voltages will succeed in attracting a greater proportion of the free electrons. Beyond a certain plate voltage, however, additional plate voltage has little effect in increasing the plate current because all of the electrons emitted by the cathode are being drawn to the plate, This maximum current is called saturation current, —3— THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL and because it is an indication of the total number of electrons emitted, it is also Known as the emission current or, simply, emission, In : 2,077 most types of tubes, it is impossible to obtain this value by z| measurement, since the current flow is sufficiently large to de change the emitting conditions, or, to damage the tube. se As a result, emission values in practice are determined at ee some lower voltage which will not harm the tube. Different 2e results will be obtained if a different cathode voltage or Be temperature is chosen, since the cathode temperature de PINE WOLAGE— termines the number of available electrons. If space-charge effects were not present, it follows that the same electron flow could be produced at a lower plate voltage. One method of reducing the space’ charge effec: is utilized in several types of rectifier tubes, represented by the mer’ cury-vapor rectifier 82. This tube contains a small amount of mercury which is partially vaporized when the tube is operated. ‘The mercury vapor consists of tiny mercury atoms permeating the space inside the bulb. These atoms are bom- barded by the electrons on their way to the plate. If the electrons are moving at a sufficiently high speed, the collisions will tear off electrons from the mercury atoms, When this happens, the mercury atom is said to be “ionized,” that is, it has lost one or more electrons and, thezefore, is charged positive. When ioniz- ation due to bombardment of mercury atoms by electrons leaving the filament occurs, the space-charge is neutralized by the positive mercury ions so. that ine creased numbers of electrons are made available. A mercury-vapor rectifier has a small voltage drop between cathode and plate (about 15 volts). This drop is practically independent of current requirements up to the limit of emission of electrons from the filament but is dependent to some degree on bulb temperature. TRIODES When a third electrode, called the grid, is placed next to the cathode, the tube is known as a “triode.” "This is the family name for threeelectrode types. The grid usually consists of a wire mesh or grating, the appearance of which suggests its name. Its construction allows practically unobstructed flight of the electrons from the cathode to the plate Whea the grid of a tube is made positive or negative B with respect to the cathode, the plate current correspond: zB ingly increases or decreases. The grid is located much 2 nearer the cathode than the plate so that a small voltage 7 change on the grid will have the same effect on the plate ular eco metre eUHFeNt as a larger voltage change on the plate. A grid requires very little power, serving merely as a valve to control the plate current. A negatively charged grid tends to force the space electrons back toward the filament, This action decreases the plate current. Plate current, in fact, may he reduced to zero (cut-off) by making the negative grid charge sufficiently large. On the other hand, when a positive charge is applied to the grid, the electrons are accelerated and increased plate current results, It should be noted that this control action of the grid permits the use of the tube as an amplifier. A small grid voltage change produces a much larger plate current than would the same change in plate voltage. Typical three-electrode tubes are the "20, "27, 56, and °45. The control grid circuit (input circuit) includes any device or devices connected between the contral grid and cathade of a tube for the purpose of impressing an input or signal voltage on the control grid. It may consist of an antenna coupling coil, a transformer secondary, or any unit having one or all the factors of induc tance, resistance and capacity. Since it is usually desirable to maintain the grid at some negative volage (called grid bias) with respect to the cathode, the grid circuit will, in such cases, also include a source of voltage supply for that purpose. The grid bias supply (G-supply) may be a battery or other source of d-c voltage. THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL The output circuit is considered to include the parts of the circuit connected be- tween the plate and cathode. The electrodes of a radio tube form an electrostatic system, each electrode act- ing as one plate of a small condenser. For a three-electrode tube the capacitances are known as interelectrode capacitances and are those existing between the grid and plate, the plate and cathode, and the grid and cathode. Of these, the capacity hetween the grid and plate is generally of most importance. In high-gain radio- frequency amplifer circuits, this capacity may act to produce undesired coupling between the input and outpvt circuits and, thereby, cause uncontrolled regeneration. TETRODES The effec: of grid-plate cepacitance in causing excess regeneration may be mini- mized or eliminated ina number of ways. One scheme requires the use of com- plicated circuit arrangements which set up counteracting effects to counterbalance the action of the grid-plate coupling. ‘The second and preferable method is to eliminate as much as possible the grid-to-plate capacitance in the tube itself. This 8 accomplished by employing a fourth electrode in the tube which is known as the screen. The screen is placed between the plate and the grid and thus makes EP = Be Be a four-electrode tube, or “tetrode.” With this type of tube intricate circuits and balancing difficulties may be eliminated, Since the screen voltage largely deter mines the electron flow, small changes of plate voltage have little effect on plate current. This is desirable from the viewpoint of stability. The screen is con- structed so that the flow of electrons is not materially obstructed, yet it serves to establish an electrostatic shield between the plate and grid. The screen is operated at some positive voltage lower than that of the plate and is by-pessed to the cathode through a condenser. This by-pass condenser effectively grounds the screen for high-frequency currents and assists in reducing grid-plate capacitance to a minimum value. Ja general practice the grid-plate capacitance is reduced from an average of 8.0 micromicrofarads (jyf.) for a triode to 0.01 yf. or less for a screen grid tube. ‘The reduction permits the attainment of stable amplification from screen grid tubes many times as high as that possible from three electrode tubes. Tubes of this type are represented by the °24-A, “32 and “3. PENTODES In all radio tubes, electrons striking the plate may, if moving at sufficient speed, dislodge other eleccrons. In two and three electrode types, these vagrant elec’ trons usually cause no trouble because no positive electrode other than the plate itself is present to attract them so that they are eventually drawa back to the plete. Emission {rom the plate caused by bombardment of the plate by electrons from the cathode is called secondary emission, because the effect is secondary to the original cathode electrons. In the case of screen grid tubes, the proximity of the postive screen to the plate offers a strong attraction to these secondary electrons and particularly so if the plate voltage swings lower than the screen voltage. This effect lowers the plate current and limits the permissible plate swing for tetrodes. The plate current limitation is removed when a fifth electrode, known as the suppressor, is placed in the tube between the screen and plate. The family name for fiveelectrode types is “pentode.” ‘The suppressor is usually connected to the —5— THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL cathode. Because of its negative potential with respect to the plate, it retards the flight of secondary electrons and diverts them back to the plate, where they can cause no trouble. = a | BS a Zz FILAMENT GRID. SCREEN SUPPRESSOR PLATE ‘The suppressor is utilized at the present time in pentodes designed for two different functions. In power output pentodes, the suppressor makes possible a large power output with high gain, due to the fact that the plate swing can, be made very large. Tubes of this type are represented by the °33, °38 and "47. In radiofrequency amplifier pentodes, the suppressor permits of obtaining a high voltage amplification at moderate values of plate voltage, In fact, the plate voltage may be as low as or lower than the screen voltage without serious loss in the gain capabilities of this type. Representative of this type are the ‘34 and "39, Further advantages in adaptability of tube design and application may be obtained by pro- viding the suppressor with its own base terminal. With this arrangement, it is possible to obtain special control features by variation of the voltage applied to the suppressor. Typical tubes of this type are the 57 and 58. Parts Assembly of the '24-A Manufacture of RCA Radiotrons The age in which we live is vitally influenced by Ggotral Grid. the thermionic vacuum tube. Without this device, the rapid strides which have been made in radio development would not have been possible. In a few short years, the radio tube has entered into our homes, offices, factories, and laboratories as an in- tegral ‘and essential part of modern living. To meet the demands and exacting needs of this vast field, unceasing development of tubes and con- tinuous improvement of tube manufacturing equip- ment has been required. Automatic tube making machinery has been developed to the stage where it now enters into practically every phase of our manufacturing activities. Such equipment is par- ticularly well adapted for producing large quan- tities of tubes uniform in characteristics, In attaining this uniformity, ech component part of the tube structure must be precise in dimensions and free from impurities. Many of the parts are gauged to thousandths of an inch, Some parts require very much greater accuracy ‘The constituent materials of these parts are used only after they have passed exacting chemical tests. The need for this care may be appreciated when it is known that the active coating on some filaments weighs as little as 21 ten-millionths of a pound. The same care which is used in the selection of individual parts is representative of the general manu facturing procedure for each of our types. Of these types, the '24-A is an excellent example for explain- ing the details of tube manufacture. The initial step in the process consists in the making of the flare. The flare is the interior glass section through which passes the connecting wires from the bulb interior to the base pins of the com pleted radio tube. Standard lengths of glass tubing are fed into a machine which grips each one and moves it through a series of gas flames of increasing intensity. When the lower end assumes a bright yel- low color (at this temperature the glass is about as soft as warm wax) a whirling cone rises to gently shape the molten edge of the tubing into a flange or flare. After the operation has been completed, the machine transports the flanged tubing through additional gas flames which play upon it at a point to give the correct length for the finished flare. A rotating glass cutter swings down into place under the tubing, then rises within it to cut off the sec tion at the heated portion, After inspection, the flare is sent to the stem machine. ‘The flare is placed in the stem machine where the wire supports and connections are in’ serted. Correct spacing between wires is insured by a metal form which holds them in the proper position to be sealed into the glass.* Each wire Ic is interesting to know that before any mets! enters into the construction of a tube, it must be thoroughly. cleaned. This is accomplished by heating the metal at a high tem perature in an atmosphere of hydrogen. The process cleans the most tarnished metal 7 Interior View of "24-A Sealing the Stem Gauging Plates THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL consists of three sections welded together into a unit. The sections consist of nickel and copper with a small length of special metal called dumet fused between them at 2 point where the molten glass is pressed about the wire. When the wires have been inserted within the flare, a length of glass exhaust tubing is automatically low- ered into the center of this assembly. The flare arrangement is then carried pro- gressively through flames which play upon it and melt it at a point where the glass is to be pressed together. Metal jaws firmly squeeze the molten glass around the wires, thus fusing the parts together in an air-tight seal, or press. The assembly then moves into position under an air jet which supplies compressed air to the exhaust tubing in order to blow a hole through the hot soft glass below the pinch. It is through this opening that the bulb is evacuated in a later operation. The entire part, known as the stem, is removed from the machine and annealed to prevent glass strains. After inspection, the annealed stem is sent to the stem- forming machine, where the wires are bent to the proper shape to take the parts to be mounted thereon. Alter a careful inspection has been made, the stem is ready for the fitting of the additional parts, such as the plate, cathode, grid and screen. These parts are formed with accuracy by automatic ma- chinery which operates more rapidly than the eye can follow. As these parts ere mounted, they are elec’ trically welded to insure permanent construction, First, the plate is mounted and welded to its respec: tive supports. The grid and screen are next fastened in their positions. eee ‘The outer section of the screen con- sists of a nickel mesh cylinder, while the inner section is a helical coil of fine wire. The sections are connected and held together at the top by a metal disc. The cathode is then inserted and welded to the proper terminals. The cathode consists of a heater wire enclosed in a metal sleeve from which it is electrically insulated. Great care is exerted in applying the active material to main- tain exactness of coated area and thickness. After the sleeves have been sprayed, they are baked and carefully inspected. Following the grid-assembly operation, the connecting wire which later is passed through the top of the glass bulb to the familiar metal cap, is welded to the control grid support. The “getter” cup, which contains pellets of magnesium, is then fastened to the grid support. Welding Mount Assembly The unit, composed of a stem and attached parts, is known as the mount. It is inspected, tested for short circuits and transferred to the sealing-in and exhaust machine, Here it is placed on a rotating support, known as the sealing head, and a glass bulb is lowered over Electrical Inspection Tests —8— THE RCA RADIOTRON MANUAL it. Heet is applied both to the junction of the flare and bulb. The sealing head, constantly ro- tating, moves the tube into in- creasingly hotter zones where the glass is softened by the fires, The glass around the control grid lead is sealed immediately after the flare and bulb junc: tion is made. The entire glass bulb is annealed in the process, after which the tube is trans ferred to the exhaust section of the machine where it is con- nected to the exhaust pumps. Proving Life and Quality The atmosphere is drawn from the bulb in successive operations. To insure a more complete exhaust, the prin- cipal metal parts of the tube are heated by powerful high-frequency currents induced by an external coil that automatically:drops around the bulb. The intense heat, created in the metal by induction, frees the glass and metallic tube parts of occluded gases which are immediately removed from the bulb by the exhaust pumps. ‘The getter is flashed or vaporized after the exhaust is nearly completed. The flashing is accomplished by means of induction from a movable high-fre- quency coil which is dropped down around the outside of the glass bulb. The current induced in the getter cup is great enough to provide the necessary heat to vaporize the getter. The vapor absorbs residual detrimental gases to make a better exhaust, and condenses in a silvery film on the inside of the glass bulb. This condensation acts as a vacuum keeper during the useful life of the tube. When the exhaust process has been completed, the tube is automatically sealed off, disconnected from the vacuum pump and transferred by belt to the basing machine. Here the connection wires of the tube are properly threaded into the five pins of the base. The tube and base are passed through an oven, which hardens the cement on the inside edge of the base, thus fastening the bulb firmly to the base. Following the basing operation, projecting ends of the wires are cut off dush with the ends of the pins and soldered. A small metal cap is secured to the top of the bulb by means of cement and soldered to the grid lead. The tube is once more examined for short and open circuits and then placed on a “seasoning rack” where voltages ace applied to the electrodes. The tube is allowed to “season” for a length of time sufficient for its characteristics to become stabilized. After the tube is seasoned, it is again tested for short and open circuits as well as for plate current, cathode activity (emission), a-c output, gas and leakage. On some types of tubes additional tests are made. Extremely accurate instruments are used for these tests. The completed and inspected product is finally wrapped in a corrugated holder and packed in its distinctive carton, ready for delivery to the purchaser. From beginning to end, this brief story of one type of tube is indicative of the manufacturing skill, painstaking care and precision processes employed in making each different tube described in this ManuaL. Radio Tube Characteristics The term “CHaracteristics” is used to identify the distinguishing electrical features and values of a radio tube. These values may be shown in curve form or they may be tabulated. When given in curve form, they are called characteristic curves and may be used for the determination of tube performance and the cal- Culation of additional tube factors. Tube characteristics are obtained from electrical measurements of a tube in various circuits under certain definite conditions of voltages. Characteristics may be further described by denoting the conditions of measurements. Tor example, Static Characteristics are the values obtained with different d-c potentials applied to the tube electrodes, while Dynamic Characteristics are the values obtained with an a-c voltage applied to the control grid under various conditions of dc potentials on the’ electrodes. The dynamic characteristics, therefore, are indicative of the performance capabilities of a tube under actual working conditions. Plate characteristic curves and mutual characteristic curves both give informa: tion on static characteristics. These curves present the same information, but in two different forms to increase its usefulness. The plate characteristic curve is obtained by varying plate voltage and measuring plate current for different control grid bias voltages, while the mutual characteristic curve is obtained by varying control grid bias voltage and measuring plate current for different plate voltages. A plate characteristic family of curves is illustrated by Fig. 2. Fig. 1 gives the mutual characteristic family of curves for the same tube. | te eT 7 V Ae 3 270 leo < PLATE MILLIAMPERES ony u M [Sers

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