DK Great Cities 2021
DK Great Cities 2021
DK Great Cities 2021
DK LONDON DK DELHI First published in Great Britain in 2021 by
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Peter Chrisp is a historian with a particular interest in the ancient world. Andrew Humphreys
He has written more than 90 books, many for DK, including Ancient Greece, Tharik Hussain
Ancient Rome, and Alexander the Great: Legend of a Warrior King. Anirban Mahapatra
Rebecca Milner
Amy Fuller is a historian of colonial Mexico and senior lecturer at Brendan Sainsbury
Nottingham Trent University. Her research interests include narratives Philip Parker
of conquest and conversion, religious drama, festivals, and folklore. Her Phillip Tang
first book was on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and she has written and Philip Wilkinson
presented for both academic and popular audiences; appearing at history Nicola Williams
festivals and on the radio.
Philip Parker is a historian with wide-ranging interests, from the late
Roman city, to the Viking establishment of trading settlements, and the
history of world trade. He has been a contributor and consultant for
numerous DK titles and is the author of The A–Z History of London.
Reza Masoudi Nejad is a research associate at SOAS University of London
(The School of Oriental and African Studies). He is an urbanist with a cross-
disciplinary background focused on urban history and transformation,
crowds and protests, urban violence and conciliation, and religious rituals
in urban context. He received his PhD from the Bartlett School of Built
Environment, UCL. He is the author of The Rite of Urban Passage.
8 Introduction
16 Rome 86 London
24 Athens 94 Paris
Cities have been at the heart of human life since their first appearance
7,000 years ago. These centres of political, economic, and cultural
power continue to shape the world we live in today.
Cities are the engines of human history. Within them, of agricultural produce and jewellery from bone, wood,
great buildings and artistic movements have arisen, stone, or horn for the richer classes who were emerging
vital scientific discoveries and fortunes have been made, in the increasingly sophisticated villages.
and political leaders have emerged who went on to By around 7000 bce, the villages had begun to turn into
wage wars and win empires. All these achievements towns, such as Çatalhöyük, in what is now southern Turkey.
have been fuelled by the labour, grit, and ingenuity of Its population of around 5,000 lived in tightly packed
the ever-growing ranks of city-dwellers. mud-brick houses, followed a religion that centred on
Today, around 55 per cent of us live in urban areas. a bull cult and the veneration of the dead, and made a
The very largest, such as Tokyo, New Delhi, and Shanghai, living from growing wheat and barley, herding sheep,
have over 20 million inhabitants, more than the entire global and trading in obsidian obtained from a nearby volcano.
population in 5000 bce. At that point, humanity had only just Some 1,500 km (930 miles) to the east, by around
started its journey from small, widely dispersed groups of 4500 bce, true cities were emerging. The fertile land of
hunter-gatherers to the global megacities of today. Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers,
in modern-day Iraq, supported a thriving agricultural
Agriculture and the first cities population. The need to construct irrigation ditches to
Agriculture first developed in a crescent of fertile land transport water from the great rivers and their tributaries
centred on Mesopotamia around 10,000 bce. People in to the fields encouraged large-scale cooperation. Some
South Asia, China, parts of Africa, and the Americas places, particularly those that were the centres of cults for
subsequently discovered this transformative practice, local gods, became the bases for rulers who came to
which allowed areas to support larger populations and monopolize the distribution of the agricultural surplus.
This cuneiform tablet from Ur dates to
communities to produce a surplus of food beyond their
around 2100 bce, and contains the world’s immediate needs. It also made the Neolithic peoples who
oldest surviving law code. Clauses dealing practised it less mobile, as they were now tied to tending ▽ ROYAL STANDARD OF UR
with escaped slaves and disputes over This panel, called “Peace”, shows the wealth of a king (top row,
irrigation demonstrate the preoccupations and defending their fields. Specialists began to appear, third from left) as he receives fish and other agricultural goods,
of first cities’ rulers. such as craftsmen, who made pottery for the storage while lyre-players entertain him. It was made around 2500 bce.
Specialist warriors defended the surplus and preyed on They reached as far as Dilmun (modern Bahrain) and may
neighbouring groups. Over time, the rulers grew powerful have made contact with another early centre of urban
enough to erect the first monumental buildings – temples civilization, the Indus Valley culture, whose cities lay in Ur was the world’s
and palaces – and the latter became centres for the modern-day Pakistan and northwest India. Unlike their
increasingly complex business of civic administration. Mesopotamian counterparts, Indus Valley cities such as largest city for about
Scribes employed the newly invented technique of writing Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, founded around 2500 bCE, did 1,000 years, until it was
to create archives documenting royal decrees. They also not appear to build lavish palaces or wage war upon each
overtaken by Mari in
recorded the transactions that brought goods to an urban other, but they did possess sophisticated sewage systems,
population that no longer farmed the land. the earliest known example of such sanitation, and a sign Syria around 2500 bce.
Uruk, established around 4500 bCE, was the first of the that rulers were for the first time becoming concerned
Mesopotamian cities, but it was surpassed by Ur, founded about the health of their subjects.
about five centuries later, which grew to be the most
powerful of a network of city-states. Ur’s 50,000 people
were ruled by dynasties whose sway extended as far as ▽ THE GREAT ENCLOSURE
This monumental structure was the centrepiece of Great Zimbabwe,
modern Syria and Iran. Its merchants sailed to the south in one of sub-Saharan Africa’s greatest pre-modern cities. Between
search of wood and copper for the growing city’s needs. the 11th and 15th centuries CE, its rulers grew rich on gold and ivory.
◁ Urban grids were less common in the Middle Ages but, as this
1720 plan of Turin by German cartographer Matthaeus Seutter
shows, some northern Italian cities retained their Roman pattern.
A world of ancient cities almost a millennium old. They owed their existence, just as
Although cities provided protection for their inhabitants, in Mesopotamia, China, and the Indus Valley, to a great river.
and an environment in which crafts could flourish and The “gift of the Nile” allowed the cities of the pharaohs, such
goods be traded, not all areas of the world were suitable as Memphis and Karnak, to prosper. More ceremonial
for early urban growth. In some, the climate was too complexes than population centres – dotted with temples
harsh, or the soil not fertile enough to permit the such as the pillared Hypostyle Hall of Amun-Re at Karnak
agriculture necessary to support a higher population; in – Egypt’s cities found an echo in those of Mesoamerica,
others, there was a lack of building materials. Even where such as Teotihuacan, with its massive pyramids of the Sun
cities did take root, other qualities were needed for them and Moon at either end of a vast ceremonial way.
to truly thrive: an advantageous position astride trade By the 1st century ce, urbanization had spread to
routes, strong rulers who could guarantee stability, and most regions of the globe: the history of South America’s
protection from marauders were all prerequisites. cities began with the Caral-Supe complex in modern-day
Such advantages enabled the rise of China’s first cities, in Peru around 3500 bce, while Crete became the site of
the fertile Yellow River Valley, first at Erlitou around 2000 bce Minoan palace-cities around 2000 bce. A thousand years
and then, by 1500 bce, at larger urban centres such as later, new city-states appeared on the mainland. One of
Anyang and Luoyang, which became the capitals of the these, Athens, developed the concept of citizenship and
earliest Chinese dynasties. By then, Egypt’s first cities were became the earliest functioning democracy.
Imperial cities
As city-states grew into kingdoms, and then empires, a new Every seaman... is not only a navigator,
age of larger urban centres began. The city of Rome, whose
empire stretched from Europe’s far north to the deserts of but a merchant and also a soldier.
North Africa, reached a population of around a million at the
height of its power in the 1st century ce. The taxation
revenues it extracted funded huge building projects such as
the Colosseum, while its main port at Ostia brought in vast
quantities of grain and wine for its people. ▽ HANSEATIC PORT
Rome was a maritime city, a military hub, and a cultural This late-15th-century manuscript shows merchants waiting to receive
ships docking in the harbour of Hamburg. The city was a leading member of
and scientific powerhouse. Its poets, playwrights, orators, the Hanseatic League, which united ports around the Baltic Sea in a mutually
and doctors would be remembered for centuries, and it supporting network that traded in fish, grain, textiles, and luxury goods.
endures as a modern capital. Other imperial cities fared
less well. The Maya cities of Mesoamerica, such as Tikal
and Palenque, were abandoned in the 9th century, probably
because their growing populations had stretched the
fragile rainforest environment beyond its capacity to
regenerate. The trading port of Palmyra in modern-day
Syria, with its marble colonnaded streets, dwindled into
insignificance from the 4th century, while the temple-city
of Angkor in Cambodia, which was largely abandoned in
the 15th century, fell victim to shifts in political power and
outside raiders. These magnificent metropolises became
“lost cities”, rediscovered by outsiders centuries later, their
brooding ruins testament to once-mighty civilizations.
People have long dreamt of the ideal city. Greek philosophers such as Plato
wrote about how it might be governed, while Chinese and Southeast Asian
rulers laid out their capitals to mirror the heavens. In 1516, the English
statesman Sir Thomas More’s book Utopia provided a blueprint for a perfect
city, and in 1593 the Venetian state constructed Palmanova, an elegant,
star-shaped town in northeast Italy. Philanthropic ideals of equal opportunity
for all citizens gave new vigour to the idea in the 19th century, leading to the
construction of Garden Cities such as Letchworth, in England, and the laying
out of Adelaide in Australia in 1836 on a grid plan surrounded by parkland.
The theories of Modernist architects such as Le Corbusier that cities should
be organized in a practical manner were implemented in places such as
Chandigarh in India in the 1950s, which was divided into 47 self-contained
The ideal city
sectors, each with its own educational, health, and retail facilities, separated
by green spaces. Since then, planned capitals such as Abuja in Nigeria
and Abu Dhabi in the UAE have risen, as the search for an ideal city that will
combine beauty, utility, and liveability continues. So far, none has quite
reached the perfection its designers imagined.
△ Walter Burley Griffin’s 1913 plan for Canberra incorporated
a string of lakes, with geometrically laid out districts.
centre and the hollowing out of some cities in Europe and centres; and others still, such as Xi’an and Mumbai,
North America, as their centres decayed. By contrast, in have seen their populations soar as industry has
industrializing countries, many of them newly independent replaced agriculture as the primary driver of prosperity.
It is predicted that
nations in Africa and Asia, rapid levels of population growth
led to a drift into cities from agricultural areas. By 2020, The future of the city by 2030, there will
the population of Lagos in Nigeria had reached 14 million. Cities continue to reinvent themselves. In the last few be 43 megacities
While urban areas such as London and Los Angeles decades, many have worked to reduce pollution and create
retain their role as 21st-century global cities, plugged into appealing modern spaces by restricting polluting vehicles, with populations
an increasingly interconnected world, they face new rivals. encouraging energy-efficient buildings, and planting trees. over 10 million.
Some, such as Singapore or Beijing, enjoy the benefits of In 2020, another impetus for change came in the form of
modern infrastructure. Other cities, like the DRC’s capital COVID-19, which saw retail centres empty, businesses send
of Kinshasa, have grown so fast that the residents of the workers home, and some question whether crowded cities
informal, often poorly planned settlements that have sprung were a safe environment. Yet cities have responded to
up in the suburbs far outnumber those in the official core. changing circumstances in the past. Through the first
Contemporary cities are as diverse as their predecessors. kingdoms of Mesopotamia, global expansion, and the
They are places of pilgrimage, entertainment hubs, Industrial Revolution, they have evolved to remain at the
industrial centres, and shipping ports. Cities like newly heart of politics, economics, and culture. The history of the
built Naypyidaw, Myanmar’s capital since 2005, have an world is very much a history of great cities, and whatever
air of the ancient ceremonial complexes; others, such as future we build, these sites of trade, creativity, and
Frankfurt and New York, serve as dynamic financial transformation are likely to be at the heart of it.
Rome p.16 Athens p.24 Istanbul p.30
Leptis Magna
Tikal p.74
Great Zimbabwe
Hampi p.56
Xi’an p.60
From a tiny hilltop settlement, Rome evolved to
be capital of a great empire, seat of the Catholic
Church, and a treasure trove of Western art.
Roman mythology credits the founding of Rome to the twin sons of Mars,
Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a she-wolf after being discovered at
the foot of the Palatine Hill. One of a group of seven hills, the Palatine was the
site of a small settlement from around 1000 bce. Myth notwithstanding, the
location had clear advantages, being close to the sea and lying alongside
the navigable Tiber river. Legend has it that Romulus became the first of seven
kings, under whose rule local neighbouring tribes gradually merged. Many of
Rome’s most venerable institutions were introduced under these kings, such
as the Senate – the city’s governing assembly, initially comprising 100 men –
and the Cloaca Maxima, one of the world’s first sewer systems.
Despite its diminutive size, ancient Rome became a powerful force, but was
riven by social disputes. The last king, the Etruscan Tarquinius Superbus, was
driven out in 509 bce and a republic established, governed by two annually
elected consuls. By the 2nd century bce, Rome’s armies had conquered the
whole of Italy and territory beyond, while the city weathered a sack by the Gauls
and came close to conquest by the Carthaginian General Hannibal. Wealth from
territorial expansion funded public works, such as stone temples and baths,
while housing for the growing populace colonized the hillsides and valleys.
64 ce A fire destroys much 110 Trajan’s conquest of Dacia is 125 The Pantheon temple,
27 bce Octavian, of central Rome. Emperor celebrated with a huge column in which still boasts the world’s
great-nephew Nero blames the Christians his forum showing episodes largest unsupported concrete
of Julius Caesar, and builds the Domus from the campaign. dome, is remodelled under
becomes the first Aurea (“golden house”) Emperor Hadrian.
Roman emperor, palace amid the ruins.
taking the name
80 Emperor Titus
completes the Colosseum,
which is inaugurated with
gladiatorial games lasting
over 100 days.
Renaissance revival
The city’s prospects changed during the Renaissance,
from the 15th century. Trade had revived and patrons,
both in the Roman Catholic Church and among rich nobles,
△ SAN PAOLO FUORI LE MURA APSE Fall of the empire – Rome’s dark ages sponsored artists and scholars. Old Roman manuscripts
The 13th-century mosaic in San Paolo Yet this new dawn proved a twilight, as Rome was sacked were unearthed and studied, and new artistic techniques
fuori le Mura, which survived a disastrous
fire in 1823, shows Jesus Christ flanked successively by Goths and then Vandals. Most of its flourished. Churches were restored and popes such as
by apostles. A diminutive figure of Pope Christian churches (built under Emperor Constantine’s Julius II funded grand ecclesiastical buildings and artworks,
Honorius III, who commissioned the
patronage), however, were spared damage. The deposition notably a new St Peter’s Basilica and the frescoes of the
work, crouches at Christ’s feet.
of the last Roman emperor, Romulus Augustulus, by his Sistine Chapel, painted by Michelangelo over four back-
Germanic army-chief in 476 ce left the city much- breaking years. The city’s jumbled maze of medieval streets
diminished. Italy’s new Ostrogothic rulers used Ravenna was replaced by impressive avenues, such as the Via Giulia.
as their capital. Crumbling, malaria-ridden, and depleted, Religious and dynastic wars broke out in the early 16th
Rome was saved only by the recognition of the bishops century and ravaged Italy. In 1527, an army in the employ of
of Rome as popes, leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V sacked Rome, the first
Michelangelo’s fresco on
the Sistine Chapel ceiling
shows God stretching
out to touch the hand of
the newly created Adam.
This 1569 engraving by
Etienne Dupérac shows
Michelangelo’s design
for a hemispherical
dome for St Peter’s.
No one who has not seen the Sistine Chapel can have
a clear idea of what a human being can achieve.
time the city had suffered such a fate for nearly a thousand Despite the political and religious turmoil of the preceding
years. The Counter-Reformation saw ecclesiastical reforms two centuries, Rome entered the 1700s in a more
and Rome adorned with buildings in the lavish and dramatic confident mode. The Baroque style evolved in its final The original St Peter’s
Baroque style. Particularly innovative were master architect flourish into Rococo, which featured ornate decoration, Basilica was built
Borromini and architect and sculptor Bernini, who designed as displayed in the extravagant, curved frontage of the
around the shrine
the spectacular baldacchino, a bronze canopy that is the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena near the Pantheon.
centrepiece of St Peter’s Basilica. Under Pope Sixtus V in Rome welcomed magnificent new secular monuments, marking the burial place
the 1580s, streets were cleaned, old aqueducts restored, such as the throng of marble sea creatures in the Trevi
of the apostle Peter.
and monumental Egyptian obelisks erected in public Fountain, completed in the 1760s and later beloved of
spaces, including St Peter’s Square. gelato-eating and coin-tossing tourists.
1347 A revolution led 1527 Rome is sacked by the 1600 The philosopher and former Dominican
by Cola di Rienzo troops of Holy Roman Emperor friar Giordano Bruno is convicted of heresy
overthrows papal Charles V. and burnt alive in the Campo dei Fiori.
power but fails in its
attempt to unify Italy.
1762 The Trevi Fountain 1871 Rome is taken 1893 Babington’s Tea
is completed by by the forces of Room opens near
Giuseppe Panini, 30 newly unified Italy and the Spanish Steps
years after Nicola Salvi becomes its capital. to cater for Rome’s
began work on it. British visitors.
proved a captive audience for Benito Mussolini’s Fascist and provided money for its reconstruction. These were the
movement, which promised a return to the glory days of years of la dolce vita (“the good life”), as locals and foreign
ancient Rome. His March on Rome, flanked by black- tourists rediscovered Rome’s delights and the city became
shirted supporters, began a 20-year experiment that the backdrop to iconic films, such as Roman Holiday and
ended in the disaster of World War II. Known as Il Duce La Dolce Vita, as well as being a playground for stars like
(“the leader”), Mussolini planned to sweep away Rome’s Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren.
medieval centre and replace it with a streetscape of In 1957, the foundation treaty of the European Economic
modern skyscrapers. Fortunately his rhetoric outpaced Community, the predecessor of the European Union, was
reality and he confined himself to draining the outlying signed in Rome. Three years later, the coming of the
Pontine marshes, finally solving Rome’s malaria problem, Olympic Games, which were held in historic venues such
and gifting the city a collection of muscular architecture, as the Roman Baths of Caracalla, set the seal on the city’s
including EUR, a new suburb which featured Fascist takes second renaissance.
on Classical style, including the Palazzo della Civiltà Rome’s reinvention continues. Although over four million
Italiana, a bizarrely square version of the Colosseum. tourists descend each year to wonder at the Colosseum,
St Peter’s, and the Vatican Museums, many of them also
La Dolce Vita detour to admire its contemporary architecture, such as
Rome was declared an “open city” in 1943 and so escaped the cantilevered curves of MAXXI, the national museum △ ROMAN HOLIDAY POSTER
The 1953 romantic comedy starred
the wholesale destruction wrought on other European of modern art, designed by Zaha Hadid. Over 2,500 years
Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck,
urban centres in the war’s closing stages. In the 1950s, it since its foundation, Rome is proving that it really is an with many of the key sights of Rome
bounced back as Italy’s economic miracle raised morale eternal city. taking a supporting role.
1922 Fascist leader 1960 Rome hosts the 2021 Plans are
Benito Mussolini Olympic Games, during announced for
makes his March on which Italy wins 13 the restoration of
Rome, after which gold medals. the Colosseum.
he is appointed
prime minister.
The birthplace of theatre, democracy, and Western philosophy, the
city-state of Athens was ruled by successive empires before winning
independence, leaving Europe's most ancient capital with a rich legacy.
◁ ACROPOLIS PANORAMA This statue of a kore (young woman)
The Classical heritage of Athens still looms large, with the hill of from around 530 bce was found on the
the Acropolis and its ancient ruins, notably the Parthenon (centre) Acropolis, where it was buried after
and Theatre of Dionysus (bottom), dominating its skyline. the Persian destruction of the city.
594 bce Solon revises the 534 bce Modern drama is created
Athenian law code to when Thespis becomes the
abolish the scourge of debt first actor to play an individual
bondage – in which debtors role during a festival of the
could be enslaved in exchange god Dionysus.
for the money they owed.
the assembly alongside their richer peers. Athens’ riches An occupied city △ AGORA OF ATHENS
and ambition attracted the jealousy of rivals and entangled In the 4th century BCE, Athens fell into the hands of the The agora, built in the 5th century BCE
below the Acropolis, included a circular
it in the 27-year Peloponnesian War with Sparta in 431 BCE. Macedonian conquerors Philip II and Alexander the Great. tholos, the residence of the council
Orators gave rousing speeches and poor citizens took their Yet it remained an intellectual powerhouse. Plato established president, and the stoa, or colonnades,
turns at the oars of the Athenian triremes (warships), but the Academy, in an olive grove west of the city, while his which encircled the marketplace.
Sparta won, occupied the city, and demolished its walls. Rule pupil Aristotle founded the rival Lyceum school. However,
by pro-Spartan cliques ensued, and even when democracy by the time the Roman General Sulla captured Athens in
returned, Athens was a shadow of its former self. 86 BCE, the city was a provincial, if revered, backwater.
an ancient tradition which brought glory when Greek athlete △ ACROPOLIS MUSEUM ◁ ALEXANDER
Spyridon Louis won the marathon. By the 1920s, Athens was The Acropolis Museum includes a gallery for the THE GREAT
Parthenon Marbles removed by Lord Elgin (and This marble head of
a lively city, reverberating to the sound of bouzouki (Greek currently in the British Museum in London), Alexander, one of
lute) players in the tavernas of the Plaka district. should they be returned to Greece. Athens' conquerors,
There were more trials to come: Athens was occupied by now sits in the city's
Acropolis Museum.
the Germans during World War II, then ravaged by post- and joined up with its port, Piraeus. Through it
war street fighting between government forces and all, Athenians retained a pride in their heritage,
communist insurgents, while democracy was disrupted by a sense reinforced when Athens again played
military rule in the 1960s and 70s. But economic growth host to the Olympics in 2006. The city that has
continued. Old districts were flattened and new quarters given the world democracy, philosophy, and
built, while open spaces disappeared as the city spread graceful architecture still hums with life.
1687 Much of the Parthenon 1833 The Ottomans 2004 The 28th
is destroyed after a evacuate Athens and Olympic Games are
Venetian bombardment it becomes the capital held in Athens;
strikes an Ottoman of an independent Greece wins six
gunpowder store. Greece. 1896 Baron Pierre de gold medals.
Coubertin organizes the
first modern Olympic
Games, held in Athens.
For over two millennia, Greek, Roman, Turkish, Christian, and Muslim
cultures have met and mingled in a melting-pot metropolis that
borders two seas and straddles two continents.
The Bosphorus, a strait linking the Black Sea with the Sea councils took place in the city. The presence of many
of Marmara and the Mediterranean, was one of the world’s educated churchmen made Constantinople an intellectual
great trade routes by the start of the first millennium bce. centre as well as a political and commercial one, and rulers
Colonists from Megara and other Greek cities saw an continued to develop the city with churches, aqueducts,
opportunity to control this trade, and founded a city on its and fortifications. Its cosmopolitan, stone-paved streets
western shore around 667 bce. They called it Byzantium, rang with Aramaic, Coptic, Armenian, and Latin, though the
after one of their leaders, Byzas, and it prospered. language of the ruling and educated classes was Greek.
When the empire was divided in two in the 4th century, the
Romans and Christians city became capital of its eastern half. The west declined,
In the 1st century ce, the Romans took over Byzantium, but the Eastern Roman Empire, which became known as
which grew to become one of the richest cities in the the Byzantine Empire, endured for over 1,000 years.
empire. Although it was badly damaged in a war between
rival emperors in 195 ce, it recovered and the Emperor
Constantine, recognizing its wealth and strategic site,
made it his capital, Constantinople, in 330 ce. Constantine
converted to Christianity, and several early ecclesiastical
If the Earth were a
single state, Istanbul
Hubert Sattler’s 19th-century view of Istanbul shows the city’s would be its capital.
elegant mosques and imposing site on the Bosphorus, which
separates Europe from Asia. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE
c. 667 bce The settlement of 203 Septimius Severus 330 Constantine refounds
Byzantium (also known rebuilds Byzantium, the city as Constantinople
by its Greek name, Byzantion) improving structures and starts work on its
is founded, probably by such as the hippodrome Great Palace.
Greeks from Megara. (racetrack).
When Justinian became emperor in 527 ce, his ambition was to recreate the
old Roman Empire in all its glory, and he soon took over Italy and parts of
North Africa. The growing kingdom needed a great capital, and Justinian set
about beautifying Constantinople. He improved the city’s water supply by
building a vast underground reservoir held up by a forest of stone columns
(known today as the Basilica Cistern), made the imperial palace grander
and more luxurious, and strengthened the city walls.
But Justinian was not always a popular ruler. His advisers were often
controversial and his wife, the former actress Theodora, was criticized for
her reforming instincts and alleged past as a prostitute. In 532 ce, a crowd
of protesters started a revolt against him and threatened to overwhelm
the city. Theodora advised him to use an army of mercenaries to quell the
disturbance. Their response was ruthless: some 30,000 people were
slaughtered and the area around the Hippodrome suffered severe
damage. However, in the next 30 years of his reign, Justinian continued to
build and improve the city, leaving its buildings more lavish, and creating a
suitably grand home for the officials, merchants, and travellers who came
to the city from all over the empire. One of the casualties of the revolt had
been the church of Hagia Sophia (“divine wisdom”), and Justinian rebuilt it
△ The Emperor Justinian (left) offers a model of the Hagia Sophia to Mary in 537 ce, embellishing it with a vast dome and stunning mosaics. Now a
and the infant Christ in this 10th-century mosaic from its south entrance. mosque, it remains one of the world’s most awe-inspiring buildings.
1204 Constantinople
suffers major damage 1261 Emperor Michael VIII
during the Fourth Palaeologus recaptures the
Crusade, beginning a city, and begins a revival of
period of rule by art and scholarship known as This double-headed eagle symbolizes the
Western invaders. the Palaeologan Renaissance. Byzantine emperors’ dominion of east and west
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque is widely known as the Blue
Mosque because of the thousands of predominantly blue
tiles that cover its interior. It can hold up to 10,000 people,
and contains Ahmet I’s tomb.
1478 TopkapI Palace is 1616 The Sultan Ahmet Mosque, 1871 The construction of a
completed as the home of also known as the Blue tram network, initially with
the ruler and his family, the Mosque, is completed to a horse-drawn trams, greatly
centre of government, and a design by Sedefkâr Mehmet improves city transport.
meeting place for key officials. Ağa, a pupil of Sinan.
captive Christian boys who were converted to Islam and Osman. Other sultans and their viziers had more success
given elite training, formed the imperial guard, Europe’s restoring Constantinople’s stability, building grand Baroque
first standing army. palaces in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the city
Hagia Sophia was a
A golden age for the city had begun, and continued into became unstable and backward-looking. Trade declined,
the reign of Süleyman I, who extended the empire in the the city’s once-magnificent wooden houses began to look church until 1453,
16th century. Süleyman was a noted patron of the arts, dishevelled, and Constantinople found itself capital of an a mosque to 1935, and a
encouraging painters and craftsmen to beautify the impoverished empire dubbed “the sick man of Europe”.
TopkapI Palace and the homes of his officials, and
museum until 2020. It is
employing the empire’s greatest architect, Mimar Sinan, New beginnings now a mosque again.
on projects across the city. Süleyman also promoted World War I wiped out the remains of the Ottoman Empire,
education, making his capital home to a highly literate but Turkey secured its independence under the command
population, where poetry flourished and calligraphy, used of former soldier Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who became
to create stunning copies of the Qur’an, reached a peak. president in 1923. He modernized the new nation, making
Turkey a secular state and Ankara his new capital. The old
A slow decline capital, renamed Istanbul (from the Greek for “to
The Ottoman rulers after Süleyman were less able, and the city”), thrived. New rail links and bridges
the reins of power were often held by Grand Viziers improved access, and districts such as
(ministers), the women of the court, or the janissaries. Ümraniye filled with new apartments, shopping
There was also corruption and sometimes terrifying malls, and mosques. The rolling back of religious
violence. In 1621, a hard winter was followed by a famine. strictures also gave more freedom to citizens,
Discontent flared, and to assert his authority Sultan especially women, although conservative
Osman II threatened to abolish the powerful janissaries. In President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has restricted
response, they rebelled, took over the palace, and killed media in recent years. This historic melting pot
still bubbles with energy, mixing elegant palaces
with glass-hewn skyscrapers, and combining a
love of life’s finer things with a beguiling bustle.
Jerusalem has been a sacred place for three major world faiths
for thousands of years, its ancient streets witness to a turbulent
history of religious rivalry and division.
Situated on the slopes of a hill-ringed plateau west of Lavishly constructed from Lebanese cedarwood, the
the Jordan river, Jerusalem is one of the world’s most temple became a sacred centre of the Jewish religion,
ancient cities. It was established around 3200 bce by and an enduring focus of its rituals and law.
Canaanite tribes who named it Rushalimum (“Shalem Solomon’s achievements were short-lived, though.
has founded it”), after one of their gods. The kingdom’s unity fractured under his successor and
Jerusalem, now capital of Judah (the southern part of
The City of David Palestine), became a vassal of the Assyrians. It was
According to Biblical tradition, the Israelites arrived in eventually destroyed in 586 bce after a revolt against the
Canaan after fleeing oppression in Egypt. At first, they new Babylonian overlord Nebuchadnezzar, and its people
were just one small group in a region that had been were deported to Babylon.
bitterly contested between Hittites and Egyptians, but
around 1000 bce their king, David, captured Jerusalem Jerusalem after the exile
from its Canaanite rulers. His successor, Solomon, built That exile lasted 50 years until the Persian King Cyrus
the First Temple to house the Ark of the Covenant, which took Babylon and permitted the Jews to return home. A
contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments. Second Temple was built, but Jerusalem suffered a series
of foreign overlords, first Alexander the Great, then the
Ptolemies and Seleucids. The Jews re-established their
◁ SUNSET OVER JERUSALEM independence after the Jewish priest Judas Maccabaeus
The Temple Mount, surrounded by the old city walls, repelled Seleucid attempts to suppress Judaism, but in
dominates Jerusalem, just as it has done since ancient times,
with the golden cupola of the 7th-century Dome of the Rock 63 bce the Roman General Pompey took Jerusalem, after
its most visible feature from afar. intervening in a dispute between two religious factions.
An 8th-century
account of the taking
of Jerusalem by
c. 1000 bce King David Nebuchadnezzar
captures Jerusalem from
the Canaanite King Araunah
and moves the Ark of the
Covenant to the city.
586 bce Nebuchadnezzar
of Babylon captures
Jerusalem, destroying
the First Temple and
removing Jerusalem’s
population to Babylon.
bridle reins.
The armies of the First Crusade took three years to complete the
long overland journey from Europe to Palestine, but after a five-week
siege they finally stormed Jerusalem on 15 July 1099, slaughtering
Muslims, Jews, and local Christians indiscriminately. The Crusaders
turned the al-Aqsa Mosque into a barracks, the Dome of the Rock
into a church, reconsecrated the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and
expelled the surviving Muslim and Jewish inhabitants. Yet the new
kingdom they established struggled to retain military manpower or
attract Christian settlers. It also suffered perpetual factional
struggles and weak leadership. Even with a second Crusade and the
foundation of military orders such as the Knights Templar and
Hospitallers to defend it, Jerusalem was taken by the Ayyubid Sultan
Salah ad-Din ibn Ayyub (known as Saladin) in 1187. This time there
was no massacre, and Muslims trickled back into the
city. Despite a brief Crusader reoccupation, 150
years of conflict in the Crusades had served
only to reduce Jerusalem to a smoking ruin.
This late-19th-century tinted photograph shows a busy street
leading to the Tower of David in the citadel, and the Jaffa Gate.
The vendors and the merchants’ camels laden with goods
are a sign of the city’s renewed commercial prosperity.
The British mandate a rapidly modernizing city. Yet old hatreds festered beneath
The Arab population of the surface. The Muslim nationalist Mohammed Amin
Jerusalem hoped that al-Husayni, whom the British appointed Grand Mufti,
General Edmund Allenby’s clashed with the Jewish Agency for Israel, which
entry into the city in encouraged a rising tide of Jewish immigration. Riots
December 1917 would bring occurred in 1929, an Arab general strike in 1936 escalated
them the independence they into a widespread uprising, and Jewish militant groups
believed Britain had targeted both Arabs and the British authorities, including
promised them. They soon a devastating bomb attack on the King David Hotel in 1946.
found that the British had
been making equal and Jerusalem divided and reunited
△ BRITISH GARRISON SOLDIERS contradictory promises to the Jewish community, When the United Nations’ proposals to partition Palestine
British troops stand guard at a road including a letter from Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour between Arab and Jewish states foundered and the British
junction in Jerusalem in 1939. The year
saw riots by Arabs demanding declaring support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. withdrew, Jewish nationalists declared the State of Israel.
independence and increased attacks by Consequently, the British League of Nations Mandate over The war that then erupted with their Arab neighbours was
Jewish militant groups, such as the Irgun. Palestine began in bitterness. The British tried to promote ended by a truce in March 1949. This left Jerusalem divided
communal harmony by re-establishing the municipal for the next two decades: the Old City, in Muslim hands, was
council with a Muslim mayor and Jewish and Christian crammed with Palestinian refugees; the west of the city,
deputies, and repairing the decaying infrastructure. New captured by Israel, teeming with new Jewish migrants.
Jewish suburbs sprang up to the west of the Old City, with The fractured city was only finally reunited, but definitely
Arab equivalents to the east, and the new King David Hotel not healed, when Israeli forces took East Jerusalem
and Central Post Office gave Jerusalem the appearance of (including the Old City) in the Six-Day War in May 1967.
1949 A truce is declared 1967 In the Six-Day 1993 The Oslo Peace
between Jordan and Israel. War, Israel takes Accords are signed but
Jordan takes over the East Jerusalem, the status of Jerusalem
running of East Jerusalem including the remains disputed.
and the West Bank. Old City.
Persepolis was the majestic centre of Persia, a ritual site boasting
magnificent buildings that for 200 years hosted elaborate ceremonies
to glorify its Achaemenid rulers.
Half temple, half grand audience chamber of its rulers, his efforts on the construction of Persepolis, bringing in
Persepolis – the name is Greek, meaning “city of the labourers as well as skilled masons, carpenters, and
Persians” – was founded in the early 6th century bce. artists to erect the first of a series of spectacular buildings. A clay tablet found in
Situated in the Persian heartland in the southwest of The glory of Darius’s achievement at Persepolis was the
the Treasury mentions
modern-day Iran (50 km/30 miles northeast of Shiraz), Apadana, a raised audience chamber with 36 columns
it replaced the original Persian royal capital at nearby soaring to over 20 m (66 ft), topped with bulls’ head 55 stoneworkers who
Pasargadae and then for nearly two centuries served as capitals. A procession of carved figures adorns the eastern were brought in
a potent symbol of the power of the Achaemenid kings. stairway, representing 23 groups of peoples from
throughout the empire, each dressed in their national specially from Egypt to
Building a royal city costume and bearing gifts of tribute from their homeland: work on Persepolis.
Cyrus the Great established the Persian Empire in 550 bce the Ethiopians bring elephant tusks and an okapi, the
by conquering the previously dominant Medes, but it was Greeks carry beehives, and the Bactrians lead a camel.
left to his successor Darius to choose a capital suitable for
this vast domain. While Darius I governed for much of the
year from Susa, further to the south, he lavished most of
May Ahuramazda protect
this country from foe, from
A procession of Lydians, from the far west of the Persian
Empire, bring vases as part of their tribute to Darius, which famine, and from falsehood.
also includes metal rings adorned with griffin heads and a
chariot drawn by two stallions. INSCRIPTION ON THE PALACE OF DARIUS
This painting, by American artist Tom
Lovell, shows Alexander the Great’s
Macedonian soldiers bearing flaming
torches. The Greek historian Diodorus
Siculus said that the first torch was
cast by Thaïs, a courtesan from
Athens, in revenge for the Persian
King Xerxes’ burning of her home city.
Persepolis was not a major city and did not have a large animal head fixtures), the Tachara also had its own garden.
residential population, but each spring, when the Persian Darius’s son Xerxes I continued his father’s work at
kings visited for the New Year ceremony, it came to life. On Persepolis, despite the distraction of an ultimately
ascending the great double staircase, the tribute-bearers unsuccessful invasion of Greece in 480 bce. He enlarged
would reach the impressive Apadana, its roof made of the Apadana and added a new throne hall, the Hall of
timber beams up to 65 m (213 ft) in length, the exterior a Hundred Columns. Its 10 rows of 10 columns were
decorated with polychrome glazed brick depicting guards accessed by a grand portico flanked by colossal stone
and nobles, and the interior, which could hold thousands of bulls. Xerxes also constructed his own personal palace
onlookers, furnished with intricate wall-hangings. at the highest point of the platform. To round off the
complex, he built an intimidating entrance to the palace –
Banquets and audiences a huge portal guarded by monumental winged bulls,
To the south of the Apadana, Darius built his own private known as the Gate of All Nations.
palace, the Tachara. Doubling as a banquet hall, where the Darius had already built a small treasury to house
king could enjoy respite from the demands of court and sip regalia and gifts from foreign envoys. Xerxes
wine from elaborate rhytons (conical drinking vessels with supplemented this with an open courtyard and another
The epicentre of political power in the Indian subcontinent for most
of the last millennium, Delhi is said to have seen the rise and fall of
seven capital cities. The current Indian capital, New Delhi, is the eighth.
Delhi finds legendary mention in the ancient Indian epic soldier, or Mamluk, who had risen to the position of
Mahabharata as Indraprastha, the capital city built by the general within Ghori’s army. Aibak built his new capital
Pandavas, the story’s heroes. Excavations suggest that the on the site of Qila Rai Pithora, and named it Mehrauli.
area has been inhabited since at least 1000 bce, though Through the next three centuries, Delhi served as the
the first reference to “Delhi” doesn’t appear until the 1st centre of power for a succession of Islamic dynasties.
century bce, when a local chieftain named Dhilu is said to The Khiljis, who followed the Mamluks, fortified themselves
have named the settlement he built there after himself. in Siri, near present-day Hauz Khas. The Tughlaqs came
next, and moved their capital within Delhi several times –
The Delhi Sultanate as well as decamping briefly, under the capricious
Delhi began to emerge as a political stronghold in the Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq, to Daulatabad in western India.
11th century ce, when the Tomara dynasty founded a Muhammad’s successor, Feroz Shah Tughlaq, founded
citadel called Lal Kot (Red Citadel) on the southwestern Ferozabad (Delhi’s fifth capital) in 1354, where the Feroz
fringes of the modern metropolis. In the 12th century, the Shah Kotla fortress is the most notable of several surviving
rival Chauhans ousted the Tomaras and extended the fort Tughlaq bastions. The brief reign of the Sayyids was followed
with massive ramparts, the ruins of which still stand today, by the Lodis, whose legacy lives on in a series of fine tombs
and renamed it Qila Rai Pithora. Then, in 1192, the Chauhans at the Lodhi Gardens, in today’s New Delhi.
were defeated by Muhammad Ghori (from modern-day
Afghanistan) in a decisive battle that paved the way for
Islamic dynasties to conquer the Indian subcontinent. THE RED FORT AND SALIMGARH FORT, c. 1830 ▷
The seat of power for the Mughal emperors, Delhi’s iconic Red
Following Ghori’s death in 1206, the first of these dynasties Fort is connected to the earlier Salimgarh Fort by an arched
was founded by Qutb ud-din Aibak, a formerly enslaved bridge, which formerly spanned a channel from the Yamuna river.
△ EID IN DELHI Delhi under British rule taken prisoner, and two of his sons and a grandson were
The Islamic festival of Eid was a focal In 1803, British forces defeated the Marathas at murdered on the site where traitors and state enemies
point of the Mughal calendar. In this
painting from the 1840s, Emperor the Battle of Delhi, and the city came under the had been routinely executed by Delhi’s previous emperors.
Bahadur Shah Zafar leads a procession administration of the British East India Company. The The revolt marked the formal end of the Mughals, and the
seated atop his caparisoned elephant, Mughals kept nominal access to the Delhi throne, shorn beginning of direct rule of India by the British Crown – the
with his family following behind.
of virtually all power. In 1857, after years of being period known as the Raj. The British moved their capital to
throttled by a tyrannical British administration, Indian the less volatile Calcutta (now Kolkata), and administered
soldiers in the ranks of the British armed forces joined Delhi from the leafy Civil Lines district, where their palatial
hands in a nationwide rebellion. United in revolt, mansions and hotels became the hub of British social life.
thousands of soldiers marched to Delhi, where there was The once-thriving area of Shahjahanabad (Old Delhi),
no British garrison stationed. There, they hastily declared meanwhile, was left to fade into obscurity.
the elderly Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last reigning Mughal, By the early 20th century, Calcutta had become a focal
as the emperor of India. point for agitation against British rule, and at the Imperial
The uprising – immortalized in history books as the Durbar of 1911, King George V announced that the Indian
First War of Independence – was short-lived. British capital would once again move back to Delhi. Construction
forces soon regrouped and attacked Delhi, recapturing of the new imperial city, visualized by the architect Edwin
the city after a three-month siege. The aftermath of the Lutyens (see box), began the following year. In 1931, New
revolt was brutal: Company soldiers pillaged the city in Delhi – designed as a grand statement of British imperial
reprisal, killing thousands of Indian soldiers and civilians might – was inaugurated as the new capital. Yet British
and looting their properties. Bahadur Shah Zafar was confidence was short-lived. Within 16 years, they’d be gone.
△ The circular design of New Delhi’s Parliament House is said to be based on an 11th-century temple. It is core, still the heart of India’s government, is
slated to be converted into a museum when parliament moves to a new building, scheduled for 2024. sometimes called Lutyens’ Delhi.
1950 India becomes 1973 The Delhi Agreement 1991 New Delhi is
a republic on 26 is signed between India, designated a National
January, with New Pakistan, and Bangladesh Capital Territory, a
Delhi as the in the aftermath of the status exclusive from
national capital. Bangladesh Liberation War. other Indian states and
union territories.
Mahatma Gandhi
in Delhi, 1939
2002 The Delhi Metro 2010 The 19th 2016 Delhi implements the odd-even
enters active service, Commonwealth Games scheme to reduce traffic
and dramatically are held in New Delhi, congestion, whereby vehicles with
alters public transport as the city is given yet even-numbered plates are allowed
in the city. another facelift. to run only on even dates, and
odd-numbered plates on odd dates.
Over a brief but glorious period of around 230 years, Hampi rose to
become the biggest and most dazzling city of medieval India, before
being brutally sacked and fading into oblivion until the modern era.
In the heart of the Deccan plateau in South India, the placed in charge of repelling the invasion – raised a
ethereal, boulder-strewn landscape around Hampi has long small army and in 1336 set up a new capital at Hampi,
been held sacred for its central role in the ancient Hindu a naturally fortified site on the Tungabhadra river. They Historians believe that
epic Ramayana. It is known in the story as Kishkindha, the named it Vijayanagar – “city of victory”.
during its heyday in the
mythical kingdom of monkeys that lends support to Lord The early kings of Vijayanagar ambitiously pushed the
Rama in his battle against the demon King Ravana. By the boundaries of their kingdom in all directions. By the early early 16th century
10th century, Hampi was well established as a pilgrimage 1400s, the empire had expanded to include almost all of Hampi was the second
centre called Pampa Kshetra, from which its name derives, peninsular South India. The city itself was made almost
and it developed further over the following centuries under impregnable, surrounded by huge stone walls. Successive largest city in the world,
the Hoysala dynasty as a hub for religion and education. kings developed the city's infrastructure, building palaces after Beijing.
and temples, roads and markets, as well as a sophisticated
Dawn of an empire irrigation system of water tanks and canals.
By the early 14th century, the armies of the powerful Delhi
Sultanate to the north were aggressively making incursions
south. With the reigning Hoysala Empire on the verge of
collapse, two brothers, Harihara and Bukka – commanders
The city of Vijayanagar is such that the pupil of the
eye has never seen a place like it, [nor has] there
The nine-tiered, 50-m (160-ft) gopura (entrance tower) of the existed anything to equal it in the world.
Virupaksha Temple dominates Hampi's ruins. The temple has
been a place of active worship for more than a thousand years. ABD-AL-RAZZĀQ, PERSIAN TRAVELLER, 1443
The Hampi region features in the Ramayana as the fabled
monkey kingdom of Kishkindha, depicted here in an
illustrated manuscript from 1653.
Age of gold
Krishna Deva Raya ruled for a brief but eventful period
of 20 years, an era that marked Hampi’s apogee. The
city went through unprecedented development and
beautification. Many of the city’s showcase temples,
statues, and pavilions were completed during this period,
and others were embellished with intricate designs – most
famously the extraordinary stone columns at the Vittala
Temple commonly referred to as the Sa-Re-Ga-Ma
(Do-Re-Mi-Fa) pillars, which, when gently tapped, produce
individual musical notes like a xylophone.
When Domingo Paes, a chronicler hailing from the
nearby Portuguese colony of Goa, visited Hampi in 1520,
he found the city to be of striking beauty. “There are many
groves within it, in the gardens of houses, many conduits
of water which flow into the midst of it, and in places
there are lakes,” he wrote in his journal. He went on to
describe elaborate festivities featuring bejewelled
Vijayanagar is as large as Rome, and very elephants, dancing women, and lavish feasting, held on
an astounding scale.
beautiful to the sight. It is the best provided Traders from faraway lands arrived in chariots laden
The capital of 10 Chinese dynasties, Xi’an was once the world’s largest city,
a huge and bustling trading centre at the end of the Silk Road, adorned
with magnificent Buddhist pagodas and imperial palaces.
Zhou-era bronze
harness ornament
221 bce The area
becomes the site
of Xianyang, the
capital of the first
c. 1000 bce The Zhou
united Chinese state,
establish their capital,
under the Qin.
Fenghao, in the area
southwest of modern
Xi’an. Bronze-working
reaches a peak.
Tang flowering
After the Han dynasty collapsed in the 2nd century ce,
China broke up into several warring kingdoms, and
Chang’an dwindled in importance. It found renewed favour
as the capital of the short-lived Sui dynasty, which reunited
the country in the 6th century, before reaching the height
of its glory in the 8th century under their successors, the
Tang. During the Tang dynasty, this great Silk Road city
bustled with merchants hawking precious spices, fine
This painting, by an 18th-century artist, shows a section of
Chang’an that was modelled on Feng, the hometown of Gaozu, the
first Han emperor. Gaozu reputedly ordered the reconstruction of
Feng’s streets in the capital for his homesick father.
Emperor Gaozu,
meaning “founder”
textiles, exotic woods, and jewellery. Its 108 wards were Destruction and renewal
filled to bursting point with over a million people. Its scale Late Tang Chang’an suffered successive sackings by rebels
was astonishing: the main avenues were up to 100 m and Tibetan raiders in the 8th century. Poets still sang
(330 ft) wide, lined with trees and edged with drainage Chang’an’s praises, but in increasingly melancholy tones. The city’s Tang-era gates
ditches, while its walls were 12 m (40 ft) high, and pierced Weak emperors such as Wu Zong, who had pharmacy were so wide that three
with 12 city gates. A new palace, the Daming, was built to owners beaten if they did not stock the drugs he thought
the north, its walls enclosing huge halls, flower gardens, would give him everlasting life and who built or four carriages could
and the headquarters of the vast imperial bureaucracy. a terrace 45 m (150 ft) high from which pass through at once.
This was a city of faith and learning, packed with to commune with the immortals, did
Buddhist shrines, Confucian temples, and Nestorian little to arrest its decline.
churches. Soaring over them all was the 10-storey,
relic-packed Wild Goose Pagoda, built to house the
precious manuscripts collected by the monk Xuanzang
during a 17-year pilgrimage to India. But there were
warning signs. Powerful eunuchs stirred up intrigue in A merchant rests on his
court; too much wealth was concentrated in the hands of camel in this delicate
the Buddhist monks; and the city grew less diverse – the polychrome ceramic,
typical of many Tang
gardens of the rich, in the eastern part of the city, became sculptures showing
so large that an edict was passed to restrict their size. Silk Road traders.
755 Chang’an is
sacked during
a revolt led by
rebel General
An Lushan.
When smuggler-turned-revolutionary Hung Chao’s rebels a far smaller urban space) and the imposing Bell and Drum △ SOUND AND LIGHT
sacked Chang’an in 880 ce, the city was doomed. The Tang Towers to sound the curfew, but the city then lapsed into The Ming walls and towers of Xi’an are
beautifully highlighted during an evening
collapsed, and the new emperor, Zhu Wen, founder of the comparative obscurity. It was renamed Xi’an (“western sound and light show, featuring traditional
Later Liang dynasty, ordered the city’s wooden buildings to peace”) in 1900, when the empress and her court fled there Chinese dragon dancers. The walls have
be moved en masse to his new capital, Luoyang. during the Boxer Rebellion. China’s industrial growth in the become one of the modern city’s main
tourist attractions.
Although the stone structures became ruined and the late 20th century injected the city with new life – it’s now
once orderly grand avenues were choked with small home to 12 million people, with several universities and a
shops, Chang’an continued as a commercial centre and its large manufacturing base. But above all it is Xi’an’s past
prosperity briefly revived during the time of Marco Polo’s that has renewed its fortunes, in the shape of the million
travels in the 13th century. A restoration came under the tourists who come each year to marvel at the Terracotta
Ming in the 14th century. They built a new city wall (enclosing Army, giving the First Emperor the immortality he craved.
Chang’an’s wooden
buildings and reassemble
them in the new capital,
882 The Daming Palace 1900 The city is renamed
is destroyed during the Xi’an (“western peace”) by 1974 The pits containing
Hung Chao rebellion, as the Qing court, which the Terracotta Warriors
the Tang dynasty enters shelters here during the are discovered by a
its final decline. Boxer Rebellion. local farmer.
Mexico City
Born as Aztec Tenochtitlan, whose temples were destroyed by the Spanish
and reshaped into a colonial settlement of palaces and churches, Mexico
City grew through independence and revolution into the megacity of today.
750 CE The city of 1325 The Aztecs 1487 The Templo Mayor is
Teotihuacan, which at found Tenochtitlan completed in its final form, Aztec sculpture
its peak had 200,000 on the site where and tens of thousands are from Tenochtitlan’s
inhabitants and was for they see an eagle sacrificed over four days Templo Mayor
centuries Mesoamerica’s perching on a in celebration.
largest city, is abandoned. nopal cactus.
It will be revered by the
Aztecs as a sacred place.
The 16th-century Aztec Codex Borbonicus depicts Xolotl
(who helps guide the sun through the underworld) as the
companion of the setting sun, Tonatiuh.
1502 A massive flood hits 1519 November Hernán 1520 June La Noche Triste: the
Tenochtitlan; the Aztec Cortés arrives in Spanish are forced to retreat
tlatoani, Ahuitzotl, is killed and Tenochtitlan with 500 from Tenochtitlan, and 860
Moctezuma II becomes ruler. Spanish troops and Spanish soldiers, five Spanish
tens of thousands of women and more than 1,000
Skull carvings, Indigenous allies. Tlaxcalan warriors are killed.
displayed at the base of
the Templo Mayor
Juan O’Gorman’s mural,
depicting El Grito de Dolores,
shows the priest (and later
general) Miguel Hidalgo
leading revolutionary figures,
one of them bearing the icon
of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
drawing on Aztec imagery to separate themselves from The French invasion of Spain in 1808 and the capture of
Spain. The criollos were also instrumental in the creation Charles IV created a power vacuum in New Spain. In 1810,
and growth of the cult of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In 1648, criollo priest Miguel Hidalgo rang the bell of his church in the
criollo clergyman Miguel Sanchéz published an account small town of Dolores, northwest of Mexico City, in a protest
of the saint appearing to an Indigenous Nahua man a against the injustices of Spanish rule. His Grito de Dolores
century earlier, and leaving her image on his cloak. (“Cry of Dolores”) marked the beginning of an independence
Sanchéz’s story was widely accepted, and Our Lady of war, which in 1821 saw the capture of the city by nationalist
Guadalupe eventually became Mexico’s patron saint – her forces. Exactly three centuries after Cortés had conquered it,
cloak is visited by millions of modern pilgrims every year. Mexico City became the capital of an independent nation.
I paint self-portraits because I am so often One of Mexico’s greatest artists, Frida Kahlo was
born in Coyoacán, in the south of Mexico City. She was
alone, because I am the person I know best. disabled by polio as a child and was almost killed at
18 when her bus collided with a tram, leaving her
FRIDA KAHLO, ARTIST, 1907–54 spine broken in three places, among other horrific
injuries. She began painting from her bed, using a
special easel, with a mirror fixed above it so she
could create self-portraits, and her blend of
Indigenous imagery with Surrealism brought her
international acclaim. She had a tempestuous
relationship with fellow Mexican artist Diego Rivera,
and joined the Mexican Communist Party in 1927,
hosting Soviet revolutionary Leon Trotsky in the
1930s. Her creative output and activism secured her
reputation as a feminist icon, and her former home
of Casa Azul is now a museum.
Carved out of the Central American jungle, the pyramid-temples of Tikal
were the heart of a Maya city-state that dominated the neighbouring
region until its mysterious abandonment in the early 10th century ce.
The Maya established a series of cities in Mesoamerica stelae with inscriptions in the Mayan glyph writing
from around 500 bce. Tikal (its name means “at the well”), system, which glorified their deeds and showed them
which lay in the Guatemalan lowlands close to Lake making sacrifices of their own blood using strings of
Petén Itzá, was one of the smallest of these. When most sharp maguey thorns. Each time, they also built a new
highland cities (such as the larger nearby El Mirador) set of double pyramids near the Great Plaza.
were abandoned around 100 bce, perhaps due to drought From the stelae we know the names of 33 ajaws,
or deforestation, Tikal survived, growing to become a huge beginning in the late 1st century ce. Over the next two
complex of palaces and pyramid-like temples set around centuries, Tikal expanded, until at the time of Chak Tok
a Great Plaza. Its ruler, the ajaw, was a war-leader and Ich’aak I it was one of the most prosperous Maya cities.
spiritual conduit to the gods, conducting ceremonies that In 378 ce, Siyaj K’ak’, an outsider from Teotihuacan,
the Maya believed ensured the city’s continued wellbeing. over 1,000 km (620 miles) away in what is now Mexico,
overthrew Chak Tok Ich’aak. He installed Yax Nuun Ayiin,
Rulers and empire the son of a Teotihuacano noble, as ajaw. The invaders’
The most important of these ceremonies marked the influence grew, and carvings show their distinctive
k’atun, a 20-year cycle in the Maya sacred calendar. At atlatls (spear throwers) and goggle-eyed rain god Tlaloc.
the end of each cycle, the ajaw set up altars and stone Expansion continued under Siyaj Chan K’awiil II, who
presided over a very important baktun ceremony
(marking 20 k’atuns or 400 years)
◁ PANORAMA OF TIKAL in 435 ce, and was buried in a
Around the Great Plaza are Temple I (on the right) and Temple II
(on the left). Below them is the Central Acropolis and at the top the sumptuous tomb under
North Acropolis, where many early ajaws were buried. Temple 33.
562 Tikal suffers a defeat at the 672 Nuun Ujol Chaak returns
hands of Calakmul and a to Tikal, but seven years later
130-year dark age, during which is killed in battle and buried
there are no inscriptions, begins. in a remodelled Temple 33.
c. 700 Temple II is
built as a funerary
monument for Jasaw
Chan K’awiil I’s
511–27 Reign of the 657 Nuun Ujol Chaak 695 Jasaw Chan K’awiil I queen, Lady
“Lady of Tikal”, one is expelled from defeats Calakmul, takes Kalajuun Une’ Mo’.
of the city’s few Tikal by forces its king prisoner and
female rulers. from Calakmul. restores Tikal’s power.
Modern excavations began at Tikal in the 1920s and
discoveries are still being made. Here, archaeologists
work on the interior of a building on the site in the 1950s.
The Inca adorned their imperial capital with grand palaces and temples
before the Spanish conquerors refashioned a colonial city of churches
and plazas, creating a dual heritage that lives on today.
Cusco stands at an elevation of 3,399 m (11,150 ft) in the ruler), and his successors, the city grew slowly, sectioned
Peruvian Andes, ringed by mountains. The area’s defensible into hanan (upper) and hurin (lower) districts. Its layout
position led to its settlement as early as 800 bce by people was oriented along ceques, sacred lines which radiated
Inca myths tell of siblings
of the Chanapata civilization. By 700 ce, organized states through the city, linked by 328 huacas, or sacred spots.
had emerged, with sophisticated towns and skilled artisans. In 1438, the ninth Sapa Inca took the throne. Pachacuti who were guided by the
The region was rich in metals and semiprecious stones, (Earth Shaker) defeated the neighbouring Chanca people sun god Inti to the site of
and it attracted the Wari people, then the Killike, who and began a massive extension of the empire, which
established the first urban centre in Cusco itself, at the eventually stretched north to modern-day Ecuador and Cusco; it’s more likely the
confluence of the Saphy, Huatanay, and Tullumayo rivers. south to Chile’s Atacama desert. Cusco, the capital of this Inca took the area from
Its name in Quechua, the Indigenous language of the realm, was remodelled in the form of a puma to symbolize
the Killike by force.
Andes, means “the navel of the world”. strength, its spine marked by the Tullumayo river, and its
head by Sacsayhuamán fortress. Grand buildings were
A sacred centre constructed using vast stone blocks fitted together without
The Inca arrived in the region around 1200 and took mortar, a characteristic of Inca architecture. In the centre
control of Cusco. For them this was a sacred place of were the palaces and kancha (compounds) of the nobles, set
pilgrimage. Under Manco Cápac, the first Sapa Inca (Inca around the Huacaypata square, where ceremonies were
held and a perpetually lit brazier burnt sacrificial llamas.
Craftsmen and farmworkers lived in the surrounding
◁ ENGRAVING OF CUSCO, 1572 villages in mud-brick houses. They cultivated terraces
This work by Frans Hogenberg and Simon Novellanus features the
Sapa Inca, carried in a palanquin, while, to the left, Sacsayhuamán of maize and potatoes and
is rendered as a three-ringed fort. tended to flocks of llama.
The most splendid of Cusco’s buildings was the Coricancha, Pizarro arrived in 1532. Pizarro kidnapped Atahualpa, stole
or sun temple, its walls adorned with sheets of beaten gold the vast ransom of gold collected by his subjects, and then
symbolizing the sweat of the sun god Inti. Inside lay a garden murdered him. In May 1533, Pizarro marched into Cusco
Cusco, with a population crafted from precious metals and jewellery, including a field with his small force, installed Manco Cápac II as puppet
of around 450,000, of corn with golden stalks. The Punchao, a golden statue of ruler, and proceeded to loot the temples and palaces. The
the infant sun god, received offerings of burnt food and new ruler escaped and subjected the city to a 10-month
receives approximately
chicha (a maize-based drink) brewed by the aqllakuna, siege, at whose height the straw roofs of the city’s buildings
3 million tourists a year, virgins dedicated to the god. The Coricancha was flanked were set ablaze, reducing most of Cusco to ashes.
many of them on their by shrines to the moon goddess Mama Killa (decorated with With the aid of Indigenous allies, Pizarro retook the city,
silver, representing her tears) and Illapa, the thunder deity. and the remaining Inca nobility fled to the jungle city of
way to visit the Inca Vilcabamba, where they resisted for nearly 40 years. The
ruins at Machu Picchu. The Spanish conquest Spanish rebuilt Cusco in their own image, replacing the
In 1524, disaster struck. Smallpox, transmitted along trade palaces and shrines with new churches and convents
routes after the Spanish arrival in the Caribbean in 1492, faced with limestone. Some Inca nobles became integrated
devastated the empire and was the likely cause of the with the Spanish elite, who lived in villas in the city. The
death of the Sapa Inca, Huayna Cápac. His sons Atahualpa common people were forced into reducciones, new
and Huáscar each claimed the throne, and a bloody civil settlements established to control them better, and
war broke out just before Spanish conquistador Francisco had to at least nominally convert to Christianity.
damaged many Spanish-era buildings, revealing Inca wear traditional brightly coloured textiles, and drink chicha.
foundations that had resisted the tremor’s violent shaking. In 1995, local authorities adopted the Quechuan spelling
Gradually the old Inca city was rediscovered and its Qosqo for the city. Five centuries after Pachacuti, the earth This Spanish convent was built over an Inca
Indigenous culture treasured once more. The city became had shaken once more, and revived Cusco’s Inca roots. temple, and some Inca masonry remains.
△ Petra The Theatre at Petra was carved into the mountainside in the 1st century ce. △ Damascus A 16th-century depiction of a Mamluk governor and his retinue.
Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders founded around 1100 ce. Situated turned it into a royal capital of
of the Ancient World. Alexander on a trade route for salt and gold, Great Zimbabwe fabulous wealth, its skyline
the Great made it his capital and it rapidly prospered, becoming a The Great Stone House
studded with the tapering bell-
died there in 323 bce, after which key centre of the Mali Empire in shaped towers of its temples and
the city went into decline. the 1300s. Mali’s greatest ruler, In the southeast of modern pagodas (reputed to be more than
Mansa Musa, endowed it with Zimbabwe, Great Zimbabwe’s four million in number). Mongol
the fortress-like mudbrick extensive ruins make it one of the attacks in the late 13th century
Leptis Magna Djinguereber mosque in 1327, most imposing ancient sites in shook the Burmese kingdom and
The New City
and the city became a centre of sub-Saharan Africa. The centre of Bagan went into decline, although
Islamic scholarship, with a thriving empire based on the it has continued to be the object of
Lying on the Libyan coast, Leptis madrasas, a university, and gold trade, it originated around religious and secular pilgrimage.
Magna contains one of the finest libraries packed with precious 900 ce when its Shona rulers built
surviving Roman cityscapes. manuscripts. When a Moroccan a vast acropolis and the huge
Founded by the Phoenicians in the army wrested it from the Songhai Great Enclosure. Trade in ivory, Angkor
7th century bce, under the Romans Empire in 1591, Timbuktu copper, and shells to the coast
City of Temples
it became a modestly prosperous diminished, becoming, for made Great Zimbabwe’s rulers
town based on olive oil production. Westerners, an archetype of an rich. Overworking of the gold Around 6 km (4 miles) north of
Only when local boy Septimius impossibly distant place. mines, deforestation, and drought Siem Reap in Cambodia, Angkor
Severus became Roman emperor may all have led to its downfall in was the capital of the Khmer
in 193 ce did it achieve real wealth. the 15th century, when it became Empire from the 9th century.
He funded a new forum, a huge Lalibela a ruin. A carved soapstone bird, A holy as well as a royal city, the
triumphal arch, and colonnaded City of Rock-Cut Churches discovered at the site in 1891, has massive towers of its main temple,
streets, making Leptis one of the become a symbol of the country, Angkor Wat, were built in the 12th
grandest cities in North Africa. Situated in northern Ethiopia, appearing on its coins and flag. century to represent Mount Meru,
Attacks by local tribes and then Lalibela is composed of a dozen the sacred Hindu five-peaked
the Vandals in the 5th century remarkable churches, excavated mountain. Its walls were adorned
destroyed its prosperity and when into the rock and divided by a Bagan with a riot of scenes from Hindu
the Arabs conquered it in 647 ce, labyrinth of channels. Work was City of Four Million Pagodas mythology. Successive monarchs
only a few inhabitants remained. begun in the late 12th century on built other temples and it became
the orders of the Christian Ethiopian Covering a vast plain on the east a place of pilgrimage. When the
ruler Lalibela, who wanted to build bank of the Irrawaddy river in Khmer Empire weakened, Angkor
Timbuktu a new Jerusalem following that Myanmar, Bagan is a complex of deteriorated, and after the capital
Pearl of the Desert city’s capture by Muslims. Although more than 2,000 surviving temples. was sacked by the Siamese in
some of the buildings may have From 1044 to 1287, Bagan was the 1431, it was abandoned, its
Its towering mosques for centuries been royal houses, it remained a capital of the Pagan Empire, the thousands of temples eventually
a landmark on the edge of the holy site, and is still populated by first united Burmese kingdom, claimed by the jungle. Restoration
Sahara Desert, Timbuktu was monks, priests, and pilgrims. and during this time its rulers began in the early 20th century.
△ Timbuktu The North Side of Timbuktoo by explorer Heinrich Barth, 1857. △ Bagan The temples and pagodas of Bagan, in Myanmar’s Mandalay region.
London p.86 Berlin p.118 Prague p.108 Moscow p.124
Oxford Kraków
Québec City p.146
Bangkok p.140
240 A temple is
c. 47 CE Roman invaders built to the god
establish a settlement Mithras, who was
called Londinium on the worshipped by many
banks of the Thames. Roman soldiers.
From dynamic medieval city to imperial capital and
global metropolis, London has always looked out
from its riverside site to a wide world of opportunity.
The Romans invaded England in the 1st century ce, crossing the Thames as they
fought their way into what is now Essex. Recognizing the river’s strategic value
and potential for trade, the Romans built a walled town there and called it Londinium.
Around a decade after their arrival, a rebellion led by East Anglian Iceni people
under Queen Boudicca ravaged the city. But for most of the Roman occupation,
London thrived, and a forum, basilica, and baths were built, alongside a military fort.
A developing capital
After the Romans left around 400 ce, the area became home to the Anglo-Saxons,
a newly arrived Germanic people from northern Europe. They repelled Viking
incursions, and held London until the Normans conquered England in 1066. The
Norman kings, and the Plantagenets that followed them, built the Tower of London
and the first stone bridge over the Thames, and made London the seat of England’s
first parliament. The city, still confined to its Roman walls, became England’s capital
and developed as a river port, building links with foreign cities such as Hamburg and
Bremen. London was also a major religious centre, with links to Canterbury – the
headquarters of the English Church – and a palace for the archbishop.
871 A large Viking raid C. 1100 The White Tower, 1157 The Hanseatic League,
on London sees the the tallest part of the a powerful group of
Norse army camp Tower of London, is European merchants,
inside the city walls finished as a key gains the right to trade
for much of the winter. element in the city’s without tolls in London.
military defences.
Henry II ordered a
stone-built London Bridge
in 1176, replacing the timber
structures of the Romans, 1170 Archbishop Thomas
Saxons, and Normans. It was Becket is murdered in
eventually replaced Canterbury. He is canonized
and later becomes
1065 Westminster in 1831. London’s patron saint. 1264 The first parliament
Abbey, outside to sit in London takes
the city walls, Pilgrim badge depicting St Thomas Becket, place, monitoring and
is completed. 14th century controlling royal power.
1592 William
Shakespeare is first
1485 Henry VII, the
recorded working
first Tudor king, takes
1559 Elizabeth I is crowned as an actor and
the crown and ushers
in Westminster Abbey and Elizabethan dramatist in London.
in a period of peace
is welcomed by Londoners
and prosperity. theatres were sited
as a defender of England
against Catholicism. outside the city walls for
fear their audiences would
cause disorder and
spread the plague.
Portrait of Elizabeth I,
painted in the 1560s
1534 England breaks
with the Roman
Catholic Church, 1580 Local laws limiting the
starting decades of building of new houses lead to
religious and social the overcrowding of existing
ferment. homes in the city.
War, fire, and rebirth Puritan rule, the monarchy was restored. The theatres were
In the 1640s, the atmosphere in the city changed. A civil soon open again, an observatory was built at Greenwich,
war began in which Parliament and the monarchy clashed and tea and coffee became fashionable. Disaster struck in Fire destroyed the Royal
for power. Parliament won the war and London was briefly the 1660s, in the form of an outbreak of bubonic plague and Exchange, the Guildhall,
the capital of a republic led by austere Protestants known the devastating Great Fire. The fire began at a bakery and
87 churches, and over
as Puritans. The king was beheaded outside the royal raged for five days through the city’s mostly timber-framed
Banqueting House, the city’s theatres were closed, and buildings. Even stone structures such as churches and the 13,200 houses, and made
pastimes such as dancing were banned. London’s relaxed Royal Exchange were burned out. The rich moved out to
100,000 people homeless.
cultural life came to an end, and even the prevailing fashions the country and normal life came to a standstill as London
became more sombre. Yet after just over a decade of faced its greatest crisis since the Roman period.
1665–66 An outbreak of
bubonic plague hits
1600 The British East London, killing around
India Company is set 100,000 people and
up in London to trade leading many to flee
with Asia. Charles I’s death warrant, signed by 59 commissioners (judges), including Oliver Cromwell the city.
△ Louis Dodd’s painting of the Thames shows how St Paul’s dominated London’s △ A draft design of the dome of
skyline before the tall office blocks of the 20th century. The much-lauded St Paul’s, from around 1690, shows
structure, designed by Wren in the English Baroque style, was completed in 1710. the dome’s lower inner ceiling.
Born in 1632, Sir Christopher Wren trained as a professor of astronomy and was one of the
founders of London’s Royal Society. But he was increasingly drawn to architecture, and by
the 1660s was advising on the restoration of a dilapidated St Paul’s Cathedral. His plans were The extent and variety
of the… works of Sir
interrupted: in 1665 plague struck London, followed in 1666 by the Great Fire. Wren was
asked to rebuild the ruined cathedral and at least 50 other fire-damaged churches. His work
transformed London, with elegant, practical churches whose steeples towered over the
rebuilt city. With its huge dome, St Paul’s remains one of the city’s most outstanding buildings.
Christopher Wren can
The inventive Wren, who combined a mastery of geometry with European Baroque influences,
hardly be rivalled.
also designed a new wing of the royal palace at Hampton Court and a vast complex of
buildings at the naval hospital (now the Old Royal Naval College) in Greenwich. MARGARET WHINNEY, CHRISTOPHER WREN, 1971
1863 The Metropolitan 1875 Joseph Bazalgette’s 1940 The London 1960s “Swinging
Railway, London’s first vast sewage system is Blitz begins, and London” becomes
Underground line, opens completed, making German bombs kill a centre of fashion
between Paddington London a far many Londoners and and youth culture.
and Farringdon. healthier place. destroy buildings.
Fashion designer Mary Quant,
who advertised on London buses,
popularized the mini skirt in the
1960s, and brought bold, colourful
clothes to millions of young women.
By the end of the 1980s, however, London was booming markets flourish, but people with lower incomes are
again as a successful financial centre with a modernized often squeezed out as a result. Yet this dynamic city
stock exchange. Waves of new office developments such continues to face its future with optimism. Visitors flock
as Canary Wharf in the former Docklands area brought to a reconstructed Globe Theatre and the gleaming London
skyscrapers to London, transforming the city’s appearance. Eye observation wheel, while the 2012 Olympics saw the
London quickly looked more modern, and Wren’s elegant city bask in the limelight and show off its many assets,
churches were dwarfed by the new developments. from its royal parks and Georgian streets to great pubs, ▽ THE SHARD
The tallest of London’s wave of modern
Prosperity has brought challenges: gentrification has fine museums, and the great sweep of the Thames where skyscrapers is the Shard (left), a 72-storey
smartened up many neighbourhoods and seen food it all began almost 2,000 years ago. tapering tower near London Bridge.
From a Celtic encampment on the banks of the Seine, Paris grew to become
one of the most influential and dazzling capitals of the late 19th century. Its
tale is woven from a love affair with art, architecture, and the avant-garde.
The heart of Paris was pinpointed in the 3rd century bce Medieval Paris
when a nomadic tribe of Celtic Gauls known as the Parisii The city’s position at an important crossing on the Seine
settled on an island – Ile de la Cité today – in the Seine proved advantageous, and medieval Paris flourished.
river. These early warriors lived in simple wattle-and-daub After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the town was
huts. They buried their dead with their chariots and were occupied by Frankish King Clovis I who made it the seat of
sophisticated enough to mint gold coins for trading. his new kingdom. It was now firmly known as Paris, after
But the flooding Seine proved unpredictable. When its original settlers. By the 11th century, political stability
invading Romans conquered the area in 52 bce, they was achieved and cobblers, cloth-makers, apothecaries,
destroyed the island settlement and chose to build a and shipbuilders formed guilds, creating a powerful
new town – Lutetia – on higher land across the water collective voice for the city’s earliest artists and artisans.
on the river’s left bank. Lutetia was laid out in a typical The establishment of the University of Paris in around
grid pattern with a central axis leading to a bridge 1170 gave the city an academic cachet it would never
spanning the river. By the 1st century ce, the town had lose. An influx of scholars from around Europe mingled on
become a prosperous river port with 5 to 10 thousand the left bank, communicating in Latin and lending the area
inhabitants and a guild of nautes (boatmen) whose early a new nickname, the “Latin Quarter”. This was a period of
sailing vessels appear on the Paris coat of arms. frenetic construction and development. The marais
Gladiatorial combats and other entertainments filled (swamp) on the right bank was drained and became a hub
the amphitheatre and a parade of shops sold, among of commerce, while city walls – replaced centuries later
other wares, perfumed oils and plant essences to enjoy by a ring of boulevards – were built and reinforced with a
in three public baths. garrison fortress at the Louvre. Many other landmarks
appeared at this time. On Ile de la Cité, construction began
in 1163 of a magnificent Gothic cathedral – Notre-Dame
◁ LE CARREAU DES HALLES, 1880 de Paris – and in 1248 extraordinary stained-glass
Les Halles was established as the city's main marketplace in
the 12th century. It has taken many forms, including the fresh windows in a newly erected Sainte-Chapelle were the
produce market shown in this painting by Victor Gabriel Gilbert. most glorious thing Paris had ever seen.
Gold coin of the Parisii 52 bce The Romans 509 King Clovis I makes
conquer the area and Paris the capital of his
build a new town unified kingdom
called Lutetia. of the Franks.
As Paris expanded during the Middle
Ages, successive rings of walls were
constructed to defend the city, as shown in
this map of 1578. Beyond the walls to the
north, Catherine de' Medici's Jardins des
Tuileries had just been landscaped.
Age of Enlightenment
Paris was nicknamed la ville lumière ("city of light") for The secret of freedom lies
in educating people, whereas the
its role in the Enlightenment. Years of religious feuding
between Catholics and Protestants under Henri IV and the
I want to be a second
Augustus… because Augustus…
Haussmanns redesign
1898 Building begins on the 1905 Lurid paintings exhibited 1919 Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott
first Métro line, inaugurated at the autumn Salon are Fitzgerald, and other expat writers
two years later with Art slammed by art critics as the make Sylvia Beach’s English-
Nouveau station entrances by work of fauves (wild cats). language bookshop, Shakespeare
architect Hector Guimard. Fauvism is born. & Company, their hangout.
Fashion is not something that exists in
dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the
street, fashion has to do with ideas, the
way we live, what is happening…
Modern times
The wildly popular love song "La Vie en Rose", written by
Edith Piaf on a Champs-Elysées café terrace in 1945,
boosted low morale in post-war Paris. Equally
sensational – albeit more risqué – was the arrival of the
bikini, designed by French engineer Louis Réard and
launched at a Paris public pool in 1946.
In May 1968, the Latin Quarter was taken over by young
people and workers. What began as a protest against the
war in Vietnam became an expression of discontent with
the government that spread throughout the country.
In the 1970s and 80s, French presidents commissioned
huge public buildings with ground-breaking architecture
known as grands projets. The topsy-turvy Centre
Pompidou featured interior pipes and workings on its
facade. When the iconic glass pyramid at the Louvre was
unveiled in 1989, Parisians gasped in horror. Landmark
21st-century architecture includes the Philharmonie de
Paris and the resurrected Gare d’Austerlitz, both by
French architect Jean Nouvel.
In 2019, fire broke out at Notre-Dame and heartbroken
Parisians wept as the spire of their cathedral – the
spiritual heart of Paris – tumbled to the ground. The
French president promised to rebuild it in time for the
Paris Summer Olympics in 2024.
Paris has inspired countless photographs, paintings,
and stories. Its streets and bridges, which still conjure
the charm of the “beautiful age”, have formed the
backdrop of films directed by the likes of Charlie Chaplin,
Billy Wilder, Baz Luhrmann, and Julie Delpy, among many
others. Creatively, the city still thrives, remaining a global
influence in fashion and the visual arts, and adding
stunning contemporary icons to its elegant skyline.
Medieval prosperity paved the way for the small
city-state of Florence to herald the Renaissance,
and become a masterpiece in its own right.
1402 Sculptor 1419 Work begins 1436 Brunelleschi 1498 The dictatorial
Lorenzo Ghiberti on the Ospedale sees his design Girolamo Savonarola,
wins a competition degli Innocenti, for the octagonal ruler of Florence
to produce bronze designed cathedral dome from 1494, is
baptistery doors by Filippo come to fruition. executed in Rome.
for the cathedral. Brunelleschi.
1527 Republicans
expel the Medici
from the city.
1537 Cosimo de’ Medici
(known as Cosimo I)
becomes Duke of Florence
and begins a major
building programme.
Central Florence still
has the character of
a Renaissance city,
dominated by the
cathedral and the
nearby church of
San Lorenzo.
with artists and architects. Visiting writers, such as British overwhelmed by severe flooding in 1966, causing
art critic and social reformer John Ruskin, and poets irreparable damage to its artistic heritage, with many
Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, spread the city’s masterpieces destroyed. The Arno’s banks have held fast
fame still more widely. By the late 19th century, when many since then, and Florence has found its feet once more, with
Florentines had abandoned their city, more than 1 in 7 of a thriving industrial and commercial life, including a strong △ TRAVEL POSTER
Florence’s residents were from Britain. design sector. The city’s medieval artisanal legacy is clear In the 1920s, when this poster
was printed, Florence was
The 20th century saw Florence facing mixed fortunes. to see in the homegrown design talents of Gucci, originally actively promoting itself as a
Respect for the city’s history generally defeated plans to a purveyor of leather luggage; the luxury goods company tourist destination.
erect modern buildings (with the exception of a Modernist Salvatore Ferragamo; and print and pattern supremo
railway station), but bitter fighting around Florence during Emilio Pucci. The other main pillar of the economy is, of
World War II left its mark. Retreating German forces blew course, tourism. Today’s “grand tourists” throng the fragile
up all the bridges across the Arno, except the Ponte historical centre and marvel at Brunelleschi’s mighty
Vecchio, necessitating a huge post-war reconstruction cathedral dome, rising above a terracotta and cream
campaign. Further setbacks came when the city was tableau barely changed since the Renaissance.
Having flourished in the Middle Ages and shone briefly during the
Renaissance, in the 19th century Prague became a melting pot of ideas –
and a cultural centre where the Czech people found their identity.
The valley of the Vltava river lies in the heart of Europe, God and empire
in the area known as Bohemia, now part of the Czech The Přemyslids oversaw the growth of a bustling town,
Republic. By around 500 bce it was occupied by Celtic with a bridge over the river and a market in a vast square
tribes, but over the next millennium other groups arrived, on the right bank, in the area now called the Old Town.
including Germanic peoples and Franks, followed in the The market attracted merchants from Germany, who
6th century ce by Slavs, who won the upper hand. traded along the river or travelled on roads that met in
According to legend, Prague was founded by two of the Old Town Square. Prague also became home to a
these Slavs, Princess Libuše and her husband Přemysl, substantial Jewish community.
who became the first rulers of a dynasty that would last However, the Přemyslid dynasty ended in 1306, when
over 400 years. The Přemyslids first settled on the craggy Václav III died leaving only an illegitimate daughter. Prague
hill at Vyšehrad, on the right bank of the Vltava, and later soon became part of the Holy Roman Empire, and Emperor
built Prague Castle on the opposite bank. One of their Charles IV boosted the importance of the city by making it
number was the pious Duke Václav. His younger brother, his capital. Charles, the most revered of Prague’s medieval
Boleslav, was jealous of his power and – perhaps under rulers, also rebuilt the castle, began work on the cathedral,
the influence of his mother – murdered Václav at a constructed a new stone bridge over the river, and, in
religious feast. Václav, seen as a Christian martyr, was 1348, founded the Charles University. Prague had become
made a saint. He is now best known by his Western name, one of Europe’s finest cities. However, soon its people’s
St Wenceslas, and his legendary piety is celebrated in the reforming instincts would spark war.
carol “Good King Wenceslas”. It would not be the last time
Prague would celebrate faith – or see blood shed for it.
I see a vast city, whose glory
CHURCH OF OUR LADY BEFORE TYN, 1866 will touch the stars!
This view of Prague’s Old Town Square is by Ferdinand
Lepié. The Old Town Hall is visible on the left. ATTRIBUTED TO QUEEN LIBUŠE, 9TH CENTURY
In addition, Rudolf produced a charter for religious Prague became a grand and sophisticated city, home to
freedom, giving the city’s Protestants hope that they some of Europe’s finest musicians and an elegant social
might one day be free of Habsburg rule. But tensions scene, with Mozart a rapturously received visitor. Yet
continued. In 1618, a group of Protestant nobles threw while its centre projected wealth and harmony, there Prague’s Žižkov district
two royal governors out of a window in the castle; the was brutal poverty – in 1771 a sixth of the population is named after Jan
following year the nobles removed the emperor, died from famine, some in streets just a few feet from
Ferdinand II, from the Bohemian throne and installed the ornate doors of abbeys and palaces.
Žižka, who defended the
their own candidate. These events sparked the Thirty city from imperial
Years’ War, which pitted Protestant against Catholic A cultural capital
forces in 1420, and
across Europe. A year after the 1619 coup, the Protestant By the beginning of the 19th century, the city was
Czechs were brutally defeated by the Habsburg army at expanding, with the development of its first suburb, whose use of armoured
the Battle of White Mountain, just outside Prague. There Karlín, to help accommodate a population that had wagons anticipated
followed 27 executions in the city’s Old Town Square. more than doubled in the 18th century. Although many
of the new arrivals were Czechs, Prague was still part of
modern tank warfare.
Building a Baroque beauty the Habsburg Empire, and its rulers, the educated class
During the conflict, Ferdinand II moved the imperial and manufacturers who were beginning to develop the
capital to Vienna. Prague fell into decline and Protestants city’s industry, spoke German. The bureaucracy was
still suffered persecution. The Jesuits, prominent in the complex, and this “Germanization” caused resentment,
city, played a major part in the discrimination, but by the and a rise in nationalist sentiment.
mid-17th century, when European life became more
settled, they gave Prague a more positive legacy. To
bolster their power and create platforms from which …it was not freedom that most influenced
they could preach, the Jesuits began a major building
programme, remodelling most of the city’s churches and the shape and spirit of Prague, it was the
constructing an enormous monastic college called the
Clementinum. Around its five main courtyards were unfreedom, the life of servitude, the many
St Clement’s church, other churches and chapels, lecture
halls, and a vast library. These facilities, combined with ignominious defeats and cruel military
the Jesuits’ formidable teaching skills, made the complex
an important European centre of learning. Like many of occupations.
Prague’s late-17th- and 18th-century buildings, the
Clementinum was built in the ornate Baroque style.
Prague’s Baroque buildings were grand on the outside,
but their true glory was their interior decoration and
layout, featuring huge columns, much carving and
gilding, dramatic lighting effects, painted ceilings,
and statues that were often larger than life.
1848 A Czech
nationalist uprising 1891 The Jubilee 1912 The Obecní
against the imperial Exhibition (World Fair) Dům arts and
rulers is unsuccessful. is held in the city. civic centre opens.
The 19th century saw Prague’s growth continue, as the
population rose, industry expanded with the exploitation of
coal and iron in the nearby countryside, and railway and
tram lines were built. As the middle class became richer
and more numerous, they longed more than ever to see
Prague as the capital of an independent state.
Knowing they stood no chance in a military struggle, they
focused on culture and education, reviving the literary use
of the Czech language and encouraging the study of Czech
history. A monumental new National Museum and other
grand civic buildings were constructed. Czech architects
and artists designed and decorated them in a range of
styles, from Renaissance to Art Nouveau (see box), making
Prague a world-class cultural centre. The venues attracted
writers and musicians, while composers such as Bedřich
Smetana, and Antonín Dvořák wrote music that brought
Czech history to life. Perhaps the greatest of all the new
buildings was the Obecní Dům (Municipal House), its
auditorium and exhibition halls gloriously decorated with
Art Nouveau murals, tiling, and plasterwork.
A nation again
World War I saw the defeat of the Habsburgs’ Austro-
Hungarian Empire, and Prague was made the capital of
the new Republic of Czechoslovakia. The city was now
home to a government that ran a small but successful
democracy. Prague remained welcoming to new trends in
art and design, and Modernist, flat-roofed buildings sprang liberalisation under communist leader Alexander Dubček △ PRAGUE SPRING
up on Prague’s streets. For 20 years, the city prospered, that was brutally suppressed by Soviet Russia. Later, In August 1968, Soviet Russian troops
invaded Czechoslovakia to put an end
but it was occupied during World War II by the Nazis, who Prague played a key role in the defeat of communism in to the Prague Spring and reimposed
extended their repressive regime across the country. the peaceful 1989 uprising that became known as the totalitarian rule. Young Czechs waving
The war was followed by a 40-year period of totalitarian Velvet Revolution. Since then, the city has become vibrant the Czechoslovak national flag staged
a protest in Wenceslas Square.
communist rule, when the city was cut off from the again. Visitors have poured in to discover one of Europe’s
capitalist world. The population had many of their human most beautiful cities and exiled Czechs have returned.
rights removed and there were shortages of essential Prague continues to balance historic beauty and modern
goods. In 1968 came the Prague Spring, a brief period of life, valuing above all its rich cultural legacy.
1948 The Czech 1955 The world’s largest 1993 Prague becomes capital
Communist Party statue of Stalin is erected of the Czech Republic after
takes power after in Letná Park; it is the Czechs and Slovaks
winning a landslide destroyed in 1962. agree a Velvet Divorce.
election result.
Politician and
philosopher Tomáš
Masaryk, the first Czech
president, remains a symbol
of democracy in
the country.
For over 600 years, Vienna lay at the heart of the vast Habsburg Empire.
The city was celebrated for its grand buildings and fine music, and later
for cultivating radical advances in art, design, science, and philosophy.
Vienna’s position on the Wien river in the fertile Danube city their capital. Emperor Maximilian I was a keen patron
basin made it attractive to many incoming peoples, from of the arts and sciences, and founded the Vienna Boys’
the ancient Celts to the Romans. It was the Celts who Choir in 1498, beginning a tradition of fine music-making.
called the place Vindobona, the origin of the name Vienna. One of his successors, Ferdinand I, gave the imperial court
The Romans adopted this title when they established a a magnificent new home, the Hofburg, and the court
garrison at the site in the 1st century ce, drawn by its attracted some of Europe’s best artists and craftsmen.
location on the ancient Amber Road trading route. Habsburg forces repelled an Ottoman invasion in 1683,
Other Central European tribes followed, including the leaving Vienna free to thrive as an imperial city and centre
Slavs and Avars, but the invaders with the most lasting of commerce. It was transformed in the 18th century with
impact were the Franks. They appointed dukes from the construction of streets of Baroque townhouses, ornate
outside Austria to govern border areas (marches), such as courtiers’ mansions, and the glorious Belvedere palaces.
the land around Vienna. In the early 9th century, their king, This building boom was led by Emperor Charles VI and
Charlemagne, brought Vienna into the Holy Roman Empire, then by his daughter, Maria Theresa, both of whom were
where it remained for over 1,000 years. It became an enthusiastic patrons of musicians. One of their favourites
increasingly important city under the Habsburg dynasty, was Mozart, who composed many of his greatest operas
who began their long rule with Rudolf I in 1278. and orchestral pieces in Vienna, including The Marriage
of Figaro. He had first visited the city as a six-year-old
Habsburg Vienna musical prodigy, performing in the glittering
Vienna grew and prospered under the Habsburgs. Mirrors Room of the Schönbrunn Palace. Many
They rebuilt the cathedral, remodelled other others followed Mozart, giving the city a reputation
churches, founded the university, and made the as Europe’s musical capital.
This painting of the Kohlmarkt at the
end of the 19th century shows its
rows of fashionable shops, some
with elaborate Baroque facades,
extending towards the Hofburg.
1156 The Frankish
Babenberg dynasty
begin their rule over 1438 Albrecht V
Vienna, capital of the gives Vienna the
Eastern March duchy. title of Kaiserstadt
(“imperial city”).
1781 Wolfgang
Amadeus Mozart
moves to Vienna,
1683 Vienna withstands where he composes
a lengthy siege by the and performs some
Ottoman Turks, thanks of his greatest music.
in part to its strong
fortifications. Empress Maria Theresa’s gold carriage
The dawn of the 19th century signalled more turbulent Ringstrasse grandeur
times. Occupation by Napoleon, in both 1805 and 1809, Under Emperor Franz Joseph (r. 1848–1916), the modern
was followed by a period of authoritarian rule presided city began to take shape. With the plan of connecting the
Vienna has over 40 over by a powerful chief minister, Prince Metternich. In suburbs with the imperial centre, the old fortifications
palaces, several of 1848, as revolutions swept through Europe, the Viennese were razed and replaced with a broad new street – the
middle classes rose up, demanding liberal reform. Ringstrasse, inaugurated in 1865. Circling the city, the
which belonged to the
Metternich was removed during the March Revolution Ring featured Vienna’s first public park and a number of
imperial family, one and a less oppressive regime ensued. However, a final stately museums. Beyond were streets of new houses to
to the archbishop, and rebellion, the Vienna Uprising in October of the same year, accommodate an expanding population, which included
saw bloodshed and harsh suppression by imperial troops. immigrants and traders from all over the empire.
many to the empire’s The grand Neoclassical style of the Ring was soon so
highest-ranking noble widespread that many people began to look down on it as
old-fashioned. Despite this traditional setting, Vienna was
families. Nearly all are
still a centre for the latest in music (Brahms, Bruckner, and
in the Baroque style. the Strauss family all worked in the city, while Mahler was
conductor at the opera). Sigmund Freud developed his
theory of psychoanalysis while a resident. Vienna’s coffee
houses were popular places to meet and share ideas,
frequented by businessmen, writers, and artists alike.
1848 Sympathy
with revolutionary
Hungary sparks
October’s Vienna 1897 A group of
Uprising. artists found the 1899 The ornate
Vienna Secession; Majolikahaus opens,
painters like Gustav exemplifying
Klimt transform art. Jugendstil.
art into the home, via anything from tea sets to textiles. as a key location for the United Nations and as the site of
political summits. Vienna is regularly ranked as one of
Political upheavals the world’s most livable places – thanks to its green
Although Vienna’s culture flourished in the late 19th and spaces, efficient public transport, and low crime – and it
early 20th centuries, the city fared less well politically. remains a city of stunning beauty that has preserved an
The Habsburg emperors lived grandly but their influence unparalleled heritage of music and art.
1938 Hitler gives a speech 1944 The Allies 1979 Vienna becomes 2019 Vienna tops the
in front of the Hofburg bomb Vienna a major HQ of the Mercer Quality of
Palace announcing the during World United Nations, Living Index for the
annexation of Austria War II. alongside New York 10th year running.
into Nazi Germany. City, Nairobi, The
Hague, and Geneva.
In its passage from Prussian pre-eminence to foreign occupation,
economic boom town to city divided – and eventually reunited – Berlin
has shown an unrivalled ability to rise from its ruins.
Legend attributes the founding of Berlin to a figure known during the Thirty Years’ War between Catholic forces
as Albert the Bear. He was a margrave, or nobleman, who loyal to the Holy Roman Emperor and Swedish-backed
ruled the area of Brandenburg, in what is now northeast Protestant armies. The city’s neutrality meant it was
Germany, from 1157 to 1170. Whether Albert truly did plundered and pillaged by both sides. Reconstruction was
found the future capital is disputed, but a bear emblem still carried out by Friedrich Wilhelm, who encircled the city
features on the city’s coat of arms. The first historical with new defences, created new neighbourhoods, and laid
mention of Berlin occurs in 1237. At that time it was out the Lustgarten and Unter den Linden. He also
conjoined with Cölln, on the opposite bank of the Spree encouraged the settlement of refugees, including Jews
river. Within a century, the two had merged into a single from Vienna and Huguenots expelled from France.
town, gaining sufficient status to become a member of the
Hanseatic League of free-trading northern European cities. The rise of the Prussian capital
In 1411, the region of Brandenburg came under the Friedrich Wilhelm’s successors assumed the title of kings
governorship of Friedrich of Hohenzollern, who of Prussia. His great-grandson, Friedrich II (also known as
established Berlin as his capital. Just over 30 years later, Frederick the Great), took Prussia into a series of wars with
the Hohenzollerns built Berlin Castle on what is now Spree Austria and Russia, but also initiated ambitious projects in
Island. Despite the fortifications, Berlin suffered heavily his royal capital, including the Staatsoper (State Opera) and
the palace that now houses the Humboldt University. By the
late 18th century, such was Berlin’s military and economic
◁ METROPOLIS, 1917 might, and so highly was it regarded as a centre of
Scarred by his experiences as a soldier, George Grosz
completed this hellish vision of a Berlin gone mad and Enlightenment thinkers and religious freedoms, that
doomed to its own destruction at the height of World War I. citizens referred to the city as “Athens on the Spree”.
1830 A first museum 1894 Following 10 years of 1918 With the end
opens on Museumsinsel construction, the of World War I,
(Museum Island), the Neo-Baroque Reichstag Berlin becomes the
Königliches Museum, is opened as the new capital of the Republic
later renamed the Altes 1866 Otto Von Bismarck, prime Berlin home of the of Germany.
Museum (Old Museum). minister of Prussia, is attacked German parliament.
by a would-be assassin on
Berlin’s Unter den Linden.
Helmet worn
1806 Napoleon by Otto Von
conquers Berlin Bismarck
and removes the 1871 As Wilhelm I is
statue of Victory proclaimed German Kaiser 1905 Kaiser Wilhelm II’s
from the top of the (“emperor”) at Versailles, imposing Protestant
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin becomes the capital cathedral, the Berliner
sending it to Paris. of a newly unified Germany. Dom, is completed.
In April 1945, Soviet leader Josef Stalin sent 2.5 million troops,
7,500 aircraft, 6,250 tanks, and 41,600 guns in an assault on
Berlin, reducing much of the city to piles of smouldering rubble.
Berlin became one of the greatest cities in Europe, a true
Weldstadt, or “world city”. Electric trams zipped along
crowded streets, past the Hotel Excelsior – with 600
rooms, the continent’s largest hotel – and the recently
completed Berliner Dom, a cathedral designed to rival
even the splendour of St Peter’s in Rome. This was a city
of modernity, industry, and power, lit up by electricity, with
giant zeppelin airships drifting overhead. American
humorist Mark Twain visited and likened Berlin to Chicago:
he called it the “newest city I have ever seen”.
While Berlin seemed to welcome the outbreak of war in
1914, euphoria eventually gave way to the despair of
defeat. The Kaiser abdicated in 1918 and Germany became
a republic with a constitution forged in the town of Weimar,
where politicians had fled from the chaos of the capital.
By 1924, however, thanks to an American-led aid plan, mass poverty. The threat of anarchy enabled the rise of
Berlin had managed to bounce back. Once again bursting political extremism that ultimately led to Adolf Hitler being
with energy, it was a centre of industry and science, radical sworn in as chancellor on 30 January 1933. Four weeks In 1923, Berlin
art and decadent entertainment, a mix exemplified in the later, an unknown arsonist burned the Reichstag, home of businesses paid their
Expressionist science-fiction film Metropolis (1927), with the German parliament in Berlin, to the ground.
its scenes of toiling workers and humanoid robots. Berlin was devastated by the war that Hitler instigated. employees twice a day to
Just as the United States had helped start the party, the The Battle of Berlin saw Britain’s RAF, later joined by the keep pace with inflation.
US stock market crash of 1929 threw Berlin into economic US Air Force, launch 314 air raids on the city. In April 1945,
depression. Huge job losses and hyperinflation resulted in Soviet soldiers encircled the city, fighting their way to the
centre. In his bunker behind Wilhelmstrasse, Hitler created three “air corridors” to deliver food and essentials.
committed suicide and the Red Army raised the Soviet The Soviets called off the blockade after 11 months, in May
flag above the gutted Reichstag. 1949, but five months later created the German Democratic
Republic (GDR) with its capital in East Berlin.
East and West During the 1950s, East and West Berlin evolved
At the Yalta Conference in 1945, the Allies carved Berlin separately as the Cold War between the USA and its allies
into four zones of occupation: American, British, French, and the Soviet Union intensified. The Soviets reshaped
and Soviet. When relations between Soviet Russia and the their sector of Berlin, creating vast Moscow-style avenues
Western Allies chilled, the Soviets began a blockade of and socialist housing blocks, while the USA channelled
what was now collectively known as West Berlin. All money into West Berlin. Despite border checks, citizens
transport routes were cut off. In response, the Allies were free to pass between the two zones and many East
1948 The Soviet 1949 Charlottenburg 1953 On 17 June, 1961 West Berlin
Union begins a resident Herta Soviet tanks roll invites mass Turkish
blockade of the Heuwer invents into East Berlin to immigration to
city to which the currywurst, crush a workers’ replace lost East
the Western Allies which will become uprising. German labour.
respond with the the signature street
Berlin Airlift. food of Berlin.
1989 Following
mass protests, on
9 November East
German authorities 2005 The city inaugurates a
open the barriers Memorial to the Murdered Jews
1969 The East Germans inaugurate the in the Berlin Wall. of Europe, otherwise known as
Fernsehturm (“TV tower”), intended to be both the Holocaust Memorial.
a symbol of Communist power and of the city.
From its beginnings as a provincial fortress, Moscow went on to
shape the world through great art and literature, and later with an
uncompromising politics born of proletarian revolution.
Moscow began as a remote trading post on the Moskva and patriarchs buried, was rebuilt. Ivan also married the
river, between the cities of Novgorod in the north and niece of the last Byzantine emperor and declared himself
Kiev to the south. In the early 12th century, the Grand the defender of Orthodox Christianity – making Moscow the
Prince of Kiev sent his son, Yuri Dolgoruky, to govern the heir to Rome and Constantinople. Moscow’s princes
northeastern Vladimir-Suzdal province. He built fortresses claimed the title “tsar”, a Russian derivation of “caesar”.
to defend the region and, in 1156, fortified Moscow with a In the 16th century, Ivan’s grandson Ivan IV, “the Terrible”,
stockade (kremlin) encircled by a moat. Although Moscow transformed himself from Grand Prince of Moscow to “Tsar
was already a small town when he arrived, Dolgoruky is of all the Russias”. He graced Moscow with St Basil’s
often described as the city's founder. Cathedral, and Russia expanded into Siberia. But he also
established the oprichniki, Russia’s first political police
Ivans Great and Terrible force, and killed his one competent son in an argument,
In the 13th century, the Mongols swept westward, sacking leaving a mentally unstable son to rule. Thus began the
Kiev. They would rule the region for over a century, during Time of Troubles, a period of rival claimants and foreign
which they empowered Moscow’s Grand Prince Ivan I, who interventions, notably by the Poles, who occupied Moscow
became their chief tribute collector in 1328. In time, between 1610 and 1612. The upheavals ended in 1613,
Moscow was able to raise its own army and defeat the when leading citizens placed 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov
Mongols, giving birth to Russia. Under Ivan III, “the Great”, in power, initiating the 300-year rule of the Romanovs.
Moscow secured an empire stretching east to the Urals. He
imported Italian architects, who built the Kremlin’s
massive walls and landmark Trinity Tower in 1495. The Facing the State Historical Museum, Moscow’s colourful
Cathedral of the Assumption, where princes were crowned 16th-century St Basil’s Cathedral is a symbol of Russia.
1712 Peter the Great 1770 Moscow is 1824 During a building 1877 Premiere of
moves the capital from devastated by boom, the Bolshoi Tchaikovsky’s Swan
Moscow to St Petersburg bubonic plague Theatre is built Lake ballet at the
and the Kremlin and more than on Theatre Square. Bolshoi Theatre.
is abandoned. 50,000 die.
population were first-generation migrants
living in slums and discontent on the fringes
of the city. A Russian war with Japan in 1904
only increased unrest, triggering strikes and
demonstrations the following year, first in
St Petersburg and then in Moscow. The 1905
revolution was quashed, but 12 years later,
in February 1917, the hardships and losses
of war sent Russian citizens back out into
the streets. A weakened Nicholas II was
forced to abdicate and his family was placed
under house arrest. He was replaced by a
provisional government.
Unable to restore order, the provisional
government was itself overthrown in a coup
that October, orchestrated by Vladimir Lenin’s
Bolshevik Party. In the wake of the Revolution,
Lenin ordered that the capital be returned to
Moscow. From here, Lenin and his Communist
“Red” army fought a civil war against “White”
supporters of the Romanov regime. When it
appeared as if the royal family might be
rescued by the Whites, they were killed. The △ Children gaze at the bronze head of a ▷ “Have you
smashed statue of Tsar Alexander III in 1917, volunteered for the Red
civil war ended in 1920 with the Bolsheviks in during the Russian Revolution. Alexander’s son, Army?” asks this 1920
control of a transformed nation: Soviet Russia. Nicholas II, was Russia’s last tsar. recruitment poster.
World War II and the Battle of Moscow In 1999, Yeltsin handed power to his new prime minister,
Under Stalin’s command, Muscovites had to defend their Vladimir Putin, who was confirmed as president in March
city once again. In October 1941, German tanks and 2000. Since then, as the capital of a stable and increasingly
infantry advanced on the Russian capital. By December, powerful Russia, Moscow has expanded to the extent that
the Germans were on the outskirts of the city and the it is not so much a large city as a small state. There are
Russians counter-attacked. Over weeks of fighting, with now over 20 million residents in the metropolitan area,
Muscovites bringing food to their soldiers and carrying the making Moscow the most populous urban area in Europe;
wounded away to care for them in their homes, the Red it is officially classed as a megacity. And while Soviet-era
Army managed to drive the Germans back – today, giant statues look on, the population continues to swell with ▽ FLOATING BRIDGE
tank traps on the road out to Sheremetyevo Airport mark aspirational Russians seeking the good life in the country’s Developed in 2013, Zaryadye Park marries
the point where the Germans were halted. The Battle of capital and model of new urbanism; a city which is 21st-century architectural wonders, such
as the V-shaped Floating Bridge over the
Moscow was one of the largest battles in World War II and, technologically advanced, surprisingly green in all senses, Moskva, with lessons from the past, in the
according to one estimate, Russian losses equalled the and full of the promise of fast living and fortune. form of a museum of Russian history.
combined number of Americans, British, and French who
died during all of World War II.
1940 Mikhail Bulgakov 1993 Boris Yeltsin sends in 2011 President Dmitry
completes his Moscow- troops to deal with Medvedev announces a plan
set novel The Master protesters at Moscow’s to expand the territory of
and Margarita. It is not 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev White House (the home of Moscow by 155 per cent, by
published in Russia becomes general secretary the Russian parliament). annexing a vast tract
until 1967, after the of the Communist Party southwest of the city.
writer’s death. and institutes policies of
glasnost and perestroika.
When Arab armies conquered the Roman fortress of Babylon-of-Egypt,
they lay the ground for the city of al-Qahira, “the victorious”. Known in the
West as Cairo, it was destined to grow into a modern megacity.
Following the death of the last of the Ptolemaic pharaohs, Egypt and Rome meant that Copts were branded as
Cleopatra, in 30 bce, the Romans took control of Egypt. heretics. The persecution came to an end in 640 ce with
They occupied its Mediterranean capital, Alexandria, and the arrival of an army originating in the Arabian deserts
established military outposts throughout the country. and bearing the flag of another new religion, Islam.
One such fortress was built at an ancient river crossing,
near the site of the Old Kingdom capital of Memphis, and Egypt’s Islamic capital
just south of the point at which the Nile fanned out to form Babylon surrendered to the conquering Muslim Arabs, who
a wide delta. The river was the country’s main highway were welcomed by the Egyptian people as liberators. The
and the fortress controlled the passage between the Muslims set up a tent city, Fustat, north of the Roman
delta and the populous Nile valley. A key frontier stronghold walls. Here they built Egypt’s first mosque, naming it after
and a busy port, it was known as Babylon-of-Egypt. their victorious leader, ‘Amr ibn al-‘As. The tent city was
The Roman fortress became the nucleus of a small soon replaced by one of mud-brick, which grew in size,
but prosperous town, and a base for a legion. When spreading ever further north. As politics shifted in the
Christianity arrived in Egypt during the 1st century ce, wider Islamic world, this new Arab city – and, by extension,
Babylon became the seat of a bishopric, but Egypt’s Coptic the whole of Egypt – became subject to rule from
Christians were subject to persecution. Even after Damascus, then Baghdad. Home to waves of immigrant
Christianity was adopted as the official religion of the officials and soldiers, it was already a cosmopolitan and
Roman Empire in 380 ce, theological differences between wealthy outpost when, in 969 ce, an army belonging to the
North African Fatimid dynasty swept in and took control.
1st century bce The Romans 640 A Muslim Arab army led by
build a fortress on the 3rd century The first churches are founded in its commander ‘Amr ibn al-‘As
east bank of the Nile Babylon-of-Egypt. Several survive today in an conquers Egypt and establishes
called Babylon-of-Egypt. area that is still known as Coptic Cairo. a base on the future site of Cairo.
972 The Fatimids found the 1176 Saladin constructs 1260 Highly trained
Mosque of al-Azhar, which a citadel and new city Mamluk horsemen
becomes a major centre walls to defend Cairo contribute to the
for Islamic learning. from Crusaders. defeat of a Mongol
army at Ain Jalut.
1798 Napoleon Bonaparte 1869 Cairo hosts royalty 1908 The Egyptian
leads a French army in and heads of state from Museum opens on
an invasion of Egypt around the world to Ismailia Square,
and establishes his celebrate the opening of now known as
headquarters in Cairo. the Suez Canal. Tahrir Square.
Europeanizing Cairo
For the next 10 or 15 years, Cairo almost had the
character of a gold rush town, as investors and
entrepreneurs raised increasingly grand hotels, banks,
mansions, and even palaces. Egypt’s rulers spent
similarly lavishly, but much of their money came from
loans by European powers. When Europe called in the
debts, Egypt could not pay and, in 1882, the British
colonial authorities stepped in to take control. Cairo
became outwardly more European, as not only Britons
but also people from France, Italy, Greece, and others took
up residence, establishing their own communities and
businesses. These incomers lived subject to their own
national laws rather than the laws of Egypt. As a
concession to growing nationalist sentiments, the
British granted Egypt its “sovereignty” and the khedive
(hereditary ruler) became a king, but foreigners still
kept hold of the reins.
On the banks of the sacred Ganges, 3,000-year-old Varanasi is revered as
Hinduism’s holiest city. Closely associated with both Shiva and Buddha,
it’s a temple-packed place of pilgrimage and a creative centre.
Varanasi is a site of huge religious importance, and one of of the kingdom of Kashi — literally “a place of radiance
the world’s oldest living cities; continually inhabited, never that ensues from knowledge and enlightenment”. The city
abandoned. According to Hindu myth, Varanasi (also is still known as Kashi, and the name is the origin of its
known as Benares) was established by the god Shiva more nickname, “city of light”.
than 10,000 years ago. Archaeological evidence suggests In the 4th century bce, the Maurya Empire of eastern India
that the city has been lived in since at least 1800 bce, and grew to control most of the country and, around 260 bce,
has been progressively built upon until the present day. Emperor Ashoka renounced Hinduism for Buddhism,
The city sprang up in the floodplains of the Ganges basin, turning the spotlight on Varanasi (due to the city’s proximity
and the river proved vital for trade and transport. Varanasi to Sarnath). The city began attracting religious leaders,
became a major hub for craft and commerce, and by the academics, and philosophers from across Asia. The Chinese
6th century bce, its bustling markets brimmed with monk Xuanzang, who played a crucial role in spreading
merchants dealing in coveted goods such as silk, muslin, Buddhist ideas between India and China, visited in 635 ce
essential oils, and ivory. Some traditional trades from the and noted that the thriving city stretched for 5 km (3 miles)
era thrive today, and dozens of perfumeries still line many along the Ganges’ western bank. Then, in the 8th century,
of the old town’s lanes. the great Indian spiritualist Adi Shankaracharya arrived in
Varanasi, and founded a sect of the Hindu deity Shiva.
Age of enlightenment
As its economic importance grew, Varanasi flourished as a
regional centre for religion, education, and art. In 528 bce, VARANASI’S GHATS ▷
Ghats are stepped riverside piers where rituals of worship,
Buddha chose Sarnath, just outside the city, as the site for including ablutions, offerings, and cremation, are performed.
his first sermon. By then, Varanasi had become the capital Most were built between the 14th and 18th centuries.
Swinging fortunes
In the 12th century, the Islamic Sultanate of Delhi expanded
across India, and the Kashi Vishwanath Temple was
desecrated by the invaders in 1194. Varanasi’s glory
dwindled, but the city retained its status as a religious and
educational centre, and played a critical role in the birth of
new sects and beliefs. The Bhakti movement, which
emphasized worship through music and dance, and broke
away from Hinduisms’s rigid caste and gender structures,
had its origins here in the 15th century, and some of the
tradition’s leaders, such as the mystics Kabir and Ravidas,
were born in the city. The Sikh leader Guru Nanak travelled
here in 1507, and his embracing of the Bhakti tradition
was instrumental in the development of Sikhism as a
major Indian religion. The 15th and 16th centuries were a
period of artistic fertility too, and numerous artisans and
musicians emerged from Varanasi – kathak, one of India’s
most iconic classical dance traditions, was born here.
Varanasi reached another high point during the reign of
Mughal Emperor Akbar, who was crowned in 1556. His
50-year reign was broadly tolerant
of different faiths, and the city saw
new Hindu temples built, older
temples rebuilt or restored,
Varanasi is home
to an estimated
20,000 temples, some
of which date back more
1737 As the Mughals decline,
than 800 years. the city wins kingdom status,
1194 Troops of the 1556 Upon being crowned under the rule of the
Delhi Sultanate Emperor of Mughal India, maharajas of Benares.
invade Varanasi and Akbar sponsors a cultural
destroy the Kashi revival of Varanasi that
Vishwanath Temple, continues throughout The royal throne of the
devoted to Shiva. his five-decade reign. maharajas of Benares
Once famed as a floating city of houseboats, Buddhist priests, and god-
like kings, Bangkok has been transformed into a high-rise metropolis
where gilded temples rub shoulders with teeming malls.
Before Bangkok was an imperial capital, let alone one of The floating city
the most visited cities on earth, it was a rural village in a After preparing the site, the Siamese built the Grand
loop of the Chao Phraya river. These humble origins may Palace, a fortified complex next to the river. Clustered
have given Bangkok its name: bang being a river village, around the palace were temples containing important
makok a tree with an olive-like fruit. Buddhist relics, the most prestigious of which was Wat
By the mid-14th century, the most important city in Phra Kaeo, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha – named
Siam – as Thailand was formerly known – was Ayutthaya, after its sacred Buddha image, crafted from gold and
which lay further up the Chao Phraya. Ships trading with precious stones. This royal area, called Ratanakosin, was
Ayutthaya passed by Bangkok, and the community grew. transformed into an artificial island by digging a series of
When the Burmese sacked Ayutthaya in 1767, the Siamese moat-like canals. Noble households ringed the royal
regrouped under the general Phraya Taksin, who became complex, while artisans and merchants congregated
king later that year and made Thonburi, a fortified town nearby to profit from their patronage.
across the river from Bangkok, his capital. When Taksin
was deposed in a coup, his successor Rama I decided to
build a capital that could recreate Ayutthaya’s glory. He
chose Bangkok, on the river’s east bank, which was less
Bangkok... is a rejuvenating
vulnerable to Burmese attacks from the west. tonic; the people seem to have
On 21 April 1782, labourers drove a pillar into the ground
near the river, marking the founding of the royal city. All found the magic elixir.
Thai cities feature such a pillar, housing guardian spirits.
Its spirits would protect Bangkok’s rulers for 150 years. BERNARD KALB, NEW YORK TIMES, 1961
Gaudy demons called
yaksha (left) guard the
precious Emerald Buddha
at Wat Phra Kaeo, which
is part of the Grand
Palace complex (right) and
is revered as the holiest
Buddhist site in the country.
The royal city was given a grand official name, though and Buddhist monks. Exceptions were made – the
its full 43 syllables were abbreviated to just two: Portuguese, with whom Bangkok traded, settled around
Krung Thep, or “city of angels”. To most of the Santa Cruz church in Thonburi, while the Chinese
the populace, the city remained “Bangkok”. had a settlement in the district of Sampheng, east of
Armies of labourers scored the land around the royal complex. The city continued to thrive on trade,
Ratanakosin with a lattice of canals that mostly with China, and enjoyed a long era of relative
soon filled with stilted buildings and peace and prosperity.
houseboats anchored two or three
rows deep – by the mid-19th century From water to land
the city had a population of 350,000, In the mid-19th century, Bangkok entered a new era
most of them water-dwellers. The under the rule of Rama IV. For many years the royal court
waterways were commercial highways, had shunned contact with the West, but in 1855 the king
crammed with people fishing and rowing entertained Sir John Bowring, governor of Hong Kong and
goods to the floating city markets; they emissary of Queen Victoria. The result was a treaty that
were also the stage for ritual and shifted Siam’s trade orientation away from China and
pageantry, when the king and his court toward the West. Its physical impact on the capital city
would take to the water in stunning barge was transformative. Opening the kingdom to increased
processions marking religious events and foreign trade boosted the economy, precipitating rapid
royal anniversaries. The city became known as expansion, particularly to the east of Ratanakosin, while
the Venice of the East; as one amazed British also introducing new ideas from the West.
traveller wrote in 1865, it “seemed to have risen One such European innovation came about after the
from the waters”. city’s foreign consuls signed their names to a petition
Most of its inhabitants lived on water out of requesting a road on which they could ride in carriages or
necessity: the king owned all the land, and the on horseback for pleasure. In 1857, Rama IV Road became
right to reside on it was granted only to nobles the city’s first public thoroughfare. This was followed by
1973 Left-wing
1941 Thailand forms 1946 Bhumibol Adulyadej becomes demonstrations in
an alliance with king, titled Rama IX. He restores Bangkok result in
Japan. Bangkok is discarded royal rituals, including the the death of 77
bombed by Allied annual ploughing ceremony in the protesters, most of
air forces. main royal square in Bangkok. them students.
12 successful coups, plus a further nine that were At certain times of the year, however, passenger numbers △ COURSING THROUGH THE CITY
unsuccessful – that’s more military coup d’états in modern drop steeply. Bangkok was built on marshland and the city Where once canals transported people
and goods around Bangkok, elevated
history than any other country. Between coups, there have remains prone to flooding. The annual monsoons superhighways and bridges, such as the
been frequent periods of mass demonstrations – in 1973 transform many streets into streams, and see MRT Bhumibol Bridge, which opened in 2006,
and 1992, left-wing activists took to the city streets to stations raise barriers to stop the water getting into the carry road traffic in what is one of the
world’s busiest and most congested cities.
protest against military dictatorship. system. By the end of the 21st century, much of the city
Yet amid all the business-as-usual political instability, could be underwater. Yet nostalgists might point out that
Bangkok has visibly thrived. Its suburbs now stretch it is no stranger to water – not for nothing was the old
beyond the city boundaries into neighbouring provinces, Bangkok of canals and floating markets known as
while its skyline abounds with the sort of glitzy, the Venice of the East. And history has shown that
statement-making glass towers that characterize Bangkok is a survivor, a city that has ridden out crisis after
Asian metropolises from Shanghai to Dubai. Its citizens crisis, and absorbed influences from around the world.
shop in multi-storey megamalls, which they whisk Today, its tower blocks look over the joyous hubbub of
between on raised expressways or the ever-expanding street life, as Bangkok adapts its rich Siamese heritage
Metropolitan Rapid Transit system. to the glass and steel age.
Québec City
Mixing the charm of the old world with the promise of the new,
Québec City straddles the mighty St Lawrence river, from where it
proudly proclaims its French-Canadian culture.
Long before the British and the French traded musket fire Cartier made a third voyage to the region in 1541, this time
over the St Lawrence river, the Indigenous Iroquoians founding a small colony, Fort Charlesbourg-Royal,upstream
inhabited a village-sized precursor to Québec City called from Stadacona. Within two years, illness and deteriorating
Stadacona. Putting down roots in the early 1300s, the relations with the Iroquoians meant it was abandoned.
Iroquoians lived in longhouses, grew maize, and fished
in the majestic St Lawrence using birch-bark canoes. New settlement and New France
Over 60 years passed before the French made another
Cartier and European contact attempt to establish a permanent settlement in the
French explorer Jacques Cartier first arrived on Canada’s Québec region. When French navigator Samuel de
eastern shoreline in 1534 in search of gold and a western Champlain arrived in 1608, at the behest of Bourbon King
passage to Asia. Intrigued by the vast uncharted land, Henry IV, he detected no trace of Fort Charlesbourg-Royal
he came back the following year, sailing all the way up the or the Iroquoians. Undeterred, he founded L’Habitation de
St Lawrence to Stadacona. Cartier fostered relations with Québec (its name derived from an Algonquin word
the local Iroquoian chief, Donnacona, but scurvy and frigid meaning “where the river narrows”).
weather decimated his party. He kidnapped the chief and Debuting as three diminutive buildings surrounded by a
returned to France to recuperate, where Donnacona died. wooden stockade, the colonial outpost quickly developed
into a trading centre and fort. Nevertheless, after a brief
naval blockade, in 1629 the English seized the nascent
◁ SKATING ON THE ST LAWRENCE RIVER, 19TH CENTURY settlement without firing a shot. The Québec region was
While early pioneers struggled in Québec City’s harsh climate,
later inhabitants enthusiastically embraced winter sports to restored to the French by the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-
keep warm, including skating on the frozen St Lawrence. Laye in 1632, but the bullish English resolved to return.
1759 Québec City falls to the 1775 Rebels in America’s 1867 The British North
British; the victory is revolutionary war invade America Act creates the
famously depicted in The Canada but are repelled Dominion of Canada, with
Death of General Wolfe (1770), by the British and French Québec City as capital
a painting by Benjamin West. in the Battle of Québec. of Québec province.
with Québec’s existing walls and bastions. Yet, despite its became the pièce de résistance in Québec’s
impressive array of European-style architecture, the city’s handsome cityscape. Straddling the St
fortunes were changing as its economic position began to Lawrence, the Québec Bridge took shape
be challenged by Montréal, 250 km (155 miles) upriver. two decades later, opening in 1919 as the
The dredging of the St Lawrence, starting in the 1840s, world’s longest cantilever bridge.
meant that big ships were able to reach Montréal, and Two Allied conferences during World War
Québec City was increasingly bypassed for trade. Similarly, II kept Québec City in the international eye,
with the union of Canada into one federation in 1867, the as did a 1985 UNESCO listing for Old
city was replaced by Ottawa as national capital. Québec, with its ramparts and cobbled
streets. To this day, the city has retained
Grand projets its Normandy-style architecture, French-
Civic projects in the late 19th and early 20th centuries influenced cuisine, and unique holidays
re-established Québec City in the national consciousness like Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day (24 June). Around
as a place of beauty and grandeur. In 1893, the Canadian 4.6 million tourists a year pour in to marvel at the △ TRAVEL POSTER
From the 1880s, the Canadian Pacific
Pacific Railway built the turreted Château Frontenac hotel only walled city north of Mexico and the cradle of Railway began attracting wealthy
atop the riverside Cap-Diamant promontory, which French civilization in North America. tourists to Québec City.
1893 The Château 1943 Québec City hosts the 1960 The Quiet Revolution
Frontenac hotel opens, first of two Allied spurs social and economic
designed in homage conferences that decide development under the
to the monumental key issues in World War II. liberal government of
châteaux of the Jean Lesage.
Loire Valley.
After an exodus of
British settlers in the late
19th century, French-
1919 The Québec Bridge speakers made up over 90
opens after a 30-year per cent of the city’s
construction period, in population by 1950.
which two collapses had
cost 88 lives. 1985 Old Québec
is named a
Heritage Site.
New Orleans
Mixing influences from Europe, the Caribbean, and Africa with the spirit
of the American South, New Orleans is a unique blend of grit, soul,
effervescence, and improvisation anchored beside the Mississippi river.
The balmy river delta now occupied by New Orleans was Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville officially founded La
inhabited by Native Mississippians for thousands of years Nouvelle-Orléans on a sharp bend in the Mississippi that
before Columbus’s maiden voyage. Notable among the was protected by a natural levee. Four years later, the
area’s Indigenous people were the Chitimacha, who lived village became capital of French Louisiana.
in easily defended swamp villages. Following the arrival of Early French rule lasted just 45 years but left an indelible
Europeans in the 1500s, the Mississippi basin became a mark on New Orleans’ emerging culture. Struggling against
pawn on the colonial chessboard and the region gradually weather and disease, the region was ceded to Spain during
developed a hybrid Creole identity, forged by settlers from the Seven Years’ War in 1762. After fires in the late 18th
France, Spain, Haiti, Canada, and Africa. century, the compact “French Quarter” was rebuilt with the
distinctive Spanish architecture that is still visible today.
Early explorers
In 1542, survivors of an abortive gold-seeking expedition
led by Spaniard Hernando de Soto paddled through the
delta, raising the ire of locals as they went. Over a century
An American has not seen
later, in 1682, French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur
the United States until he
de La Salle ushered another canoe party through the
Mississippi basin, naming it “La Louisiane” and claiming it has seen Mardi Gras
for France. By the early 1700s, French traders had begun
settling along the lower Mississippi river, close to a in New Orleans.
well-used portage site between the river and Bayou St
John. A fort was built in 1701, but it was not until 1718 that MARK TWAIN, LETTER TO PAMELA MOFFETT, MARCH 1859
1803 Three years after secretly 1837 The first official 1897 New Orleans
negotiating the transfer Mardi Gras parade is creates Storyville, a
of Spanish Louisiana to held on the Tuesday regulated zone for
France, Napoleon sells the before Ash Wednesday. prostitution where jazz
colony to the USA. begins to flourish.
△ Bordeaux Wine barrels being unloaded at the Port de Bordeaux, postcard c. 1900. △ Munich A view of the city from Hartmann Schedel’s Chronicle of the World, 1493.
times as large as it is now and historians credit the city’s founding 1950s to 70s, the city suffered Melbourne has consistently been
its capital, Budapest, was one of to the Vistulans, dating it to the massive damage from bombing ranked as the world’s first or
the largest cities in Europe. It had 8th century. From 1038 to 1596, by the USA. These days, it is again second “most liveable city” by the
evolved as two settlements on Kraków was capital of Poland and the capital of Vietnam and a international Economist magazine.
opposite sides of the Danube river: flourished under Kazimierz the modernizing, increasingly high-
fortified Buda dates back to the Great, who founded one of the rise metropolis built on more than
Roman era; Pest was little more oldest universities in Europe. Its 1,000 years of eventful history. Montréal
than a village until its population professors were among those Festival City
exploded in the 18th century. The shipped to concentration camps
two were unified in 1873. Since when the Germans seized the city Melbourne In 1642, colonists from France
then, Pest has become the heart in 1939. The historic centre largely Australia’s Second City established a mission on an
of the contemporary city, with survived World War II, and in 1978 island at the confluence of the
rings of concentric boulevards it was made one of the world’s first Forty-seven years after the St Lawrence and Ottawa rivers,
radiating out from the Belváros UNESCO World Heritage Sites. founding of Australia’s first in territory belonging to native
(Inner Town) lined with Art European settlement of Sydney, in Iroquoians. This settlement
Nouveau buildings. During the 1835 colonists set up camp on the became the trading centre of
Soviet era, Budapest was the Hanoi north bank of the Yarra river. Just New France (the area colonized
most Western of communist 12 years later, it was recognized by France in North America),
City between the Rivers
cities, the site of the first by Britain’s Queen Victoria as the before coming under British
McDonald’s within the Iron Ly Thai To, first ruler of the Ly city of Melbourne. A gold rush in control during the Seven Years’
Curtain. In the 21st century, it is dynasty of Vietnam, is generally 1851 saw it overtake Sydney as War in the mid-18th century;
a city that has sloughed off the credited with founding what would Australia’s most populous city. the city has been split between
vestiges of communism to reclaim become Hanoi in 1010. He called it The demographics have since the two identities ever since.
its place in Europe. Thang Long (“rising dragon”) and swung the other way, but as the Montréal’s location on the St
it became his nation’s capital for home of Australian rules football Lawrence aided its growth as a
almost 800 years. It was only after and host to the Melbourne Cup, transportation and manufacturing
Kraków the last Vietnamese dynasty, the one of the world’s most famous hub, and it was the largest city in
Little Rome Nguyen, transferred the capital horse races, Formula One, and the Canada until it was overtaken by
south that the city was renamed Australian Open tennis tournament, Toronto in the 1970s. French
Legend attributes the founding Ha Noi (“between the rivers”). Melbourne holds the mantle of Canadians are the majority
of Poland’s second city to Krakus, It was occupied by the French in sporting capital of Australia. It population in Montréal, and it is
a mythical ruler said to have slain the 19th century, who left their also claims cultural pre-eminence often said to be the second-
the Wawel dragon. The fairy tale stamp in the form of tree-lined as home to the oldest and most largest French-speaking city in
fits well with Kraków’s splendid boulevards and colonial buildings visited gallery in the country (the the world, after Paris. Like Paris,
medieval market square and that combine French with National Gallery of Victoria), and it excels in the arts and cuisine,
Gothic-spired castle overlooking Vietnamese architectural styles. more theatres than any other city and is one of North America’s
the Vistula river. However, During the Vietnam War of the in Australia. Since the 2010s, most cosmopolitan cities.
△ Hanoi The freshwater West Lake was formed from a curve in the Red River. △ Montréal In winter, snow blankets the city and the St Lawrence river freezes over.
New York City p.214 Dublin p.158 Amsterdam p.162 Stockholm p.168
Havana p.222
Lisbon p.172
Rio de Janeiro
Barcelona p.178 Buenos Aires p.226 Venice p.184 Cape Town p.192
Shanghai p.198 Sydney p.204
With its Viking origins, Georgian streets, and 20th-century rebirth,
Dublin’s influence on the international stage has been huge, thanks
to its citizens’ flair for words, drama, and music.
Before the Vikings came, the area around Dublin was home of outright war between the Crown and local nobles, but
to farmers, fishermen, and an ecclesiastical settlement. But Dublin grew rich on trade in linen and wool, and later from
the founding of the modern city is traditionally credited to the the export of beef, pork, and dairy to the British colonies.
Norsemen, who sailed their longships up the Liffey river in The city wore prosperity well. The gentry commissioned
the 9th century CE and founded a base from which they sent grand residences; a new parliament house (now the Bank
raiding parties across Ireland. The dark tidal pool where of Ireland) was built in 1729; and a fine entrance and
the Poddle river entered the Liffey provided the name facade for the country’s leading university, Trinity College,
“Black Pool” – “Dyfflin” in Norse, “Dubh Linn” in Irish. was completed in 1759. Around the same time, an Act of
Parliament established the Wide Streets Commission,
English rule which reshaped the old medieval city with grand avenues,
The Vikings dominated Dublin until the Anglo-Normans stately squares and parks, and elegant civic institutions.
invaded in 1170. The new arrivals had been recruited by
an exiled Irish king, but soon took over, making Dublin the
centre of English power in Ireland and reinforcing their
presence with a castle and two cathedrals. In time, the
conquerors integrated into Irish culture to the extent that
Dublin can be heaven, with
many of them no longer recognized the sovereignty of the coffee at eleven and a stroll
English king. Henry VIII’s response was to bring Ireland
under more direct control in 1537 and hand all of Dublin’s through Stephen’s Green.
Catholic institutions to the newly formed Anglican Church.
The Irish countryside remained a place of unrest, with spells POPULAR SONG “THE DUBLIN SAUNTER”, BY LEO MAGUIRE, c. 1950
The Viking-era
Roscrea Brooch
1170 Norman knight 1536 Henry VIII has 1758 The Wide
Richard “Strongbow” himself declared Streets Commission
de Clare captures head of the Church is established by an
Dublin and makes in Ireland, although Act of Parliament
it his capital. outside Dublin with the task of
Catholicism replanning Dublin.
1759 Arthur Guinness 1845 Three years of 1904 Playwrights W.B. Yeats,
founds the potato blight results in Lady Gregory, and Edward
St James’s Gate the Great Famine, Martyn found the Abbey
Brewery in Dublin flooding Dublin with Theatre, part of a revival of 1916 Irish nationalists seize the
and gives his name starving migrants Celtic language and culture. General Post Office in Dublin and
to the classic stout from the countryside. read out the Proclamation of the
still brewed on site (Irish) Republic.
to this day.
A Guinness poster
from 1936
to escape poverty and starvation caused by the Irish potato including U2 and The Script make an outsized contribution
blight of the 1840s. This influx made Dublin a majority- to world culture. Dublin’s atmospheric pubs and historic
Catholic city again, and coincided with a revival of interest attractions welcome ever-greater numbers of foreign
With around 2 million
in Ireland’s Gaelic heritage. Ireland had been ruled from visitors, while the city’s burgeoning tech sector provides
London since it lost its parliament through the 1800 Act of a European home for global companies. It’s a mix that residents in 2021, the
Union, and Irish nationalism was a growing force. Literary sums up Dublin today: a dynamic modern city that still Greater Dublin area is
talents flourished, such as poet and dramatist W.B. Yeats, holds its traditions close.
who helped found the Abbey Theatre in 1904 and in later home to 40 per cent of
years served in the Irish Senate. This was the Dublin Ireland’s population.
presented by the city’s preeminent chronicler, James ▽ BORD GÁIS ENERGY THEATRE
Designed by Polish–American architect Daniel Libeskind,
Joyce, in the short stories of Dubliners (1914) and the epic this canal-side theatre is at the heart of an ambitious
journey across the city that is Ulysses (1922). redevelopment of an area of city docks.
On Easter Sunday 1916, frustrated nationalists rose up
against the British, occupying the General Post Office,
where their leader, the poet Patrick Pearse, announced the
Irish Republic. The British crushed the rebellion and
executed 16 of its leaders. Violence continued in the years
that followed: British patrols were attacked in the city and
there were bloody reprisals. But by 1922, the Republic of
Ireland had its independence.
Celtic tiger
In the 20th century, Ireland’s capital was transformed. Slum
clearance began in the 1930s and continued through the
40s and 50s. Large-scale redevelopment of the city centre
followed, some of it controversial as it involved the
demolition of many fine old Georgian buildings. In 1973,
Ireland joined the European Economic Community (the
forerunner of the European Union) and in the 1990s
European grants funded development. The historic Temple
Bar area was renovated, vast buildings went up around the
docks, new museums were opened, and the city gained a
new landmark in the slender, conical Spire of Dublin.
In the 21st century, Dublin feels more vibrant and
youthful than ever. The city continues to renew itself, and
writers such as Sally Rooney and Roddy Doyle and bands
With its network of canals and success as a port, Amsterdam is a city
defined by water. Maritime trade brought prosperity and an openness
to new ideas that still distinguish the Dutch capital today.
A waterlogged area on the banks of the Amstel river was This attracted lucrative markets in salt herring, beer,
an unlikely place for a future city, but the Amstel could timber, and grain – the city became the granary of the Low
claim unrivalled access to sea trade. From the early 13th Countries. Around 1385, Amsterdam’s first canals came
century, a small settlement of fishermen developed by the into use, exploiting existing defensive moats, which had
river. They built earth mounds to hold back the rising river, been built in the Middle Ages. With the river, harbour, and
and used their skill in carpentry to construct both wooden canals teeming with the ships of both fishermen and
houses and sturdy, high-sided, flat-bottomed ships, which merchants, the city was beginning to boom. After a series
performed well in shallow coastal waters and on the open of fires in the 15th century, houses and churches were
sea. Shipbuilding was soon making them as much money gradually rebuilt in stone, making the place still more
as fishing. To prevent flooding, they blocked the Amstel impressive. Amsterdam was set to become one of the
with a dam, the feature that gave the place its name. most important ports of northern Europe.
1519 Amsterdam is 1568 The Dutch revolt led 1602 The Dutch 1631 The artist
brought into the by Protestant William of East India Rembrandt van Rijn
Habsburg Empire, Orange begins. Company moves to Amsterdam
under Holy Roman is founded. from his native
Emperor Charles V. town of Leiden.
The peak of Amsterdam’s prosperity coincided with a generation lived in Amsterdam, although other towns, such as Vermeer’s
of painters who were among the most brilliant in the history of home of Delft, also produced acclaimed artists. These painters
art. The Dutch Golden Age artists ranged from genre painters responded to the taste of their wealthy clients, who favoured
such as Pieter de Hooch and townscape specialists like Jan van images that reflected their status and sophistication and the
der Heyden, to the greatest and most versatile of all, Rembrandt glory of their city – elegant portraits, finely furnished house
van Rijn, whose mastery of light, atmosphere, and portraiture interiors, seascapes crammed with Dutch ships, and still-life
brought him fame throughout Europe. Most of these painters images featuring plates loaded with realistically depicted food.
1780–84 Britain destroys 1839 A railway opens 1921 Het Schip is one of
the Dutch navy in the linking Amsterdam many housing projects
Fourth Anglo–Dutch War. and Haarlem. to accommodate the
rising population.
People come here because they have the feeling that they can do
anything they want. That is our history, and we have to protect it.
An elegant city of bridges and islands, and one of Europe’s younger
capitals, Stockholm balances a medieval heritage with assured
contemporary style and a sense of egalitarian openness.
Everything works.
were established with the Hanseatic port of Lübeck. Under
the authority of Birger Jarl, the city’s official founder,
Stockholm grew as a trading station for German
merchants clustered in the Gamla Stan, the medieval
quarter that still remains the heart of the city.
grew rich on trade in salt and iron. In the 17th century,
Rise and fall Sweden was elevated to the status of a great power with its
A tug of war over Stockholm with Denmark, to which own Baltic empire. Wealth from this era funded the building
Sweden was tied in the unpopular Kalmar Union, of aristocratic villas and the first theatres. Gamla Stan
ended in the 1520s when Gustav I united rebel gained two new wide avenues, and a row of elegant palaces
factions against Danish rule. Gustav graced his was erected along the waterfront. The population soared
new royal base with a castle, and Stockholm fivefold in half a century, reaching 50,000 by the 1670s.
Yet the good times didn’t last. A series of fires, one of
which wrecked the royal castle, a disastrous defeat against
◁ DAWN OVER RIDDARFJÄRDEN, 1899 Russia in the Great Northern War, and an outbreak of
Heavily influenced by Edvard Munch,
the night-time paintings of Stockholm- plague in 1710 broke the back of Swedish power.
born Eugène Jansson beautifully Stockholm began to stagnate.
evoke the watery landscapes of
his home city.
A cultural rebirth
As the 18th century progressed, Stockholm began to wake
from its slumbers. Work began in earnest on the new
Royal Palace – on the site of the old castle – in 1727, and
further fires accelerated the transformation from a city of
timber to one of stone. Under the enlightened – if despotic –
rule of Gustav III, the centre was improved with the laying
out of a grand square, Gustav Adolfs torg, in Norrmalm,
and the construction of a string of new theatres
spearheaded an awakening in cultural and artistic life.
Gustav’s projects ended in unfortunate fashion, though,
when he was assassinated in 1792 at a masked ball at his
beloved Opera House, completed just a decade earlier.
Emerging from Roman then Moorish rule, from the 15th century Lisbon
was at the forefront of European exploration, exploiting its position on the
western edge of Europe and becoming rich on the wealth of its empire.
Modern Lisbon
Republican sentiments had grown as the 19th century
progressed. King Carlos I’s 1908 assassination by gunmen
meant power passed to his son Manuel II, but two years
later he was deposed and fled into exile as rebel warships
shelled the palace. The Republic of Portugal was
proclaimed from the balcony of Lisbon’s city hall.
The replacement of the monarchy with a constitutional
government failed to create order. Competing local powers
turned Lisbon into a battleground and in less than 16 years
there were 45 changes of government. Yet intellectual life
flourished, and the 1910s saw the first publications of
Lisbon’s great Modernist poet, Fernando Pessoa.
In 1926, a coup brought the authoritarian Ditadura
Nacional (later known as the Estado Novo) regime to power.
From its ranks, António de Oliveira Salazar emerged as
prime minister in 1932. He would go on to rule Portugal
in a virtual dictatorship for the next 36 years.
During World War II, Portugal remained neutral and 1988, its elegant streets were sensitively rebuilt in time for
Lisbon became crowded with refugees, many of them the 1998 Lisbon World Exposition, commemorating the
waiting for a visa to the USA. The movie Casablanca hinges 500th anniversary of Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India. A Lisbon is known for its
on “letters of transit” that will allow fugitive lovers Ilsa and once-decaying stretch of waterfront hosted the event and
calçada Portuguesa,
Victor to reach Lisbon and a ship to safety. In the post-war was redeveloped as the gleaming Parque das Nações, and
era, Lisbon was the capital of an insular nation, whose the same year saw the opening of the Tagus-spanning pavements laid with
citizens could be fined for letting their laundry drip. Major Vasco da Gama Bridge, then the longest bridge in Europe. black and white stones
public works were undertaken, notably the suspension The 21st century has seen further grand projects, notably
bridge over the Tagus and the Cristo Rei statue. 2016’s Museum of Art, Architecture, and Technology. With its to create a mosaic-like
In 1974, a military coup brought the moribund Estado trams, azulejo tiling, seafood, and fado, modern Lisbon is a image or pattern.
Novo era to an end and introduced democratic reforms. deeply atmospheric place, its hills gazing down past sloping
When fire ripped through the historic Chiado district in roofs and cobbled streets to the Tagus as it flows to the sea.
Barcelona's stunning architecture has helped make it a world-famous
cultural centre. It has expanded from a compact medieval hub to a large
and vibrant metropolis looking out to the shining sea.
According to legend, Barcelona was founded by a military Frankish emperor, one of whom, Wilfred the Hairy (r. 878–
leader from Carthage in North Africa named Hamilcar 97 ce) built fine churches and a palace, making the city a
Barca. However, the Romans, who arrived in the 3rd fitting capital of the County of Barcelona. His dynasty ruled
century bce, were the first settlers to have left a historical for some 500 years – hence Barcelona's lasting nickname,
record. Attracted by the valuable harbour, they called the City of Counts – conquering outposts such as Valencia,
place Barcino, laid roads, and built aqueducts to create a Sardinia, and Sicily. In 1137, the engagement of Count of
fresh water supply. The settlement became a centre for Barcelona Ramon Berenguer IV to the heir to the throne of
the surrounding area, where grapes were grown, and the nearby Aragon heralded a golden age for Catalonia. The
Romans exported the local wine across their empire. Aragonese drew wealth from Barcelona’s trade, some of
which was used to construct the buildings of the Gothic
The coming of the counts Quarter, the most ancient part of the city surviving today.
The fall of the Roman Empire was followed by several As the 14th century progressed, the city’s fortunes
centuries of rule by the Visigoths, before the arrival of the began to decline. It was badly hit by the Black Death in the
Moors – Muslims from North Africa. In the 9th century ce, 1340s and then by a series of poor harvests and famines.
the Franks captured Barcelona, adding it to their empire. Barcelona, where the streets once bustled with merchants
A series of local counts ruled Barcelona on behalf of the and shopkeepers, and the air rang with the sound of
masons’ chisels, was now half-empty and quiet. Local
prosperity sank further after 1503, when the rulers of
◁ AERIAL VIEW OF BARCELONA newly united Spain banned merchants from transatlantic
The Basilica of the Sagrada Família occupies one block of the
grid-planned Eixample district, while the more haphazard streets trade with their recently acquired
of the old Gothic Quarter (far left) stretch away towards the sea. territories in the Americas.
Roman-era relief of
Medusa found in Barcelona
War and industry throne. Austrian forces occupied the port and took over the
Spain’s 16th-century rulers, Charles V and Philip II, were city, which Philip V of Spain won back in 1714. The new king
King Philip V bolstered members of the powerful Habsburg dynasty and brought led a repressive regime, abolishing all local self-
the country into their huge European empire. Madrid government and destroying an entire residential district to
his power by closing the
remained their centre, while Barcelona was marginalized make way for an imposing fortress, the Ciutadella.
university and banning and taxed heavily. The local population rebelled against What saved the city was the coming of industry and the
the teaching of Catalan, imperial power in the 1640 Revolt of the Harvesters, a revival of commerce. In 1778, the long-standing ban on
clash that led to a 12-year war. The dispute culminated in trade with the Americas was lifted, restoring commercial
to suppress potential an extended siege of the city, which was forced to submit. life at last, in spite of damage caused during the Peninsular
local opposition. Barcelona was also embroiled in the War of the Spanish War of 1808–14. During the 19th century, the iron, wine,
Succession, a Europe-wide conflict between France and and cork industries expanded, followed by an increase in
Austria, each vying to put their candidates on the Spanish textile production. This brought jobs, money, and an influx of
workers from the surrounding area. The city began to
regain its buzz, but at a cost – still confined within the
medieval city walls, Barcelona became overcrowded with
workers enduring slum housing and poor sanitation. By
the 1850s, it became clear that the city had to expand.
A new vision
Catalan engineer and urban planner Ildefons Cerdà devised
the city’s expansion, coming up with a revolutionary scheme
called the Eixample (Extension), which created an entirely
new city district. Cerdà saw that it was vital to give his new
district better services and good roads, together with
adequate ventilation, sunlight, and green space. Each
intersection on his unique grid plan widened into a
diamond-shaped space, easing traffic flow. The street
blocks were designed to be built up on two sides only,
giving access via the open sides to a central area of green
space. This distinctive plan still gives much of the city
centre its character and navigability – even though the
△ Casa Batlló's arched roof and tower are said to represent St George △ Gaudí created the mosaic-tile-encrusted Parc Güell, a
(patron saint of Catalonia) piercing the dragon with his lance. public park, for his patron, industrialist Eusebi Güell.
1892 The Catalanist Union 1909 “Tragic Week”: there are 1914 Antoni Gaudí
brings together Catalan protests and bombings after completes Parc Güell,
nationalists and draws up a call-up for Spanish military renowned for its
a programme of proposals campaigns in Morocco. mosaic-covered
for regional autonomy. structures. The park
is opened to the A pro-Republican poster,
public in 1926. produced during the Spanish
Civil War, c. 1937
After the Exposition closed, Catalan nationalism gained was built in the fortress-topped area of Montjuïc, and the
momentum with both the foundation of nationalist previously run-down waterfront was transformed with city
organizations and a victory at the 1901 polls. Meanwhile, beaches, promenades, cafés, and bars. In the 21st century,
Between autumn 1937
the development of Barcelona’s new city blocks continued continued investment in regeneration projects has boosted
and a different architectural, artistic, and literary the city's popularity as a centre for tourism and the arts – as and January 1939, the
movement evolved, known as Modernisme. In part has the high profile of its football team, adding sport to
Republican side in the
influenced by Art Nouveau in France and Belgium, Barcelona’s already-rich offering of unique architecture,
free-flowing and favouring curves over straight lines, this impressive art galleries, and cutting-edge gastronomy. Civil War designated
style was suited to the genius of Antoni Gaudí (see box). Barcelona the capital
Other pioneering painters and sculptors, including Pablo
Picasso and Joan Miró, made Barcelona their home in the ▽ EL PEIX, FRANK GEHRY city of Spain.
Gehry created this massive golden fish sculpture in 1992 for the
early 20th century. Their revolutionary work, together with Olympic Games. With a shape recalling the undulating roof of a
Gaudí’s colourful architecture and concerts held at venues Gaudí-style building, it has become a symbol of the city.
such as the Palau de la Música Catalana, made Barcelona
a vibrant cultural centre, a role the city still retains.
Venice’s waterside position in the Adriatic brought it trading wealth and
political influence. Although no longer politically powerful, its stunning
buildings and canals give it an enduring magical beauty.
No one knows for sure who founded Venice on its The city’s stature grew further in the 9th century when its
inhospitable lagoon site. The earliest settlers were said people acquired relics – said to be the remains of St Mark
to be refugees fleeing Hun and Germanic incursions into – and a new church, St Mark’s Basilica, was built to house
Roman cities, such as Treviso and Aquileia, in the them. As guardian of such an eminent saint, Venice gained
5th century ce. Lombard invasions of northern Italy in a religious significance that underpinned its importance
the 6th century drove more mainlanders onto the lonely as a port. Wealth poured into the city, and its merchants
islands, which would have provided a safe, defendable commanded huge respect, both for their diplomacy and
haven. The settlements that grew up on the Rialto (“High for their naval might. The Byzantine emperors granted
Shore”) and neighbouring islands soon coalesced into a Venice a measure of autonomy and, by 1100, the city was
community. The marshy islands’ natural canals were playing a major role in international affairs, supplying
reinforced, with wooden piles sunk into the soft ground to ships to European crusaders.
shore up the banks and form foundations for buildings.
A growing city
As part of the Byzantine Empire, Venice was exploited
as a trading port. With such a strategic position in the
Sea and sky seem to meet
Mediterranean, the city’s power swelled and the Venetians half-way, to blend their tones
began to assert their independence from Byzantine rule.
In the early 8th century, they chose their own governor, into a soft iridescence…
called the doge (a title similar to duke), and set up trading
posts and colonies along the Adriatic’s eastern coast. HENRY JAMES, ITALIAN HOURS, 1909
1171 Venice is divided 1204 During the Fourth 1284 The first recorded
into the six districts Crusade, Venetians help Venetian gold ducats,
or sestieri that still capture Constantinople similar in size to
exist today. and bring back plunder florins from Florence,
including four large are minted. 1291 Venetian glass-workers
bronze horses. move to the island of Murano,
which remains a centre for
the industry to this day.
△ In The Minuet (1754), Venetian painter Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo shows carnival-
goers gathered around a couple performing a minuet, a formal dance of the period.
The carnival, an annual festival featuring street entertainment, feasting, practical jokes, and other
activities, probably began in the Middle Ages. It started as a chance for merriment in the run-up to the
austerity of the Christian period of Lent. Elaborate costumes and masks both added to the fun and
gave participants anonymity. Behaviour that was normally banned or frowned on, such as flirting and
gambling, was allowed. This gave the carnival a risqué reputation, especially in the 17th and 18th
centuries, when it was at its most popular. It went out of favour at the end of the 18th century, but
was revived in 1976 and now attracts visitors from all over the world. People compete to wear the △ Modern carnival masks and dresses can be
most extravagant masks, and enjoy the food, entertainment, costumes, and element of disguise. both elaborate and highly theatrical.
1310 The Council of Ten, 1348–49 The Black Death 1453 Constantinople
one of the Republic’s main cuts Venice’s population falls to the Turks,
governing bodies, is formed. roughly by half. leaving Venice the
It is elected by the Great strongest power
Council, which was in the region.
founded in 1172.
1341 A rebuild of the 1380 Venice defeats Genoa 1494 Scholar Aldus
Doge’s Palace begins at the Battle of Chioggia, Manutius sets up
that will give it its winning maritime dominance his printing press
ornate Gothic facades. of the Mediterranean. in Venice.
Frans Hogenberg’s map of
1572 shows Venice isolated
from the mainland in its
lagoon. The Grand Canal
snakes through the centre,
and islands such as
Giudecca (lower left) and
Torcello and Murano (top
right) can be seen.
Venice in the 16th century remained one of the richest and The city’s cultural prowess was made possible thanks to
most powerful cities in Europe, but it also developed its merchants and churchmen, who had the funds to act as
cultural credentials. The city became a centre for the patrons to musicians and artists, and to commission new
Venice is sited on
printing industry and home to highly original composers, churches designed by fashionable architects, such as
118 small islands, such as Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli, whose pieces Palladio. Venetian trade continued, and the expensive
combined groups of singers and brass players to create clothes worn in many of Titian’s portraits – richly worked
separated by over
music designed specifically to resound in the vast spaces silks and satins, together with thick furs – suggest the
170 canals and of St Mark’s Basilica. Later composers, such as Monteverdi sheer luxury that could be glimpsed as the upper classes
connected by about (who was appointed maestro di cappella, or director of made their way around the city, by foot along the narrow
music, at St Mark’s), were renowned for the development streets and by gondola on the canals. Venice also employed
400 bridges. of opera. Venice also welcomed some of Europe’s finest large populations of skilled artisans, such as cloth-workers,
painters, from great naturalists such as Titian and carpenters, and the glass-workers of Murano, whose goods
Veronese, to masters of brushwork like Tintoretto. were in high demand at home and abroad.
A city in decline The final blow to Venice came in 1715, when the Venetians
Venice’s prosperity was threatened, however, when lost their colony in the Morea (Peloponnese), a vital toehold
the city found itself caught between Western Europe in the Mediterranean, to the Turks.
and the Ottoman Empire, which had strengthened its As a result of these territorial setbacks, Venice’s The covered bridge connects the Doge’s
naval power and was pushing westwards into the economy began to stagnate. Leading families still had Palace, where the state inquisitors sat,
Mediterranean. Although Western forces and Venetian vast inherited wealth, and the upper classes acquired a with the nearby prison. Its name refers
to the prisoners’ sighs as they saw Venice
ships defeated the Ottomans at the Battle of Lepanto in reputation for lavish spending on fine clothes, decadent for the last time when crossing the bridge.
1571, Venice gained little from the victory and lost its parties, and gambling. The city was still a centre for the
important colony of Cyprus. In addition, there were arts, especially music. Its most famous composer was
devastating outbreaks of plague in the 1570s and later Vivaldi, who wrote both for the church and for private
in 1630, causing a sharp population decline. Further patrons. Vivaldi also composed concertos for the all-female
colonies were lost and the Ottomans eventually took over orchestra of the Ospedale della Pietà, an orphanage where
the eastern Mediterranean, cutting off Venetian merchants’ he worked. However, as the 18th century progressed, the
access to the lucrative spices and silks they had traded; once-hospitable city-state seemed to turn its back on the
the spice trade was increasingly dominated by newer world, the harbours and Arsenal were quiet, and Venice
sea powers, such as England and the Netherlands. only became truly animated at the time of the carnival.
combination of an unusual island setting, the carnival, and sinking on their poor foundations. The city is also troubled
the pleasant climate turned Venice into a highly successful by storm flood damage, especially when the tide is at its
tourist city, a role it adopted enthusiastically throughout highest. Flood protection schemes are underway (despite
the 20th century and still plays today. political and administrative delays) and in 2021 Italian
However, the huge influxes of visitors that this compact authorities approved a ban on cruise ships entering the
city has to cope with have brought their own strains. historic centre. Meanwhile, Venice’s art, history, and unique
In summer, it is often hard to move in the narrow streets, beauty still entice visitors in their millions.
1895 The city’s first 1932 The Venice 1960 Venice airport
Biennale exhibition of Film Festival opens to the north
modern art is held. is founded. of the city.
Cape Town
This stunning city by the sea has been a colonial fuelling station,
an imperial outpost, a hub for gold and diamonds, and a place of
segregation. Today, Cape Town looks to a multicultural future.
A segregated city
Cape Town was flooded with fortune-seeking immigrants; Hanover Street runs through the heart of
from a population of around 45,000 in 1875, it reached
171,000 by 1904. The newly discovered mineral wealth, District Six, and along it one can feel the
and the advent of the railways that allowed its exploitation,
meant Cape Town shifted its gaze from the sea inwards pulse-beats of society.
into Africa. Prime Minister (and diamond-mine magnate)
Cecil Rhodes instigated a landgrab to control much of
southern Africa. As the primary port for the region, Cape
Town grew ever more wealthy, expressed most visibly in
the raising of many new public buildings from the 1880s
onwards, including new Houses of Parliament, an opera
house, and a new City Hall.
Rhodes also initiated the 1894 Glen Gray Act, which
restricted Black Africans to segregated regions of the Cape
and placed limitations on their land ownership. Rhodes’
view was that Black people needed to be driven off their
land to “stimulate them to labour”. In 1901, an outbreak of
bubonic plague was blamed on the city’s rapidly rising
Black population. By this time, an estimated 8,000 Black
Africans – mainly Xhosa-speakers from the Eastern Cape
– were living in Cape Town, and the disease provided an
excuse for their forced relocation outside the city.
Dutch-descended Afrikaners also resented their poor
status when compared with the English-speaking minority,
who controlled Cape Town and the new country of South
Africa, established through a union of provinces in 1910.
Their discontent led to Afrikaner nationalism and the
formation of the National Party. In 1948, under the leadership
of D.F. Malan, the National Party won the general election,
marking the beginning of the apartheid era.
Set in Table Bay, 11 km (7 miles) from Cape Town, small, flat Robben Island was
occupied by seals and penguins before European settlers arrived. The Dutch
named the island after its original residents (the Dutch word for seal is robben),
and grazed sheep there, releasing rabbits to provide a food source for settlers.
It has long served as a penal colony: historians believe the first prisoner on the
island, in the mid-17th century, was Autshumato, a Cape tribal chief. The Dutch
later held other political prisoners there, including royalty from their East Indian
colonies. The British continued the tradition when, in 1819, they imprisoned an Real leaders must be ready to
African Xhosa leader on the island. The most famous political prisoner of all
was Nelson Mandela. He and his fellow anti-apartheid activists endured a harsh sacrifice all for the freedom
regime in cells only 4 m (44 ft) square, and were made to work in a quarry
digging out limestone. Largely because of Mandela’s association with the site, of their people.
Robben Island, which is a 30-minute ferry ride from Cape Town, is now a
popular tourist destination – former inmates act as guides.
1990 Nelson Mandela is 1998 After a breakdown in law 2010 South Africa hosts
released from prison and order, a vigilante the football World Cup, and
and gives his first public organization bombs the city’s eight games are played at
speech from the balcony V&A Waterfront. Two people the Cape Town Stadium,
of the City Hall. are killed and 26 injured. which was built for 2017 The Zeitz Museum of
the tournament. Contemporary Art Africa
(Zeitz MOCAA) opens at
the V&A Waterfront.
Interior of the
Zeitz Museum
2015 Severe droughts see
reservoir water levels decline.
1994 Following democratic 2003 Cape Town-born By 2017, officials feared city
elections, Nelson Mandela writer J.M. Coetzee water supplies would dry up,
becomes president of wins the Nobel Prize but heavy rains in 2018
South Africa. for Literature. averted the crisis.
This former international port and playground of the elite gave birth
to Chinese communism and is now a towering, futuristic global city
of entrepreneurs, financiers, and visionaries.
For much of the last 200 years, Shanghai has been China’s porcelain created a trade deficit. To balance the books,
gateway to the wider world. But for centuries prior to this the British sold increasing amounts of opium, which they
it was a small, isolated fishing village, with trade instead cultivated in India, to the Chinese. When the Qing court tried
passing through Qinglong Town – now part of the Shanghai to halt the trade, Britain responded with gunboats, triggering
suburbs – to the west. By the 1400s, Shanghai’s favourable the First Opium War in 1839. The Chinese were defeated, and
position on the Yangtze delta, with its safe harbour on the were forced to agree to the 1842 Treaty of Nanjing, which
tributary Huangpu river, saw it begin to prosper as a port. ceded Hong Kong to the British, and gave them the right to
The population grew, thanks in part to migrants displaced operate in five mainland cities, one of which was Shanghai.
by Mongol invasions to the north, and during the Ming
dynasty it became a centre for the processing and shipping Foreign concessions
of the cotton grown in the region. In the 1550s, a wall was British traders were allotted land just north of the walled city.
built around the city as a defence against Japanese raids. They named their stretch of riverfront the Bund, from the
Hindi for “embankment”. By 1850, merchants from France,
Prised open by opium the USA, and other foreign powers began to move into
Half a century later, in 1603, the proselytizing Italian Jesuit Shanghai, creating their own sovereign zones, known as
Matteo Ricci became the city’s first recorded Western visitor. “concessions”, where they were not subject to Chinese laws.
Such arrivals were rare. Trade with Europe was carefully
controlled, and mostly funnelled through the southern port
of Guangzhou (Canton). By the 1780s, the British East India A 21st-CENTURY CITY ▷
The glittering bauble of the Oriental Pearl Tower is
Company came to dominate this trade due to the strength of emblematic of modern Shanghai, a city where everything
the Royal Navy, and British desire for Chinese tea, silks, and is bigger, faster, more expensive, and neon-drenched.
poverty of much of the native population, would trigger a backlash pyramid-roofed Cathay Hotel.
following Mao’s takeover in 1949.
1921 The first meeting of 1937 Japanese 1949 The Communist People’s
the Chinese Communist troops take control Liberation Army marches into
Party takes place in a of Shanghai. Shanghai and Mao forms the
house in Shanghai’s People’s Republic of China.
French Concession.
The 2020
Chinese blockbuster film
The Eight Hundred dramatizes
the desperate defence of the
Sihang Warehouse during
the 1937 Battle
of Shanghai.
1932 The Japanese Navy
bombards Shanghai in 1945 American forces
response to Chinese student occupy Shanghai following
protests against the Japanese Japan’s surrender at the
occupation of Manchuria. end of World War II.
A flagship Chinese city
On 25 May 1949, the Mao-led Communists marched into Shanghai,
taking over from the Chinese Nationalist leadership of Chiang
Kai-shek. The new government singled out Shanghai as the
embodiment of bourgeois excess and cracked down hard. In 1953,
it was announced that all Shanghai companies were to be “owned
by the people”. Many foreigners had departed during the 1940s,
and the last few left at the news. For the next four decades,
Shanghai’s economy slowed as its revenues were redirected to
Beijing and used to fund regional development within China.
China grew increasingly open to market forces in the 1980s, but
Shanghai had to wait nearly a decade before China’s government
allowed it to develop. Until the late 1980s, the city’s tallest building
remained the 22-storey Park Hotel, built in 1934. Then, in 1990, the
government in Beijing decreed that Shanghai was to become the
country’s new economic powerhouse. “If China is a dragon,” said
China’s then-leader, Deng Xiaoping, “Shanghai is its head.”
In the three decades since, the city has been transformed.
Across the river from the Bund, a thumb of marshland was
designated an investment-friendly Special Economic Zone. The
area, called Pudong, saw rapid development, including the city’s
first skyscraper, the Oriental Pearl Tower, in 1995. Since then,
Pudong has become the main financial district, home of the
nation’s stock market and bristling with high-rises. These include
the world’s second-highest building, the Shanghai Tower, which
stands at 632 m (2,073 ft) and has 128 floors. Together with the
Shanghai World Financial Centre and Jinmao Tower (which at the
time of completion contained the highest hotel in the world,
occupying floors 53 to 87) it forms the world’s first adjacent
The city’s oldest temple was first built in 247 CE but was
destroyed during China’s Cultural Revolution (1966–76) and
turned into a plastics factory. It was rebuilt in the 1980s.
2016 Shanghai
Disneyland opens as
the first Disney park in
mainland China.
In 2019,
Shanghai had over
24 million residents, making
it China’s most populous
city – and the third-largest
in the world.
Born as a British penal colony on Aboriginal lands, ▽ SYDNEY HARBOUR, 1907
Australian Impressionist Arthur Streeton
today Sydney is one of the world’s most international painted this view of Sydney Harbour
– the busy seaport dotted with sailboats,
cities, with a glorious harbour and beachside lifestyle. clippers, and steamships – on his return
to Australia after a decade spent in Europe.
In 1770, the British ship HMS Endeavour dropped anchor in what would become
known as Botany Bay. Its captain, James Cook, in the company of some 40 men, was
rowed ashore to be met by two Aboriginal people, whose ancestors had lived in the
area for tens of thousands of years. “They called to us,” recorded the naturalist Joseph
Banks, “very loud in a harsh-sounding language”, of which the crew “understood not a
word”. What some historians believe the original inhabitants of the Sydney area said
was, “Warra warra wai!” – meaning “Go away!”.
Penal settlement
Instead, 18 years later, on 26 January (a date still marked as Australia Day), the First
Fleet of 11 British ships arrived just north of Botany Bay in Sydney Cove, which they
named for Lord Sydney, the British Home Secretary. A party led by Captain Arthur
Phillip planted a British flag and claimed possession of the territory before unloading
732 convicts who had been deported from the United Kingdom. These convicts, along
with their guards and a handful of officials, established the colony that would become
Sydney, the founding settlement of the new entity of Australia.
Two years later, the Second Fleet arrived, bearing more convicts. Subsequent vessels
also brought free settlers, who Phillip believed were vital to the colonization of the new
land. The Europeans carried smallpox with them, devastating Aboriginal communities.
They had no immunity to the disease, and were forced off their lands. Sydney’s story
would be written not by Australia’s Indigenous people, but by their colonizers.
From 45,000 bce Aboriginal 1770 ce HMS Endeavour, 1790 The Second Fleet
people live in the area that commanded by Captain arrives. Over a quarter
would become Sydney, James Cook, is the first of its 1,006 convicts
according to the dating of European ship to chart had died during the
tools found in the region. this part of the Australian long voyage.
coast, making land at
Botany Bay.
1831 The Sydney Herald 1840 The Sydney City Council 1868 Sydney’s first royal
newspaper begins is established. Two years visitor, Prince Alfred,
publication. It is later the former colonial Duke of Edinburgh, lays
renamed the Sydney settlement is officially the foundation stone of
Morning Herald in 1841. recognized as a township. Sydney Town Hall.
1898 The city’s 1901 With the inauguration 1915 Duke Kahanamoku
landmark Queen of the Commonwealth of of Hawaii introduces
Victoria Building Australia on 1 January, surfing to Sydney.
(QVB) is completed. Sydney becomes the capital
of New South Wales.
San Francisco
The ultimate boom or bust city, San Francisco is a bay-side beauty that
has seen earthquakes, fires, and gold rushes. It’s been a cradle of
counter-cultural cool – and has also been shaped by floods of money.
Human habitation in the area that is now San Francisco The Americans and the gold rush
Bay dates back to at least 3000 bce. When the first Spanish In the decades that followed, Yerba Buena became a town
ship entered the bay in 1775, it was the home of the of a few hundred people. Despite the deaths of many of the
Yelamu people, who moved seasonally between several Indigenous workers to European diseases, it expanded San Francisco’s Filbert
villages along the coast. Recognizing the large, sheltered from the original workers’ settlement down to the cove Street is one of the
natural harbour’s strategic significance, the Spanish where ships moored. California became part of Mexico
world’s steepest major
dispatched an overland expedition from Mexico under when the country gained its independence from Spain
Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, who established a military in 1821, before being captured by the USA during the streets, with a gradient
garrison, or presidio, on the headland in 1776. Mexican–American War in 1846. The Americans renamed
of up to 31.5 per cent.
Later that year, Franciscan priest Father Francisco Palóu the town San Francisco after the original mission, and in
found a site 5 km (3 miles) to the southeast for a mission 1848 a discovery was made that would transform its
(Misión San Francisco de Asís, or simply Mission Dolores) fortunes: a labourer named James Marshall spotted gold in
that would spread Christianity to the Yelamu. The mission the water flowing through the sawmill where he worked.
employed Indigenous conscript workers, many of them
forcibly relocated. They were housed between the presidio
and the mission, on a site that became known as Yerba
Buena (“good herb”), after the aromatic local plant.
One day I’ll go to Heaven and I’ll look
around and say, ‘It ain’t bad but it ain’t
Installed in 1873, San Francisco’s now-iconic cable cars, shown San Francisco’.
in this 1950s poster for airline TWA, were inspired by the
cable-hauled carts used in California’s gold mines. HERB CAEN, HUMORIST AND JOURNALIST
3000 bce The Ohlone people are 1776 Spanish colonizers, including 1846 The US Navy
already settled on the Northern Captain Juan Bautista de Anza and captures the small
California coast, living in small Franciscan priest Francisco Palóu, settlement of Yerba
hunter-gatherer villages. The arrive at the future site of San Buena. The following
Ohlone group that live in the Francisco and build the presidio January, they rename
San Francisco Bay are and Mission Dolores. it San Francisco.
known as the Yelamu.
The earthquake
By 1900, the population had
grown to over 300,000. On the
morning of 18 April 1906, many
of them were shaken awake by
a massive earthquake. The
tremors lasted less than a
minute, but tore the city apart,
The California Gold Rush transformed San Francisco from destroying buildings, causing fires, killing an estimated
a wild frontier post to a booming and even wilder city on 3,000, and leaving half the population homeless.
the make. Eager prospectors arrived via the port city, Remarkably, within just 10 years San Francisco bounced
raising the population from less than a thousand in 1848 back. The earthquake’s devastation was used as an
to 25,000 by the end of 1849, and 56,000 10 years later. opportunity for regeneration. Streets were widened and
San Francisco transitioned from a city of tents and flimsy the city gained a new civic centre complex, capped by a
shacks to one of brick and stone. The once-bare plaza at 1915 Beaux-Arts City Hall, with a dome higher than that of
the heart of Yerba Buena was now Portsmouth Square, its model, the US Capitol in Washington, DC. While the rest
location of a new City Hall and the Hall of Justice. Along of the country suffered in the Great Depression of the
with these grand civic edifices came merchants, bars, 1930s, San Francisco carried on building. It gained its
brothels, and gambling dens to relieve any successful gold grand Opera House in 1932 and Museum of Modern Art in
diggers of their earnings. The seeds of San Francisco’s 1935. The next year saw the completion of the San
△ A CITY REBORN multiculturalism were sown at this time, notably with the Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, followed six months later
The Panama–Pacific International Exposition arrival of thousands of Chinese people, who came to build by the Golden Gate Bridge, at the time the longest and the
of 1915 was held ostensibly to celebrate
the Panama Canal, but it announced the the transcontinental railroad that would connect the boom tallest – and perhaps the most beautiful – suspension
post-quake rebirth of San Francisco. city to the rest of the USA. They settled near Portsmouth bridge in the world.
Commenting on San Francisco’s inspirational qualities,
musician Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane once memorably
described the city as “49 square miles surrounded by reality”.
The forested island of Manhattan was home to the Lenape island’s corn millers, shipbuilders, and merchants, who
people when Dutch settlers arrived on the coast in 1624. built impressive houses along an expanding network of
The Lenape grew maize to supplement their hunting and winding streets. By the 1770s, New York was North
fishing, and knew the island as manaháhtaan, or “the America’s second-largest city and was heavily taxed.
place for gathering wood to make bows”. Locals were frustrated at being taxed without having
The Dutch set up the New Amsterdam trading post, took any representation in the British Parliament, and the
over the entire island from the locals, and began to build city became one of the first to resist colonial rule.
haphazard streets of houses on its southern tip. One street, New York suffered badly in the ensuing Revolutionary
wider than the rest, followed the route of an existing Native War. The rebels held it during the conflict’s early days,
American trail: it became known as Broadway. However, but the British occupied the city, and its important
after 40 years of trading, the Dutch colonists had earned harbour, between late 1776 and 1783, when American
less profit than they had hoped for. When four hostile troops marched triumphantly back into New York.
English ships sailed into New Amsterdam’s harbour, the
Dutch governor, Peter Stuyvesant, surrendered. In 1665,
the English renamed the city New York.
There is no place like it, no
New York prospers place within an atom of its
Under the British, New York expanded and grew wealthy.
Immigrants arrived from England, France, and Germany, glory, pride, and exultancy.
together with an increasing number of slaves from West
and Central Africa. Money poured in, especially to the WALT WHITMAN, WRITING IN THE BROOKLYN EAGLE, c. 1847
Home of Liberty
New York’s harbour was the main point of entry for
immigrants from Europe. Large groups from Germany and
Ireland came in the 1840s and 1850s. Later waves arrived
from Eastern and Southern Europe, many of them leaving
famine and persecution behind, and hoping to start a new
life in a country offering freedom and opportunity. Many
started businesses, in everything from shopkeeping to
garment manufacture, adding further to the city’s growth.
New York’s inventiveness and drive was showcased at the
1789-90 New York City is 1823 New York City, now 1858 Central Park, 1868 Built on iron
the USA’s first national more populous than Boston designed by landscape viaducts above the
capital; the role next or Pennsylvania, becomes architect Frederick city streets, the first
passes to Philadelphia, the USA’s largest city. Law Olmsted, opens. elevated railway eases
then Washington, DC. street congestion.
By the 1850s,
around one quarter of
New York City’s population was
Irish. Many had left home due to
the Irish Potato Famine, and
settled in neighbourhoods
including the Bronx and
Lower Manhattan.
1835 The Great
Fire destroys 1853–54 A World Fair is 1870 John D.
1811 A grid plan is many city blocks staged in the specially Rockefeller
drawn up for much and hundreds built Crystal Palace founds
of Manhattan. of buildings. exhibition building. Standard Oil.
1853 World Fair, a bustling modern event that caught the
imagination of the world. By the 1890s, newcomers were
arriving via Ellis Island, sighting the Statue of Liberty as
they approached a city where fortunes could be made.
A gilded age
In the second half of the 19th century, the city’s businesses
were expanding, and merchants and tycoons – who
employed many of the new arrivals – became enormously
rich. Families like the Astors, Vanderbilts, and Carnegies
made millions from real estate, railroad-building, shipping,
and steel manufacture. The richest people built themselves
mansions on Fifth Avenue; others lived in tall terraced
houses made from distinctive brown stone. The great
tycoons were famous for their lavish lifestyles, furnishing
their homes luxuriously, throwing huge parties, and
collecting paintings and sculptures. The extravagance of
the era was reflected in Mark Twain’s 1873 novel The
Gilded Age, and the name stuck. The rich families also
benefited New York, paying for railways, museums, and
galleries, the Metropolitan Opera, and other public
buildings that gave the city a lasting legacy.
However, the city was no utopia. Some of the upper class
were corrupt – businessman and politician William “Boss”
Tweed stole vast sums of public money. New York still
suffered many social problems, with much poverty, slum
housing, and a high crime rate. By the end of the century,
the streets were so crowded with houses, shops, factories,
and offices that developers started building upwards.
Taking advantage of a large workforce and a ready supply
of steel, they began to construct skyscrapers, like the
famous Flatiron Building, that took the city to a new level.
1920 National Prohibition 1926 Flamboyant, corrupt 1930 The Chrysler Building, 1933 Prohibition
begins, driving the sale politician Jimmy Walker one of the world’s most comes to an end;
of alcohol underground, becomes mayor, and illicit stunning Art Deco Fiorello La Guardia
where it is controlled by “speakeasies” flourish. skyscrapers, is completed. is elected mayor.
gangsters in big cities
like New York.
In the 1920s,
builders across the
USA raced to put up the 1941 The USA enters
world’s tallest building. The World War II after the
Empire State was the winner, bombing of Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii.
and remained the world’s
tallest from 1931
to 1970.
1955 Work begins on 1963 The elaborate 1969 The 1973 The World
the Lincoln Center, Pennsylvania Station, a Stonewall Riots Trade Center
a high-profile arts 1910 Beaux Arts building, take place in opens.
complex in a is demolished, bringing Greenwich
previously calls for the preservation Village.
run-down area. of historic landmarks.
1963 Release of
The Freewheelin’
1959 The Solomon R. Bob Dylan; the 1973 Rock club
Guggenheim Museum album cover CBGB opens in
opens in a striking new features a New 1964 Race riots break the East Village.
building designed by York street. out in Harlem and Regulars include
veteran American architect Brooklyn’s Bedford- the Ramones, Patti
Frank Lloyd Wright. Stuyvesant. Smith, and Blondie.
Havana has been the gateway to Spanish America, a playground for the
US Mafia, and the capital of Fidel Castro’s socialist experiment. Its story is
a historical rollercoaster, full of drama, hardship, and glamour.
When the Spanish arrived in the late 15th century, Taíno Havana’s new defences kept out buccaneers, but proved
people occupied most of Cuba, and several Indigenous less effective against better organized European invaders.
villages existed in the region under a cacique (chief) called In 1762, during the Seven Years’ War, the British amassed
Habaguanex. Havana was founded on the western shores the largest-ever transatlantic battle fleet, capturing the
of the Puerto de Carenas in November 1519, the last of city’s Morro fort after a 44-day siege. Havana’s fall ushered
seven Spanish villas (colonial towns). This sheltered in a short but momentous 11-month British occupation,
natural harbour was to define the city. Its strategic location during which the city was opened to freer trade.
as a stop-off point for ships shuttling between Europe
and the newly colonized lands of New Spain would make Building a colonial city
the fledgling trading port rich – and highly coveted. The Spanish regained Cuba in exchange for Florida in 1763,
and embarked upon an ambitious building programme
Pirates and treasure fleets whose fruits are still visible today. The city’s Baroque
By 1550, the native population had been decimated by cathedral and the formidable ramparts of La Cabaña, then
European diseases and Spanish brutality. Meanwhile, the second-largest fort in the Americas, were erected.
a thriving Havana, its port crowded with galleons Street grids were laid out to the west incorporating new
weighed down by New World silver, became a target for inventions such as gas lighting, trams, and the electric
opportunistic pirates, among them Frenchman Jacques de telegraph, while the port was busy with sugar and tobacco.
Sores, who sacked the town in 1555, leaving most of it in Graceful buildings hosted the latest plays and a flourishing
ruins. In response, the Spanish strengthened Havana’s social scene, and Havana became known as the Paris of the
defences, building two sturdy forts to protect the jaws of Caribbean. It was largely spared during Cuba’s 19th-
the harbour and a wall 5 km (3 miles) long with nine century independence wars, but tragedy struck in 1898,
bastions and 11 heavily guarded gates. In 1592, Havana when the American battleship USS Maine mysteriously
was granted city status, and in 1607 it replaced Santiago exploded in the harbour, killing most of its crew. The
de Cuba as colonial capital. Americans blockaded Cuba, and war soon followed.
if it is a real one.
The Spanish-American War was short but decisive, and
proved the death knell for Spanish power in Cuba. Spain
relinquished its colony in 1898, and in 1902 Cuban
CHE GUEVARA, FAREWELL LETTER TO FIDEL CASTRO, 1965 independence was confirmed by the Treaty of Paris. Yet
Cuba was too great a prize to be left to its own devices.
The USA maintained a naval base in Guantánamo Bay, and
would influence the country – and its flourishing capital –
for decades to come.
Havana had now expanded well beyond its demolished
walls. The city spread into the former forest enclave of
Vedado and snaked west along the coast on an elegant
sea-drive where fashionable locals paraded nightly. When
an early-20th-century sugar boom gifted the government
with a seemingly bottomless pit of money, successive
presidents sponsored a grandiose construction campaign.
President Gerardo Machado was particularly influential,
commissioning extravagant buildings such as the Art Deco
Hotel Nacional, and Havana’s Neoclassical Capitolio.
But all was not well. An increasingly autocratic Machado
was forced out in 1933, and power repeatedly changed
hands until former army sergeant Fulgencio Batista
staged a coup in 1952, and promptly cut a deal with the US
Mafia, opening the Cuban capital to rampant development.
For the next seven years Havana barely slept, as millions
of American tourists flew in to savour a cocktail of casinos,
racetracks, and nightclubs. Frank Sinatra and JF. Kennedy
came along for a party that was lubricated by rum and
soundtracked by mambo and rumba.
While tourists and rich Cubans prospered, most of the
country got short shrift. Tired of corruption, angry and
alienated workers channelled their frustration through the
nationalist cause of Fidel Castro, who emerged from Cuba’s and healthcare. As Cuban-American relations soured
Saint Christopher, the
eastern mountains with Argentinian doctor-turned-soldier and the US trade embargo, first instituted by President patron saint of
Che Guevara to march on Havana. Castro’s revolutionaries Kennedy in 1960, was tightened, ordinary people suffered.
travellers, and
arrived in January 1959 to virtually no opposition as Batista Many left, some sailing on flimsy rafts to the US. This
and the Mafia, realizing history was against them, had economic stagnation protected Havana’s historic streets Habaguanex, a Taíno
packed their bags and fled. The revolutionaries celebrated from development, but also ensured their neglect. A city chief who was active in
their victory in the Havana Hilton, and a new age dawned. that had once been defined by trade metamorphosed into
a stuck-in-time museum replete with crumbling buildings the area when the
Socialist Havana and antediluvian American cars, although jazz, salsa, and Spanish arrived.
Castro’s reign as prime minister and president lasted 50 street art continued to flourish.
years, and profoundly shaped Havana. With the capitalist Keen to alleviate its economic woes, the government
world held at arm’s length, the city took a unique path welcomed a new wave of tourists from Europe and Canada
through the modern age. in the 1990s, beginning Havana’s rehabilitation. Today, with
Its development was bureaucracy relaxed and restaurants
put on hold as thriving, Old Havana is a romantic
the government and atmospheric place; its graceful
concentrated on squares and cobbled streets partially
national issues such as restored and enjoying a second life, its
inequality, education, resolute spirit undimmed.
Buenos Aires
Proud, self-assured Buenos Aires is a vibrant mix of European splendour
and Latin exuberance. This grand port city gave birth to the tango, and its
culture and architecture have been shaped by waves of immigrants.
The tango has its roots among the poor and dispossessed of
The roots of tango
Buenos Aires. It was born in the brothels and dive bars of the
working-class immigrant neighbourhoods of La Boca and
Barracas in the late 19th century, a cultural collision of candombe
(a dance developed by the descendants of African slaves in
Uruguay) and European polka dances and minuets. Considered
the music of immigrants in its early years, it was later
appropriated by the bohemian
upper class, who introduced it to
Paris and New York in the 1910s,
where it became an instant
sensation. These days, tango’s
sensuous moves and graceful
athleticism are widely appreciated
everywhere from expensive dinner
shows to private dance schools,
not just in Buenos Aires, but all
over the world.
1913 The Subte subway 1936 A giant obelisk is raised 1951 A crowd of up to two
opens. It is the first on Avenida 9 de Julio to million gather on Avenida
underground railway in celebrate the 400th 9 de Julio to implore
Latin America. anniversary of the Eva Perón to run as
city’s founding. Vice President.
Adolf Eichmann
and an estimated 300
other Nazis took exile in
1910 In Argentina’s centennial Argentina after World War II.
year, Buenos Aires enters its Eichmann lived in Buenos
golden age with elegant
Aires for eight years.
new buildings such as the
Galería Güemes. 1925 A new port facility,
the Puerto Nuevo,
opens in the city’s
Retiro neighbourhood.
The opening of this landmark pedestrian bridge
in 2001 helped promote Buenos Aires as a
slick, modern 21st-century city.
△ Copenhagen An 18th-century lithograph showing the busy port. △ Naples Mount Vesuvius looms over the Bay of Naples.
△ Osaka The port of Osaka is Japan’s principal seaport. △ Rio de Janeiro The statue of Christ the Redeemer stands atop Mount Corcovado.
Washington, DC p.258 St Petersburg p.236
La Plata
Singapore p.246
St Petersburg
Inauspiciously sited on a boggy delta, St Petersburg was conceived
and built as Peter the Great’s vision for a new capital. It has long held
a reputation as Russia’s most cultured and sophisticated city.
A city rises
A modernizing, Western-oriented leader, Peter wanted his
new city to be his “window on Europe”. Inspired by Venice After Peter’s death in 1725, his successors continued to
and Amsterdam, canals were to be its main arteries and, extend the city. Especially influential was the extravagant
in contrast to Moscow’s organic structure, the layout was Empress Anna, under whom the imperial court began to
planned from the outset: Peter wanted straight streets and look and feel very similar to those of Western Europe, with
buildings made of stone. Architects and craftsmen were fashion and ballet imported from France and opera from
drawn from far and wide to realize his vision. Yet conditions Italy. Her successor was the astute Elizabeth. Similarly
for the 40,000 serfs brought in to drain the marshy land and Europhile, Elizabeth’s tastes favoured the Baroque, and
dig the canals were appalling, and the death toll led to the she employed the Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli
later claim that the city was built on human bones. In 1712, to redesign the riverside Winter Palace on a lavish,
Peter moved the capital to St Petersburg, and two years monumental scale. Like Anna, Elizabeth also encouraged
later the Summer Palace, the city’s first, was finished. the arts, setting up the Russian Academy of Arts in 1757.
skeleton, Academy
of Sciences 1825 Rebels agitating for
a constitutional
1764 The Smolny monarchy are shot
Institute for Noble dead in Peter’s Square
Maidens is founded in (now Senate Square) in
St Petersburg. the Decembrist Revolt.
By the time Catherine the Great came to power in 1762, ▷ OCTOBER REVOLUTION
an unpromising, mosquito-infested swamp had been The Bolsheviks’ storming of the
Winter Palace in October 1917
transformed into the showpiece capital of Peter’s attacked the core of imperial
imagination: an elegant city of bridges and islands, power. It proved a pivotal
studded with fine churches and grand waterfront palaces. moment in Russian history.
1866 Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 1914 On the outbreak 1917 The imperial regime
Crime and Punishment is of World War I, falls in March; eight
published; set in crowded St Petersburg’s name months later, Bolsheviks
taverns and gloomy is changed to Petrograd seize power by storming
tenements, the novel to make it sound the Winter Palace.
reflects the city’s less Germanic.
impoverished side.
1924 Petrograd is
renamed Leningrad
1918 Russia after the death of Lenin.
descends into 1941–44 From 8
civil war; September 1941 to 27
Moscow Statue of Lenin January 1944 (a total
becomes the in Lenin Square of 872 days), the Nazis
capital. blockade Leningrad.
were arrested and sent to forced labour camps, and many City of the future △ FONTANKA EMBANKMENT
were killed. Those who could, escaped to freedom in Reconstruction took decades. Large-scale new housing The writers Alexander Pushkin, Ivan
Turgenev, and Anna Akhmatova are
Western Europe or the USA. They left behind a city in which was built on the city fringes, and the metro, begun before among the many cultural figures who
spying and persecution were rife, and fear was universal. the war, reached completion in 1955. But despite productive have lived in the elegant 18th- and
In a depleted state following Stalin’s purges, the Red industries, such as engineering, metalworking, and 19th-century palaces and houses
flanking the Fontanka river.
Army was ill-prepared when the Soviet Union entered shipbuilding, Leningrad remained underfunded in favour of
World War II and Leningrad found itself encircled by Nazi the capital, with a wide gap between rich and poor. As the
forces. The 28-month blockade was one of the greatest sclerotic Soviet system veered towards collapse in the late
tragedies of the war, with supplies of food and fuel cut off 1980s, city dwellers took advantage of their new freedoms,
and conditions almost unbearable in the severe cold of holding vast demonstrations to expedite its demise.
winter. At least 670,000 civilians lost their lives, and by Although inequality remains a serious issue, the 21st
1944 the city lay in ruins. The exceptional bravery and century has seen huge growth in the economy and urban
suffering of ordinary men and women during the siege regeneration. And as eyecatching new buildings take their
led to Leningrad being awarded the accolade of the Soviet place alongside the beautifully restored grandes dames of
Union’s first “Hero City”, but that was not enough to stop old, this richly historical city is embracing the future with
further Stalinist purges in the post-war period. as much vigour as at any time in its past.
Four hundred years ago, as the glittering capital of Safavid Persia
(now Iran), Isfahan was larger than London, more cosmopolitan than
Paris, and more beautiful than Rome.
History is full of instances of kings, emperors, sultans, and the Persian Buyid dynasty and then the Seljuk Turks.
shahs commissioning imposing monuments and palaces, After the fall of the Seljuks it declined, but visiting in 1327
but rarely has their ambition stretched to creating an entire the great Arab traveller Ibn Battuta could still remark that,
city. Such was the achievement of Shah Abbas, the Persian “The city of Isfahan is one of the largest and fairest of
monarch who in just 30 years, from 1598 to 1629, cities, but it is now in ruins for the greater part.” The ruin
established a glorious new capital that inspired the rhyming was caused by the Mongols, who had launched repeated
proverb “Isfahan nesf-e jahan”, or “Isfahan, half the world”. attacks in the 13th century. Worse was to come: in 1387,
Isfahan surrendered to the Mongol warlord Timur. The
A city of lost heads Isfahanis revolted and, in retribution, Timur ordered a
Isfahan predated Abbas: historians suggest that when massacre of its residents. His soldiers killed 70,000
Cyrus the Great, the founder of the first Persian Empire, citizens and built 28 towers out of their heads.
captured Babylon in the 6th century bce and declared that
its Jews could return to Jerusalem, some of them instead
chose to settle in Isfahan. The city was conquered by
Islamic armies in 642 ce and grew to prosperity under first
The epitome of the world is
Iran, the epitome of Iran
Shah Abbas conceived his immense public mosque to be without is Isfahan.
equal. Referring to the most sacred site in Mecca, its foundation
inscription reads, “A second Kaaba has been built”. MULLAH SALIH QAZVINI, 17TH-CENTURY PERSIAN SCHOLAR
1387 Turkic-Mongol
warlord Timur captures
and plunders Isfahan, then
slaughters its citizens.
△ MAYDAN-E NAQSH-E JAHAN Safavid glories seat of Safavid power southeast to Isfahan. There,
In the time of Shah Abbas, this vast square The Safavids were followers of the teachings of celebrated he planned to create a capital that would exemplify the
(shown here in the 1840s) was used to
host horse-racing, polo matches, and Sufi ascetic Sheikh Safi-al-Din, from whom they took their greatness of the Safavid Empire. Rather than remodel the
other festivities. Anchored by the Masjid-e name. They originated in northwestern Iran and following a existing city, he laid out a new city beside the old, between
Shah mosque, it was also a shopping hub, series of victories on the battlefield, their leader, Ismail, a the extant walls and the Zayanderud river.
with exotic goods from the Silk Road laid
out on merchants’ stalls. 14-year-old descendent of the sheikh, proclaimed himself
shah (king) in 1501. Abbas, who came to power in 1588 Image of the World Square
at the age of 17, was the fifth of the Safavid shahs. His The focal point for the new city was a vast public plaza,
predecessors had ruled first from Tabriz and then Qazvin, the Maydan-e Naqsh-e Jahan (“image of the world
but both cities were vulnerable to incursions from the square”). This was cut with water channels for coolness,
Ottoman Turks to the west, and so Abbas moved the and enclosed by a perimeter of arcaded shops with rows
Singapore is an island, a city, and a state – and one of the world’s
strongest economies. Once a duty-free harbour surrounded by swamps,
this multiethnic metropolis is now a picture of verdant prosperity.
By the 8th century CE, the Malay Peninsula was controlled by Port prosperity
Sumatra’s Srivijaya Empire. Yet the island at its tip remained Lieutenant Thomas Stamford Raffles stepped onto the
a backwater, and is barely mentioned in histories until the island in 1819, and saw opportunity in its forested
end of the 13th century, when legend tells of a Sumatran swamps. He struck treaties with the local rulers, who
prince who, after spotting a big cat, proclaimed the land allowed the British to establish a trading base.
Singapura (“lion city” in Sanskrit) and established a port. Raffles turned the small settlement into a free port with a
Chinese traders arrived to export hornbill ivory, laka wood, deep-water harbour, and divided it into ethnic districts that
and tin, and established communities alongside local Malays. remain visible today. In the 1820s, a series of treaties gave
The town, which was probably sited near Fort Canning in the British control of the whole island and, in the absence of
modern Singapore, welcomed Mongolian, Indian, and Arab tax and restrictions, trade soared. Between 1819 and 1824,
merchants, and the seeds of multicultural life were planted. the population swelled from 1,000 to ten times that
By the end of the 14th century, empires based in Malacca, number as Chinese, Malay, and Indian workers made the
northwest of Singapore, and Thailand were competing over port their home. Further growth came in 1869, when the
the region, and Singapore declined. In 1511, the Portuguese, Suez Canal slashed transport times between Europe and
who dominated the spice trade between Europe and Asia, Asia. Trade tripled in a decade, and soon boats laden with
took Malacca, and in 1613 they destroyed Singapore’s port. rubber grown on the peninsula sailed around the world.
In the 17th century, naval power slipped from the
Portuguese to the Dutch. But another empire was growing
increasingly ambitious. The British were eager to expand, GARDENS BY THE BAY ▷
This lush park in the Marina Bay district features the Flower Dome,
not least because the lucrative opium trade between China the world’s largest glass greenhouse (left), and the OCBC Skyway
and British India passed through the archipelago. (foreground), whose walkways wind around vertical gardens.
is the oldest Rubber tree plantation in
Singapore, c. 1890
confirmed area of
Chinese settlement
outside of China.
Wayang street
1887 Raffles Hotel opens, named performers, 1960
after Singapore’s British founder.
Bartender Ngiam Tong Boon 1942 The Japanese occupy
develops the Singapore Sling Singapore for three years.
cocktail here by 1915. Europeans are imprisoned
and thousands of Chinese
men are executed.
In 1959, Singapore elected its first prime minister, Lee
Kuan Yew (see box, p. 250). He faced serious problems,
including social unrest and poor, overcrowded housing.
Singapore briefly joined Malaysia in 1963, but negotiations
collapsed amid violence, and in 1965 it became an
independent state. It was a bold move. The country had
half the land area of London and no natural resources.
Lee’s laws were draconian (he restricted press freedom
and expanded corporal punishment) but business-friendly,
and attracted international investment. He also wanted to
provide home ownership to all, and the government began
buying up land via the Housing & Development Board (HDB).
Villages and shophouses – two- or three-storey apartments
above shops – were torn down and replaced with self-
contained, affordable residences, which were landscaped
and connected to new local shops and services. City life
became high-rise and high-density, and by the 1980s, more
than 80 per cent of Singaporeans lived in HDB apartments.
was around 10 per
cent in 1965, but radical
reforms helped shrink it
to 3 per cent by the
and catch you in a cul-de-sac. Lee was third-generation ethnic Chinese and
studied law at Cambridge. His first language
was English and he did not start learning
Mandarin until he was 32. He advocated
Confucian values of loyalty to the family and
state, and pushed for English and Mandarin
bilingualism. Lee slashed public holidays and
imposed heavy fines for vandalism, while his
anti-corruption bureau could investigate the
bank accounts of anybody, including the children
of officials – living beyond your means was seen
as evidence of a bribe. Lee’s government built
Lee Kuan Yew
△ Lee Kuan Yew visiting the housing estates he famously introduced. Lee brought
affordable home ownership to the vast majority of Singaporeans. △ Lee celebrating his first election as prime minister, 1959.
1970 Singapore’s 1978 All currency exchange 1990 Goh Chok Tong
population reaches controls are abolished, becomes the second
two million. laying the way for a foreign prime minister of
exchange that by 2013 Singapore, with
overtakes Japan to become slight relaxation of
Asia’s largest. state control.
Singapore’s MRT
railway opened
1971 Hawker carts are in 1987, and is now
gradually licensed and used by over three
resettled in centres million people a day.
created by the HDB. The 1987 All schools are directed
popular spaces function as 1973 Singapore Zoo opens. to conduct lessons in
community dining halls. It uses modern, landscaped English, solidifying
enclosures rather than visible Singapore as a primarily
cages for its 270 species. English-speaking country.
Hawker halls and green shoots to match the still-thriving port. Locals zipped across the △ MARINA BAY SANDS
For centuries, hawkers have been whipping up hot dishes to city on the new MRT railway network, from cramped The triple towers of this resort in
Singapore’s commercial centre contain
give Singapore’s workforce a taste of home. But hawkers one-room HDB flats in Jalan Kukoh to the multilingual a casino, hotel, museum, exhibitions,
also strayed through each other’s territories, shaping a cries of Tekka Wet Market, and the glittering office blocks and the world’s longest elevated pool.
unique cuisine. Malaysian satay skewers and Indian curry of Orchard Road. Tourists arrived in droves to sample the
puffs borrowed each other’s spices and rojak buah combined city’s cuisine, shops, galleries, ultra-modern infrastructure,
Singaporean pineapple with Chinese doughnuts. and major resorts such as Universal Studios.
To fix low cleanliness standards on congested streets, Between 1980 and 2010, Singapore’s population doubled The lion-headed,
from 1971 the government began pushing hawkers into from 2.5 to 5 million. In the 2010s, as HDB residences
food halls attached to new HDB towns and imposed stretched taller than ever, this urban island brought nature fish-shaped “Merlion”
hygiene ratings. Over the decades, they have become into its architecture with the futuristic Gardens by the Bay is the symbol of
respectable enough for one hawker stand to be awarded nature reserve. By 2020, the Singapore Food Agency was
Singapore – a Merlion
a Michelin star for its soya-sauce chicken – the first sketching its vision for rooftop farms atop lofty car parks,
street-food vendor in the world to receive the accolade. glistening with fresh produce to meet nearly a third of the fountain stands in the
In 1978, all currency exchange controls were abolished, population’s needs. Singapore appeared as multiethnic as
park of the same name.
and by the end of the decade a quarter of the country’s ever, a prosperous world leader with a future that is as
GDP derived from finance. Changi Airport opened in 1981 green as it is gleaming.
Kyoto was Japan’s imperial capital for over a millennium. The setting for
both the golden Heian age and a medieval renaissance spurred by Zen
Buddhism, the city shaped Japanese culture as we know it today.
For many centuries, Japan was occupied by a patchwork to status: the higher the rank, the greater the plot size
of clans, but from around the 4th century ce, an imperial and, more importantly, the closer to the Imperial Palace.
dynasty gradually gained power over the main island of Heian-kyō was a city where status mattered more than
Honshū. Its court initially changed location after each anything: to live below Rokujō (Sixth Avenue) was beyond
ruler, as death was taboo in the local Shintō religion. the pale for an aristocrat.
In the 700s, however, this practice gave way to the idea Heian-kyō’s layout wasn’t just geometrical: it also
of a fixed capital, most likely inspired by interactions with followed ancient Chinese geomancy (otherwise known
Korea and China and the influence of Buddhism. After a as feng shui). The palace compound was oriented to the
few fits and starts, Heian-kyō – later called Kyoto – was North Star and the main boulevard – running south from
founded in central Honshū in 794 ce. It would remain the the palace and, crucially, from the emperor’s perspective
imperial capital for centuries to come. – was named Suzaku (“vermilion bird”) for the creature
that represents summer and the south. The city’s location,
Heian-kyō: a model city in a basin surrounded on three sides by mountains,
Heian-kyō was modelled after Chang’an (present-day was also auspicious. Especially important was the
Xi’an; see pp. 60–65), the capital of Tang-dynasty China presence of the 848 m (2,782 ft) Mount Hiei to
and the largest city in the world at the time. It was laid the northeast – a direction
out in a grid on a north–south axis: at the top was the associated with evil in Chinese
Imperial Palace compound, from where a grand boulevard geomancy. The mountain,
led through the city to the main gate, Rashōmon. Smaller, and the Buddhist monastery
numbered avenues ran east–west. The powerful clans of Enryaku-ji built atop it,
which made up the nobility were allotted land according would protect the city.
1000s Murasaki Shikibu 1177 The Great Angen Fire 1192 General Minamoto
writes The Tale of Genji, destroys a large part of the Yoritomo, victor of the
considered by some city, including the Great Hall Genpei War, declares
scholars to be the of the Imperial Palace, himself the first shogun
world’s first novel. which was never rebuilt. of Japan.
Medieval Kyoto
After the civil war, the emperor remained ruler in title, but
authority had shifted to a new figure: the shogun, or
“supreme commander”. In 1185, the ruling shoguns made
Kamakura, a village far from Kyoto, their political capital.
Yet the emperor and court stayed in Kyoto, and when the
Kamakura shogunate fell to the forces of General Ashikaga
Takauji in 1333, Kyoto became Japan’s full capital again –
a title it would hold for 200 years to come.
The Ashikaga weren’t great rulers – they allowed
regional warlords to gain too much power – but they were
fine patrons of the arts, and nō plays and sadō (“the way of
tea”) emerged during their reign. In the 1500s, a new style
of sadō that prized imperfection, impermanence, and a
rustic minimalism grew in popularity. It would have a
lasting impact on the arts, influencing forms as diverse
as pottery, flower arrangement, and architecture.
This creativity took place amid turmoil: the infamous
Ōnin War of the late 15th century left Kyoto in ruins,
erasing all that remained of the Heian era, and kicking off
a century of near-constant warfare. The period saw the
city rebuilt, but the conflict dealt another blow to Kyoto: the
Washington, DC
Specially planned in the 18th century as the grand capital of the newly
independent United States, Washington, DC has played a unique role in
American history and remains a focal point for global attention.
Rich in natural resources, the area of Chesapeake Bay A new capital city
that would become Washington, DC had long been a Within a few years, both towns were thriving communities
flourishing trade centre for the Indigenous Nacotchtank attracting a growing stream of settlers, lured by the
people before the arrival of European colonists in the booming transatlantic trade in tobacco and other goods.
early 17th century. After establishing the settlement of The towns were laid out on a grid plan and soon populated
Jamestown in the Colony of Virginia in 1607, the English with churches, schools, banks, and taverns.
explorer John Smith led a crew up the Potomac river the Meanwhile, conflict was brewing between the American
following year; the expedition mapped the region and colonists and their British overlords over the issue of
reached the river’s furthest navigable point, later settled taxation. Full-scale war erupted in 1775, initially going the
as Georgetown. The English newcomers traded fur and way of the British – Georgetown was occupied by British
set up plantations of tobacco and corn across the region, troops for almost a year – but by 1783 the Americans had
forcing enslaved Africans to do the backbreaking work of prevailed. In the resulting Constitution of the newly
harvesting the crops, and gradually suppressed the Native independent United States of America, ratified in 1788,
American population, with whom regular disputes arose a key provision was the creation of a new, purpose-built
over land ownership. capital city, to be located on land “not exceeding 10 miles
The first fort in what is now the District of Columbia square” (26 sq km). The land was not to form part of any of
was built in 1697, but it was not until the mid-18th century the existing states, and Congress was to agree the location.
that the Potomac ports of Georgetown (now a historic
neighbourhood in the northwest of Washington, DC) and WASHINGTON, DC, c. 1856 ▷
Alexandria, 12 km (7 miles) across the river to the south, From the outset, Washington, DC was planned on a
monumental scale. Capitol Hill was so named by Thomas
were formally established. Jefferson, then the nation’s first Secretary of State, in 1793, in
reference to the Capitoline Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome.
1791 Andrew Ellicott begins 1792 Construction of 1814 British troops set
surveying the site of the new the President’s House fire to Washington
capital and Pierre Charles (later the White House) during the War
L’Enfant produces his plan for begins. Workers include of 1812.
the “Federal City”. enslaved Black people
and stonemasons from
Andrew Ellicott’s
revised city plan
1790 Congress
passes the
Residence Act for a 1824 The semi-
new federal capital 1800 The seat of government is circular South
to be established on transferred from Philadelphia Portico is added to
the Potomac river. to Washington, DC. the White House.
to New York and other cities, and the Chesapeake and Ohio streets from the Capitol, and even at the White House △ GRAND REVIEW OF THE ARMIES
Canal brought coal to the capital from the Appalachians. most servants were enslaved. Nonetheless, in the decades In May 1865, some 150,000 soldiers
marched along Pennsylvania Avenue from
Tourists arrived with the railways, and Washington grew leading up to the Civil War, Washington became a centre of the Capitol to the White House in a parade
as the civil service expanded under President Andrew abolitionism. Confrontations between pro- and antislavery held to celebrate the end of the Civil War.
Jackson. As more and more states joined the USA, the factions made the place increasingly tense, and outbreaks
number of legislators outgrew the Capitol building; of violence and rioting were common.
extensions in the 1850s more than doubled its length. In 1861, the Civil War erupted. Volunteers queued in their
thousands to fight for the Union. The capital – never far
Civil War and reconstruction from the front line – was heavily fortified, and hospitals
By the mid-19th century, the open sore of slavery had were set up to tend to the wounded. After the District-wide
begun to threaten the unity of the country. Formed from abolition of slavery in 1862, freedmen and women from
two slave-owning states, the city’s history had been tied to across DC began to congregate in the city. Victory for the
the slave trade from its inception, and it grew to become Union came three years later, but within days the nation
one of the most active slave depots in the country. Groups was in mourning when President Abraham Lincoln was
of enslaved people chained together could be seen on the shot at a Washington theatre, and died the following day.
1847 Tensions between 1859 The Senate Wing of the 1862 Slavery is
Alexandria (a slave- Capitol is completed. abolished in the
trading centre) and District of Columbia.
increasingly abolitionist
Washington lead to
Alexandria being The presidential
returned to Virginia. order abolishing
In 1848, a group of slavery in all states
77 enslaved people
attempted to escape
Washington by boat. All
were recaptured.
1855 Smithsonian
1835 The Baltimore and Ohio Castle, the first home 1865 John Wilkes Booth
Railroad links Washington, DC of the Smithsonian assassinates President Abraham
with Baltimore, Maryland. Institution, is completed. Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre.
1884 The 169 m (555 ft) 1919 White mobs attack Black
Washington Monument people on Washington’s
is completed. streets, leading to six
days of unrest.
In 1963, Civil Rights Movement leader
Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous
“I have a dream” speech in front of the
Lincoln Memorial. King’s assassination
five years later led to widespread rioting,
and parts of the city burned for four days.
After the Civil War, the Freedmen’s Bureau was set up to jazz, and figures such as Duke Ellington and poet Langston
help those freed from slavery to find housing and work. Hughes became prominent. In the 1930s, the population
One of its jobs was to found the first university for African surged as President Roosevelt’s New Deal brought
Americans, leading to the creation of Howard University in workers into the city in the wake of the Great Depression. If legislation were
1867. As the city’s population mushroomed, growing fourfold However, discrimination was still rife and tensions passed to make
in the 1860s to 132,000 by 1870, Washingtonians began to between rich and poor, and Black and white, only increased
agitate for improved services. Large municipal projects of after World War II as economic migrants moved up from Washington, DC, a
the 1870s included better sewers, street paving and the South. The city was a fitting focal point for the Civil separate US state, it
sidewalks, and improved public parks. But while new, Rights marches of the 1950s and 60s. By the 1990s, urban
would rank 51st by area,
comfortable suburbs were built for wealthier citizens, the neglect had worsened, and the city had gained a reputation
poor remained in the backstreets and alleys of the city centre as the “murder capital” of the USA. Yet revitalization was 49th by population size
– one of the inspirations for the McMillan Plan (see box). not far away: in the 21st century, investment and new
(before Vermont and
infrastructure have breathed life into long-overlooked
Cauldron of tensions, beacon of hope districts, and the city is once again a magnet for tourists. Wyoming), and first for
As US power rose inexorably in the early 20th century, so And while Washington remains a focus for the nation’s GDP per capita.
Washington, DC blossomed, with new art galleries, concert simmering tensions – evidenced by the invasion of the
halls, and museums opening. Black culture in particular Capitol in January 2021 – its role as the beacon of US
began to thrive. The U Street Corridor became a centre for democracy feels more important than ever.
Washington, DC’s
population soared by
300,000 between 1940 and
1943 as federal employees 2009 More than a million
people crowd onto the
flocked to the capital. 1963 Around Capitol’s West Front to
250,000 people watch the inauguration of
join the March on President Barack Obama,
Washington for setting a record for any
Jobs and Freedom. event in the city.
One of the world’s youngest cities, Brasília was purpose-built as Brazil’s
capital and as a symbol of the country's determination to succeed. The
result, a futuristic metropolis, is renowned for its Modernist architecture.
Built entirely from scratch in the 1950s, to a single plan The turning point
in the Modernist style, Brasília's breathtaking buildings The decisive moment came during Brazil’s 1955 election.
and sweeping vistas made it immediately world famous. One of the three presidential candidates was Juscelino
It was constructed at staggering speed, in less than four Kubitschek de Oliveira, whose campaign promised to
years, but its story goes back much further. modernize the country, open up the economy, and create
Brazil was claimed by the Portuguese in 1500, but by the long-awaited new capital. Soon after Kubitschek
the late 18th century an independence movement was won the election, celebrated Brazilian architect and
gathering strength. One of the movement’s leaders, planner Lúcio Costa secured first place in a competition
physician and revolutionary Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, to draw up a master plan, and Oscar Niemeyer, who had
proposed that when Brazil won its independence it should previously worked for Costa and with the president,
have a new capital to replace the colonial capital of Rio de became the architect of the city’s main buildings.
Janeiro, which was identified with foreign rule. When Brazil
became independent in the 1820s, its government quickly
decided on a name for the new city, Brasília. However, the
nation had to wait well over 130 years for the money and
political will to build its new capital.
…a new society was being
born, with all the traditional
The Chamber of Deputies, with its bowl-shaped roof, adjoins the barriers cast aside.
twin office towers at the centre of the National Congress building.
This stunning complex was completed in 1958. OSCAR NIEMEYER, INTERVIEW IN THE GUARDIAN, 1 AUGUST 2007
△ CATHEDRAL OF BRASÍLIA The chosen site of the capital was in Goiás state, on These areas are precisely zoned, with houses, apartments,
Oscar Niemeyer’s design features 16 steel Brazil’s central plateau. Extensive clearing, building of shops, and schools arranged together in superquadras
columns that converge to form a vast
crown. Bronze statues of the Four roads, and installation of basic services had to take place ("superblocks"), where the provision of facilities is intended
Evangelists stand near the entrance. before construction could begin. Meanwhile Costa devised to correspond with the number of residents. Niemeyer and
a visionary master plan with a symbolic shape, based on a Costa took care to provide both luxury and less costly
cross. Viewed from the air, the city's layout most resembles housing, including accommodation
an aeroplane, bird, or dragonfly. Twin avenues trace the specifically built for the many foreign
body of the aeroplane from east to west, making a diplomats posted to Brasília.
Monumental Axis (Eixo Monumental), which leads to the
Square of the Three Powers. This axis is the site of the Brasília's architecture
city’s major legislative, executive, and judiciary buildings, Niemeyer’s designs, with their bold use
including elegant Modernist structures such as the of concrete to create a combination of
Supreme Federal Court, National Congress, and forms – from towers to shallow
Presidential Palace. Running roughly from north to south, domes – immediately attracted
through the aeroplane’s “wings”, is a broad expressway, worldwide attention. Strongly
home to the city's residential and commercial blocks. influenced by the pioneering
△ Palmanova An aerial view of the star-shaped fortress city. △ Baghdad A 19th-century European rendering of the walled Iraqi city.
exceeded them in the creation of were in dispute over which of by four satellite squares. Gridded
a causeway linking the mainland Jaipur them should be the national plots made it easier to sell property
to the island of Pharos to create Pink City
capital. The compromise was to “sight unseen” to potential
two immense, sheltered harbours. build an entirely new capital city. immigrants back in Europe.
Alexander died within a decade When Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II’s An international competition The city would go on to play a key
and never saw his new city. Almost hilltop city of Amber began to suffer resulted in the selection of Chicago role in the American Revolution
all traces of the ancient city have from congestion and water architect Walter Burley Griffin as the site of the signing of the
vanished, shattered by earthquakes shortages, he decided to build a as the designer of the city; his Declaration of Independence in
and either submerged under the new city on a flat plain nearby. scheme was distinguished by its 1776. It was the nation’s largest
sea or buried beneath the concrete With help from architect Vidyadhar incorporation of vegetation. city until overtaken by New York
of the modern Egyptian city. Bhattacharya, Singh created a Construction began in 1913 and in 1790 and the home of many US
blueprint for the city based on an the Australian parliament took firsts, including the first library,
ancient Hindu doctrine called vastu up residence in 1927. Although hospital, zoo, and stock exchange.
Chandigarh shastra, meaning the “science of Canberra initially remained small,
architecture”. Construction began its growth stunted by the 1930s
The City of Beauty
in 1726 and took four years. The Great Depression and World War II, La Plata
In the bloody partition that split resulting city was divided into nine from the 1950s the city grew
City of Diagonals
India in 1947, the state of Punjab blocks, two containing state quickly and within a couple of
lost its capital to Pakistan. Indian buildings and palaces, the rest decades became the international In 1880, it was decided the wealthy
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru public, and the whole surrounded capital it was designed to be. Buenos Aires province needed a
decided to build a new capital city, by fortified walls with seven gates. capital distinct from the city of the
designed to express what he One of the city’s notable features same name, which was also the
called “the nation’s faith in the was the Jantar Mantar observatory, Philadelphia national capital. No existing city
future”. The initial plans came with the world’s largest stone City of Brotherly Love
was considered large enough, so
from American architects Albert sundial. When Britain’s Prince of the solution was to build a new one
Mayer and Matthew Nowicki, but Wales visited in 1853, the king Philadelphia began as one of from scratch. Engineer Pedro
were developed by celebrated ordered all the buildings to be America’s earliest commercial Benoit planned a perfect square
architect Le Corbusier. The result painted pink; those in the historic developments. The original grid, 36 by 36 blocks. From each
is a city laid out on a grid, divided centre remain pink today. settlement was devised by corner of the grid, grand diagonal
into 56 sectors, each designed as Englishman William Penn, in 1682, avenues converged at the centre’s
a self-contained neighbourhood who wished to create a refuge in large public square, overlooked by
with schools, entertainment, and Canberra the USA for Quakers and other a grand Neo-Gothic cathedral.
shops. Parks and tree-lined Bush Capital
persecuted religious groups. On For decades the city was under-
avenues soften the effect of its a tongue of land between the populated, but in the 21st century it
block-like concrete buildings, and In 1901, when the new Delaware and Schuylkill rivers he has become a thriving city with
today Chandigarh is claimed to be Commonwealth of Australia was sketched out a grid of streets with beautiful architecture, green spaces,
the cleanest city in India. formed, Sydney and Melbourne a large central square, surrounded and a vibrant university scene.
△ Jaipur The Jantar Mantar observatory, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. △ Canberra Australia’s national parliament building, Parliament House, dating from 1988.
Los Angeles p.300 Dubai p.272
Kuala Lumpur
Nur-Sultan MODERN
Once an obscure pearling village bowing to British imperialism, Dubai
has risen in the space of a generation to become a glitzy, wealthy city
of the future, attracting more tourists than many much-larger countries.
The beginnings of the futuristic developments and urban About 250 years after Balbi’s visit, the Al Bu Falasah, a
sprawl that make up modern Dubai could not be more large family within the region’s ruling tribe of Bani Yas, fell
humble. Up until the mid-18th century, there is scant out with the tribe’s new leaders in Abu Dhabi. As a result,
mention of even a settlement in the place the city now the Al Bu Falasah headed north towards the Dubai creek,
occupies. When Muslims from the west of the peninsula where they soon became the new rulers of the settlement.
conquered the region in the 7th century, they spoke of The saltwater inlet of the creek no doubt appealed as a
inhabitants at Al Jumeirah, but said nothing of Dubai. rich resource of fish and as a natural harbour, where
traders of spices, gold, and textiles could easily alight.
The pearling village The Al Bu Falasah family maintained good relations
The earliest recorded mention of a place called “Dibei” with both the surrounding sheikdoms and the British,
was by the state jeweller for Venice, Gasparo Balbi, who who during the 19th century used a series of treaties
came to the region in around 1580 to investigate the local and agreements to help serve their own commercial and
pearling industry. Like many settlements along the banks military ambitions in the region.
of the Persian Gulf at this time, Dubai would have been a Over the course of the next century, the new rulers
small pearling and fishing village, comprising a handful of of Dubai slowly turned their little coastal settlement into
simple homes made of wood and reed, called arish. a thriving port by making it tax-free for merchants and
traders. Even when the invention of the Japanese cultured
pearl left Dubai’s natural pearling industry in tatters in
◁ AERIAL VIEW OF DUBAI the 1930s, the port continued to attract traders from
The Palm Jumeirah, Dubai’s luxury island residence, was created
in the Persian Gulf from reclaimed land. Viewed from the air, all over the world. The stage for Dubai’s future as an
it resembles a stylized date palm. international hub had been set.
In 1963, Sheikh Rashid cut the ribbon on Dubai’s first bridge,
connecting the Dubai and Deira sides of the creek. The bridge
greatly improved circulation and commerce in the fledgling city.
These workers, mostly from the Indian subcontinent, first (wooden boats) once again sail on the Dubai creek. Rather △ CITY SKYLINE
arrived in the 1960s during the early days of Dubai’s oil than pearls and exotic spices, their cargo is now wealthy Dubai’s ultra-modern skyline rises above
the desert dunes, dominated by the
boom, with numbers rising from the 1980s onwards. tourists, who disembark to wander through refurbished soaring silhouette of Burj Khalifa.
souks and historic villages, where traditional artisans and
Something old, something new heritage museums sit in reconstructed mud-baked
In the 21st century, Dubai has made headlines as the houses. When the metro system opened in 2009 – the
home of the world’s largest artificial islands – the same year the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa,
Palm Jumeirah opened in 2006 – as well as the was completed, realizing a dream of Sheikh Mohammed –
biggest malls, huge international sporting events, it was the first in the Persian Gulf, enhancing Dubai’s
grass golf courses in the desert, and the globe’s reputation as the most foreigner-friendly city in the region. ▽ MALL CITY
Dubai boasts the world’s largest retail
busiest international air travel hub. North of Add to this low crime rates and a burgeoning cultural mall, Dubai Mall, which encompasses an
the strips lined with skyscrapers and neat scene, and it is easy to see why Dubai entices international enormous aquarium, an ice rink, and
rows of palm trees, and close to the professionals and a growing number of celebrities, such theme parks, as well as over 1,000 shops.
location of the original as British power couple, David and Victoria Beckham, and
pearling village, abras Bollywood royalty, Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
China’s capital is a city where monuments from an imperial past are
juxtaposed with the futuristic buildings of the world’s most dynamic
economy, creating an irresistible blend of tradition and modernity.
Lying just north of the Yellow River plain, the Beijing region
was settled as early as 500,000 bce by a form of Homo [The city] is… planned out
with a degree of precision and
erectus known as Peking Man. Although the mythological
Yellow Emperor, one of China’s great cultural heroes, was
△ This 19th-century painting shows attendant officials to the imperial court in full court garb.
Now designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the imperial palace was the residence of 24 emperors.
The Forbidden City, the new imperial palace complex ordered by the Yongle occasions such as the enthronment of a new emperor. To the north, through the
Emperor in 1406, took around 15 years to construct. Built on a north–south axis, Gate of Heavenly Purity, lay the emperor’s private quarters and, at the northern
the entire complex was enclosed by a wall 3.5 km (2 miles) in length, and a moat. end of the complex, the Imperial Garden, a space for private retreat. All but
Inside, the imperial buildings – containing, according to legend, 9,999 rooms – closed off to the outside world, the Forbidden City remained the residence of the
were laid out following strict feng shui principles. Three magnificent halls lay at emperors, increasingly secluded from the political realities of their realm, until
its core. Grandest of all was the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where the emperor the eventual collapse of imperial rule in 1912. Twelve years later, the doors were
held court during the Ming era; later, during the Qing, it was used for major state thrown open to the public and the complex became a museum.
It took over a
million labourers and
100,000 specialized
craftsmen to complete
the construction of the
1368 After driving the
1215 The Mongols take Mongols out, the Ming Forbidden City.
Zhongdu, damaging it begin rebuilding the
severely and causing section of the Great Wall
its near abandonment. to the north of the city.
The Mongol city
In 1215, disaster struck Zhongdu. The
Mongols, recently united by Genghis Khan,
swept down from Mongolia, breached the
walls, and engaged in an orgy of looting.
The city smouldered for a month and
remained a ruin for decades until Genghis’s
grandson Kublai, persuaded by his advisers
that his vast new realm required a base
closer to China’s heartlands, ordered a new
capital built just to the north of Zhongdu’s remains. △ TEMPLE OF HEAVEN
Work began on Dadu (“the great capital”) in 1267. The city The Temple of Heaven complex
was the main place of worship
was laid out on a square grid intersected with hutongs, or for emperors in the city during
alleys lined by secluded courtyard houses – a feature of the Ming and Qing eras.
Beijing’s old quarters ever since. Kublai Khan’s luxurious
royal palace in the southern part of the city, described by
the Venetian traveller Marco Polo, was lavishly adorned with (“northern capital”), and
marble, gold, and silver, and surrounded by a hunting park ordered a massive
and a series of lakes channelled from the city’s rivers. In the reconstruction, establishing
commercial areas, clustered shops and markets were the Zijincheng (Forbidden
packed with goods brought in by barge up the Grand Canal, City) as its heart (see box).
the broad waterway linking northern and southern China The city became the Ming
that Kublai ordered to be repaired. The city was protected by capital in 1421. The emperor
a wall that Marco Polo claimed was 40 km (24 miles) long. also restored the Grand
Canal, and further palaces
The Ming reconstruction and pavilions were added
Dadu’s prosperity was not destined to last. Succession by his successor, the
disputes, floods, and plagues sapped Mongol power and Zhengtong Emperor.
sparked a number of revolts. In 1368, the rebel leader Zhu By the mid-15th century, Beijing’s population had swollen △ HALL OF PRAYER
Yuanzhang drove the last Mongol ruler from the city. The to a million. To serve these increasing numbers, the imperial Within the Temple of Heaven complex,
the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests was
Ming dynasty he founded initially based itself at Nanjing, government built langfang, premises from which merchants built entirely of wood, without nails. First
over 1,000 km (621 miles) to the south, leaving Dadu to could trade in everything from donkeys to books – the latter constructed in 1420, it was rebuilt in 1889
slide back into obscurity. Only when one of his bought by aspiring bureaucrats studying at the Guozijian, after a lightning strike.
younger sons, then the governor of the old state the Imperial College. Outside influences reached China to
of Yan, seized the throne did the city return a very limited extent, through foreign merchants and,
to centre stage. The new Yongle Emperor from the start of the 17th century, through Jesuit
officially renamed his home base Beijing missionaries such as Matteo Ricci.
1709 Under the Kangxi 1750 The Qianlong 1793 A British mission led
Emperor, construction Emperor orders the by Lord Macartney visits
of the Yuangmingyuan construction of the Beijing, but fails to
1661 The Kangxi Emperor (Old Summer Palace) Yiheyuan (Summer establish trading relations.
ascends the imperial begins; the palace and Palace).
throne; his 61-year rule gardens are expanded
begins a period of several times.
prosperity for Beijing.
In 1774, the imperial
government banned the
opening of any more
theatres in the Inner City,
fearing they promoted
1644 The rebel Li 1854 Taiping forces
Zicheng takes Beijing, 1730 An earthquake immorality. set off to capture
but the Manchu enter and causes considerable Beijing but turn
drive him out, founding damage to the back before
the Qing dynasty. Forbidden City. reaching the city.
Soldiers of the “Righteous and Harmonious Fists”
militia (or “Boxers”) were a convenient reservoir of
anti-European feeling for Qing traditionalists, but their
attacks on foreign targets backfired on the court.
Workers’ monument
outside Mao’s mausoleum
were implemented that allowed limited private ownership. table-topping medal performance and a jaw-dropping
New shopping malls began to spring up across the city, opening ceremony that celebrated both the country’s
and a number of high-tech zones were set up – including traditional culture and its status as a modern economic
Zhongguancun, now regarded as China’s Silicon Valley. leviathan. It was a fitting theme for a city with roots in the ▽ OLYMPIC STADIUM
The boundaries of the city extended steadily, with a series ancient past, but whose dizzying dash towards modernity The original inspiration for the design of
the Beijing National Stadium (or “Bird’s
of new ring roads constructed (now totalling seven) and leaves visitors with the feeling that in the blink of an eye, Nest”) came from Chinese glazed ceramics
more subway lines built to cope with the burgeoning the whole landscape may be transformed once more. and the veining on scholar’s rocks.
population of a capital city of an economy that by the
1990s was growing at over 10 per cent a year.
The transition to modernity was not without its difficulties.
Anxieties about the rate of change were among the factors
that led to a widespread student protest movement in
1989, and the city had to overcome tensions caused by
an influx of migrant workers from the countryside and the
demolition of many of the hutongs and older neighbourhoods
of Beijing to make way for gleaming skyscrapers.
Meanwhile, pollution problems worsened as the number
of vehicles in the city mounted.
Hong Kong
Coming into its own as a merchant port, Hong Kong blended Chinese and
British influences to become the archetypal Asian metropolis, a symphony
of sky-high architecture, unabashed commerce, and restless energy.
The Treaty
of Nanjing
1880 Hong Kong thrives
as a merchant port,
1557 The Portuguese overseeing about a third
establish Macau, setting of mainland China’s imports
up the first European and exports. Silk and jade
trading port in the region. are popular goods.
Hong Kong under the British The Japanese took Hong Kong in 1941, sparking an
The British set up merchant houses in the new colony, and exodus, but the population surged again after the
trade in silk and jade soon developed. They built a city on the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in
north coast of the island, which they named Victoria, with the 1949. This created a huge pool of cheap labour for a
Central district – the focus for business and administration – thriving textiles and clothing industry. During the next
at its heart; soon cricket fields sat alongside tea houses. prosperous decades, the city stepped onto the world stage.
Without an adequate legal system or policing, life in its early By the 1970s, Hong Kong dazzled with neon lights, as
days was lawless, however, and opium dens and prostitution business owners vied for attention with huge billboards.
proliferated, giving the new settlement a reputation for vice. As Hong Kong boomed, so too did its distinctive culture.
For the expansionist British, control of Hong Kong Island For many audiences in the West, the first glimpse of the
alone was never enough. After victory in the Second Opium city was in Bruce Lee’s martial arts movie Enter the
War – a war forced by the British in order to improve their Dragon. Lee’s celebrity ushered in two decades of
trading concessions further – they were granted a portion successful Hong Kong cinema and Asian-chart-
of the Kowloon peninsula and Stonecutters Island under the dominating Cantopop. Meanwhile, China set up a string
1860 Convention of Peking. More was to follow: after China’s of Special Economic Zones on the mainland close by,
humiliating defeat in the First Sino–Japanese War, European making Hong Kong – long an established financial hub –
powers pressed the crumbing Qing dynasty into yet an international trading gateway to the PRC. By 1990,
another loss of land, and in 1898 Britain was leased the Hong Kong’s GDP was the largest in Asia after Japan.
The British introduced double-decker New Territories – almost all the remainder of Kowloon, plus
trams in 1912 and double-decker 200 outlying islands – for a period of 99 years. The Chinese
buses in 1949. Today Hong Kong were left the tiny walled city of Kowloon, and even that fell
has the world’s largest fleet of
double-decker trams. into British hands with the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1912.
Neon city
Hong Kong’s population grew rapidly through the second
half of the 19th century, and by 1900 had reached 370,000.
Further waves of incomers followed the 1911 Chinese
Revolution, and the onset of war with Japan in 1937.
allowing, it was hoped, political freedom and capitalist There have been tensions over China’s increasing control
trade to continue for Hong Kong. The decade leading up to of Hong Kong’s affairs, and how the city continues to
the handover had been an uneasy one, with almost a integrate with the mainland remains to be seen. Yet
million residents emigrating. Yet the territory was left to Hong Kong has long inspired incomers to conjure fortunes
flourish. Building projects turned Hong Kong into a great from its infertile land, and its independent streak lives on
world metropolis, and today the city often tops the global in its politics, soaring skyline, and intoxicating island-
ranking for the number of buildings over 150 m (492 ft) tall. metropolis way of life.
2004 “A Symphony of
Lights” opens. High-tech
light shows are projected
nightly onto the walls of 20
buildings on Hong Kong
Island’s North Shore.
Hong Kong has over
15,000 restaurants, one
of the highest densities in
the world, partly because
few homes have
2018 The world’s longest sea
large kitchens. bridge, the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–
Macau Bridge, opens, allowing
1998 Chek Lap Kok Airport opens China’s mainlanders to drive
after six years of construction to Hong Kong.
and at a cost of US$20 billion,
making it one of the world’s
most expensive airport projects.
Originally a small riverside settlement, Seoul sprinted into modernity from
the late 20th century. High-speed internet and architectural daring feed its
designer skyline and 24-hour lifestyle, which offer a preview of the future.
The site of present-day Seoul was first settled as early as China’s and followed a Confucian ideology. Over the next
4000 bce. Four millennia later, a village sprang up around 500 years, four more palaces were built by the Joseon
the shared border of three kingdoms along the Han river. dynasty, and together they became the Five Grand Palaces.
This community built earthen walls and tombs for their
deceased, but it was the much-later construction of two Language and learning
palaces that drew more settlers to the area. First, King Cultural life in Hanseong blossomed during the 30-year
Munjong of Goryeo built a summer palace in 1068. reign of King Sejong from 1418. His Jiphyeonjeon Hall,
Then, in 1392, King Taejo founded the Joseon dynasty within the Gyeongbok Palace, became a centre of
and ordered the construction of the scholarship, leading advances in science,
Gyeongbok Palace. This “palace of shining literature, and agriculture. Frustrated that
happiness” would be home to the Joseon the average citizen could not read the
monarchs for nearly 200 years. At this Chinese characters used by the elite,
time, the city was known as Hanseong. Sejong masterminded the development
King Taejo also built a defensive wall of a new phonetic written script, hangul,
along the ridges of the four surrounding which promoted widespread literacy and
mountains. Protecting the inhabitants continues to be used today.
from wild tigers and other animals, the
wall also limited contact with foreigners,
sealing off the city from the West and ◁ MAGPIE AND TIGER, 19TH CENTURY
In this example of minhwa (Korean folk art),
other outside influence. The government the comical tiger satirizes Joseon authority
kept its politics and culture close to while the magpie stands for the common man.
Seoul was adopted as the Republic’s capital. It was only at American influence
this point that the city’s name was officially established, The presence of the US military introduced new kinds of
although it had been in use for some time: “Seoul” was food to the Korean palate. Some of the most well-known
derived from a Korean term for capital. Korean dishes today started as American imports. Spam,
Stability was some way off, though. In June 1950, a tinned cooked meat from Minnesota, found its way into
North Korean forces crossed the mountains at the edge “army stews” in Seoul’s restaurants. Chicken used in
of Seoul and invaded, starting the Korean War. Seoul was Korean soups was now served battered and fried,
devastated by a three-month occupation, during which Kentucky-style, with mayonnaise on the side. ▽ NAMDAEMUN GATE, 1930S
the South Korean government fled the city and moved American Peace Corps volunteers, who began arriving During the first half of the 20th century,
Seoul’s cityscape saw Joseon-era gates
the capital to Busan in the south. Over the next three in Seoul in 1966, influenced local culture in other ways, sit alongside new Western-style buildings
years, the city changed hands multiple times. American promoting the virtues of volunteering and democracy. and trams.
troops entered Seoul in 1950 as part of a
UN counter-attack. Entire districts were
bombed out and leafy, shop-lined avenues
were turned into battlegrounds.
By the end of the war in 1953, Seoul was
left in ruins. Poverty, hunger, and crime
were compounded by a series of coups,
dictatorships, and rebellions. As North
Korean refugees arrived in the city, fleeing
even worse conditions, its population
swelled by 1.5 million to 2.5 million in less
than a decade. The military-controlled
government of President Park Chung-hee
oversaw rapid urban development and the
Seoul suburbs began to sprawl. The
Gyeongbu Expressway, constructed from
1968, and the Hannam Bridge, opened in
1969, linked the south of the Han river to
the old city centre. This created a new
residential and business district in an area
of former rice paddies known as Gangnam.
Development was so rapid that this period is now known As Paris was for France, Seoul was not simply
as the “Miracle on the Han River”. Over several decades,
a modern city emerged from the post-war rubble, one Korea’s largest town. It was Korea.
that was invested in technology, electronics, and science,
▷ Construction of the
Grand Olympic Bridge over
the Han river began in
1985, but was not
completed until 1990.
Seoul hosted the Olympic Games in 1988, investing heavily in urbanization gravitated towards the capital, often attracted by new jobs in the automotive
projects in the seven-year lead-up to the event. The aim was to raise the and consumer electronics industries. Other regeneration projects included
profile of Seoul and make it an economic and cultural hub for East Asia. new housing and new metro lines and, most notably, a scheme to beautify
The government pulled money, people, and other resources from the long-neglected Han river. Upgraded paths were laid along its course and
elsewhere in the country and employed them all in developing the city. locals started to cycle and stroll its length again. The Games were a major
Residents of some Seoul neighbourhoods earmarked for Olympic success and their infrastructure delivered a long-term legacy, with parks,
redevelopment were forced to relocate. Workers from other regions stadiums, and other venues still playing a part in Seoul’s daily life.
Seoul regularly
tops the charts for
having the fastest internet
1996 The 23-m (75-ft)
Maitreya Buddha at
access in the world – more
1988 Seoul hosts Bongeunsa Temple than triple the global
1971 The 236-m (774-ft) N Seoul the Olympic Games, in Gangnam district
Tower is built at the summit of spurring major is completed. average speed.
Namsan mountain, overlooking housing and
Seoul. The observatory deck riverfront
opens to the public in 1980. regeneration.
Seoul sits in a valley ringed by mountains
and the Fortress Wall, completed in 1396.
Large sections have been restored following
damage during the 20th century.
2005 The Cheonggyecheon stream reopens as 2015 Seoul claims the world’s 2020 The population of
a waterway and pedestrian-only public space. top fibre-optic broadband Greater Seoul hits nearly
provision, with free Wi-Fi in 26 million, meaning that
10,430 public places. The aim for the first time, over
is free Wi-Fi coverage in all 50 per cent of South
public places by 2022. Koreans live in the city.
Tokyo grew from a strategic castle town to become the world’s
largest city. It’s an ambitiously built metropolis that in recent decades
has captured the global imagination as a city of tomorrow.
For most of its history, Tokyo was called Edo (“mouth of the de facto ruler of feudal-era Japan. Unlike previous
the bay”). This area of tidal flats and reed beds, where the shoguns, Ieyasu set up his power base in Edo, far
Sumida river meets Tokyo Bay, has been inhabited for at from the entrenched influences of Kyoto, where the
least 10,000 years, according to archaeological records. emperor – by now little more than a figurehead – and Tokyo is still a medieval
Far from Kyoto, the imperial capital, Edo didn’t enter the old noble families still lived. city by design: wide
history books until the beginning of the feudal era, in Edo was a strategic choice. The Edo family had lost it
the late 12th century, when a minor warrior clan, who to the powerful Uesugi clan, who chose the losing side
boulevards and neat
took the name Edo, built a fort on a hill here. in the war, leaving it in Ieyasu’s grasp. Tokyo Bay was a grids are rare; narrow,
natural harbour and the Sumida river would make it easy
meandering roads are
The shogun’s city to ferry goods into the city, while a plateau overlooked the
Fifteenth-century Japan was a time of near-constant bay, the tidal flats, and the plains beyond – perfect for a more common.
warfare as regional warlords called daimyō vied for castle. And Edo’s proximity to Mount Fuji, worshipped as a
influence and land. In 1600, General Tokugawa Ieyasu god since ancient times, was auspicious. Like Kyoto, the
won a decisive battle with the backing of some key city was designed with geomantic principles in mind, and
daimyō, unifying the country and becoming shogun, guardian temples were built northeast and southwest of
the castle, the two directions that portend evil.
The early Tokugawa shoguns were enthusiastic and
◁ TOKYO SKYLINE resourceful urban planners, overseeing the construction
Where one- and two-storey wooden buildings stood of an extraordinary network of moats, canals, aqueducts,
less than a century ago, central Tokyo is now awash
with skyscrapers. Tokyo Tower, which resembles the and sewers. All were dug by hand, with clans who had
Eiffel Tower in shape but not in colour, is an icon of the city. opposed Ieyasu obliged to provide labourers.
Meiji Restoration
By the mid-19th century, after 250 years of rule, the Tokugawa shoguns’ hold Meiji means “enlightened rule” and the new head of state, a 16-year-old
on power was growing increasingly tenuous. Ambitious daimyō (regional boy whose father had died abruptly the year before, would take the
warlords) in the southwest of the country were agitating for reform, and title of Emperor Meiji.
American ships in Tokyo Bay were demanding Japan open its ports. Civil war The court moved from Kyoto to Edo, the castle was transformed into an
broke out in 1867 between the rebel daimyō and Tokugawa loyalists; while not imperial palace, and the city renamed Tokyo (“eastern capital”). As feudalism
without bloodshed, it didn’t upend life as much as the constant wars of the ended, so did restrictions on movement and social class. Ports were opened,
15th century. But when it ended the following year, there was a dramatic and ideas and technology from the USA and Europe began to stream into
power shift: there would be no more shoguns, and full power reverted to the capital, which had a profound effect on politics, the arts, and – as
the emperor, in what came to be known as the Meiji Restoration. electricity, trains, and factories arrived – on the lives of ordinary citizens.
Los Angeles
Creative, bold, and not always angelic, sunny LA has spent the last 240
years transforming itself from a tiny Spanish pueblo into the world’s
largest dream factory, a storied cityscape of movies, music, and industry.
5000 bcE A Chumash 200 CE The Tongva people 1602 Spaniard Sebastián
culture in the Los begin a gradual western Vizcaíno tracks the
Angeles area is migration into the Los coast looking for
practising basketry Angeles Basin. safe harbours.
and using tar for
In the early 1500s,
around 25 Tongva villages
existed in the area, with a
combined population of
about 500.
Tongva woman,
Mexican takeover
The village gradually developed into a self-sufficient
farming community, with Native Americans employed as
paid labourers. A second mission was established at nearby
San Fernando in 1797, but the settlement faced sporadic
flooding and a powerful earthquake in 1812. When Mexico
gained its independence from Spain in 1821, it took over a
year for news of the revolution to reach the isolated pueblo.
The Spanish missions After swearing allegiance to the Mexican cause, LA was
Keen to out-manoeuvre their British, French, and Russian granted city status in 1835.
Indigenous people competitors, the Spanish began to strengthen their The missions were loyal to the Spanish church and, wary
presence in the frontier lands of California in the late of their influence, the Mexican government broke up the
suffered as the city grew.
18th century by building a network of Catholic missions. estates, many of which became cattle ranches. Settlers
Villages were uprooted In 1769, a reconnaissance party led by California’s first began to arrive from the fledgling USA, while the Tongva
and local laws allowed governor, Gaspar de Portolá, set out from Loreto, New and other Indigenous groups became increasingly
Spain, and travelled north through present-day Los marginalized. But a greater upheaval was to come:
Indigenous “vagrants” to Angeles County. Stopping to camp by a river that in 1846 the Mexican–American War began. There was
be bought as servants. meandered past a Tongva village, they named the fighting in and around the city, but by January 1847
waterway El Río de Nuestra Señora la Reina de Los Mexican resistance in California was over, and in 1850,
Ángeles de Porciúncula, and the seed of a city was born. it was incorporated into the USA.
Under new government, development accelerated. bay that Juan Cabrillo had
LA’s street names were anglicized and tensions brewed explored two centuries
between Spanish-speakers and newer Anglo immigrants. before. It was dredged in
Many arrivals were attracted to ranching, which remained 1871, breakwaters were
the region’s key industry, especially during the California built to protect the harbour,
Gold Rush of the 1840s and 50s, when beef fed thousands and the city of San Pedro
of prospectors. Yet, with a population of around 2,000, LA was incorporated into
itself still wasn’t much larger than a village. For the next LA in 1909.
two decades it remained a shady, lawless place where Beautiful buildings
gangs roamed the streets. And then everything went boom. were also joining the
city’s functional early
The golden age dawns structures. Beaux-Arts
LA’s population exploded 20-fold between 1870 and 1900. offices and theatres rose in Downtown, and the Bradbury △ 1900s MAP OF LOS ANGELES
Growth was spurred by the building of railways and the Building, noted for its ornate interior and iron balustrades, By 1900, LA’s population had just
broken 100,000. It had yet to engulf
1892 discovery of oil. Electric streetcars began rattling opened in 1893. Rugged Griffith Park, one of the USA’s surrounding settlements such as
around the increasingly sophisticated city centre, as the city largest urban spaces, was established in 1896. Santa Monica, which it was connected
spawned a fire department, a public library, newspapers, and Oil had first been pumped to the surface in 1892. By the to by an electric railway.
churches of several different denominations. Meanwhile, city 1920s, the region was producing 25 per cent of the world’s
promoters set about hyping LA as the promised land, with its supply, a deluge that fuelled its 20th-century motorcar
warm climate, cheap and fertile land, and California sun. addiction. The first car in a city that would soon become
The most crucial of several new railways was the jammed with them hit the road in 1897. That year, LA made
long-distance Santa Fe railway, which linked the growing its first motion picture, a grainy 25-second street scene
city with the rest of the nation in 1887. With it came featuring horse-drawn carriages and men in bowler hats.
migrant workers – Chinese, Irish, Germans, and Americans In 1910, a 17-minute silent short called In Old California,
from the east coast – who added diversity to the growing directed by D.W. Griffith, was shot in the village-like district of
hub. Around the same time, LA made plans to acquire its Hollywood, 11 km (7 miles) northwest of Downtown. The new
first proper seaport in the form of San Pedro, the muddy art form would transform LA and change the USA forever.
That’s what
Hollywood’s golden age began in around 1912, when the first big film production company,
Universal, started operating in the LA suburb. The era lasted around 50 years and saw huge
Hollywood is – a
technological advances – from sound and colour to crosscuts and special effects – and an
abundance of talent concentrated in one place. Actors like Clark Gable and Greta Garbo
The US poster
for La La Land
2017 La La Land, a
joyous tale of love
1957 The Troubadour and dreams in LA,
opens. The hugely 1997 The Getty Center, directed by Damien 2018 Woolsey
influential club helps an architectural Chazelle, wins six wildfire progresses
cement the careers of marvel and one of the Academy Awards. through Malibu to
the Byrds, the Eagles, 1991 Rodney King is beaten by USA’s most-visited singe the cusp of
and Guns N’ Roses. police, sparking riots in 1992. museums, opens. the city of LA.
△ Rotterdam The striking Market Hall in central Rotterdam. △ Doha The city’s skyscrapers include the cylindrical Doha Tower (foreground, right).
Bay. It was named in honour of destroyed a third of the city, “the most multicultural city in the
Kuala Lumpur Chief Si’ahl of the local Duwamish Chicago flourished as a centre for world”. That may not be true but
and Suquamish Native American manufacturing and meatpacking, the City of Toronto public transit
tribes. It boomed during the first and as a transportation hub. In helpline provides a service in over
Meaning “muddy river confluence” years of the 20th century 1885, Chicago gave the world its 80 languages. While not the
in Malay, Kuala Lumpur was following the Klondike Gold Rush first skyscraper and, following an nation’s capital, the city is home
founded by Chinese tin miners in and again in the latter part of the influx of African Americans from to the Stock Exchange and the
1857. Despite its malaria-infested century thanks to the presence of the south in the 1920s and 30s, it headquarters of the country’s
jungle location, it prospered and the Boeing aircraft factory and the nurtured a particular strain of five largest banks.
became capital of the Federated advent of mass air travel. In Chicago jazz and blues. In recent
Malay States in 1896. When recent times, it has been a centre times, industry has been replaced
Malaya (later Malaysia) declared for new tech, home to the likes of as the economic backbone by São Paulo
independence from Britain in Microsoft and Amazon. Its status finance and technology, but the Sampo
1957, Kuala Lumpur continued as as a major Pacific port has also city retains its blue-collar image
the new nation’s capital. Since that made it a hub for immigration, and a reputation for rough-and- Founded by Jesuit missionaries in
time, it has ridden the Southeast especially from Asia; more than tumble politics. 1554, São Paulo is the largest city
Asian economic boom to become 15 per cent of its approximately in Brazil and second most-
a sprawling city bristling with 3.9 million residents are of Asian populous in the entire Southern
skyscrapers, most notably the descent. The city has a reputation Toronto Hemisphere, with over 21 million
Petronas Towers, once the tallest for liberalism and it has one of The 416 in its metropolitan region. It was
buildings in the world and still the the largest LGBTQ+ communities overshadowed by Rio de Janeiro
tallest twin towers. Although the in the USA. The Toronto area has been until the end of the 19th century,
majority of the population is inhabited for more than 10,000 when it experienced an economic
Malaysian Chinese, the city is a years, but the city was founded boom based on the export of
mix of cultures, in which mosques Chicago by the British as York in 1793. coffee. On the back of this, the city
and temples mix with high-rises, Windy City It was renamed in 1834 to welcomed waves of immigrants
Chinese shophouses and Malay distinguish it from New York. As a from Europe, the Middle East,
kampungs (villages). The largest city in the American major destination for immigrants and Asia. It is today the major
Midwest occupies land once to Canada, Toronto grew rapidly economic centre of not only Brazil
roamed by native Fox, Miami, through the remainder of the but all of South America. It is also
Seattle Potawatomi, and Sauk tribes. In 19th century. Today, it is the most ethnically diverse, with sizeable
Emerald City 1803, the US Army built Fort populous city in Canada and still a Italian, Arab, and Jewish
Dearborn on the south bank of magnet for immigration: more communities, and the largest
The city that gave the world the Chicago river. In 1837, its than half of its residents belong to Japanese population outside Japan.
Starbucks and the grunge band population reached 4,000 and a minority population group. A São Paulo has few historical
Nirvana was officially established Chicago was incorporated as a popular urban myth has it that the buildings or beauty spots, but it
in 1869 on the shores of Elliott city. Despite a fire in 1871 that United Nations rated Toronto as is dynamic and industrious.
△ Kuala Lumpur The Petronas Towers are the world’s tallest twin towers. △ Toronto The CN Tower dominates the Toronto skyline.
Index Anglo-Saxons 87
Ankara (Turkey) 35
Anna, Empress of Russia 236
Anthemius of Tralles 32
Anyang (China) 10
Avenida 9 de Julio
(Buenos Aires) 230
Avenida da Libertade
(Lisbon) 175
Avignon (France) 20
Bechet, Sidney 100
Becket, Thomas 87
Beckham, David and
Victoria 275
Anza, Captain Juan Bautista Ayuytthaya (Thailand) 141 (New York City) 220
Page numbers in bold refer to al-Hakim, Caliph 38, 39 de 211 Ayyubid dynasty 39, 132, 133 Bega Begum 50
main entries. al-Husayni, Mohammed Anzac War Memorial Azerbaijan, Baku 306 Beihai Park (Beijing) 276
Amin 42 (Sydney) 208 Aztecs 67–69, 70, 71, 72, 300 Beijing (China) 11, 13, 202,
9/11 attacks 221 al-Idrisi 173 Apadana (Persepolis) 44–46 azulejos tiles 174–75 276–83
798 Art District (Beijing) 283 al-Mansur, Caliph 268 apartheid 195–97 Beijing-Tianjin high-speed
Alans 173 Arab invasions 173 B railway 283
A Alaric 19 Arab League 135 Babur, Emperor 50 Belfast (UK) 232
ABBA 171 Albert the Bear, Margrave Arab Spring Revolution 135 Babylon (Iraq) 37, 82–83, Belgrano, Manuel 228
Abbas, Shah of Persia 243, of Brandenburg 119 Arab–Israeli conflict 42–43 130, 243 Belisarius, General 20
244, 245 Albrecht V of Austria 114 Aragon 179 Bacall, Lauren 304 Bell Tower (Xi’an) 65
Abbasid Caliphate 38, 39 Alcatraz (San Francisco) 212 Arc de Triomf (Barcelona) 181 Bachchan, Abhishek and belle époque 99
Abbey Theatre (Dublin) 160, Alexander I of Russia 238, 239 Arc de Triomphe (Paris) 98 Aishwarya Rai 275 Bellini, Gentile, The Miracle of
161 Alexander II of Russia 126, 239 Argentina Bagan (Myanmar) 83 the Cross at the Bridge of
Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, Alexander III of Russia 127 Buenos Aires 226–31 Baghdad (Iraq) 130, 268 San Lorenzo 184–85
Caliph 38 Alexander Gardens La Plata 269 Bahadur Shah Zafar, Belvedere Palace
Aboriginal people 204, 207 (Moscow) 126 Aribau, Bonaventura Emperor 52 (Vienna) 115
abras 275 Alexander the Great 27, 29, Carles 180 Baha’i faith 55 Benares see Varanasi
Abu Dhabi (UAE) 13, 273, 306 37, 46, 47, 83, 268–69 Aristophanes 26 Bahlul Lodi, Sultan 48 Benares Hindu University
Abuja (Nigeria) 13 Alexandria (Egypt) 130, 268–69 Aristotle 27 Baixa district (Lisbon) 175 (Varanasi) 139
Academy (Athens) 27, 28 Alexandria (USA) 258, 260, 261 Ark of the Covenant 37 Baker, Kenneth, District Six 195 Benoit, Pedro 269
Academy Awards 304 Alfama quarter (Lisbon) 176 Armenians 40, 41 Baku (Azerbaijan) 306 Benton, Thomas Hart,
Academy of Sciences Alfred, Prince, Duke of Armstrong, Louis 152, Balbi, Gasparo 273 Workers of America 219
(St Petersburg) 238 Edinburgh 206 153, 218 Balfour, Arthur 42 Bergman, Ingrid 171
Achaemenid Empire 45–47, 243 Ali Qapu Palace (Isfahan) 245 Arno river 102, 107 ball game 76 Berlin (Germany) 118–23
Acre (Israel) 40 Alighieri, Dante 103 Arsenale (Venice) 186, 189 ballet 126, 239 Berlin Wall 122, 123
Acropolis (Athens) 24–25, 26, 28 Aliya Rama Raya of Art Deco 12, 100, 203, 224 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Berliner Dom 120, 121
Acropolis Museum (Athens) 29 Vijayanagar 58, 59 Art Nouveau 99, 112, 113, (USA) 261 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 21
Acropolises (Tikal) 74–75 Allenby, General 155, 171, 183 Baltimore (USA) 260 Bertolucci, Bernardo 283
Act of Union (South Africa) 195 Edmund 41, 42 Artaxerxes of Persia 47 Bangkok (Thailand) 140–45 Beukelszoon, Willem 163
Act of Union (UK, 1800) 160, Allied occupation Artigas, Joan Gardy 183 Bangladesh 54 Beverly Hills (Los Angeles) 305
161 Austria 117 Ashigawa shogunate 256 Bani Yas 273 Bhakti movement 138
Adams, John 260 Germany 122 Ashoka, Emperor 136 Banks, Joseph 204 Bhumibol Bridge
Adderley Street (Cape Japan 298 Ashurbanipal of Assyria 47 Barbosa, Duarte 58 (Bangkok) 144–45
Town) 194 Altes Museum (Berlin) 120 Asian financial crisis 145 Barcelona (Spain) 178–83 Bird’s Nest stadium
Adelaide (Australia) 13 Alvarado, Pedro de 68, 69 Asian Games 54 Barcelona Cathedral 179 (Beijing) 283
Aeschylus 26 Amber Road 114 Assyrians 37 Baroque style 21, 35, 81, 90, Birger Jarl 169
Afghanistan 50, 51, 244, 245 American Civil War 152–53, Astor family 217 111, 114, 116, 117, 222, 236 Birka (Sweden) 169
Afonso Henriques of 261 Atahualpa 80, 81 Barracas neighbourhood Bismarck, Otto von 120
Portugal 173 American Revolutionary Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 35 (Buenos Aires) 229 Blaauwberg, Battle of
African Americans 153, 258, War 148, 166, 215, 258, 269 Athena 25, 26 Barrio Norte 192
260, 261, 262, 263, 304, 305 Amiens, Treaty of 192 Athens (Greece) 10, 24–29 (Buenos Aires) 230 Bladensburg, Battle of 260
Afrikaners 194, 195 Amir Abu Shuja 47 Augustus, Emperor 18, 19 Bashō, Matsuo 256, 296 Blitz, London 92
Ağa, Sedefkâr Mehmet 34 ’Amr ibn al’As 130, 132 Aurangabad (India) 51 Basilica Cistern (Istanbul) 32 Bloody Sunday massacre 239
agora (Athens) 25, 27, 28 Amstel river 163 Aurangzeb, Emperor 51, Basilica of Our Lady of Blue Mosque (Istanbul) 34
Agra (India) 50 Amsterdam (Netherlands) 11, 138, 139 Guadalupe (Mexico City) 72 Bo-Kaap (Cape Town) 194
agriculture 8–9, 12, 13 162–67, 236 Aurelian, Emperor 18, 19 Basquiat, Jean-Michel 220, 221 Boer Wars 195
Ahmet I, Sultan 34 Amsterdamse Bos park 167 Aurelian Walls (Rome) 18, Bastille, storming of the 97 Bogart, Humphrey 304
Ahuitzotl, Emperor 68 An Lushan, General 64 19, 22 Batavian Republic 166 Bohemia 109
Aibak, Qutb-ud-din- 48 an-Nasir Muhammad, Australia Baths of Caracalla 23 Boleslav I of Bohemia 109
Ain Jalut, Battle of 132 Sultan 40 Canberra 269 Batista, Fulgenico 224, 225 Bolsheviks 127, 128, 239, 240
Akbar, Emperor 50, 138–39 Anabaptists 164 Melbourne 155 Bauhaus (Berlin) 121 Bolshoi Theatre (Moscow) 126
Akhmatova, Anna 241 Andersson, Benny 171 Sydney 204–209 Baybars, Sultan 40, 132 Bondi Beach (Sydney) 207
Akshardham Temple (Delhi) 55 Angkor (Cambodia) 11, 83 Austria, Vienna 114–17 Bazalgette, Joseph 92 Bongeunsa Temple
Al Bu Falasah family 273 Anglican Church 158 Austrian Empire 190 Beach Boys 305 (Seoul) 292, 293
Al Maktoum dynasty 273, Anglo–Dutch Wars 166 Austro-Hungarian Beat Generation 212, 213 Book of Kells 160
274 Anglo–French War 147 Empire 154 Beatles, the 92 Booth, John Wilkes 261
al-Aqsa Mosque Anglo–Irish Treaty 161 Autshumato, Chief 196 Beauvoir, Simone de 101 Bord Gáisa Energy Theatre
(Jerusalem) 38, 39 Anglo–Normans 158 Avars 114 Beaux-Arts style 262, 303 (Dublin) 161
Bordeaux (France) 154 Buenos Aires (Argentina) 12, Caracol (Belize) 76 Charles I of England 89 Chrysler Building
Borges, Jorge Luis 228, 229 226–31 Caral-Supe complex (Peru) 10 Charles IV, Emperor 109 (New York City) 218
Borromini, Francesco 21 building materials 10 Carlos I of Portugal 177 Charles IV of Spain 71 Chumash people 300
Bosphorus 31, 35 Bukka 57 Carnaby Street (London) 93 Charles V, Emperor 20, 21, 68, Church of the Holy Apostles
Boston (USA) 216 Bulgakov, Mikhail 129 Carnation Revolution 69, 70, 164, 180 (Athens) 28
Boswell, James 22 Bund, the (Shanghai) 198, (Portugal) 176, 177 Charles VI, Emperor 114 Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Botany Bay (Australia) 204 200, 201, 203 Carnegie family 217 Charles VIII of France 104 (Jerusalem) 38, 39, 41
Botticelli, Sandro 104, 105 Burj al Arab (Dubai) 275 Carnival (Venice) 187, 189, 191 Charles Bridge (Prague) 110 Church of Our Lady Before
Madonna of the Burj Khalifa (Dubai) 12, 275 Cartagena (Colombia) 233 Charles University Tyn (Prague) 108–109
Magnificat 105 Burle Marx, Roberto 267 Carthaginians 16, 179 (Prague) 109, 110 Church on Spilled Blood
Boudicca, Queen of Busan (South Korea) 291 Cartier, Jacques 147 Charrúa people 227 (St Petersburg) 239
the Iceni 86, 87 Buyid dynasty 47, 243 Carvalho, Sebastião de 175 Château Frontenac hotel Churchill, Winston 92, 223
Bowles, Thomas 86–87 Byrds, the 305 Casa Batlló (Barcelona) 182 (Québec City) 149 cities, first 8–9
Bowring Treaty 142, 143 Byron, Lord George Gordon 17 Casa Milà (Barcelona) 182 Chauhan dynasty 48 City Beautiful movement
Boxer Rebellion 65, 280, 281 Byzantine Empire 20, 31–33, Casa Rosada (Buenos Aires) Chazelle, Damien 305 (Washington, DC) 262
Bradbury Building 184, 186 228, 229 Checkpoint Charlie (Berlin) 123 City Hall (Buenos Aires) 228
(Los Angeles) 303 caste system (India) 138 Chek Lap Kok Airport City Hall (Cape Town) 195, 197
Brahe, Tycho 110 C Castelo São Jorge (Lisbon) 173 (Hong Kong) 287 City Hall (San Francisco) 212
Brahms, Johannes 116 Ca’ d’Oro (Venice) 186 Castro, Fidel 222, 224–25 Chekhov, Anton 127 city-states
Bramante, Donato 21 cable cars 210–11, 213 Catalans 28 Cheonggyecheon stream Greek 10, 25
Brandenburg Gate Cabral, Pedro Álvares 174 Çatalhöyük (Turkey) 8 (Seoul) 293 Italian 186
(Berlin) 120 Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez 300, Catalonia 178–83 cherry blossom 253 Ciudad Universitaria
Braque, Georges 99 303 Cathedral (Florence) 102, 103, Chesapeake Bay (USA) 258 (Mexico City) 72
Brasília (Brazil) 10, 233, Caesar, Julius 17, 18, 19, 104, 105, 107 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Ciutadella (Barcelona) 180, 181
264–67 102, 173 Cathedral of the Assumption (USA) 261 civic administration 9
Bratislava (Slovakia) 154 Café Florian (Venice) 190 (Moscow) 124 Chiado district (Lisbon) 177 Civil Rights Movement 263
Bravo, Alonso Garcia 70 Cairo (Egypt) 130–35 Cathedral of Brasília 266, 267 Chiang Kai-shek 202 Cixi, Dowager Empress 280,
Brazil Cajuns 152 Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Chicago (USA) 10, 12, 307 281
Brasília 264–67 Calakmul (Mexico) 76 (Moscow) 126, 128, 129 Chikanmobu, Yōshū, Horse Clean Air Act (UK, 1956) 92
gold 174, 175 Caligula, Emperor 18 Catherine II the Great of Track at Shinobazu 297 Cleisthenes 26
independence 265 Calloway, Cab 218 Russia 238, 239 Chile, Valparaíso 233 Clement XII, Pope 22
Portuguese royal family Cambodia, Angkor 83 Catholic Church China Clementinum (Prague) 11, 110
in exile 175 Camus, Albert 101 England breaks with 88 Beijing 276–83 Cleopatra VII, Pharaoh 130
Rio de Janeiro 233 Canaanites 37 in Mexico 69, 70, 72 Hong Kong 284–87 Cloaca Maxima (Rome) 16
São Paulo 307 Canada Rome 16, 20 Shanghai 198–203 Clock Tower (Singapore) 249
Bridge of Sighs (Venice) 189 Montréal 155 Celtic language 160 Xi’an 60–65 Clovis I of the Franks 95
British East India Québec City 146–49 Celts 95, 109, 114 China Art Museum cocoa 166
Company 52, 59, 89, 139, Toronto 307 Central Park (New York City) (Shanghai) 202 Codex Mendoza 70
198, 246 Vancouver 233 216, 219 China Central Television Cola di Rienzo 21
British Empire 52–54, 92, 139, Canadian Pacific Railway 149 Central Post Office Building Headquarters (Beijing) Cold War 122, 290
147–49, 192, 194, 196, 204, Canaletto 190 (Stockholm) 171 276–77, 283 Coleman, Glenn,
246, 248–49, 273, 274, canals 12 Centre Pompidou (Paris) 101 chinampas 67 Bridge Tower 12
285–87 Amsterdam 163, 164, 165, Cerdà, Ildefons 180, 181 Chinatown (San Francisco) Colombia, Cartagena 233
British Mandate in 167 Cervantes, Miguel de 154, 178 212 Colosseum (Rome) 11, 16–17,
Palestine 42 Venice 184–91 Ceschiatti, Alfredo, Justice 266 Chinese Civil War 282 18, 22, 23
British Museum (London) 29 Canary Wharf (London) 93 Chak Tok Ich’aak I of Tikal 75 Chinese Revolution 286 Columbus, Christopher 260
British North America Act 148 Canberra (Australia) 13, 269 Chakri dynasty 141–45 Chioggia, Battle of 187 Comédie-Française 97
Brixton riots (London) 92 Canterbury (England) 87 Chamber of Deputies Chitimacha people 150 Commonwealth Games 55
Broadway (New York City) Cap-Diamant (Brasília) 264–65 cholera 12 Communism
215, 219 (Québec City) 148, 149 Champlain, Samuel de 147 Chōmei, Kamo no 255 China 198, 200, 201, 202,
Bronx (New York City) 216, 221 Cape Colony 192, 194, 195 Chanapata civilization 79 Chongzhen Emperor 280 281–83
Brooklyn Bridge Cape Flats (Cape Town) 196, Chanca people 79 Chopin, Frederic 117 Cuba 225
(New York City) 12 197 Chandigarh (India) 13, 269 Chora Church (Istanbul) 33 Czechoslovakia 113
Browning, Robert and Cape of Good Hope (South Chandler, Raymond 304, 305 Christ, Jesus 38 Russia/Soviet Union
Elizabeth Barrett 107 Africa) 192 Chandni Chowk (Delhi) 51 Christ the Redeemer 127–29, 239–41
Bruckner, Anton 116 Cape Town (South Africa) 12, Chanel, Coco 100 (Rio de Janeiro) 233 Compton (Los Angeles) 305
Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, 192–97 Chang’an (China) see Xi’an Christian II of Denmark 169 Confucianism 63, 288
The Sack of Rome 21 Cape Town Stadium 197 Changi Airport (Singapore) 251 Christianity Connaught Place (Delhi) 53, 54
Brunelleschi, Filippo 104, 107 Capitol (Washington, DC) 260, Changle Palace (Xi’an) 62 Athens 28 conquistadors 68, 69, 227, 233
Bruno, Giordano 21 261, 263 Chao Phraya river 140–41, 143 California 211 Constantine, Emperor 16, 19,
Brutus, Decimus Junius 173 Capitol Hill (Washington, DC) Chapultepec (Mexico) 67 Constantinople (Istanbul) 31 20, 31, 38
Budapest (Hungary) 154–55 258–59 Chapultepec Castle Jerusalem 38–43 Constantinople 186
Buddhism 61, 63, 136, 253, Capitoline Hill (Rome) 16, 19 (Mexico City) 72 Mexico 69, 70 fall of 34, 124, 187
254, 255, 257 Capitoline Museums (Rome) 22 Charlemagne 20, 102, 114 Rome 16, 18, 19, 20 see also Istanbul
convicts, penal colonies 204, David, King 37 drama, Greek 25, 26 Empire State Building film 23, 101, 251, 286, 293, 303,
206 de Brujin, Cornelis de 47 drugs 167, 198, 200, 201, 213 (New York City) 12, 304, 305
Cook, Captain James 204 de Clare, Richard 246, 286 218, 219 finance 13, 250, 251
cooperation, large-scale 8 “Strongbow” 158 Drum Tower (Xi’an) 65 empires 11 First Intifada 43
Copenhagen (Denmark) 232 de Hooch, Pieter 165 Dubai (UAE) 12, 272–75 Endeavour, HMS 204 First Republic of Korea
Coppola, Francis Ford 304 Decembrist Revolt 238 Dubai Internet City 274, 275 English Civil War 89 290–91
Coptic Christians 41, 130, Decena Trágica, La Dubai Mall 275 Enlightenment 119 First Temple (Jerusalem) 37
135 (Mexico City) 72 Dubček, Alexander 113 environmental consciousness Fitzgerald, F. Scott 99, 100
Coricancha temple (Cusco) 80 Delft (Netherlands) 165 Dublin (Ireland) 158–61 13, 171, 191, 213, 293 Five Grand Palaces (Seoul)
Cortés, Hernán 68, 69, 71, 300 Delhi (India) 8, 48–55 Dufy, Raoul 99 Ephesus (Turkey) 82 288, 293
Cortex Borbonicus 68 Delhi, Battle of 52 Dusit (Bangkok) 143 Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip 35 Five Great Clans
Costa, Lúcio 265, 266 Delhi Development Dutch East India Company Erechtheion Temple (Hong Kong) 285
cotton 153 Authority 54 164, 166, 192 (Athens) 26 Flatiron Building
Cotton Club (New York City) Delhi Metro 55 Dutch Empire 166, 192, 196, Ericsson 171 (New York City) 12, 217
218 Delhi Sultanate 48, 57, 138 246, 285 Erie Canal (USA) 216 flooding
Coubertin, Baron Pierre de 29 Delian League 26 Dutch Golden Age 164, 165 Erlitou (China) 10 Bangkok 145
Counter-Reformation 21 democracy, Athenian 10, 25, Dutch Republic 164 Escoffier, Auguste 99 Florence 107
courtesans 296 26, 29 Dutch Revolt 164 Estado Novo (Portugal) 176, Mexico City 70
Craig, James 268 Democratic Republic of the Dvořák, Antonín 113 177 New Orleans 153
Crassus, Marcus 17 Congo (DRC) 13 Dylan, Bob 220, 221 Estruch, Antoni, Siege of Venice 191
Creoles 150, 152 Deng Ziaoping 202, 282, 283 Barcelona 180 Florence (Italy) 28, 102–107
Crete 10, 189 Denmark E Ethiopia, Lalibela 83 Florentine Codex 68
cricket 206, 207 Copenhagen 232 Eagle Warriors 68, 69 Etisalat Tower (Dubai) 274 Flower Dome (Singapore)
crime 12 rule in Sweden 169 earthquakes Etruscans 16 246–47
criollos 70, 71 diamonds 166, 194, 195, Lisbon 175 Euphrates river 8 Folies Bergères (Paris) 98
Crosby, Stills & Nash 305 233 Los Angeles 305 EUR (Rome) 23 Fondation Louis Vuitton
Crusades 28, 33, 38–40, 132, Dias, Bartolomeu 192 Mexico City 73 Euripides 26 (Paris) 101
184, 186 Díaz, Bernal 67 San Francisco 212, 213 European Union 161 Fontanka Embankment
Cuauhtémoc, Emperor 69 Díaz, Porfirio 72 Eastern Roman Empire 20, Eurovision Song Contest 171 (St Petersburg) 241
Cuba, Havana 222–25 Dickens, Charles 92, 259 31 Euston Station (London) 91 football 177, 183, 197, 231,
Cuban Revolution 224–25 Diderot, Denis 97 Edinburgh (UK) 268 Evelyn, John 163 267, 292
Cubism 99 Dilmun (Bahrain) 9 Edo see Tokyo Existentialism 101 Forbidden City (Beijing) 278,
Culhua-Mexica 67 Dinis I of Portugal 173 Edo Castle (Tokyo) 295 Expo 2020 (Dubai) 275 279, 280, 283
Cultural Revolution 282 Dinkins, David 221 education 12 Exposition Universelle (Paris) foreign concessions (China)
Culture Palace of Nationalities Dinpanah (Delhi) 50 Egypt 99, 100 198, 200
(Beijing) 282 Dionysius 25 Alexandria 268–69 Expressionism 221 forest fires 305
Curzon, Lord 245 disease 12 Cairo 130–35 Fort Canning (Singapore) 246
Cusco (Peru) 78–81 Disneyland (Shanghai) 203 first cities 10 F Fortress Wall (Seoul) 288, 293
Cylon 25 District Six (Cape Town) 195, Luxor 82 Fabergé eggs 239 Forum Romanum 19
Cyprus 189 196, 197 Eichmann, Adolf 230 factories 12 Foster, Norman 123
Cyrus the Great of Persia 37, Ditadura Nacional (Portugal) Eid 52 fado 176 Fra Angelico 104
45, 243 176, 177 Eiffel Tower (Paris) 100 Faridabad (Delhi) 54 France
Czech National Museum Dix, Otto, Portrait of the Eisai 255 fascism 22–23 Bordeaux 154
(Prague) 112, 113 Journalist Sylvia Eisenstein, Sergei 128 fashion 92, 93, 97, 100, 101, colonial empire 147–48,
Czech Republic, Prague von Harden 120 Eixample (Barcelona) 179, 230 150–51
108–13 Docklands (London) 93 180, 181 Fatimid Caliphate 39, 130, invasion of Mexico 72
Czechoslovakia 112 Dodd, Louis 90 Eixo Monumental (Brasília) 132 Marseille 232
Doge’s Palace (Venice) 133, 266 Fauvism 99 Paris 94–101
D 186, 187, 189 Ekberg, Anita 171 Fayuan Temple (Beijing) 276 Francis I, Emperor 106
da Gama, Vasco 133, 174, 177 Doha (Qatar) 306 El Peix (Barcelona) 183 February Revolution 239 Francis I, Pope 231
daimyō 295, 296, 297, 298 Dolguruky, Yuri 124 Elgin, Lord 28, 29 Federal District (Brasília) 267 Franciscans 69, 70
Daitoku-ji (Kyoto) 255 Dolores (Mexico) 71 Elizabeth I of England 88 Ferdinand I, Emperor 114 Franco, Francisco 183
Dam Square (Amsterdam) Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem) Elizabeth II of the United Ferdinand II, Emperor 110, 111 Franco–Prussian War 99
166, 167 38, 39, 40, 41 Kingdom 285 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence 212, 213 François I of France 96
Damascus (Syria) 82, 130, 132 Donatello 104 Elizabeth, Empress of Fernsehturm (Berlin) 123 Frank, Anne 167
Damascus Gate (Jerusalem) 41 Dongdaemun Design Plaza Russia 236, 237 Feroz Shah Kotla (Delhi) 48 Frankfurt (Germany) 13
Daming Palace (Xi’an) 63, 65 (Seoul) 288–89, 293 Ellicott, Andrew 260 Feroz Shah Tughlaq 48 Franks 20, 109, 114, 179
Dandridge, Dorothy 218 Donnacona, Chief 147 Ellington, Duke 153, 218, 263 Ferozabad (Delhi) 48 Franz Joseph, Emperor 116
Daning Palace (Beijing) 276 Doors, the 305 Ellis Island (New York City) Ferragamo, Salvatore 107 Frederick I of Prussia 119
Danube river 114, 154–55 Dorsoduro (Venice) 189 216, 217 Festival of Britain (1951) 92 Frederick II the Great of
Daoism 279 Dos Pilas (Guatemala) 76 Embarcadero Freeway Fifth Avenue (New York Prussia 119, 120
Darius I of Persia 45, 46, 47 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 239 (San Francisco) 213 City) 217 Freedmen’s Bureau 263
Darius III of Persia 47 Doyle, Roddy 161 Emerald Buddha (Bangkok) Filbert Street French Concession
Daulatabad (Delhi) 48 Draco 25 141, 142 (San Francisco) 211 (Shanghai) 200, 201, 203
French Quarter (New Orleans) Germany Great Exhibition Gustav Adolfs torg Henry II of England 87
150, 153 Berlin 118–23 (London, 1851) 91 (Stockholm) 170 Henry VII of England 88
French Revolution 97 Munich 154 Great Fire of London 89, Gwangmu, Emperor of Henry VIII of England 88, 158
Fertile Crescent 8 reunification of 123 90, 91 Korea 290 Henry Street (Dublin) 160
Freud, Sigmund 116 World War I and II 120–21 Great Fire of Stockholm 170 Gyeongbok Palace Hepburn, Audrey 23
Friedrich of Hohenzollern Getty Center (Los Angeles) 305 Great Hall of the People (Seoul) 288, 290 Hermitage Museum
119 Ghalib, Mirza 48, 52 (Beijing) 282 Gyeongbu Expressway (St Petersburg) 237, 238
Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector ghats, Varanasi 136–37, 139 Great Kantō Earthquake 298, (Seoul) 291 Herod the Great 38
of Brandenburg 119 Ghaziabad (Delhi) 54 299 Herzfeld, Ernst 47
Friedrich Wilhelm II of Ghibeti, Lorenzo 104 Great Korean Empire 290 H Herzl, Theodor 41
Prussia 120 Ghirlandaio, Domenico, Great Leap Forward 282 Habaguanex 222 Het Schip (Amsterdam) 166
Fuji, Mount (Japan) 295, 296 Resurrection of the Boy 104 Great Northern War 169, 236 Habsburg Empire/dynasty Heyden, Jan van der 165
Fujiwara clan 253 Ghori, Muhammad 48 Great Plaza (Tikal) 74–75, 110–13, 114–17, 164, 180 Hidalgo, Miguel 71
Fullerton Building Gilbert, Victor Gabriel, Le 76, 77 Hadid, Zaha 23, 288, 306 Higashiyama district
(Singapore) 249 Carreau des Halles 94–95 Great Purge 240, 241 Hadrian, Emperor 28, 38 (Kyoto) 257
funeral masks 76 Ginsberg, Allen 212 Great Sphinx of Giza 132 Hagia Sophia (Istanbul) 32, High Line, The
funiculars 175 Ginza district (Tokyo) 297, Great Stink (London) 91–92 34, 35 (New York City) 221
298, 299 Great Trek 194 Haight-Ashbury district Hinduism 54, 136–39
G Giudecca (Venice) 188 Great Wall of China 278 (San Francisco) 213 hip-hop music 305
Gable, Clark 304 Giuliani, Rudi 221 Great Zimbabwe 9, 83 Haiti, slave rebellion 152 hippies 213
Gabrieli, Andrea and gladiators 18 Greece, Athens 24–29 Hall of a Hundred Columns Hippodamus of Miletus 10
Giovanni 188 glasnost 129 Greek War of Independence 28 (Persepolis) 46, 47 Hiroshige 254, 296
Gaiseric, King of the glass, Venetian 186, 188 Greeks, ancient 10 Hall of Supreme Harmony Hitler, Adolf 117, 121
Vandals 19 global cities 12, 13 Athens 24–27 (Forbidden City) 278 Hittites 37
Galilei, Galileo 106 Globe Theatre (London) 88 Ephesus 82 Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Hoban, James 260
Gallería Güemes glyphs, Mayan 75, 77 Istanbul 31 Maktoum, Sheikh 274 Hofburg (Vienna) 115
(Buenos Aires) 230 Goethe, Johann Greenlaw, Alexander 59 Hamilcar Barca 179 Hoffmann, Josef 117
Gamla Stan (Stockholm) 169, Wolfgang von 21 Greenmarket Square Hamilton, Alexander 260 Hogarth, William, Gin Lane 91
170, 171 Gogol, Nikolai 239 (Cape Town) 192 Hampi (India) 56–59 Hogenberg, Frans 78–79,
Gandhi, Mahatma 54 Goh Chok Tong 250 Greenwich Village Hampton Court Palace 188
Ganges river 136–37, 139 Goiás state (Brazil) 266 (New York City) 220, 221 (London) 90 Hokusai, Thirty-six Views of
Gangnam (Seoul) 291, 293 Gojong of Joseon 290 Gregory I, Pope 20 Han, River 288, 291, 292 Mount Fuji 296
gangsta rap 305 gold 194, 195, 206, 211, 212, Gregory, Lady 160 Han Chinese 285 Holbein, Hans 88
gangsters 201, 218 233, 303, 307 grid plans 10 Han dynasty 11, 61–62, 285 Hollywood (Los Angeles) 303,
Gaozu, Emperor 61, 62 Golden Gate Bridge Griffin, Walter Burley 13, 269 hangul script 288 304, 305
Garay, Juan de 227 (San Francisco) 212, 213 Griffith, D.W. 303 Hannibal 16 Hollywood Boulevard
Garbo, Greta 171, 304 Golden Horn (Istanbul) 34 Griffith Observatory Hannam Bridge (Seoul) 291 (Los Angeles) 304
García Márquez, Gabriel 233 Golden Pavilion (Kyoto) 256 (Los Angeles) 300–301 Hanoi (Vietnam) 155 Hollywood Bowl
Gardel, Carlos 229 Gorbachev, Mikhail 129 Griffith Park (Los Angeles) 303 Hanseatic League 11, 87, (Los Angeles) 305
Garden Cities 13 Gothic Quarter (Barcelona) 179 Grito de Dolores 71 119, 169 Holocaust 43, 167, 171
Gardens by the Bay Goths 19, 20, 28, 184 Gropius, Walter 121 Harajuku district (Tokyo) 298 Holocaust Memorial
(Singapore) 246–47, 251 Government House Grosz, George 120 Haram ash-Sharif (Berlin) 123
Garibaldi, Giuseppe 22 (Sydney) 206 Metropolis, 1917 118–19 see Temple Mount Holy Roman Empire 20, 109,
Garonne river 154 Grachtengordel Group Areas Act Harappa (Pakistan) 9 114, 119
Gate of Heavenly Purity (Amsterdam) 167 (South Africa) 197 Harihara 57 Hong Kong (China) 12, 198,
(Forbidden City) 278 Grafton Street (Dublin) 160 Guadalquivir river 154 Harlem (New York City) 219, 220 284–87
Gaudí, Antoni 181, 182, Grand Bazaar (Istanbul) 34 Guantánamo Bay (Cuba) 224 Harris, John 274 Hong Kong–Zuhai–Macau
183 Grand Canal (Beijing) 279 Guatemala, Tikal 74–77 Hatton, W.S., Sydney and Bridge 287
Gauls 16 Grand Canal (Venice) 186, Gucci 107 its Harbour 206 Honorius, Emperor 19
Gehry, Frank 101, 183, 188, 190 Güell, Eusebi 182 Hau clan (Hong Kong) 285 Honorius III, Pope 20
209 Grand Egyptian Museum Guelphs and Ghibelines 102 Haussmann, Georges-Eugène Honshū (Japan) 253
geisha 257 (Cairo) 135 Guerra Sucia 231 97, 98 Hopkins, Andrew LaMar,
General Post Office Grand Hotel (Cape Town) 194 Guevara, Ernesto “Che” 224–25 Hauz Khas (Delhi) 48, 55 The Bed Chamber of Marie
(Cape Town) 194 Grand Olympic Bridge Guggenheim, Peggy 191 Havana (Cuba) 222–25 Catherine Laveau 152
General Post Office (Seoul) 292 guilds 95, 102 hawkers (Singapore) 250, 251 hoplites 26
(Dublin) 160, 161 Grand Palace (Bangkok) Guimar, Hector 99 Heian era 254, 255, 256 Hôtel de Ville (Paris) 96
Genghis Khan 50, 279 140–41, 142 Guinness, Arthur 160 Heian Shrine (Kyoto) 257 Houses of Parliament
Genoa (Italy) 11, 186, 187 Grand Tour 22, 106–107 GUM (Moscow) 127 Heian-kyō see Kyoto (Cape Town) 195
Genpei War 254 Grande Arche de La Défense Guozijian (Beijing) 279 Helena, Empress 38 Houses of Parliament
geomancy 253 (Paris) 100 Gupta dynasty 11 Heliopolis (Cairo) 134 (London) 91
George V of the United Grateful Dead 213 Gurgaon Cyber City (Delhi) 55 Hemingway, Ernest 99, 100 Housing & Development
Kingdom 52 Great Angen Fire (Kyoto) 254 Guru Nanak 138 Henri II of France 106 Board (HDB) (Singapore)
Georgetown (Washington, DC) Great Depression 166, 212, Gustav I of Sweden 169 Henri III of France 96 249, 250, 251
258, 260 219, 262, 263 Gustav III of Sweden 170 Henri IV of France 97, 147 Houten, Coenraad van 166
Howard University Indus Valley culture 9, 10 Japan Kantner, Paul 213 Kyoto (Japan) 11, 252–57,
(Washington, DC) 262 industrialization 12, 13 Kyoto 252–57 Kapnikarea (Athens) 28 295, 297
Hoysala dynasty 57 Institutional Revolutionary Osaka 233 Karlín district (Prague) 111 Kyoto Protocol 257
Huacaypata square (Cusco) Party (PRI) (Mexico) 72 Tokyo 294–99 Karnak (Egypt) 10
79, 81 Iran 9 World War II 248, 249, 286, Kashi, Kingdom of 136 L
Huangpu river 198, 200 Isfahan 242–45 290, 298, 299 Kashi Vishwanath Temple La Brea tar pits 300
Huáscar 80 Persepolis 44–47 Japanese Empire 290, 298 (Varanasi) 138 La Brea Woman 300
Huayna Cápac 80, 81 Iran–Iraq War 245 Japan–Korea Treaty (1905) 290 kathak dance tradition 138 La Cabaña (Cuba) 222
Huerta, Victoriano 72 Iraq 8 Jasaw Chan K’awiil I Katsura Imperial Villa La Citadelle
Hugh, Margrave of Baghdad 268 of Tikal 76, 77 (Kyoto) 256 (Québec City) 148–49
Tuscany 102 Ireland Jasaw Chan K’awiil II Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan 306 La Guardia, Fiorella 218, 219
Hughes, Langston 263 Dublin 158–61 of Tikal 76 Kazan Cathedral La Plata (Argentina) 269
Huguenots 119, 165 English rule 158, 160, 161 jazz 100, 152, 153, 218, 219, (St Petersburg) 239 La Plata river 227
Hui, Emperor 62 Great Famine 91, 160–61, 221, 225, 263, 307 Kazmaoğlu, Adnan 35 La Salle, René-Robert
Huitzilopochtl 67 216 Jebel Ali Port (Dubai) 274 Keats, John 22 Cavalier, Sieur de 150
Hulanicki, Barbara 92 independence 161 Jefferson, Thomas 258, 260 Kennedy, John F. 123, 224 Lady of Tikal 76
human sacrifices 68–69 Irene, Emperor 28 Jefferson Airplane 213 Kennin-ji (Kyoto) 255 Lagos (Nigeria) 13, 233
Humayun, Emperor 50 Iroquoians 147 Jerusalem (Israel) 36–43, 243 Kew Gardens (London) 90, 91 Lakhta Centre
Humayun’s Tomb (Delhi) 50 irrigation 57 Jesuits 71, 110, 111, 279, 280 Khan, Bismillah 139 (St Petersburg) 241
Humbolt, Alexander von 71, Isar river 154 Jewish communities 109, 112, Khilji area (Delhi) 55 Lal Kot (Delhi) 48
120 Isfahan (Iran) 242–45 117, 119, 166, 167, 171, 243 Khilji dynasty 48 Lalibela (Ethiopia) 83
Humbolt University Isfahani, Hajji Mohammed Ji Kingdom 276 Khitan nomads 276 Lamar, Kendrick 305
(Berlin) 119, 120 Hossein 245 Jiajing Emperor 279 Khoisan people 192 Lang, Friz 121
Hundertwasserhaus Isidore of Miletus 32 Jim Crow laws 153 Khomeini, Ayatollah 245 Latin Quarter (Paris) 95,
(Vienna) 117 Islam 34–5, 38–43, 54, 130, 273 Jin dynasty 276 Khrushchev, Nikita 129 101
Hundred Years’ War 96 Ismail I, Shah of Persia 244 Jing’an Temple (Shanghai) 202 Khwarezmian dynasty 39, 40 Latino community
Hung Chao 65 Ismail Pasha 134 Jingshan Park (Beijing) 280 Kiev (Ukraine) 124 (Los Angeles) 304, 305
Hungary, Budapest 154–55 Israel Jinmao Tower (Shanghai) 202, Killike people 79 Laurel Canyon
Huns 184 declaration of state 203 King, Martin Luther Jr. 263 (Los Angeles) 305
hunter-gatherers 8 of 42 Joan Miró Park (Barcelona) 183 King, Rodney 305 law codes 8, 25
Hurricane Katrina 153 Jerusalem 36–43 Jōchō 254 King David Hotel Le Corbusier 12, 13, 182,
Hus, Jan 110 Istanbul (Turkey) 30–35 John Paul II, Pope 23, 43 (Jerusalem) 42 267, 269
hutongs 283 Italy Jonson, Ben 88 King Power MahaNakhon Le Moyne de Bienville,
Hvel, Václav 113 Florence 102–107 Joplin, Janis 213 skyscraper (Bangkok) 145 Jean-Baptiste 150
Hyde Park (Sydney) 206, maritime republics 11 Jordan, Petra 82 Kinshasa (DRC) 13 Le Nôtre, André 260
208 Naples 232 Jordan river 37 Kipling, Rudyard 248 League of Cambrai 188
Palmanova 268 Joseon dynasty 288, 290 Kirov, Sergei 240 Lee, Bruce 286
I Rome 16–23 Joyce, James 100, 160, 161 Klimt, Gustav 117 Lee Kuan Yew 248, 249, 250
Ibn Battuta 243 unification of 106 Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor 70 Portrait of Eugenia Primavesi L’Enfant, Pierre Charles 53, 260
Ibrahim, Abdullah 196 Venice 184–91 Juárez, Benito 72 116 Lenin, Vladimir 127, 128, 240
Ibrahim Lodi, Sultan 50 Iturbe, Augustín de 72 Judah 37 Knights Templar 39 Leningrad (Soviet Union) 240–41
Iceni 87 Itzcoatl, Emperor 67 Judaism Koh-i-Noor diamond 51 see also St Petersburg
Ieyasu, Tokigawa 256, 295 Ivan I of Russia 124 Jerusalem 37–43 Kohlmarkt (Vienna) 114–15 Leningrad, Siege of 240, 241
Iglesia de la Compañía de Ivan III the Great of Russia 124 see also Jewish Kolkata (India) 52 Leo III, Emperor 32
Jesús (Cusco) 81 Ivan IV the Terrible of communities kore (statue) 25 Leo III, Pope 20
Ile de la Cité (Paris) 95 Russia 124 Judas Maccabaeus 37 Korea Leonardo da Vinci 96, 97, 105
Iltutmish, Sultan 48 Jugendstil 116, 117 Japanese invasion and Leonowens, Anna 143
immigration 12, 91, 92, 122, J Julius II, Pope 20, 188 rule 290–91 Leopold I, Emperor 115
165, 166, 195, 207, 209, Jack the Ripper 92 Jumeirah Beach Hotel see also South Korea Lepanto, Battle of 188, 189
212, 216, 229, 230, 246, Jackson, Andrew 152 (Dubai) 274 Korean War 291, 293 Lepié, Ferdinand, View of the
248, 274–75, 303 Jahanara Begum 51 Justinian, Emperor 28, 32, 33 Kowloon (Hong Kong) 284–85, Old Town of Prague with
Imperial Palace (Kyoto) 253, Jai Singh II, Maharaja of 286, 287 the Church of Our Lady
254, 257 Jaipur 51, 269 K Kraków (Poland) 155 Before Tyn 108–109
Impressionism 99 Jaipur (India) 269 Kabir 138 Kremlin (Moscow) 124, 126 Leptis Magna (Libya) 83
Inca Empire 79–81 Jalan Kukoh (Singapore) 251 kabuki theatre 295, 296 Krishna Deva Raya of Les Halles (Paris) 94–95
India Jama Masjid (Delhi) 51 Kachachaturian, Aram 239 Vijayanagar 57, 58–59 Lesage, Jean 149
Chandigarh 269 Jamestown, Virginia 258 Kahanamoku, Duke 207 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 307 Letchworth (UK) 13
Delhi 48–55 Jamia Millia Islamia (Delhi) 53 Kahlo, Frida 73 Kubitschek de Oliveira, LGBTQ+ communities 213, 221
Hampi 56–59 janissaries 34–35 The Two Fridas 73 Juscelino 265, 266 Li Zicheng 280
independence 53, 54 Jansson, Eugène, Dawn over Kalmar Union 169 Kublai Khan 278, 279 Liang dynasty 65
Jaipur 269 Riddarfjärden 168–69 Kamakura shogunate 256 Kuomingtang 281 Liao Empire 276
Varanasi 136–39 Jantar Mantar (Delhi) 51 Kammu, Emperor 253 Kurosawa, Akira 255 libertarianism, Amsterdam 167
India Gate (Delhi) 53 Delhi 51 Kan’ami 256 Kuwasseg, Charles, A View of Libeskind, Daniel 161
Indian Rebellion (1857) 52, 139 Jaipur 269 Kangxi Emperor 280 Amsterdam 162–63 Libuše, Princess 109
Libya, Leptis Magna 83 Madrid (Spain) 180 Mark, St 184 Mexico 11 Moscow (Russia) 124–29,
Lido (Venice) 191 Mafia, US 222, 224, 225 Marlowe, Christopher 88 and Los Angeles 302 236, 240
Liffey river 158–59 Mahabharata 48 Marseille (France) 232 Mexico City 66–73 Moscow, Battle of 129
Lincoln, Abraham 261 Mahfouz, Naguib 135 Marshall, James 211 Mexico City (Mexico) 66–73 Moscow Exhibition (1921) 128
Lincoln Center Mahler, Gustav 116 Martí, José 224 Mfeketo, Nomaindia 197 Moscow Metro 12, 128, 129
(New York City) 220 Majolikahaus (Vienna) 116 Martyn, Edward 160 Michael VIII Palaeologus, MOSE project (Venice) 191
Lincoln Memorial Maktoum bin Rashid Al Masaryk, Tomáš 112, 113 Emperor 33 Moses, Robert 220
(Washington, DC) 262, 263 Maktoum, Sheikh 274 Mashhad (Iran) 245 Michelangelo 20, 21, 105 Moskva river 124, 129
Lisbon (Portugal) 172–77 Malacca 246 Masjid-e Shah (Isfahan) David 102 Mosque al-Azhar (Cairo) 132
Lisbon World Exposition 177 Malan, F.D. 195 242–43, 244, 245 Mikhail I of Russia 124 Moulin Rouge (Paris) 99
Liu clan (Hong Kong) 285 Mälaren, Lake (Sweden) 169, masks, Venetian Carnival 187 Milan (Italy) 18 Mount Hiei (Kyoto) 253, 255
Liverpool (UK) 232 171 Matisse, Henri 99 military junta, Argentina 231 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Lliga de Catalunya 181 Malay Peninsula 192, 246, 249 Maudsley, Alfred Percival 77 Milk, Harvey 213 111, 114, 115
Lodhi Art District (Delhi) 55 Malaysia 249 Maurya Empire 136 Millennium Dome (London) MRT railway (Singapore) 250,
Lodhi Gardens (Delhi) 48 Kuala Lumpur 307 Maxentius, Emperor 19 93 251
Lodi dynasty 48, 50 Malevich, Kazimir 128 Maximilian I, Emperor 114, 188 Million Dollar Theater Mucha, Alfons 112
Loma Prieta earthquake 213 Mali, Timbuktu 83 Maximilian I of Mexico 72 (Los Angeles) 305 Mughal dynasty/Empire 50–52,
Lombards 102, 184 Malibu (USA) 305 Maxwell, Donald 248 Milton, John 25 138–39
Lomonosov, Mikhail 126 Malik Shah I, Sultan 243 MAXXI (Rome) 23 Milvian Bridge, Battle of 19 Muhammad Ali Pasha 41, 134
London (UK) 11, 12, 13, 86–93 Malmö (Sweden) 232 May Revolution 227, 228 Ming dynasty 65, 198, 278, Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq 48
London Bridge 87 Malta, Valetta 268 Maya civilization 11, 74–77 279, 280, 285 Mumbai (India) 12, 13
London Eye 93 Mamluks 40, 48, 130, 132, 133 Maydan-e Naqsh-e Jahan minhwa (Korean folk art) 288 Munich (Germany) 154
London Underground 12, 92 Man clan (Hong Kong) 285 (Isfahan) 244–45 Minoan civilization 10 Munjong of Goryeo 288
Loos, Alfred 117 Manchuria, Japanese Mazzini, Giuseppe 22 Minuit, Peter 215 Murano (Venice) 186, 188
López Obrador, Andrés occupation of 201 Me Too movement 305 Miracle Mile Museo Soumaya
Manuel 73 Manchus 280, 282 Medici, Catherine de’ 106 (Los Angeles) 300 (Mexico City) 73
Loredan, Doge Leonardo 188 Manco Cápac 79 Medici, Cosimo de’ Miró, Joan 183 Museum of Art, Architecture,
Loren, Sophia 23 Manco Cápac II 80 (il Vecchio) 104 Mission Dolores and Technology
Los Angeles (USA) 13, 300–305 Mandela, Nelson 196, 197 Medici, Cosimo I de’ 105, 106 (San Francisco) 211 (Lisbon) 177
Los Angeles Aqueduct 304 Manhattan (New York City) Medici, Cosimo II de’ 106 Mississippi river 150, 153 Museum of Modern Art
lost cities 11 215, 216, 221 Medici, Giovanni de’ 104 Mitchell, Joni 305 (San Francisco) 212
Lotte World Tower (Seoul) 293 Manin, Daniele 190 Medici, Lorenzo de’ 105 Moctezuma II, Emperor 68, 69 Museuminsel (Berlin) 120
Lotus Temple (Delhi) 55 Manjakiyya Madrasa Medici, Piero I de’ 105 Modernism 12, 13, 113, 183, Mussolini, Benito 23
Louis XIV of France 96, 97, 100 (Jerusalem) 40 Medici dynasty 102, 104–106 265, 266, 267 Mussorgsky, Modest 126
Louis XVI of France 97 Mann, Thomas 191 Medvedev, Dmitry 129 Mohammed bin Rashid Al Myanmar 13
Louis, Spyridon 29 Manuel II of Portugal 177 megacities 12–13 Maktoum, Sheikh 274, 275 Bagan 83
Louisiana (USA) 150, 152 Manueline style 174 Mehmet II, Sultan 34 Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Mycenaean culture 25
Louvre (Paris) 95, 96, 97 Manutius, Aldus 187 Mehrauli (Delhi) 48 Shah 47 Myriokephalon, Battle of 33
Louvre pyramid (Paris) 101 Mao Zedong 200, 201, 202, 282 Meiji, Emperor 297 Mohenjo-Daro (Pakistan) 9
Lovell, Tom, Destruction of Maradona, Diego 231 Meiji Restoration 257, 296–98 Monet, Claude 98 N
Persepolis 46 Marais (Paris) 95 Melbourne (Australia) 155 Mongols/Mongol invasions Nacotchtank people 258
Lübeck (Germany) 169 Maratha Empire 51, 52, 139 Melnikov, Konstantin 128 124, 132, 198, 243, 278, 279 Nadir Shah of Persia 51
Lumet, Sidney 304 Marathon, Battle of 26 Memorial Bridge (Bangkok) 143 Monnickendam, Martin, Namdaemun Gate (Seoul) 291
Lumière brothers 99 Marble Palace Memphis (Egypt) 10, At the Jeweller’s 166 Nanjing (China) 281
Luna Park (Sydney) 208 (St Petersburg) 238 130, 132 Monroe, Marilyn 304 Nanjing, Treaty of 198, 285
Luoyang (China) 10, 61, 63, 65 March First Movement Mendoza, Antonio de 69, 70 monsoon 145 Napier (New Zealand) 12
Lustgarten (Berlin) 119 (Korea) 290 Mendoza, Pedro de 227 Montesquieu 97 Naples (Italy) 232
Lutyens, Edwin 52, 53 March Revolution 116 Merian, Matthäus, Monteverdi, Claudio 188, 189 Napoleon I of France 22, 97,
Luxor (Egypt) 82 March on Washington 263 Defenestration of 1618 110 Montjuïc (Barcelona) 183 106, 116, 120, 126, 132,
Lyceum (Athens) 27 Mardi Gras (New Orleans) Mesoamerica, first cities 10, 11 Montmartre (Paris) 99 134, 52, 166, 175, 190,
150–51, 152 Mesopotamia 8, 9, 10, 13 Montréal (Canada) 149, 155 228, 238, 239
M Mari (Syria) 9 Metochites, Theodore 33 monumental buildings Napoleon III of France 97, 98
Macartney, Lord 280 Maria Theresa, Empress 106, Metropolitan Cathedral first 9 Naqib al-Ashraf revolt 41
Macau (China) 285 114, 115 (Mexico City) 70 middle ages 11 Naqsh-e Rustam (Iran) 47
Machado, General Gerardo 224 Marie Antoinette, Queen of Metropolitan Opera Moors 154, 173, 179 Narai of Ayutthaya 141
Machetes, Conspiracy of the 71 France 97 (New York City) 217 More, Sir Thomas 13 Naranjo (Guatemala) 76
Machiavelli, Niccolò 105 Mariinsky Theatre Metropolitan Rapid Transit Morea (Peloponnese) 189 Nasser, Gamal Abdel 135
Machu Picchu (Peru) 81 (St Petersburg) 239 system (Bangkok) 145 Morocco National Bank of Dubai
McKenzie, Scott 213 Marina Bay (Singapore) 246, Metternich, Prince 116 Portuguese conquests Tower 274
McMillan Plan 249 Mexican Revolution 72 in 174 National Centre for the
(Washington, DC) 262, 263 Marina Bay Sands Mexican War of Spanish campaigns in 182 Performing Arts
Macquarie, Lachlan 206 (Singapore) 251 Independence 71 mortality rates 12 (Beijing) 283
Madero, Francisco 72 maritime empires 11–12 Mexican–American War 211, mosaics, Venice 184, 186 National Congress
Madres de Plaza de Mayo 231 Mark the Evangelist 130 302, 303 Moscone, George 213 (Brasília) 265, 266
National Congress building Nobel, Alfred 170, 171 Ospedale della Pietà Paris (France) 11, 94–101, 262 philanthropy 13
(Buenos Aires) 228 Nobunaga, Oda 256 (Venice) 189, 190 Paris, Treaty of 148, 224 Philip II of Macedon 27
National Mall Normans 87 Ostia (Italy) 11 Park Chung-hee 291 Philip II of Spain 180
(Washington, DC) 262 North Korea 290, 291 Ostrogoths 20, 102 Park Hotel (Shanghai) 202 Philip V of Spain 180
National Monument Northern Ireland 92, 161 Ottawa (Canada) 149 Parliament (England/UK) 87, 89 Phillip, Captain Arthur 204, 205
(Amsterdam) 167 Northridge Earthquake Ottawa river 155 Parliament (Ireland) 158 Piaf, Edith 100, 101
National Museum of African (USA) 305 Ottoman Empire 28, 29, 33, Parliament House (Delhi) 53 Piazza della Signoria
American History Notre-Dame de Paris 95, 101 34–35, 40–41, 114, 115, Parliament House (Florence) 102
(Washington, DC) 263 Nouvel, Jean 101 133, 134, 154, 186, 187, (Stockholm) 171 Piazza Venezia (Rome) 22
National Pantheon (Lisbon) 174 Novellanus, Simon 78–79 188, 189, 268 Parliament House (Sydney) 206 Picasso, Pablo 99, 183
National Theatre (Prague) 112 Novgorod (Russia) 124 Our Lady of Guadalupe Parque das Nações Pilate, Pontius 38
National University (Athens) 28 Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) 306 (Mexico City) 70, 71, 72 (Lisbon) 177 pilgrimage 10, 38, 57, 79, 83,
nationalism 22, 42, 71, 111, Nuun Ujol Chaak of Tikal 76 Outin, Vladimir 129 Parramatta (Australia) 204 136, 139
135, 161, 181, 182, 183, Nystad, Peace of 236 overcrowding 12 Parthenon (Athens) 26, 28, 29 Pinnacle residential
195, 225, 249 Oxenstierna, Axel 169 Partition (India) 54 development (Singapore)
Nationalists (China) 281, 282 O Oxford (UK) 154 Pastry War 71 251
Native Americans 150, 258, Obama, Barack 225, 263 Patpong (Bangkok) 144 piracy 184, 222
300, 302 Obecní Dům (Prague) 112, 113 P Paul VI, Pope 54 Piraeus (Greece) 29
Natives (Urban Areas) Act OCBC Skyway Pachacuti 79, 81 Pavón, Battle of 228, 229 Pisa (Italy) 11, 104, 186
(South Africa) 195 (Singapore) 246–47 Paço da Ribeira (Lisbon) 174, Peabody Trust 92 Pizzaro, Francisco 80
Naypyidaw (Myanmar) 13 October Revolution 239 175 Peacock Throne (India) 50, 51 Place de l’Etoile (Paris) 98
Nazi regime 167, 230 Odoric of Pordinone 47 Padrão dos Descobrimentos Pearl Harbor 200 Place Royale (Paris) 96
Nebuchadnezzar II of Odysseus 173 (Lisbon) 172–73 pearl industry 273 plague 89, 179, 186, 187,
Babylon 37, 82 Oestrimmi people 173 Paes, Domingo 58 Pearse, Patrick 161 189, 195
Necho, Pharaoh 47 O’Gorman, Juan, Retablo de Pakistan 9, 54 Peck, Gregory 23 Plaka district (Athens) 29
Nehru, Jawaharlal 53, 54, 269 la Independencia 71 Palace of the Soviets Peisistratos 25 Plato 13, 27, 28
neo-Confucianism 296 Ohione people 211 (Moscow) 128 Peking see Beijing Plaza de Armas (Cusco) 81
Neoclassical style 53, 194, oil industry 274, 275, 306 Palace of Xerxes Peking, Convention Plaza de Mayo
238, 239, 249, 291 Olbrich, Joseph Maria 117 (Persepolis) 45, 47 of (1860) 286 (Buenos Aires) 226–27, 230
Neolithic peoples 8 Old Royal Naval College Palacio de Bellas Artes Peking Man 276 Poland, Kraków 155
neon signs (Hong Kong) 287 (Greenwich) 90 (Mexico City) 72 Peking opera 280 Polding, Archbishop John 206
Nerly, Friedrich, Santa Maria Old St Paul’s Cathedral Palacio de Correos Peloponnesian War 27 Pollock, Jackson 221
della Salute 189 (London) 89 (Mexico City) 72 Penang (Malaysia) 246 pollution 12, 13, 55, 72, 191,
Nero, Emperor 18 Old Town Square Palais des Tuileries (Paris) 96 Peninsular War 71, 180 283, 305
Nestorian Christians 63, 64 (Prague) 109, 111 Palatine Hill (Rome) 16, 19 peninsulares 70 Polo, Marco 65, 186, 278, 279
Netherlands Olmsted, Frederick Law 216 Palau de la Música Catalana Penn, William 269 Pompeius, Gnaeus 17
Amsterdam 162–67 Olympic Games 23, 28–9, 72, 93, (Barcelona) 183 Pennell, Joseph, New York Pompey the Great 37
Rotterdam 306 100, 101, 121, 171, 183, 209, Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana Syline 214–15 Ponte Salazar (Lisbon) 176
Neue Wache (Berlin) 120 283, 292, 293, 298, 305 (Rome) 23 People’s Party (Thailand) 143 Ponte Vecchio (Florence) 102,
Neve, Felipe de 302 omnibuses 91, 206 Palazzo Medici (Florence) 104 People’s Republic of China 103, 107
New Amsterdam 166, 215 One Country, Two Systems Palazzo Vernier dei Leoni 282, 286 Pontine Marshes (Italy) 23
New Deal 263 (China) 287 (Venice) 191 Pepys, Samuel 89 Pop Art 221
New Delhi (India) 48, 52–53, 54 Ōnin War 256 Palenque (Mexico) 11 perestroika 129 pop music 92, 93, 161, 232, 305
New Orleans (USA) 150–53 Opera House Palestine 39, 42–43 Pericles 26, 27 population 8, 11, 12, 13
New South Wales (San Francisco) 212 Palestine Liberation Perón, Eva 230, 231 Porcioles, Josep Maria de 183
(Australia) 204 Opera House (Stockholm) 170 Organization (PLO) 43 Perón, Juan 230–31 Portocarrero, René, Paisaje de
New Spain 69, 70, 71 opium 198, 200, 201, 246, Palladio, Andrea 188, 189 Persepolis 44–47 La Habana 225
New Territories (Hong Kong) 286 Palm Jumeirah (Dubai) 272–73, Persian Empire 26, 37, Portolá, Gaspar de 302
285, 286, 287 Opium Wars 198, 281, 285, 286 275 44–47, 243 Portsmouth Square
New York City (USA) 10, 12, Orange, House of 166 Palmanova (Italy) 13, 268 Persian Gulf 273, 274, 275 (San Francisco) 212
13, 166, 214–21, 261 Orchard Road (Singapore) 251 Palme, Olaf 171 Peru 10 Portugal
New York Subway 12 Øresund Bridge Palmyra (Syria) 11 Cusco 78–81 colonial empire 174, 192,
Nicholas II of Russia 127, 239 (Denmark/Sweden) 232 Palóu, Father Francisco 211 Pessoa, Fernando 177 246, 265, 285
Niemeyer, Oscar 265, 266–67 Orient Express 35 Pan Yunduan 198 Pestsäule (Vienna) 115 Lisbon 172–77
Nieuwe Kerk (Amsterdam) 163 Oriental Pearl Tower Panama Canal 233 Peter I the Great of Russia 126, Potomac river 258
Nigeria (Shanghai) 198–99, 202 Pang clan (Hong Kong) 285 236, 239 Potsdamer Platz (Berlin) 123
Abuja 13 Orlov, Grigory 238 Panini, Giovanni Paolo, View of Peter III of Russia 238 pottery 8, 25, 256, 279
Lagos 13, 233 Orseolo, Doge Pietro II 184 the Colosseum 16–17 Petra (Jordan) 82 Powell, James 220
Nika Revolt 32 Orthodox Christianity 124 Panini, Giuseppe 22 Petrograd see St Petersburg Praça do Comércio (Lisbon) 175
Nile river 10, 130 Osaka (Japan) 233 Panipat, Battle of 50 Petrograd, Battle of 240 Prague (Czech
Niños Héroes 72 Oslo Peace Accords 43 Pantheon (Rome) 18, 28 Pheonicians 173 Republic) 108–13
Niujie Mosque (Beijing) 276 Osman II, Sultan 35 papacy 20, 22 Phibun, Field Marshal 143, 144 Prague Castle 109
Nixon, Richard 202 Ospedale degli Innocenti Papal States 20, 22 Philadelphia (USA) 216, Prague Spring 113
Nō dance theatre 256, 257 (Florence) 104 Parc Güell (Barcelona) 182 260, 269 Přemysl 109
Přemyslid dynasty 109 Ramayana 57, 58 Romans 10–11 Safavid Empire/dynasty 244–45 Santa Maria della Salute
Prendergast, Maurice, Ramon Berenguer IV, Athens 27, 28 Safi-al-Din, Sheikh 244 (Venice) 189
Central Park 216 Count of Barcelona 179 Barcelona 179 Saga, Emperor 253 Santa Maria Maddalena
Preservation Hall Raphael 238 Budapest 155 Sagrada Familia (Rome) 21
Jazz Band 153 Rashid bin Saeed Al Egypt 130 (Barcelona) 179, 181, 182 Santa Monica
Presidential Palace Maktoum, Sheikh 274 Ephesus 82 Saichō 253 (Los Angeles) 303
(Brasília) 266, 267 Rashōmon (Kyoto) 253, 255 Florence 102 St Basil’s Cathedral Santa Trinità (Florence) 104
Presidential Palace (Delhi) 53 Rastrelli, Bartolomeo 236 Istanbul 31 (Moscow) 124–25, 128 Santiago de Cuba 222
presidio (San Francisco) 211 Ratanakosin (Bangkok) 141, 142 Jerusalem 37–38 St George’s Cathedral Santuário de Cristo Rei
printing 187, 188 Ravenna (Italy) 20 Leptis Magna 83 (Cape Town) 194 (Lisbon) 176, 177
Prohibition 218, 219 Ravidas 138 Lisbon 173 St George’s Street São Paulo (Brazil) 307
Prokoviev, Sergei 239 Razia Sultana 48 Londinium (London) 86, 87 (Cape Town) 194 Sardinia 179
Protestantism 110 Réard, Louis 101 Lutetia (Paris) 95 St Lawrence river 147, Sarnath (India) 136
Psy 293 Red Fort (Delhi) 48–49, 50–51 Naples 232 148–49, 155 Sartre, Jean-Paul 101
Ptolemies 37 Red Square (Moscow) 124–25, Petra 82 St Mark’s Basilica (Venice) Sasanian Empire/dynasty 11, 47
Pucci, Emilio 107 126, 127, 128 Rome 16–20, 23 184, 186, 188, 189 Sassetti, Francesco 104
Pudong district (Shanghai) 202 Red Terror 240 Vindobona (Vienna) 114 St Mary’s Cathedral Sattler, Hubert, Istanbul’s
Puente de la Mujer Redentore church (Venice) 189 Rome (Italy) 11, 16–23, 258 (Sydney) 206 Waterside Setting 30–31
(Buenos Aires) 231 Reformation 88, 110, 164 Rome, Treaty of 23 St Paul’s Cathedral Savonarola, Girolamo 104
Puerto Madero refugees 54, 177, 208 Romulus Augustulus, (London) 86, 90 Sayyid dynasty 48
(Buenos Aires) 231 Reichstag (Berlin) 121, 122, 123 Emperor 20 St Peter’s Basilica (Rome) 20, Schmidt, Erich 47
punk rock 93 Reign of Terror 97 Romulus and Remus 16 21, 22, 23 Schonberg, Arnold 117
Purana Qila (Delhi) 50 Reis, Piri 133 Rooney, Sally 161 St Peter’s Square (Rome) 21, 23 Schönbrunn Palace
Puritans 89 Rembrandt van Rijn 164 Roosevelt, Franklin D. 263 St Petersburg (Russia) 126, (Vienna) 114
Pushkin, Alexander 239, 241 Self-portrait 165 Rot Fai open-air market 127, 236–41 scribes 9
Puyi, Emperor 281 The Night Watch 165 (Bangkok) 145 St Stephen’s Cathedral Seattle (USA) 307
Pyramids of Giza 132, 135 Renaissance 19, 20–21, 96, Rothschild family 41 (Vienna) 114 Secession 116, 117
pyramids, Mesoamerican 10 102–106, 110, 113 Rotterdam (Netherlands) 306 St Vitus Cathedral 112 Secession Building
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste 98, 99 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 97 Saint-Germaine-en-Laye, (Vienna) 117
Q Dance at Le Moulin de la Royal Academy of Arts Treaty of 147 Second Intifada 43
Qaitbay, Sultan 133 Galette 99 (London) 91 Sainte-Chapelle (Paris) 95 Second Temple (Jerusalem) 37,
Qatar, Doha 306 Republic Day (Delhi) 54 Royal Exchange (London) 88, Saladin 132, 133 38, 41
Qazvin (Iran) 244 Restoration 89 89, 90, 91 Salah ad Din ibn Ayyub, segregation, racial 195, 196, 197
Qazvini, Mullah Salih 243 Revolt of the Harvesters Royal Observatory Sultan (Saladin) 39 Seine river 95, 96, 97
Qila Rai Pithora (Delhi) 48 (Barcelona) 180 (Cape Town) 194 Salamis, Battle of 26 Sejong of Joseon 288
Qin dynasty 276, 285 Reynolds, Joshua 91 Royal Palace (Amsterdam) 165 Salazar, António de Seleucids 37
Qin Shi Huangdi, Emperor 61, Rhodes, Cecil 195 Royal Palace (Stockholm) 170 Oliveira 176, 177 Selim I, Sultan 40, 41
64, 65 Rialto (Venice) 184 Royal and Pontifical Salimgarh Fort (Delhi) 48–49 Selim III, Sultan 34
Qinalong Emperor 280 Rialto Bridge (Venice) 186, 188 University of Mexico 70 salsa 225 Seljuk Turks 33, 38, 132, 243
Qing dynasty 198, 200, 278, Ricci, Matteo 198, 279 Royal Society (London) 89, 90 Salvi, Nicola 22 Senate (Rome) 16, 18, 19
279, 280–81, 285, 286 Richards, Peter 200 Royal Standard of Ur 8 San Clemente (Rome) 20 Seoul (South Korea) 288–93
Qinglong Town (Shanghai) 198 Riebeeck, Jan van 192 rubber 246 San Fernando (USA) 302 Seoul City Hall 291
Quant, Mary 92, 93 Rikyū, Sen no 255 Rudolf I of Germany 114 San Francisco (USA) 210–13 Seoul Station 291
Québec Bridge 149 Ringstrasse (Vienna) 116 Rudolf II, Emperor 110–11 San Francisco–Oakland Seoul Tower 292
Québec City (Canada) 146–49 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 175, rural migration 160–61 Bay Bridge (San Francisco) Septimus Severus,
Querandí people 227 233, 265, 267 Ruskin, John 106, 107, 190, 191 212, 213 Emperor 19, 31, 83
Quinn, Lorenzo 191 Rio de la Plata 227, 228 Russell, Robert Tor 53 San Gabriel Arcángel Mission serfdom (Russia) 126, 239
Qutub Minar (Delhi) 48 Risorgimento 22, 190 Russia (Los Angeles) 302 Seutter, Matthaeus 10
Rivera, Diego 73 Moscow 124–29 San Ildefonso College Seven Sisters (Moscow) 128
R The Great City of St Petersburg 236–41 (Mexico City) 70 Seven Years’ War 148, 150,
racial tensions 220, 262, 263, Tenochtitlan 66–67 see also Soviet Union San Jose (USA) 302 155, 222
304, 305 Robben Island Russian Academy of Arts 236 San Lorenzo (Florence) 107 Seville (Spain) 154
see also apartheid (South Africa) 196 Russian Civil War 240 San Martín, José de 228 sewage systems 9, 12, 92
Raffles, Thomas Stamford 246 Robert the Monk 39 Russian Revolution 127, 239 San Paolo fuori le Mura Sewell, Robert 59
Raffles Hotel (Singapore) 248 Robespierre, Maximilien 97 Russo–Japanese War 127 (Rome) 20 sex trade
railways 12 Rockefeller, John D 216 San Pedro (Los Angeles) 303 Bangkok 144
Rajpath (Delhi) 53 Rockefeller Center S Sanchéz, Miguel 71 Shanghai 201
Rama I of Thailand 141, 143 (New York City) 219 Saavedra, Cornelio 228 Sanskrit College (Varanasi) Shah Jahan, Emperor 50, 51
Rama III of Thailand 142 Rodchenko, Alexander 128 Saavedra, Juan de 233 139 Shahjahanabad (Delhi) 50–51,
Rama IV of Thailand 142, 143 Rodrigues, Amália 176 Sacré-Coeur (Paris) 98 Santa Catalina Island 52, 53
Rama V of Thailand 143 Roebling, John 12 Sacsayhuamán fortress (Los Angeles) 300 Shakespeare, William 88
Rama VII of Thailand 143 Rokotov, Fyodor 238 (Cusco) 79 Santa Fe railway 303 Shanghai (China) 8, 12,
Rama IX of Thailand 144 Roman Empire 11, 18, 20 sadhus 139 Santa Justa lift (Lisbon) 175 198–203
Rama X of Thailand 144 Romanov dynasty 124–27 sadō (the way of tea) 256 Santa Lucia station (Venice) 190 Shanghai, Battle of 201
Shanghai Expo (2010) 202, 203 slums 12 Stonecutters Island taipans 201 Tikal (Guatemala) 11, 74–77
Shanghai Maglev 202 smallpox 80, 204 (Hong Kong) 286 Taiping Rebellion 200, 280, 281 Timbuktu (Mali) 83
Shanghai Tower 202, 203 Smetana, Bedřich 113 Stonewall Riots 220, 221 Taj Mahal (Agra) 50 Time of Troubles (Russia)
Shanghai World Financial Smith, John 258 Stora Nygatan (Stockholm) 169 Takauji, General Ashikaga 256 124
Centre 202, 203 Smithsonian Institution 261 Storrs, Sir Ronald 42 Taksin of Thonburi 141 Times Square (New York City)
Shankar, Ravi 139 Smolny Institute 238 Storyville (New Orleans) 152, Talikota, Battle of 58, 59 219
Shankaracharya, Adi 136 Snoop Dog 305 153 Tang clan 285 Timgad (Algeria) 10
shanty towns (Cape Town) 197 social structure 12 Straits of Johor 249 Tang dynasty 62–63, 65, 253, Timur 243
Shapur I of Persia 47 Socrates 27, 28 Straits Settlements 246 254, 276 Tintoretto 188
Shard, the (London) 93 Solís, Juan Diaz de 227 Strauss family 116 tango 227, 228, 229 Tipu Sultan of Mysore 59
Shaw, George Bernard 161 Solomon, King 37 street culture 221 Tarquinius Superbus, King of Titian 188
Shea Stadium Solomon R. Guggenheim street lighting 12 the Etruscans 16 Titus, Emperor 18, 19
(New York City) 220 Museum (New York) 220 Strindberg, August 170 Tatlin, Vladimir 128 Tlacopan (Mexico) 67
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque Solon 25 Stuyvesant, Peter 215 taxation 11 Tlatelolco (Mexico City) 69, 70
(Isfahan) 244, 245 Sores, Jacques de 222 Sueves 173 Tchaikovsky, Piotr 126, 239 Tlaxcala (Mexico) 69
Sher Shah Suri 50 Soto, Hernando de 150 Suez Canal (Egypt) 134, 190, tea ceremony 256, 257 Toghril Beg 243
Shergarh (Delhi) 50 South Africa, Cape Town 192–97 194, 246 Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires) 230 Tokugawa shogunate 256,
Shi Huangdi, Emperor 276 South Korea Sui dynasty 62, 63 Teatro La Fenice (Venice) 190 295–97
Shibuya district (Tokyo) 298 division of Korea 290 Süleyman I the Magnificent, technology 55, 129, 171, 213, Tokyo 8, 12, 256, 257, 294–99
Shikibu, Murasaki, The Tale Seoul 288–93 Sultan 34, 35, 40, 41 283, 287, 291, 293 Tokyo Metro 298, 299
of Genji 254 Soviet Union 127–29, 240–41 Sulla 27 Tehran (Iran) 245 Tokyo Skytree 299
Shinjuku district (Tokyo) 298, 299 collapse of 123, 129, 225, Sumatra 246 Tekka Wet Market Tokyo Station 297
Shinkansen (bullet train) 298, 299 241 Sumida river 295, 296 (Singapore) 251 Tolstoy, Leo 126
Shintō 255, 257 see also Russia Summer of Love 213 Temple of Athena Polias Toltecs 67
shipbuilding Spain Summer Palace (Beijing) 280 (Athens) 26 Tomara dynasty 48
Amsterdam 163 Barcelona 178–83 Summer Palace Temple Bar (Dublin) 161 Tongva people 300, 302
Belfast 232 colonial empire 67, 68–71, (St Petersburg) 236 Temple of Heaven (Beijing) 279 Topkapı Palace (Istanbul) 34, 35
Venice 184, 186 79, 80–81, 150–51, 154, sumo-wrestling 296 Temple Mount (Jerusalem) Torcello (Venice) 184, 188
Shiva 136, 138 179, 180, 211, 222–24, Sun Stone (Mexico City) 70 36–37, 38, 40 Toronto (Canada) 155, 307
Shook, Edwin 77 227–28, 300, 302 Sunset Boulevard Temple of Olympian Zeus Torre Latinoamericana
Shostakovich, Dmitri 241 missions 302 (Los Angeles) 305 (Athens) 28 (Mexico City) 73
Si-o-se Pol (Isfahan) 244, 245 Seville 154 Sunthorn Phu 142 Temple of Saturn (Rome) 19 Torricelli, Evangelista 106
Sicily 179 Spanish Civil War 182, 183 Supreme Federal Court Temple of the Two Headed tourism, Venice 190–91
Sikander Lodi, Sultan 55 Spanish Steps (Rome) 22 (Brasília) 266 Serpent (Tikal) 76 Tower of London 87
Sikhism 138 Spanish–American War 222, surfing 207 Templo Mayor (Tenochtitlan/ Tower of the Winds
Sikrit, Queen of Thailand 144 224 Suri dynasty 50 Mexico City) 67, 68, 69 (Athens) 27, 28
silk, Benarasi 139 Sparta 27 surrealism 73 Ten Commandments 37 trade 8, 9, 10, 11, 58, 87, 88,
Silk Road 61, 62–63, 186, 244 Special Economic Zones 202, Sweden, Stockholm 168–71 Tendai Buddhism 255 89, 90, 136, 150, 158, 163,
Silva Xavier, Joaquim José 286 swinging London 92, 93 Tenochtitlan (Mexico) 66–69 164, 166, 169, 173, 174,
da (Tiradentes) 265 spice trade 11, 164, 186, 192, Sydney (Australia) 204–209 Teotihuacan (Mexico) 10, 67, 75 180, 184, 186, 188, 189,
Sinan, Mimar 35 246 Sydney, Lord 204 Terracotta Army 60–61, 64, 65 190, 192, 198, 232, 246,
Sinatra, Frank 224 Spire of Dublin 161 Sydney Cove 204, 206 terrorism 43 258, 280, 285
Singapore 13, 246–51 Spree river 119 Sydney Cricket Ground 206, Texcoco, Lake (Mexico) 67 Trajan, Emperor 10, 18
Singapore Food Agency 251 Square of the Three Powers 207, 208 Texcoco (Mexico) 67 transport systems 12, 13
Singapore Sling 248 (Brasília) 266 Sydney Harbour Bridge 208, Thailand, Bangkok 140–45 Trekboers 194
Singapore Zoo 250 Srivijaya Empire 246 209 Thames river 86−87, 90, 91 Trevi Fountain (Rome) 21
Sino–Japanese Wars 200, Staatsoper (Berlin) 119 Sydney Opera House 209 Thanom, Field Marshal 144 Trinity College (Dublin) 158, 160
281, 286 Stadacona (Canada) 147 Sydney Town Hall 206 Theatre of Dionysius Trinity Tower (Moscow) 124
Siri (Delhi) 48 Stalin, Joseph 113, 121, 128, Symphony of Lights (Athens) 25 Trotsky, Leon 73, 240
Sistine Chapel (Rome) 20, 21 129, 240 (Hong Kong) 287 Theatre Square (Moscow) 126 Troubadour (Los Angeles) 305
Six-Day War 42, 43 Standard Bank building Syntagma square (Athens) 28 Themistocles 26 Troubles (Northern Ireland) 92
Sixtus V, Pope 21 (Cape Town) 194 Syria 9, 11 Theodora, Empress 32 Trucial States 273
Siyaj Chan K’awiil II of Tikal 75 Statue of Liberty Damascus 82 Theseus 25 Trump, Donald 221
Siyaj K’ak’ of Tikal 75 (New York City) 217 Thespis 25 tsunami, Lisbon 175
Skansen open-air museum steam engines 12 T Thirty Years’ War 110, 111, 119 Tudor dynasty 88
(Stockholm) 171 steamboats, Mississippi 153 Table Bay (Cape Town) 192, Tiananmen Square Tuen Mun district
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