Yhau-Cg Direct Fired Absorption Chiller-Heater: Pre-Start Up
Yhau-Cg Direct Fired Absorption Chiller-Heater: Pre-Start Up
Yhau-Cg Direct Fired Absorption Chiller-Heater: Pre-Start Up
CHECKLIST Supersedes 155.32-CL1 (317) Form 155.32-CL1 (1120)
A. General
1. All major components, boxes, and crates have c. Cooling tower fan..................................................
been received and accounted for by a YORK/John-
d. Residential hot water pump..................................
son Controls Service representative.....................
3. Detachable flanges are properly installed close to the:
2. Any damage, or signs of possible damage, have
been documented to the transportation company.... a. Chilled or hot water box........................................
b. Cooling water box.................................................
3. Unit is installed in an area protected from weather
and maintained at a temperature above freezing.... c. Residential hot water box.....................................
4. Vibration-proof rubber sheets are installed be- 4. A mesh strainer is installed on the:
tween chiller base and site foundation..................... a. Chilled or hot water inlet line................................
5. Unit is located in accordance with minimum clear- b. Cooling water inlet line.........................................
ance dimensions, foundation bolts are properly in- c. Residential hot water line.....................................
stalled, and the levelness of the unit is within accept-
5. Air piping work is complete, leak tested, and
able range. (Tolerance for leveling length is: 1.0 for
flushed for the following lines:
every 1,000 mm and width: 2.0 for ever 1,000 mm.)..
a. Chilled or hot water...............................................
6. HG compound gauge pressure reading is about
the same as before shipment.................................. b. Cooling water........................................................
c. Fuel gas................................................................
7. Thermal insulation is done according to the speci-
fications detailed in this manual................................ d. Flue or Chimney...................................................
e. Residential hot water............................................
8. Valves, thermowells, plugs, and sight glasses are
not covered with insulation........................................ 6. Clean the mesh strainers on the line........................
7. Start the chilled or hot water, cooling water, and
B. Piping
residential hot water pump... .....................................
1. Piping is installed between the unit at the source 8. The water box pressure does not exceed the
of supply......................................... ........................... maximum pressure for the:
2. The following and its related equipment are ready a. Chilled or hot water...............................................
for operation: b. Cooling water........................................................
a. Chilled or hot water pump .................................... c. Residential hot water pump..................................
b. Cooling water pump .............................................
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
9. The flow rate is adjusted within acceptable range for: F. Evacuate Nitrogen Charge
a. Chilled or hot water...............................................
1. Remove the plug in the purge line.......................
b. Cooling water........................................................
2. Evacuate nitrogen gas until the HT-GEN
c. Residential hot water........................................... .
compound gauge indicates approximately 0.005
10. The flue damper has an open limit switch. Its MP.a.G (0.725 PSI)...................................................
signal is connected to the control panel as an
3. Reinstall plug in purge line.....................................
interlock signal..........................................................
4. Navigate to the Control Panel Setting screen...........
11. Add glycol or antifreeze to the chilled water for
EXEL AND EXWL..................................................... 5. Press the Purge Pump ON button............................
6. Check the oil level in the purge pump.......................
C. Valve and Sensor Check
7. Evacuate the nitrogen gas using the vacuum pump
1. Adjusting valves are set correctly............................. until the HT-GEN compound gauge indicates ap-
proximately -0.1 MP.a.G (-14.5 PSI).........................
2. The diaphragm valves in the purge line are closed.
8. Close all open manual valves...................................
3. Spindle valve in the purge line is open.....................
9. Press the Purge Pump OFF button...........................
4. Changeover valves are set in operation mode........
10. Turn the power switch (MCB) off...............................
5. The detection component of the thermosensor is
inserted into the thermowell according to design 11. Replace lubricant oil for the vacuum pump...........
G. Panel Checks
D. Electrical
1. The thermal relays conform to the factory inspec-
1. The main and control power supply is available, tion sheet..................................................................
and voltage is set within acceptable range............. 2. The interlock (answerback) signal for the chilled/
2. The insulation resistance of each motor and hot water pump and cooling water pump is
MCB secondary side is within acceptable range.... available....................................................................
3. All wiring is complete from the main power sup- 3. The indicators on the control panel are correct.........
ply to the power panel, but is not cut to final 4. The temperature setting parameters for capacity
length or connected to the panel............................. control are correct.....................................................
4. The wiring between the control panel and the 5. The date and time reflect local time zone..............
residential hot water control valve are connected
properly..................................................................... 6. The rotation direction of the solution circulation
pump, solution spray pump, refrigerant pump, and
5. The external control wiring is completed from the burner fan is correct................................................ ..
control panel to the water pump motor starters,
and other related equipment..................................... 7. The water flow suspension switch works properly....
1. Confirm the vacuum pump motor rotation is 1. Gas type and calorific value of fuel gas corresponds
correct........................................................................ to specification..........................................................
2. Verify the vacuum pump is charged with the cor- 2. Gas supply pressure is within acceptable range.....
rect amount of lubricant oil....................................
3. Gas shut-off valves for the main burner and pilot
burner lines perform within acceptable range........
4. Close the measuring port valves for the pilot and
main gas line.............................................................
5. Open the valves for the pilot and main gas lines....
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
9. Open the refrigerant manual blow valve................... 22. Verify that the flame current is within the accept-
able range.................................................................
10. Navigate to the Control Panel Setting screen...........
23. Verify that the draft pressure is within the accept-
11. Press the Control Valve Mode Manual button..........
able range.................................................................
12. Make sure that the Refrigerant Pump Auto button
is pressed..................................................................
13. Verify that the steam control valve is closed.............
14. Press the OPER. button on the Control Panel..........
15. Check that the following start properly:
a. Solution circulation pump.....................................
b. Solution spray pump.............................................
c. Refrigerant pump..................................................
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
1. Press the Control Valve Mode Auto button.............. 2. Close the spindle valve to facilitate purging from
the absorber..............................................................
2. Check that the capacity control valve works
automatically according to the chilled water outlet 3. Continuously purge from the purge tank until the
temperature............................................................... exhausted gas amount reduces and becomes
3. Press the STOP button on the Control Panel...........
4. Operate the chiller for about 1 hour without operat-
4. Check that the dilution process completes...............
ing the vacuum pump................................................
5. Press the OPER. button on the Control Panel..........
5. Verify that the amount of purge from the purge
6. Operate the chiller-heater for 3 hours or longer........ tank is within the acceptable range...........................
7. Close the refrigerant manual blow valve...................
C. Purge System Check
8. Operate the chiller-heater for an additional hour or
longer........................................................................ 1. Press the Purge Mode Auto button..........................
9. Check that the cooling water temperature is con- 2. Change the lubricant oil of the vacuum pump...........
trolled within the acceptable range...........................
3. Open the valve of the ballast valve part-way............
10. Check that the specific gravity of the refrigerant is
within the acceptable range......................................
D. Remote Operation Check
11. Check that the chilled water outlet temperature is
lower than the chilled water inlet temperature.......... Confirm that the chiller-heater starts and stops prop-
erly using the remote signal...........................................
12. Record the running data on the data sheets.............
E. Operation Instruction
a. Customer Names:
Title: ________________________________________
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
If gas flow rate is taken as m3/h, calculate m3N/h with fuel pressure and ambient temperature. Ambient temperature: °C
P1 P2
P4 P3
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
Operating hours________hours
Fill out each specification pressure drop according to the factory inspection report (actual value).
If differential pressure gauge (DPG) is not available, calculate each pressure drop.
If flow meter (FM) is not available, calculate each flow rate as below.
Waterbox LD20020
FORM 155.32-CL1
ISSUE DATE: 11/18/2020
Model: YHAU - MFG.No.: User's machine code:
Measured Date: Measured by:
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