Mechanical Engg 4th Year
Mechanical Engg 4th Year
Mechanical Engg 4th Year
Periods Evaluation Scheme End Semester
Sl. No. Code Subject Total Credit
1 HSMC-2/HSMC-1 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
2 Open Elective-III 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
3 Open Elective-IV 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4 KME 851 Project 0 0 18 100 300 400 9
MOOCs (Essential for Hons.
Total 9 0 18 27 850 18
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It is suggested that the students should choose Departmental Electives Specialization wise that will
support them to gain enough learning of the chosen Specialization.
Department Electives
Specialization-1 Specialization-2 Specialization-3 Specialization-4 Specialization-5
Manufacturing Automation and Design and Thermal Automobile
and Automation Industry 4.0 Analysis Engineering Engineering
Sem VII Code KME 071 KME 072 KAU 072
Departmental Additive manufacturing Hybrid Vehicle
HVAC systems
Elective-IV (Common to all Three Specializations) Propulsion
Sem VII Code KME 073 KME 074 KME 075 KME 076 KAU 073
Mathematical Computer
Vehicle Body
Departmental Modeling of Graphics and Power Plant
Machine Learning Engineering &
Elective-V Manufacturing product Engineering
Processes modeling
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Subject Code: KME 751 Measurement & Metrology Lab LTP:002 Credits: 1
List of Experiments
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – IV
Specialization – Manufacturing and Automation
Automation and Industry 4.0
Design and Analysis
Course Outcome: Student will be able to
Understanding the basics of additive manufacturing/rapid prototyping and its
CO 1 K2
advantages and disadvantages
Understanding the role of additive manufacturing in the design process and the
CO 2 K2
implications for design.
Understanding the processes used in additive manufacturing for a range of
CO 3 K2
materials and applications
Understand the various software tools, processes and techniques that enable
CO 4 K2
advanced/additive manufacturing and personal fabrication.
CO 5 Apply knowledge of additive manufacturing for various real-life applications K3
History and Advantages of Additive Manufacturing, Distinction Between Additive Manufacturing and
CNC Machining, Types of Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Nomenclature of AM Machines, Direct
and Indirect Processes; Prototyping, Manufacturing and Tooling.
Layer Manufacturing Processes: Polymerization, Sintering and Melting, Extrusion, Powder Binder
Bonding, Layer Laminate Manufacturing, Other Processes; Aerosol printing and Bio plotter.
Development of Additive Manufacturing Technology
Computer Aided Design Technology, Other Associated Technology, Metal and Hybrid Systems.
Generalized Additive Manufacturing Process Chain; The Eight Steps in Additive Manufacturing,
Variation from one AM Machine to Another, Metal System, Maintenance of Equipment, Material
Handling Issue, Design of AM.
Additive Manufacturing Processes
Vat Photo polymerization; Materials, Reaction Rates, Photo polymerization Process Modelling, Scan
Powder Bed Fusion Processes; Material, Powder Fusion Mechanism, Process Parameters and Modeling,
powder Handling
Extrusion Based System; Basic principles, plotting and Path Control, Other Systems
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Material Jetting; Materials, Material Processing Fundamentals, Material Jetting Machines
Directed Energy Deposition Processes; General DED Process Description, Material Delivery, DED
systems, Process Parameters, Processing-Structure-Properties Relationships
Software Issue for Additive Manufacturing; Introduction, Preparation of CAD Models: The STL file,
Problem with STL file, STL files Manipulation, Beyond the STL file, Additional Software to Assist AM
Material Design & Quality Aspects
Machines for Additive Manufacturing, Printers, Secondary Rapid Prototyping processes, Intellectual
Property, Product Development, Commercialization, Trends and Future Directions in Additive
Manufacturing, Business Opportunities
Aerospace, Automotive, Manufacturing, Architectural Engineering, Art, Jewellery, Toys, Medical,
Biomedical, Dental, Bio-printing, Tissue & Organ Engineering and many others.
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – IV: Specialization – Thermal Engineering
Subject Code: KME 072 HVAC systems LTP:300 Credits: 3
The students will be able to Taxonom
CO1 Understand the basics concepts of HVAC and various HVAC systems. K2
Understand the use of refrigerants with their respective applications and its future
CO2 K2
CO3 Understand the use of different auxiliary systems used in HVAC systems. K2
Apply the basic laws for thermodynamic analysis of different processes involved in
CO4 K3
HVAC systems.
CO5 Apply the basic concepts to calculate the HVAC loads for different applications. K3
Apply the concepts of psychrometry to design HVAC systems for different
CO6 K3
Unit-I (8 Hours)
Advanced Vapour Compression Cycles: Review of vapour compression cycle, Effect of superheating,
subcooling, condenser pressure and evaporator pressure on COP, Transcritical cycle, Ejector
refrigeration cycle. Presentation of cycle on P-h and T-s chart.
Refrigerants: Classification of Refrigerants, CFC, HFC, HCFC, Azeotropic, Zeotropic, Natural refrigerant,
Secondary Refrigerant, Anti-freeze solution, Phase Changing Materials. Desired properties of
refrigerants, Requirements for refrigerant, Classification based on safety, Refrigerant oils and
applications, Properties and uses of commonly used refrigerant, Greenhouse effect, Global warming,
Future Refrigerants like Hydrofluoro-Olefines
Unit-II (7 Hours)
Review of Psychrometry: Psychrometric properties, Psychrometric chart and Psychrometric processes,
Psychrometric process in Air conditioning equipment: By pass factor, cooling and dehumidifying coils,
Apparatus dew point (ADP), Heating coils, air washer, use of hygroscopic solution in Air Washer,
adiabatic dehumidifier, water injection, stream injection, Summer Air conditioning, Winter Air
conditioning, Sensible heat factor (SHF), Grand Sensible heat factor (GSHF)
Design Condition:
Choice of inside design condition- cold storage, Industrial air conditioning, comfort air conditioning,
Human comfort, Outside design condition
Unit-III (7 Hours)
Heat Pump: Introduction, package heat pump with reversible cycle, decentralized heat pump, heat
pump with a double bundle condenser, industrial heat pump
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Ventilation: Introduction, purpose of ventilation, Natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation, tunnels
ventilation, mine ventilation, Natural ventilation, and mechanical ventilation.
Air Conditioning system: Introduction, Unitary system, central air conditioning system, directs
expansion system, all water system, all air system, air water system.
Internal heat loads, System heat gains, Break-up of ventilation and effective sensible heat factor, Cooling
and heating load estimation, Psychrometric calculation for cooling, selection of air conditioning
apparatus, Evaporative cooling, Building requirements and energy conservation in air conditioning
Unit-V (7 Hours)
Air Distribution: Room air distribution - types of supply air outlets, mechanism of flow through outlets,
selection and location of outlets, Distribution patterns of outlets - ducts- Definition and types - materials
for ducts and its specification, friction loss in ducts - grills, diffusers, registers, rectangular equivalent of
circular duct. Air duct designs, duct construction, duct design procedures. Equal friction method, static
regain method, velocity reduction method.
Air Conditioning Apparatus: Fans and blowers, types of fans, fan characteristic, centrifugal fans, axial
fans, fan arrangements, Suction Line, Discharge Line (Hot-Gas Line), Liquid Line, location and
arrangement of piping, vibration and noise in piping, basic elements of the control system
Text Books
1. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by C.P Arora, McGraw-Hill
Reference Books
2. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by stoecker& Jones. McGraw-Hill
3. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, by Manohar Prasad, New Age International (P) Ltd.Pub.
4. ASHRAE Handbook ( HVAC Equipments)
5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by R. C. Arora, PHI
6. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Arora & Domkundwar. DhanpatRai
7. Air Conditioning System Design Manual, IInd edition, ASHRAE.
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – IV: Specialization – Automobile Engineering
Subject Code: KAU 072 Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion LTP:300 Credits: 3
The students will be able to
CO-1 Understand the basics of the hybrid electric vehicles and it’s types. K2
CO-2 Understand the types of drive trains used in hybrid vehicles K2
CO-3 Understand the propulsion units used in Hybrid Vehicles and their efficiency. K2
Understand the requirements and devices of energy storage used in hybrid
CO-4 K2
CO-5 Understand the concept of downsizing of IC engines in case of hybrid vehicles. K2
Understand the principles of energy management and issues related to these
CO-6 K2
Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: (4 Hours)
History of hybrid and electric vehicles, social and environmental importance of hybrid and electric
vehicles, impact of modern drive-trains on energy supplies.
Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: (4 Hours)
Basic concept of hybrid traction, introduction to various hybrid drive-train topologies, power flow
control in hybrid drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
Electric Propulsion unit: (10 Hours)
Introduction to electric components used in hybrid and electric vehicles, Configuration and control of DC
Motor drives, Configuration and control of Induction Motor drives, configuration and control of
Permanent Magnet Motor drives, Configuration and control of Switch Reluctance Motor drives, drive
system efficiency.
Energy Storage: (5 Hours)
Introduction to Energy Storage Requirements in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Battery based energy
storage and its analysis, Fuel Cell based energy storage and its analysis, Super Capacitor based energy
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storage and its analysis, Flywheel based energy storage and its analysis, Hybridization of different energy
storage devices.
Sizing the drive system: (4 Hours)
Matching the electric machine and the internal combustion engine (ICE), Sizing the propulsion motor,
sizing the power electronics, selecting the energy storage technology, Communications, supporting
Energy Management Strategies: (8 Hours)
Introduction to energy management strategies used in hybrid and electric vehicles, classification of
different energy management strategies, comparison of different energy management strategies,
implementation issues of energy management strategies.
Text Books:
1. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press , 2003.
2. MehrdadEhsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel
Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press , 2004.
Reference Books:
1. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley , 2003.
2. Chris Mi, M. Abul Masrur, David Wenzhong Gao, Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and
Applications with Practical Perspectives, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011.
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – V: Specialization – Manufacturing and Automation
Introduction to Manufacturing processes; Materials Processing; Types and Properties of Engineered
Materials; Evaluation of Properties of Manufactured Products; Statistical and data-driven modelling
approach; Overview of mathematical modeling, types of mathematical models and methods to solve the
same. Physics of manufacturing processes; Solid-state deformation (Elasticity and Plasticity) and residual
stresses; solid-state phase transformation and recrystallization; melting and solidification; Coupled
Conventional machining; Orthogonal cutting; Tool geometry; chip formation; force components; heat
generation; tool life; mathematical modelling approach; solution of problems; Introduction to discrete-
time linear and non-linear models. Non-conventional machining; Principal and mechanism of different
processes; Parametric analysis of heat transfer, material removal, and surface finish.
Metal forming; Mechanics of bulk metal forming; mechanics of sheet metal forming; heat transfer and
deformation; Welding; Fusion welding; Welding-heat source modeling, temperature distribution, effect
of surface- active elements, modes of metal transfer in welding; Solid-state welding; Solidification and
microstructure; Residual stress and distortion.
Casting and powder metallurgy; Cooling and Solidification; principle of powder metallurgy; Coating and
additive manufacturing; Principle of surface and coating technology; Principle and development of
additive manufacturing technologies
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Heat treatment; Fundamentals of heat treatment; Evaluation of microstructure properties and residual
stress of different manufacturing processes. Micro/nanoscale manufacturing; Down-scaling of
conventional manufacturing processes, Change of properties, Micro-to-nano manufacturing; Packaging,
finishing, micro joining and nano joining, micro casting, micro forming, micromachining. Processing of
non-metallic materials; Principle of plastic processing and shaping of plastics, processing of non-metallic
bio-materials; Principle of glass and ceramics processing and shaping of glass and ceramics.
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – V: Specialization – Automation and Industry 4.0
Introduction to Neural Networks: Perceptron, The Back propagation Algorithm, The Convergence
analysis and universal approximation theorem for back propagation algorithm, Concept of Convolution
Neural Networks, Types of Layers of CNN, Case Study of CNN (either on Self driving car, Building a smart
speaker, etc.)
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Reinforcement Learning: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Learning task, Model-Based Learning
Q- Learning, Markov Decision Process, Q Learning Function, Temporal Difference Learning,
Text Book:
1. Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2013.
2. Ethem Alpaydin, ― Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning),
The MIT Press 2004.
3. Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, CRC Press, 2009.
4. Bishop, C., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – V: Specialization – Design and Analysis
Subject Code: KME 075 Computer Graphics and Product Modeling LTP:300 Credits: 3
Course Outcome: Student will be able to
Understand the components of a computer graphics with object representation and
CO 1 K2
to develop algorithm for graphics system components.
Understand the basic principles of 3- dimensional computer graphics and express
CO 2 K2
the 3D model with illumination and shading effects.
CO 3 Develop a 3D solid model using 3D Solid Modeling Software K4
CO 4 Identify the customer needs in order to develop a business model for new product. K3
CO 5 Develop strategy for designing and development of a new product K4
Introduction to computer graphics – historical evolution, issues and challenges, graphics pipeline,
hardware and software basics; line and circle drawing algorithms, , Object representation – boundary
representation, splines- cubic, Bezier, B-spline and NURBS, space partitioning
Modeling transformations – matrix representation, homogeneous coordinate system, composition, 3D
transformations; Illumination and shading – background, simple lighting model, shading models,
intensity representation, color models, texture synthesis.
3D Graphics: Polygon surfaces-Polygon mesh representations, Quadric and Superquadric surfaces and
blobby objects; Solid modeling-Solid entities, Fundamentals of Solid modeling-Set theory, regularized set
operations; Half spaces, Boundary representation, Constructive solid geometry, Sweep representation,
Color models. Application Commands for3D Solid Modeling Software like Solidworks /Autodesk Inventor
/ PTC Creo / Catia (Any one) etc.
Managing Product Development- Introduction; Business Models for New Products; Managing Product
Development; Understanding Customer Needs- Identifying New Product Opportunities, Market
Research for New Product Development. Introduction to Product Life Cycle Management and related
Organizing Product Development-Product Architecture, Design for manufacturing and Prototyping;
Organizing for Product Development; Developing Services and Product Service Systems; New Product
Strategy- Building Markets and Creating Demand for New Products; Intellectual Property Issues in
Product Development; New Product Business Plans – Strategy Consulting for New Products; Design
Thinking for New Products- Designing Products for Emerging Markets; Design Thinking for New Products
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Books and References
1. Samit Bhattacharya. (2015). Computer Graphics. Oxford University Press.
2. Hearn, D. & Baker, M. P. (2003). Computer Graphics with OpenGL, (3rd ed), Pearson.
3. Drew Boyd & Jacob Goldenberg (2013) Inside the Box: The Creative Method that Works for
4. Joseph V. Sinfield, Edward Calder, Bernard McConnell, and Steve Colson (2012) How to Identify
New Business Models, MIT Sloan Management Review Vol. 53, No.2.
5. Chun-Che Huang (2000) Overview of Modular Product Development, Proc. National Science
Council ROC(A) Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 149-165
6. Marc H. Meyer and Arthur DeTore (1999) Product Development for Services, The Academy of
Management Executive, Vol. 13, No. 3, Themes: Teams and New Product Development (Aug.,
1999), pp. 64-76
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – V: Specialization – Thermal Engineering
Course Outcome: The student will be able to
Understand the different sources of power generation and their impact on
CO-1 K2
Understand the elements of power generation using conventional and non-
CO-2 K2
conventional energy sources.
CO-3 Understand the concepts of electrical systems used in power plants. K2
Apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics to measure the performance of
CO-4 K3
different power plants.
CO-5 Determine the performance of power plants based on load variations. K3
Unit I
Introduction to Power Plants
Introduction to the sources of energy: conventional and non-conventional; Principal types of power
plants; Present status and future trends; Carbon credits.
Unit II
Hydroelectric Power Plant
Hydro-electric plant, General arrangement of hydroelectric power plant, Plant layout, Penstock and
water hammer, Specific speed and capacity calculations, Classification of hydro-plant, Low-, medium-
and high-head plants, Pumped storage plant, Run-off river power plant, Surge tanks.
Unit III
Nuclear Power Plants
Classification of nuclear reactors, Thermal fission reactors and power plant and their location,
Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, CANDU heavy water reactor, Gas-cooled reactor, Fast
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breeder reactors, Organic substance cooled reactor, Reactor control, Radiation hazards, Radioactive
waste disposal, Nuclear power generation in India.
Unit IV
Non-Conventional Power Plants
Geothermal energy: Hydrothermal systems, Petro thermal systems, Hybrid geothermal fossil systems,
Problems associated with geothermal conversion,
Wind energy: Components of a wind generator, Horizontal and vertical axis wind mills, Aerodynamic
considerations of wind mill design, Coefficient of performance of wind mill rotor, Availability of wind
energy in India, Wind power by country.
Tidal energy: The simple single pool tidal system, The modulated single pool tidal system, The two-pool
tidal system, Ocean thermal energy conversion, Principle of working, Ocean temperature differences,
The open or Claude cycle, The closed or Anderson OTEC cycle,
Electricity generation from Fuel cells and city garbage.
Unit V
Electrical system:
Introduction to generator and exciters, Earthing of power systems, Power and unit transformer, Circuit
breakers, Protective equipment, Switch gear.
1. Power Plant Engineering, by F.T. Morse, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.
2. Power Plant Engineering by Hedge, Pearson India.
3. Power Plant Technology, by Wakil, McGraw Hill.
4. Power Plant Engineering by P.K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Steam & Gas Turbines & Power Plant Engineering by R.Yadav, Central Pub.House.
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6. Power Plant Engineering by Gupta, PHI India.
7. El Wakil M.M., Power Plant Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
8. Power Plant Engineering. Mahesh Verma, Metropolitan Book Company Pvt. Ltd.
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Semester – VII: Departmental Elective – V: Specialization – Automobile Engineering
Subject Code: KAU 073 Vehicle Body Engineering & safety LTP:300 Credits: 3
The students will be able to
CO-1 Understand the classification of the vehicles on the basis of body. K2
CO-2 Understand the importance of material selection in designing automotive bodies. K2
CO-3 Understand the concepts of aerodynamics used in designing automobiles. K2
Understand the importance of interior and exterior ergonomics while designing the
CO-4 K2
Identify various sources of noise and methods of noise separation and various
CO-5 K2
safety aspects in a given vehicle.
Calculate various aerodynamic forces and moments acting on vehicle, load
CO-6 K3
distribution in vehicle body and stability of vehicle.
Classification of Coachwork: [L-9 Hours]
Styling forms, coach and bus body style, layout of cars, buses and coach with different seating and
loading capacity, types of commercial vehicles, vans and pickups, etc. Terms used in body building
construction, angle of approach, Angle of departure, ground clearance, Cross bearers, floor longitudes,
posts, seat rail, waist rail, cant rail, Roof stick, Roof longitude, Rub rail, skirt rail, truss panel, wheel arch
structure, wheel arch, post diagonals, gussets.
Vehicle Body Materials: [L-9 Hours]
Aluminum alloys, Steel, alloy steels, plastics, Metal matrix composites, structural timbers - properties,
glass reinforced plastics and high strength composites, thermoplastics, ABS and styrenes, load bearing
plastics, semi rigid PUR foams and sandwich panel construction. Paints adhesives and their properties,
corrosion and their prevention.
Aerodynamics: [L-5 Hours]
Basics, Vehicle drag and types, Various types of forces and moments, effects of forces and moments,
various body optimization techniques for minimum drag, Principle of wind tunnel technology, flow
visualization techniques, tests with scale models, aerodynamic study for heavy vehicles.
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Interior Ergonomics: [L-4 Hours]
Introduction, Seating dimensions, Interior ergonomics, ergonomics system design, seat comfort,
suspension seats, split frame seating, back passion reducers, dash board instruments, electronic
displays, commercial vehicle cabin ergonomics, mechanical package layout, goods vehicle layout.
Visibility, regulations, drivers visibility, methods of improving visibility, Window winding and seat
adjustment mechanisms.
Noise and Vibration: [L-5 Hours]
Noise characteristics, Sources of noise, noise level measurement techniques, Body structural vibrations,
chassis bearing vibration, designing against fatigue, methods of noise suppression.
Books &Reference:
1. Bosch, “Automotive Handbook”, 8th Edition, SAE publication, 2011.
2. Powloski J., “Vehicle Body Engineering”, Business books limited, London, 1969.
3. Ronald K. Jurgen, “Automotive Electronics Handbook”, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1999.
4. Vehicle body engineering Giles J Pawlowsky Business books limited 1989
5. Vehicle body layout and analysis John Fenton Mechanical Engg. Publication ltd, London. 1990
6. Vehicle Safety 2002 Cornwell press Town bridge, UK ISBN 1356 – 1448
7. Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles W.H. Hucho Butter worth’s 1987 4th Edition
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