Affiliated to
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Type of End
Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
SI. No. Subject Semester Total Credit
Codes Subject
1 AME0501 Heat and Mass Transfer Mandatory 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
2 AME0502 Theory of Machines Mandatory 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 AME0503 Applied Industrial IOT Mandatory 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4 ACSE0503 Design Thinking-II Mandatory 2 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
5 Departmental Elective -I 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
6 Departmental Elective -II 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
7 AME0551 Heat and Mass Transfer Lab Mandatory 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
8 AME0552 Theory of Machines Lab Mandatory 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
9 AME0553 Applied Industrial IOT Lab Mandatory 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
10 AME0559 Internship Assessment-II Mandatory 0 0 2 50 50 1
Constitution of India, Law and Compulsory
ANC0501 /
11 Engineering / Essence of Indian Audit 2 0 0 30 20 50 50 100 NA
ANC0502 Traditional Knowledge
*Massive Open Online Courses
(For B.Tech. Hons. Degree) *MOOCs
Total 1100 24
List of MOOCs (Infosys Springboard) Based Recommended Courses for Third Year(Semester-V) B. Tech. Students
S.No. Subject Code Course Name University/Industry Partner Name No of Hours Credits
Infosys Wingspan
1 AMC0244 Java Programming Fundamentals 36h 10m 3
(Infosys Springboard)
Infosys Wingspan
2 AMC0317 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt - 2022 11 h 7 min 0.5
(Infosys Springboard)
A 3-4 weeks Internship shall be conducted during summer break after semester-IV and will be assessed during Semester-V
Compulsory Audit (CA) Courses (Non-Credit – ANC0501/ANC0502)
All Compulsory Audit Courses (a qualifying exam) do not require any credit.
The total and obtained marks are not added in the grand total.
Abbreviation Used:
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, CT: Class Test, TA: Teacher Assessment, PS: Practical Sessional, TE: Theory End Semester Exam.,
CE: Core Elective,OE:Open Elective, DE: Departmental Elective, PE: Practical End Semester Exam, CA: Compulsory Audit,
MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses.
List of Departmental Electives
Sl. No. Subject Name Types of Subjects Bucket Name Branch Semester
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
SI. Type of Periods Evaluation Scheme End Semester
Subject Codes Total Credit
No. Subject Subject L T P CT TA TOTAL PS TE PE
1 AME0601 Design of Machine Elements Mandatory 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
2 AME0602 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Mandatory 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 AME0603 Industrial Engineering Mandatory 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4 Departmental Elective-III 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
5 Departmental Elective-IV 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
6 Open Elective-I Open Elective 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
7 AME0651 Machine Design Lab Mandatory 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
8 AME0652 Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Lab Mandatory 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
9 AME0654 AI & ML Lab Mandatory 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
10 AME0659 Mini Project Mandatory 0 0 2 50 50 1
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge /
ANC0602 / Compulsory
11 Constitution of India, Law and 2 0 0 30 20 50 50 100 NA
ANC0601 Audit
*Massive Open Online Courses
(For B.Tech. Hons. Degree) *MOOCs
Total 1100 24
List of MOOCs (Infosys) Based Recommended Courses for Third Year (Semester-VI) B. Tech. Students
S.No. Subject Code Course Name University/Industry Partner Name No of Hours Credits
Infosys Wingspan
1 AMC0252 Data Structures and Algorithms using Python - Part 1 29h 27m 2
(Infosys Springboard)
Infosys Wingspan
2 AMC0251 AI Artificial Intelligence with Python 7h 21min 0.5
(Infosys Springboard)
A 3-4 weeks Internship shall be conducted during summer break after semester-VI and will be assessed during semester-VII
Compulsory Audit (CA) Courses (Non-Credit – ANC0601/ANC0602)
All Compulsory Audit Courses (a qualifying exam) do not require any credit.
The total and obtained marks are not added in the grand total.
Abbreviation Used:
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, CT: Class Test, TA: Teacher Assessment, PS: Practical Sessional, TE: Theory End Semester Exam.,
CE: Core Elective,OE:Open Elective, DE: Departmental Elective, PE: Practical End Semester Exam, CA: Compulsory Audit,
MOOCs: Massive Open Online Courses.
List of Departmental Electives
Sl. No. Subject Codes Subject Name Types of Subjects Bucket Name Branch Semester
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Course outcome:
CO 1 Identify different modes of heat transfer and apply the governing law to calculate rate of heat K1
CO 2 Solve the problems of Heat conduction and convection related to plane wall, composite cylinders, K5
spheres, Extended surfaces, and their application in different industry.
CO 3 Model problem for convective heat transfer coefficient, Analyze boiling and condensation related K5
problems and their application to industry.
CO 4 Analysis of radiation heat transfer problems and understanding its effect on global warming and K4
gas emission.
CO 5 Solve the problems of heat exchangers and analyze different design criteria of heat exchangers. K4
1. Heat and Mass Transfer by Cengel, McGraw-Hill
2. A Textbook on Heat Transfer, by Sukhatme, University Press.
3. Heat and Mass Transfer by Rudramoorthy and Mayilsamy, Pearson Education
4. Heat and Mass Transfer by R K Rajput, S Chand Publication.
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, by Incroperra & DeWitt, John Wiley and Sons
2. Heat Transfer by J.P. Holman, McGraw-Hill
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 Shorturl.at/jnpBP
Unit 2 Shorturl.at/bGLU5
Unit 3 Shorturl.at/dnoqT
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDncSyDvpdQ&list=PL5F4F46C1983C6785&index=10
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc_hL_tSFzo&list=PL5F4F46C1983C6785&index=25
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0502 L T P Credit
Course Title THEORY OF MACHINES 3 1 0 4
Course objective:
1 Study, analyze, identify and interpret various mechanisms and machines to K1, K2
design linkage or mechanism with their inversions for industrial equipment
that meets desired specifications and requirements.
2 Demonstrate and perform mechanism analysis by using both graphically and K3, K4
analytically to find the position, velocity, acceleration and forces of multi-bar
mechanisms used in modern machinery.
3 Study and design basic cam, gear and gear train mechanism for desired motion K2, K3
for power transmission.
4 Study, identify and analyze the static and dynamic forces on the systems of K3, K4
linkage mechanism such as engine and also analyze a machine or engine fitted
with flywheel.
5 Study and identify the causes of an unbalance system due to rotating and K4
reciprocating masses used in various machinery and also study the role of
6 Study and demonstrate the gyroscopic effect and its effect on the stability of K3
aero-plane and ship.
Basic knowledge of Engineering Mechanics
Basic knowledge of Engineering Mathematics
Basic knowledge of Engineering Graphics
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Mechanisms, Velocity and Acceleration 10 hours
Introduction, mechanisms and machines, kinematics and kinetics, kinematic link and its types, kinematic pairs and
their classification, kinematic chain, constraint motion, degrees of freedom of planar mechanism, Grobler’s
equation, inversion of four bar chain, single slider crank chain and double slider crank chain.
Velocity Analysis:
Introduction, velocity of point in mechanism, relative velocity and instantaneous centre method, Kennedy’s
theorem, velocities in four bar and slider crank mechanism.
Acceleration Analysis:
Introduction, acceleration of a point on a link, Coriolis’s component of acceleration, acceleration in four bar and
slider crank mechanism, crank and slotted lever mechanism.
UNIT-II Cam, Follower and Gears 8 hours
Cam and Follower:
Introduction, classification of cams and followers, terminology of cam, cam profiles for knife edge, roller and flat
faced followers for uniform velocity, simple harmonic motion, uniform acceleration and retardation.
Introduction, governor and its function, types of governors, centrifugal governors and inertia governors, dead weight
and spring controlled centrifugal governors, sensitivity and stability of governor, isochronous governor, hunting of
centrifugal governors, effort and power of governor.
UNIT-V Gyroscope 8 hours
Gyroscopic couples, Gyroscopic stabilization of shaft bearing, aero plane and ships, stability of four wheel and two-
wheel vehicles moving on curved paths.
Dynamometers, types of dynamometers, prony brake and rope brake dynamometer, belt transmission, epicyclic and
torsion dynamometer.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO 1 Design linkage or mechanism with their inversions for industrial equipment that meets desired K1, K2
specifications and requirements and Perform mechanism analysis to find the position,
velocity, acceleration, and dynamics of multi-bar mechanisms.
CO 2 Calculate the amount of power transmission through the gear drive and calculate their driving K3, K4
CO 3 Understand balancing of reciprocating and rotary masses through solving engineering K2, K3
CO 4 Analyze static and dynamic force analysis of various mechanism and design of flywheel. K3, K4
CO 5 Understand the gyroscopic forces and couple and its effect on the stability of aero-plane and K3
Text books
1. Theory of Machines - S.S. Rattan, McGraw Hill
2. Theory of Machines - R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications
3. Theory of Machines - Khurmi & Gupta, S. Chand Publication
4. Mechanics of Machines - V. Ramamurti, Alpha Science
5. Kinematics of Machines - Dr. Sadhu Singh, S.K. Kataria & Sons
6. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - Rao & Dukkipati, bohem press.
7. Theory of Machines - V. P. Singh, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books
1. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines: Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallik, Third Edition Affiliated East-West
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms: Joseph Edward Shigley and John Joseph Uicker, Jr. Oxford University Press
3. Theory of Machines - Thomas Bevan, CBS Publishers.
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJeRFzs4oRU&list=PLBEA57F7E7560C8E8
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQrcPiQuCHI
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEdz91oWrts
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI9xMNvTLFI
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FydJu1A1oeM
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0503 L T P Credit
Course Title Applied Industrial IoT (AIIoT) 3 0 0 3
Course objective:
1 To familiarize students with the concept of IIoT K2, K3
2 To make students understand how to apply the concepts of IIoT K2, K3, K4
3 Students will be able to understand the applications of IIoT K2, K3,
Pre-requisites: Students should have basic knowledge of sensors, electronic devices, control systems and basic
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction to Industrial IoT and Its Architecture 10 hours
Introduction to Industrial IoT
Concept of Internet of Things – Drivers, Benefits and Challenges of IOT – Categories of IoT – Examples of IoT in
Industrial IoT Architecture
Information and Operational Technology – Layers of IIoT Architecture – Functions of IIoT Architecture Layers –
Demo of practical use cases – Components of IIoT Architecture – Introduction to On-premise servers and Cloud –
Review of Components in various layers of IoT
UNIT-II Data Acquisition 8 hours
Data Acquisition
Fundamentals of Sensors – Types of Sensors – Some Common Sensors – Choosing a Sensor – Sensor Technologies –
Thermal Sensors – Pressure, Shear and Photo Sensor – Electrical, Magnetic and Mechanical Sensors – Introduction to
Measurements – Direct Measurement, Indirect Measurement, Derived Measurement – Measurement from Industrial
UNIT-III Edge Computing, The Gateway and IoT Connectivity Protocols 10 hours
Edge Computing and The Gateway
Edge Computing – Gateway Overview – Types and Features of Gateway – Selecting a Gateway – IoT Gateway –
Choice of Gateway – Configuring the Gateway – lot Video Analytics and Quality Control at the Edge
Course outcome:
CO 1 Link IoT with Industry 4.0, real world situations, daily life and recognize the architecture of K2, K3
K2, K3,
CO 2 Identify the right components needed for data acquisition and recognize how to utilize them.
Define the functionalities required in edge computing and the gateway and also understand the
CO 3 K2, K3,
concept of connectivity protocols.
Explain and classify the platform architecture focused on server and data architecture, also K2, K3,
CO 4
analyze data for business decisions. K4
CO 5 Foresee possible security threats in IIoT and identify solutions to overcome them. K2, K3
Text books :
1. Olivier Hersent, DavidBoswarthick, Omar Elloumi"The Internet of Things key applications and protocol
2. Jeeva Jose, Internet of Things, Khanna Publishing House
3. Michael Miller "The Internet of Things" by Pearson 4. Raj Kamal "INTERNET OF THINGS", McGraw-
Hill, 1ST Edition, 2016
5. ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti" Internet of Things( A hands on approach)" 1ST edition, VPI
publications, 2014
6. Adrian McEwen, Hakin Cassimally "Designing the Internet of Things" Wiley India
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlhmzVL5bm8
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkq8Te4FnbI&ab_channel=EyeonTech
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkq8Te4FnbI&ab_channel=EyeonTech
Unit 4 shorturl.at/aejs3
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeaeuUcw02Q
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0511 L T P Credit
Course Title Internal Combustion Engine 3 0 0 3
Course objective: This course is designed to make the students familiar with the classification of air standard cycles
and efficiencies, thermodynamic analysis, classification of engines, understand the concept Petrol and Diesel engines,
Combustion chamber, Engine cooling lubrication, Testing and performance, fuels for SI and CI engine, Crankcase
ventilation, modern technologies in I C Engines.
Unit-V 10 Hours
Engine Testing: Dynamometers, Indicated thermal, brake thermal and volumetric efficiencies. Measurement of
friction, Cylinder pressure measurement. Heat Balance, Engine performance maps, Engine testing standards.
Modern Technologies in I C Engines
Stratified-charged Engine, Mixed-cycle engines, HCCI Engines, CRDi injection system, GDI Technology, E-
Turbocharger, Variable compression ratio engines, variable valve timing technology, Fuel cell, Hybrid Electric
Technology, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology.
New developments in combustion engines. Hybrid powertrain concepts and designs (series, parallel), downsizing,
electric powertrain efficiency and control concepts.
Course outcome:
CO 1 To understand need, constructional details and working of various auxiliary system used for K1, K2
internal combustion engine, scavenging systems for two stroke engines.
CO 2 To understand available energy sources for internal combustion engine& Determine correct K2,K3
A/F ratio for a given fuel.
CO 3 To Illustrate the stages of combustion and its influence by different combustion K2,K3
chamber parameters
CO 4 To choose cooling and lubrication system for internal combustion engine K2,K3
CO 5 To explain, classify and analyze various types of modern technologies in IC Engines K2,K4
Text books :
1. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engine by Gill, Smith,Ziurs, Oxford & IBH Publishing CO.
2. Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines by H.N. Gupta, Prentice Hall of India
3. A Course in International Combustion Engines, by Mathur& Sharma, DhanpatRai& Sons.
4. I.C Engine Analysis & Practice by E.F Obert.
5. I.C Engine, by Ganeshan, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers
Reference Books:
1. I.C Engine, by R. Yadav, Central Publishing House, Allahabad .
2. Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors, by Chlumsky, SNTI Publications, Czechoslovakia.
3. Turbines, Compressors and Fans, by S.M.Yahya, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.
4. Engineering Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines by W.W. Pulkrabek, Pearson Eductaion
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://extrudesign.com/category/mechanical-engineering/internal-combustion-engines/
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=RM0A1kQuXI4
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKs4t8yCRyA
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saJgOYoevP0
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJd8aHj-vg
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0513 L T P Credit
Course Title Power Plant Engineering 3 0 0 3
Course objective: To help engineering students understand the concepts and practical aspects of the Design,
Construction, Operation, and Energy Conversion of different power plans.
Pre-requisites: The knowledge of the following subjects is essential to understand Power Plant Engineering:
Thermal Engineering
Heat Transfer.
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction, energy scenario and basic concepts 8 Hrs
Scenario and power generation technologies, Statutory and regulatory aspects, and fire protection system, cycle
efficiency vs number heaters, understanding of plant performance, Brayton cycle or Joule cycle, Power plant
performance measurement.
Coal Based Power Plant: Introduction, Subcritical and Supercritical power plants, Basic Design and Performance
parameters, Plant Layout: Turbine, Generator, and Building layout, Site selection: Natural Resources, Economic
Factors, Environmental factor, etc. Plant Layout of Thermal Power plant, Coal Based Thermal power plant virtual
plant tour.
Steam Generator and its auxiliaries: Steam generator, Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler, Circulation system in
Subcritical Steam generator, Efficiency of the Steam generator, Air & Draft system, Coal Milling System, Flue Gas
Desulphurization (FGD): Overview and types of FGD systems, Selection Catalytic reduction (SCR-SNCR): NOx,
reduction technique, Overview of Electrostatic Precipitator and bag filter, Principle of operation of ESP.
UNIT-II Power Plant Steam Turbine and auxiliary systems 8 Hrs
Steam turbine auxiliary systems, ST Auxiliary Systems: Electrohydraulic oil system, Gland Steam systems, Lube Oil
Purification System, Condensate system and its major equipment
Material Handling System
Technologies and material handling system, Fuel handling systems: Type of fuel oil and typical characteristics, Safety
aspects in the fuel oil system, Coal handling plant system design, Ash Handling system: Type of ash handling
systems, Ash utilization, Overview of Limestone, and gypsum handling system.
Power Plant Water, Compressed Air System, and Fire system
Raw water intake system: water source and selection criteria, Water chemistry and its significance: Water use and
analysis, Chemical dosing and filtration, Demineralization plant (DM) plant: ION Exchange, Condensate Polishing
unit, Steam, and water analysis system (SWAS)
Course outcome:
CO 1 To understand the need, importance, and energy scenario in coal-based power plants. K1, K2
CO 2 To understand the role of steam turbine power plant auxiliary systems and material handling K2, K3
and water balance diagram.
CO 3 To ascertain fundamental design parameters (including thermodynamic cycles) of gas-based K2, K4
power plants and nuclear power plants.
CO 4 To understand the need and process of extracting electrical energy from renewable energy K3, K4
CO 5 To understand, identify and design the power plant piping and components, an overview of K4, K5
electrical systems for power plant and power plan measuring and controlling systems.
Text books :
1. Power Plant Engineering 4th Edition, By P K Nag,
2. A Course in Power Plant Engineering: / Arora and S. Domkundwar.
3. Power Plant Engineering – P.C. Sharma / S.K. Kataria Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals and Applications of Renewable Energy by Mehmet Kanoglu, Yunus A. Cengel
2. Power Plant Engineering, F.T. Morse, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi/Madras
3. Power Plant Technology El-Vakil, McGraw Hill
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8zMD1eCbq0
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb-ZDmjxdwM
Unit 3 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/103103206
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW4HYJ36q0Y
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9njuNoLIADY
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0512 L T P Credit
Course Title Mechatronics Systems 3 0 0 3
Course objective
1 Understand key elements of Mechatronics system and its integration in manufacturing system.
2 Impart the knowledge of different sensors and transducers used in manufacturing system.
3 Impart the knowledge of various actuation systems and controllers used in manufacturing system.
4 Familiarize concepts of microprocessors, microcontrollers, and PLC.
Apply interdisciplinary knowledge of mechanical and electronic components in manufacturing
Pre-requisites: Students know about basics of electronics.
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction to Mechatronics System 8 hours
Introduction to Mechatronics: Function of Mechatronic System, Scope &Application of Mechatronics, Advantages
and disadvantages of Mechatronics, role of mechatronics in manufacturing. Production line automation, Benefit of
Mechatronics in Manufacturing. Representation of Mechatronic System in block Diagram and Concept of transfer
function for each element of Mechatronic system. Basic concept of Robotics, Autotronics, Bionics, and Avionics and
their applications
UNIT-II Signal Transmission Sensors and transducers 10 hours
Signal transmission: types of signals:- hydraulic signal, pneumatic signal, electronics signal. ADC (Analog to
Digital Convertor, DAC (Digital to Analog Convertor) R-2R circuit and DAC resolution. Signal Filters: Low pass,
High Pass and Band Pass with circuit diagrams for simple cases
Sensors and transducers: Sensors & Transducer with classification, Development in Transducer technology,
Criteria for selection of sensors based on requirements, Principle of measurement, Sensing method, Performance chart
etc. (Displacement, temperature, acceleration, force/pressure) based on Static and Dynamic characteristics. Principle
of working and application of Inductive Proximity, Capacitive Proximity, Photoelectric, Ultrasonic, Magnetic, Hall
Effect, Tactile Sensor, load cell, LVDT and interfacing sensors
UNIT-III Actuators and Actuation system 8 hours
Actuators: Types of Actuators, Selection of Actuators based on principle of operation, Performance characteristics,
Maximum loading conditions, Safety etc., Principle and Selection of Mechano-electrical actuators, Micro actuators.
Electrical Actuation Systems: Introduction to Switching devices, Concept of Electromechanical Actuation,
Solenoids and Solenoid Operated Direction Control Valves, Principle of working of DC and 3 Phase Induction Motor,
Stepper motors and Servo Motors with their merits and demerits.
UNIT-IV Hydraulic & Pneumatic Actuation System 10 hours
Hydraulic Actuation System: Different types of valves such as flow, Direction control valve, Hydraulic
pumps, Actuators and Auxiliary elements in Hydraulics, their applications and use of their Graphical Symbols,
Synthesis and design of circuits (up to 2 cylinders), Hydraulic system design, Electro-Hydraulics.
Pneumatic Actuation System: Production and Distribution of Compressed air, Components of Pneumatic
System, Different types of Valves, Graphical symbols, Graphical representation and design of Pneumatic system ,
Electro- Pneumatics
UNIT-V Control System & Programming Techniques 10 hours
Control System: Introduction to Control Systems, Elements of control system, Basic of open and closed loop control
with example.
Programmable Logic Devices, Introduction to PLC, selection of PLC, Architecture, Latching, Timers, Counter.
Automatic Control and Real Time Control Systems; types of controllers, PID controller, adaptive control, P, PI, PD
and PID control systems
Programming Techniques: Ladder Logic programming for different types of logic gates, Ladder diagram –
Concept of Contacts and Coil, Latching/ Holding Circuit, Memory Bits, Timers, and Counter
Course outcome:
Identify mechatronic system and have knowledge about the sensors and transducers used in K2
manufacturing system.
CO2 Identify different actuation systems and design basic system for manufacturing system. K2,K3
CO3 Design and apply hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical system in manufacturing. K3,K4
CO4 Identify different types of controllers and ability to choose one according to the need. K2
Reference Books:
Mechatronics: A Multidisciplinary Approach, William Bolton, Pearson Education
A Textbook of Mechatronics, R.K.Rajput, S. Chand & Company Private Limited
Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, William Bolton, Prentice Hall
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lilX8cHDHI.
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uPTyjxZzyo.
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBpfLWTE6ak.
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akZjDHD6JC4
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ro3lnNYU2w
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0514 L T P Credit
Course Title Computer Aided Engineering 3 0 0 3
Course objective:
Understand the importance, benefits, applications and essential elements of
1 K1, K2, K3
CAD such as graphics input, display and output devices.
Impart the fundamentals approach for generating line, circle by algorithm and
2 K2, K3
understand the mathematics behind 2D & 3D geometric transformations.
Develop the mathematical representation of parametric form of analytic planar
3 curves and synthetic space to create and manipulate the design using various K2, K3
types of curves
Impart the fundamentals of CAD tools to create and manipulate the design
4 K2, K3, K4
conceptualization, geometric modelling using surfaces and solids.
Understand the fundamental concepts of Finite Element method and different
5 K2, K3
approaches used to solve realistic problems in Mechanical Engineering
Pre-requisites: Students should have basic knowledge of computer, Engineering Drawing, and
manufacturing process.
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction: 8 Hours
Computer in Engineering Design, Classical vs Computer Aided Design, Elements of CAD, Essential requirements of
CAD, CAD Tools, Concepts of integrated CAD/CAM, Necessity & Benefits, Engineering Applications.
Computer Graphics Hardware:
Graphics systems, Graphics Input devices – Cursor control devices, Digitizers, Image scanner, Keyboard terminals,
Speech oriented devices, Graphics display devices – Cathode Ray Tube, Random & Raster scan display, Direct View
Storage Tubes, Color CRT monitors, Solid state monitors – emissive displays and non-emissive displays, Graphics
output devices – Hard copy printers and plotters.
UNIT-II Computer Graphics Software: 12 Hours
Graphics Software, Software Configuration, Graphics Functions, Graphics standards, viewing transformations –
windowing and clipping.
Output primitives:
Line generation algorithms – DDA and Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm, Circle generating algorithm – Mid-point
and Bresenham’s algorithm.
Geometric Transformations:
2D Geometric transformations – Translation, Scaling, Shearing, Rotation & Reflection matrix representation,
Rotation and scaling about arbitrary point, Reflection through arbitrary line, Composite transformation, 3D
transformations, Multiple transformation.
UNIT-III Planar Curves: 8 Hours
Curves representation, Properties of curve design, Interpolation vs Approximation, Parametric representation of
analytic curves, Parametric continuity conditions,
Space Curves:
Parametric representation of synthetic curves – Spline curves and specifications, Hermite curves – Blending function
formulation and its properties, Bezier curves – Blending function formulation and its properties, B-spline curves –
Blending function formulation and its properties.
UNIT-IV 3D Graphics: 6 Hours
Introduction, Wireframe modelling, Surface modelling, Polygon surfaces – Polygon meshes, Polygon equations,
Quadric and Super quadric surfaces, Blobby objects, Solid modelling – Solid entities, Boolean set operations, Sweep
representation – Translational, Rotational and Hybrid sweeps, Boundary representation – Topology, Geometry,
Boundary models, Constructive solid geometry – Unbounded and Bounded primitives.
Color models:
Coloring in computer graphics, RGB, CMY, YIQ, HSV and HLS color models
UNIT-V Finite Element Modelling: 8 Hours
Introduction, Principles of Finite elements modelling, General procedure for finite element analysis, Local and global
coordinates, node and elements, Mesh Generation and its requirements Stiffness matrix/displacement matrix,
Formulation of global stiffness matrix, Weighted Residual methods, Variation Rayleigh Ritz method, Principle of
minimum potential energy. Problem on spring system, bar & beam elements.
Commercially available FEM packages, Desirable features of FEM packages, An overview of FEM software’s like
Course outcome:
Understand the knowledge of basic structure of CAD, Memory types, input/output devices, K1, K2,
display devices and its working principles. K3
Develop about the knowledge of graphics software, graphics standards, configuration, and
CO2 functions; skill of writing algorithm for generating 2D graphic elements; and apply the K2, K3
mathematics behind 2D & 3D individual and combined geometric transformations.
The ability of mathematical representation of parametric form of analytic planar curves and
CO3 synthetic space curves such as Hermite, Bezier and B-spline curves and knowledge of their K2, K3
The ability the knowledge of polygonal, quadric and super quadric surfaces, blobby objects,
K2, K3,
CO4 color models, and different solid modelling techniques and the skill of developing 3D
geometric models in CAD software.
Apply the fundamental concepts and approaches to solve a realistic engineering problem and
CO5 K2, K3
analyze the design using Finite Element Methods.
Text books :
1. Computer Graphics-Hearn & Baker (Prentice Hall of India)
2. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice- Ibrahim Zeid & R Sivasubramaniam (McGraw Hill)
3. CAD/CAM-HP Groover & EW Zimmers, Jr (Prentice Hall India)
Reference Books:
1. Computer Aided Engineering Design-Anupam Saxena & B. Sahay (Anamaya Publishers)
2. Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics- DF Rogers & JA Adams (McGraw Hill)
3. Computer Aided Design-S.K. Srivastava (IK International Publications)
4. Computer Aided Design-R.K. Srivastava (Umesh Publications)
5. The Finite Element Method in Engineering by S. S. Rao, (Pergamon Press, Oxford)
6. An Introduction to Finite Element Method by J.N. Reddy published (Mc Graw Hill)
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://youtu.be/EgKc9L7cbKc
Unit 2 https://youtu.be/MViI7GPG9xo
Unit 3 https://youtu.be/0NbD-c0Ctdk
Unit 4 https://youtu.be/TEAtmCYYKZA
Unit 5 https://youtu.be/GHjopp47vvQ
Mechanical Engineering Third Year
Course Code AME0551 L T P Credit
Course Title Heat and Mass Transfer lab 0 0 2 1
Course objective: Students will be perform the experiments based on conduction convection and heat
Pre-requisites: Student know the concept of conduction convection and heat exchangers.
Course Contents / Syllabus
Suggested list of Experiment
Perform Ten experiment from the list of Experiment
Sr. No. Name of Experiment
1 Conduction – Experiment on Composite plane wall
2 Conduction - Experiment on critical insulation thickness
3 Conduction – Experiment on Thermal Contact Resistance
4 Convection - Pool Boiling experiment
5 Convection - Experiment on heat transfer from tube- (natural convection).
6 Convection - Heat Pipe experiment.
7 Convection - Heat transfer through fin- (natural convection).
8 Convection - Heat transfer through tube/fin- (forced convection).
9 Convection - Determination of thermal conductivity of fluid
10 Experiment on Stefan's Law, on radiation determination of emissivity, etc.
11 Experiment on solar collector, etc.
12 Heat exchanger - Parallel / Counter flow experiment
13 Making of Thermocouple
14 Calibration of thermocouple.
Course outcome:
CO 1 Formulate heat conduction problems to determine the conductivity of composite material K3
CO 2 Analyze the heat transfer through extended surface, calculate the temperature distribution, K3
effectiveness for pin fin.
CO 3 Analyze the phenomena of boiling and condensation. K3
CO4 Modelling of Heat exchanger problem to Calculate fluid temperature, heat exchange and K3
effectiveness during parallel and counter flow heat exchanger.
CO 5 Calculate the Stefan Boltzmann’s Constant and measure emissivity of different surfaces. K3
Text Books:
1. M Laxmikanth: Indian Polity for civil services and other State Examination,6th Edition, Mc Graw
2. Brij Kishore Sharma: Introduction to the Indian Constitution, 8th Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Granville Austin: The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation (Classic Reissue), Oxford
University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Madhav Khosla: The Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press.
2. PM Bakshi: The Constitution of India, Latest Edition, Universal Law Publishing.
3. V.K. Ahuja: Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights (2007)
Course Code ANC0502 L T P Credits
Course objective:This course aims to provide basic knowledge about different theories of society, state and
polity in India, Indian literature, culture, Indian religion, philosophy, science, management, cultural heritage and
different arts in India.s
Astronomy in India, Chemistry in India, Mathematics in India, Physics in India, Agriculture in India, Medicine
in India , Metallurgy in India, Geography, Biology, Harappan Technologies, Water Management in India, Textile
Technology in India ,Writing Technology in India Pyrotechnics in India Trade in Ancient India/,India’s
Dominance up to Pre-colonial Times.
Indian Architect, Engineering and Architecture in Ancient India, Sculptures, Pottery, Painting, Indian Handicraft,
UNESCO’S List of World Heritage sites in India, Seals, coins, Puppetry, Dance, Music, Theatre, drama, Martial
Arts Traditions, Fairs and Festivals, UNESCO’S List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Calenders, Current
developments in Arts and Cultural, Indian’s Cultural Contribution to the World. Indian Cinema.
COURSE OUTCOMES: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO 1 Understand the basics of past Indian politics and state polity. K2
CO 2 Understand the Vedas, Upanishads, languages & literature of Indian society. K2
CO 3 Know the different religions and religious movements in India. K4
CO 4 Identify and explore the basic knowledge about the ancient history of Indian K4
agriculture, science & technology, and ayurveda.
CO 5 Identify Indian dances, fairs & festivals, and cinema. K1
Text Books:
1. Sivaramakrishna (Ed.), Cultural Heritage of India-Course Material, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai,
5th Edition, 2014.
2. S. Baliyan, Indian Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, India
3. Nitin Singhania, Indian Art and Culture: for civil services and other competitive Examinations,3rd
Edition,Mc Graw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Romila Thapar, Readings In Early Indian History Oxford University Press, India
2. Basham, A.L., The Wonder that was India (34th impression), New Delhi, Rupa & co.
Course Code AME0601 L-T-P Credit
Course Title Design of Machine Elements 3-1-0 4
Course objective:
1. To develop an Efficient, Economic and Ecofriendly product for the K1,K2
welfare of society based on market demand.
2. To develop sustainable approach in problem solving for the society. K2,K3
3. To develop an art of design & analysis the complex problem related to K3,K4,K5
machine elements.
General laws of science, force analysis.
Basic knowledge of material science & manufacturing.
Fundamental of engineering mechanics & Strength of Material.
Course Contents / Syllabus
Definition, Design requirements of machine elements, Design procedure, Standards in design, Indian
Standards designation of carbon & alloy steels Selection of preferred sizes, Selection of materials for
static and fatigue loads.
Design for Static Load
Stresses due to bending and torsion, Theory of failure, Cause of failure in shafts, Materials for shaft,
Design of shafts subjected to twisting moment, bending moment and combined twisting & bending
moments, ASME design, Shafts subjected to fatigue loads, Design for rigidity.
Design for Fluctuating Loads
Cyclic stresses, Fatigue and endurance limit, Stress concentration factor and its measures for various
machine parts, Notch sensitivity, Design for finite and infinite life, Soderberg, Goodman & Gerber
Mechanical Springs
Types, Material for helical springs, End connections for compression and tension helical springs,
Stresses and deflection of helical springs of circular wire, Design of helical springs subjected to static
and fatigue loading.
Spur Gears
Tooth forms, System of gear teeth, contact ratio, Standard proportions of gear systems, Interference in
involute gears, Backlash, Selection of gear materials, Gear manufacturing methods, Beam strength of
gear tooth, Dynamic tooth load, Wear strength of gear tooth, Failure of gear tooth.
Helical Gears
Terminology, Proportions for helical gears, Forces components on a tooth of helical gear, Virtual number
of teeth, Beam strength & wear strength of helical gears, Dynamic load on helical gears, Design of
helical gears.
Bevel gears
Terminology of bevel gears, Force analysis, Virtual number of teeth, Beam strength and wear strength of
bevel gears, Effective load of gear tooth, Design of a bevel gear system.
Worm Gears
Types of worms, Terminology, Gear tooth proportions, Efficiency of worm gears, Heat dissipation in
worm gearing, Strength and wear tooth load for worm gears, Design of worm gearing system.
Sliding Contact Bearing
Types, Properties and materials, Hydrodynamic lubrication, Heat generation, Design of journal bearing,
Thrust bearing-pivot and collar bearing
Rolling Contact Bearing
Types, Advantages and disadvantages, Designation of bearing, Bearing life, Selection of roller bearings,
Dynamic equivalent load for roller contact bearing under constant and variable loading, Reliability of
Bearing, Design of roller bearing.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO1 Analyse stress in different components, theories of failure and K1, K2
material science to analyse, design and/or select commonly
used machine components.
CO2 Analyse fluctuating stress in different components using K1, K2, K3
different criterion.
CO3 Design Spur and helical gear for different application. K1, K2, K3, K4, K5
CO4 Design Bevel and Worm gear for different application. K1, K2, K3,
CO5 Select the suitable bearing for given operating conditions. K1, K2, K3,K4
Text books
1. Text Book of Machine Design, R. S. Khurmi, Eurasia Publishing House.
2. A Text Book of Machine Design, Dr. Rajendra Karwa, Laxmi Publications.
3. Design of Machine Elements, V. B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Co.
4. Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, Robert L. Norton, Pearson Education
5. Design of Machine Elements: Volume II, T. Krishna Rao, I K International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd
6. Mechanical Engineering Design, Joseph Shigley, McGraw-Hill Education
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://youtu.be/ofmbhbVCUqI
Unit 2 https://youtu.be/2xLHFiBOA4M
Unit 3 https://youtu.be/46quOD7V-cQ
Unit 4 https://youtu.be/0jNX9bnWkho
Unit 5 https://youtu.be/NZOKgk001_E
Bachelor of Technology Third Year
Course Code AME0603 L T P CREDITS
Course objective: To make the students able
1 To understand the Concept of Industrial engineering. K2
2 Understand the forecasting and scheduling techniques. K3, K4
3 To understand the concept of inventory control and queuing theory K3, K4
4 To apply the concept of work system design K3, k4
5 Ability to solve the problem of LPP, Transportation. K3, K4
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of production system
Unit 1 https://archive.nptel.ac.in/courses/112/107/112107143/
Unit 2 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112107143
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpUD9kkPTiI
Unit 4 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112107142
Unit 5 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/111102012
Course Code AME0602 L-T-P Credit
Course objective:
1 To Learn the fundamental principles and different methods of K1, K2
refrigeration and its application in different aircraft refrigeration
2 To study of different refrigerants with respect to properties, and K3, K4
familiarize the simple and compound vapour compression
refrigeration systems.
3 To understand the vapour absorption refrigeration systems and K2, K3
some recent refrigeration systems and its operating principles.
4 To Learn principles of psychrometric processes and load K3, K4
calculations criteria for comfort and different air conditioning
5 To study about different refrigeration Equipments and its K2, K3
application in industry.
Pre-requisites: Thermodynamics, Basic Fluid Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Basics of refrigeration and air refrigeration systems 8 hours
Introduction: Brief history and need of refrigeration and air conditioning, methods of natural
refrigeration, unit of refrigeration, coefficient of performance, types and application of refrigeration.
Air refrigeration: Reversed Carnot cycle and its limitation, Bell-Coleman cycle, aircraft refrigeration,
working and analysis of Simple; Bootstrap; Reduced ambient and Regenerative air refrigeration systems,
comparison of different aircraft refrigeration systems with Mach number.
Vapour Compression system: Simple system on P-h and T-s diagrams, analysis of the simple cycle,
factors affecting the performance of the cycle, actual cycle. Compound Compression System: Compound
compression with intercooler, flash gas removal and flash intercooler, Multistage vapour compression
system requirement, Different configuration of multistage system, cascade refrigeration system.
3. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Manohar Prasad, New Age International Publisher
4. Principles of Refrigeration by Roy. J Dossat, Pearson Education
5. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Jordon and Prister, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books
1. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by R.S. Khurmi&J.K.Gupta, S.Chand Publication
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://youtu.be/4mWsRUr0A7A
Unit 2 https://youtu.be/XO2PBDMEHfs
Unit 3 https://youtu.be/4w3Obp8ILpA
Unit 4 https://youtu.be/0BOVDcMxlyY
Unit 5 https://youtu.be/ExNJoT_2XeI
Course code AME0611 L-T-P Credit
Course title Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion 3-0-0 3
Course objective:
1. Understand the basics of the hybrid electric vehicles and it’s types. K2
2. Understand the types of drive trains used in hybrid vehicles K2
3. Understand the propulsion units used in Hybrid Vehicles and their efficiency. K2
4. Understand the requirements and devices of energy storage used in hybrid K2
5. Understand the concept of downsizing of IC engines in case of hybrid K2
6. Understand the principles of energy management and issues related to these K2
Text books
1. Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC Press
, 2003.
2. Mehrdad Ehsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric,
Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design, CRC Press , 2004
Reference Books
1. James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley , 2003.
2. Chris Mi, M. Abul Masrur, David Wenzhong Gao, Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and
Applications with Practical Perspectives, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011
Link: NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108103009
Unit 2 https://youtu.be/WfiTscWVfWI
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqSpQzTE6M9spod-UH7Q69wQ3uRm5thr
Unit 4 https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106170
Unit 5 https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_ee99
Course code AME0613 L-T-P Credit
Course title Vehicle Body Engineering 3-0-0 3
Course objectives:
This course provides a fundamental understanding (A) To present a problem in depth Knowledge of automobile
chassis and body engineering (B) To address the underlying concepts and methods behind automobile chassis and
body engineering
Interest in electric Vehicles
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Classification of Coachwork 9 hours
Styling forms, coach and bus body style, layout of cars, buses and coach with different seating and
loading capacity, types of commercial vehicles, vans and pickups, etc. Terms used in body building
construction, angle of approach, Angle of departure, ground clearance, Cross bearers, floor longitudes,
posts, seat rail, waist rail, cant rail, Roof stick, Roof longitude, Rub rail, skirt rail, truss panel, wheel arch
structure, wheel arch, post diagonals, gussets.
UNIT-II Vehicle Body Materials 8 hours
Aluminium alloys, Steel, alloy steels, plastics, Metal matrix composites, structural timbers - properties,
glass reinforced plastics and high strength composites, thermoplastics, ABS and styrene, load bearing
plastics, semi rigid PUR foams and sandwich panel construction. Paints adhesives and their properties,
corrosion, and their prevention.
UNIT-III Aerodynamics and Load Distribution 8 hours
Aerodynamics: Basics, Vehicle drag and types, Various types of forces and moments, effects of forces
and moments, various body optimization techniques for minimum drag, Principle of wind tunnel
technology, flow visualization techniques, tests with scale models, aerodynamic study for heavy
Load Distribution:
Type of body structures, Vehicle body stress analysis, vehicle weight distribution, Calculation of loading
for static loading, symmetrical, longitudinal loads, side loads, stress analysis of bus body structure under
bending and torsion.
UNIT-IV Interior Ergonomics and Vehicle Stability 8 hours
Interior Ergonomics: Introduction, Seating dimensions, Interior ergonomics, ergonomics system
design, seat comfort, suspension seats, split frame seating, back passion reducers, dash board
instruments, electronic displays, commercial vehicle cabin ergonomics, mechanical package layout,
goods vehicle layout. Visibility, regulations, drivers’ visibility, methods of improving visibility, Window
winding and seat adjustment mechanisms.
Vehicle Stability:
Introduction, Longitudinal, lateral stability, vehicle on a curvilinear path, critical speed for toppling and
skidding. Effect of operating factors on lateral stability, steering geometry and stabilization of steerable
wheels, mass distribution and engine location on stability.
UNIT-IV Noise and Vibrations 9 hours
Noise and Vibration: Noise characteristics, Sources of noise, noise level measurement techniques,
Body structural vibrations, chassis bearing vibration, designing against fatigue, methods of noise
Impact protection:
Basics, physics of impact between deformable bodies, design for crash worthiness, occupant and cargo
restraint, passive restraint systems, side impact analysis, bumper system, energy absorbent foams, laws
of mechanisms applied to safety.
Text Books:
4. M Laxmikanth: Indian Polity for civil services and other State Examination,6th Edition, Mc Graw
5. Brij Kishore Sharma: Introduction to the Indian Constitution, 8th Edition, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
6. Granville Austin: The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation (Classic Reissue), Oxford
University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Madhav Khosla: The Indian Constitution, Oxford University Press.
2. PM Bakshi: The Constitution of India, Latest Edition, Universal Law Publishing.
3. V.K. Ahuja: Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights (2007)
Course Code ANC0602 L T P Credits
Astronomy in India, Chemistry in India, Mathematics in India, Physics in India, Agriculture in India, Medicine
in India, Metallurgy in India, Geography, Biology, Harappan Technologies, Water Management in India,
Textile Technology in India ,Writing Technology in India Pyrotechnics in India Trade in Ancient India/,India’s
Dominance up to Pre-colonial Times.
Text Books:
3. Sivaramakrishna (Ed.), Cultural Heritage of India-Course Material, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
Mumbai, 5th Edition, 2014.
4. S. Baliyan, Indian Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, India
5. Nitin Singhania, Indian Art and Culture: for civil services and other competitive Examinations,3rd
Edition,Mc Graw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Romila Thapar, Readings In Early Indian History Oxford University Press, India
2. Basham, A.L., The Wonder that was India (34th impression), New Delhi, Rupa & co.