Unit 1 Basics of Mechanisms

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Classification of mechanisms – Basic kinematic concepts and definitions – Degree of freedom,

Mobility – Kutzbach criterion, Gruebler’s criterion – Grashof’s Law – Kinematic inversions of four-bar
chain and slider crank chains – Limit positions – Mechanical advantage – Transmission Angle –
Description of some common mechanisms – Quick return mechanisms, Straight line generators,
Universal Joint – rocker mechanisms.
1. What is Kinematics and its uses?
Kinematics is the study of motion (position, velocity, acceleration) without considering effect of force. A
major goal of Understanding kinematics is to develop the ability to design a system that will satisfy
specified motion requirements.
2. What is Kinetics?
Kinetics is the study of effect of forces on moving bodies. Good kinematic design should produce good
3. Define Link. (or) Define Kinematic link (AU-Dec. 2011)
A link is defined as a member or a combination of members of a mechanism connecting other members
and having relative motion between them. The link may consist of one or more resistant bodies. A link
may be called as kinematic link or element. Or
It is a resistive body which goes to make a part of a machine having relative motion between them.
Example: Reciprocating steam engine.
4. Give the classification of kinematic link. (AU-Dec. 2011)
The classifications of link are
 Rigid link
 Fluid link
 Flexible link
5. Define Kinematic pair. (Or) What is meant by kinematic pair? (AU-May. 2013, 2018)
When two links are in contact with each other it is known as a pair. If the pair makes constrain motion it
is known as kinematic pair.
6. List any four types kinematic pair. (AU-Dec. 2004)
i. Sliding pair,
ii. Turning pair
iii. Rolling pair,
iv. Cylindrical pair
7. Give some examples for kinematic pairs.
 Crank and connecting rod,

 Connecting rod and piston rod, and
 Piston and engine cylinder.
8. What is mean by Sliding pair?
One link slides over another is called sliding pair. In a sliding pair minimum number of degree of
freedom is only one.
9. What is meant by turning pair?
In a turning pair- degree of freedom is one.
When two links are connected, such that one link revolves around another link
10. What is meant by cylindrical pair? (AU-Dec.2009)
In a cylindrical pair degree of freedom is two.
If one link turns and slides along another link it forms a cylindrical pair.
11. What is screw pair or helical pair? (AU-Dec.2009)
If two mating links have a turning as well as sliding motion between them, then they form a screw pair.
12. What is meant by rolling pair?
In a rolling pair degree of freedom is two. The object moves both linearly and angularly.
13. What is meant by Spherical pair?
What type of kinematic pair exists between human shoulder and arm based on nature of contact?
In spherical pair degrees of freedom is three. It can move left and right, up and down, and rotate along the
same point.
14. Classify the pair according to the types contact. (Apr-2016,2018)
Write the different types of kinematic pairs based on the relative motion between them (Dec-2109)
i) Lower pair
ii) higher pair
15. Define Lower pair. (May-2012,Dec-2006)
If contact between two links is surface contact and also having degree of freedom one, then the pair is
known as lower pair. Example: Sliding pair.
16. Define higher pair. (May-2012,Dec-2006)
If contact between two links is either point contact or line contact, then the pair is known as higher
pair. Example: Point contact-Rolling pair, Line contact-Cylindrical pair.
17. Define Open pair.
In this pair everything is open to the atmosphere.
18. Define closed pair.
In this pair everything is closed from the atmosphere.
19. Define Kinematic chain. (Dec-2005,Dec-2009,May-2010,May-2011)
Kinematic chain is a number of links connected in space and it makes useful relative motion.
20. What are the different types of joints?
 Binary Joint
 Ternary Joint
 Quaternary Joint
21. What is Binary Joint?
If two links are connected at the same junction, it is called binary joint
22. What is Ternary Joint?
If three links are connected to the same junction, then it is known as a ternary Joint.
One ternary joint is equivalent to two binary joints.
23. What is Quaternary Joint?
If four links are connected to the same joint, then it is a Quaternary joint.
One quaternary joint = Three binary joints
24. State Grubler’s equation for spatial mechanism.
State Grubler’s criterion for plane mechanism (Dec-2010, 2015, 2017)
The Grubler’s criterion applies to mechanisms with only single degree of freedom joints where the
overall movability of the mechanism is unity.
25. Write the expression for Grubler’s mathematical expression for joints. (Dec-2017)
Where, l- Number of links,
j- No. of joint,
26. Explain the Kutzbatch criterion for movability having plane motion. (May-2009)
Kutzbatch criterion is used to determine the number of degrees of freedom (or) movability (n) of a
mechanism. These numbers of degrees of freedom can be determined directly from the number of links,
number of joints and type of pair.
Number of degrees of freedom
n= 3(l-1)-2j-h
l- Number of links, j- No. of joint, h- No. of higher pairs
27. Defined degree of freedom of mechanism. (Dec-2007,May-2008,Dec-2008,May-2010)
It is defined as the minimum number of input parameters, which must be independently controlled in
order to bring the mechanism into a useful engineering purpose.

28. Write down the Grashaf’s law for a four bar mechanism? (Or) Define Grashaf’s law.
( Dec-2009&2012, May-2009 &2011)
Grashof’s law states that the sum of the shortest and longest links should not be greater than the sum of
the remaining two links lengths, if there is to be continuous relative motion between two members.
Sum of shortest link length and sum of longest link length is not greater than the sum of remaining link
29. Define Inversion of mechanism. Or when linkage become mechanism? (May-2010,2016, Dec-2006)
The method of obtaining different mechanism by fixing different links in a kinematic chain is called as an
inversion of mechanism.
30. Define Mechanical advantage of mechanism. (AU Dec-2009)
It is defined as the ratio of output torque to the input torque.
t is also defined as the ratio of load to effort.
31. Sketch define Transmission angle of a four bar mechanism. (May-2012,2011,2017)
The acute angle between follower and coupler is known as transmission angle. When θ is 00 which is the
worst value of transmission angle.

32. Define Toggle position.

The toggle mechanism is used where it is necessary to overcome large resistance with small driving
33. List out few types of rocking mechanism.
 Pendulum motion is called rocking mechanism.
 Quick return motion mechanism.
 Crank and rocker mechanism.
 Cam and follower mechanism.
34. What is a pantograph? (Nov-2018)
It is a device which is used to reproduce a displacement exactly in an enlarged scale.
35. Name the application of crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism.
 Shaping machines.
 Slotting mechanism.
36. Define structure. (May-2013)
It is an assemblage of a number of resistant bodies having no relative motion between them and meant
for carrying loads having straining action.
37. Define mechanism. ( Dec-2010,May-2013)
When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, the chain is known as a mechanism.
Example: Type writer, Engine indicator, Watches
38. What is simple mechanism?
A mechanism with four links is known as simple mechanism.
39. What is meant by spatial mechanism?
Spatial mechanism have a geometric characteristics in that all revolute axes are parallel and perpendicular
to the plane of motion and all prism lie in the plane of motion.
40. Define equivalent mechanism
The mechanism, that obtained has the same number of the degree of freedom, as the original mechanism
called equivalent mechanism.
41. What is meant by Indexing mechanism? Where do we use it? (Dec-2012)
An indexing mechanism serves the purpose of dividing the periphery of circular piece into a number of
equal parts. It is generally done on gear cutting or milling machines.
42. Give the application Snap action mechanism.
It is used in calling bells, bicycle bells etc.
43. Define Machine. (Dec-2010)
A system designed to transmit motion and energy. (Forces involved)
Example: Reciprocating Pump, Compressor, lathe, milling machine etc.
44. What is meant by Motion adjustment mechanism?
The mechanism used to adjust or modify any one of the links in a mechanism is known as motion
adjustment mechanism. Differential screw used in bench vice, pipe wrench, Lathe chuck and screw jack
are some of the examples of motion adjustment mechanism.
45. What is Scott Russell mechanism?
This is one of the mechanism is used to produce straight line motion mechanism. The mechanism in
which the straight line is copied from an existing straight line constraint

46. Define single slider crank chain mechanism.
A single slider crank chain is a modification of the basic four bar chain. It consists of one sliding pair and
three turning pair.
47. Define double slider crank chain mechanism.
A kinematic chain which consists of two turning pair and two sliding pair is known as double slider crank
48. How constrained motions are classified?
Constrained motions are classified into three types
 Completely constrained motion.
 Incompletely constrained motion.
 Successfully constrained motion.
49. What are the important applications of a single slider crank mechanism?
Name two inversions of single slider crank chain. (Dec-2017)
(i) Rotary or Gnome engine.
(ii) Crank and slotted lever mechanism.
(iii) Oscillating cylinder engine.
(iv) Bull engine and
(v) Hand pump.
50. What are the applications of double slider crank mechanism?
Name the inversion of double slider crank mechanism.
List the inversion of double slider crank chain. (Nov-2015, 2018, May-2019)
i) Elliptical trammel
ii) Scotch yoke mechanism.
iii) Oldham’s coupling.
51. Describe the working of Oldham’s coupling with a neat sketch ( June-2009)
This is an inversion of double slider crank mechanism, which is used to connect two parallel shafts,
whose axes are offset by a small amount.
50. What is condition for correct steering of an automobile?

Where, L = wheel base, w = distance between the pivots of front axles.

51. What is mean by toggle mechanism?
The mechanism is used to overcome a large resistance of a member with a small force are known as snap
or toggle mechanism

52. Differentiate rigid body and resistance body? (Dec-2014)

Rigid Body Resistance Body
No deformation when transition of force It transmit force with negligible deformation
53. Sketch a crank-rocker mechanism and slider crank mechanism indicating their input and output
motion. (Apr-2018)

54. Differentiate between a machine and a structure. (Nov-2018, Dec-2019)

1. The parts of a machine move relative to one The members of a structure do not move relative
another to one another.
2. A machine transforms the available energy A structure no energy is transformed into useful
into some useful work work.
3. The links of a machine may transmit both The members of a structure transmit forces only.
power and motion
Example: Lathe , Shaper Engine Indicator, Truss

55. Write any two conditions to obtain a 4 bar crank-rocker mechanism. (Nov-2018)
i) Sum of the shortest and longest links should not be greater than the sum of the remaining two links
ii) One of the links (longest) of a kinematic chain is fixed
56. Define rigid link and give examples. (May-2019)
A rigid link is does not undergo any deformation while transmitting motion.
Strictly speaking, rigid links do not exist.
Example: crank, connecting rod.

Kinematics of Machines may be defined as that branch of Engineering-science, which deals the
relative motion between the various parts of a machine
The knowledge of this subject is very essential for an engineer in designing the various parts of a

It is a branch of Mechanics which deals the behavior of body when it is at rest
It is a branch of Mechanics which deals the behavior of body when it is under motion.
It is that branch of dynamics which deals with the relative motion between the various parts of the
It is that branch of dynamics which deals with the inertia forces which arise from the combined effect of the
mass and motion of the machine parts.
It is an important factor in the field of engineering science
It is defined as an external agent, which is move or tends to move the object.
Kinematics of Motion:
The relative motion of bodies without consideration of the forces causing the motion.
In other words, kinematics deal with the geometry of motion and concepts like displacement, velocity
and acceleration considered as functions of time.
Plane Motion:
When the motion of a body is confined to only one plane, the motion is said to be plane motion.
The plane motion may be either rectilinear or curvilinear.
Rectilinear Motion:
It is the simplest type of motion and is along a straight line path.
Such a motion is also known as translatory motion.

Curvilinear Motion:
t is the motion along a curved path. Such a motion, when confined to one plane, is called plane curvilinear
Each part of a machine moves relative to some other part is known as a kinematic link or element.
A link may consist of several parts, which are rigidly fastened together, so that they do not move relative to
one another.
Characteristics of link:
1. It should have relative motion, and
2. It must be a resistant body
Types of Links:
 Rigid: A rigid link is does not undergo any deformation while transmitting motion.
Strictly speaking, rigid links do not exist.
Example: crank, connecting rod.
 Flexible: A flexible link is partly deformed in a manner not to affect the transmission of motion;
Example: springs, belts, ropes.
 Fluid: A fluid link is formed by a fluid and the motion is ransmitted through the fluid by
pressure, as in the case of hydraulic presses, jacks and brakes.


The two links or elements of a machine is connect with each other, are said to form a pair.

If the relative motion between them is completely or successfully constrained the pair is known as
kinematic pair.

Classification of Pair is based on:
1. According to the type of relative motion between the elements.
 Sliding Pair: The two elements have a sliding motion relative to each other.
Example: Piston and cylinder pair rectangular rod is rectangular line.
 Turning Pair: When the two elements are connected such that the element revolves about the
other element.
Example: Shaft rotates in the bearing rotation of a crank in a slider crank
 Rolling pair: When one element is free to roll on another element is called rolling pair.
Example: The belt and pulley surfaces constitute rolling pair and Bearings
 Screw Pair: In this type the contacting surface is having threads. It is also called a helical pair
one element turns about another element by means of thread only.
Example: A bolt and nut arrangement screw jack for lifting heavy weights.
 Spherical Pair: One element is in the form of sphere and turns about the fixed element;
Example: ball and socket joint

Sliding Pair Turing Pair

Rolling pair Spherical Pair Screw Pair

2. According to the type of contact between the elements.
 Lower Pair: If a pair motion has surface contact between the elements.
Example: Piston reciprocating in a cylinder
Shaft rotates in a bearing. (Contacting surfaces are similar)

 Higher Pair: In higher pair there is a line or point contact between the elements.
Example: Cam and follower. (Contact surfaces are different.)

Lower pair Higher Pair

3. According to the type of closure.

 Self Closed Pair: In this pair, two elements are held together mechanically
Example: All lower pair
 Unclosed Pair/Force Closed Pair: The two elements are not held together mechanically;
Example: Cam and followers

Self Closed Pair Unclosed Pair/Force Closed Pair

Constraint means: Limitation of motion (or) action.
Types of constrained motion:
i. Completely Constraint
ii. Incompletely Constraint
iii. Successfully Constraint
i) Completely Constraint: The motion between a pair of links is limited to a definite direction

Example: Motion of a shaft or rod with collars

at each end in a hole

ii) Incompletely Constraint: The motion between a pair of links is not confined to a definite direction

Example: Circular bar moving in a circular hole

iii) Successfully Constraint: The motion in a definite direction is not brought about by itself but by
some other means. .

Example: Foot step Bearing

The last link is joined to the first link to transmit definite motion it is called a kinematic chain.
A kinematic chain may be defined as a combination of kinematic pairs, joined in such a way that each link
forms a part of two pairs and the relative motion between the links or elements is completely or successfully
Non-kinematic chain:
The motion of a link results in indefinite motions of other links is called non-kinematic chain
Redundant chain:
It does not allow any motion of a link relative to the other Relation between Links, Pairs and Joints


(a) Binary Joint: If two links are connected at the same end it is called as binary joint.

(b) Ternary joint. When three links are joined at the same connection (D, E and C), the joint is
known as ternary joint.

(c)Quaternary joint: When four links are joined at the same connection (G, C), the joint is called a
quaternary joint.

A.W. Klein’s Criterion:
It is used to determine the nature of chain.
n=2p-4 ------------------1
j= (3/2) n – 2---------------- 2
j+h/2= (3/2) n-2------------ 3
n => No of Links
p => No of Pairs
h=> No of higher pairs
In equation ---- 3.
L.H.S > R.H.S => Locked chain
L.H.S = R.H.S => Constrained Kinematic Chain
L.H.S < R.H.S => Unconstrained Kinematic Chain
No of link ‘n’= 3, pair ‘p’ = 3; Joint ‘j’ = 3
No higher pair ‘h’=0
3 = (3/2) 3 – 4
i.e. L.H.S. > R.H.S. ABC does not form a Kinematic chain but forms a structure.

When one of the links of a kinematic chain is fixed, then the chain is known as mechanism. It may be
used for transmitting or transforming motion.
Example: Engine, indicator, type writer.

A Mechanism with 4 links A mechanism with more than 4 links

It is an assembly of number of rigid links having no relative motion.
Say the degree of freedom is zero.
Example: Roof trusses, bridges and machine frames.

It is defined as the number of input motions, which must be independently controlled in order to bring
mechanism into useful engineering purpose. Also called as a number of possible useful movements


Kutzbatch criterion is used to determine the number of degrees of freedom (or) movability of a
mechanism. This number of degrees of freedom can be determined directly from the number of links, number
of joints and type of pair.

Number of degrees of freedom: n = 3 (l - 1) - 2j-h. (Kutzbach criterion)

L = number of links
j = number of binary joints (or) lower pairs
h = number of higher pairs
Note: If there is no higher pair, then h =0
The Grubler’s criterion applies to mechanisms with only single degree of freedom joints, where the
overall movability of the mechanism is equal to one.
By substituting n=1 and h= 0 in Kutzbzch equation
We get a constrained motion given by
This equation is known as the grubler’s criterion for plane mechanism with constrained motion.
Note: A plane mechanism with a movability of one and only single degree of freedom joints cannot have odd
number of joints. Example: Four bar mechanism, Slider crank mechanism

Examples of determination of degrees of freedom of planar mechanisms as shown in figure given
below Or Determine the degree of freedom for the following linkages. (Nov 2013, May 2012, 2016,
2017, 2018) or Using Kutzbakh criterion, find the number of degrees of freedom of the two
mechanisms shown below. Nov 2011)

a) n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − ℎ
Here, l = 4,j = 4, and h = 0.
n = 3(4-1)-2(4) = 1
i.e., one input to any one link will result in definite motion of all the links.

b) n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − ℎ
Here, l = 5, j = 5, and h = 0.
l = 3(5-1)-2(5) = 2
i.e., two inputs to any two links are required to yield definite motions in
all the links.

c) n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − h
Here, l = 6,j = 7, and h = 0.
n = 3(6-1)-2(7) = 1
i.e., one input to any one link will result in definite motion of all the links.

d) n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − h

Here, l = 6, j = 7 and h = 0
(at the intersection of 2, 3 and 4, two lower pairs are to be considered)
.n = 3(6-1)-2(7) = 1
e) n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − h

Here, l = 6, j = 7 and h = 0.
(Two lower pairs at the intersection
of 3, 4, 6; 2, 4, 5; 5, 7, 8; 8, 10, 11)
n = 3(11-1)-2(15) = 0

Hence it is a structure

(ii) Determine the mobility of the following mechanisms.

Here, l = 4, j = 5 and h = 1. Here, l= 3, j = 2 and h = 1. Here, l = 3, j = 2 and h = 1.

n = 3(4-1)-2(4) -1=0 n = 3(3-1)-2(2)-1 = 1 n = 3(3-1)-2(2)-1 = 1
i.e., it is a structure

The sum of the longest and the shortest length should not be greater than the sum of remaining two
links length if there is to be continuous relative motion between the two links.
In a four-bar linkage, we refer to the line segment between hinges on a given link as a bar where:
s = length of shortest bar
l = length of longest bar
p, q = lengths of intermediate bar
Grashof’s theorem states that a four-bar mechanism has at least one revolving link if
s + l <= p + q (1) and all three mobile links will rock if
s+l>p+q (2) the inequality 1 is Grashof's criterion.
 The link opposite the frame is called the coupler link, and the links which are hinged to the frame are
called side links.
 A link which is free to rotate through 360 degree with respect to a second link will be said to revolve
relative to the second link (not necessarily a frame).
 If it is possible for all four bars to become simultaneously aligned, such a state is called a change
Problem 1:
In order to form a four bar kinematic chain, state and prove the assembly condition of link lengths
by selecting suitable link lengths which are within the range of 35mm to 175mm and also,
satisfying Grashof’s law. (May-2018)

Assembly condition to form a four bar kinematic chain:

Length of the longest link must be less than the sum of the other three link lengths

s = length of shortest link= 35mm
l = length of longest link=175mm
p, q = lengths of intermediate bar
Grashof’s theorem states that a four-bar mechanism has at least one revolving link if
s + l <= p + q (1) and all three mobile links will rock if
Range of the length is given 35mm to175mm.
Assuming p=100mm, q=120mm
So we can prove
Hence it is satisfied Grashof’s Law


Crank: A side link which revolves relative to the frame is called a crank.

Rocker: Any link which does not revolve is called a rocker.

Crank-rocker mechanism: In a four bar linkage, if the shorter side link revolves and the other one
rocks (i.e., oscillates), it is called a crank-rocker mechanism.

Double-crank mechanism: In a four bar linkage, if both of the side links revolve, it is called a double-
crank mechanism.

Double-rocker mechanism: In a four bar linkage, if both of the side links rock, it is called a double-
rocker mechanism


(What is kinematic inversion? Explain with neat sketch, kinematic inversions 4 bar chain. (Nov 2013,
May 2014, Nov 2015, 2011, 2017, 2018, May 2015, 2008, 2016, 2019)
What do you understand by inversion of a kinematic chain? Describe the mechanisms obtained by
inversion of the four bar chain. May 2015)
The method of obtaining different mechanisms by fixing different links in a Kinematic chain is known as
inversion mechanism.
Types of Kinematic Chain:
1. Four bar Chain
2. Slider cranks chain and
3. Double slider crank chain

 It consists of four links, each of them forms a turning pair at A, B, C and D.
 The four links may be of different lengths. Rotating link is known as crank or driver. AD (link 4)
is a crank.
 The link BC (link 2) which makes a partial rotation or oscillates is known as lever or rocker or
follower and the link CD (link 3) which connects the crank and lever is called connecting rod or
coupler. The fixed link AB (link 1) is known as frame of the mechanism.
 When the crank (link 4) is the driver, the mechanism is transforming rotary motion into
oscillating motion.

Types of 4 bar inversions:

i. Beam Engine: (Crank and Lever Mechanism):

ii. Coupling rod of a locomotive (Double Crank mechanism):
iii. Watt’s Indicator Mechanism (Double lever mechanism).
iv. Single Slider - Crank – Chain
i) Beam Engine: (Crank and Lever Mechanism):
 In this mechanism, when the crank rotates about the fixed centre (Link 1-A),
 The lever oscillates about a fixed centre (Link 1-D).
 The end E of the lever CDE is connected to a piston rod which reciprocates due to the rotation
of the crank.
Link 1-Fixed (A&D)
Link 2- Crank (Revolve)
Link 3- Connecting rod (Oscillating)
Link 4- Lever (EC fixed at D)
Piston connected to link 4
 The purpose of this mechanism is to convert rotary
motion into reciprocating motion

ii) Coupling rod of a locomotive (Double Crank mechanism):

 The mechanism of a coupling rod of a locomotive which consists of 4 links is shown in Figure.

 In this mechanism, the links AD and BC (having equal length) act as crank and are connected to
the respective wheels.

 The links CD act as coupling rod and link AB is fixed in order to maintain constant center to center
distance between them.

Link 1-Fixed (A&B)

Link 2- Crank (Revolve)

Link 3- Connecting rod (Oscillating)

Link 4- Crank (Revolve)

 This mechanism is meant for transmitting rotary motion from one wheel to other wheel

iii) Watt’s Indicator Mechanism (Double lever mechanism):

 A watt is indicator mechanism (also known as watt's straight line mechanism or double lever
mechanism) which consists of four links.
 The four links are fixed link at A, link AC link CE and link BFD. (Noted that BF and FD forms
one link because these two parts have no relative motion between them).
 The links CE and BFD act as levers. The displacement of link BFD is directly proportional the
pressure of gas or stream which acts on the indicator plunger.
 Any small displacement of mechanism, the tracing point at the end of the link CE traces out
approximately a straight line
Link 1-Fixed (A)
Link 2- A C (Oscillating)
Link 3- C E (Oscillating)
Link 4- B F and F D (BF and FD
Forms one link)

Input- Pressure at the cylinder

Output- E-E’- Straight line movement
(Read as a pressure value in scale)

iv) Single Slider - Crank - Chain:
 A single slider crank chain is a modification of the basic four bar chain.
 It consists of one sliding pair and three turning pairs.
 It is, usually, found in reciprocating steam engine mechanism.
 This type of mechanism converts rotary motion into reciprocating motion and vice versa.

Link 1 -Frame of the engine, which is fixed.

Link 2 -Crank (revolve)
Link 3- Connecting rod (Oscillating)
Link 4 -Cross-head (Connects to Reciprocating piston).
 As the crank rotates, the cross-head reciprocates in the guides and thus the piston reciprocates
in the cylinder.


What is a kinematic inversion? Discuss any three applications of inversions of (Single) slider crank
mechanism with suitable sketch. (Nov 2010, 2012, May 2008, 2010, 2017)

The method of obtaining different mechanisms by fixing different links in a Kinematic chain is known as
inversion mechanism.
Applications of slider crank mechanism:
i) Pendulum pump or Bull engine:
ii) Oscillating cylinder engine:
iii) Rotary internal combustion engine or Gnome engine.
iv) Crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism:
v) Whitworth quick return motion mechanism:

i) Pendulum pump or Bull engine:
 In this mechanism, the inversion is obtained by fixing the cylinder or link 4 (i.e. sliding pair), as
shown in Fig.
 In this case, when the crank (link 2) rotates, the connecting rod (link 3) oscillates about a pin
pivoted to the fixed link 4 at A and the piston attached to the piston rod (link 1) reciprocates.
Link 1 –Piston rod (Slide)
Link 2 -Crank (revolve)
Link 3- Connecting rod (Oscillating)
Link 4 -Cylinder (Fixed).
 Reciprocating motion of piston converts rotary
motion of crank by fixing cylinder
ii) Oscillating cylinder engine:

 In this mechanism, the link 3 forming the turning pair is fixed.

 The link 3 corresponds to the connecting rod of a reciprocating steam engine mechanism.
 The crank (link 2) rotates, the piston attached to piston rod (link 1) reciprocates and the cylinder
(link 4) oscillates about a pin pivoted to the fixed link at A.
Link 1 –Piston rod (Slide)
Link 2 -Crank (revolve)
Link 3- Connecting rod (Fixed)
Link 4 -Cylinder (Oscillating).
 Rotation crank produce oscillation of cylinder by fixing connecting rod
iii) Rotary internal combustion engine or Gnome engine.

 It consists of seven cylinders in one plane and all revolves about fixed centre D, while the crank
(link 2) is fixed.

 In this mechanism, when the connecting rod (link 4) rotates, the piston (link 3) reciprocates inside
the cylinders forming link 1.

Link 1 –Cylinder (revolves about D)

Link 2 -Crank (Fixed about D)
Link 3- Piston (Reciprocates)
Link 4 –connecting rod (Oscillating).
 Reciprocating motion of piston converts rotary
motion of 7 cylinders by fixing crank

iv) Crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism:
With neat sketch, explain the working of two different types of quick return mechanisms.
Derive an expression for the ratio of time taken in forward and return stroke for one of these
mechanisms. (May 2014, May 2009, May 2015, Nov-2018)
With neat sketch, explain the crank and slotted lever quick return mechanism.(May-2019)

 In this mechanism the link AC (i.e. link 3) forming the turning pair is fixed. (Link 3 act like
connecting rod of a reciprocating steam engine.
 The driving crank CB (Link 2) revolves with uniform angular speed about the fixed centre C.
 A sliding block (Link 1) attached to the crank pin at B slides along the slotted bar AP (Link 4)
and thus causes AP to oscillate about the pivoted point A.
 A short link PR transmits the motion from AP to the ram which carries the tool and reciprocates
along the line of stroke R1R2.
 The line of stroke of the ram (i.e. R1R2) is perpendicular to AC produced.
 In the extreme positions, AP1 and AP2 are tangential to the circle and the cutting tool is at
the end of the stroke.
 The forward or cutting stroke occurs when the crank rotates from the position CB1 to CB2 (or
through an angle β) in the clockwise direction.
 The return stroke occurs when the crank rotates from the position CB2 to CB1 (or through angle α
in the clockwise direction.

Link 1 –Slider B (Slide over the link 4)

Link 2 –Crank - C B (revolve about C)
Link 3- Connecting rod - A C (Fixed)
Link 4 –Slotted lever A P (Oscillating).

Rotation crank (C B-Link 2) makes a forward and return stroke of P which is fixed about A (link 4)
with the help of slider (Link 1).
Note: We see that the angle β made by the forward or cutting stroke is greater than the angle α
described by the return stroke. Since the crank rotates with uniform angular speed, therefore the return
stroke is completed within shorter time. Thus it is called quick return motion mechanism

Problem 2: A crank and slotted lever mechanism used in a shaper has a centre distance of 300 mm
between the centre of oscillation of the slotted lever and the centre of rotation of the crank. The radius
of the crank is 120 mm. Find the ratio of the time of cutting to the time of return stroke. (May 2011,
Nov 2015, May 2011, Nov 2015, 2017, 2018)

Given: AC = 300 mm; CB1 = 120 mm

The extreme positions of the crank are shown in Fig

Problem 3: In a crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism, the distance between the
fixed centres is 240mm and the length of the driving crank is 120mm. find the inclination of the
slotted bar with the vertical in the extreme position and the time ratio of cutting stroke to the
return stroke. If the length of the slotted bar is 450mm. find the length of the stroke if the line of
stroke passes through the extreme position of the free end of the lever. (Dec-2017)
Given: AC = 300 mm; CB1 = 120 mm
The extreme positions of the crank are shown in Fig.
AC = 240 mm; CB1 = 120 mm
Length of the slotted bar =450mm
CAB1  inclinationof the slotted bar withvertical
we knowthat

sin CAB  sin(90  )
AB1 120
   0.5
AC 240
CAB  sin  (0.5)  30o
the timeof cuttingstroke to return stroke

we know that (90  )  30o
or   120o
timecutting stroke  360o  
 
time return stroke  
360o  120o
 2

If the length of cutting stroke = 450mm

length of cutting stroke  2XAC
 2 X 450 X  450mm

Problem 4:
In four bar crank rocker mechanism, the forward motion of the rocker takes place during the 225
degree constant speed rotation of the crank. Determine the time –ratio and prove that this
mechanism can be used as quick return mechanism. (May-2018)
Angle covered during forward stroke=225o
Angle covered during return stroke=360o-225o=135o
Angle cov ered forwad stroke

Angle cov ered return stroke
Time ratio = 
 1.67
Since the time ratio is greater than one. It provide quick return mechanism.
v) Whitworth quick return motion mechanism:
(Explain Whitworth quick return mechanism of slotting/shaping machine with neat sketch and
Find the ratio of the time of cutting to the time of return stroke. (Nov 2009, 2018)

 This mechanism is mostly used in shaping and slotting machines.

 In this mechanism, the link CD (link 2) fixed, as shown in Fig.
 The driving crank CA (link 3) rotates at a uniform angular speed.
 The slider (link 4) attached to the crank pin at A slides along the slotted bar PA (link 1) which
oscillates at a pivoted point D.
 The connecting rod PR carries the ram at R to which a cutting tool is fixed.
 When the driving crank CA moves from the position CA1 to CA2 (or the link DP from the position
DP1 to DP2) through an angle α in the clockwise direction, the tool moves from the left hand to the
right hand end through a distance 2 PD.
 Now when the driving crank moves from the position CA2 to CA1 (or the link DP from DP2 to DP1)
through an angle β in the clockwise direction, the tool moves back from right hand end to the left hand

 Since the crank link CA rotates at uniform angular velocity therefore time taken during the
cutting stroke (or forward stroke) is more than the time taken during the return stroke.
 In other words, the mean speed of the ram during cutting stroke is less than the mean speed during the
return stroke.
The ratio between the time taken during the cutting and return strokes is given by

Note. In order to find the length of effective stroke R1 R2, mark P1 R1 = P2 R2 = PR. The length of
effective stroke is also equal to 2 PD.
Describe various inversions of double slider crank mechanism with sketches. (Nov 2009, 2017, May
Sketch and explain the following; 1) Elliptical trammel. 2) Scotch yoke mechanism (May 2013)


A kinematic chain which consists of two turning pairs and two sliding pairs is known as double
slider crank chain
i) Elliptical trammels
ii) Scotch yoke mechanism
iii) Oldham’s coupling
iv) Pantograph
v) Watt’s mechanism
i) Elliptical trammels. It is an instrument used for drawing ellipses.
Define kinematic inversion and neatly sketch elliptical trammel. i.e. one of the inversion of double
slider crank chain. Also prove or disprove that all the points on the revolving link of the elliptical
trammel will trace ellipse only. (May-2018)
 This inversion is obtained by fixing the slotted plate (link 4).
 The fixed plate or link 4 has two straight grooves cut in it, at right angles to each other.
 The link 1 and link 3 are known as sliders and form sliding pairs with link 4.
 The link AB (link 2) is a bar which forms turning pair with links 1 and 3. When the links 1 and 3
slide along their respective grooves.
 Any point on the link 2 such as P traces out an ellipse on the surface of link4.
 A little consideration will show that AP and BP are the semi-major axis and minor axis of the
ellipse respectively.

Link 1 –Slider A (Slide over slotted plate- link 4)
Link 2 –Bar A B (Connecting bar Link 1&3)
Link 3- Slider B (Slide over slotted plate- link 4)
Link 4 –Slotted plate (Fixed).

ii) Scotch yoke mechanism.

 This mechanism is used for converting rotary motion into a reciprocating motion.
 The inversion is obtained by fixing either the link 1 or link 3. In Fig. link 1 is fixed.
 In this mechanism, when the link 2 (which corresponds to crank) rotates about B as centre, the
link 4 (which corresponds to a frame) reciprocates. The fixed link 1 guides the frame.
Link 1 –Guides (Fixed)
Link 2 –Crank O P (rotates about centre O)
Link 3- Slider (Slide over slotted frame)
Link 4 –Slotted frame (reciprocates).
 Rotation of crank makes reciprocation of frame

iii) Oldham’s coupling.
 An Oldham’s coupling is used for connecting two parallel shafts in a small misalignment.
 This inversion is obtained by fixing the link 1, as shown in Fig
 The shafts to be connected have two flanges (link 2 and link4- have diametrical slots cut in their
inner faces) rigidly fastened at their ends. The link 2 and link 4 form turning pairs with link 3.
 The intermediate piece (link 4) which is a circular disc, have two tongues (i.e. diametrical
 The tongues on the link 4 closely fit into the slots in the two flanges (link 2 and link 4). The link 3
can slide or reciprocate in the slots in the flanges.

Link 1 –Frame (Fixed)
Link 2 –Flange on left side shaft (rotates)
Link 3- Flange on right side shaft (rotates)
Link 4 –Intermediate plate (Projected Slot-reciprocates).
Rotation of left side flange - sliding action of centre plate - make rotation of the right side
iv) Pantograph
5. Explain the working of pantograph one indexing mechanism with a neat sketch. (Nov 2010,
May 2012) or
Sketch and explain any two types of straight line motion generating mechanism (Nov 2015)
 A pantograph is an instrument used to reproduce to an enlarged or a reduced scale
 It consists of a jointed parallelogram ABCD. It is made up of bars connected by turning pairs.
 The bars BA and BC are extended to O and E respectively, such that OA/OB = AD/BE Thus, for all
relative positions of the bars, the triangles OAD and OBE are similar and the points O, D and E are
in one straight line.
 It may be proved that point E traces out the same path as described by point D.
 A pantograph is mostly used for the reproduction of plane areas and figures such as maps, plans etc.,
on enlarged or reduced scales.

v) Watt’s mechanism:
Describe the watts parallel mechanism for straight line motion and derive the condition under which
the straight line traced. (Dec-2018)
The approximate straight line motion mechanisms are the modifications of the four-bar chain
The following mechanism is to give the approximate straight line motion. It is a crossed four bar
chain mechanism and was used by Watt for his early steam engines to guide the piston rod in a cylinder to
have an approximate straight line motion.
OABO is the mechanism used for Watt for obtaining approximate straight line motion. It consists of
three links: OA pivoted at O. OB pivoted at O and both connected by link AB.
A point P can be found on the link AB which will have an approximate straight line motion over a

limited range of the mechanism.
Suppose in the mean position link OA and OB are in the horizontal position an OA and OB are the
lower limits of movement of these two links such that the configuration is OABO.
Let I be the instantaneous centre of the coupler link AB, which is obtained by producing OA and BO
to meet at I. From I draw a horizontal line to meet AB at P. This point P, at the instant, will move vertically.



Sketch a Hook’s joint and derive the condition for equal speeds of driving and driven shafts.
(Nov 2012, May 2015)

 A Hooke’s joint is used to connect two shafts, which are intersecting at a small angle,
 The end of each shaft is forked to U-type and each fork provides two bearings.
 The arms of the cross are perpendicular to each other.
 The motion is transmitted from the driving shaft to driven shaft through a cross.
 The inclination of the two shafts may be constant, but in actual practice it varies, when the motion is
 The main application of the Universal or Hooke’s joint is found in the transmission from the gear
box to the differential or back axle of the automobiles.
 It is also used as a knee joint in milling machines.

Ackerman Steering Gear)
With a neat sketch, explain the Ackermann steering gear of an automobile. (Nov 2011)

The Ackerman steering gear mechanism is much simpler than Davis gear. The difference between the
Ackerman and Davis steering gears are:
1. The whole mechanism of the Ackerman steering gear is on back of the front wheels; whereas in Davis
steering gear, it is in front of the wheels.
2. The Ackerman steering gear consists of turning pairs, whereas Davis steering gear consists of sliding

The shorter links BC and AD are of equal length and are connected by hinge joints with front wheel axles.
The longer links AB and CD are of unequal length. The following are the only three positions for correct
1. When the vehicle moves along a straight path, the longer links AB and CD are parallel and the shorter
links BC and AD are equally inclined to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, as shown by firm lines in Fig.
2. When the vehicle is steering to the left, the position of the gear is shown by dotted lines in Fig. In this
position, the lines of the front wheel axle intersect on the back wheel axle at I, for correct steering.

When the vehicle is steering to the right, the similar position may be obtained. In order to satisfy the
fundamental equation for correct steering, the links AD and DC are suitably proportioned. The value of θ
and φ may be obtained either graphically or by calculations

Toggle Mechanism:
Explain the working of a toggle mechanism and its application with a neat sketch. (May 2009)
 The toggle mechanism is used where it is necessary to overcome large resistance with small driving
 Toggle mechanisms are commonly used within linkages in order to lock their position. These
mechanisms do this by passing through a “toggle” point where any force into the linkage would
cause the linkage to maintain its position. While passing through the “toggle” point, there is a great
deal of stress applied to the links.
 The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact that a change in length of the links or
change in the choice of material for the compliant element within the linkage has on the stress within
the linkage.
 It was found that a small decrease in the length of the links resulted in a large decrease in the stress
within the linkage. Additionally, it was found that the addition of a compliant material to the linkage
also resulted in a reduction of stress within the linkage.
 However, the compliant material did not reduce the stresses as much as the reduction in length of the
linkage. The sensitivity of the stress within the linkage to small variations within the length of the
links is the reason that many toggle mechanisms, such as those used in pliers come with an
adjustable component that can account for any variations that may occur during manufacturing.
Application: Clamping mechanism, Stone crushing mechanism, Press and Pneumatic riveters

It has 6 links, in which Link 4 and Link 5 are same length.
It can be α=0 for a given small applied force P, the resistance F approaches infinity.
Ratchet and escapements:
Explain the Ratchet and escapism mechanism with neat sketch. (Nov2015)
 Ratchets are used that the motion of the output device is allowed in only one direction.
 Escapements are used to control continuous motion to produce a highly controlled step motion.
 It also provides intermittent motions.
Applications: Locks, Jacks, and Clock


Explain mechanical advantage: (May-2017)
Consider a mechanism of a four bar chain, as shown in Fig. Let force FA Newton is acting at the joint A in
the direction of the velocity of A (VA m/s) which is perpendicular to the link DA. Suppose a force FB
Newton is transmitted to the joint B in the direction of the velocity of B (i.e. VB m/s) which is perpendicular
to the link CB. If we neglect the effect of friction and the change of kinetic energy of the link (i.e.),
assuming the efficiency of transmission as 100%), then by the principle of conservation of energy,
Input work per unit time = Output work per unit time
∴ Work supplied to the joint A = Work transmitted by the joint B

If we consider the effect of friction and assuming the efficiency of transmission as η,


Mechanical Advantage:
It is defined as the ratio of the load to the effort. In a four bar mechanism, as shown in Fig. the link DA is
called the driving link and the link CB as the driven link. The force FA acting at A is the effort and the force
FB at B will be the load or the resistance to overcome. We know from the principle of conservation of
energy, neglecting effect of friction,

Define transmission angle of 4 bar mechanism and explain its significance. Also sketch a mechanism
in its minimum and maximum positions. (May-2017, 2018)

In a four bar chain mechanism, the angle between the coupler and the follower link is called as the
transmission angle.

α- transmission angle.
 As this angle become small, the mechanical advantage decreases and even a small amount of friction
will cause the mechanism to lock or jam.
 A common rule of thumb is that a four bar linkage should not be used in the region where the
transmission angle is less than, say 45o or 50o
 The optimum value of transmission angle is 90o
Modified Scott-Russell mechanism:

 This mechanism, as shown in Fig, is similar to Scott-Russell mechanism (discussed in Art. 9.5), but
in this case AP is not equal to AQ and the points P and Q are constrained to move in the horizontal
and vertical directions.
 A little consideration will Show that it forms an elliptical trammel, so that any point A on PQ traces
an ellipse with semi-major axis AQ and semi minor axis AP.

 If the point A moves in a circle, then for point Q to move along an approximate straight line, the
length OA must be equal (AP)2 / AQ. This is limited to only small displacement of P.

1. A Hooke's joint connects two shafts whose axes intersect at 18°. The driving shaft rotates at a
uniform speed of 210 rpm. The driven shaft with attached masses has a mass of 60 kg and the radius
of gyration of 120 mm. Determine the torque required at the driving shaft if a steady torque of 180
Nm resists rotation of the driven shaft and the angle of rotation is 45° and angle between the shafts at
which the total fluctuation of speed of the driven shaft is limited to 18 rpm. (Dec-2014)
Speed N=210rpm
Mass m=60 Kg
Radius of gyration k=120mm
Torque T=180N-m
Angular velocity

Explain the various rocker Mechanism in detail. (Nov-2017)

Crank-rocker Mechanism:

 This mechanism is shown in Figure. In this case for every complete rotation of link 2 (called a
crank), the link 4 (called a lever or rocker), makes oscillation between extreme positions O4B1 and
 The position of O4B1 is obtained when point A is A1 whereas position O4B2 is obtained when A is
at A2.
 It may be observed that crank angles for the two strokes (forward and backward) of oscillating link
O4B are not same.
 It may also be noted that the length of the crank is very short. If l1, l2, l3 and l4 are lengths of links 1,
2, 3 and 4 respectively, the proportions of the link may be as follows:

Rocker -Rocker Mechanism:

 In this mechanism, both the links 2 and 4 can only oscillate.

 This is shown in Link O2A oscillates between positions O2A1 and O2A2 whereas O4B oscillates
between positions O4B1 and O4B2.

 Position O4B2 is obtained when O2A and AB are along straight line and position O2A1 is obtained
when AB and O4B are along straight line. This mechanism must satisfy the following relations.

 It may be observed that link AB has shorter length as compared to other links. If links 2 and 4 are of
equal lengths and l1 > l3, this mechanism forms automobile steering gear.

Sketch and brief Peaucellier exact straight line mechanism (May-2018)

Until this invention, no planar method existed of producing exact straight-line motion without
reference guide ways, making the linkage especially important as a machine component and for

In particular, a piston head needs to keep a good seal with the shaft in order to retain the driving (or
driven) medium.

The mathematics of the Peaucellier–linkage is directly related to the inversion of a circle. In the
geometric diagram of the apparatus, six bars of fixed length can be seen: OA, OC, AB, BC, CD, and DA.

The length of OA is equal to the length of OC, and the lengths of AB, BC, CD, and DA are all equal
forming a rhombus. Also, point O is fixed. Then, if point B is constrained to move along a circle (shown in
red) which passes through O, then point D will necessarily have to move along a straight line (shown in
blue). On the other hand, if point B were constrained to move along a line (not passing through O), then
point D would necessarily have to move along a circle (passing through O).

Fig. shows a mechanical press used to exert large forces to insert a small part in to larger one. Draw a
kinematic diagram, using the end of the handle as a point of intersect. Also compute the degrees of
freedom. (April-2017)

Link 1-Fixed (bottom of the base)

Link 2- Handle

Link 3- Arm that connects handle other handle

Link 4- Arm that connects the base to other handle

Link 5- Press head

Link 6- Arm that connects head to other arms

Degrees of freedom n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − ℎ

No of links l=6
No. binary joints =5 Kinematic diagram
No of ternary joint=2
Equivalent No of joints =5+2=7
No of lower pairs j=7
No of higher pair h=0
Degrees of freedom n= 3(l – 1) – 2j − ℎ
Hence it is a mechanism.

State whether the following links shown in fig 11 (a, b, e and e) are mechanisms with one degree of
freedom. If not make suitable changes but the number of links should not be varied more than one.

For the kinematic linkage shown in Fig. 11 (b) ) calculate the (i) total number of binary, ternary and
quaternary links (ii) total number of links iii) total number of joints or pairs (iv) the number of
degrees of freedom. Comment on the kinematic linkage based on mobility. (Nov/Dec-2019)

Explain how the Whitworth quick return mechanism and Crank and slotted lever mechanism are
different from each other. (Nov/Dec-2019)


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