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Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 1

Gravitational Magnetism: an Update

Saul-Paul Sirag
International Space Sciences Organization
3220 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94115

Gravitational magnetism (or the Blackett effect) is the generation of a magnetic field by an
electrically neutral rotating mass, whose magnitude is determined by analogy with the magnetic
field generated by a rotating electric charge. Since 1947, there is increasing evidence for this
effect by the measurements of the magnetic fields of the solar planets, the sun, other stars, and even
pulsars, as well as the galactic magnetic field. However, the attempt to measure this effect in the
laboratory depends on the ability to measure extremely weak magnetic fields and the shielding of
extraneous magnetic fields. Early attempts to measure this effect in the laboratory depended on ad
hoc extensions of the simple rotational version of gravitational magnetism. Recently there have
been more sophisticated laboratory approaches. Also the extended observational evidence has
generated a plethora of theoretical attempts to derive the Blackett equation in a larger context. Of
particular interest is the work of R.I. Gray, who performed an advanced version of Blackett’s static
experiment, and also related the Blackett effect to several other theoretical and empirical relations
particularly the Wesson effect--the constancy of the ratio of spin to mass-squared for planetary,
stellar, and galactic bodies. Pauli’s anomalous magnetic moment (as a Blackett effect) is also
considered as a bridge to the gravitomagnetic field generated by superconductors.

The Early Work: 1912 - 1979

In 1912 Arthur Schuster1, in discussing “the possible causes of terrestrial magnetism,” made the
very tentative hypothesis: “If magnetisation and rotation go together, the sun and the planets would
all be magnetic.” Here presumably mass in rotation would play the role analogous to that of
charge in rotation. Schuster’s speculation was tested experimentally by Wilson2 and by Swann and
Longacre3. However, these tests were not tests of the straightforward analogy suggested by
Schuster. This situation was reviewed by P.M.S. Blackett4 in 1947, when he showed that the ratio
of magnetic moment P to angular momentum U for the earth, the sun and the newly measured star
78-Virginis was a close fit to the simple formula:
Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 2

=β =β
U 2c (in emu); U 2 k (in SI units).

Where G is Newton’s constant, c is the speed of light, and β is a “form factor” which should be
close to1. Note that this equation is usually written in Gaussian electromagnetic units, where the
Coulomb constant is c2. But I have rewritten it in SI units where k is the Coulomb constant, to
make the parallelism more clear. The consequences of this equation are called the Blackett effect,
although for historical reasons it is also called the Schuster law, or the Schuster-Blackett law, or
the Wilson-Blackett law.

[Note well: in my 1979 paper5, I called the consequences of the Blackett equation the Blackett
effect and also the gravi-magnetic effect. And other papers have followed this “gravi-magnetic”
nomenclature. However, in 1984 a paper was published6, which used the term “gravitomagnetic
field” to describe (by analogy with Maxwell’s equations) the purely gravitational field, one of
whose consequences is the well known Lense-Thirring (“frame dragging”) effect. Since then, the
term “gravitomagnetism” has become standard. (See especially reference 7: Ciufolini & Wheeler.)
Therefore, I will use only the term Blackett effect; and will drop the use of “gravi-magnetism” to
avoid confusion with the term “gravitomagnetism.”]

It is widely believed8, 9 that Blackett did a laboratory experiment which ruled out this equation.
However, his huge experimental paper10 described a static test in which a 15-kg gold cylinder at
rest was presumed to pick up an induced current (producing a small, but measurable, magnetic
field) from the rotation of the earth.

In my 1979 paper5 “Gravitational Magnetism” I pointed out that the Blackett effect had yet to be
definitively tested in the laboratory. Also I compiled the data from several newly measured
astronomical bodies, which was a near fit to the Blackett equation. Thus I proposed that a fresh
attempt be made using the latest magnetic field detectors (SQUID-magnetometers) to test the
simple rotational version of this equation.

The trend line of the data for P/U (magnetic moment versus angular momentum) was fairly
systematically offset from the prediction line, where β is set to 1, so that the offset is indicated by
the average β. Of course, there would also be electrical-magnetic effects in many of the
Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 3

astronomical bodies, so that these electrical “dynamo” and other effects serve to dampen somewhat
the primary Blackett effect. This idea is supported by the fact that Mercury provides the datum
point closest to the prediction line. Because of Mercury’s slow rotation rate and small size, it was
presumed that Mercury had no magnetic field. When Mariner 10, which was equipped with a
magnetometer to measure the magnetic field of Venus, also measured a magnetic dipole field on
Mercury, it was a great surprise11.

The only datum point to fall far short of the Blackett prediction line is Mars. This may indicate
that we are seeing Mars when the interaction between its primary (Blackett) field is being pumped
down by its interaction with the electrical “dynamo” field. Here I should mention that Surdin12 has
proposed a formula (based on stochastic electrodynamics, SED) similar to the Blackett effect in
which polar flipping is to be expected. He has suggested that Mars is presently being viewed in
process of changing polarity. Surdin13 has also done an experiment in which he claims to have
measured the rapid changes of polarity of an electrically neutral rotating body. The measurement
depends on signal autocorrelation, and various possible “parasitic” effects have to be ruled out.
This very intriguing experiment needs to be repeated.

Post 1979 Work

The most straightforward test of the Blackett equation would be to measure directly the magnetic
field of a rotating neutral body (which is not also a ferromagnetic substance). Blackett4,10
suggested that a 1-meter bronze sphere spun at 100 Hz would do nicely, except that this is the
maximum safe speed, and there are severe problems in nulling out extraneous magnetic fields.
With modern SQUIDs and mu-metal shielded rooms, such an experiment can be attempted.
Exactly such an experimental design14 was described at the SQUID ‘85 conference in Berlin.
However, the results of this experiment have not been published.

Another experimental result is not widely known because it is described in the book, Unified
Physics, by R.I. Gray15. He found the simple rotational version of the Blackett effect experiment
too difficult, so he carried out an improved version of Blackett’s static experiment with positive
results. Gray also found an intriguing relationship between the Blackett effect and the somewhat
analogous effect described by Wesson16, in which the ratio of angular momentum to the square of
the mass of astronomical bodies remains fairly constant over the vast range of planetary bodies to
galactic clusters. If “fairly constant” can be idealized to “constant”, these two effects can be
Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 4

compared, in this pristine form, as follows (and note that Blackett’s symbols for magnetic moment
P and angular momentum U have been replaced by µ and J, to make the relationships clear):

The Blackett constant can be written as:

µ G
b= b=
J 2c
The Wesson constant can be written as:
J 137G
w= 2 w=
M 2c
(where Gaussian units have been used; and where G is the gravitational constant, c is the speed of
light and 137 is the inverse of the fine structure constant α). This suggests various relationships
between b and w, such as:

w 2c b α
2 =
b α and w G

The fundamental nature of such relationships hints at deep connections between the microscopic
world and the macroscopic world of astronomical objects, on which both the Blackett effect and
the Wesson effect are based. Blackett himself4 was motivated by the possibility of finding a
connection between macroscopic physics and microscopic physics. Gray15 has pushed this
relationship much further. Jack Sarfatti (in these proceedings) has extended Gray’s ideas to black-
hole physics and the Planck-scale world, in which there is a mass-scale duality (as in M-theory)
between the Wesson and Blackett effects.

M-theory is a generalization of superstring theory, which is based on a fundamental Wesson-like

parameter. As Abdus Salam17 puts it:

“A closed string is a loop which replaces a spacetime point. Its quantum oscillations
correspond to particles of higher spins and higher masses, which may be arranged on a linear
trajectory in a spin-versus-mass2 (Regge) plot. If the slope parameter of this trajectory – the only
parameter in the theory – is adjusted to equal the Newtonian gravitational constant, one can show,
quite miraculously, that in the zeroth order of the closed bosonic string there emerges from the
string theory Einstein’s gravity in its fullness! (The higher orders give modifications to Einstein’s
theory with corrections which have a range of Planck length = 10 –33 cm.)”

Note that here, Salam is using units in which c is set to 1, so that the J/m2 Regge plot
Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 5

is being “adjusted” to G/c, which is essentially the Wesson constant 137G/2c for the J/m2 of
astronomical objects.

Peter Brosche18 has also analyzed the “mass-angular momentum diagram of astronomical objects”
and his work (as well as Wesson’s) was compared to the Blackett effect by V. De Sabbata and M.
Gasperini19. This analysis was continued in the book by De Sabbata and C. Sivaram20, Spin and
Torsion in Gravitation. Here torsion is described in the standard way of Cartan as “the
antisymmetric part of an asymmetric affine connection.” However, in this context, they push
torsion beyond the formalism of the Einstein-Cartan theory, where (usually) torsion is minimally
coupled to spin and cannot propagate.

Nonminimal coupling of electromagnetism and gravitation is implicit in the Blackett effect, as is

argued by James F. Woodward21, who devotes most of his paper to an attempt to use 100 pulsars
as data points to provide evidence for the Blackett effect. He finds that the Blackett “form factor”
β must evolve somewhat over the lifetimes of pulsars. This may indicate that there is some
peculiar aspect of pulsars not yet understood.

Perhaps the most sophisticated approach to the Blackett effect is that of A.O. Barut and Thomas
Gornitz.22 Here the concept of magnetic moment is analyzed in the context of 5-dimensional
Kaluza-Klein theories of unification of gravity with electromagnetism. In particular, Pauli’s
(1933)23 papers on spin in 4-d projective space (with 5 homogenous coordinates) are reviewed. In
addition to the usual K-K type minimal coupling of gravity and electromagnetism, Pauli found an
anomalous coupling to the electromagnetic field, in which the ratio of the anomalous magnetic
moment to the spin of an elementary particle is
c .
Thus Pauli says: “from the extra term it can be concluded that electrically neutral masses with a
nonzero spin moment must have a small magnetic moment (which is with respect to the problem of
the earth’s magnetism not without interest).” Barut and Gornitz suggest that in a macroscopic body
each elementary particle will have an anomalous magnetic moment equal to the spin S multiplied
Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 6

Thus in a rotating macroscopic object, magnetic moment will accumulate and rise to the Blackett
magnetic moment:

µ=β J
c .
In this picture, the accumulation of elementary spin magnetic moments is due to the fact that
elementary spins are really orbital angular momenta in the 5th dimension. Thus they say: “In
conventional gravitational theories it seems to be difficult to understand a relationship of the type
[Blackett’s equation] without going to the fifth dimension.”

If the idea that spins (and therefore the anomalous Pauli magnetic moments) can accumulate via
rotation of macroscopic bodies is correct, then there may be a relationship between the Blackett
effect and the gravitomagnetic field.

Readers who have heeded the “Note well” caveat near the beginning of this paper, will remember
that the gravitomagnetic field is quite different from the Blackett- effect magnetic field, which I
called the gravi-magnetic field in 1979. The gravitomagnetic field is not a magnetic field but a
gravitational analog by way of writing the equations of general relativity in the form of Maxwell-
like vector equations.

The bridge between the Blackett-effect magnetic field and the gravitomagnetic field might be built
by way of the work of Ning Li and David Torr24,25,26. The key idea seems to be that, although
ordinarily, the gravitomagnetic (and electrogravitic) fields are too small to measure, the alignment
of spins in the lattice ions of superconductors, make the gravitomagnetic field much larger (by 11
orders of magnitude) than the magnetic field. As we have seen, according to the Barut-Gornitz
picture, the rotation of a macroscopic body will accumulate (and thus magnify) the tiny anomalous
magnetic moments associated with elementary spins. It would now seem that superconductivity is
another way for anomalous magnetic moments to accumulate by the alignment of spins. This
accumulation of anomalous magnetic moment would have the same form as the Blackett effect.

According to Torr and Li26, “It is shown that the coherent alignment of lattice ion spins will
generate a detectable gravitomagnetic field, and in the presence of a time-dependent applied
magnetic vector potential field, a detectable gravitoelectric field.” It would seem that the Blackett
Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 7

effect may well be entailed in these superconductors via the lattice ion spin analog to the Pauli-
Barut-Gornitz rotational mechanism. Some possible technological consequences of work of Li
and Torr are described in references 27 & 28.

I have listed additional references, 29-35, to the Blackett effect. See especially reference 35,
where the Blackett effect is (like the Wesson effect) extended to galactic and intergalactic
structures. As Opher and Wichoski say (in Ref. 35):

“As far as we know, cosmic magnetic fields pervade the Universe.”

Acknowledgements: It was Hal Puthoff who (at Vigier III) mentioned Paul Wesson’s paper (ref.
16) and later sent it to me. And it was Creon Levit who discovered R.I. Gray’s book (ref. 15), and
loaned it to me shortly after I received the Wesson paper.

1. Schuster, A. (1912) A Critical Examination of the Possible Causes of Terrestrial Magnetietism, Proc Lond. Phys.

Soc. 24, 121-137 (1911-1912).

2. Wilson, H.A. (1923) An Experiment on the Origin of the Earth’s Magnetic Field, Proc. Roy.Soc. A, 104, 451-455

3. Swann, W.F.G, and Longacre, A. (1928) J. Franklin Inst. 206, 421.

4. Blackett, P.M.S. (1947) The Magnetic Field of Massive Rotating Bodies, Nature 159, 658-666.

5. Sirag, S.-P. (1979) Gravitational Magnetism, Nature 278, 535-538.

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Vigier III: “Gravitational Magnetism: an Update” by Saul-Paul Sirag 8

15. Gray, R.I. (1988) Unified Physics,Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, Virginia.

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