Auwalu Sunusi

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This dissertation is the original work and has not been presented for any degree or other
academic award in any university or institution.

------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
Name and Signature of candidate Date

I affirm that the work presented in this dissertation was carried out by the candidate under my

Name and Signature of Supervisor


All thanks are to Almighty Allah, the maker and the sustainer of the universe, who in his infinite
mercy guided me through the completion of this research. My profound gratitude goes to my
supervisor, Dr. Adeleke Raheem Ajiboye, for his numerous efforts and guidance towards
successful completion of this research, may almighty Allah reward you.

I would like to appreciate all my lecturers in the School of Computing and Information
Technology (SCIT), Kampala International University, in particular Doctoral Committee
Members, chaired by Prof Gonzalez Armando and the Dean, School of Computing and
Information Technology, Dr. Margaret Kareyo, as well as my HOD, Dr. Olutola Fagbolu. They
have all contributed immensely to the successful completion of this research.

I am grateful to my family members for their support and prayers throughout my studies and
greatly indebted to my late father for his exceptional support given to me during his life time,
may almighty Allah forgive him and grant him Aljannatul Firdausi.

Also, I wish to extend my deep appreciation to my colleagues for the supports and
encouragement throughout my studies, thank you so much, may Allah bless you all.

Table 4.1: Admin login .....................................................................................................................47
Table 4.2: Structure of Lecturer Login Information. ........................................................................47
Table 4.3: Structure of Student Login Information. .........................................................................48
Table 4.4: Structure for Bio data of Lecturer and Records Storage..................................................48
Table 4.5: Structure of Bio data of Student and Record Storage ......................................................49
Table 4.6: Structure of Course Registration .....................................................................................50
Table 4.7: Structure of Student Record.............................................................................................50
Table 5.1 Comparison of the Old and New System..........................................................................65
The table 5.1 below shows the details of student biometric attendance system evaluation. ...........67
Table 5.2: To compute the usability of the application developed in this study based on system
usability scale (SUS). ........................................................................................................................68
Table 5.3: Computation of User Response for Usability Testing. ....................................................69

Figure 2.1: Scanners..........................................................................................................................13
Figure 2.2: Fingerprint Characteristics. Adapted from .Afolalu, et al. (2016). ...............................14
Figure 2.5: The Abstract Transition Model of the BESAMS Behaviours. .......................................30
Figure 2.6: The Transition Model of the BESAMS Behaviours ......................................................31
Figure 3.1 Arduino microcontroller .................................................................................................35
Figure 3.2 the scanner sensor ............................................................................................................35
Figure 3.3 Circuit board diagrams ....................................................................................................36
Figure 4.1: Diagram of the biometric finger print of student attendance ........................................43
Figure 4.2 : Class Diagram for staff and student biometric attendance system. ..............................44
Figure 4.3: Fingerprint procedures by the Administrator. ...............................................................45
Figure 4.4: Sequence Diagram showing Logging Procedures for Students. ....................................46
Figure 4.5: Biometric Device capturing Student Fingerprint ...........................................................54
Figure 5.1: Main Menu .....................................................................................................................55
Figure 5.2: The Interface showing Biometric Enrollment System ...................................................56
Figure 5.3: An Interface of Administrator Login. .............................................................................56
Figure 5.4: An Interface of Lecturer Login. .....................................................................................57
Figure 5.5: An Interface for Lecturer Enrollment. ............................................................................58
Figure 5.6: An Interface of Student Login. .......................................................................................59
Figure 5.7: An Interface for Students Enrollment (first login). ........................................................60
Figure 5.8: Capturing of Lecturer Image. .........................................................................................61
Figure 5.9: An Interface of Register Students Photograph. ..............................................................62
Figure 5.10: Interface for adding Courses. .......................................................................................63
Figure 5.11: showing Comparison of the manual attendance system with the fingerprint-based
attendance system. ............................................................................................................................65


AFIS Automated Fingerprint identification system

BESAMS Biometric Examination Screening and Attendance Monitoring System

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation

HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language

ICT Information Center for Technology

ID Identity card

IDE Integrated Development

IT Information Technology

NFC Near Field Communication

RFID Radio Frequency Identification

SES School of Environmental Studies

SGS School of General Studies

SMS School of Management Studies

SOT School of Technology

SRES School of Rural Entrepreneurship

SUS System Usability Scale

WAP Wireless Access Protocol


DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................v
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER ONE ...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY .............................................................................................1
1.1.1 Historical Perspectives. ..............................................................................................................3
1.1.2 Conceptual Perspectives. ...........................................................................................................4
1.1.3 Contextual Perspectives. ............................................................................................................5
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ...........................................................................................................6
1.3MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY .........................................................................................7
1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................8
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION .............................................................................................................8
1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY .............................................................................................................8
1.5.1 Geographical Scope ...................................................................................................................8
1.5.2 Content Scope ............................................................................................................................9
1.5.3 Time Scope ................................................................................................................................9
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................9
1.7 DISSERTATION STRUCTURE..............................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................11
LITERATURE REVIEW ..............................................................................................................11
2.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................11
2.1 BIOMETRIC SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................11
2.2 FINGERPRINT SCANNER .......................................................................................................12
2.2.1 Fingerprint Recognition ...........................................................................................................13

2.2.2 Types of Biometrics .................................................................................................................15
2.2.3 How Biometric Fingerprint Works ..........................................................................................18
2.3 APPLICATION OF BIOMETRIC TECHNIQUES. ..................................................................19
2.4 CHALLENGES OF USING BIOMETRICS. .............................................................................20
2.6 RELATED WORKS ...................................................................................................................23
2.7 GAPS THAT NEED TO BE FILLED. ......................................................................................26
2.8 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF THE MODEL ................................................................27
2.9 THE USE OF SYSTEM USABILITY SCALE..........................................................................32
REGISTRATION. ............................................................................................................................32
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................34
METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................................34
3.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................34
3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN ................................................................................................................34
3.3 DATA COLLECTION ...............................................................................................................36
3.4 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT .....................................................................................................37
3.5 TARGET POPULATION ...........................................................................................................37
3.6 SAMPLE SIZE ...........................................................................................................................37
3.7 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE ........................................................................................................37
3.8 DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE .............................................................................................37
3.9 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE.......................................................................................37
3.10 SYSTEM MODELLING ..........................................................................................................38
3.11 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ..............................................................................................38
CHAPTER FOUR ...........................................................................................................................39
ANALYSIS, DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................39
4.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................39
OBJECTIVES. ..................................................................................................................................39
4.1.1 Analysis of the Existing System of Identifying Students at Kano State Polytechnic, Nigeria.39

IDENTIFICATION OF THE STUDENT FINGER PRINT. ...........................................................41
4.2.1 System modeling using UML ..................................................................................................41
4.2.2 Software ...................................................................................................................................41
4.2.3 Hardware ..................................................................................................................................42
4.2.4 Block Diagram of the System ..................................................................................................42
4.2.5 Diagram....................................................................................................................................43
4.2.6 Sequence Diagram for Administrator ......................................................................................44
4.2.7 Sequence Diagram for Student ................................................................................................46
4.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF DATABASE STRUCTURE ............................................................47
4.3.1 Database Structure ...................................................................................................................47
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................................55
RESULT, DISCUSSION, EVALUATION, AND TESTING .....................................................55
5.1 The System Main Menu implementation. ...................................................................................55
5.2 RESPONSE FROM THE SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE ONE ..........................................................64
5.2.1 To analyze the existing system being used in Kano State Polytechnic. ..................................64
5.2.2 To design and develop a biometric system for immediate identification of the students
fingerprint. ........................................................................................................................................65
5.2.3 To capture the finger print of registered students at Kano State Polytechnic using a biometric
device. ...............................................................................................................................................66
5.3 Evaluating the performance of the developed biometric System using registered and
unregistered student. .........................................................................................................................67
5.4 Testing of the Prototype System .................................................................................................70
5.4.2 Steps: Software is tested from two different views: ................................................................71
5.5 UNIT TESTING: ......................................................................................................................71
5.5.1 System Testing .........................................................................................................................71
5.5.2 Performance Testing ................................................................................................................71
5.6 TEST CASES............................................................................................................................72

CHAPTER SIX ...............................................................................................................................73
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ............................................................................73
6.1 CONCLUSION ...........................................................................................................................73
6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS. ...........................................................................................................75
6.3 FUTURE WORK. .......................................................................................................................75
6.4 CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE. .....................................................................................75
6.5 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................76
6.6 SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................76
REFERENCE ....................................................................................................................................78
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................................87
Appendix A: Interview Guide ...........................................................................................................87
APPENDIX B: INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT .................................................................................88
APPENDIX C: QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................................92
APPENDIX D: HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE CODES ...........................................................93
APPENDIX E: BUDGET ...............................................................................................................105


Biometric technology is a technique that is capable of uniquely identifying a person through

his/her characteristics features. The use of this approach is gaining ground in recent times,
particularly in higher institution of learning where impersonation is currently at alarming rate.
The technology offers a reliable solution for solving recognition problem through features such
as: fingerprint, faces, iris, palm print etc. The main objective of this study is to implement a
system that uses fingerprint to identify registered students of Kano State Polytechnic and further
track their attendance during lectures and examinations. This study developed a system,
configure the system and ensure proper synchronization with a biometric device. The system was
developed using dot net framework. Specifically, visual is used for coding all the
interactive interfaces, while SQL server 2008 was used as the back-end. In order to establish the
efficiency of the developed system in terms of usability, its usability was determined using the
approach of System Usability Scale (SUS). A total of 60 students participated in the study by
navigating through the system and based on their interactions, they responded to the structured
questionnaire designed to test the system’s usability. The result of evaluating the usability of the
system based on the SUS approach gave 82.7%. Hence, the system was found to be very
accurate, reliable and secured for keeping students bio data and it restricts access to intruders that
is unregistered person. Thus, it was concluded that, this system is an indispensable tool for
curtailing impersonation by students and for keeping authentic records of students. Hence, the
relevance and academic importance of this system cannot be over emphasizing. Thus, in order to
bring an end to the rampant cases of impersonations during lectures and examinations in the
institutions of higher learning. Kano State Polytechnic in particular can adopt the system
developed in this study for total eradication of such menace.




Biometric Identification Systems has found its application in different domain and industries
such as workforce management and are quickly becoming more useful in the education sector for
accurate Student Identification and Tracking of students. This is due to the limitations and
inaccuracies of traditional student attendance tracking methods like roll calling (Alia& Al-Allaf,
2013). The need for biometric student tracking systems in educational institutions is rising
because these systems are more accurate, faster and convenient besides being a more effective
tool to protect student identities and privacy, Alia et al. (2013). According to Cruz, Paglinawan,
Bonifacio, Flores & Hurna (2015), traditional student identification and attendance methods such
as roll calling or paper based attendance are outdated and often lead to unnecessary time spent by
lecturers and administrators to register student track. Moreover, with large groups of students,
manual supervision is difficult to execute. Therefore, these traditional student tracking methods
have loopholes which cannot prevent proxy attendance, ID card theft, impersonation and
attendance tracking errors which has serious problems with direct effect on education quality.
Cruz, et al. (2015).
(Manoharan, Reddy & Akash,2016), argue that biometric access and identification systems are
automated and provide a convenient way to quickly record student check-in and check-out.
Biometric technology uses human physical and biometric characteristics (which are unique for
every individual) to ensure identification accuracy, prevent errors, and eliminate proxy
attendance even in case of identical twins. Biometric technology also protects students from
identity theft because it uses sophisticated encryption to secure and protect user identity privacy.
According to Thomas, et al, (2013), biometric attendance system has brought more precise
accuracy in recording and measuring student attendance. This is done when biometric attendance
machine captures a unique biological/physical feature such as hand or finger print, iris pattern
and sometimes even voice as a record for identity verification so as to permit an authenticated
person to perform a task as authorized. Biometric attendance machines also count employees’
work schedule, like which employee did what, and at what time did he do it, etc. Biometric
attendance system is a foolproof technology to ensure the accuracy of attendance and useful to

the ones who deal with large number of employees or students and further uses the biometric
feature of finger print to authenticate the claim of any enrolled employee or students. It also
provides an efficient way for administrators to manage either employee attendance record or
students’ attendance record.

Biometrics technologies verify identity through characteristics such as fingerprints, faces, irises,
retinal patterns, palm prints, voice, hand-written signatures, and so on. These techniques, which
use physical data, are receiving attention as a personal authentication method that is more
convenient than conventional methods such as a password or ID cards because it uses data taken
from measurements and such data is unique to the individual and remains so throughout one’s
lifetime (Kadry & Smaili, 2010).( According to Rufai, Adigun & Yekini 2012). Examination is
an instrument for testing, assessment evaluation and accreditation. But in most institution before
any student is allowed to sit for examination such student needs to meet specified percentage of
class attendance but due to stress of manual attendance taking and record keeping the percentage
required before sitting for an examination has not been adhered to in many institution of
developing nation. Pen and paper are used to keep record of class attendance in most higher
institution in the developing country, and this has been prove to be very stressful, time
consuming, unreliable, inaccurate and inefficient (Adetiba, Lortim, Olajide & Awoseyin,2013).

Similarly, biometric system will uniquely identify a student and will be authenticated to take part
in an examination. In this case a unique characteristic like fingerprint of each student is used to
prevent unauthorized access to take part in an examination by checking the behavior
characteristics. Jaiswa et al. (2011), reviewed that Biometric system is commonly used today in
the authentication of a person by analyzing physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, or
behavioral characteristics such as signatures. (Akaranga & Ongong 2013) proposed that,
examination is the most common instrument around in which the entire system of education
revolves. There is hardly any educational system which does not include one form or another of
assessment as an indicator of the said system of education. It is the instrument used to decide
who is permitted to go to the next academic level. In fact, it is the results of examinations and
lecturer judgments which form the grading system in which all the students are classified
annually or more frequently.

1.1.1 Historical Perspectives.
According to (Asha & Chellappan 2012). Biometrics is not a new concept; it is the oldest form of
identification and the use of non-automated biometrics dates back to the beginning of human
civilization, when individuals first began identifying other individuals based on certain physical
or behavioral characteristics. (Woodward, Orlans &Higgins;2003), (Aisha & Chellapan, 2012).It
is emphatic note that biometrics as an organized system of authentication dates back to more
than one thousand years in East Asia, when potters placed their fingerprints on their wares as an
early form of brand identity. Anderson (2001), the use of handwritten signatures (chops) in
classical China as an example of an early biometric.

Bertillon Systems in 1882 took subject's photography, height, the length of one-foot, an arm and
index finger. One of the first institutionalized use of biometric data (in this case fingerprints) was
their usage in crime registers. In 1903, New York state prisons adopted fingerprint identification
to verify the identity of criminals. This solution spread like wildfire among the various penal
institutes and police forces. This process culminated in the founding of the fingerprint analysis
department of FBI in the 1st July, 1921.
In the year 1924, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) setup a fingerprint identification
division. By 1926, law enforcement officials in several U.S. cities had begun submitting
fingerprint cards to the FBI in an effort to create a database of fingerprints from known
criminals. In the early 1960‘s the FBI invested a large amount of time and effort into the
development of automated fingerprint identification systems. This automation of biometric
identification for law enforcement purposes coincided with the development of automated
systems for non-forensic applications, such as high-security access control. AFIS installed in
1965 with a database of 810,000 fingerprints. During the 1970‘s a biometric product based on
measuring the geometry of the hand was introduced in a number of access control applications.
Goldstein. et al. (2008).

The development of contemporary biometric systems can be viewed as an outgrowth of the

efforts of forensic scientists and law enforcement agencies to identify and classify criminals in
th th
the late 19 and early 20 centuries. Fully automated biometric systems including (AFIS)
automated fingerprint identification system used by law enforcement agencies and commercial

biometric systems (typically relying on hand geometry) designed for use to physically access
buildings and emerged in the 1960s and 1970s.
The computer industry began using biometrics few years ago. Which are created for a specific
function, and they lacked the adaptability required to integrate into a variety of environments.
This resulted in costly solutions that few were able or willing to incorporate. However, over
time, as technology advanced, biometric solutions evolved to be widely recognized as viable
options to security solutions such as control of fraud and security breaches, and human
administrative error are helping to drive the expansion of biometric technology (Nunavut &
Thieme, 2002).
In the same vein, emergence of biometrics has addressed the problems that plague traditional
verification methods. By using biometrics it is possible to establish an identity based on `who
you are', rather than by `what you possess' (e.g., an ID card) or `what you remember' (e.g., a
password). Current biometric systems make use of fingerprints, hand geometry, iris, retina, face,
facial thermo grams, signature, palm print and voiceprint to establish a person's identity.
Biometric systems have an edge over traditional security methods in that they cannot be easily
stolen or shared. Besides strengthening security, biometric systems also enhance user
convenience by alleviating the need to design and remember passwords (Asha & Chellappan,

1.1.2 Conceptual Perspectives.

Biometrics is generally used as a noun to refer to the automatic recognition of individuals based
on their physical and behaviuoral characteristics. The term biometric can be used as a noun in
reference to a single technology (e.g., finger scan is a commonly used biometric) or as an
adjective as in a biometric system uses integrated hardware and software to conduct
identification or verification (Nunavut& Nanavati, 2002).

Biometric characteristics are considered to be unique on a particular individual hence, use it

provides a good platform against impersonation. Which ensures users to authenticate a person’s
distinctiveness based on who he/she is rather than confirming via what he/she possesses such as
ID card or by what he/she recalls a password? Adeyemo, et al. (2014). Similarly (Jain, et al.
(2004). Biometric recognition system signifies design recognition system that is capable of
recognizing individuals based on their physiological or behaviuoral traits. These characters are

considered to be unique to each individual and unlike knowledge or token-based security
mechanisms; it cannot be forgotten, lost or stolen. The most common individualities used for
biometric recognition are: fingerprint, Faces, palm-print, speech, and iris.

Jain, et al. (2008).The process of Biometric authentication is done to access some identifying
biological or traits can be specifically recognized in an individual. These unique identifiers are
retina, earlobe geometry, iris patterns, fingerprints, hand geometry, voice waves, earlobe
geometry DNA and signatures. Law enforcement has implemented Facial-recognition
technology to fish out people in gathering with significant firm quality and reliability. Generally
industries utilize hand geometry for providing physical access to buildings, for people who try to
impersonate another individual, earlobe geometry is utilized to detect their identity In Computer
Science, biometric identification or biometric authentication is utilized as a mode of
identification and access control which are being implemented to detect individuals in groups
that are being watch or under surveillance.

1.1.3 Contextual Perspectives.

Kano State Polytechnic is an institution of higher learning located in Kano city of Kano state,
North-Western Nigeria. It was established in the year 1968, which five hundred and fifty (550),
staff as well as total number of student fifteen thousand two hundred (15,200).students.
It offers both part time and full time programmed. The polytechnic has five schools namely:
School of Technology (SOT), School of Management Studies (SMS), School of Environmental
Studies (SES), School of Rural and Entrepreneur Studies (SRES) and School of General Studies
(SGS). The Central Administration is the heart of the school where administrative issues are
carried out.

Similarly, the research was conducted in the School of Technology, Kano State Polytechnic, and
Nigeria. School of Technology was founded 42 years ago which the ability as to offer relevant
educational.Competance in Science and Technological courses. However, the aim of the School
of Technology is to provide a focus and framework for its constituent departments to formulate
and express views pertinent to technology, methods and processes, both within and outside the

Obviously, the existing methods of student attendance identification in most institutions of
higher learning are mostly manual which involves the use of paper, pencil and other archaic
means where students write or sign against their names. This method is not only time consuming
but is also inefficient in the sense that updating students’ records, storage and management of
such records as well as calculating percentages of attendance for examination purposes tend to
be quite difficult and mostly unachievable. The method of student attendance identification lacks
the capability to track time on individual attendance records. Saheed, et al. (2016). Besides,
most of the times, data from these records turn out to be fake, unreliable and not authentic
because of the manner in which the required data for these records are obtained as such, the
motive behind keeping the students’ attendance records becomes defeated.
Consequently, inefficiencies of the current methods used in taking and keeping students’
attendance records makes it very easy for false attendance and impersonation whereby students
find it very easy to write their friends names on the attendance list without being detected by the
teacher or any other officer in charge. Most of the time, lecturers face the problems of having an
empty classroom and yet the attendance list is full. This arises from the fact that most of the time,
some truant students tend to attend classes during the first few weeks after which they stop
attending and request their punctual friends to sign the attendance on their behalf. Since lecturers
are always busy teaching in the classes they tend to be oblivious of what happens with the
attendance register and have no time to check the attendance list one-by-one. Olaniyi, et al.

Clearly, the consequences of lack of authentic attendance list as well as that of fake attendance
lists are enormous. As a result of the ineffectiveness of the present manner of recording students’
attendance in the polytechnic, teachers find it very difficult to ascertain true lecture attendants or
produce authentic statistics of students’ attendance for record keeping. Moreover, impersonations
during examinations are also very difficult to detect with these ineffective students’ attendance
taking methods. Stripling, et al. (2013), reported that, the effects of non-attendance not only
impacts the overall students’ performance but also affects the entire community of a classroom.
Non-attendance negatively influences class success as well as faculty morale as learning declines

and academic standards are compromise. Furthermore, as the academic semester progresses and
on particular days of the week like Friday as weekend approaches class attendance reduces.

In many instances, when students fail to present their examinations cards during semester
examinations due to loss or being forgotten at home, both the students and the school authorities
tend to lack any tangible evidence to prove that such students had the required percentage of
attendance to be allowed to sit for the examination. Consequently, many students have ended up
missing examinations because of such simple problems that could be effectively solved had there
been a fingerprint biometric identification system. This was confirmed by .Salako, (2018).
The increasing rate of examination impersonation among candidates in institutions of higher
learning reduces their self-developing skills and self-confidence towards reading and writing an
examination. It negatively affected the growth of educational system in Nigeria despite various
strategies deployed by stakeholders to ensure candidates obeyed the rules governing an
examination. Awojide, et al. (2018). Nowadays in Nigeria, having a certificate is much more
important than getting individual skills and these have prompted students to engage in various
illegal activities such as non-attendance of lectures and boycott in other to get what they want.

Furthermore, despite concerted efforts by authorities of the polytechnic to bring an end to issue
of lack of effective students’ attendance records as well as impersonations by students by
providing attendance register for roll calls among others, the menace still prevails with dire
consequences on the students, the polytechnic as well as the larger society.
Thus, it is against this background that this study was conducted with the sole aim of designing
an effective biometric finger print for efficient attendance records of students across all faculties
of the polytechnic so that the production of fake students’ attendance records as well as
impersonations during examinations can be curtailed.


The main objective of this study was to develop a means of identifying students and staff using
biometric fingerprint system. To achieve this central objective, the following specific objectives
have been formulated:

1.3.1 Specific Objectives of the Study
i). To analyze the existing system of students’ identification at the Kano State Polytechnic,
ii). To develop a biometric system that can work with a biometric device for immediate
identification of students’ fingerprints.
iii). To use the system developed in (ii) for the capturing of students’ finger prints at the Kano
State Polytechnic.
iv). To evaluate the performance of the developed biometric system using the data that comprised
of registered and unregistered students.
v). To compute the usability of the application developed for use with biometric device based on
system usability scale (SUS).


In the course of this study the implementation of the proposed system answer the following
research questions:

i. What is the existing system of students’ identification at Kano State Polytechnic?

ii. How can a biometric system be developed for immediate identification of the students
iii. How can the developed system used for capturing of students finger print at Kano
State Polytechnic using a biometric device?
iv. How can the performance of the developed biometric system be evaluated using the
data that comprised of registered and unregistered students?
v. How can usability of the application developed be computed for use with biometric
device based on system usability scale (SUS)?


1.5.1 Geographical Scope

Kano State Polytechnic is a State owned tertiary institution located in the city of Kano, Kano
state, Nigeria Founded in 1968.

1.5.2 Content Scope
There are many types of Biometric techniques. The choice made for this study is fingerprint.
Specifically, this study focused on the student’s bio data of School of Technology of Kano State
Polytechnic, Nigeria, in order to produce a biometric fingerprint identification system.

1.5.3 Time Scope

The study covers a period of August 2018 – September 2019.


The proposed system provides a more accurate and efficient record of student attendance for
proper identification of both absentee and impersonated. Furthermore, the system process faster
and simpler information compared to current paper based student attendance register. Other than
that, this system will assist lecturers in taking the student attendance more effectively without
worrying about losing or damaging their attendance sheets while passing it among the students
around the whole class.
Besides, the system will also allow the institution management to track students’ class attendance
in a particular course having poor attendance, thereby enabling the management to rectify the
situation by providing the necessary interventions. The system provide high level of security
whereby making it impossible for imposters and impersonators to make their ways to
examination halls. The system using fingerprint biometric will keep historical data making it
easy for lecturers to access. Furthermore, the authentication system is not only useful to the
institutions and lecturers alone, even the students benefit a great deal by reducing the stress
encountered in queuing up which often result in delay and at times damage the attendance sheet.
It also prevents mistakes and anomalies that is associated with manual signing in which student
that attend a class are marked as not present thereby losing the mark accorded to the particular
attendance due to multiple attendance sheet.
Fingerprint Based Student Attendance Monitoring System is extremely useful in institutions
especially during classes and examination in which heavy security are normally use to validate
student’s identity in order to cob imposters, through the use of Verification System the number
of security personnel will be greatly reduce.

Also, the proposed system addresses the challenge of missing attendance register for the
examinations, since information about students can be automatically generated on the spot with
the help of the designed system.


This Dissertation is divided into five chapters as follows:
CHAPTER 1: This chapter introduces the dissertation and discusses some key sections as
regards the problem statement, research questions, specific objectives and others.
CHAPTER 2: The review of literatures and some related are shown here.
CHAPTER 3: The proposed method procedures design and implementations are shown here.
CHAPTER 4: The chapter shows the result and the discussion of these results and the evaluation
CHAPTER 5: This dissertation is concluded here.



This chapter reviews literature as regard the research work from different scholars and
publications to understand the concept and the context clearly and to apply it in the proposed
research work.


Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her physiological or
behaviuoral characteristics. It includes fingerprint, iris, facial and retina. Biometrics technologies
are becoming the foundation of an extensive array of highly secure identification and personal
verification solutions. Today, biometric is being spotlighted as the authentication method
because of the need for reliable security. Cappelli et al. (2007). Fingerprint authentication is one
of the most well-known and publicized biometrics technologies, because of their uniqueness and
consistency over time, fingerprints have been in use for identification for over a century, more
recently becoming automated due to advancements in computing capabilities.
Fingerprint is popular because of the inherent ease of acquisition, the numerous sources for
instance ten fingers available for collection, and their established use and collections by law
enforcement and immigration. According to (Oloyede, Adedoyin & Adewole, 2013), many
industries are experiencing technological advancement and changes in the mode in which they
carry out their business processes. With the rise of globalization, it is becoming essential to find
an easier and more effective system to help an organization or company improve their
employee’s productivity. In spite of this matter, there are still business establishments that use
the old-fashioned method of manual process of recording employee’s attendance .Yuihotakaishi,
Staff attendance management system is an effective way to keep track of attendance of staff
within an organization. It covers the requirements of the personnel department in terms of day to
day monitoring of staff, calculation of overtime and transfer of relevant information to the
payroll system and manpower analysis. Hence, staff attendance is an important issue every
organization must take into consideration in order to be productive (Kadry & Smaili, 2010).

(Naik & Patil 2016). Pointed out that biometric system is the most authentic method for
authenticating a user based on his/her thumb impression. The scope of biometric authentication
is used for staff attendance as well as student attendance system. The biometric contains the vast
data generated by biometric device which are used by system developer to design and implement
automated students’ attendance.
Mohit et al. (2016), revealed some importance of the biometric system. The system is useful for
the student attendance and staff attendance registering. The approach involves the collection of
the student information and ensuring proper maintenance of the record captured.

(Saumyarup, 2016), further stated that finger verification technique to display the match found
otherwise no equal found. It checks the fingerprint of the person’s. Mohd et al. (2016), it is cost
effective and portable system. The finger print is unique to each and every person in the world.


(Akinola, Abayoma & Adeniyi, 2015), identification device has been commercialized from the
late 19th century. The device is the most popular among all the identification devices because of
its ease in acquisition, and also the number of sources that are available for its data collection. Sir
Francis Galton, in 1892, developed a classification of system for fingerprints using minutiae
characteristics that is being used by researchers and educationalists even today.

A fingerprint sensor is an electronic device used to capture a digital image of the fingerprint
pattern. The image captured from the sensor is referred to as a live scan, which in turn is
processed digitally to develop an accumulation of extracted features (Biometric Template). This
template is stored in a database and utilized for matching. Figure 2.1 presented some fingerprint

Figure 2.1: Scanners

Fingerprint scanner enrolls and verifies the identity of every person based on the marks on his or
her fingers and these marks have a pattern that cannot be changed or removed except through
physical injury. The print is made up of ridges and furrows as well as characteristics that occur at
minutiae points. Standard systems are comprised of a sensor for scanning a fingerprint and a
processor which stores the fingerprint data and software which compares and matches on the
fingerprint to the stored data in the database. Within the database, a fingerprint is usually
matched to a reference number or Pin number which is then matched to a person’s name. In use
of security, the match is generally used to allow or disallow access. Thornton, (2000).

2.2.1 Fingerprint Recognition

Basically, biometric technology uniquely recognizes individual even a twin brother will not have
the same fingerprint. Thus, the individual fingerprint is capable of storing a unique identifiable

piece of information. The uniqueness in each fingerprint is due to the peculiar generic code of
DNA in each person. Peter, (2005).This code causes the formation of a different pattern of our

Figure 2.2 shows all the characteristics of a fingerprint. These characteristics are helpful
during the process of minutiae extraction. (Afolalu, Tope-Oke & Atsadu, 2016).

Figure 2.2: Fingerprint Characteristics. Adapted from .Afolalu, et al. (2016).

Fingerprints are considered to be the best and fastest method for biometric identification, they
are secure to use, unique for every person and do not change in one's life time. A fingerprint
recognition system operates either in verification mode or in identification mode (Sarker,
Hossain, & Jamil, 2016). Automated fingerprint identification is the process of automatically
matching one or many unknown fingerprints against stored records in the database. Automated
fingerprint verification is closely related technique used in applications such as attendance and
access control systems. On a technical level, verification systems verifies a claimed identity (a
user might claim to be John by presenting his PIN or ID card and verify his identity using his
fingerprint), whereas identification systems determine the identity based solely on fingerprints.
Matching algorithm plays a key role in fingerprint recognition system matching algorithms are
used to compare previously stored templates of fingerprints against candidate fingerprints for
authentication purposes .Onaolamipo, (2014).

Fingerprint is the pattern of ridges and valleys on the tip of a finger and is used for personal
verification of people. This is based on recognition method because of its relatively outstanding
features of universality, permanence, uniqueness, accuracy and low cost. These features have
made fingerprint the most popular and reliable technique and is currently the leading biometric
technology .Jain et al. (2004).

Similarly, fingerprint has certain natural traits that make them ideal for use in biometric systems.
Fingerprints are developed between the first and second trimester and remain unchanged (barring
any damage or scarring) until death. Fingerprints are unique. No two people on record have been
found to have the same. Fingerprint scanning can be done in several different ways. Some
systems scan the distinct marks on the finger called minutiae points (similar to the traditionally
used police method). The positioning of pores and straight pattern matching may also be used.
More recent developments include the use of moiré fringe patterns (superimposing of lines and
grids to capture three dimensional surface shapes) as well as ultrasound. Fingerprint systems
should be kept clean as smudges or dirt and grime may cause problems for the reader (Griaule
2007; Gorman 2001).

According to Ezeman et al, (2015).Two of the first smartphone manufactures to integrate

fingerprint recognition into their phones were Motorola with Atirx 4G in 2011 and apple with the
IPhone 5S in September 10, 2013. The fingerprint authentication has many merits such as high
accuracy easier access through PC. It is one of the safest biometric authentication methods

2.2.2 Types of Biometrics

Biometric technology differs from technique to technique. Kalyani, (2017), identifies the
following as some of the popular biometric technologies:-
Fingerprints: The patterns of friction ridges and valleys on an individual's fingertips are unique
to that individual. For decades, law enforcement has been classifying and determining identity by
matching key points of ridge endings and bifurcations. Fingerprints are unique for each finger of
a person including identical twins. One of the most commercially available biometric
technologies, fingerprint recognition devices for desktop and laptop access are now widely
available, users no longer need to type passwords –instead, only a touch provides instant access.
Several states check fingerprints for new applicants to social services benefits to ensure
recipients do not fraudulently obtain benefits under fake names .Robert et al. (2005).

Similarly, they are several benefits of using fingerprint recognition systems. This system is easy
to use and install. It requires cheap equipment which generally has low power consumption.
However, there are some disadvantages in this system. If the apparent of the finger gets damaged
and has one or more marks on it, identification becomes increasingly hard. Furthermore, the
system requires the users' finger surface to have a point of minutiae or pattern in order to have
matching images. This will be a limitation factor for the security of the algorithm. Fingerprint
security system is used widely in different applications such as: cell phones, laptops, USB flash
drives and others devices. It is also used in judicial systems in order to record users' information
and verify one person's identity. Biometrics New Portal. (2011).

Hand geometry: Hand geometry involves the analysis and measuring of the hand and fingers.
Alotaibi, (2010), the user places their hand on the reader with their fingers in designated
positions. A camera is then used to capture both a top view, which gives the length and width, as
well as a side view, which gives the thickness. Hand geometry is one of the most established
uses of biometrics today which is accurate and fast.

Signature Verification: This technology uses the dynamic analysis of signature to authenticate a
person; this Technology is based on measuring speed, pressure and angle used by the person
when a signature is produced. One focus for this technology has been e-business applications and
other applications where signature is an accepted method of personal authentication.Salil. (2001).

Voice Recognition: There are two main influences which makes a person's voice unique. Firstly,
it is the physiological component which is known as the voice tract. Secondly, it is a behavioral
component which is known as the voice accent. By combining both of these factors, it is almost
impossible to imitate another person's voice exactly. Taking advantages of these characteristics,
biometrics technology created voice recognition systems in order to verify each person's
identification using only their voice. Mostly, voice recognition will emphasis on the vocal area
because it is a unique characteristic of a physiological trait. It works perfectly in physical access
control for users (Peter, Anne, Shaun & Lucy, 2011).

Iris Recognition: This recognition method uses the iris of the eye which is the coloured area
that surrounds the pupil. Iris patterns are unique; the iris patterns are obtained through a video-
based image acquisition system. Iris scanning devices have been used in personal authentication
applications for several years. Methods based on iris recognition have substantially decreased in
price and this trend is expected to continue. The technology works well in both verification and
identification modes (in systems performing one-to-many searches in a database). Current
systems can be used even in the presence of eyeglasses and contact lenses. The technology is not
intrusive. It does not require physical contact with a scanner. Iris recognition has been
demonstrated to work with individuals from different ethnic groups and nationalities. Salil,

Face Recognition: The identification of a person by their facial image can be done in a number
of different ways such as by capturing an image of the face in the visible spectrum using an
inexpensive camera or by using the infrared patterns of facial heat emission. Facial recognition
in visible light typically model key features from the central portion of a facial image, by using a
wide assortment of cameras, the visible light systems extract features from the captured image(s)
that do not change over time while avoiding superficial features such as facial expressions or
hair. Several approaches to modeling facial images in the visible spectrum are Principal
Component Analysis, Local Feature Analysis, neural networks, elastic graph theory, and multi-
resolution analysis. Some of the challenges of facial recognition in the visual spectrum include
reducing the impact of variable lighting and detecting a photograph. Some facial recognition
systems may require a stationary or posed user in order to capture the image, though many
systems use a real-time process to detect a person's head and locate the face automatically. Key
benefits of facial recognition it is non-intrusive, hands-free, and continuous and accepted by
most users (George & Rajesh, 2009)

Attendance Management falls into two categories namely; Conventional and Automated
methods. Conventional methods include time sheet, attendance register and time clock.
(Ononiwu & Okorafor, 2012). Time sheets are documents, automated or else that record what
time was spent by the employee on what tasks. Attendance register is an official list of people
who are present at an institution or organization. Time clock which is a mechanical (or

electronic) time piece used to assist in tracking the hour worked by an employee of a company.
Automated methods include Barcode system attendance system, magnetic stripe attendance
system, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and the biometric attendance system. (Ononiwu
& Okorafor, 2012).

2.2.3 How Biometric Fingerprint Works

Raymond, et al, (2015), stated that Fingerprint identification is the oldest method that has been
successfully used in various applications. Each of our ten fingerprints is different from one
person to another. Even identical twins have unique fingerprints. That makes them ideal for
personal identification. A fingerprint is made of a sequence of ridges and furrows on the surface
of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint is determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows
as well as the minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur when a
ridge splits apart or a ridge ends. Finger scanning uses flat images of only two fingers to create
templates. Flat images reveal the center of the finger and require only a minimum of unique
identifying points in order to make a match. The purpose is to recognize a person already being
enrolled in particular software.

Figure 2.3: How Finger Scanning Works.

When the student returns to be authenticated, the finger scanner again scans the finger. The
computer software now compares the new template with the other templates in the database.
When a matching template is found, the student is authenticated. This authentication and
matching process takes about one second to complete.

(According & Edmund 2002), the study reviewed that fingerprint scanning is the acquisition and
recognition of a person’s fingerprint characteristics for identification purposes. This allows the
recognition of a person through quantifiable physiological characteristics that verify the identity
of an individual. There are mainly two types of finger-scanning technology that make this


(Raymond, et al, 2015), identifies that the following as the application of biometrics system:-

School Access: A controlled environment is critical to a school’s success. Access to the school
must be permitted only to authorized persons. Students, teachers, staff and frequent visitors can
be accurately time-stamped and identified using biometric finger scanning technology and
attendance applications. Administrators will have a certain record of the date and time of each
person’s entry into the building. Biometric finger scanning systems can assure administrators
that those entering their schools actually belong there.
Attendance: School administrators are being held responsible by federal and state governmental
funding sources for accurate attendance records since certain money is provided based on the
number of students who attend the school each day. Schools that have made faults in attendance
reporting have been required to pay back hundreds of thousands of cash to the governmental
funding sources. Biometric finger scanning technology provides administrators with irrefutable
proof of student attendance for accurate and auditable reporting. In addition, administrators can
be provided with period-by-period attendance records in real-time, quickly identifying students
who are not in the appropriate classrooms. Also, teachers of large classes, such as band, group,
chorus, and physical education can use the entire classroom period for training instead of using
respected time to take attendance.
Cafeteria: Most cafeteria debt systems use swipe cards or PINs. Schools are now using finger
scanning to eliminate the expenditure and problems associated with these methods and to ensure
accurate reporting. Biometrics is also being used in retailing machines to increase
reimbursements and decrease costs. In addition, by integrating a biometric finger scanning
system with the cafeteria application, accurate lunch reporting for students entitled to the free or
reduced lunch program is provided anonymously, with the important result of increasing
participation by eliminating embarrassment.

Library: School libraries store thousands of millions at schools’ assets such as books,
periodicals, recordings and pieces of art. Librarians can use finger scanning to substitute library
cards eliminating the distribution of library cards with students who have overdue materials.
Transportation: School students get lost at wrong schools and bus stops each day, especially
young students. New buses drivers are hired throughout the school year due to their paths are
frequently changed. This makes it difficult for them to get to know the students well enough to
visually identify them and where they fit. School areas have implemented finger scanning on
buses in order to help the driver know if the student is on the correct bus goes to the correct
school and gets off at the precise stop.
Nurses: Nurses are charged with dispensing medication to students every day. In many schools,
nurses change duties and substitutes dispense medication when the school nurse is unavailable.
Finger scanning provides an irrefutable record, and prevents any potential life threatening errors.
Other Applications: Wireless applications now being developed can assist large schools in
hallway monitoring. This technology can also be applied to off-site student identification for
field trips and outdoor events. Emergency identification as a result of a fire or other disaster is a
critical use of this technology.


Public acceptance is the main reason hindering the Development of biometrics, there is fear
among people that usage of biometrics may lead to annexation of their privacy (freedom from
observation). Different organizations store the information about different biometric identifiers
of people in their database, they are afraid that some organizations might use this information to
track their activities and performance and also share this information with other organizations for
various reason in that their knowledge. People also think that the government uses this
information to track their daily actions and control them completely in the name of fighting
crimes and terrorism, Lee. (2002).

Similarly, kind of misuse of personal information violates the user’s privacy and civil liberty (El-
Abed, Mohammad, Romain, Baptiste & Christophe, 2010). It is exposed through media that
biometrics are complex and are used only in military organizations requiring high level security.

They feel that this level of security is avoidable in their everyday life due to its complexity.
Recognition of biometrics may also depend greatly on the culture, in order for biometrics to gain
public acceptance, the hurdles of privacy and its perception are to be conquered .Mark, (2014).
However, it is difficult to false biometric identifiers but not impossible, behaviuoral biometrics
like signature and voice can easily be stolen compared to physiological biometrics. Although
signature is infrequently used for security, a person’s voice is commonly used. Voice can be
mimicked. Fingerprint scanners can be misled with a silicone finger. A mold of hand can be used
to fake hand biometrics. An image of the face and iris can be used to deceive the biometric
scanning systems. Iris can be faked using a contact lens also. All these techniques of replicating
biometrics should be eliminated. Biometric identification consists of two stages – Enrollment
and Verification .Soutar et al. (1998). The Biometric is converted to a template using an
algorithm and then stored. In the verification stage, a person presents his identity during the
enrollment stage, a person can provide false documents as identifiers and once the new forged
identity has been accepted by the system, a person can engage in a lot of illegal activities.
Chinchilla, (2012).

Despite the biometric attendance system its protecting meaningless, reframe are slighter with
chances of alleviating the information stores and influence of prejudice is less. However, the
performance of the biometric devices in tandem with biometric attendance system need to be
monitored for errors and issues which may pitch in from time to time and the authorities have to
ensure timely fixation of the issues related to biometric attendance system. The operative aspect
of the biometric attendance system makes it very inspiring and to address these challenges is an
important task that administrative authorities have to take care of some of the institutions find it
difficult to manage resources to acquire Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and other
ICT tools to enable proper connectivity of biometric attendance system with biometric devices.
Uninterrupted electricity supply at different educational institutions in isolated location within
the state is an issue of concern. There is fewer recognition of the biometric attendance system by
the stakeholders of an educational institution. Mudasir, (2017). The study further stated
additional challenges which include the following:

i). Technology is not foolproof—Interest probably will not start growing until biometrics
systems overcome technical problems related to the reliability of the biometrics application.
ii). Cost of deployment—deploying biometric readers on every door leading into a building or
every PC on a network can be an expensive proposition. Hardware and software costs may
not be the only consideration the organization must bear in mind the associated complexity
involved in enrolling new users and administering usage training.
iii). Accuracy—Verification and positive identification systems may allow unauthorized users to
access facilities or resources as a result of incorrect matches. In a negative identification
system, the result of a false match may be to deny access.
iv). Resistance to change—as with many technologies, some users would rather not change the
way they do things. Some users have the perception that using a username and password to
log onto a system is faster than using a fingerprint scanner. This perception may arise from
frustration related to the finger rejected rate, a performance measure that tracks the
percentage of times an individual who should be positively accepted is rejected. (Michel &
Richard, 2004).


There are many benefits of integrating biometrics with Student Attendance Management
Systems in educational institutions .Cruz, et al, (2015). Ezema, (2015), reveal that biometric
attendance systems do not require complex technical knowledge so students can easily use the
system with minimal training and can check-in or out through this system by simply placing their
fingers on a biometric hardware device. Biometrics systems also provide a faster process to track
student attendance as well as protect their identity and privacy.

Furthermore, Li. (2017), relates the main benefits of using biometrics for student attendance
tracking to the accuracy it delivers. In educational institutions can centrally and precisely
monitor student attendance to prevent proxy attendance and errors which are common problems
when using traditional check-in and check-out methods. Li. (2017), also adds that biometric
student attendance systems provide a convenient way to check-in and check-out into the system
by simply scanning their fingerprints.

Similarly, Ikuomola, (2014), suggests that biometric student attendance management systems
reduced time consuming in recording class attendance. These systems can track student
attendance in mere seconds which saves lecturers a lot of time correcting attendance data errors
from manual methods. Ikuomola, (2014), reveal that biometric systems not only reduce errors
related to tracking attendance data but also speed up data verification which reduces
administration time and increases productivity.

(Rukshana & Haleem, 2017), opined that in the process of enrollment, biometric systems convert
scanned biometric templates to computer code and store the information in a database. This is
later used for matching and verification, making it almost impossible to duplicate the original
image for spoofing or fraud purposes. Biometric student attendance systems use strong
encryption methods to protect a database from being compromised. This helps to increase
security and protect student privacy.


Most of the attendance systems reviewed uses paper based methods for taking and calculating
attendance and this manual method requires paper sheets and a lot of stationery material.
Previously, very few works have been done relating to the academic attendance monitoring
problems. Biometrics has been used in biological studies including forestry for the collection,
synthesis, analysis as well as management of quantitative data on biological communities such as
forests. Biometrics in reference to biological sciences has been studied and applied for several
generations and is somewhat simply viewed as "biological statistics" (Smart Cart Alliance
Identity Council, 2007).
Development of Biometric techniques in students’ attendance system
Oloyede et al. (2013), carried out extensive research on applicability of biometric technology to
solve the problem of staff attendance. However, the researchers did not propose any software to
address the difficulties of attendance.

According to, Shoewu et al, (2011), which proposed an Embedded Computer-Based Lecture
Attendance Management System, the system is a single- chip computer based subsystems which
is made up of electronic card and card reader. The electronic card includes the student identity,
such as ID, name, matriculation number as well as five encrypted code. The student ID is

authenticated by matching the entrance code with the encrypted code on the card ‘swiped
through the card reader. The student is granted or denial lecture attendance base on the
comparison. The systems however provide a sampled, low cost embedded computer based
system solution is the management. The drawback of the system is that it does not eliminate the
risk of impersonation also the system is device-base where by the student have to carry their
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card and also the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
detectors need to be installed.

Furthermore, (Shehu & Dika, 2011), proposed the real time computer vision algorithms in
automatic attendance management systems. The systems used computer vision, face recognition
algorithms and both are integrated into the process of attendance management. The system
eradicates classical student identification such as calling student names or checking respective
identification card. However, the system lacks to identify each student present in class, this
provide a lower recognition rate because facial images are subject to change between the time of
enrollment as well as the time of verification. It also poses a bigger financial liability during
installation and does not offer privacy protections.
Also, (Kadry & Smaili, 2010), proposed a wireless attendance management based on iris
recognition using Daugman’s algorithm. The system uses an offline iris recognition management
system which can finish all the process including; capturing the image of iris recognition,
extracting minutiae, storing as well as matching.

Adeyemo et al. (2014), developed Attendance Management System using Biometrics System.
The system took attendance of students via a fingerprint module and the records were stored in a
database. There was no false identification of students as success rate was over 90%. However,
the drawback there were no security methods adopted in the database to protect students’ data.
The study reported in, (Eze, Joe-Uzuegbu, Laz & Opara, 2013), shows the design of student/
staff biometric attendance system. The system monitors attendance through online Internet
interfaces. It is a good work but the research fails to show how to allow students' guardians
monitors their students on the website. (Shoewu & Idowu, 2012), proposed the use of fingerprint
to take attendance in a class. The recommendation made was highly worthy in terms of

packaging for easy use and flexibility. However, nothing is reported on students’ attendance
According to, Geetha, (2010), an embedded use of fingerprint verification system which is
widely explored in the areas of fingerprint was proposed. The researcher implemented this plan
on the ZF Microsystems GX based on a single board computer with Cyrix Media GX based on
processor and coprocessor with a bus speed of 180MHz. The board has only provision of
Windows 3.11, 95/98, and Red Hat Linux 4.0 .Survey investigation and analysis of the current
method of paper-based examination authorization in some higher institutions was also encounter
of the impersonation of another user with genuine card. Due to the inadequacy of outdated
methods of clearance, a more secured and accurate biometric based classical is needed to be
formulated and executed.

In addition, Kokumo, (2010), proposed the use of electronic fingerprint scanner to solve student
attendance monitoring difficulty in Bells University of Technology, Ota, Nigeria. The suggested
solution ensures that only valid students are allowed access into lecture venues by capturing
student fingerprint and comparing it with a database of stored fingerprint templates. The system
ensured that only students registered for a particular course are allowed access into lecture
venues. The drawback of system failed to cater for the recording of student attendance and thus
could not provide a means of authenticating students for examination based on lecture

Elmehdi, (2008), developed a mobile system for maintaining time and attendance in schools.
The author seeks to ensure effective monitoring of student attendance records by making such
records available via the mobile phone. A system based on WAP (Wireless Access Protocol) was
developed for monitoring student attendance. While the developed system enjoyed the portability
of the mobile phone, and was noted to provide ease of navigation between modules and
provision for feedback, thereby making the end-user great. The developed solution still depend
on the lecturer to mark the attendance of each student from his/her mobile phone. Use of this
system is therefore time consuming and stressful to the instructors.
(Patel & Priya, 2014), proposed the use of FRID for attendance taking and facial scanner used
for verification. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has long read range and facial
recognition, also has long distance reading. The students are giving identity cards with RFID tag

mounted where they read the student data and pass it on to the server. Database logs are
maintained that contains RFID tag id, and image captured by camera. If the student id from
RFID tag and captured image matches presence is marked, otherwise it is mark absent. The
disadvantage with this system is that it can be expensive since you need several devices i.e. an
RFID reader, a camera and a bigger database also required to record the facial images which also
lead to increase cost.

Somasundaram, et al. (2016), developed an android mobile base authentication system for
students’ attendance tracking using VB.NET and SQL server. It involves registration of
administrators who register and update or delete user records, new users’ registration login
module and SMS module which is used to send an SMS to the parents notifying them of student
presence or absence .The android module is used to receive text messages from students
notifying about their leave.
For this system to function effectively, it requires additional resource from students, staff and
parents where each must have an android phone to communicate student’s attendance status to
both parent and students.


In a research by Oloyede et al., (2013), on the applicability of biometric technology, the
researcher failed to develop any software which is inevitable for taking attendance.

Furthermore, Shoewu et al.(2011), proposed an embedded computer based lecture management

system. The system does not eliminate the problem of impersonation and the student has to carry
the radio frequency identification card with them which may be lost at any time.

Similarly, (Shehu & Daku, 2011), proposed a real time computer vision algorithms in automated
attendance management system. The researcher fails to identify student present in the class, this
provide a lower recognition, because facial images are subject to change between time of
enrollment as well as time of the verification.
Adeyemo et al. (2014), Develop attendance management system using biometric system which
captured attendance of student via fingerprint module and records were stored in a database. The
system failed to provide security method accepted in the database to protect student’s data.

In addition, Kokuma, (2010), proposed an electronic fingerprint scanner to solve student’s
attendance monitoring challenges of Bells University of Technology, Ota, Nigeria. The study did
not deliver the students record attendance and also could not provide a means of authenticating
students for examination based on lecture attendance.

(Patel & Priya, 2014), Reviewed RFID used for attendance taking and facial scanner used for
verification. The reason was that radio frequency identification (RFID) has long read variety and
facial recognition, also has long distance reading. The students are giving identity cards with
RFID tag mounted where they read the student data and pass it on to the server. Database logs
are maintained that contains RFID tag id, and image captured by camera. The disadvantage with
this system is that it can be expensive since you need several devices i.e. an RFID reader, a
camera and database is required to keep the facial images which in variable to increase cost.

Somasundaram, et al. (2016). Developed an android mobile base authentication system student
attendance tracking using VB.NET and SQL server. It involves registration of administrators
who register and update or delete user records, new user’s registration login module and SMS
module which is used to send an SMS to the parents notifying them of student presence or
absence. The researcher is unsuccessful for additional resource from students, staff and parents
where each must have an android phone to communicate student’s attendance status to both
parent and students.


The Biometric Examination Screening and Attendance Monitoring System (BESAMS),
developed by .Rufai et al., (2015), underpinned some of the basic feature of biometric system.
The process in line with the general features and procedures of a biometric system has two parts
which are:
i). A student registers at the beginning of a session by filling an online student and course
registration form.

ii). The biometric identity of the student(e.g. fingerprint) is also captured

iii). The data is preserved in a database

iv). The data is updated on regular interval (e.g. at the beginning of every semester)

Verification takes place before the commencement of the examination. It is repeated two or three
times during and at the end of the examination
i. The student append his fingerprint on the biometric device for data capture
ii. The captured data is compared with the template in the database for a match. The existence
of match confirms the studentship of the candidate
iii. The system checks for the registration and payment status of the student. If this is confirmed
the student access to examination room is granted.
iv. At the end of the exam process (ii) is repeated which serve as one sign out
v. The matric no, name, time of operation and class of the student is extracted as attendance

The formal model of the Biometric Examination Screening and Attendance Monitoring System
as a Finite State Machine BESAMS is defined as a five tupple relationship

BESAMS ││ (S, Σ, s, F, δ) (1)


S is a set of valid states that forms the domain of the BESAMS, S = {s0, s1…, s8} where the
states are:
s0 –System,
s1 – Welcome,
s2 – Biometric ID Capture,
s3 - Register,
s4 – Identity Verification,
s5 – Registration and Payment Status checked
s6 - Attendance is taken
s7 - Entry is granted,
s8 – Entry denied
s9 – Exit

Σ is a set of events that the (ATM) automated teller machine may accept and process, Σ = {e0,
e1… e12} where:
e0 - Start,
e1- Append Fingerprint,
e2 – Supply Registration and Payment Data,
e3 – Check for Fingerprint Match,
e4 – Match Found,
e5 – Match not found,
e6 –Status confirmed,
e7 – status not confirmed,
e8 – Sit allocated,
S is the start state of the ATM, s = s1 (Welcome);

F is a set of ending states, F = {s1};

δ is the transition function of the ATM that determines the next state of the FSM, si+1, on the
basis of the current state si and a specific incoming event ei, i.e., si+1 = δ (si, ei), where δ = f: S
× Σ → S (2











S6 S7

Figure 2.5: The Abstract Transition Model of the BESAMS Behaviours.

Source: Adapted from .Rufai et al, (2015)












Figure 2.6: The Transition Model of the BESAMS Behaviours

Source: Adapted from .Rufai et al. (2015).

In 1996, the System Usability Scale (SUS) was introduced by John Brooke with the object of
developing a quick, reliable and inexpensive method for evaluating the usability of technologies.
John, (1996). The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a survey that consists of only 10 statements
(table), and participants strongly disagree or strongly agree with the statement based on 5-point
Likerts scale. A System Usability Scale can be within range of 0 and 100 for each participant.
The score indicates the usability level of the technology from the respondents without providing
any explanation for the respondent’s perception. Kastsanos et al.(2012).

Similarly, many system were developed for evaluating the usability systems, SUS has some
distinguishing features. Bonger et al. (2008). The SUS is simple and inexpensive compared to
many other methods of system usability evaluation. Moreover, the questionnaire can be
completed quickly because it is short and contains only 10 important questions. The SUS is
between 0 and 100, which makes it understandable by experts and non-experts alike.

Also, Bargor et al. (2008). Created a scale for an acceptable SUS score. A system usability scale
SUS score between 85 and 100 indicate that the system is highly usable. The usability of the
system is excellent when the SUS score is between 70 to about 85, but SUS score from 50 to
about 70, is acceptable.


The conventional methods of student attendance registration in most higher learning institutions
are manual where attendance is written by hand in register, Saheed et al.(2016). Some of the
challenges with the method were when it comes to the retrieval of the data. Students put their
information that is Name and registration number on a piece of paper or the lecturer provides a
list of an enrolled student and their registration details to the students and the students have to
sign against their Names. They also further mention more other challenges which are the

Manual work involved, transfer of the registered information to other systems for
analysis is very tedious and time consuming. Furthermore, the collected data is not used

to help the improved courses and classrooms. While using the current system it is hard to
tell at what point students come in i.e. whether early during the lesson or later just sign in.

The process is error prone since students have found to sign for their colleagues,
therefore accuracy was lost.

Since the attendance is made on paper sheets the same is likely to get lost and students
are requested to sign in again. This will allow the students who had not attended the
lesson earlier to sign in as well.




This Chapter describes the research design, population of the study, sample size, sampling
procedure, research instrument, data collection procedures, data analysis, system modeling
approaches, ethical consideration and limitation of the study.


Research design is the plan on how the researcher goes about finding accurate answers. The
research design plan contain clear objectives, derived from research objective(s), specify the
sources from which data are to be collected, and consider the constraints that may arise, such as
access to data, time, location and money as well as discussing ethical issues (Saunders &
Thornhill, 2007).Thus, this study employed the Experimental Research Design which involve the
development of Biometric Finger print for students attendance which was finally tested and
found. In addition the biometric fingerprint for students’ attendance was configuring using
hardware and software component. The software components include Asp.Net, C# programming
language, My-Sql server 2008, Microsoft Visual studio 2013 while Hardware include fingerprint
scanner, Microcontroller, laptop, Lcd and Buzzer.
The students and staff fingerprints were captured and stored in the database. During attendance
taking, the system prompts the students to place his/her fingerprint on the sensor which is then
captured and compared with the one stored in the database. If there is a match, the attendance of
that student is marked (valid) and the whole process is viewed through the Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD). Besides, if the fingerprint does not match, the fingerprint would be rejected and
mark (invalid) would be displayed on the LCD. The system was evaluated using the System
Usability Scale (SUS) to measure its effectiveness and efficiency.


Hardware components of the developed device consisted of fingerprint scanner, Arduino,

laptop, LCD and Buzzer.

The Arduino
Arduino is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins
(of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs),6 analog inputs, a 16MHZ crystal oscillator, a USB
connection, a power card, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains all things needed to
support the microcontroller. It can be simply connected to a computer with a USB cable as well
as a power cable an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Arduino differs from all
proceeding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features
the Atmega8U2 programmed as a USB-to-serial convertor.

Figure 3.1 Arduino microcontroller

This is a fingerprint sensor scanner with a ticket time limit (TTL) UART interface for direct
connection to microcontroller UART trough MAX232/USB-Serial adapted. This can store the
fingerprint data in the module and can be configured in 1:1 or 1: N mode for identifying the
person. The fingerprint scanner can directly interface with 3v or 5v Microcontroller. A level
convert (like MAX 232) is required for interfacing with PC serial port.

Figure 3.2 the scanner sensor

Circuit Diagram and Description for Fingerprint Attendance System Project

Figure 3.3 Circuit board diagrams

As shown in the circuit diagram above, wire directly connected to pin A0(ENROL), A1(DEL),
A2(UP), A3(DOWN) of Arduino with respect to the ground and Yellow LED is connected at
Digital pin D7 of Arduino with respect to ground through a 1k resistor. Fingerprint module’s Rx
and Tx directly connected at Serial pin D2 and D3 (Software Serial) of Arduino. 5v supply is
used for powering finger print module taken from Arduino board. A buzzer is also connected at
pin A5. A 16x2 LCD is configured in 4-bit mode and its RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, and D7 are
directly connected at Digital pin D13, D12, D11, D10, D9, and D8 of Arduino.


The major purpose of collecting data in this study was to test the application software developed
to work with the biometric device; and to know the challenges being faced with the existing
system. Therefore, huge data was not required. Apart from the interview conducted, the data
necessary for use in this study were collected at two different stages. First, data capturing which
involves the finger print images collected from both staff and students (from 52 students and 5
staff members). Documents in form of forms were used to collect bio data information.
Secondly, at the time to determine the usability of the system developed, questionnaire was
designed and distributed to some stake holders and their responses were analyzed using SUS

Data collection instruments in this study were Structured Interview Guide using Key Informant
Interview (KII) and Closed ended questionnaire. The interview guide was used to gather
information for the analysis of the existing system used in registering students’ attendance in the
polytechnic while the questionnaire was used to collect information for the evaluation of the
developed system using the System Usability Scale (SUS). The questionnaire had the Likert
scale, ranging from 1=Strongly Disagree and 5= Strongly Agree.


The study targeted a population 60 students of the Department of Computer Science of the Kano
state Polytechnic.


The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sample table. For a
population of 70 the computed sample size is 60. Hence the sample size for this study was 60
students’ respondents.


The amount of data needed to be collected by acquiring data from only a subgroup rather than an
entire population is made possible by the use of sampling techniques that provides a range
of methods to achieve this (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill, 2007). Thus, in order to obtain the
sample size of the study, the purposive sampling techniques were employed.


System Usability Scale was the data analysis technique used to analyse data obtained from the
quantitative while Content Analysis method was used to analyse qualitative data obtained from
the interviews conducted.


All data collection procedures were self-administered while the construction of the model was
self-done. Construction of the model, testing and evaluation as well as all data collection
procedure lasted 7 months from September, 2018 – March, 2019.


The following modeling approaches were used in modeling both the system data and
i). Block Diagram of the Proposed System
ii). Sequence Diagram for Administration
iii). Sequence Diagram for Student
iv). Class Diagram
The designed modeling approaches were used to interpret the requirements needed then the
anticipated system functionalities were expected. It also guided the coding of the developed
system. (Howard &, 2015), observed that modeling approach is needed when
designing a database system so that information gatherings can check that the design will satisfy
the requirements.


In conformance with the ethical standards, the letter of introduction collected from the university
was presented at every place necessary while respondents’ consent was also sought and the
research’s motive was fully explained. In order to avoid plagiarism, all quoted works were
properly cited and referenced. To top it all, all data collected were used only for the purpose of
the study.



In this chapter, present the analysis, design and implementation of biometric fingerprint for
students’ attendance are presented.



4.1.1 Analysis of the Existing System of Identifying Students at Kano State Polytechnic,
To find answers to the first objective of the study which aimed at analyzing the existing system
of identifying students at Kano State polytechnic, Nigeria, two key interview informants
participated in the interview. Their responses are discussed as follows:

The findings of both the key interview informants revealed that, the current student attendance
system in use is the manual system (students sign in attendance).

The whole student attendance registration, storage and retrieval are done manual by (students
sign in attendance) (Interviewee1).

The whole of the process of current student registration is purely done on paper recording,
storing which entails retrieval in Kano State Polytechnic (Interviewee2).

Based on the challenges encountered in the current attendance records, the finding shows that,
the challenges encountered include the following: time consuming, prone to error, easily get lost
as there will be only one saved copy of it. The findings further identified additional challenges to
include: impersonation among student by signing for others as well as misplacement of student
attendance by lecturer and student representatives.

The challenges encountered with the current attendance system are::Attendance recording is
prone to error when , easier to misplace or lost as there will be only one copy, time consuming
as well as bias among lecturer and student representative (Interviewee1).

Paper-based Record Keeping System is cheaper and the process is simplified, but challenges
associated with it outweigh its benefits when compared with the biometric fingerprint. For
instance issue of misplacement of student’s records resulting from putting the folder in wrong
place is extremely challenging and its retrieval takes a lot of time. In such circumstances,
security of the stored folders cannot be guaranteed. Besides, there are also issues with regards
to student’s privacy which do arise as a result of the manual mode of transmitting students’
records (Interviewee2).

The finding also revealed that, the student attendance generate reports which include: student
course enrollment, examination attendance as well as class attendance.

The report generated by student attendance in Kano State Polytechnic which include the
following: student examination attendance, student course enrollment, continuous assessment
and student eligibility for examination (75% attendance) (Interviewee1.)

The types of report generated by student attendance in Kano State Polytechnic comprises of test
attendance, exams attendance, students enrollment, active and inactive students, frequency of
students and lecturers attendance (Interviewee2).

Based on the need to improve the current student attendance system , the finding reveal that there
is need to improve the current student attendance thereby eliminating time consuming,
dishonesty among student signing the attendance for others as well as misplacement of
attendance by lecturer and student representative.

There is need to improve these, the current student attendance system so that it can eliminate the
problem of time consuming, dishonesty among student signing for others, Misplacement of
student attendance by lecturer and student representative (Interviewee1).

Yes it is importance to improve the current attendance system so as to eradicate the dishonesty
among student and misplacement of attendance by student representation as well as bias among
lecturer and improve the current system of the Polytechnic (Interviewwe2).

The respondents also revealed the following benefits of biometric fingerprint records system and
implementation which include: save time for student attendance, security purpose both for the

student and lecturer within or outside the school, digital records is maintained for future use and
provide effective and efficient report generation.

The major benefit of biometric fingerprint records system and implementation include: accurate
student attendance, save time for student attendance and it provide effective and efficient report
generation (Interviewee1).
The introduction of biometric fingerprint records will increase the overall satisfaction of student
and help the school authority to take good decision within a specific time (Interviewee2).



4.2.1 System modeling using UML

According to, Nithya Venkatachalma et al. (2016), a detailed design is a blue print of a computer
system solution to a given problem having the same components and inter-relationships among
the same components the original problem. At this stage, database, inputs, forms, outputs,
processing, specifications and codes are outline in detailed. Furthermore, it is during the design
stage that the hardware and software as well as the programming language on which the new
system shall run on are selected.

4.2.2 Software
The list of software development tools which will be used in designing this project are.

WAMP Server version 3.0.6 an integrated development tool was selected for the implementation
of the system.
 Asp.Net
 C# programmed language
 SQL Server 2008
 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

At the front end, HTML and CSS are the most important technologies used in implementing the
system for developing web pages while MySQL was used for implementing the system at the
back end for the design of various tables into MySQL WAMP Server.

4.2.3 Hardware
Set of hardware, which are needed in designing biometric fingerprint attendance system are:

 Fingerprint scanner
 Microcontroller
 laptop
 Buzzer

4.2.4 Block Diagram of the System

According to Vikas et al.(2017). Block diagram of system represents the attendance system
which can be implemented anywhere in the institution, colleges or office. Also it can be used for
security purpose. For the implementation of fingerprint based attendance system Microcontroller
ATMEGA32A is used. It has several advantages over other microcontroller such as, low power
consumption, high speed of operation, low price, and wide range of peripherals. The
microcontroller is interfaced with fingerprint module. Fingerprint module scan users fingerprint
and send data to microcontroller for further process. A person put his/her finger on fingerprint
scanner if it matches with previous database the LCD shows person “verified” otherwise show
“not verified”.

Figure 4.1: Diagram of the biometric finger print of student attendance

4.2.5 Diagram
According to. Hoffer, et al, (2002). Class diagrams are the most popular UML diagrams used by
the object oriented community. It describes the objects in a system and their relationships. Class
diagram consists of attributes and functions. A single class diagram describes a specific aspect of
the system and the collection of class diagrams represents the whole system. Basically the class
diagram represents the fixed view of a system.

Similarly. Adewole, et al, (2014). Moreover, Class diagram was not only used for visualizing
describing and documenting different aspects of a system but also for constructing executable
code of the software application. Other uses include describe the attributes, operations and also
the constraints imposed on the system. The classes diagrams are widely employed in the
software modeling of object oriented systems because they are the only UML diagrams which
can be mapped directly with object oriented languages .The class diagram shows a collection of

classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations and constraints. That is referred to as a structural

Figure 4.2 : Class Diagram for staff and student biometric attendance system.

4.2.6 Sequence Diagram for Administrator

Sequence diagrams describe intersections among classes in terms of exchanging messages
actively. They are also called event diagrams, a sequence diagram is a good way to pictured and

authenticate various runtime scenarios. These can help to predict how a system will behave and
to determine tasks a class may need to complete in process of modeling a new system.

The sequence diagram is a unified modeling language (UML) diagram that depicts the
behaviuoral features of a system in conjunction with the class diagram or use case. (Dobing &
Parsons, 2006). It shows that the sequence diagram is more commonly used in practice than
teamwork defect diagram.


Validate Fingerprint

Return Response

Upload Captured
Cross Match Fingerprint


Figure 4.3: Fingerprint procedures by the Administrator.

4.2.7 Sequence Diagram for Student



Enter Login Login details

Details () Accepted ()

Login ()

Not yet time

For class ()

Update attendance
Information in

Figure 4.4: Sequence Diagram showing Logging Procedures for Students.


4.3.1 Database Structure

Table 4.1: Admin login

Table 4.1 administrator table in SQL.

They are four attribute Namely, ID, username, password and image, the data type is written
against attribute, while the attribute that does not allowed empty value is indicated (as uncheck
box only two).

Table 4.2: Structure of Lecturer Login Information.

Lecturer Table: Maintains five attribute Namely, ID, surname, other name, phone no. and image,
the data type is written against attribute, while the attribute that does not allowed empty value is
indicated (as uncheck box only two).

Table 4.3: Structure of Student Login Information.

Table Stores five attribute consists of ID, first name, reg, no. date and time. The data type is
written against attribute, while the attribute that does not allow empty value is indicated (as
uncheck box only two).

Table 4.4: Structure for Bio data of Lecturer and Records Storage.

These table stores twelve attribute Namely, ID, staff no, surname, other name address, dob.etc.
The data type is written against attribute, while the attribute that does not allow empty value is
indicated (as uncheck box only two).

Table 4.5: Structure of Bio data of Student and Record Storage

These tables contain fourteen attribute namely. ID, surname, other name, sex, dob,
address, phone,email,facaulty,etc The data type is written against attribute, while the attribute
that does not allow empty value is indicated (as uncheck box only one).

Table 4.6: Structure of Course Registration

They are five attribute namely, tables contain eleven attribute namely. ID, course name, course
code, course room, year of course. The data type is written against attribute, while the attribute
that does not allow empty value is indicated (as uncheck box only two).

Table 4.7: Structure of Student Record

They are seven attribute namely, tables contain eleven attribute namely. ID, name, reg, no, date
and time, image, course code, and course. The data type is written against attribute, while the
attribute that does not allow empty value is indicated (as uncheck box only two).


The fingerprints of each student and members of staff were captured during the registration
exercise using a fingerprint reader in the form of digital personal fingerprint scanner. The
required unique features were extracted and stored in the database as a template for the subject
along with the ID. Those features formed a template that is used to determine the identity of the
student as well as for formulating process of authentication. The registration/authentication
process is carried out by an administrator (researcher). Students’ data are collected and stored
during the registration process where students’ names, sex, date of birth, address, school,
department, registration number, phone number and e-mails are provided same data was also
collected and registered for the members of staff except that the staff provided their staff Identity
numbers instead of registration numbers. After the registration process, verification process was
also conducted with the sole purpose of comparing the students’ finger prints with the data
already stored in the data base during the registration exercise. For the verification exercise, the
extracted features for each and every student are compared with the stored features in the
database to determine a match.

In situations where a student failed to be verified, it was the responsibility of the administrator to
confirm whether the student was actually registered in the first place such students were expected
to clear with the administrator in case of any inaccuracies or abnormalities in the registration
process. The lecturers were registered on the device so that records of attendance by lecturers
teaching courses could be taken by the device. This could curtail cases where lecturers fill in
fake information to show that they attend lectures promptly while they do not. Biometric
fingerprint for student attendance system is recorded digitally by scanning the fingerprint. The
process of capturing student/staff fingerprints include: enrollment of students, verification of
students as well as deleting of students from the database. The pseudo code below shows the
detailed in capturing students finger prints.

Step 1: fingerprint scanner from serial port.

Step 2: Get sensor information

Step 3: Start service to read a finger

Step 4: Wait that finger is read

Step 5: Checks if finger is not enrolled go to 8

Step 6: Display ID number

Step 7: Go to step 16

Step 8: Convert read image to characteristics and store it in the database….1

Step 9: Wait that finger is read again

Step 10: Compare the fingerprint with the enrolled fingerprint store in the database

Step 11: If the finger is match it will show successful

Step 12: Generate a template and store it to fingerprint scanner device.

Step 13: Get ID and save in the database.

Step 14: Show successful

Step 15: Print success message

Step 16: Stop


Step 1: Initialize fingerprint scanner from serial port

Step 2: Start service to read the fingerprint

Step 3: Wait that finger is read

Step 4: If finger match go to step 7

Step 5: show “finger print not fund”

Step 6: Go to step 3

Step 7: Match position with database and get id

Step 8: Show successful or unsuccessful

Step 9: Print report of student attendance

Step 10: Stop


Step 1: Get student id
Step 2: Check student in database
Step 3: If student found go to step 6
Step 4: Print “student not found”
Step 5: got to step 12
Step 6: Initialize Fingerprint Scanner from Serial Port
Step 7: Get sensor information
Step 8: Start service to read a finger
Step 9: Wait that templates are read
Step 10: Delete from database
Step 11: Delete from device
Step 12: Stop

Fingerprint sensor module captures finger print images and then converts it into the equivalent
template and saves them into its memory as per selected ID by Arduino. All the processes like
taking images of fingerprints, changing it into templates and storing as ID are ordered by
Arduino. Figure 4.12 below shows how the fingerprint is captured.

Figure 4.5: Biometric Device capturing Student Fingerprint



This developed system will reduce the manual work and avoid redundant data, efficient reports
which cannot be generated and are difficult to maintain in manual attendance registration are
achievable with the automated approved however, and with this system data can be safeguarded
and can be easily retrieved whenever needed.

5.1 The System Main Menu implementation.

Figure 5.1: Main Menu

Figure 5.1 shows the administrator login phase where students and lecturers are registered. Here
the administrator can log in by clicking on the home login and then proceeds to other locations.
So also lecturers and students can proceed to other actions by clicking on the various options on
the main menu.

Figure 5.2: The Interface showing Biometric Enrollment System

Figure 5.2 shows the biometric introduction page. A drop down button where one chooses to
enroll the fingerprint, enrollment has to be done first after which one is allowed to attend classes.
This serves as security measure in order to ensure that only authorized users get access.

Figure 5.3: An Interface of Administrator Login.

Figure 5.3 shows the login page of administrator. The administrator types in his/her user name,
password and fingerprint in order to navigate to the main page to perform enrollment.

Figure 5.4: An Interface of Lecturer Login.

Figure 5.4: shows the attendance activator for lecturers giving lectures in any particular class.
The lecturer will have to log in, inputs his/her fingerprint for verification and then activates a
particular session of class, date and time. Students cannot register their attendance unless with
the lecturer’s notice.

Figure 5.5: An Interface for Lecturer Enrollment.

Figure 5.5 shows where lecturers’ bio data including fingerprints are captured. Personal data
captured here are lecturer’s ID number, surname; others name sex, date of birth, address, phone
number, email, school, and department. After putting all the necessary data, each user (lecturer)
was verified for matching with the data already stored in the database.

Figure 5.6: An Interface of Student Login.

Figure 5.6 shows an interface where students can log in to the biometric fingerprint platform to
perform the required activities after which they could be allowed to attend lectures.

Figure 5.7: An Interface for Students Enrollment (first login).

Figure 5.7 shows a page where the administrator confirms whether a student was duly registered
or not. After putting the students’ registration number, data in respect of the student that was
initially stored in the database is displayed automatically this proves that, the student was really

Figure 5.8: Capturing of Lecturer Image.

Figure 5.8 shows lecturers’ facial images to ascertain whether there is a match with template in
the database for the facial image of each lecturer.

Figure 5.9: An Interface of Register Students Photograph.

Figure 5.9 above shows where students’ facial images are taken to determine whether they match
with the templates stored in the database for the facial image of each student in the classroom.

Figure 5.10: Interface for adding Courses.

Figure 5.10 shows where the administrator uses to add the various courses for the semester in the
database, for instance, in the page displayed above, year two semester one course titled
“database” is displayed here.


5.2.1 To analyze the existing system being used in Kano State Polytechnic.
Findings from the Key Informant Interview conducted revealed that Kano State Polytechnic has
been using a manual system keeping in students’ attendance records. This finding was in line
with the findings of (Walia & Jain, 2016), which revealed that most educational institutions in
the developing countries still use paper based attendance method for maintaining the attendance
records. There is a need to replace these manual methods of attendance recording with biometric
attendance system.

The findings also showed that the challenges encountered in the current attendance records
include: time consuming, prone to error, easily get lost as there will be only one saved copy of it,
dishonesty among student signing for others as well as misplacement of student attendance by
lecturer and student representative. This outcome also agreed with that of (Shrilakshmi &
Arpitha, 2018), where it was revealed that schools and colleges monitor their students’
attendance using paper and pen registers which takes long time for the lecturer to call out each
student and mark attendance.

In line with this, it was also discovered that in Kano State Polytechnic, reports on students’
attendance are generated including information on the students’ course enrollment, examination
attendance as well as class attendance records. Agreeing with this was the finding made by
Gunjan et al.(2015), that developed a palm vein pattern-based biometric recognition system
whereby the student places his/ her finger over the fingerprint device and the student’s
matriculation number is sent to the database as having attended that particular lecture. At the end
of the semester, reports are generated to enlist the name of students that are eligible for
examination and number of times the student attended lecture.

The proposed system and the old system are compared based on a number of metrics as shown in
the following table:

Table 5.1 Comparison of the Old and New System


Possibility of impersonation Possible Impossible

Security Not Secured Secured

Timing Slow Fast

Report Generated Prone to Error Accurate & Reliable

Figure 5.11: showing Comparison of the manual attendance system with the fingerprint-
based attendance system.

Based on the figure the attendance system using manual method may take 10 to 25 second
which is time consuming and prone to errors. While the student attendance system using
fingerprint based may take less time not like the manual method, may take 0 to 5 second which
shows that is more efficient, effectiveness and accurate.

5.2.2 To design and develop a biometric system for immediate identification of the students
The Biometric Fingerprint for students was designed using software and hardware components
including Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, Sql Server 2008, C# programming language, Asp.Net

(HTML) and CSS. Hardware component are; fingerprint sensor, Microcontroller, LCD and
Buzzer. SQL Server was used for the implementation of the developed system at the back-end
for the design of various tables into SQL Server. SQL database management system is popular
for many reasons; it is fast and easy to set up, use and administer. In addition, it runs on many
operating system platforms such as Windows and UNIX, and SQL based programs can be
written in many languages. At the front-end, HTML and CSS are the technologies used in
implementing the system and the most important technologies used for developing web pages.
Most of the front-end framework uses Hypertexts Markup Language (HTML), whereas CSS
allows the user to separate the content of the website from its style.

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is

used to develop computer programs as well as websites, web app, web services and mobile apps.
Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as window API and Asp.Net.
The Asp.Net is an open- source server-side web app framework designed for web development
to produce dynamic pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build
dynamic web sites, web app and web services. C# is an object-oriented programming language
used with XML-based web services on the .NET platform and designed for improving
productivity in the development of web application whereas fingerprint sensor is an electronic
device used to capture a digital image of the fingerprint pattern while a Microcontroller is the
circuit that contains the fingerprint sensor. A graphic LCD displays information of registered
students as an output.

5.2.3 To capture the finger print of registered students at Kano State Polytechnic using a
biometric device.
Students’ finger prints were captured using a finger print sensor which has two modules
including enrollment module and authentication module. The enrollment module was used to the
enroll users and their fingerprint into the system database. During enrollment, the fingerprint and
other bio-data of the user is captured and the unique features are extracted from the fingerprint
image and stored in a database as a template for the subject along with the user’s ID. Besides,
staff bio data captured included staff number, surname, other names, sex, position, staff type,
phone number, email, department and passport photograph. For students, bio data captured

included matriculation number, surname, other-names, sex, department, level, phone number and
passport photograph.
The authentication module was used to validate identity of the persons intending to access the
system. The person to be authenticated indicates his/her identity and places his/her finger on the
fingerprint scanner. The fingerprint images captured is enhanced and thinned at the image
processing stage, and at feature extraction stage after which the biometric template is extracted.
It is then fed to a matching algorithm which matches it with the person’s biometric template
stored in the system database to establish the identity.

5.3 Evaluating the performance of the developed biometric System using registered and
unregistered student.
Biometric system will never generate error-free recognition results. However, with appropriate
instruction and direction on the way to position the fingerprint when capturing the users, the rate
of errors can be reduced. In order to ascertain the performance of any system, evaluation should
be conducted. Hence, to evaluate performance of the developed biometric system, sixty (60)
students of the School of Technology were used. The fingerprint captured for all registered
students were found as valid inputs while the fingerprint of unregistered students not yet
captured were found as in valid inputs by the system.

The table 5.1 below shows the details of student biometric attendance system evaluation.

Student Enrollment Process 60% 0%

Student Verification process 55% 5%

The SUS system usability scale is generally used after the respondent partaken an opportunity to
use the system being evaluated, but before any debriefing or discussion takes place. Respondents
should be asked to record their immediate response to each item.
To calculate the SUS score, first sum the score contributions from each item. Each item's score
contribution will range from 0 to 4. For items 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 the score contribution is the scale
position minus 1. For items 2,4,6,8 and 10, the contribution is 5 minus the scale position.
Multiply the sum of the scores by 2.5 to obtain the overall value of SUS.

Table 5.2: To compute the usability of the application developed in this study based on
system usability scale (SUS)
Strongly Strongl
dis agree y
1 2 3 4 5
1 The system consistently accept  4
the already captured
2 It can be inferred from the  4
system that special knowledge
is required to use biometric
3 The system is found to be  4
more advantageous than using
manual method of identifying
4 I believe this is perfect  4
techniques to get rid of
impersonation during the
5 The Biometric fingerprint is  4
found to be well integrated
6 It is a good approach if all  4
lectures and examination can
introduce the use of this
7 I am satisfied with how easy it  4
is to use this system
8 I feel so frustrated using this  3
9 The system shows that  4
biometric is capable of
curbing impersonation
0 The proposed system appears  3
to be secured and accurate
Total score = 38

SUS Score = 38×2.5 = 95%.

In order to calculate the SUS, one filled questionnaire by the students was taken as a sample
based on which the system usability scale (SUS) was calculated as shown in the table below.

Table 5.3: Computation of User Response for Usability Testing.

No. of Total SUS No. of Total SUS No. of Total SUS No. of Total SUS
respond score score respon score score respon score score respo score score
ent dent dent ndent

1 40×2.5 100 16 31×2.5 77.5 31 29×2.5 72.5 46 36×2.5 90

2 30×2.5 75 17 38×2.5 95 32 28×2.5 70 47 27×2.5 67.5

3 37×2.5 92.5 18 36×2.5 90 33 29×2.5 72.5 48 35×2.5 87.5

4 40×2.5 100 19 40×2.5 100 34 28×2.5 70 49 26×2.5 65

5 31×2.5 77.5 20 36×2.5 90 35 29×2.5 72.5 50 36×2.5 90

6 36×2.5 90 21 33×2.5 82.5 36 29×2.5 72.5 51 32×2.5 80

7 34×2.5 85 22 36×2.5 90 37 29×2.5 72.5 52 36×2.5 90

8 30×2.5 75 23 31×2.5 77.5 38 29×2.5 72.5 53 40×2.5 100

9 37×2.5 92.5 24 37×2.5 92.5 39 36×2.5 90 54 30×2.5 75

10 38×2.5 95 25 32×2.5 80 40 29×2.5 72.5 55 33×2.5 82.5

11 36×2.5 90 26 31×2.5 77.5 41 27×2.5 67.5 56 30×2.5 75

12 30×2.5 75 27 31×2.5 77.5 42 35×2.5 87.5 57 31×2.5 77.5

13 38×2.5 95 28 30×2.5 75 43 29×2.5 72.5 58 34×2.5 85

14 31×2.5 77.5 29 36×2.5 90 44 34×2.5 85 59 32×2.5 80

15 34×2.5 85 30 31×2.5 77.5 45 36×2.5 90 60 29×2.5 72.5

∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 = 𝑥̅ =

= = 81.7%

Based on the findings made from the calculation of the SUS table as shown, the system indicated
that the overall percentage of SUS score was 81.7%. This means that, the respondents agreed that
the system was usable to them and appears to be more secured and accurate as well as capable of
curbing impersonation. These results have shown that a revolutionary and systematic system is
indeed needed in the higher institution for efficient process of recording and reporting the
students’ attendances. Same findings were made by .Bargor et al. (2008), which created a scale
for an acceptable System Usability Scale (SUS) score. A SUS score between 85 and 100 indicate
that the system is highly usable. The usability of the system is excellent when the SUS score is
between 70 to about 85.With an SUS score from 50 to about 70, the acceptability is good.

5.4 Testing of the Prototype System

Both unit and system testing (system as a whole) were carried out using some sample data from
the filled questionnaire in order to ensure that the proposed system conforms to the needs and
characteristics of the polytechnic. In this case, all the system’s logical and run – time errors as
well as debug were detected and corrected before the system was integrated as a whole.
Once a source code has been generated, the software must be tested to detect and correct possible
errors before delivery to a client. A series of test cases with high chance of finding errors are
available for use. To detect errors, software techniques are used. These techniques provide
systematic guidance for designing test that

(1) Exercise the internal logic of software components, and

(2) Exercise the input and output fields of the program to uncover errors in program function,
behavior and performance.

5.4.2 Steps: Software is tested from two different views:
(1) Internal program aim is exercised using: white box‖ test case design techniques.
(2) Software requirements are exercised using: block box‖ test case design techniques.
In both cases, the intent is to find the maximum number of errors with the minimum amount of
effort and time.
Unit testing focuses on verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design and software
component. The unit test is white-box oriented. The unit testing is implemented in every
component of student attendance system. By giving correct manual input to the system, the data
is stored in the database and retrieved. If one wants a module to access input or get output from
the end user, any error will accumulated the time will provide supervisor to show what type of
error will accrued.
White box technique was employed in conducting unit testing which was utilized as a part of
testing solitary unit of source code. According to. Johan, (2013), unit testing tests a small
function which is testing a single unit of source code, for example, individual units of code,
function/class level.

5.5.1 System Testing

Johan, (2013), commented that, system testing is geared towards testing the validity of the result.
Shiva, (2012), reported that, System Testing is geared towards functional requirements of an
application in order to verify that the system components perform a control function, to perform
the inter-system test and demonstrate that the system does both functionally and operationally as
specified. Moreover, (Jeff & Paul, 2015), contended that system testing is targeted towards
eliminating faults as early as possible, improve quality, reduce cost and preserve customer

5.5.2 Performance Testing

Performance testing is designed to test the run-time performance of software within the context
of an integrated system. Performance testing occurs throughout all steps in the testing process.
Even at the unit level, the performance of an individual module may be assessed as white-box
tests are conducted.

A test case is an object for executing other modules in the design that does not represent any
interaction by itself. A test case is a set of sequential steps to execute a test operating on a set of
predefined inputs to produce certain expected outputs. There are two types of test cases:-manual
and automated. A manual test case is executed manually while an automated test case is executed
using automation.

In system testing, test data should cover the possible values of each parameter based on the
requirements. Since testing of every value is impossible, a few values should be chosen from
each equivalence class. An equivalence class is a set of values that should all be treated the same.
Ideally, test cases that check error conditions are written separately from the functional test cases
and should have steps to verify the error messages and logs. Realistically, if functional test cases
are not yet written, it is ok for testers to check for error conditions when performing normal
functional test cases. It should be clear which test data, if any is expected to trigger errors.



Biometric techniques remain the most secure and safe means of authenticating, since tokens can
be stolen and presented by another person. Passwords and username can be shared, but as for
biometric, the users has to appear in person to be authenticated. A biometric technology is also
becoming the foundation of an extensive display of higher secure identification and personal
verification solution. As the matter fraud raises and the level of security infringes, the
requirement for higher secure identification and personal verification technology are becoming

Based on the findings made by this study, it can be concluded that the existing methods of
student registration in use at the Polytechnic was purely manual which is more time wasting,
laborious and insecure. Thus, by continuing to use that method, the authenticity of records
especially those of students attendance could not be guaranteed and cases of impersonation by
students during lectures and examinations cannot be curtailed as such the quality of education
can be comprised.

Secondly, evaluation of the Biometric Fingerprint for students’ attendance developed in this
study indicated the accuracy and effectiveness of the system hence; it can be concluded that the
system was reliable and recommendable for use in institutions of higher learning in order to
ensure that records of students’ identification and attendance are reliable and authentic. The
devise could also address the problem of identifying students during taking of lectures or writing
examination. The study have shown that the develop system was reliable and capable enough to
curb impersonations in examinations.
The third objective of the study was to capture the fingerprints of some students using the
biometric device. This was successfully achieved as a total of 60 students were registered using
the developed system. Obviously, fingerprint is one of the best and effective means of
identifying people as no two persons have same fingerprints thus, it can be concluded that once
used accordingly, this system will surely serve the purpose of students’ identification that is

necessary for credible record keeping that can help in solving sensitive issues such as
impersonations. The fingerprint based students’ attendance system is very effective as it requires
students to physically present themselves for the identification process. The fingerprint technique
came up with high acceptability, collectability, circumvention, performance, permanence,
uniqueness and medium universality. Also, in terms of economy of scale this method is cost
effective and does not need a complex hardware and software. Using this system will overwhelm
the hitches of the current system within the study domain.
Evaluation of the developed system which was one of the specific objectives of the study was also
successfully done because during the testing process, fingerprints of all students who were not
duly registered on the system during the authentication process were rejected and tagged as
‘invalid”. Thus, conclusively, the system can be said to be very effective for the purpose it was
meant. The developed system has proved to be more successfully when compared with manual
systems. The genuineness in the use of fingerprint makes it reliable access control technique. The
fact that a user no longer needs to carry identity card and other documents for identification
explain the ease to use. Student verification system redefines the manual verification system,
hence forestalls academic fake and illegal studentship certificate.

Finally, computation of the usability of the developed system which was done using the SUS
gave 81.7% hence; the system was found to be very useful. Therefore, it can be concluded that a
reliable, secure, fast and an efficient system has been developed replacing a manual and
unreliable system. Results have shown that this system can be implemented in academic
institutes everywhere for better results regarding the management of attendance. This system will
save time, reduce the amount of work the administration has to do and will replace the stationery
material with electronic apparatus.

Generally, based on findings made on the developed students’ identification system, it can be
concluded that the numerous problems being faced in schools and universities pertaining
students attendance in lectures and during examinations especially cases of impersonations can
be brought to an end by the adoption of this system. Thus, quality of education can also be
guaranteed through ensuring that students attend lectures physically and write examinations by
themselves against what is obtained with the use of manual attendance taking using registers

where students fill in attendance forms for their friends who are physically absent in the class or
go to the extent of writing examinations for their friends.


 The biometric system should be made available in every lecture room or hall for proper
identification of students.

 Necessary support should be given to the Electronic Engineering Department for

subsequent maintenance of these devices.

 Since the biometric attendance system is faster, more accurate and secured, academic
institutions should adopt it in lieu of the manual approach.


This study can be extended through several ways:-

 More security may be provided to interface by ensuring that introduced information will be
inserted through authorized operators.
 The study can further be improved upon to automatically calculate attendance percentage of
students and intimate the lecturers if a student’s attendance is below an acceptable
 The system can be further implemented using a wireless network for the transmitting student
record directly to the database of the application software rather than SD card.
 Using multi-model biometric system (using two or more biometric feature) to identify staff
or student. The present system identifies student and staff with only fingerprint biometric
features, incorporating other biometric features such as face, voice iris or retina will
definitely enhance the performance and security of the system.


i). This study has demonstrated how part of human body can be used to uniquely identify
students and staff, a system has been developed which is capable of running online and
therefore can be used regardless of location.

ii). With the use of Visual basic and other supporting software, this study establishes secured
communication between the biometric device and the application developed that guarantee
smooth capturing of finger print images.
iii). This study also demonstrates how biometric technique can be implemented to achieve an
interactive system in dot net environment.


Although not many limitations were faced in the conduct of this study, some constraints
especially with regards to finances were experienced. A number of measures were taken to
ensure that effectiveness of the outcome of the study was not affected. Besides, construction of
the system was also very hectic, difficult and time consuming. However, this was overcome as
enough time was allocated for the study by suspending all other schedules; this ensures a very
accurate and a reliable system.

This project focused on the protection of student manual attendance system using fingerprint
biometric. The fingerprint Biometrics is one of the most successful applications of biometric
technology. The use of fingerprint for student attendance monitoring System serves as a good
alternative for traditional manual signing processes that was previously been used in class
attendance and examination attendance. Reviewing and assessing the authentication system for
student class attendance follows a hierarchical flow from policies down through the specific
actions taken to enforce them.

In the old system, attendance is usually noted using paper sheets and the old file system, this
approach has been in use for a long time. It becomes difficult and obsolete for the management
to regularly update the record. For any growing institution, tracing and checking student
attendance could be tedious, time consuming and more prone to errors. Keeping up with security
threats and countermeasures requires a continuous education and understanding.

The programming languages that was chosen were Microsoft Visual 2013 and MSSQL
Server 2008 those languages was discussed briefly. The implementation of all the components
were tested and integrated for proper performance and evaluation of the system. This verifies
that the system elements have been properly integrated.

Students Attendance summary functions are the most important and more convenient function in
the system. It will provide valuable details which can access whole information of the students
with historical data. Supervisor can refer student’s history in few second. This is vast
improvement produced by the system. Therefore user no need to waste time to check the all
personal files. Therefore it minimizes the stress involved in manual computation of attendance
and the system is easy to deploy and operate but the system does not eliminate the risk of


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Appendix A: Interview Guide

1. What is the current student attendance system in use in Kano State Polytechnic?


2 What are the challenges you encountered with the current student attendance system in
use in Kano State Polytechnic?


3 What type of report do you generate for student’s attendance in Kano State Polytechnic?


4 Is there need to improve on the current student’s system used in Kano State Polytechnic?


5 What are the major benefits of biometric fingerprint records system implementation?


6 Thank you very much for your input. Are there any other comments on biometric finger
record system which we didn’t ask but that you think is essential?



Participant’s code:
Interviewee 1
Interviewee 2

----------------------------------- **************************----------------------------------


The first interview was conducted with the Head of Department for Computer Science of School
of Technology, Matan Fada Road, what is the current student attendance system in use in Kano
State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 1

The current student attendance system in use is the manual system (students sign in attendance).
Based on my experience, the current system in Kano State Polytechnic is a manual system which
is use in keeping records of student attendance.


What are the challenges you encountered with the current student attendance system in use in
Kano State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 1

The challenges encountered in the current attendance system used in Kano State Polytechnic
include: prone to error when recording attendance, time consuming as well as bias among
lecturer and student representative.

The challenges associated with the current attendance system comprises of time consuming,
dishonesty among student signing for others, Misplacement of student attendance by lecturer and
student representative.


What type of report do you generate for student’s attendance in Kano State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 1

The report we generated in Kano State Polytechnic include the following: student examination
attendance, student course enrollment and student eligibility for examination (75% attendance).

Based on my knowledge, the Kano State Polytechnic student attendance report generates
continuous assessment, practical attendance as well as exam attendance.


Is there need to improve on the current student’s attendance used in Kano State Polytechnic?


Yes, there is need to improve the current student attendance system so that it can eliminate the
problem of time consuming, dishonesty among student signing for others, Misplacement of
student attendance by lecturer and student representative.

Yes it is importance to improve the current attendance system so as to eradicate the dishonesty
among student and misplacement of attendance by student representation.


What are the major benefits of biometric fingerprint records system implementation?

Interviewee 1

The major benefit of biometric fingerprint records system implementation include: accurate
student attendance, save time of student attendance and it provide effective and efficient report

The biometric fingerprint record implementation will provide us with security purpose both to
the student and lecturer within or outside the school as well as digital records is maintained for
future use.

The second interview was conducted with staff of computer science department in order to
assess how current system records recorded, stored and retrieved within the organization.


What type of report do you generate for student’s attendance in Kano State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 2

The Kano State Polytechnic use manual record system to keep student record which is based on
pen and paper register.


What are the challenges you encountered with the current student attendance system in use in
Kano State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 2

Based on my experience, the current challenges encountered in manual system include the
following: dishonesty among students (student signing for other), misplacement by student
representative as well as security and privacy among student.


What type of report do you generate for student’s attendance in Kano State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 2

The types of report we generated for student attendance in Kano State Polytechnic comprises of
test attendance, exams attendance and class attendance.


Is there need to improve on the current student’s used in Kano State Polytechnic?

Interviewee 2

there is need to improve the current student attendance by eliminating time consuming in taking
attendance as well as bias among lecturer and student representative.


What are the major benefits of biometric fingerprint records system implementation?

Interviewee 2

The introduction of biometric fingerprint records implementation will increase the overall
satisfaction of student and help the school authority to take good decision making within a
specific time about the student.

Dear Sir/ Madam
Iam Auwalu Sunusi a student of Kampala International University Uganda, undertaking a
research thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a Master Degree in
Computer science. This questionnaire has been designed for the sole purpose of collecting data
on system quality as part of the evaluation of a “developing an access control system for
students’ identification using biometric finger print techniques”.
I humbly request your participation is voluntary and the result of this study will be used for
academic purpose only. And answering this questionnaire according to your true and sincere
opinion. Be assured that the data collected will be treated with a very high degree of
confidentiality; the identity of respondents will be kept anonymously.
Strongly Strongly
dis agree agree

1 2 3 4 5
1 The system consistently accept the o o o o o
already captured fingerprints
2 It can be inferred from the o o o o o
system that special knowledge is
required to use biometric system
3 The system is found to be more o o o o o
advantageous than using manual
method of identifying students
4 I believe this is perfect techniques o o o o o
to get rid of impersonation during
the examinations
5 The Biometric fingerprint is found o o o o o
to be well integrated
6 It is a good approach if all o o o o o
lectures and examination can
introduce the use of this system
7 I am satisfied with how easy it is o o o o o
to use this system
8 I feel so frustrated using this o o o o o
9 The system shows that biometric o o o o o
is capable of curbing
10 The proposed system appears to o o o o o
the secured and accurate

The following code has been used to allow connection between fingerprint reader and
visual studio interface.




#include <Adafruit_Fingerprint.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F,2,1,0,4,5,6,7,3,POSITIVE);

Adafruit_Fingerprint finger = Adafruit_Fingerprint(&mySerial);

int ledgreen=7;int ledred=5;int buzzer=6;void setup() {

pinMode(ledgreen,OUTPUT); pinMode(ledred,OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzer,OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial); delay(100);

Serial.println("finger detect test"); finger.begin(57600); lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.backlight();

if (finger.verifyPassword()) { Serial.println("Found fingerprint sensor!"); } else {

Serial.println("Did not find fingerprint sensor :("); while (1) { delay(1); } }

Serial.print("Sensor contains "); Serial.print(finger.templateCount); Serial.println(" templates");

Serial.println("Waiting for valid finger...");

lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("put right thumb"); lcd.setCursor(0,1);

lcd.print("for verification"); delay(1000);}void loop(){ getFingerprintIDez(); delay(50);}

uint8_t getFingerprintID() { uint8_t p = finger.getImage(); switch (p) { case

Serial.println("Image taken"); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("image




Serial.println ("No finger detected"); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("No

Finger detected"); return p; case FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR:
Serial.println("Communication error"); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0);
lcd.print("communication"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("error"); return p; case
FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL: Serial.println("Imaging error");

lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Imaging error"); return p; default:

Serial.println("Unknown error");

lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Unknown error"); return p; } case

// found a match!

SerMNNial.print("Found ID "); Serial.print(finger.fingerID);

lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("match"); digitalWrite(ledgreen,HIGH);


digitalWrite(ledgreen,LOW); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("success"); delay(1000);


lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("put right thumb"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("for


delay(1000); p = finger.image2Tz(); return finger.fingerID;

void loop()

{ getFingerprintIDez(); delay(50);}

uint8_t getFingerprintID() { uint8_t p = finger.getImage(); switch (p) {


Serial.println ("Image taken"); lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("image


break; case FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER: Serial.println("No finger detected");


lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("No Finger detected"); return p;}

// returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns ID #

int getFingerprintIDez() {

uint8_t p = finger.getImage();

if (p != FINGERPRINT_OK) return -1;lcd.clear();lcd.setCursor(0,0);lcd.print("thank

OW);digitalWrite(buzzer,HIGH); }

namespace final_fingerprint_interface
{public partial class register_student : Form
SqlCommand cmd;
string imgloc = "";
SpeechSynthesizer jarvis = new SpeechSynthesizer();
PromptBuilder pb = new PromptBuilder();

SpeechRecognitionEngine recog = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
public register_student() { InitializeComponent(); }
private void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR);
con.Open(); try { byte[] img = null;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(imgloc, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
img = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
string isql = "insert into
lty,s_department,s_year,s_part,s_image) values ('" + textBox1.Text + "','" + textBox2.Text + "','"
+ textBox3.Text + "','" + comboBox1.Text + "','" + dateTimePicker1.Text + "','" +
richTextBox1.Text + "','" + textBox4.Text + "','" + textBox5.Text + "','" + comboBox2.Text +
"','" + comboBox3.Text + "','" + comboBox4.Text + "','" + comboBox5.Text + "',@img)";
cmd = new SqlCommand(isql, con);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@img", img));
int x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
MessageBox.Show(x.ToString(), "sucess");
catch (Exception ex)
finally { con.Close();} }
private void btn_load_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog();
open.Filter = "image(*png,*jpg)|*png; *jpg";
open.InitialDirectory = @"c:\";
if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
{ imgloc = open.FileName.ToString();
pictureBox1.ImageLocation = imgloc; } }
private void btn_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR);

try { string ssql = "select * from register_student where s_regno = ('" +
textBox6.Text + "') or s_surname = ('" + textBox6.Text + "') or s_othername = ('" +
textBox6.Text + "')";
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(ssql,con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
dg_student.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
dg_student.Columns[0].Visible = false; }
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close();
} }
private void btn_update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ if (textBox1.Text != "" && textBox2.Text != "" && textBox3.Text != "" &&
comboBox1.Text != "" && dateTimePicker1.Text != "" && richTextBox1.Text != "" &&
textBox4.Text != "" && textBox5.Text != "" && comboBox2.Text != "" && comboBox3.Text
!= "" && comboBox4.Text != "")
{ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR); con.Open();
try {
string usql = "update register_student set [s_surname]=('" + textBox2.Text +
"'),[s_othername]=('" + textBox3.Text + "'),[s_sex]=('" + comboBox1.Text + "'),[s_dob]=('" +
dateTimePicker1.Text + "'),[s_address]=('" + richTextBox1.Text + "'),[s_phone]=('" +
textBox4.Text + "'),[s_email]=('" + textBox5.Text + "'),[s_faculty]=('" + comboBox2.Text +
"'),[s_department]=('" + comboBox3.Text + "'),[s_year]=('" + comboBox4.Text +
"'),[s_part]=('"+comboBox5.Text+"') where s_regno =('" + textBox1.Text + "')";
cmd = new SqlCommand(usql, con);
MessageBox.Show("succesfully updated"); }
catch (Exception ex)
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
finally { con.Close(); }}}
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)

{ try {
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR);
string bsql = "select
part,s_image from register_student where s_regno = ('" + textBox1.Text + "') ";
cmd = new SqlCommand(bsql, con);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
dr.Read(); if (dr.HasRows)
{ textBox2.Text = dr[0].ToString();
textBox3.Text = dr[1].ToString();
comboBox1.Text = dr[2].ToString();
dateTimePicker1.Text = dr[3].ToString();
richTextBox1.Text = dr[4].ToString();
textBox4.Text = dr[5].ToString();
textBox5.Text = dr[6].ToString();
comboBox2.Text = dr[7].ToString();
comboBox3.Text = dr[8].ToString();
comboBox4.Text = dr[9].ToString();
comboBox5.Text = dr[10].ToString();
byte[] img = (byte[])(dr[11]);
if (img == null)
pictureBox1.Image = null;
else {
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(img);
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms); }
btn_update.Enabled = true; }
con.Close(); }
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void register_student_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ btn_update.Enabled = false;

btn_load.Enabled = false; }
private void checkBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
{ pb.ClearContent();
jarvis.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Female, VoiceAge.Senior);
if (checkBox1.Checked) {
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) {
jarvis.Speak("your pic has been successfully scanned and saved into folder scanned
pics as image(2).jpg ");
MessageBox.Show("your scanned picture has been saved into c-pictures-scanned
pictures as image(2).jpg ");
btn_load.Enabled = true; }
else { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F2)
{ jarvis.Speak("your pic has been successfully scanned and saved into folder
scanned pics as image(3).jpg ");
MessageBox.Show("your scanned picture has been saved into c-pictures-
scannedpictures as image(3).jpg ");
btn_load.Enabled = true; } }}
private void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text != "" || textBox2.Text != "" || textBox3.Text != "" || textBox4.Text != ""
|| textBox5.Text != "" || textBox6.Text != "" || comboBox1.Text != "" || comboBox2.Text != "" ||
comboBox3.Text != "" || comboBox4.Text != "" || dateTimePicker1.Text != "" ||
richTextBox1.Text != "" || comboBox5.Text != "")
{ textBox1.Text = "";
textBox2.Text = "";
textBox3.Text = "";
textBox4.Text = "";
textBox5.Text = "";
textBox6.Text = "";
comboBox1.Text = "";
comboBox2.Text = "";

comboBox3.Text = "";
comboBox4.Text = "";
dateTimePicker1.Text = "";
richTextBox1.Text = "";
comboBox5.Text = ""; } }
private void btn_cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ if (pictureBox1.Image != null) {
pictureBox1.Image = null; } }

l_startno,l_sex,l_dob,l_address,l_phone,l_email,l_faculty,l_department,l_image from
register_lecturer where l_surname = ('" + textBox2.Text + "') and l_othername=('" +
textBox3.Text + "') ";
cmd = new SqlCommand(bsql, con);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.HasRows) {
textBox1.Text = dr[0].ToString();
comboBox1.Text = dr[1].ToString();
dateTimePicker1.Text = dr[2].ToString();
richTextBox1.Text = dr[3].ToString();
textBox4.Text = dr[4].ToString();
textBox5.Text = dr[5].ToString();
comboBox2.Text = dr[6].ToString();
comboBox3.Text = dr[7].ToString();
byte[] img = (byte[])(dr[8]);
if (img == null)
pictureBox1.Image = null;
else {
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(img);
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms); }

btn_update.Enabled = true; }
con.Close(); }
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void btn_update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text != "" && textBox2.Text != "" && textBox3.Text != "" &&
comboBox1.Text != "" && dateTimePicker1.Text != "" && richTextBox1.Text != "" &&
textBox4.Text != "" && textBox5.Text != "" && comboBox2.Text != "" && comboBox3.Text
!= "")
{ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR);
con.Open(); try {
string usql = "update register_lecturer set [l_surname]=('" + textBox2.Text +
"'),[l_othername]=('" + textBox3.Text + "'),[l_sex]=('" + comboBox1.Text + "'),[l_dob]=('" +
dateTimePicker1.Text + "'),[l_address]=('" + richTextBox1.Text + "'),[l_phone]=('" +
textBox4.Text + "'),[l_email]=('" + textBox5.Text + "'),[l_faculty]=('" + comboBox2.Text +
"'),[l_department]=('" + comboBox3.Text + "') where l_startno =('" + textBox1.Text + "')";
cmd = new SqlCommand(usql, con);
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MessageBox.Show("succesfully updated");
catch (Exception ex) {
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
finally { con.Close(); } } }
private void btn_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR);
con.Open(); try {
string ssql = "select * from register_lecturer where l_startno = ('" + textBox6.Text + "')
or l_surname = ('" + textBox6.Text + "') or l_othername = ('" + textBox6.Text + "')";
SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(ssql, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
dg_lecturer.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

dg_lecturer.Columns[0].Visible = false; }
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
finally {
con.Close(); } }

private void checkBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)

{ pb.ClearContent();
jarvis.SelectVoiceByHints(VoiceGender.Female, VoiceAge.Senior);
if (checkBox1.Checked) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) {
jarvis.Speak("your scnned pic has been saved into c:-pictures-scannedpic2 as
MessageBox.Show("your scnned pic has been saved into c:-pictures-scannedpic2 as
btn_load.Enabled = true; } else { if
(e.KeyCode == Keys.F1)
{ jarvis.Speak("your scnned pic has been saved into c:-pictures-
scannedpic2 as image(5).jpg");
MessageBox.Show("your scnned pic has been saved into c:-pictures-scannedpic2
as image(5).jpg");
btn_load.Enabled = true; } } } }
private void btn_cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (pictureBox1.Image != null)
{ pictureBox1.Image = null; } }
private void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (textBox1.Text != "" || textBox2.Text != "" || textBox3.Text != "" || textBox4.Text != ""
|| textBox5.Text != "" || textBox6.Text != "" || comboBox1.Text != "" || comboBox2.Text != "" ||
comboBox3.Text != "" || dateTimePicker1.Text != "" || richTextBox1.Text != "")
{ textBox1.Text = "";
textBox2.Text = "";

textBox3.Text = "";
textBox4.Text = "";
textBox5.Text = "";
textBox6.Text = "";
comboBox1.Text = "";
comboBox2.Text = "";
comboBox3.Text = "";
dateTimePicker1.Text = ""; richTextBox1.Text = ""; } } }}
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CNSTR);
con.Open(); try { byte[] img = null;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(imgloc, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
img = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);
string isql = "insert into admin_login(username,pass,image)values('" + textBox1.Text +
"','" + textBox2.Text + "',@img)";
cmd = new SqlCommand(isql, con);
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@img", img));
int x = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
MessageBox.Show(x.ToString(), "success"); }
catch(Exception ex){MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);}
finally{con.Close();} }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ OpenFileDialog open = new OpenFileDialog();
open.Filter = "image(*jpg,*png)|*jpg;*png";
open.InitialDirectory = @"c:\";
if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
{ imgloc = open.FileName.ToString();
pictureBox1.ImageLocation = imgloc; } }

catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
MessageBox.Show("you have successfully logged in"); } else
{ button5.Enabled = true; } }
catch (Exception ex)
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } }

private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

{ register_student rs = new register_student();
rs.Show(); } }}

MessageBox.Show("please check your login details"); } }
catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
finally {
con.Close(); }
private void textBox4_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ textBox4.Text = dateTimePicker1.Value.ToString(); } } }


Activity Requirement Amount Amount

Internet connection Night bundle data 150,000 15,500
Proposal correction from the Typing and Printing 8,000 8,000
Field data collection Printing of Questionnaire 30,000 3,000

Prototype design and Tools and Consultation 200,000 20,000

Final thesis copies Typing, photocopy, and 50,000 5,000
Hardware cost 750,000 75,000
Local runs 500,000 50,000
Total 168,800.00 175,500


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