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Proponents of artificial intelligence (AI) have envisaged a
scenario wherein intelligent machines would execute rou-
tine tasks performed by humans, thus, relieving them to
engage in creative pursuits. While there is widespread fear
of corresponding job losses, organizational think tanks
vouch for the synergistic culmination of human–machine
competencies. Using the dynamic skill, neo-human capital
and AI job replacement theories, we contend that the
introduction and adoption of AI calls for employees to
upskill themselves. To determine the key skills deemed
critical for the upskilling of employees, we interviewed 20
experienced professionals in multinational corporations
(MNCs) in the information technology sector in India.
Deploying Gioia’s methodology for qualitative analysis, our
investigation revealed five critical skills for employee
upskilling: data analysis, digital, complex cognitive, deci-
sion making and continuous learning skills.
The impact of technology on the global economy, businesses and soci-
eties is exponential and has enabled unprecedented advancement, leading
experts to predict that the upcoming decade will witness tremendous
changes in the nature of work owing to artificial intelligence (AI) (Butler,
2016; Davenport & Kirby, 2016). AI systems extend human capabilities
by sensing, comprehending, learning and acting (Daugherty & Wilson,
2018). Not surprisingly, the discourse on the future of work has drawn
contrasting views. While critics of AI firmly believe that machines will
replace human beings in many jobs, proponents of AI envision new
jobs with value creation (Ågerfalk, 2020; Sullivan et al., 2020). Despite
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Literature review
In developing the rationale for our study, we employ the theoretical
lenses of dynamic skill theory, NHCT and theory of AI job replacement.
These theories were specifically chosen, as they help advance the role
of skill demand due to technological change in the context of AI.
The notion that AI will surpass human intelligence is often voiced with
advances in AI creating tipping points triggering significant changes in
organizational operations and outcomes (Butler, 2016). For instance,
there is a shift in demand in the workforce from basic manual and
physical work skills to cognitive competencies. This shift has prompted
organizations to change the talent mix. Since human beings note rates
of change as linear and not exponential, they often find this pace of
technological advancement difficult to align with. Not surprisingly, schol-
ars have cited increased attrition rates and unemployment as AI takes
up mundane tasks previously performed by humans (Bughin et al., 2018;
OECD, 2012). While a technological revolution may eventually be on
the cards, the scale and time frames are currently unknown. Thus, the
upcoming era necessitates humans to develop appropriate skillsets for
redefined jobs and work closely with AI-technologies to progress well
in their employment.
Work in today’s MNCs is knowledge-intensive and relies heavily on
the interface between AI-enabled technology and employees (Bondarouk
et al., 2017; Pereira & Malik, 2015). While technology enables organi-
zational deliverables, employees are the key drivers of value creation
and source of sustained competitive advantage. Thus, contemporary
MNCs not only focus on developing physical and organizational capital
but also on developing human capital which is of utmost importance
for organizational sustainability and success, more so, in the upcoming
era of AI and the changing nature of work. AI is increasingly reshaping
work by performing various tasks and is becoming a major source of
innovation (Rust & Huang, 2014). Most jobs in MNCs comprise mechan-
ical tasks (such as administering daily routines and tracking attendance),
thinking tasks (such as analyzing customer preferences and scheduling
logistics) and feeling tasks (such as empathizing with customers and
advising therapies to patients). These dimensions of tasks may vary from
one job to another and the intelligence required thereof. As AI deem-
phasized mechanical human labor, humans have to upgrade their focus
on tasks that are difficult for AI to assume, that is, tasks requiring
thinking and feeling skill sets (Huang et al., 2019; Huang & Rust, 2018).
Theories of upskilling
We draw upon the dynamic skill theory (Fischer et al., 2003), NHCT
(Pereira & Malik, 2015) and the theory of AI job replacement (Huang
& Rust, 2018) to explicate the need for upskilling. Dynamic skill theory
views skill development as a web of activities that is context-specific
and outcome-oriented (Kunnen & Bosma, 2003). In a dynamic world,
individuals need to be adept in various skills such as social, emotional,
technological and physical skills to exhibit good performance or demon-
strate appropriate behavior depending upon the context or situation. A
web of skills captures the interconnected complexity of skills in diverse
contexts. Since dynamic skill theory is a theory for adult cognitive
development, we invoked it in the context of skill development for
employees in the era of AI.
Further, the NHCT highlights the increasing demand for
technology-induced skills and the development of human capital in
times of rapid technological change (Pereira & Malik, 2015). Proponents
of NHCT argue that individuals with higher levels of human capital
concentration (higher level-of-education, experience in training, open
Study design
The present study was designed to address a key research question:
‘What are the skills that will be deemed critical for the upskilling of
employees to remain employable, and thrive, in the era of AI?’ In other
words, in the era driven by AI, the study aims to identify skills that
are considered critical for employees’ upskilling. To address our research
question, we interviewed 20 seasoned MNC executives in the IT sector
in India. These participants were middle to senior-level managers with
at least 10 years of total work experience. Further, all participants had
an adequate experience of AI implementation and experience in working
with AI-enabled services. The IT sector was chosen for our study as
technology-led innovations and growth are tightly linked to each other
in this industry. Further, among all sectors, IT firms are most likely to
expect a high level of role disruption and skill shortage due to AI
(Agarwal et al., 2020). Despite the acknowledgment that AI-enabled
services are the primary source of innovation in the service industry
(Rust & Huang, 2014), there is limited research on human resource
development of this workforce (Chaudhuri et al., 2020; Malik et al.,
2019; Pereira & Malik, 2015).
In the Indian context, IT firms hold notable significance. From humble
beginnings in the 1970s, the Indian IT industry has come a long way
(Malik & Rowley, 2015). Today, this sector contributes 7.9% to India’s
economic growth and is expected to contribute 10% by 2025 (IBEF,
2019). The IT industry is a result of the rapid world of change and
technological advancement generating revenue of more than US$180
billion and employing 4.1 million professionals, the highest employment
provider in the private sector in India (NASSCOM, 2020).2 With the
Indian government’s budget allocation (2020) of US$1.13 billion (spread
over five years) for developing technologies and AI-based applications
and thrust on deploying AI-powered technologies across other industries,
the Indian IT sector has immense scope to grow.
India has also attracted global visibility and gained prominence in
terms of intellectual capital with several IT MNCs setting up their major
hubs and innovation centres in India (Budhwar, 2012). A key aspect of
the present study is the focus on IT organizations with global footprints.
Technology-based MNCs are heavily investing and engaging in futuristic
AI-powered technologies (Akerkar, 2019; Davenport & Kirby, 2016).
Further, MNCs are deploying AI-based products and services developed
in one location across varied operations in different countries. While
national cultural context plays a crucial role in business decisions,
AI-powered data facilitate problem-solving and decision making.
Table 1a summarizes the participants and their company’s character-
istics. Twenty middle and senior-level employees in both technical and
managerial roles were contacted. The participants were employed in
different MNCs spread across different locations in India, while their
headquarters were based in Canada, the United States of America,
Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, France and India. In India, these MNCs
operated from Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Noida, Kochi, among many
other locations. We chose MNCs of varying sizes, determined by the
worldwide employment size, to comprehensively assess the need for
upskilling in the IT sector. The MNCs were categorized as small, medium
and large, based on employee headcount less than 4999, 5000–59,999
and more than 60,000 employees (Lavelle et al., 2012). Thus, five par-
ticipants each from small and medium-size MNCs and 10 participants
from large MNCs comprised the study’s dataset.
Table 1a. Participant’s and their company’s characteristics.
experience working
Data analysis
Given the inductive nature of the study, we coded the transcripts man-
ually following the methodology proposed by Gioia et al. (2013).3 After
crafting a well-specified research question, we conducted semi-structured
interviews wherein a multitude of informant (participant) terms, codes
and categories emerged within the first few interviews. Gioia and col-
leagues (2013) refer to this stage as 1st-order concepts in which research-
ers strictly adhere to the participants’ terms, phrases and descriptions,
and refrain from drawing specific categories. As we progressed in con-
ducting the interviews, we began recognizing similarities and differences
among the categories. We created meaningful clusters of terms and
phrases and labelled those categories using the participants’ phrases,
thus, emerged the 2nd-order themes. The second-order themes are pri-
marily at the theoretical level and help the researchers in describing
and explaining the study phenomenon. The culmination of themes and
concepts yielded theoretical saturation (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) and then
we proceeded to distill these concepts and themes into aggregate
The 1st order concepts, 2nd order themes and aggregate dimensions
became the basis for building the data structure for the present study
(Figure 1). Data structure not only configures the qualitative data into
a meaningful visual aid but also provides a graphic representation of the
researchers’ progress from 1st order raw participants’ terms to 2nd order
theoretical themes to finally meaningful dimensions that answer the
research question. Authors discussed the participants’ dialogues, reconciled
differing interpretations and finally reached a consensual decision on the
themes and dimensions. Constructing the data structure compels research-
ers to think about the data theoretically and is thus considered as the
key component of demonstrating rigor in qualitative research.
As a result of the above data analysis, several themes emerged with
respect to upskilling the workforce for the era of AI. The present study
builds an inductive model grounded in data as exemplified by the data
structure model (Figure 1). The data structure demonstrates 1st order
concepts, 2nd order themes and aggregate dimensions. The change in
Table 2. Data supporting interpretations of skills identification for upskilling for aI.
Themes representative quotations
Technological skills essential for upskilling
Data analysis skills ‘Through data analysis, we discover useful information…use
it for [data] interpretation and that provides us a concrete
basis for taking decisions’ (Participant 19)
‘Data is the key for any business to be successful today…the
analysis is useful for predictive modeling’ (Participant 3)
‘The current skill needed for professionals is in machine
learning and developing models…but the real application
is in making better predictions using those models…so
data analysis for predictive modeling is the most important
skill for the future’ (Participant 11)
Digital skills ‘The digital skill that is picking up today and will be most
important in the future is cloud automation….cloud
automation empowers developers and managers to deliver
services and meet business demands through end-to-end
automation’ (Participant 12)
‘Digital skills will enable transformation in Industry 4.0…it’s
a combination of multiple skills including front-end skills
like immersive experience [through] augmented reality/
virtual reality…[and] mobility skills across different
devices…and back-end skills like intelligent automation,
machine learning, robotic process automation and so
on….’ (Participant 16).
Cognitive skills essential for upskilling
complex cognitive skills ‘a design thinking mindset provides an innovative approach
to problem-solving….it involves designing, prototyping,
and testing out-of-the-box ideas….basically, it’s like an
ongoing experiment that helps in the decision making
process’ (Participant 15)
‘We use algorithms to transform data through cognitive
computing….our aI-assistant is a smart assistant that runs
on big data and Internet-of-Things…as of now, it is about
80-85% accurate in understanding the user’s demands and
responds accordingly…going forward with improved
accuracy, aI-assistants will be of immense support to us
for complex data processing’ (Participant 4)
‘humans process information at multiple levels including
cognitive, subconscious, and shared cognitive….these also
include biases…in future when aI will handle basic data
well, complex processing skills for meaningful insights will
become very important for humans’ (Participant 11)
Decision making skills ‘Presently aI’s biggest challenge is to overcome biases…data
fed into all aI-systems is based on prior experiences of
humans which are biased…so, despite all advancements
in technology, the aI-based outcomes are also biased…
so this awareness is very important for decision-makers’
(Participant 1)
‘Decision making is highly contextual…data must be
understood in the right context…also there are ethical
aspects and human behaviour….all need to be considered
for good decision making’ (Participant 19)
continuous learning skills ‘as an hr manager, my key role is to identify employees who
are stagnant…it is my responsibility to help them
transform….equipping [them] with new skills and
expertise’ (Participant 11)
‘We encourage horizontal movement in the organization
across domains…picking up things quickly in different
situations or projects shows flexibility and versatility’
(Participant 15)
‘continuous learning was always important and will continue
to remain important…else we cannot survive in this
industry’ (Participant 20)
companies while Full Stack development for Java and .NET are some
of the domain-specific skills recommended for continuous learning.
‘Learning is the DNA of the organization….we have provided access on
all platforms to our employees so that they can learn anytime from any-
where’ (Participant 13).
Thus, we found five critical skills for employee upskilling to sustain
employment and succeed in the era of AI: data analysis skills, digital
skills, complex cognitive skills, decision making skills and continuous
learning skills.
While our primary aim was to identify the skills critical for upskilling
in the context of AI, the participants inevitably highlighted skills that
have already or will soon become obsolete. Skills needed for delivering
routine, mundane and rule-based tasks are not needed as AI-solutions
are already adopted for these tasks. For instance, data entry, scheduling,
coding, basic statistics, database management and project management
are some skills that are gradually losing their lustre. For instance, basic
statistics is an important skill in the present for data analysis; however,
in the future driven by AI, basic statistics will become a ‘default/man-
datory/fundamental’ skill as noted by many participants. Further, with
changing client demands and faster turnaround times, the role of project
management is diminishing exponentially. The Waterfall model for soft-
ware development life cycle is becoming redundant as the technology
industry is moving towards an agile approach. The agile and scrum
master processes have stand-up meetings that ensure higher project
flexibility, parallel processes, quicker reviews, better product quality,
faster delivery, enhanced connectivity with the clients, reduced need for
documentation and an integrated development-operations (DevOps)
framework. ‘SAFe 4.0 is the platform for becoming an Advanced Scrum
Master’ shares a participant. Thus, basic skillsets would be managed
well by AI-systems; whereas, human beings must elevate to higher-order
and complex tasks.
a. Data analysis and digital skills are critical technological skills for
employee upskilling.
b. Complex cognitive, decision making and continuous learning are
critical cognitive skills for employee upskilling.
c. Leadership, interpersonal and communication are evergreen skills
for which the degree of upskilling needed is relatively less than the
technological and cognitive skills.
d. Routine skills such as basic statistics and project management will
diminish in the future, thus, upskilling is not needed.
enhances. The five skills found critical for upskilling in the present study
are depicted in different quadrants of the figure. The top right quadrant
contains one technological skill (i.e. digital) and one cognitive skill (i.e.
continuous learning). Participants were unequivocal about their high
relevance today as well as their relevance in the future AI-era. These
skills are of growing importance for upskilling as we navigate from
present to future. Thus, we approximately positioned these skills on the
top right quadrant of the diagram to the right of the diagonal. Further,
skills including data analysis (technological skills), decision making and
complex cognitive (both cognitive skills) were described by the partic-
ipants to be of moderate importance today but of tremendous importance
in the future. The need for upskilling for AI is the highest for these
skills which are depicted in the bottom right quadrant of the figure.
Thus, Figure 2 represents the skills that are important now, skills that
are important in the future and the skills that need the most attention
for upskilling for AI.
Our study provides important insights regarding how the potential
adverse impact of AI in terms of job replacement can be meaningfully
redirected into an employee’s skill development. The demand for skills
due to technological advancement will assume unprecedented importance
in the near future. We can broadly map the skills identified in the
present study to Huang and Rust (2018) model of four intelligences
required for service tasks – mechanical, analytical, intuitive and empa-
thetic. We found that tasks related to mechanical intelligence such as
basic statistics will be easily taken over by AI in the near future.
Analytical tasks such as data analysis and technology-related digital
competence will be difficult to be mimicked by AI. Intuitive tasks such
as complex cognitive processing, decision making and continuous learn-
ing, and empathetic tasks such as communication, interpersonal and
leadership skills will be even more difficult to be emulated by AI. Thus,
the changing nature of work in the IT sector necessitates employees to
perform jobs that require more of analytical, intuitive and empathetic
skills so that they remain employed and create value for the
Corroborating with the dynamic skill theory and recent Mckinsey
report (Agarwal et al., 2020), our study participants highlighted that
Indian organizations are dynamically engaging employees in building
their skills as a priority activity. With the integration of AI across
industry types, there is a shrinking need for basic cognitive skills such
high-risk tasks giving human beings more scope for engaging in complex
tasks. Further, AI’s greater power lies in collaborating with humans and
complementing human being’s capabilities. In today’s highly dynamic
industry environment, changing decision criteria powered by real-time
data and machine-learning approaches are creating immense business
value, thus, necessitating the workforce to develop skills to work pro-
ficiently alongside AI-enabled machines.
Practical implications
In order to capitalize on the benefits of AI, organizations must proac-
tively re-tool their policies, practices and philosophies to accept
AI-enabled mechanisms as partners in their operations. More specifically,
leaders must raise the capacity of employees in these skills to prepare
and perform well in the era of AI. Advancing the NHCT, we suggest
using a high commitment human resource (HCHR) strategy towards
creating a firm’s competitive advantage by building human capital con-
centration (Collins, 2020). HCHR is a philosophical approach focusing
on investment in employee skill and capability development. HCHR
outlines the employer–employee relationship by creating an organizational
climate that encourages organizational members to build their resources
and human capital. Investment in the intangible human capital presents
strategic leverage points that drive an organization’s competitive advan-
tage (Chadwick & Flinchbaugh, 2020).
The AI job replacement theory necessitates employees to upskill them-
selves in skills deemed critical for the future such as analytics, predictive
modeling, intelligent automation, agility and digital skills. This invest-
ment in human capital will not only preserve the in-house functional
knowledge and expertise but also boost employee motivation, loyalty,
organizational commitment and citizenship. Organizational support
towards upskilling is critical in encouraging employees to develop new
skillsets. Changes in context require cognitive development and hence
the dynamic skill theory helps explain how an individual can adapt to
the changing tasks, needs and environment. Developing a habit of life-
long learning is the most important ingredient to develop oneself for
the future of work. But, such learning must be supported and rewarded
by the organization, so that employees’ learning behavior is reinforced.
The future of work embedded in AI requires a transformational change
in an individual’s previously accepted worldviews and perspectives.
Additionally, leaders should enable agility among organizational mem-
bers, that is, the ability to renew, adapt and change quickly to facilitate
their learning and capacity building while ensuring success in the tur-
bulent business environment. Leaders must help employees understand
Theoretical implications
The limitations of our study highlight new avenues for further research.
The preliminary ideas that emerge from the current study prompt fur-
ther data collection, thus, strengthening the qualitative work. Future
researchers may generate hypotheses based on the present study, gather
new data, and test the propositions using quantitative research design
towards generating an explanatory model for skills upgradation in the
context of AI. Further, while AI-systems facilitate problem-solving, it is
critical to account for the national cultural context for business decision
making. AI-based products and solutions are primarily data-driven and
data is highly contextual. As there are cultural differences across coun-
tries, this may be interesting to investigate in more depth. The current
study focused on employee upskilling for AI in a sample of informational
The present study aimed to unearth the skills deemed critical for the
upskilling of employees to sustain employment and thrive in the era of
AI. Contemporary organizations do not consider AI as a competitor to
humans, rather they believe in the human–AI complementarity. Technology
complements and augments human capabilities towards enhancing business
growth. The study highlights five critical skills for employee upskilling
including data analysis, digital, complex cognitive, decision making and
continuous learning skills. Thus, the proposed shift in skill sets emphasizing
the development of higher cognitive and technological skills is a pivotal
step towards human–AI collaboration. Completely outsourcing intelligence
to machines will neither be useful nor ethical owing to the complex
socio-economic-political–cultural milieu in which the organizations are
1. We thank an anonymous reviewer for this suggestion.
2. NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Services Companies) is the agen-
cy responsible for IT and ITeS sector in India).
3. We thank the Editors and an anonymous reviewer for this methodology.
4. Name of the chatbot is disguised to maintain organizational anonymity.
The lead author thanks Dr. Manu Jaiswal for his support in this research study and
constructive comments on the earlier versions of this paper.
Disclosure statement
The authors have no potential conflict of interest.
Geolocation information
The study was conducted in India (Asia).
Akanksha Jaiswal http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8997-0668
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Interview schedule
1. Which skills according to you are critical for your upskilling to remain employ-
able and succeed in the AI era? What is the relevance of the skills you men-
tioned today?
2. Within the past 3 years, have you been upskilled/undergoing upskilling to
prepare for changes due to AI? Please provide some details such as the nature
of the upskilling program, module(s), and keywords.
3. Among the skills of relevance today, which skills will not require upskilling for
the AI era?
4. Company’s information: Headquarter, worldwide employee headcount, headcount
in India.
5. Personal information: Gender, job function, total years of work experience,
experience of AI implementation, and experience working with AI-enabled