Multiple Choice Question Bank (MCQ) Term - I & Term-II: Class - XII

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कें द्रीय विद्यालय सगं ठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur

Class - XII
Multiple Choice Question Bank
[MCQ ] Term – I & Term- II
Informatics Practices [065]
Based on Latest CBSE Exam Pattern
for the Session 2021-22
कें द्रीय विद्यालय सगं ठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur


It is a matter of great pleasure for me to publish study material for different

subjects of classes X and XII for Raipur Region. Getting acquainted and familiarized
with the recent changes in curriculum and assessment process made by CBSE vide
Circular No. 51 and 53 issued in the month of July 2021 will help students to
prepare themselves better for the examination. Sound and deeper knowledge of the
Units and Chapters is must for grasping the concepts, understanding the
questions. Study materials help in making suitable and effective notes for quick
revision just before the examination.

Due to the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 pandemic the

students and the teachers are getting very limited opportunity to interact face to
face in the classes. In such a situation the supervised and especially prepared value
points will help the students to develop their understanding and analytical skills
together. The students will be benefitted immensely after going through the
question bank and practice papers. The study materials will build a special bond
and act as connecting link between the teachers and the students as both can
undertake a guided and experiential learning simultaneously. It will help the
students develop the habit of exploring and analyzing the Creative & Critical
Thinking Skills. The new concepts introduced in the question pattern related to
case study, reasoning and ascertain will empower the students to take independent
decision on different situational problems. The different study materials are
designed in such a manner to help the students in their self-learning pace. It
emphasizes the great pedagogical dictum that ‘everything can be learnt but nothing
can be taught’. The self-motivated learning as well as supervised classes will
together help them achieve the new academic heights.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the principals and the teachers
who have relentlessly striven for completion of the project of preparing study
materials for all the subjects. Their enormous contribution in making this project
successful is praiseworthy.
Happy learning and best of luck!

Vinod Kumar
(Deputy Commissioner)

कें द्रीय विद्यालय सगं ठन क्षेत्रीय कायाालय रायपरु
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Regional Office Raipur

Our Patorn

Vinod Kumar
Deputy Commissioner
KVS RO Raipur

Smt.Biraja Mishra Sh.A.K. Mishra

Assistant Commissioner Assistant Commissioner
KVS RO Raipur KVS RO Raipur


Mrs. Sandhya Lakra,

Principal, KV No. 4 Korba


• Mr. Khumendra Bisen, PGT CS, KV BMY Bhilai

• Mr. Prakash Kumar Dewangan, PGT CS, KV No. 1 Shift II Raipur
• Mrs. Anshu Sinha, PGT CS, KV No. 3 Korba Kusmunda SECL
• Mr. Amit Nath, PGT CS, KV Ambikapur
• Mrs. Priyanka Kulshresta, PGT CS, KV Dongargarh
• Mr. Amarnath Pathak, PGT CS, KV Khairagarh


Mr. Sumit Kumar Choudhary, PGT CS, KV No. 2 Korba NTPC


S. TERM - 1 TERM - 2
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Informatics Practices CLASS XII
Code No. 065


1. Prerequisite: Informatics Practices – Class XI

2. Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
● Create Series, Data frames and apply various operations.
● Visualize data using relevant graphs.
● Design SQL queries using aggregate functions.
● Learn terminology related to networking and the internet.
● Identify internet security issues and configure browser settings
● Understand the impact of technology on society including gender and disability issues.

3. Distribution of Marks and Periods:

Unit Unit Name Marks Periods Periods Total

Theory Practical Period

1 Data Handling using Pandas and Data 25 25 25 50


2 Database Query using SQL 25 20 17 37

3 Introduction to Computer Networks 10 12 0 12

4 Societal Impacts 10 14 - 14

Project - - 7 7

Practical 30 - - -

Total 100 71 49 120

Syllabus for Term – 1

Distribution of Theory Marks

Unit No Unit Name Marks

1 Data Handling using Pandas and 25
Data Visualization
4 Societal Impacts 10
Total 35

Unit 1:

Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization Data

Handling using Pandas -I

● Introduction to Python libraries- Pandas, Matplotlib.
● Data structures in Pandas - Series and data frames. Series: Creation of series from dictionary,
scalar value; mathematical operations; series attributes, head and tailfunctions; selection,
indexing and slicing.

● Data Frames: creation of data frames from dictionary of series, list of dictionaries, text/CSV files,
display, and iteration. Operations on rows and columns: add (insert /append), select, delete (drop
column and row), rename, Head and Tail functions, indexing using labels, Boolean indexing.
Data Visualization

● Data Visualization: Purpose of plotting, drawing and saving of plots using Matplotlib (line plot,
bar graph, histogram). Customizing plots: adding label, title, and legend in plots.

Unit 4:
Societal Impacts
● Digital footprint, net and communication etiquettes,
● Data protection, intellectual property rights (IPR), plagiarism, licensing and copyright,
● Free and open source software (FOSS),
● Cybercrime and cyber laws, hacking, phishing, cyber bullying, overview of Indian IT Act.
● E-waste: hazards and management. Awareness about health concerns related to the usage of

Distribution of Practical Marks

Topic Marks

Pandas program (pen and paper or Collab or any online idle or pyroid screen for mobile) 8

Practical File 15 Pandas Programs 3

Project synopsis 2

Viva 2

Total 15

Suggested Practical List

Data Handling

1. Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and a ndarray

2. Given a Series, print all the elements that are above the 75th percentile.
3. Create a Data Frame quarterly sales where each row contains the item category, item name,
and expenditure. Group the rows by the category and print the total expenditure per category.
4. Create a data frame for examination result and display row labels, column labels data types of
each column and the dimensions
5. Filter out rows based on different criteria such as duplicate rows.
6. Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file

1. Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the students on different parameters,
E.g. subject wise or class wise.
2. For the Data frames created above, analyse, and plot appropriate charts with title and legend.
3. Take data of your interest from an open source (e.g., aggregate and summarize it.
Then plot it using different plotting functions of the Matplotlib library.

Project Synopsis
The synopsis should cover the brief description about the project along with reasons for selection of the
dataset. The learner should write the source of the dataset whether created or taken from any reliable
source. The learner should write what analytics can be done on the project.
Syllabus for Term – 2
Distribution of Theory Marks

Unit No Unit Name Marks

2 Database Query using SQL 25

3 Introduction to Computer Networks 10

Total 35

Unit 2:
Database Query using SQL

• Math functions: POWER (), ROUND (), MOD ().

• Text functions: UCASE ()/UPPER (), LCASE ()/LOWER (), MID ()/SUBSTRING ()/SUBSTR (), LENGTH
(), LEFT (), RIGHT (), INSTR (), LTRIM (), RTRIM (), TRIM ().
• Date Functions: NOW (), DATE (), MONTH (), MONTHNAME (), YEAR (), DAY (),
DAYNAME (). Aggregate Functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT (); using
COUNT (*).
• Querying and manipulating data using Group by, Having, Order by.

Unit 3:
Introduction to Computer Networks
• Introduction to networks, Types of network: LAN, MAN, WAN.
• Network Devices: modem, hub, switch, repeater, router, and gateway.
• Network Topologies: Star, Bus, Tree, Mesh.
• Introduction to Internet, URL, WWW and its applications- Web, email, Chat, VoIP.
• Website: Introduction, difference between a website and webpage, static vs dynamic web
page, web server and hosting of a website.
• Web Browsers: Introduction, commonly used browsers, browser settings, add-ons and plug-
ins, cookies.

Distribution of Practical Marks

Topic Marks

SQL queries (pen and paper) 7

Practical File – 12 SQL Queries 2

Final Project Submission 3
Viva 3
Total 15

Suggested Practical List

Data Management

1. Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as attributes where the student id is the
primary key.
2. Insert the details of a new student in the above table.
3. Delete the details of a student in the above table.
4. Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
5. Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table.
6. Find the total number of customers from each country in the table (customer ID, customer
Name, country) using group by.
7. Write a SQL query to order the (student ID, marks) table in descending order of the marks.

Project Work

The aim of the class project is to create tangible and useful IT applications. The learner may
Identify a real-world problem by exploring the environment. E.g. Students can visit shops/business places,
communities or other organizations in their localities and enquire about the functioning of the organization,
and how data are generated, stored, and managed.

The learner can take data stored in csv or database file and analyze using Python libraries and generate
appropriate charts to visualize. If an organization is maintaining data offline, then the
Learner should create a database using MySQL and store the data in tables.

Data can be imported in Pandas for analysis and visualization. Learners can use Python libraries of their
choice to develop software for their school or any other social good. Learners should be sensitized to avoid
plagiarism and violation of copyright issues while working on projects. Teachers should take necessary
measures for this. Any resources (data, image etc.) used in the project
Must be suitably referenced.

The project can be done individually or in groups of 2 to 3 students. The project should be started by
students at least 6 months before the submission deadline.

10 | P a g e
Term – 1

Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization

Unit No Unit Name Marks

1 Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization 25

Data Handling using Pandas -I

● Introduction to Python libraries- Pandas, Matplotlib.

● Data structures in Pandas - Series and data frames.Series: Creation of series from dictionary, scalar value;
mathematical operations; series attributes, head and tail functions; selection, indexing and slicing.
● Data Frames: creation of data frames from dictionary of series, list of dictionaries, text/CSV files, display,
iteration. Operations on rows and columns: add ( insert /append) , select, delete (drop column and row),
rename, Head and Tail functions, indexing using labels, Boolean indexing.

● Data Visualization : Purpose of plotting, drawing and saving of plots using Matplotlib (line plot, bar
graph, histogram). Customizing plots:; adding label, title, and legend in plots.

TYPE A OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS [1 Mark] Multiple Choice Questions

1. To create an empty Series object, you can use:
(a) pd.Series(empty)
(c) pd.Series( )
(b) pd.Series(np.NaN)
(d) all of these

ANS:- (c) pd.Series( )

2. To specify datatype int16 for a Series object, you can write :
(a) pd.Series(data = array, dtype = int16)
(b) pd.Series(data = array, dtype = numpy.int16)
(c) pd.Series(data = array.dtype pandas.int16)
(d) all of the above

ANS:- (b) pd.Series(data = array, dtype = numpy.int16)

11 | P a g e
3. To get the number of dimensions of a Series object,
(a) index
(b) size attribute is displayed.
(c) itemsize
(d) ndim

ANS:- d) ndim

4. To get the size of the datatype of the items in Series object, you can display attribute.
(a) index
(b) size
(c) itemsize
(d) ndim
ANS:- (c) itemsize

5. To get the number of elements in a Series object, attribute may be used.

(a) index
(b) size
(c) itemsize
(d) ndim
ANS:- (b) size

6. To get the number of bytes of the Series data, attribute is displayed.

(a) hasnans
(b) nbytes
(c) ndim
(d) dtype

ANS:- b) nbytes

12 | P a g e
7 .To check if the Series object contains NaN values, attribute is displayd.
(a) hasnans
(b) nbytes
(c) ndim
(d) dtype

ANS:- a) hasnans

8. To display third element of a Series object S, you will write

(a) S[:3]
(b) S[2]
(c) S[3]
(d) S[:2]

ANS:- (b) S[2]

9. To display first three elements of a Series object S, you may write

(a) S[:3]
(b) S[3]
(c) S[3rd]
(d) all of these

ANS:- (a) S[:3]

10. To display last five rows of a Series object S, you may write
(a) head()
(b) head(5)
(c) tail( )
(d) tail(5)

ANS:- (c) tail( ) and (d) tail(5)

13 | P a g e
11. Pandas object cannot grow in size.
(a) Dataframe (b) Panel ( c) Series (d) None of these

ANS. ( c) Series

12. Given a Pandas series called Sequences, the command which will display the first 4 rows is
(a) print(Sequences.head(4))
(b) print(Sequences.Head (4))
(c) print(Sequences.heads(4))
(d)print(Sequences.Heads (4))

ANS:- (a) print(Sequences.head(4))

13. If a Dataframe is created using a 2D dictionary, then the indexes/row labels are formed from
(a) dictionary's values
(b) inner dictionary's keys
(c) outer dictionary's keys
(d) none of these

ANS:- (b) inner dictionary's keys

14. If a dataframe is created using a 2D dictionary, then the column labels are formed from
(a) dictionary's values
(b) inner dictionary's keys
(c) outer dictionary's keys
(d) none of these

ANS:- (c) outer dictionary's keys

14 | P a g e
15. The axis 0 identifies a dataframe's
(a) rows
(b) columns
(c) values
(d) datatype

ANS:- (a) rows

16. The axis 1 identifies a dataframe's

(a) row (b) columns (c) values (d) datatype

ANS:- (b) columns

17. To get the number of elements in a dataframe,

(a) size
(b) shapeartribute may be used.
(c) values
(d) ndim
ANS:- (a) size

18. To get a number representing number of axes in a dataframe, used. attribute may be
(a) size
(b) shape
(c) values
(d) ndim

ANS:- d) ndim

19. To extract row/column from a dataframe,

(a) row( ) (b) column( ) (c) loc( ) (d) all of these

ANS:- (a) row( )

15 | P a g e
21.. To display the 3rd, 4th and 5th columns from the 6th to 9th rows of a dataframe you can write
(a) DF.loc[6:9, 3:5]
(b) DF.loc[6:10, 3:6]
(c) DF.iloc[6:10, 3:6]
(d) DF.iloc[6:9, 3:5]

ANS:- c) DF.iloc[6:10, 3:6]

22. To change the 5th column's value at 3rd row as 35 in dataframe DF, you can write

(a) DF[4, 6] = 35
(b) DF.iat[4, 6] = 35
(c) DF[3, 5] = 35
(d) DF.iat[3, 5] = 35

ANS:- d) DF.iat[3, 5] = 35

23. Which among the following options can be used to create a DataFrame in Pandas ?
(a) A scalar value
(b) An ndarray
(c) A python dict
(d) All of these

ANS:- (d) All of these

24. Identify the correct statement:

(a) Data frames can change their size.
(b) Series act in a way similar to that of an array.
( (c) Both (a) and b)
(d) None of the above

ANS:- ( (c) Both (a) and b)

16 | P a g e
25. To delete a column from a DataFrame, you may use statement.
(a) remove
(b) del
(c) drop
(d) cancel statement.

ANS:- (b) del

26. To delete a row from a DataFrame, you may use

(a) remove
(b) del
(c) drop
(d) cancel

ANS:- (c) drop

27. To iterate over horizontal subsets of dataframe,

(a) iterate( )
(b) iterrows( ) function may be used.
(c) itercols( )
(d) iteritems( )

ANS:- (b) iterrows( ) function may be used.

28. To iterate over vertical subsets of a dataframe, function may be used.

(a) iterate( )
(b) iterrows( )
(c) itercols( )
(d) iteritems( )

ANS:- (d) iteritems( )

17 | P a g e
29. To add two dataframes' values,
(a) plus function may be used.
(b) rplus
(c) add
(d) radd

ANS:- c) add ,(d) radd

30. To subtract the values of two dataframes,

(a) sub
(b) difference
(c) minus
(d) rsub

ANS:- (a) sub, d) rsub

31. To divide the values of two dataframes, function may be used. function may be used.
(a) divide
(b) div
(c) rdiv
(d) division

ANS:- (b) div , c) rdiv

32. Which of the following two functions will produce the same result ?
(a) add
(b) radd
(c) sub
(d) rsub

ANS:- (a) add, b) radd

18 | P a g e
33. To get the 3 bottommost rows from a dataframe, you may use
(a) bottom
(b) bottom
(3) function.
(c) tail( )

ANS:- b) radd

34. Which of the following arguments lets you specify index labels of dataframe through Dataframe( ) ?
(a) index
(b) columns
(c) label
(d) all of these function.

ANS:- (a) index

35. To get top 5 rows of a dataframe, you may use

(a) head( )
(b) head(5)
(c) top( )
(d) top(5)

ANS:- (a) head( ) , b) head(5)

36. Which of the following can be used to specify data for creating a Dataframe ?
(a) Series
(b) DataFrame
(c) Structured ndarray
(d) All of these

ANS:- (d) All of these

19 | P a g e
37. All Pandas' data structures are mutable but not always mutable.
(a) size, value
(b) semantic, size
(c) value, size
(d) none of these
ANS:- (c) value, size
38. Which of the following statement will import Pandas library ?
(a) import pandas as pd
(b) import pandas as py
(c) import panda as py
(d) All of these
ANS:- (a) import pandas as pd ,(b) import pandas as py
39. What will be the output for the following code ?
import pandas as pd
S = pd. Series([1,2,3,4,5],index = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])
print ( s[ 'a'] )
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 4
ANS:- (b) 1
40. What will be the output for the following code ?
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
S = pd.Series (np.random.randn(2))
print (s.size)
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

ANS:- (c) 2

20 | P a g e
41. What will be the output for the following code ?
import pandas as pd i
mport numpy as np
S= pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
print (s.ndim)
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
ANS:- b) 1
42. What is the purpose of using ndimattribute ?
(a) It returns the number of elements in the given data structure.
(b) It returns the Series object in the form of an ndarray.
(c) It returns a list of the indexes / labels.
(d) It returns the number of dimensions of the given data structure.
ANS:- (d) It returns the number of dimensions of the given data structure.
43. PyPlot is an interface of Python's.
(a) seaborn
(b) plotly library.
(c) ggplot
(d) matplotlih
ANS:- (d) matplotlih

44. For 2D plotting using a Python library, which library interface is often used ,

(a) seaborn
(b) plotly
(c) matplotlib
(d) matplotlib.pyplot

ANS:- d) matplotlib.pyplot

21 | P a g e
45. Which of the following is not a valid chart type ?
(a) Statistical
(b) Box
(c) Pie
(d) plot( )

ANS:- (a) Statistical , (b) Box

46. Which of the following is not a valid plotting function of pyplot ?

(a) pie( )
(b) plot( )
(c) bar( )
(d) line( )

ANS:- d) line( )

47. Which of the following plotting functions does not plot multiple data series ?
(a) plot( )
(b) barh( )
(c) bar( )
(d) pie( )

Ans:- (d) pie( )

48. The plot which tells the trend between two graphed variables is the
(a) scatter graph/chart.
(b) pie
(c) bar
(d) line

ANS:- (d) line

22 | P a g e
49. Which of the following functions is used to create a line chart ?
(a) line( )
(b) plot( )
(c) chart()
(d) plotline( )

ANS:- b) plot( )

50. Which of the following function will produce a bar chart ?

(a) plotbar( )
(b) plot( )
(c) bar( )
(d) barh( )

ANS:- (c) bar( )

51. Which of the following function will create a vertical bar chart ?
(a) plot( )
(b) bar( )
(c) plotbar()
(d) barh( )

ANS:- (b) bar( )

52. Which of the following function will create a horizontal bar chart ?
(a) plot( )
(b) bar( )
(c) plotbar( )
(d) barh( )

ANS:- (d) barh( )

23 | P a g e
53. The data points plotted on a graph are called
(a) points
(b) pointers
(c) marks graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points
(d) markers

ANS:- (d) markers

54. A connected by straight line segments.

(a) line
(b) bar
(c) pie
(d) boxplot

ANS:- a) line

55. Which argument of bar() lets you set the thickness of bar ?
(a) thick
(b) thickness
(c) width
(d) barwidth

ANS:- (c) width

56. Which function lets you set the title of the plot ?
(a) title( )
(b) graphtitle().
(c) plottitle( )
(d) All of these

ANS:- (a) title( )

24 | P a g e
57. The command used to give a heading to a graph is
(b) plt.plot()
(c) plt.xlabel( )
(d) plt.title( )
ANS:- d) plt.title( )
58. Which function would you use to set the limits for x-axis of the plot?
(a) limits( )
(b) xlimits( )
(c) xlim()
(d) lim( )
ANS:- c) xlim()
59. Which function is used to show legends?
(a) display( )
(b) show( )
(c) legend( )
(d) legends( )
ANS.- c) legend( )

60. Which argument must be set with plotting functions for legend( ) to display the legends ?
(a) data (b) label (c) name (d) sequence
ANS:- (b) label

61. Which function is used to create a histogram ?

(a) histogram( )
(b) histo( )
(c) hist()
(d) histtype

ANS:- (c) hist()

25 | P a g e
62. Which of the following is not a valid plotting function of pyplot ?
(a) plot( )
(b) bar( )
(c) line()
(d) pie( )
ANS:- (c) line()
63. Which of the following plotting functions does not plot multiple data series ?
(a) plot( )
(b) bar( )
(c) pie()
(d) barh( )
ANS:- (c) pie()
64. The plot which tells the trend between two graphed variables is the graph/chart.
(a) line
(b) scatter
(c) bar
(d) pie

ANS:- (a) line

65. A CSV file can take character as separator.

(a), (b) - (c) I (d) \t (e) only (a) (f) all of these
ANS:- (f) all of these

66. In order to work with CSV files from Pandas, you need to import pandas. , other than
(a) csv
(c) no extra package required
(d) newcsv
ANS:- (d) newcsv

26 | P a g e
67. The correct statement to read from a CSV file in a dataframeis :
(a) <DF>.read_csv(<file>)
(b) <File>. read_csv( )(<DF>)
(c) <DF> =<file>)
(d) <DF> = pandas.read_csv(<files>)
ANS:- (d) <DF> = pandas.read_csv(<files>)

68. Which argument do you specify with read_csv( ) to specify a separator character ?
(a) character
(b) char
(c) separator
(d) sep

ANS:- (d) sep

69. To suppress first row as header, which of the following arguments is to be given in read_csv( ) ?
(a) noheader = True
(b) header = None
(c) skipheader = True
(d) header - Null
ANS:- (b) header = None

70. To read specific number of rows from a CSV file, which argument is to be given in read_csv( ) ?
(a) rows = <n>
(b) nrows = <n>
(c) n_rows - <n>
(d) number_rows = <n>
ANS:- (b) nrows = <n>

27 | P a g e
71, To skip first 5 rows of CSV file, which argument will you give in read_csv( ) ?
(a) skip_rows = 5
(b) skiprows = 5
(c) skip - 5
(d) noread - 5

ANS:- (a) skip_rows = 5

72. To skip 1st, 3rd and 5th rows of CSV file, which argument will you give in read_csv( ) ?
(a) skiprows = 11315
(b) skiprows - (1, 3, 5]
(c) skiprows = [1, 5, 1]
(d) Any of these
ANS:- (b) skiprows - (1, 3, 5]

73. While reading from a CSV file, to use a column's values as index labels, argument
given in read_CSV( ) is :

(a) index
(b) index_col
(c) index_values
(d) index_label

ANS:- (b) skiprows - (1, 3, 5]

74. While writing a dataframe onto a CSV file, which argument would you use in to sql() for NaN values'
representation as NULL?

(a) NaN = NULL

(b) na_rep = NULL
(c) na_value = NULL
(d) na = NULL
ANS:- b) na_rep = NULL
28 | P a g e
75. Which of the following command is used to install Pandas?
a) Pip install python-pandas
b) Pip install pandas
c) Python install python
d) Pip install pandas
ANS:- d) Pip install pandas

76. A two-dimension labelled array that is an ordered collection of columns to store heterogeneous
datatype is
i. Series
ii. Numpy array
iii. Dataframe
iv. Panel
ANS:- iii. Dataframe

77. Which of the following statement is false:

i. DataFrame is size mutable
ii. DataFrame is value mutable
iii. DataFrame is immutable
iv. DataFrame is capable of holding multiple types of data
ANS:- iii. DataFrame is immutable

78.CSV stands for:

i. Comma separated value
ii. Comma separated variables
iii. Column separated values
iv. Column separated variables
ANS:- i. Comma separated value

79.Which method is used to access vertical subset of a dataframe?

i. iterrows()
ii. iteritems()
iii. mod()
iv. median()

ANS:- ii. iteritems()

29 | P a g e
80. Which method is used to access horizontal subset of a dataframe?
i. iterrows()
ii. iteritems()
iii. mod()
iv. median()

ANS:- i. iterrows()

81. Which function is used to rename an existing column or index?

i std()
ii hist()
iii groupby()
iv rename()

ANS:- rename( )

82. To create an empty series object you can use:

i. pd.Series(empty)
ii. pd.Series(np.NaN)
iii. pd.series()
iv. All of these

ANS:- iii. pd.series()

30 | P a g e
TYPE B -( FILL IN THE BLANKS) [1 Mark] Multiple Choice Questions

83.To delete a column from a dataframe, you may use ______ statement.
i. remove()
ii. del()
iii. drop()
iv. cancel()

ANS:- iii. drop()

84. To delete a row from dataframe, you may use _______ statement.
i. remove()
ii. del()
iii. drop()
iv. cancel()

ANS:- ii. del()

85.To add two dataframes’ values, ______ function may be used.

i. plus
ii. eplus
iii. add
iv. radd

ANS:- iv. radd

86.To skip NaN values in a calculation you can specify ________ attribute
i. NaN
ii. Na
iii. skipna
iv. All of these

ANS:- iv. All of these

31 | P a g e
87. The function to create histograms for all numeric columns of a dataframe is ______
i. histogram()
ii. hist(numeric_only=True)
iii. hist()
iv. All of these

ANS:- ii. hist(numeric_only=True)

88. The plot which tells the correlation between two variables which may not be directly related is
_____ graph/chart.
i. line
ii. scatter
iii. bar
iv. pie

ANS:- ii. scatter

89. Which of the following function is used to create a line chart?
i. line
ii. plot
iii. chart
iv. plotline
ANS:- ii. plot

90. Which of the following produce a bar chart?

i. plot
ii. bar
iii. plotbar
iv. barh

ANS:- ii. bar

91. A _____ graph is a type of chart which displays information as a series of data points
connected by straight line segments.
i. line
ii. bar
iii. pie
iv. boxplot

ANS:- i. line

32 | P a g e
92. A CSV file can take ______ character as separator.
i. ,
ii. _
iii. !
iv. \t
v. All of these

ANS:- v. All of these

93. In order to work with CSV files from panda, we need to import
i. .csv
iii. newcsv
iv. No extra module required

ANS:- i. .csv

94. Best way to import pandas in our program is _____

a)import pandas

b) import pandas as p
c) from pandas import *
d) All of the above
ANS:- d) All of the above

95. In given code dataframe ‘D1’ has ________ rows and ______ columns.
import pandas as pd
LoD = [{‘a’:10, ‘b’:20}, {‘a’:5, ‘b’:10, ‘c’:20}, {‘a’:7, ‘d’:10, ‘e’:20}]
D1 = pd.DataFrame(LoD)
a. 3, 3
b. 3, 4
c. 3, 5
d. None of the above

ANS:- c. 3, 5

33 | P a g e
96.D1[ : ] = 77 , will set __________ values of a DataFrame ‘D1’ to 77.
a. Only First Row
b. Only First Column
c. All
d. None of the above

ANS:- c. All

97. The following statement will _________

df = df.drop(['Name', 'Class', 'Rollno'], axis = 1)

#df is a DataFrame object

a. delete three columns having labels ‘Name’, ‘Class’ and ‘Rollno’

b. delete three rows having labels ‘Name’, ‘Class’ and ‘Rollno’
c. delete any three columns
d. return error

ANS:- a. delete three columns having labels ‘Name’, ‘Class’ and ‘Rollno’

98. Which of the following are ways of indexing to access Data elements in a DataFrame?
a. Label based indexing
b. Boolean Indexing
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

ANS:- c. All of the above

99. The following statement will display ________ rows of DataFrame ‘DF’
print(df.loc[[True, False,True]])
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

ANS:- b. 2

34 | P a g e
100. NumPy stands for ____
a.Number Python
b. Numerical Python
c. Numbers in Python
d. None of the aboveS.

ANS. b numerical python

101. PANDAS stands for _____________

a. Panel Data Analysis
b. Panel Data analyst
c. Panel Data
d. Panel Dashboard

ANS. c panel data

102. _________ is used when data is in Tabular Format

a. NumPy
b. Pandas
c. Matplotlib
d. All of the above

ANS. b. Pandas

103. When you print/display any series then the left most column is showing _________ value.
a. Index
b. Data
c. Value
d. None of the above

ANS:- a .index

104. When we create a series from dictionary then the keys of dictionary become ________________
a. Index of the series
b. Value of the series
c. Caption of the series
d. None of the series

ANS;- a. Index of the series

35 | P a g e
Case Study Based Question
Mr. Ankit is working in an organization as data analyst. He uses Python Pandas and Matplotlib for
the same. He got a dataset of the passengers for the year 2010 to 2012 for January, March and
December. His manager wants certain information from him, but he is facing some problems. Help
him by answering few questions given below:

Code to create the above data frame:

import pandasas ____________ #Statement 1
df=pd.____________________(data) #Statement 2
1. He wants to print the details of "January" month along with the number of passengers,
Identify the correct statement:

i. .df.loc[['Month','Passengers']] [df['Month’] =='Jan’]

ii. df[['Month','Passengers']][df['Month’] =='Jan']
iii. df. iloc[['Month','Passengers']][df['Month’] =='Jan']
iv. df(['Month','Passengers']][df['Month']=='Jan')
2. Mr. Ankit wants to change the index of the Data Frame and the output for the same is given
below. Identify the correct statement to change the index

36 | P a g e
i. df.index[]=["Air India","Indigo","Spicejet","Jet","Emirates"]
ii. df.index["Air India","Indigo","Spicejet","Jet","Emirates"]
iii. df.index=["Air India","Indigo","Spicejet","Jet","Emirates"]
iv. df.index()=["Air India","Indigo","Spicejet","Jet","Emirates"]

3. He wants to arrange records of all the passenger’s year wise in descending order.
(i) df.sort_values(by=’Year’, ascending=True, inplace =False)
(ii) df.sort_values(by=’Year’, ascending=False, inplace =False)
(iii)df.sort_values(by=’Year’, ascending=False, inplace =True)
(iv)df.sort_values(by=’Year’, descending=True, inplace =True)

ANS:- 1. (ii) df[['Month','Passengers']][df['Month']=='Jan']

2. (iii) df.index=["Air India","Indigo","Spicejet","Jet","Emirates"]
3. iii) df.sort_values(by=’Year’, ascending=False, inplace =True)

Q-2 Consider the following DataFrame df

Roll No. Name UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4

1 Prerna Singh 24 24 20 22
2 Manish Arora 18 17 19 22
3 TanishGoel 20 22 18 24
4 Falguni Jain 22 20 24 20
5 KanikaBhatnagar 15 20 18 22
6 Ramandeep Kaur 20 15 22 24

1. Write down the command that will give output:

rollno 6
name TanishGoel
UT1 24
UT2 24
UT3 24
37 | P a g e

a. print(df.max)
b. print(df.max())
c. print(df.max(axis=1))
d. print(df.max, axis=1)

2. The teacher needs to know the marks scored by the student with roll number.Help her to identify the
correct set of statement/s from the given options
a. df1=df[df[‘rollno’]==4]
b. df1=df[rollno==4]
c . df1=df[df.rollno=4]
d. df1=df[df.rollno==4]
3. Which of the following statement/s will give the exact number of values ineach column of the
i) print(df.count())
ii) print(df.count(0))
iii) print(df.count)
iv) print(df.count(axis=’index’))
Choose the correct option:
a. both (i) and (ii)
b. only (ii)
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. (i), (ii) and (iv)
4. Which of the following command will display the column labels of thedataframe?
i) print(df.columns())
ii) print(df.column())
iii) print(df.column)
iv) print(df.columns)
5. Ms. Sharma, the class teacher wants to add a new column, the scores of Gradewith the values, ‘ A’,
‘B’, ‘A’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘A’choose the command to do so:
b)df [‘Grade’]=[’A’,’B’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’]
c) df.loc[‘Grade’]= [’A’,’B’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’]
d) Both (b) and (c) are correct

ANS:- 1. b. print(df.max())
2. a. df1=df[df[‘rollno’]==4]
d. df1=df[df.rollno==4]
38 | P a g e
3. a. both (i) and (ii)
4. d.print(df.columns)
5. b. df [‘Grade’]=[’A’,’B’,’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’]

Q-3Consider the DataFrame dfmks having some missing values(shown as NaN) as shown below:
acct 99 94.0 92 97.0
eco 90 94.0 92 97.0
eng 95 89.0 91 89.0
ip 94 NaN 99 95.0
math 97 100.0 99 NaN

1) Which function will fill0 in place of NaN.

2) Which function will not select all the rows that have NaNvalues.

3) The above output will be produced by using:

4.Select code to arrange data in ascending order of section A.
39 | P a g e

5.Which library is necessary to import for above DataFrame.

a. Import matplotlib
b. Import pandas
c. Import csv
d. Import dataframe

ANS:- 1. c.dfmks.fillna(0)
2. b.dfmks.dropna()
3. a.dfmks.isnull()
4. d.dfmks.sort_values(by=[‘A’])
5. b.import pandas

Q-4.Consider the following DataFrame df and answer any four questions

Fruits Pulses Rice Wheat
Andhra p. 7830 931.0 7452.4 NaN
Gujarat 11950 818.0 1930.0 2737.0
Kerala 113.1 1.7 2604.8 NaN
Punjab 7152 33. 11586.2 16440.5
Tripura 44.1 23.2 814.6 0.5
Uttar p. 140169.2 2184.4 13754.0 30056.0
Write down the command to find minimum value along the columns for each row.
ii) Which argument is used with max() function for only numeric values are used for calculation.
iii) Select command to delete column wheat.

40 | P a g e
b.del ‘wheat’

iv) Which function is used to change the name of index.

a.df.change(index={“Andhra p.”:”A”,”Gujrat”:”B”, ”Kerala”:”C”, ”Punjab”:”D”})
b.df.reindex(index={“Andhra p.”:”A”,”Gujrat”:”B”, ”Kerala”:”C”, ”Punjab”:”D”})
c.df.named(index={“Andhra p.”:”A”,”Gujrat”:”B”, ”Kerala”:”C”, ”Punjab”:”D”})
d.df.rename(index={“Andhra p.”:”A”,”Gujrat”:”B”, ”Kerala”:”C”, ”Punjab”:”D”})
v) Select code which will change value of ‘7152’ Fruits column of row Punjab into 9658.

ANS:- i) b.df.min(axis=1)
ii) c.skipna=True,numeric_value=True
iii) a.del df[‘wheat’]
iv)d.df.rename(index={“Andhra p.”:”A”,”Gujrat”:”B”, ”Kerala”:”C”, ”Punjab”:”D”})
v) c. df.Fruits[‘punjab’]=9658

Q-5 Consider the following DataFrame df and answer any four questions

Fruits Pulses Rice Wheat

Andhra p. 7830 931.0 7452.4 NaN
Gujarat 11950 818.0 1930.0 2737.0
Kerala 113.1 1.7 2604.8 NaN
Punjab 7152 33. 11586.2 16440.5
Tripura 44.1 23.2 814.6 0.5
Uttar p. 140169.2 2184.4 13754.0 30056.0

1. Add new row banglore with all columns value 1200


41 | P a g e[‘banglore’,:]=1200

2.The output:
11950 818.0
113.1 1.7
will be produced by:[1:3,0:2][1:3,0:2]
3.Which among given option produce output

Andhra p 3
gujarata 4
kerala 3
Punjab 4
Tripura 4
uttar p 4

ANS:- 1.[‘banglore’,:]=1200
2. d.df.iloc[1:3,0:2]
3. b.df.T
4. c.median()
5. df.count(axis=1)

Q-6. Mr.Javed is working in a game software development industry and he was comparing the given chart
on the basis of the rating of the various games available on the play store.

42 | P a g e
He is trying to write a code to plot the
graph. Help him to fill in the blanks of the
code and get the desired output.

import__________________________ #Statement 1
Games=["Subway Surfer","Temple Run","Candy Crush","Bottle Shot","Runner Best"]
Rating=[4.2,4.8,5.0,3.8,4.1] plt.______________(Games,Rating) #Statement 2

plt.xlabel("Games") plt.______________("Rating") #Statement 3

plt._______________ #Statement 4

i. Choose the right code from the following for statement 1.

i. matplotlib as plt

ii. pyplot as plt

iii. matplotlib.pyplot as plt

iv. matplotlib.plt as pyplot

ANS:- (iii) matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ii. Identify the name of the function that should be used in statement 2 to plot the above graph.

i. line()
ii. bar()
iii. hist()

ANS:- (ii) bar()

43 | P a g e
iii. Choose the correct option for the statement 3.
i. title("Rating")
ii. ytitle("Rating")
iii. ylabel("Rating")
iv. yaxis("Rating")
ANS:- (iii) ylabel("Rating”)

iv) Choose the right function/method from the following for the statement 4.
i. display()
ii. print()
iii. bar()
iv. show()

Answer: (iv) show()

v) In case Mr. Javed wants to change the above plot to the any other shape, which statement, should he
i. Statement 1
ii. Statement 2
iii. Statement 3
iv. Statement 4

Answer: Statement 2

Q-7 Khushi is the event incharge in a school. One of her students gave her a suggestion to use Python
Pandas and Matplotlib for analysing and visualising the data, respectively. She has created a Data frame
“SportsDay” to keep track of the number of First, Second and Third prizes won by different houses in
various events.

Write Python commands to do the following:

44 | P a g e
i. Display the house names where the number of Second Prizes are in the range of 12 to 20.
a. df['Name'][(df['Second']>=12) and (df['Second']<=20)]

b. df[Name][(df['Second']>=12) & (df['Second']<=20)]

c. df['Name'][(df['Second']>=12) & (df['Second']<=20)]

d. df[(df['Second']>=12) & (df['Second']<=20)]

ANS: c. df['Name'][(df['Second']>=12) & (df['Second']<=20)]

ii. Display all the records in the reverse order.

a. print(df[::1])

b. print(df.iloc[::-1])

c. print(df[-1:]+df[:-1])

d. print(df.reverse())

ANS: b. print(df.iloc[::-1])

iii. Display the bottom 3 records.

a. df.last(3)

b. df.bottom(3)


d. df.tail(3)

ANS: d. df.tail(3)

iv) Choose the correct output for the given statements:



45 | P a g e
a. 0

b. Name

c. First

d. Error

ANS:- b. Name

v. Which command will give the output 24:

a. print(df.size)

b. print(df.shape)

c. print(df.index)

d. print(df.axes)

ANS:- a. df.size

46 | P a g e


Q1. _______________ are the records and traces that we left behind as we use Internet.
a. Digital Footprints
b. Data Protection
c. Plagiarism
d. Digital Data

Q2. Digital footprints are stored _______

a. Temporarily (for few days)
b. Permanently
c. for 7 days only
d. for 3 days

Q3. Whenever we surf the Internet using smartphones we leave a trail of data reflecting the activities
performed by us online, which is our ___________
a. Digital footprint
b. Digital activities
c. Online handprint
d. Internet activities

Q4. There are _________ kinds of Digital footprints.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Q5. Which of the following is type of Digital Footprints?

a. Active digital footprints
b. Passive digital footprints
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

47 | P a g e
Q6. The digital data trail we leave online unintentionally is called _____
a. Active digital footprints
b. Passive digital footprints
c. Current digital footprints
d. None of the above

Q7. The digital data trail we leave online intentionally is called _____
a. Active digital footprints
b. Passive digital footprints
c. Current digital footprints
d. None of the above

Q8. Which of the following activity is an example of leaving Active digital footprints?
a. Surfing internet
b. Visiting a website
c. Sending an email to friend
d. None of the above

Q9. Our digital footprint can be created by _______

a. visiting any website
b. sending email
c. posting online
d. All of the above

Q10. Our digital footprints are stored in local web browser in the form of ________
a. browsing history
b. cookies
c. passwords
d. All of the above

48 | P a g e
Q11. Our digital foot prints are stored in ________
a. Local web browser
b. Servers where the applications are hosted
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q12. Digital footprints can be used to ________

a. Trace the user’s location
b. Trace the user’s digital activity
c. know the digital personality of user.
d. All of the above

Q13. Anyone who uses digital technology along with Internet is a ____
a. Digital citizen
b. Netizen
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q14. In this era of digital society, we can do ______________

a. Online Shopping
b. Online Banking
c. Online Education
d. All of the above

Q15. Which of the following are Net Etiquette?

a. Be Ethical
b. Be Respectful
c. Be Responsible
d. All of the above

49 | P a g e
Q16. Being a responsible digital citizen, we should ______
a. not use copyrighted materials
b. avoid cyber bullying
c. respect privacy of others
d. All of the above

Q17. Online posting of rumours, giving threats online, posting the victim’s personal information, comments
aimed to publicly ridicule a victim is termed as __________
a. Cyber bullying
b. Cyber crime
c. Cyber insult
d. All of the above

Q18. _______ is a person who deliberately sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting
people, by posting inflammatory or off topic messages in an online community.
a. Netizen
b. Digital Citizen
c. Internet troll
d. None of the above

Q19. Digital communication includes ________

a. Email
b. Texting
c. Instant messaging
d. All of the above

Q20. Which of the following is example of Social media?

a. Facebook
b. Twitter
c. Instagram
d. All of the above

50 | P a g e
Q21. Which of the following is not an example of Social media platform?
a. Facebook
b. Pinterest
c. Google+
d. Social channel

Q22. ________ are websites or applications that enable users to participate by creating and sharing content
with others in the community.
a. Social media
b. Social channel
c. Social networking
d. None of the above

Q23. A responsible netizen must abide by ____________

a. net etiquettes
b. communication etiquettes
c. social media etiquettes
d. All of the above

Q24. In social media platform, we can share _____________

a. images
b. text
c. videos
d. All of the above

Q25. To be a responsible netizen, we should ___________

a. Choose password wisely
b. think before upload anything online.
c. change our password frequently.
d. All of the above

51 | P a g e
Q26. Data that can cause substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience and unfairness to an individual, if
breached or compromised, is called _______________
a. Sensitive data
b. Important data
c. security data
d. None of the above

Q27. Example of sensitive data is ___________

a. Name of a person
b. Credit card detail of a person
c. Date of birth of a person
d. None of the above

Q28. IPR stands for ______________

a. Indian Property Right
b. Intellectual Property Right
c. Intelligent Property Right
d. Intellectual Property Resource

Q29. Code of the software will be protected by _____________

a. copyright
b. patent
c. registered trademark
d. None of the above

Q30. Functional expression of the idea/invention will be protected by ________

a. copyright
b. patent
c. registered trademark
d. None of the above

52 | P a g e
Q31. The name and logo of the software will be protected by ___________
a. copyright
b. patent
c. registered trademark
d. None of the above

Q32. Intellectual Property is legally protected through ____

a. copyright
b. patent
c. registered trademark
d. All of the above

Q33. The ____________ include right to copy (reproduce) a work, right to distribute copies of the work to
the public, and right to publicly display or perform the work.
a. Copyright
b. Patent
c. Createright
d. None of the above

Q34. A ______________ provide an exclusive right to prevent others from using, selling, or distributing the
protected invention
a. copyright
b. trademark
c. patent
d. All of the above

Q35. A patent protects an invention for ___________ years, after which it can be freely used.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40

53 | P a g e
Q36. _____________ includes any visual symbol, word, name, design, slogan, label, etc., that distinguishes
the brand from other brands.
a. Trademark
b. Patent
c. Copyright
d. None of the above

Q37. EULA stands for _____________

a. End User Leave Agreement
b. End User License Aim
c. End User License Agreement
d. None of the above

Q38. _________________covers all clauses of software purchase, viz., how many copies can be installed,
whether source is available, whether it can be modified and redistributed and so on.

Q39. ___________ means using other’s work and not giving adequate citation for use.
a. Plagiarism
b. Licensing
c. Copyright
d. None of the above

Q40. Licensing and copyrights are same terms.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

54 | P a g e
Q41. A ____________ is a type of contract between the creator of an original work permitting someone to
use their work, generally for some price.
a. Agreement
b. License
c. Patent
d. Copyright

Q42. Presenting someone else’s idea or work as one’s own idea or work is called ________
a. Plagiarism
b. Copyright infringement
c. Patent infringement
d. None of the above

Q43. Ravi copy some contents from Internet, but do not mention the source or the original creator. This is an
act of ______
a. Plagiarism
b. Copyright Infringement
c. Trademark Infringement
d. Licence Infringement

Q44. _____________ means unauthorized use of other’s trademark on products and services.
a. Copyright Infringement
b. Trademark Infringement
c. Plagiarism
d. Patent

Q45. GPL stands for ___________

a. General Public License
b. GNU General Private License
c. GNU General Public License
d. GNU Public License

55 | P a g e
Q46. Which of the following is popular category of public licenses?
a. GPL
b. CC
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q47. CC (in reference to public license) stands for _____

a. Creative Commons
b. Carbon copy
c. Creative Comments
d. Creative Culture

Q48. GPL is primarily designed for providing public license to a ______

a. software
b. websites
c. literature
d. music

Q49. FOSS stands for __________

a. For open source software
b. Free and open set software
c. Free and open source software
d. None of the above

Q50. ____________ operating system come under FOSS.

a. Ubuntu
b. Unix
c. Mac
d. Windows

56 | P a g e
Q51. ____________ browser come under FOSS.
a. Internet explorer
b. Chrome
c. Mozilla Firefox
d. None of the above

Q52. _____________ is the unauthorized use or distribution of software.

a. Software piracy
b. Piracy
c. Software copy
d. Pirated Software

Q53. ___________ package come under FOSS.

a. Libre Office
b. Open Office
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q54. The owner of a work can create _______ different types of CC licenses.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

Q55. _______ is defined as a crime in which computer is the medium of crime.

a. Computer crime
b. Cyber crime
c. Internet crime
d. Digital crime

57 | P a g e
Q56. Which of the following is cybercrime?
a. Hacking
b. Phishing
c. Spamming
d. All of the above

Q57. A ___________ is some lines of malicious code that can copy itself and can have detrimental effect on
the computers, by destroying data or corrupting the system.
a. Cyber crime
b. Computer virus
c. Program
d. Software

Q58. ____________ is the act of unauthorized access to a computer, computer network or any digital
a. Sign in
b. Hacking
c. Tracking
d. None of the above

Q59. Hacking, when done with a positive intent, is called ______

a. Ethical hacking
b. Active hacking
c. Passive hacking
d. Ethics

Q60. Which of the following is called black hat hacker?

a. Ethical hacker
b. Non Ethical hacker
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

58 | P a g e
Q61. Which of the following is white hat hacker?
a. Ethical hacker
b. Non Ethical hacker
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q62. Primary focus of ________ is on security cracking and data stealing.

a. ethical hacker
b. non ethical hacker
c. white hat hacker
d. None of the above

Q63. Hackers try to break security system ___________

a. for Identity theft
b. for monetary gain
c. to leak sensitive information
d. All of the above

Q64. ______________ is an activity where fake websites or emails that look original or authentic are
presented to the user.
a. Phishing
b. Hacking
c. Spamming
d. Identity theft

Q65. ________ is a kind of cyber crime in which attacker blackmails the victim to pay for getting access to
the data.
a. Phishing
b. Identity theft
c. Ransomware
d. None of the above

59 | P a g e
Q66. Which of the following can be considered as safety measures to reduce the risk of cyber crime?
a. Use an antivirus software and keep it updated always.
b. Avoid installing pirated software.
c. Use strong password for web login, and change it periodically.
d. All of the above

Q67. E-waste stands for ______

a. Electrical waste
b. Electronic waste
c. Electricity waste
d. E-waste

Q68. Which of the following constitute e-waste?

a. discarded computers
b. damaged printers
c. useless CDs
d. All of the above

Q69. Which of the following are feasible methods of e-waste management?

a. Reduce
b. Reuse
c. Recycle
d. All of the above

Q70. The process of re-selling old electronic goods at lower prices is called ____
a. refurbishing
b. recycle
c. reuse
d. reduce

60 | P a g e
Q71. ____________ is a branch of science that deals with designing or arranging workplaces including the
furniture, equipment and systems so that it becomes safe and comfortable for the user.
a. Ergonomics
b. Ergomics
c. Agonomics
d. All of the above

Q72. Bad posture of using computer may cause _____

a. Backache
b. Neck Pain
c. Shoulder pain
d. All of the above

Q73. What we have to ensures to maintain good health of a computer system?

a. Wipe monitor’s screen often using the regular microfiber soft cloth.
b. Keep it away from direct heat, sunlight and put it in a room with enough ventilation for air circulation.
c. Do not eat food or drink over the keyboard
d. All of the above

Q74. Proprietary software is a software which is available _________

a. free of charge
b. on paying license fee
c. free for first year only
d. none of the above

Q75. Which of the following is not a cyber crime?

a. Phishing
b. Ransomware
c. Hacking
d. Tracking

61 | P a g e
1. a 2.b 3.a 4.b
5.c 6.b 7.a 8.c
9.d 10.d 11.c 12.d
13.c 14.d 15.d 16.d
17.a 18.c 19.d 20.d
21.d 22.a 23.d 24.d
25.d 26.a 27.b 28.b
29.a 30.b 31.c 32.d
33.a 34.a 35.b 36.a
37.c 38.a 39.a 40.b
41.b 42.a 43.a 44.b
45.a 46.c 47.a 48.a
49.c 50.a 51.c 52.a
53.c 54.c 55.b 56.d
57.b 58.b 59.a 60.b
61.a 62.b 63.d 64.a
65.c 66.d 67.b 68.d
69.d 70.a 71.a 72.d
73.d 74.b 75.d

62 | P a g e

Q.1. Gaining unauthorised access to a network or computer aur digital files with malicious intentions, is
a. Cracking
b. Hacking
c. Banging
d. Phishing
Q.2. Legal term to describe the rights of a creator of original creative or artistic work is called _____
a. Copyright
b. Copyleft
c. GPL
d. None of these
Q.3. OSS stands for
a. Open system security
b. Open system source
c. Open software and security
d. Open source software
Q.4.Any fraudulent business practice that extracts money e from an unsuspecting, ignorant person is
a. Stealing
b. Scam
c. Violation of copyright
d. Digital footprint
Q.5.________ means no price is to be paid for the software.
a. Free software
b. Freeware
c. shareware
d. Open source software
Q.6.Any work / information that exist in digital form idea on internet or on an electronic device, is known
as________________ property.
a. Licence property
b. digital property
c. source code property
d. software property
Q.7.Discarded electrical or or electronic devices are known as____________.
a. E waste
b. Software Waste
c. Hardware waste
d. Computer waste

63 | P a g e
Q.8.The least restrictive open sourcelicence is________ licence.
a. Apache Licence
b. MIT licence
c. GNU licence
d. BSD licence
Q.9. The original code written by programmers for a software is known as______________
a. Object code
b. Source code
c. Python code
d. Language code
Q.10. ____________ means freedom to use the software.
a. Plagiarism
b. Freeware
c. Open software
d. Free software
Q.11. IAD means _________________
a. Internet advanced data
b. Internet addiction disorder
c. Internet advanced digitalization
d. Internet aggregate data
Q.12. The__________ is the Digital trail of your activity on the internet.
a. Copyleft
b. Digital footprint
c. Digital data
d. Internet property
Q.13.The ________ the are the permissions given to use a product or someone's creator by the
copyright holder.
a. Source code
b. Licence
c. Software authority
d. Digital rights
Q.14._____________ is a licence that gives right opposite to copyright.
a. Left copy
b. Digital copy
c. Copyleft
d. IPR
Q.15. A software that can be freely accessed and modified is called
a. synchronous software
b. package software
c. open source software
d. middleware.
64 | P a g e
Q.16.Which of the following is an advantage of open source software?
a. You can edit the source code to customise it
b. you need to be an expert to edit code
c. you have to pay
d. can sometimes with two generic for specialist purposes.
Q.17.Which of the following is a disadvantage of open source software?
a. high quality software with lots of features.
b. not as customizable
c. may not have been tested as much as proprietary software so might have bugs.
d. you can added the source code to customize it
Q.18.Which of the following is an advantage of proprietary software?
a. It is usually free
b. thoroughly tested because people are paying to use it.
c. Not as customizable.
d. Can sometimes be to generate for specialist purposes.
Q.19.Which of the following is a disadvantage of proprietary software?
a. You need to be an expert to edit code.
b. You have to pay for this type of software.
c. It’s licensed.
d. It is launched after proper testing.
Q.20.The generally recognized term for the government protection afforded to intellectual property written
and electronic is called _____________
a. Computer security law.
b. Aggregate information.
c. Copyright law
d. Data security standards.
Q.21.Which of the following would be a creative work protected by copyright?
a. A list of all Indian President names
b. A Portrait of your family
c. A song you wrote
d. The name of your pet dog
Q.22.Which of the following is not done by cyber criminals?
a. Unauthorised account access
b. Mass Attack using trojans as botnets
c. Email spoofing and spamming
d. report vulnerabilty in any system
Q.23.What is the name of the IT law that India is having in the Indian legislature?
a. India's Technology IT Act 2000
b. India's Digital information technology DIT Act, 2000
c. India's Information Technology IT Act, 2000
d. The technology act, 2008.

65 | P a g e
Q.24.What is meant by the term cybercrime?
a. Any crime that uses computers to jeopardize or attempt to jeoparadise in national security
b. The use of computer networks to commit financial or identity fraud
c. The theft of Digital information
d. Any crime that involves computers and networks
Q.25.Every activity you perform on the internet is safe for how long?
a. 1 month
b. 1 year
c. As per my setting
d. Forever
Q.26.A _____________ is an injury or disorder of muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments and joints.
a. Repetitive Strain injury
b. Muscle injury
c. Nervous breakdown
d. Joint pain
Q.27.________________ is a technology related health condition affecting eyesight.
a. Computer vision strain
b. Computer vision syndrome
c. Eyesight syndrome
d. Vision imbalance

1.b 2.a 3.d 4.b
5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b
9.b 10.d 11.b 12.b
13.b 14.c 15.c 16.a
17.c 18.b 19.b 20.c
21.c 22.d 23.c 24.d
25.d 26.a 27.b

66 | P a g e

1. After practicals, Atharv left the computer laboratory but forgot to sign off from his email account. Later,
his classmate Revaan started using the same computer. He is now logged in as Atharv. He sends inflammatory
email messages to few of his classmates using Atharv’s email account. Revaan’s activity is an example of
which of the following cyber crime?
a) Hacking
b) Identity theft
c) Cyber bullying
d) Plagiarism

2. Rishika found a crumpled paper under her desk. She picked it up and opened it. It contained some text
which was struck off thrice. But she could still figure out easily that the struck off text was the email ID and
password of Garvit, her classmate. What is ethically correct for Rishika to do?
a) Inform Garvit so that he may change his password.
b) Give the password of Garvit’s email ID to all other classmates.
c) Use Garvit’s password to access his account.

3. Suhana is down with fever. So, she decided not to go to school tomorrow. Next day, in the evening she
called up her classmate, Shaurya and enquired about the computer class. She also requested him to explain
the concept. Shaurya said, “Mam taught us how to use tuples in python”. Further, he generously said, “Give
me some time, I will email you the material which will help you to understand tuples in python”. Shaurya
quickly downloaded a 2-minute clip from the Internet explaining the concept of tuples in python. Using video
editor, he added the text “Prepared by Shaurya” in the downloaded video clip. Then, he emailed the modified
video clip to Suhana. This act of Shaurya is an example of —
a) Fair use
b) Hacking
c) Copyright infringement
d) Cyber crime

4. After a fight with your friend, you did the following activities. Which of these activities is not an example
of cyber bullying?
a) You sent an email to your friend with a message saying that “I am sorry”.
b) You sent a threatening message to your friend saying “Do not try to call or talk to me”.
c) You created an embarrassing picture of your friend and uploaded on your account on a social networking

67 | P a g e
5. Sourabh has to prepare a project on “Digital India Initiatives”. He decides to get information from the
Internet. He downloads three web pages (webpage 1, webpage 2,webpage 3) containing information on Digital
India Initiatives. Which of the following steps taken by Sourabh is an example of plagiarism or copyright

a) He read a paragraph on “Digital India Initiatives” from webpage 1 and rephrased it in his own
words. He finally pasted the rephrased paragraph in his project.
b) He downloaded three images of “Digital India Initiatives” from webpage 2. He made a collage for his
project using these images.
c) He downloaded “Digital India Initiative” icon from web page 3 and pasted it on the front page of his project

6. Neerja is a student of Class XI. She has opted for Computer Science. Neerja prepared the project assigned
to her. She mailed it to her teacher. The snapshot of that email is shown below.

Find out which of the following email etiquettes are missing in it.

a) Subject of the mail

b) Formal greeting
c) Self-explanatory terms
d) Identity of the sender
e) Regards

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. A

68 | P a g e
Sample Question Paper SET - 1 (Term-1)
Informatics Practices (065)
Class 12
Time: 02:00 Hrs Marks: 35

1. Do not open the question booklet until you are asked to do so.
2. There are 35 questions in the question booklet.
3. Each question is compulsory.
4. Each question has four possible answers - A, B, C and D. Students are required to
choose the most appropriate answer out of the four alternatives.

69 | P a g e
QNo. Question Marks

1 Data which has no restriction of usage and is freely available to everyone 1

under Intellectual Property Rights is categorised as:

(a) Open source (b) Open data

(c) Open content (d) Open education

2 Which of the following is not a valid line style in matplotlib? 1

(a) ‘-’ (b) ‘--’

(c) ‘-.’ (d) ‘<’

3 The best type of graph to represent distribution of elements is 1

(a) bar (b) histogram

(c) pie (d) basemap

4 Which of the following pandas attributes gives output in the form of tuple? 1
(a) nbytes (b) ndim

(c) shape (d) size

5 A student copies his final year project from a random internet source. This 1
act is termed as

(a) Phishing (b) Spamming

(c) Plagiarism (d) Identity Theft

6 A series contains a total of 10 elements including a missing value. The 1

output of count and len functions when applied to this Series respectively
will be

(a) 10,10 (b) 9,10

(c) 9,9 (d) 10,9

7 Which of the following parameters of the read_csv function is used to make 1

one of the columns of the data in the csv file as index of the data frame.

(a) skiprows (b) index_row

(c) nrows (c) index_col

70 | P a g e
8 A mail or message sent to a large number of people without their consent is 1

(a) Cyberstalking (b) Eavesdropping

(c) Phishing (d) Spamming

9 A trademark is valid for ____ years and can be renewed after that. 1

(a) 6 (b) 10

(c) 5 (d) 4

10 Which of the following is not the correct method of E-waste management? 1

(a) Regrow (b) Reduce

(c) Recycle (d) Reuse

Directions (Q No. 11-15) In the questions given below there are two
statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) . Read the statements
and choose the correct option.

a. Both (A) and (R) are True, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b. Both (A) and (R) are True, but (R) is not the correct explanation of
c. (A) is true, but (R) is false.
d. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

11 Assertion (A): To display the first four elements of a Series object, you may 1
write S[:4].
Reason (R): To display the first five rows of a Series object S, you may use
tail() function.

12 Assertion (A): The rename function of Data Frame does not rename the 1
columns of the original data frame, but instead returns a dataframe with
updated column names.
Reason (R): Default value of inplace parameter in rename function is False.

13 Assertion (A): A series object is size mutable. 1

Reason (R): A data frame is value mutable.

14 Assertion (A): loc is used to extract a subset of a data frame. 1

Reason (R): Transpose of a dataframe df can be obtained using df.T.

15 Assertion (A): Given a Series S, output of print(len(S.shape) will be 1. 1

Reason (R): A series is one dimensional in nature.

Directions (Q No. 16-20) Read the extract given below and answer the
questions on the basis of the same.

71 | P a g e
Mr. Mathur wants to write Python code to create the following data frame
containing marks of 3 students. However, he is facing some problems. Help
him by answering a few questions below.

Code to create the dataframe:

import pandas as pd
______ =['S1','S2','S3'])#statement 1
df. ______ =['M1','M2','M3'] #statement 2

16 Choose the right code for statement 1. 1

(a) row (b) column

(c) index (d) columns

17 Choose the right code for statement 2. 1

(a) column (b) columns

(c) value (d) values

18 Which of the following commands will output 2 for the above given Data 1

(a) df.size (b) df.ndim

(c) df.shape (d) df.index

19 He wants to rename the column M1 to MT1, which command should he 1


(a) df=df.rename(columns={'M1':'MT1'})
(b) df=df.rename({'M1':'MT1'})
(c) df=df.rename(columns={'M1':'MT1'},inplace=True)
(d) df=df.rename(column={'M1':'MT1'})

72 | P a g e
20 He wants to obtain the sum of marks for each student as given below. 1
Choose the correct statement to obtain the same.

(a) print(df.sum(axis=0))
(b) print(df.sum())
(c) print(df.sum(0))
(d) print(df.sum(1))

Directions (Q No. 21-25) Read the extract given below and answer the
questions on the basis of the same.

Ms. Ankita wants to plot the below given graph of y=x*2 vs y=x*3 for x in the
range 1 to 10. However, she is facing some problems. Help her by answering
a few questions related to the code written by her.


73 | P a g e
21 What color code should be used to assign black color to the plot of y=x*2 in 1
the line marked as statement 1?

(a) bl (b) c

(c) bk (d) k

22 What x axis should be chosen for y=x*3 plot in statement 2 so that the bars 1
do not overlap.

(a) x (b) 0.4

(c) x+0.4 (d) x*0.4

23 Fill in the blank in statement 3 to print all the points on the x axis. 1

(a) xticks (b) xtick

(c) xlabel (d) xlabels

24 Fill in the blank in statement 4 to display the legends as shown in the plot. 1

(a) legends (b) displaylegends

(c) displaylegend (d) legend

25 Fill in the blank in statement 5 to display the plot. 1

(a) plt.display() (b)

(c) plt.showplot() (d) plt.displayplot()

26 A Data Frame is having True and False as its boolean indexes. The 1
command that can be used to access all the rows corresponding to True
boolean index is

(a) print(df.loc(True) (b) print(df.loc[:,True])

(c) print(df.loc[True]) (d) print(df.loc(True,:)

27 Consider the following Data Frame df containing missing values 1

The command df.dropna(how='all') will

(a) return Data Frame containing row(s) I3.
(b) return Data Frame containing row(s) I1 and I2.
(c) return Data Frame containing row(s) I1.
(d) return Data Frame containing row(s) I2.

74 | P a g e
28 Consider a Data Frame containing three columns C1, C2 and C3, which of 1
the below given commands can be used to delete the column C3?

(a) del df.C3

(b) del df.loc[:,'C3']
(c) del df.iloc[:,2]
(d) del df['C3']

29 Consider a Data Frame containing three rows R1, R2 and R3, which of the 1
below given commands to delete the rows R1 and R2 is incorrect?

(a) df=df.drop(['R1','R2'],1)
(b) df=df.drop(['R1','R2'])
(c) df=df.drop(['R1','R2'],0)
(d) df=df.drop(['R1','R2'],axis='index')

30 Consider the below given Data Frame df 1

The output of the following command will be

(a) 22
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 11

Directions (Q No. 31-35) In the questions given below there are two
statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) . Read the statements
and choose the correct option.
a. Both (A) and (R) are True, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b. Both (A) and (R) are True, but (R) is not the correct explanation of
c. (A) is true, but (R) is false.
d. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

31 Assertion (A): The electronic records available on DigiLocker are 1

considered legitimate.
Reason (R): The electronic records available on DigiLocker or mParivahan
are deemed to be legally recognised at par with the original documents as
per the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000

32 Assertion (A): Someone has created a fake social media profile in the name 1
of Saket. Saket is a victim of cyberstalking.
Reason (R): Cyberstalking is a form of cybercrime.

33 Assertion (A): Stealing money from someone’s wallet is a type of 1

Reason (R): Cybercrime is a crime that involves a computer and a network.

34 Assertion (A): Amit has stolen the content of a research paper and 1
published it online. Amit has performed cybercrime.
Reason (R): Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s work and presenting
it as one’s own work.

75 | P a g e
35 Assertion (A): The source code of weka software can be modified and 1
shared as it’s an open source data mining software.
Reason (R): Open-source software is computer software that is released
under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to use,
study, change, and distribute the software and its source code


1 b 2 d 3 b

4 c 5 c 6 b

7 c 8 d 9 b

10 a 11 c 12 a

13 d 14 b 15 a

16 c 17 b 18 b

19 a 20 d 21 d

22 c 23 a 24 d

25 b 26 c 27 b

28 d 29 a 30 c

31 a 32 b 33 d

34 d 35 a

76 | P a g e
Sample Question Paper Set 2 (Term 1)
Session 2021-22
Subject: Informatics Practices (065)
Class XII
Max Time: 02:00 Hours Max Marks: 35

1. Smridh has recently changed his school so he is not aware of the people, but someone is posting negative
demeaning comments on his social media profile. He is also getting repeated mails from unknown
people.Everytime he goes online, he finds someone chasing him online. (5)
i. Smridh is a victim of ............. :
a. Eavesdropping
b. Stolen identity
c. Phishing
d. Cyber stalking

ii. The action that Smridh should take :

a. He should ONLY share with his friends
b. He should NOT share with anyone as it can cause serious problem
c. He should immediately report to the police
d. He should bring to the notice of his parents and school authorities.

iii. .......................... is a set of moral principles that governs the behaviour of a group or individual
andregulates the use of computers.
a. Copyright
b. Computer ethics
c. Property rights
d. Privacy law

iv. Smridh needs to protect his personal information or data from unintentional and intentional attacks
anddisclosure which is termed as ............
a. Digital right
b. Copyright
c. Privacy
d. Intellectual property

v. The act of fraudulently acquiring someone’s personal and private information, such as online
accountnames, login information and passwords is called as ...............
a. Phishing
b. Fraud
c. Scam
d. Plagiarism

1. Which of the following is NOT an intellectual property? 1

a. A poem written by a poet
b. An original painting made by a painter
c. Trademark of a Company
d. A remixed song
77 | P a g e
2. An act of stealing others Intellectual Property without their consent of without citing the
source is called.
a. Plagiarism
b. Hacking
c. Phishing
d. Bullying

3. Name the cyber law enforced in India to provide legal recognition to electronic commerce and to facilitate
filing of electronic records with the Government ______1
a. IT(Information Technology) Act 2000
b. DIT(Digital Information technology) Act 2000
c. IIT (Indian Information Technology) Act 2000
d. EnC (Electronic and Commerce) Act 2000

4. A software that can be freely accessed and modified is called: 1

a. Synchronous software
b. Package software
c. Open source software
d. Middleware

5. Data which has no restriction on usage and is freely available to everyone under intellectual property
rights is categorized as: 1
e. Open source
f. Open data
g. Open content
h. Open education

6. To change the width of bars in bar chart, which of the following argument with a float value is used?
a. thick
b. thickness
c. width
d. barwidth

7. Which of the following is/are correct statement for plot method? 1

a. pl.plot(x,y,color,others)
b. pl.plot(x,y)
c. pl.plot(x,y,color)
d. all of these

8. To give a title to x-axis, which of the following method is useful? 1

a. pl.xtitle(“title”)
b. pl.xlabel(“title”)
c. pl.xheader(“title”)

78 | P a g e
9. Which of the following correct statement to import pyplot module? 1
a. import matplotlib.pyplot
b. import MatPlotLib.PyPlot
c. import PyPlot as pl
d. import pyplot.plot

5. Consider the following program and answer the questions from a to e 5

import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
a. l1=[1,4,6,8]
b. l2=[2,8,9,10]
c. l3=[1,5,7,9]
d. l4=[5,2,6,1]

________________________#Line 1
pl.legend(loc="upper left")
________________________#Line 2
________________________#Line 3
________________________#Line 4
________________________# Line 5

a. What will be the line to be written in #Line 1 to plot a line chart:

i. pl.plt(l1,l2,label="India")
iii. pl.plot(l1,l2,label="India")
iv. pl.line(l1,l2,label="India")

b. What will be the line to be written in #Line 2 to set label on x axis:

i. pl.xlabels("Time")
ii. pl.labelx("Time")
iii. pl.xlabel("Time")
iv. pl.xaxislabel("Time")

c. What will be the line to be written in #Line 3 to set title of the chart:
i. pl.titles("Chart of Score in game")
ii. pl.settitle("Chart of Score in game")
iii. chart.title("Chart of Score in game")
iv. pl.title("Chart of Score in game")

d. What will be the line to be written in #Line 4 to show the chart made:
i. pl.showchart()
ii. pl.chartshow()
iv. pl.fullchartshow()

e. What will be the line to be written in #Line 5 to save the chart made:
i. pl.savefigure("abc.jpg")
ii. pl.savechart("abc.jpg")
iii. pl.chartsavefig("abc.jpg")
iv. pl.savefig("abc.jpg")

79 | P a g e
6. Consider the following Python code and write the output for statement. 1
import pandas as pd
values=[“India”, “Canada”]
code=[“IND”, “CAN”]
a. Code Country
IND India
CAN Canada
b. Code Country
CAN Canada
IND India
c. Code
IND India
CAN Canada
d. Code Country
CAN Canada

7. The teacher needs to know the marks scored by the student with roll number 4. Help her toidentify the
correct set of statement/s from the given options : 1
a. df1=df[df[‘rollno’]==4]
b. df1=df[rollno==4]
c. df1=df[df.rollno=4]
d. df1=df[df.rollno==4]

15. In Pandas the function used to delete a column in a DataFrame is 1

a. remove
b. del
c. drop
d. cancel

16. function applies the passed function on each individual data element of thedataframe.
a. apply() b. applymap() c. pivot() d. pivot_table()

80 | P a g e
17. Which of the following statement/s will give the exact number of values ineach column of the
dataframe? 1
i. print(df.count())
ii. print(df.count(0))
iii. print(df.count)
iv. print(df.count(axis=’index’))
Choose the correct option:
a. both (i) and (ii)
b. only (ii)
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. (i), (ii) and (iv)

18. Which of the following command will display the column labels of the DataFrame? 1
a. print(df.columns()) b. print(df.column()) c. print(df.column) d. print(df.columns)

19. Which method is used to access vertical subset of a dataframe.? 1

(i) iterrows()
(ii) iteritems()
(iii) itertuples()
(iv) itercols()

20. To iterate over horizontal subset of dataframe, _____ function may be used: 1
a. iterate()
b. iterrows()
c. itercols()
d. iteritems()

21. To iterate over vertical subset of dataset of a dataframe, ________ function may be used:
a. iterate()
b. iterrows()
c. itercols()
d. iteritems()

22. The technique that divides total distribution of data into a given number of equal portion is called a:
a. Quartile
b. Tercile
c. Median
d. Quantile

23. To divide total distribution of data into four equal parts, _______ function is used: 1
a. Median
b. Quantile

81 | P a g e
c. Quartile
d. All of these

24. Suppose a data frame contains information about student having columns 5
RollNo Name Class Section

1 Atul II A

2 Nilesh III B

i. Write the code for adding one more column as fee

a. Df1[‘fee’]=([100,200,300])
b. Df1[‘fee’]=add([100,200,300])
c. Df1add[‘fee’]=([100,200,300])
d. Df1[‘fee’]=[100,200,300]

ii. Write the code to transpose data frame

a. Df1=Df1.Transpose
b. Df1=Df1.T()
c. Df1=Df1.T
d. Df1=Df1.Tran

iii. Write the code to delete column fee of data frame

a. delete Df1[‘fee’]
b. del Df1[‘fee’]
c. del( Df1[‘fee’])
d. delete( Df1[‘fee’])

iv. Write the code to append df2 with df1

a. Df2=Df2.appenddata(Df1)
b. Df2=Df2.appendcolumn(Df1)
c. Df2=Df2.appendrow(Df1)
d. Df2=Df2.append(Df1)

v. Write the code to Display data of 1st to 3rd rows

a. data.iloc[1:4]
b. data.loc[1:4]
c. data.loci[1:4]
d. data.iloci[1:4]


82 | P a g e
1. a. d
b. d
c. b
d. c
e. a
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. b
10. a
11. a. iii
b. iii
c. iv
d. iii
e. iv

12. a
13. a. df1=df[df[‘rollno’]==4]
d. df1=df[df.rollno==4]
14. (b) del
15. a. apply()
16. a. both (i) and (ii)
17. a. print(df.columns()) or d. print(df.columns)
18. (ii) Iteritems( )
19. b
20. d
21. d
22. c
23. (i) a. Df1[‘fee’]=([100,200,300])
(ii) c. Df1=Df1.T
(iii) b. del Df1[‘fee’]
(iv) d. Df2=Df2.append(Df1)
(v) a. data.iloc[1:4]

83 | P a g e
Sample Question Paper Set - 3 (Term 1)
Session 2021-22
Subject : Informatics Practices (065)
Class XII
Max Time: 02:00 Hours Max Marks: 35
1. What is meant by term cyber crime: 1
a. Any crime that use computer to jeopardise or attempt to jeopardise national security
b. The use of computer network to commit financial or identity fraud
c. The theft of digital information
d. Any crime that involves computers and networks

2. Jhilmalini has stolen a credit card. She used that credit card to purchase a laptop. What type of offence has
she committed? 1
e. Cyber Fraud
f. Identity Theft
g. Hacking
h. Stealing of Card

3. Identify the type of cyber crime/activity from the following Situations: 5

(a) A person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the internet to distract and sow discord by
posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous or off-topic messages to an online community.
This person will be referred as _____________ in cyber world.

i.cyber troll
ii. cyber stalker
iii. Spyware
iv. Hacker

(b) The activity of making false accusations or statements of fact, monitoring , making threats,
identity theft ,damage to data or gathering information that may be used to harass someone by
using internet or other electronic means. This may be referred as__________.

i. Cyber stalking
ii. cyber bullying
iii digital footprinting
iv. Fishing

(c)________________is the attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames,

passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic

i. Pharming
ii. Phishing
iii. Attack
iv. Malware
(d) _______________is an attack in which a hacker attempts to redirect a website‟s traffic to
another fake or bogus website.
i. Pharming
ii. Phishing
iii. Addware
iv. Malware

84 | P a g e
(e) ______________refers to a type of malware that displays unwanted advertisement on your computer or

i. Pharming
ii. spyware
iii. Addware
iv. Malware

4. Which of the following is an advantage of open source software: 1

a. You can edit the source code to customize it
b. You need to be an expert to edit code
c. You have to pay
d. You sometimes can be too generic for specialist purposes

5. Which of the following is an disadvantage of open source software: 1

a. High quality software with lots of features
b. Not as customizable
c. May not have been tested as much as proprietary software, s might have bugs
d. You can edit the source code to customize it

6. Which of the following is an advantage of proprietary software: 1

a. It is usually free
b. Thoroughly tested because people are paying to use it
c. Not as customizable
d. Can sometimes be too generic for specialist purpose

7. Which of the following are (is) not the valid plotting functions in python? 1
a. plot()
b. bar()
c. line()
d. pie()

8. Which of the following correct statement to import pyplot module? 1

1. import matplotlib.pyplot
2. import MatPlotLib.PyPlot
3. import PyPlot as pl
4. import pyplot.plot

9. Data visualization helps to 1

a. Understand data easily
b. Take a decisions
c. Improve the past performance
d. All of these

85 | P a g e
10. Which method is used to display or show the legends? 1
b. pl.display()
c. pl.legend()
d. pl.values()

11. To change the width of bars in bar chart, which of the following argument with a float value is used?
a. thick
b. thickness
c. width
d. barwidth

12. Consider the following program and answer the questions from a to e 5
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
import numpy as np
________________________# Line 1,l4,width=0.50,label="australia")
________________________# Line 2
________________________# Line 3
pl.title("chart of score in game")
________________________# Line 4
________________________# Line 5

a. What will be the line to be written in #Line 1 to plot a bar chart:

i. pl.hbar(l1,l2,width=0.50,label="india")
ii. pl.barh(l1,l2,width=0.50,label="india")
iv. pl.plotbar(l1,l2,width=0.50,label="india")

f. What will be the line to be written in #Line 2 to set legend:

i. pl.legends(loc="upper left")
ii. pl.setlegend(loc="upper left")
iii. pl.plotlegend(loc="upper left")
iv. pl.legend(loc="upper left")

86 | P a g e
g. What will be the line to be written in #Line 3 to set label on x axis:
i. pl.xlabels("Time")
ii. pl.labelx("Time")
iii. pl.xlabel("Time")
iv. pl.xaxislabel("Time")

h. What will be the line to be written in #Line 4 to show the chart made:
i. pl.showchart()
ii. pl.chartshow()
iv pl.fullchartshow()

i. What will be the line to be written in #Line 5 to save the chart made:
i. pl.savefigure("abc.jpg")
ii. pl.savechart("abc.jpg")
iii. pl.chartsavefig("abc.jpg")
iv. pl.savefig("abc.jpg")

13. Consider the following DataFrame emp and answer the any four questions from (i) to (v) 5
Empno Name Dept Salary Experience
(in years)

1 Ram Singh IT 15000 2.5

2 Shyam Singh HR 18000 3

3 Nidhi Gupta IT 9000 2

4 Pooja Sharma EXE 24000 8

5 Rohan Malik HR 20000 6

(i) Write down the command that will give the following output.
Empno 5
Name Rohan Malik
Dept HR
Salary 20000
Experience 6
dtype: object
a. print(emp.max)
b. print(emp.max())
c. print(emp.max(axis=1))
d. print(emp.max,axis=1)

87 | P a g e
(ii) CEO needs to know the salary of the employee with empno 4. Help him to
identify the correct set of statement/s from the given options:

a. emp1=emp[emp[‘empno’]==4]
b. emp1=emp[emp]
c. emp1=emp[emp.empno=4]
d. emp1=emp[emp.empno==4]

(iii) Which of the following statement/s will give the exact number of values in each
column of the dataframe?

i. print(emp.count())
ii. print(emp.count(0))
iii. print(emp.count)
iv. print(emp.count(axis=’index’))
Choose the correct option:
a. both (i) and(ii)
b. only(ii)
c. (i), (ii) and(iii)
d. (i), (ii) and(iv)
(iv) Which of the following command will display the column labels of the
a. print(emp.columns())
b. print(emp.column())
c. print(emp.column)
d. print(emp.columns)

(v) Mr. Satvik Ahuja, the CEO wants to add a new column, the rating of the
performance of employees with the values, ‘A’, ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘A’, ‘B’, to the DataFrame. Help
him choose the command to do so:
a. emp.column=[’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’,’B’]
b. emp[‘Performance’]=[ ’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’,’B’]
c. emp.loc[‘Performance’]= [’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’,’B’]
d. Both (b) and (c) are correct

88 | P a g e
8. To calculative cumulative sum of a column of a dataframe, you may use ____ function: 1
a. sum()
b. sum(cumulative=True)
c. cumsum()
d. None of the above

9. Function _______ can be used to drop missing values: 1

a. fillna()
b. isNull()
c. delna()
d. dropna()

10. Which of the following methods of combining two data frame is a patching method: 1
a. concat()
b. merge()
c. join()
d. none of the above()

11. To get bottom three rows of a data frame, you may use _________ function: 1
a. tail()
b. bottom(3)
c. bottom(3)
d. tail(3)

12. To get index of maximum value in a column of dataframe is: 1

a. max(0
b. index()
c. idmax()
d. maxidx()

13. Consider the given program and answer the questions from a to e 5
___________________# Line 1
import numpy as np
data = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6])
__________________# Line 2
__________________# Line 3
__________________# Line 4
a. Write the code to import pandas module
i. import pandas as pd
ii. importing pandas as pds
iii. import panda as pd
iv. include pandas as pd

b. Write the code to create a series from the given data:

i. ser = pd.CreateSeries(data)
ii. ser = pd.Series(data)
iii. ser = pd.SeriesCreate(data)
iv. ser = pd.Serie(data)

89 | P a g e
c. Write the code to retrieve the first 5 element of the series:
i. print(ser[:6])
ii. print(ser[4:5])
iii. print(ser[1:5])
iv. print(ser[:5])

d. Write the code to sort the values of series:

i. ser.sort()
ii. ser.sortvalues()
iii. ser.values()
iv. ser.sort_values()

e. Write the code to rename the index of the series:

i. ser.index=['g','e','e','k','s','f']
ii. ser.setindex=['g','e','e','k','s','f']
iii. ser.renameindex=['g','e','e','k','s','f']
iv. ser.changeindex=['g','e','e','k','s','f']

90 | P a g e
1. d
2. a
3. a. ii

4. a
5. c
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. a
10. c
11. c
12. a. iii
13. (i) b. print(emp.max())
(ii) a. emp1=emp[emp[‘empno’]==4]
(iii) a. both (i) and (ii)
(iv) d. print(emp.columns)
(v) b. emp[‘Performance’]=[ ’A’,’A’,’B’,’A’,’B’]

14. C
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. C
a. i
b. ii
c. iv
d. iv
e. i

91 | P a g e
Term – 2
Database Query using SQL
Candidate All the attributes combinations inside a relation that can serve as primary key.

Constraint Rule and conditions set for data being stored in a database.

DDL Data Definition Language. SQL part-language that facilitates defining creation/
modification etc. of database objects such as tables, indexes, sequences etc.

DML Data Manipulation Language. SQL part-language that facilitates manipulation (addition/
deletion/ modification) of data residing in database object.

Equi Join A Join formed by equality of common field of two or more tables and where common
fields from all the tables appear in the final result.

Foreign Key A non key attribute whose values are derived from the primary key of some other tables.

Join A way to combine records coming from multiple tables having common fields.

Natural Join A type of equi-join where common column from the joining tables appears once only.

Primary Key A set of one or more attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within the relation.

Relation A table having non-empty atomic values with unordered rows and columns is relation.

SQL Structured Query Language. A non-procedural UGL used for querying upon relational

Tuple A row in a relation is called tuple.

View A virtual table that does not really exist in its own right but is instead derived from one or
more underlying base tables in called a view.

92 | P a g e
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A ____ is a property of the entire relation, which ensures through its value that each tuple 1
is unique in a relation.
(a) Rows (b) Key (c) Attributes (d) Fields

2. A relational database can have how many type of keys in a table ? 1

(a) Candidate Key (b) Primary Key (c) Foreign Key (d) All of these

3. Which one of the following uniquely identifies the tuples / rows in a relation. 1
(a) Secondary Key (b) Primary Key (c) Composite Key (d) Foreign Key

4. The Primary key is selected from the set of __________. 1

(a) Composite Key (b) Determinants (c) Candidates Key (d) Foreign Key

5. Which of the following is a group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies a row? 1
(a) Key (b) Determinant (c) Tuple(d) Relation

6. Which of the following attributes cannot be considered as a choice for Primary Key ? 1
(a) Id(b) License number (c) Dept_Id (d) Street

7. An attribute in a relation is a foreign key if it is the ______ key in any other relation. 1
(a) Candidate (b) Primary (c) Super (d) Sub

8. Consider the table with structure as : 1

Student(ID, name, dept_name, tot_cred)
In the above table, which attribute will form the primary key?
(a) name (b) dept_name(c) Total_credits (d) ID

9. Which of the following is not a legal sub-language of SQL ? 1

(a) DDL (b) QAL(c) DML (d) TCL

10. Which of the following is a DDL command? 1


11. In SQL, which of the following will select only one copy of each set of duplicate rows
from a table.
(d) All of these.

12. Which of the following keywords will you use in the following query to display the unique 1
values of the column dept_name?
SELECT________ dept_name FROM COMPANY;
(a) All (b) From(c) Distinct (d) Name

13. The___ clause of SELECT query allows us to select only those rows in the result that 1
satisfy a specified condition.
(a) where (b) from (c) having (d) like

93 | P a g e
14. Which operator can take wild card characters for query condition? 1
(a) BETWEN (b) LIKE (c) IN (d) NOT

15. Which operator checks a value against a range of values? 1

(a) BETWEEN (b) LIKE (c) IN (d) NOT

16. Which of the following SQL commands retrives data from table(s) ? 1
(a) UPDATE (b) SELECT (c) Union (d) All of these

17. Which of the following queries contains an error ? 1

(a) Select * from emp where empid=10003;
(b) Select empid from emp where empid=10006;
(c) Select empid from emp;
(d) Select empid where empid=10009 and lastname= ‘GUPTA’;

18. Consider the following table namely Employee : 1

Employee_id Name Salary

1001 Misha 6000
1009 Khushi 4500
1018 Japneet 7000
Which of the names will not be displayed by the below given query ?
SELECT name from Employee WHERE employee_id>1009;

(a) Misha, Khushi (b) Khushi, Japneet (c) Japneet (d)Misha, Japneet

19. Which operator perform pattern matching ? 1

(a) BETWEN (b) LIKE (c) IN (d) NOT

20. Consider the following query 1

SELECT name FROM class WHERE Subject LIKE ‘___ Informatics Practices’;
Which one of the following has to be added into the blank space to select the subject which
has informatics practices as its ending string?
(a) $(b) _ (c) ||(d) %

21. Which operator tests a column for the absence of data(i.e. NULL value) ? 1
(a) Exist Operator (b) NOT Operator (c) IS Operator (d) None of these

22. Which clause is used to sort the query result ? 1

(a) Order By (b) Sort By (c) Group By (d) Arrange By

23. By default ORDER BY clause list the result in ________ order. 1

(a) Descending (b) Any(c) Same (d) Ascending

24. Consider the following query 1

SELECT * FROM employee ORDER BY salary ________, name ______;
To display the salary from greater to smaller and name in alphabetical order which of the
following options should be used ?

(a) Ascending, Descending

(b) Asc, Desc
(c) Desc, Asc
(d) Descending, Ascending
94 | P a g e
25. What is the meaning of Remark LIKE “%5%5%”; 1
(a) Column Remark begin with two 5s
(b) Column Remark ends with two 5s
(c) Column Remark has more than two 5s
(d) Column Remark has two 5s in it, at any position

26. In SQL, which command(s) is/are used to change a table’s structure/characteristics? 1

(a) ALTER TABLE (b) MODIFY TABLE (c) CHANGE TABLE (d) All of these

27. Which of the following is/are the DDL Statement ? 1

(a) Create (b) Drop (c) Alter (d) All of these

28. A Table can have __________ 1

(a) Many primary keys and many unique keys.
(b) One primary key and one unique key
(c) One primary key and many unique keys.
(d) Many primary keys and one unique key.

29. Which of the following types of table constraints will prevent the entry of duplicate rows? 1
(a) Unique (b) Distinct (c) Primary Key (d) Null

30. Consider the following SQL Statement. What type of statement is this ? 1
INSERT INTO instructor VALUES (10211, ‘SHREYA’ , ‘BIOLOGY’, 69000);
(a) Procedure (b) DML (c) DCL (d) DDL

31. Which of the following statements will delete all rows in a table namely mytablewithout 1
deleting the table’s structure.
(a) DELETE FROM mytable;’
(b) DELETE TABLE mytable;
(c) DROP TABLE mytable;
(d) None of these.

32. Which of the following query will drop a column from a table ? 1
(a) DELETE COLUMN column_name;
(b) DROP COLUMN column_name;
(c) ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
(d) None of these

33. Logical operator used in SQL are: 1

(a) AND, OR, NOT (b) &&, ||, ! (c) $,|,! (d) None of these

34. Which of the following requirement can be implemented using a CHECK constraint? 1
(a) Student must be greater than 18 years old.
(b) Student must be form a BRICS Country (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South
(c) Student’s roll number must exist in another table(say, namely Eligible)
(d) None of these

95 | P a g e
35. An attribute in a relation is termed as a foreign key when it reference the _____ of another 1
(a) Foreign Key (b) Primary Key (c) Unique Key (d) Check Constraint

36. Data integrity constraints are used to : 1

(a) Control the access and rights for the table data.
(b) Ensure the entry of unique records in a table.
(c) Ensure the correctness of the data entered in the table as per some rule or condition
(d) Make data safe from accidental changes.

37. A relationship is formed via _______ that relates two tables where one table references 1
other table’s key.
(a) Candidate Key (b) Primary Key (c) Foreign Key (d) Check Constraint

38. What is the maximum value that can be stored in NUMBERIC(4,2)? 1

(a) 9999.99 (b) 99.9999 (c) 99.99 (d) 9.99

39. What should be the data type for the column Pricestoring values less than Rs.1000 e.g. 1
(a) VARCHAR(50) (b) NUMBER (c) NUMBER(5,2) (d) NUMBER(6)

40. What is anamein the following SQL Statement ? 1

SELECT aname FROM table1 UNION SELECT aname FROM table2;
(a) row name (b) column Name (c) table name (d) database name

41. Data manipulation language (DML) includes statements that modify the_____ of the 1
tables of database.
(a) Structure (b) Data (c) User (d) Size

42. All aggregate functions ignore NULLs except for the __________ function. 1
(a) Distinct (b) Count(*) (c) Average() (d) None of these

43. Which of the following are correct aggregate functions in SQL 1

(a) AVERAGE() (b) MAX() (c) COUNT() (d) TOTAL()

44. Identify the correct INSERT queries from the following : 1

(a) INSERT INTO Persons(‘xxx1’, ‘yyy1’);
(b) INSERT INTO Persons(LastName, FirstName)
Values (‘xxx’, ‘yyy’);
(c) INSERT INTO Persons Values(‘xxx1’ , ‘yyy1’);
(d) INSERT INTO Persons Value(‘xxx1’ , ‘yyy1’);

45. Aggregate functions can be used in the select list or the ____ clause of the select statement. 1
They cannot be used in a _______ clause.
(a) Where, having (b) Having, where (c) Group by, having (d) Group by where

46. What is the meaning of “HAVING” clause in SELECT query. 1

(a) To filter out the summary groups.
(b) To filter out the column groups.
(c) To filter out the row and column values.

96 | P a g e
(d) None of the mentioned.

47. Which of the following is not a text function? 1

(a) TRIM () (b) TRUNCATE() (c) LEFT() (d) MID ()

48. What will be returned by the given query ? 1

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) -2 (d) -3

49. What will be returned by the given query ? 1

SELECT ROUND(153.669,2);
(a) 153.6 (b) 153.66 (c) 153.67 (d) 153.7

50. What will be returned by the given query? 1

SELECT month(‘2020-05-11’);
(a) 5 (b) 11 (c) May (d) November

97 | P a g e
Fill in the Blanks
1. The SQL keyword _______ is used to specify the table(s) that contains the data to be 1

2. The ________ command of SQL lets you make queries to fetch data from tables. 1

3. To remove duplicate rows from the result of a query, specify the SQL qualifier_____ in select 1

4. To obtain all columns, use a(n) _______ instead of listing all the column names in the select 1

5. The SQL _______ clause contains the condition that specifies which rows are to be selected. 1

6. The SQL keyword _______ is used in SQL expressions to select records based on patterns. 1

7. The ________ operator is used for making range checks in SELECT queries. 1

8. The null values in a column can be searched for in a table using _____ ______ in the WHERE 1
clause of SELECT query.

9. To sort the rows of the result table, the _____ _____ clause is specified.

10. Columns can be sorted in descending sequence by using the SQL keyword ________. 1

11. By default, ORDER BY clause lists the records in _______ order. 1

12. A database can be opened with _________ <database> command. 1

13. _______ _______ command is used to create new relations in a database 1

14. A ______ is a condition or check applicable on a field or set of fields. 1

15. The _________ constraint creates a foreign key. 1

16. To define a column as a primary key, _______ ________ constraint is used in CREATE 1

17. _______ ________ is used to insert data in an existing table. 1

18. Rows of a table can be deleted using ________ command. 1

19. To increase the size of a column in an existing table, use commond _________. 1

20. _______ _______ command removes a table from a database permanently. 1

21. _______ _______ command is used to alter the definition of already created table. 1

98 | P a g e
22. To remove table data as well table structure, use command ______ ________ 1

23. Use _____ _______ command to add new columns in an existing table. 1

24. A column added via ALTER TABLE command initially contains _____ value for all rows. 1

25. Issue ______ command to make changes to table permanent. 1

26. The ______ _______ clause is used to divide result of SELECT query in groups. 1

27. To specify condition with a GROUP BY clause, _______ clause is used. 1

28. Only _______ functions are used with GROUP BY clause. 1

29. Nested grouping can be done by providing ________ ______ in the GROUP BY expression. 1

30. The _________ clause is used in SELECT queries to specify filtering condition for groups. 1

31. Aggregate Functions cannot be used in __________clause of the Select query. 1

32. The SQL built-in function ____ total values in numeric columns. 1

33. The SQL built-in function ____ computes the average of values in numeric columns. 1

34. The SQL built-in function ____ obtains the largest value in a in numeric columns. 1

35. The SQL built-in function ____ obtains the smallest value in a in numeric columns. 1

36. The SQL built-in function ____ computes the number of rows in a table. 1

37. The functions that work with one row at a time are _____ _____ functions. 1

38. To compare an aggregate value in a condition, _______ clause is used. 1

39. In equi-join, the join condition joins the two tables using _______ operator 1

40. To get a substring of a string other than Substr() function ______ is also used. 1

41. To get the day part of a date___ function is used. 1

42. To get day name from a date ____ function is used. 1

43. To remove a character from the right side of a string, _____ function is used 1

44. To get the current date, _______ ________ function is used. 1

45. An SQL _________ clause combines records from two or more tables in database. 1

46. An _______ is specific type of join that uses only equality comparisons in the join-condition. 1

99 | P a g e
47. _____ join select all data starting from the left table and matching rows in the right table. 1

48. _____ join is a reversed version of left join. 1

49. _____ join produces a data set that includes only those rows from the left table which have 1
matching rows from the right table.

50. The avg() function in MySQL is an example of _______ function. 1

True and False Questions

1. A primary key can store empty values in it. 1

2. Common attribute of two tables is called a foreign key. 1

3. A common attribute of two tables is called a foreign key it is the primary key in one table and 1
the other table reference it.

4. Part of SQL which creates and defines tables and other database objects, is called DDL 1

5. Part of SQL which manipulates data in tables, is called TCL 1

6. Part of SQL which access and manipulates data in tables is called DML 1

7. Part of SQL which controls transactions, is called TCL. 1

8. MySQL is name of customized query language used by Oracle. 1

9. SQL is a case sensitive.

10. The condition in a WHERE clause in a SELECT query can refer to only one value. 1

11. SQL provides the AS keyword, which can be used to assign meaningful column name to the 1
results of queries using the SQL built-in functions.

12. SQL is a programing language. 1

13. SELECT DISTINCT is used if a user wishes to see duplicate columns in a query. 1

14. ORDER BY can be combined with SELECT statement. 1

15. DELETE FROM <table> command is same as DROM TABLE <table> command. 1

16. The unique constraint can only be defined once in the CREATE TABLE command. 1

17. Unique and Primary Key constraints are the same. 1

18. Tuple based constraints can use multiple columns of the table. 1

100 | P a g e
19. The table based constraints can use multiple column of the table. 1

20. You can add a column with a NOT NULL constraint using ALTER TABLE, only to a table 1
that contains no rows.

21. You can use the INSERT statement only to add one new row and not multiple new rows to 1
an existing table.

22. The HAVING and WHERE clause are interchangeable. 1

23. The HAVING clauses can take any valid SQL function in its condition. 1

24. Truncate() is a text function. 1

25. Length() is a numeric function. 1

26. Functions MID() and SUBSTR() do the same thing. 1

27. INSTR() and SUBSTR() work identically. 1

28. Natural Join contains the duplicate columns 1

29. Equi Join contains the duplicate columns 1

30. Non- Equi Join is the name of Natural Join 1

101 | P a g e
Very Short Answer Questions
1. What is a primary key? 1

2. What is a unique key ? It is a Primary key? 1

3. How many primary key and unique keys can be there in a table? 1

4. What is a foreign key? 1

5. What is a composite primary key? 1

6. What is a tuple 1

7. Give some examples of DDL commands. 1

8. What is DML ? 1

9. Give some examples of DML commands. Or Write the name of any two DML Commands of

10. In SQL,write the query to display the list of tables stroe in database. 1

11. What are constraints? 1

12. Give some examples of integrity constraints. 1

13. What is the role of NOT NULL constraint? 1

14. What is the role of UNIQUE constraints ? 1

15. What is the role of FOREIGN KEY constraints? 1

16. An NULL values are same as a zero or a blank space? 1

17. What will the SELECT ALL command do? 1

18. What is wrong with following statement ? 1

SELECT * FROM Employee
WHERE grade = NULL;
Write the corrected form of the above SQL Statement.

19. Which SQL aggregate function is used to count all records of a table? 1

20. Write a query to create a string from the ASCII values 70,65,67,69 1

21. Write a query to concatenate the two strings : “Hello” and “World” 1

22. Display 4 characters extracted from 5th right character onwards from the string ‘ABCDEFG’ 1

23. Convert and display string ‘Large’ into uppercase 1

102 | P a g e
24. Write a query to remove leading space of the string ‘ RDBMS MySQL’. 1

25. Display the position of occurrence of string ‘OR’ in the string ‘CORPORATE FLOOR’ 1

26. How many characters are there in the string ‘CANDIDE’ 1

27. Write a query to extract 2 digit year from a string ‘USS/23/67/09’. The last two character tell 1
the year.

28. Write a query to extract institute code from a string ‘USS/23/67/09’. The first three characters 1
tell the institute code.

29. Write a query to find out the remainder of 11 divide by 4. 1

30. Write a query to round off value 15.193 to one decimal place. 1

31. Write a query to find out the square root of value 26. 1

32. Write a query to truncate value 15.79 to 1 decimal place. 1

33. Write a query to display current date on your system. 1

34. Write a query to extract month part from date 3rd Feb 2021 1

35. Write a query to display name of weekday for date 03rd Feb 2021 1

Multiple Choice Questions
1 (b) Key 2 (d) All of these 3 (b) Primary Key 4 (c) Candidate Key
5 (a) Key 6 (d) Street 7 (b) Primary 8 (d) ID
9 (b) QAL 10 (b) ALTER 11 (b) SELECT 12 (c) Distinct
13 (a) where 14 (b) LIKE 15 (a) BETWEEN 16 (b) SELECT
17 (d) 18 (a) Misha, Khushi 19 (b) LIKE 20 (d) %
21 (c) IS Operator 22 (a) Order By 23 (d) Ascending 24 (c) Desc, Asc
25 (d) 26 (a) ALTER 27 (d) All of these 28 (c)
29 (a) Unique 30 (b) DML 31 (a) 32 (c)
33 (a) 34 (a) and (c) 35 (b) Primary Key 36 (c)
37 (b)Foreign Key 38 (c)99.99 39 (c) NUMBER(5,2) 40 (b) column Name
41 (b) Data 42 (b)Count(*) 43 (b)And (c) 44 (b)And (c)
45 (c) Group by, 46 (a) 47 (b) TRUNCATE() 48 (b) 3
49 (c) 153.67 50 (a) 5

103 | P a g e
Fill in the Blanks
33 AVG() 34 MAX() 35 MIN() 36 COUNT()
37 SINGLE ROW 38 HAVING 39 = 40 MID()
41 DAY() 42 DAYNAME() 43 RTRIM() 44 CURDATE()
True / False
1 False 2 False 3 True 4 True
5 False 6 True 7 True 8 False
9 False 10 False 11 True 12 False
13 False 14 True 15 False 16 False
17 False 18 False 19 True 20 True
21 False 22 False 23 False 24 False
25 False 26 True 27 False 28 False
29 True 30 False

Very Short Answer Questions

1. A Primary key is a field or a combination of fields that can uniquely identify a row/tuple in a 1

2. A Unique key in table/relation is any non-primary key field which also stores unique values 1
for each row just like a primary-key does. But only one key is designated as primary key. So
unique refers to a unique non-key field of a table.

3. There can be multiple unique keys in a table but there can be only primary key in a table. 1

4. A foreign key is a field of a table which is the primary key of another table through a foreign 1
key a relationship is established between two tables.

5. If a table / relation has a primary key which is a combination of multiple columns of a table, 1
it is known as a composite primary key.

6. A tuple refers to a row of relation. 1


8. DML refers to the Data Manipulation Language component of SQL. The DML commands 1
are used to manipulate and query upon the data stored in various tables of a database.

104 | P a g e


11. Constraints are the rules or conditions imposed on various attributes of a table in a database 1
so that only the data that satisfy these rules and conditions can get stored in the data table.

12. NOT NULL 1


13 It indicates that in the data being inserted, the column must have some value and can not be 1
left NULL.

14 This constraint ensures that for an attribute there will be unique value for each row and no
value is being repeated in any other row for that attribute.

15 This constraint is used to ensure the referential integrity of data in the table. It matches the 1
value of the column designated as the foreign key in one table with another table’s Primary

16 No, A Null value is not the same aa zero or a blank space. A zero is a legal numeric value 1
and blank space is legal character value, whereas NULL is a legal empty value that cannot
be accessed or compared with other values.

17 The SELECT ALL command will fetch all the rows from a table as per the defined commands. 1

18 A relation operator ‘=’ is not used with the NULL clause. 1

The Corrected form is :
SELECT * FROM Employee
WHERE grade is NULL;

19. COUNT(*)

20. SELECT CHAR(70,65,67,69); 1


21 SELECT CONCAT(‘Hello’, ‘World’); 1




23 SELECT UPPER(‘Large’) ‘uppercase’; 1

----------------------------------------------- LARGE


105 | P a g e




27 SELECT RIGTH(‘ÚSS/23/67/09’,2); 1

28 SELECT LEFT(‘ÚSS/23/67/09’,3); 1

29. SELECT MOD(11,4); 1


30 SELECT ROUND(15.193,1); 1

31 SELECT SQRT(26); 1

32 SELECT TRUNCATE(15.79,1); 1


34 SELECT MONTH(‘2021-02-03’); 1

35 SELECT DAYNAME(‘2021-02-03’); 1

106 | P a g e
1. Explain each of the following with illustrations using a table 3
(i) Candidate Key (ii) Primary Key (iii) Foreign Key

2. Observe the following tables TRANSACTIONS and CUSTOMERS carefully and answer the 2
questions that follows :
Table : Transaction

TNo Type Amount CNo

T1 CREDIT 1000 C3
T2 DEBIT 1500 C1

Table : Customer

(i) What is the degree of the table Transaction ? what is the cardinality of the table
Customers ?
(ii) Identify the primary key and candidate keys from the table Transcations.

3. Are count(*) and count(<column-name>) the same functions? Why/ Why not? 2

4. Identify the problem/issue with the following SQL query : 2

SELECT house, count(*)
FROM student;

5. Consider the following SQL string : ‘Preoccupied’. Write commands to display: 2

(a) ‘occupied’ (b) ‘cup’

6. Consider the same string : ‘Preoccupied’. Write commands to display: 2

(a) The position of the substring ‘cup’ in the string ‘Preoccupied’.
(b) The first 4 letters of the string.

7. Anjali writes the following commands with respect to a table employee having fields, empno, 2
name, department, commission.
Command1: Select count(*) from employee;
Command2 :Select count(commission) from employee;
She gets the output 4 for the first command but get an output 3 for the second command.
Explain the output with justification.

8. Gopi Krishna is using a table Employee. It has the following columns : 2

Code, Name, Salary, Deptcode
He wants to display maximum salary departmentwise. He wrote the following command :
SELECT Deptcode, Max(Salary) FROM Employee;
But he did not get the desired result.
Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help him get the desired output.

107 | P a g e
9. A relation Vehicles is given below : 3
Vno Type Company Price Qty
AW125 Wagon Maruti 250000 25
J0083 Jeep Mahindra 4000000 15
S9090 SUV Mitsubishi 2500000 18
M0892 Mini van Datsun 1500000 26
W9760 SUV Maruti 2500000 18
R2409 Mini van Mahindra 350000 15
Write SQL Commands to :
(a) Display the average price of each type of vehicle having quantity more than 20.
(b) Count the type of vehicles manufactured by each company.
(c) Display the total price of all the types of vehicles.

10. Shanya Khanna is using a table Employee. It has the following columns : 2
Admno, Name, Agg, Stream
[Column Agg contain Aggregate marks]
She wants to display the highest Agg obtain in each Stream.
She wrote the following statement:
SELECT Stream, Max(Agg) FROM Employee;
But she did not get the desired result.
Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help her get the desired output.

11. Write SQL queries for (i) to (iii), which are based on the following table PARTICIPANTS: 3
P1 DEBATE SANYAM 12 2001-12-25
P2 DEBATE SHRUTI 10 2003-11-10
P3 DEBATE MEHER 12 2001-11-10
P4 QUIZ SAKSHI 11 2002-10-12
P5 QUIZ RITESH 12 2001-10-12
P6 QUIZ RAHUL 10 2003-10-12
P7 CROSSWORD AMEER 11 2002-05-09
(i) To display details of all PARTICIPANTS of class 10 and 12.
(ii) To display the SNAME and Class of all PARTICIPANTS in ascending order of
their SNAME.
(iii) To display the number of PARTICIPANTS along with their respective CLASS, of
every CLASS.

12. Write ouputs for SQL queries (i) to (iii), which are based on the following tables 3

108 | P a g e
S1 15 2018-12-25 C2
S2 10 2018-11-10 C1
S3 12 208-11-10 C4
S4 7 2019-01-12 C7
S5 11 2019-02-12 C2
S6 10 2018-10-12 C6
S7 5 2019-05-09 C8
S8 20 2019-05-09 C3
S9 8 208-05-09 C9
S10 15 2018-11-12 C5
S11 6 2018-08-04 C7



13. Write SQL queries for (i) to 9iv), which are based on the tables : CUSTOMERS and 3
PURCHASES given in above. /
(i) To Display details of all CUSTOMERS whose CITIES are neither Delhi nor 4
(ii) To Display the CNAME and CITIES of all CUSTOMERS in ascending order of
their CNAME.
(iii) To Display the number of CUSTOMERS along with their respective CITITES in
each of the CITITES.
(iv) To Display details of all PURCHASES whose Quantity is more than 15.

14. Consider the following table ACTIVITY and COACH and answer the following parts of this 4
question : Table : ACTIVITY

Acode ActivityName Stadium ParticipantsNu PrizeMone ScheduleDate

m y
1001 Relay 100 x 4 Star Annex 16 10000 23-Jan-04
1002 High Jump Star Annex 10 12000 12-Dec-03
1003 Shot Put Super 12 8000 14-Feb-04
1005 Long Jump Star Annex 12 9000 01-Jan-04
1008 Discuss Throw Super 10 15000 19-Mar-04

Table :COACH
PCode Name ACode
1 Ahmad Hussain 1001
2 Ravinder 1008
3 Janila 1001

109 | P a g e
4 Naaz 1003
Give the output of the following SQL queries:
(ii) SELECT MAX(ScheduleDate), MIN(ScheduleDate) FROM ACTIVITY;
WHERE A.Acde=C.Acode AND A.ParticipantsNum=10;

15. Consider the following table STOCK and DEALERS and answer the following parts of this 4
question :
Table :STOCK

ItemNo Item Dcode Qty UnitPrice StockDate

5005 Ball Pen 0.5 102 100 16 31-Mar-10
5003 Bal Pen 0.25 102 150 20 01-Jan-10
5002 Gel Pen Premium 101 125 14 14-Feb-10
5006 Gel Pen Classis 101 200 22 01-Jan-09
5001 Eraser Small 102 210 5 19-Mar-09
5004 Eraser Big 102 60 10 12-Dec-09
5009 Sharpener Classis 103 160 8 23-Jan-09


Dcode Dname
101 Reliable Stationers
103 Classis Plastics
102 Clear Deals

Give the output of the following SQL queries:

WHERE ItemNo=5006;
WHERE S.Dcode=D.Dcode AND ItemNo=5004;

110 | P a g e
Short Answer Questions
1. (i) Candidate Key :It refers to any column/attribute that can uniquely identify record in a
(ii) Primary key : It referes to designated attribute(s)/column(s) that uniquely identifies a
row/tuple in a table/relation. It is one of the candidates keys.
(iii) Foreign key :is an attribute in a table which is the primary key in linked table

2. (i) Degree of the table TRANSACTIONS=4

Cardinality of table CUSTOMERS=3

3 No, Count(*) and Count(<column-name>) are not the same.

While count(*) counts and return the number of records in a table, count(<column-name>)
counts number of records where the mentioned column-name is not null.

4 The problem with the given SQL query is that there is no GROUP BY clause is given and
thus, it will lead to an error.
The reason being that the select list use COUNT() function, which is an aggregate function,
along with a field. When we use an aggregate function in the select list along with a database
field, we need to add a GROUP BY clause.
To correct the error it should use GROUP BY clasue.
SELECT house, count(*) FROM student
GROUP BY house;

5. (a) SELECT substr(‘’Preoccupied’, 4); OR SELECT substring(‘Preoccupied’,4);

SELECT mid(‘’Preoccupied’, 4);

(b) SELECT substr(‘’Preoccupied’, 6,3); OR SELECT substring(‘Preoccupied’,6,3);

SELECT mid(‘’Preoccupied’, 6,3);

6 (a) SELECT instr(‘Preoccupied’, ‘cup’);

(b) SELECT left(‘Preoccupied’, 4);

7. The Count(*) function returns the total number of records in the table while count(<field>)
will return the count of non-null values in the given field and this is the reason for the different
results by the given queries above.
The field commission must be containing a NULL value and thus count(commission) returned
the count of non-null values and count(*) return total number of records (Irrespective of
NULL values in the field).

8 SELECT Deptcode,Max(Salary)
FROM Employee
GROUP BY Deptcode;

9 (a) SELECT Type, avg(Price) FROM Vehicle GROUP BY Type having Qty>20;
(b) SELECT Company, count(Distinct Type) FROM Vehicle GROUP BY Compnay;

111 | P a g e
(c) SELECT Type, Sum(Price*Qty) FROM Vehicle GROUP BY Type;

10. SELECT Stream, MAX(Agg)

FROM Employee
GROUP BY Stream;




SANYAM 10 2018-11-10
RAHUL 10 2018-10-12
MEHER 20 2019-05-09



14 (i) COUNT(DISTINCT ParticipantsNum)

(ii) MAX(ScheduleDate) MIN(ScheduleDate)
19-Mar-04 12-Dec-03
(iii) Name ActivityName
Ravubder Discuss Throw
(iv) DISTINCT ParticipantsNum

112 | P a g e
15. (i) COUNT(DISTINCT Dcode)
(ii) QTY*UnitPrice
(iii) Item Dname (iv) MIN(StockDate)
------------------------ ------------------------
Eraser Big Clear Deals 01-Jan-09


1. A library uses a database management system (DBMS) to store the details of the books that
it stocks, it registered members and the book-loans that the library has made. These details
are stored in a database using the following three relations.
Name of the Database : KV Library
• Book (BookID : Char(5), Title : Varchar(25), Author :Varchar(25), Publisher :
• Member(MemberID:Char(5), LastName:Varchar(25), FirstName:Varchar(25),
Correspondence-Address : Varchar(100), Pincode : Char(6), DateofBirth : Date,
EmailID : Varchar(50))
• Loan(MemberID: Char(5), BookID:Char(5), LastDate:Date, DueBackDate:Date,
Returned :Boolean)
Note : The Library does not stock more than one copy of the same book.

(a) Identify the table that uses a composite primary key from the library database. 1
(i) Book Table (ii) Member Table (iii) Loan Table (iv) all of these
(b) I. Identify the possible alternate keys from relations Book and Member. 1
(i) Book : Title (ii) Books Author (iii) Member:EmailID (iv) Member:FirstName’
II. Can the Loan relation have an alternate key ?Why ? 1

(c) Relations Book and Member have the following records : 1

BookID Title Author Publisher

B1103 - - -
B2902 - - -
B2950 - - -
B3100 - - -
B3275 - - -



113 | P a g e
Write an example of the valid record for the loan relation. Write a query to insert a
valid record in the Loan relation.

(d) Write a SQL query to retrieve the names and email addresses of the members who 1
have not returned their books.

2 A library uses database management system(DBMS) to store the details of the books that it
stocks, its registered membes and the book-loan that the library has made. These details are
stored in a database using the following three relations. Name of the Database : KV Library
• Book (BookID : Char(5), Title : Varchar(25), Author :Varchar(25), Publisher :
• Member(MemberID:Char(5), LastName:Varchar(25), FirstName:Varchar(25),
Correspondence-Address : Varchar(100), Pincode : Char(6), DateofBirth : Date,
EmailID : Varchar(50))
• Loan(MemberID: Char(5), BookID:Char(5), LastDate:Date, DueBackDate:Date,
Returned :Boolean)
Note : The Library does not stock more than one copy of the same book.

(a) Identify following types of keys from all the relations of the given database Foreign 2
keys along with parent relations.
(b) Can a relation have multiple foreign keys? Give example. 1
(c) Can a foreign key be part of a primary key? Give example. 1
(d)Write a SQL query to retrieve the names and email addresses of the members 1
belonging to KVS (they have email ids as and wo have not returned their

3. FurnFly is a furniture company selling furniture to customers of its store and operates a
• The store does not keep the furniture in stock.
• The company places orders for the furniture required from its suppliers ONLY AFTER
a customer places an order at the store.
• When the ordered furniture arrives at the store, the customer is informed via
telephone or e-mail that it is ready for delivery.
• Customers often order more than one type of furniture on the same order, for example,
a sofa, two puffy chairs and centre table.
Details of the furniture, customers and orders are to be stored in a relational database using
the following four relations :
Database Name :FurnFly Furnishers
Furniture (FurnitureID : Char(7), FurnitureName : Varchar(50), Category : Varchar(25),
Price : Float, SupplierName : Varchar(100))
CustomerOrder(OrderId : Number(8,0), CustomerID : Char(10), OrderDate:Date)
CustomerOrderLine :(OrderID : Number(8,0), FurnitureID: Char(7), Quantity:
Customer :(CustomerID : Char(10), CustomerName:Varchar(100), EmailAddress :
Varchar(30), TelephoneNumber: Number(15,0))

(a) Identify the relationships among tables. 1

(b) Identify the relation having composite primary key and its primary key. 1
(c) Write a SQL query to create table customerOrder. It should also define required 1
primary key and foreign key(s)
114 | P a g e
(d) A fault has been identified with the furnitureID number 6281. The manager needs to 1
known how many orders need to be recalled. Write a SQL query for the same.
(e) A customer with ID number ‘C5104’ wants to change his registered telephone number 1
as 9988776655. Write a SQL query to achieve this.

4. Rachana Mittal runs a beauty parlor. She uses a database management system(DBMS) to
store the information that she needs to manage her business. This information includes
customer contact details, staff names, the treatments that the parlor offer (for example, ‘’Hair
Massage’) and appointment that customers have made for treatments. A separate
appointment must be made for each treatment.
The details are stored in a database using the following four relations:
Customer: (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, TelephoneNumber, EmailAddress)
Staff :(StaffID, FirstName,LastName, IsQualified)
Treatment: (TreatmentName,Price,TimeTaken,NeedsQualification)
Appointment : (CustomerID,TreatmentName,ApDate,ApTime)
• The IsQualifiedattribute for a member of staff stores one of the value True or False,
to indicate if the member of staff is fully qualified or not.
• The NeedsQualifictionattribute for a treatment stores True or False to indicate if the
treatment can only be given by a qualified member of staff.
• The TimeTakenattribute for a treatment is the number of minutes (a whole number)
that the treatment takes.
(a) Write a SQL statement to create the table staff. 1
(b) Write a query to Insert a record in the table Staff with following data ;
(2009, ‘Sheril’, ‘Mark’, ‘True’)

(c) Which table’s records can be deleted without affecting any other table? 1
(i) Customer (ii) Staff (iii) Treatment (iv) Appointment
(d) Write a query to Modify table Appointment to add a new column StaffID, which
should hold a legal StaffID value from the staff table.
(e) Rachana wants to send e-mail advertisement to all the customers who had a ‘RF 1
Facial’ treatmentin 2020. To send the email, the customer’s email address, firstname
and lastname are needed.
Write a SQL query to retrieve the email address, firstname and lastname of each
customer to whom email should be sent.

5. Consider the table STUDENT given below:

RollNo Name Class DOB Gender City Marks

1 Anand XI 6/6/97 M Agra 430
2 Chetan XII 7/5/94 M Mumbai 460
3 Geet XI 6/5/97 F Agra 470
4 Preeti XII 8/8/95 F Mumbai 492
5 Saniyal XII 8/10/95 M Delhi 360
6 Maakhiy XI 12/12/94 F Dubai 256
7 Neha X 8/12/95 F Moscow 324
8 Nishant X 12/6/95 M Moscow 429

(a) State the command that will give output as:

115 | P a g e





(i) Select Name from student where class= ‘XI’ and class=‘XII’;
(ii) Select Name from student where not class= ‘XI’ and class=‘XII’;
(iii) Select Name from student where city = ‘Agra’ or city = ‘Mumbai’;
(iv) Select Name from student where city IN(‘Agra’ , ‘Mumbai’);

Choose the correct option : 1

(a) Both (i) and (ii)
(b) Both (iii) and (iv)
(c) any of the option (i) , (ii) and (iv)
(d) Only (iii)
(b) What will be the output of the following command?
Select * from student where gender= ‘F’ order by marks;

RollNo Name Class DOB Gender City Marks

4 Preeti XII 8/8/95 F Mumbai 492
3 Geet XI 6/5/97 F Agra 470
7 Neha X 8/12/95 F Moscow 324
6 Maakhiy XI 12/12/94 F Dubai 256

RollNo Name Class DOB Gender City Marks
6 Maakhiy XI 12/12/94 F Dubai 256
7 Neha X 8/12/95 F Moscow 324
3 Geet XI 6/5/97 F Agra 470
4 Preeti XII 8/8/95 F Mumbai 492

Gender Marks
F 256
F 324
F 470
F 492


116 | P a g e
Gender Marks
F 492
F 470
F 324
F 256

(iii) Prachi has given the following command to obtain the highest marks 1
SELECT max(Marks) from student where group by class;
But she is not getting the desired result. Help her by writing the correct command.
(a) Select max(Marks) from student where group by class;
(b) Select class, max(Marks) from student group by Marks;
(c) Select class, max(Marks) group by class from students;
(d) Select class, max(Marks) from student group by class;
(iv) State the command to display the average marks scored by students of each gender who 1
are in class XI?
(a) Select Gender, avg(Marks) from student where class= ‘XI’ group by gender;
(b) Select Gender, avg(Marks) from student group by gender where class= ‘XI’;
(c) Select Gender, avg(Marks) group by Gender from student having class= ‘XI’;
(d) Select Gender, avg(Marks) from student group by Gender having class= ‘XI’;
Choose the correct option:
(a) Both (ii) and (iii)
(b) Both (ii) and (iv)
(c) Both (i) and (iii)
(d) Only (iii)
(v) Help Ritesh to write the command to display the name of the youngest student.
(a) Select Name, min(DOB) from student;
(b) Select Name, max(DOB) from student;
(c) Select Name, min(DOB) from student group by Name;
(d) Select Name, maximum(DOB) from student;

1. (a) (iii) Loan Table
(b) I. (i) Book : Title (ii) Member: EmailID
II. No, the Loan relation cannot have alternate key as its primary key is a composite key
having foreign key.

(c) INSERT INTO Loan Values(‘M1255’, ‘B3100’, ‘02/02/2020’, ‘09/02/2020’, False)

(d) Select FirstName, LastName, EmailID

From Member, Loan
Where Member.MemberID=Loan.MemberID
AND Returned = ‘False’;

2 (a) Foreign Keys in Relation Loan

MemberID(Parent Table Member)
BookID (Parent Table Book)

117 | P a g e
(b) Yes, a relation can have multiple foreign keys, e.g., the loan relation given above has
two foreign keys – MemberID and BookID

(c) Yes, a foreign key can be a part of composite primary key, e.g., the primary key of
relation loan is : (MemberID, BookID, LoanDate), which contains two foreign keys :
MemberID and BookID.
(d) Select FristName,LastName, EmailID
From Member, Loan
Where Member.MemberID=Loan.MemberID
AND EmailID LIKE “” AND Returned = ‘False’;

3. (a) Table Related to table (Key)

CustomerOrderLine→ Furniture (FurnitureID)

(b) CustomerOrderLine(OrderID, FurnitureID)

(c) Create Table CustomerOrder

(OrderIDNumber(8,0) Not Null Primary Key,
CustomerIDchar(ID) REFERENCE Customer(CustomerID),
OrderDate Date);

(d) Select count(*)

From CustomerOrderLine
Group by FurnitureID
Having FurnitureID = ‘6281’;

(e) Update Customer

Set TelephoneNumber=9988776655
Where CustomerID= ‘C5104’;

4. (a) Create Table Staff

( StaffID Number(4,0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
FirstName Varchar(20) NOT NULL,
ISQualifiedChar(4) Check (IsQualified IN(‘True’, ‘False’)));
(b) INSERT INTO Staff Values(2009, ‘Sheril’, ‘Mark’, ‘True’);

(c) (ii) Staff table’s records can be deleted without affecting any other table as of now,
because this table is not linked with any other table yet.

(d) Alter Table Appointment Add StaffIDNumber(4,0) NOT NULL Reference Staff(StaffID);

118 | P a g e
(e) Select EmailAddress, FirstName,LastName
From Customer C, Appointment A
Where C.CustomerID=A.CustomerID
AND TreatmentName= ‘RF Facial’;

5. (i) (b) Both (iii) and (iv)

(ii) (b)

(iii) (d)

(iv) (b) Both (ii) and (iv)

(v) (b)

119 | P a g e
1) Guided Media or wired communication channel:
The guided media refers to the different types of cables used in the network.
They are of Type
a. Twisted Pair Cable
i. Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
ii. Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
b. Coaxial Cables
c. Optical Fibers
2) Unguided media or Wireless Communication Channel:
The unguided or wireless communication channels referred to a wireless connection to the network. There
is no physical connection given through wires in this channel. The connection will be done through either
sensors, antenna or any other component
a. Microwave
b. Radio Wave
c. Satellite
d. Infrared
e. Laser
f. Bluetooth
3) Modem:
A modem stands for MOdulator/DEModulator. It works on the function process of Modulation and
4) Ethernet Card:
It provides an interface between the computer and the network. It is also called as Network Interface
5) WiFi Card :
The card enables a Wi-Fi connectivity for the computers. It is known as wireless NIC.
6) MAC Address:
A MAC address is a unique address that is assigned by the manufacturer of the NIC Card. It is a 6-
byte address. Each byte in MAC address is separated by a colon. It looks like:
7) NIC:
Network Interface Card is the physical card that can be used to connect the networking media with
the system. It is also called as Ethernet card.
8) HUB:
A hub is a device which is used to connect more than one device in the network.
Switch is a smart Hub
10) Repeater:
The repeater is a device that amplifies the network over geographical distance
It is a device which connects dissimilar networks. It expands the functionality of routers. It is not a
device but a node or workstation or computer connected to the network

120 | P a g e
A router is more powerful and intelligent than hub or switch. It has advanced capabilities as it can
analyze the data and decide the data is packed and send it to the other network. It can handle huge
packets. It can be wired or wireless, both. A wireless router can provides access to many devices like
smartphones, and connected devices
13) PAN – Personal Area Network:
Personal Area Network refers to the network created by persons or individuals. Let’s understand
with this example. If you are sending files from your smartphone to another smartphone using
Bluetooth or any other app is considered as Personal Area Network. Mostly people using their own
devices like PDAs, Smartphones, Tablets etc. to share the data using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
14) LAN – Local Area Network
Local area networks are limited to one specific area and cover limited distance. A network that
spreads up to a building, office, organization or institute is known as Local Area Network.
15) MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
This is an extended form of LAN. It can be spread over cities of one country. It can connect different
cities of a country
16) Network Topologies:
Topologies are the types of network layout. It provides the interconnection to the network using
cables and network devices
17) STAR Topology:
A central device (hub or switch) is required to connect all the devices with cables
18) BUS or linear Topology:
The bus or linear topology uses a single length cable to connect the devices
19) RING or circular topology:
The bus or linear topology uses a single length cable to connect the devices. This single length cable
has a terminator at both the ends
20) TREE Topology :
The tree topology is similar to bus topology. In tree topology, the network shapes like a tree with
different nodes connected together.
21) Mesh Topology :
Mesh topology offers excellent connectivity over long distances. In this, each node is connected to
more than one device
22) Wireless Access Point:
It is wireless router used to connect wireless device to the network
23) Browser
It is the software to access internet based webpages in the computer
24) Cookies :
Cookies are plain text files which store the browsing-related information on user’s computer. These
unable you to save password for the website and all the customer setting for the website in the
browser for later visits. You can enable or disable cookies from browser settings. You can either
allow or block third-party cookies on your browser
25) .Plug-in or Add on or Extension :
A plug-in or add on or extension is software that adds additional functionality to your web browser.
It adds a number of features to web browsers. For example, enable emoticons, reading pdfs, languages

121 | P a g e
1) What is an standalone computer system
a. It is a computer system with internet connectivity
b. It is a server
c. It is a computer without any networking
d. None is correct

2) The main computer in any network is called as

a. Client
b. Server
c. Hub
d. Switch
3) What is the full form of NIC
a. Network Interchange Card
b. Net Interconnect Card
c. Network Interface Card
d. Network Interconnection Card
4) Which is called a smart HUB
a. HUB with high speed ports
b. Switch
c. Router
d. All of the Above
5) A network with all client computer and no server is called
a. Networking
b. Peer to Peer Computing
c. Client Server Computing
d. Any of them
6) The wireless access point in the networking is also
a. An wireless switch
b. An Wireless Security Point
c. An Address where all the wifi devices connect
d. All of the above
7) Generally which topology is used in the backbone of Internet
a. BUS
d. Any of them
8) IP Stands for
a. Internet Protocol
b. Intranet Protocol
c. Internet Practice
d. Intranet Practice
9) Which of this is not a part of URL
a. IP Address
b. Port Number
c. Domain Name
d. None of these

122 | P a g e
10) What is the example of Instant Messenger
a. Yahoo messenger
b. WhatApp messenger
c. iMessenger
d. All of them
11) Which of the following is an browser
a. Chrome
b. Whatsapp
c. Twitter
d. All of them
12) Repeaters work on the __________ layer
a. Network Layer
b. Physical Layer
c. Application Layer
d. All of the Above
13) Which device is used to transfer Communication Signal to Long Directions
a. Amplifier
b. Repeater
c. Router
d. All of the Above
14) Which topology in general uses less wire length compare to other
a. Star Topology
b. Ring Topology
c. Bus Topology
d. All use same Length of Wire
15) The device with smartly controls the flow of data over the network by hoping is
a. Router
b. Gateway
c. Switch
d. None of them
16) javascript is a ___________ based language
a. interpretor
b. compiler
c. None
17) Which one in a micro blogging software
a. Twitter
b. Facebook
c. Whatsapp
d. All of them
18) Sending the email to any cc means
a. Sending the mail with a carbon copy
b. Sending the mail without a carbon copy
c. Sending the email to all and hiding the address
d. All of the above
19) The backbone of internet is
a. WAN Network
b. Fibre optical networks across long distances like intercontinental or intra continental
c. Wireless networks
d. All of them

123 | P a g e
20) Which is the physical address to identify the Machine uniquely in network
a. IP Address
b. MAC Address
c. Computer Name
d. Your Used ID
21) Online textual talk is called
a. Video Conference
b. Text Chat
c. Video Call
d. Audio Call
22) The First Page we generally view when we open the browser is called.
a. Default page
b. First page
c. Home page
d. Landing Page
23) URL stands for
a. Uniform Run Line
b. Uniform Resource Line
c. Uniform Resource Location
d. Uniform Resource Locator
24) Digital foot print is of ___ types
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
25) What is noise in the voice channel
a. Cable disturbance
b. Cable sort length
c. Loss of Signal Strength
d. Unwanted disturbance with the genuine signal
26) php language is used to create
a. Dynamic Website
b. Static Website
c. Both the types of website
d. It is not a programming language

27) HTML language is used to create

a. Accounting Program
b. Static Website
c. Both website and accounting program
d. It is not a programming language

28) Google is a
a. Web service
b. Website
c. Program
d. All of it

124 | P a g e
29) When the signal from one wire bleeds into another wire , it is called as
a. Radio waves
b. Infrared
c. Laser
d. None of them
30) Communication Media can be of ___________ and _____________ type
a. Twisted pair , Shielded Twisted pair
b. Fiber optics , coaxial
c. Guided , Unguided
d. Wire , Laser
31) To prevent unauthorized access to and / or from the network, a system known as ____________, can
be implemented by hardware and / or software
a. Antivirus
b. Firewall
c. Software
d. Hardware

125 | P a g e
1) What is the need for a network.
2) Write the full form of following :
a. NIC
b. ICT
c. PCB
d. DND
e. STP
f. UTP
g. CAT-6
h. CRT
i. TFT
j. LED
3) Expand WAN and MAN
4) Expand LAN and PAN
5) What is a Node
6) Why in NIC needed in the computer?
7) What is the use of a Server
8) What is the Latency in Bluetooth Headsets
9) What is an Networking Topology
10) How internet is difference from LAN or Networks?
11) To protect the data in the network from unauthorized access what device is used?
12) What is the use of ISP in internet networks?
13) Define the use of IP address
14) Why STAR network is more efficient in network fault tolerance in place of BUS network.
15) Raju wants to save the password and other setting for the website he will use what to save it in the
16) Ravi is setting the home page of his browser. He will use ___________ of the browser to set the set
home page.
17) What is the use of modem.
18) Text chatting software used in computer network used which technology to communicate?
19) What is the use of router?
20) Keeping Password and OTP in proper safty is called as ____________
21) ftth network is fasted then STP cable network why is this correct
22) what do you mean by URL
23) What is an absolute URL
24) What is history in the browser ?
25) What is the use of HyperLink.
126 | P a g e
2 Marks Questions
1) What is the difference between STAR and BUS topologies?
2) www mean internet or not ? Explain with example ?
3) What is the deference between the http and Https: websites
4) What are Plug-in or Add on or Extension
5) Email is our phone uses which protocal
6) Which address is used to uniquely identify the machines in a network
7) What s VoIP? Where is it used ?
8) Which protocol is used to upload files to webserver for creating websites.
9) Please help Amit to understand the parts of Email Address
10) What is difference between a website and an webpage
11) What is a gateway and why is it used?
12) Router is needed for internet to work? Explain if true or false?
13) When can an HUB be used in place of Switch?
14) How website is not same as web portal?
15) What are the common services provided by any web portal?
16) is a static webpage . The statement is correct or wrong ? Help Raj to define the correct
webpage type ?
17) What browser setting is needed to do when we access any site in public computer like cyber café?
18) What in a VPN software
19) Why we use a domain name address in place of IP address of the Server to access any web site?
20) Redirection or Popups in the website are to be checked carefully before forwarding? Why is this so

127 | P a g e
1) KVS consultants are setting up a secured network for their office campus at Gurgaon. They are
planning to have connectivity between 3 blocks and the head office at Mumbai. Answer the
questions (a) to (d) after going through the block positions in the campus and other details, which are
given below:

Distances between various buildings:

Block A to Block C 120m
Block A to Block B 55m
Block B to Block C 85m
New Delhi Campus to Head office 2060 Km
Number of computers:
Block A 32
Block B 150
Block C 45
Head office 10
a. Suggest the most suitable place to house the server with justification.
b. Suggest a connection medium to connect Gurgaon campus with head office.
c. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification:
i)Switch ii)Repeater
d. The organization is planning to provide a high speed link with its head office situated in
Mumbai using a wired connection. Which of the following cables will be most suitable for
this job?
i) Optical Fibre ii)Co-axial Cable iii)Ethernet Cable

128 | P a g e
2) Sarguja University is setting up its new academic block in KP Gaon. The University has 3 new
academic block and 1 human resource centre.

The distance between the blocks are given below

Number of computer in the blocks

a. Where can we put the internet gateway server

b. Where can we put switch
c. Where we have to fix repeater
d. Where we can have Hub
3) Zetking industries has set up its new center at Ambikapurfor its office and web based activities. The
company compound has 4 buildings as shown in the diagram below:

129 | P a g e
Center to center distances between various building is as follows:
harsh building to raj building 50m
raj building to fazz building 60m
fazz building to jazz building 25m
jazz building to harsh building 170m
harsh building to fazz building 125m
raj building to jazz building 90m

Number of computers in each of the buildings is as follows:

harsh building 15
raj building 150
fazz building 15
jazz building 25
a. Suggest the most suitable place to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason.
b. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification.
i)Internet connecting device ii)switch
c. The organization is planning to link its sale counter situated in various parts of the same city,
which type of network out of LAN, MAN or WAN will be formed? Justify your answer.
d. If there will be connection between all building using mesh topology, suggest where need to
place repeater.
4) “KVS” is planning to setup its new campus at Raipur for its educational activities. The campus has
four(04) UNITS as shown below:

130 | P a g e
a. Suggest an ideal cable layout for connecting the above UNITs
b. Suggest the most suitable place i.e. UNIT to install the server for KVS
c. Which network device is used to connect the computers in all UNITs
d. Suggest the placement of Repeater in the UNITs of above network.
5) Knowledge All Organization has set up its new center at Kolkata for its office and web based
activities. It has 4 blocks of building as shown in the diagram below

a. Suggest a layout of connections between the blocks

b. Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. block) to house the server of this organization with a
suitable reason
c. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification
i. Repeater ii. Hub / Switch

131 | P a g e
d. The organization is planning to link its front office situated in the city in the hilly region
where cable connection is not feasible , suggest an economic way to connect it with
reasonably high speed

6) Ramji Training Educational Institute is setting up its centre in RAIPUR with four specialized
departments for Orthopaedics, Neurology and Paediatrics along with an administrative office in
separate buildings. The physical distances between these department buildings and the number of
computers to be installed in these departments and administrative office are given as follows. Answer
the queries as raised by them in (a) to (d)

Shortest distances between various locations in metres:

Number of Computers installed at various locations are as follows :

a) Suggest the most suitable location to install the main server of this institution to get efficient
b) Suggest the best cable layout for effective network connectivity of the building having server with
all the other buildings.
c) Suggest the devices to be installed in each of these buildings for connecting computers installed
within the building out of the following : Gateway, switch, Modem

132 | P a g e
d) Suggest the topology of the network and network cable for efficiently connecting each computer
installed in each of the buildings out of the following :
Topologies: Bus Topology, Star Topology
Network Cable: Single Pair Telephone Cable, Coaxial Cable, Ethernet Cable.
7) RAJKUMARMedicos Centre has set up its new centre in Bilaspur. It hasfour buildings as shown in
the diagram given below

Distances between various buildings are as follows:

Number of Computers

As a network expert, provide the best possible answer for the following queries:
a. Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings
b. Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. buildings) to house the server of this organization.
c. Suggest the placement of the following device with justification
i. Repeater ii. Hub/Switch
d. Suggest a system (hardware/software) to prevent unauthorized access to or from the network

133 | P a g e
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. B
25. D
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. C
30. C
31. B
1. Network is the interconnection between systems for resource sharing like printing and internet
NIC→Network Interface Card
ICT→Information and Communication Technology
PCB→Printer Circuit Board
DND→Do Not Disturb Directory
STP→Shielded Twisted Pair
UTP→Un-Shielded Twisted Pair
CAT-6→Category 6 Cables
CRT→Cathod Ray Tube
TFT→Thin Film Transistor
LED→Light Emmited Diode
134 | P a g e
5. Node is the client computer that is connected to a computer
6. NIC is the card that create an interface between the computer and the internet or network medium
7. Server is the Computer that serve as the main computer to serve information.
8. Bluetooth Headsets are used to get voice from the source but there is a delay in the voice and the
video played
9. Networking Topology is physical layout of the networking connection to the computer
10. Internet is the network of networks and LAN is only a single network
11. Firewall is used to save the network from un-authorised access
12. It is the Internet Service Provider for the Clients
13. IP or Internet Protocol Address is the 32 Bit Address Logical Number to be given to any network for
uniquely identifying the Computers
14. Because each node is connected directly to the main server and any fault is highly localised
15. He will us his cookies in the browser to save the password and details
16. Setting -> default page->home page address
17. Modem is used to connect Digital computer to Analog Line for Digital data Transfer
18. They use IM (Instance Messaging) for Text Chatting other then SMS
19. Router is used to connect all the different networks together. It also forwards and receives different
data packets from different places
20. Password Security Ethics
21. Yes ftth is faster the STP because of ftth uses laser to transmit data
22. URL ( is the human understandable format for website address.
23. An absolute URL is the complete website address with protocal and landing page details also
24. History is the link to last visited websites in the browser
25. Hyperlink is link to another website or page from the current page
1) STAR Topology is topology in which the all the nodes are connected with central computer. But is
Bus topology a single wire runs across the network and all the nodes are connected to the central bus
2) www is world wide web and it is the protocol to define the website or web address.e.g. This address defines that the website is in the internet.
3) http: is the normal Hyper Text Transfer Protocol but https: is the Secured Hyper Text Transfer
4) The software that are installed with the browser for better performance and utility are called the
Plug-in or Add On
5) Email in our phone uses POP3 protocol to access
6) The MAC address is used to uniquely identify the machine in a network
7) VoIP or Voice Over IP is a protocol used to transmit data
8) FTP or File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files to the web server for creating web site
9) Email has used id and the domain name in its complete address
kvs@kvs, where kvs is used id and kvs, is domain name
10) Website is the complete software and webpage is just one of the page from the website like is website and is a single web
11) Gateway is the computer used to connect different networks to one network
12) Router is a dynamic device to connect different networks in real time. Internet cannot work without
13) Hub is a device that broadcast all the signals so Hub is used in less computers with a limited speed or
bandwidth requirements

135 | P a g e
14) Website is a single software and web portal is a combination of both online and offline services
given by the webportal . like is a website and is aweb portal
15) The most common services provided by the web portal are web hosting and business website
16) Google is a dynamic website. It connects us directly to the related websites what are searched.
17) We need to use incognito mode or public mode while accessing internet in the public place.
18) A VPN software is a software that hides the machine address from the network so that no one can
trace the computer in the network
19) We use Domain name as it is more easy to remember that to remember the IP Address of the
20) The popups or redirection can be a trap form the hackers to hack your computer so they needed to
check carefully


a. Block C because of the higest no of computer
b. VPN in Internet or Satellite communication can be use
c. Switch in Block A, B and C. repeater in Block C or Head Office
d. Optical Fiber
2. .
a. Internet Gateway in the HR Block
b. Switch in Technology Block and HR Block
c. Between Law Block and HR Block
d. In Law Block and Business Block
3. .
a. Raj Building because of Max Number of Computers
b. Both in Raj Building
c. MAN
d. Jazz Building
4. .
a. BUS Topology
b. ADMIN Unit as Max computer are in the Building
c. Bus / Switch
d. Between Admin and Finance Building

136 | P a g e
Sample Question Paper – 1(Term-2)
Informatics Practices (065)
Class 12

Time: 02:00 Hrs Marks: 35

1. There are 16 questions in the question booklet.
2. Each question is compulsory.
3. The Question paper is divided into four sections - Section A containing 05 questions each
of 01 mark, Section B containing 05 questions each of 02 marks, Section C containing
04 questions each of 03 marks, Section D containing 02 questions each of 04 marks.
4. Options are available with the questions in Section D.

137 | P a g e

QNo. Question Marks

1 Write the output of the following command? 1

select round(123.789,-2);

(a) 100 (b) 120

(c) 123.78 (d) 123.80

2 A website is a collection of 1

(a) Webpages (b) Webpages

(c) Webservers (d) Hyperlinks

3 Which of the following network devices is also known as intelligent hub? 1

(a) Router (b) Gateway

(c) Repeater (d) Switch

4 The protocols used to send and receive emails, respectively, are 1


(c) POP3, SMTP (d) POP3, MIME

5 Which of the following SQL commands may output 24? 1

(a) select day(now());

(b)select now();
(c) select dayname(now());
(d) select month(now());


6 Consider the string “Class 12 CS”. Write command to display: 2

(a) the position of string “CS” in the string “Class 12 CS”.
(b) Last six characters of the string “Class 12 CS”.

7 Explain the difference between where and having clauses in SQL with the 2
help of a suitable example.

138 | P a g e
8 Consider the below given Student table and answer the questions which 2

(a) What will be the output of

select sum(roll)+count(roll)+sum(marks)+count(marks)
from student;
(b) Write command to update marks equal to 0 where roll number is NULL.

9 Given a decimal number 1905.675, write commands in SQL to 2

(a) round it off to the number 2000.
(b) round it off to 1 place after the decimal.

10 Anisha has been given the below given student table: 2

(a) How will she generate the following output using group by and having

(b) How will she update the student table to increase marks of all students
by 10% and obtain the following output?


139 | P a g e
11 A Salesman relation is given below: 3

(a) Write SQL command to display the area-wise count of salesmen for those
areas who have more than 1 salesman.
(b) Write SQL command to find the total Sales.
(c) Write SQL command to display the Sname and Dojoin of the salesman
who has joined most recently.

12 How are aggregate functions different from other SQL functions? Ishita is 3
trying to find the max sales out of all the sales corresponding to Salesmen
having Delhi as address in the Salesman table given in Q11. Write two
different SQL queries (using group by and without using group by) to perform
this task.

13 Predict the output of below given SQL queries 3

a. select length(ltrim(" ABCD EFGH "));
b. select length(trim(" ABCD EFGH "));
c. select power(instr(lower('A@123'),'2'),instr(lower('A@123'),'3'));

14 Differentiate between the following 3

a. static and dynamic web page
b. website and webpage


15 Write the SQL commands which will perform the following operations? 4
a. To display the starting position of your last name (lname) from the
whole name (name).
b. To display dayname, month name and year from today’s date.
c. To display the remainder on dividing 3 raised to power 5 by 5.
d. To display ‘I am here’ in lower as well as uppercase.

Consider the table Salesman with the given data

Write SQL queries using function to perform the following operation:

a. Display Scode and Sales after rounding off the Sales to 1 decimal
b. Display the dayname from Dojoin of Salesman.
c. Display the position of occurrence of “a” in the Sname.
d. Display three characters from Sname starting from the second
character for those salesmen whose name ends with ‘t’.

140 | P a g e
16 Indian School, in Mumbai is starting up the network between its different 4
wings. There are four Buildings named as SENIOR, JUNIOR, ADMIN and
HOSTEL. The distance between various buildings is as follows:

The number of computers is as follow:

a. Suggest the cable layout of connections between the buildings.

b. Suggest the most suitable place (i.e., building) to house the server of
this school, provide a suitable reason.
c. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification.
Repeater, Hub/Switch
d. The organisation also has inquiry office in another city about 100 kms
away in hilly region. Suggest the suitable transmission media to
interconnect to school and inquiry office out of the following :
Fiber optic cable, Microwave, Radiowave

Trine Tech Corporation (TTC) is a professional consultancy company. The
company is planning to set up their new offices in India with its hub at
Hyderabad. As a network adviser, you have to understand their
requirements and suggest them the best available solutions. Their queries
are mentioned as (a) to (d) below. TTC is having three blocks, namely
Human Resource Block, Conference Block and Finance Block.

Distance between blocks:

Block (From) Block (To) Distance

Human Resource Conference 110

Human Resource Finance 40

Conference Finance 80

Also, the number of computers to be installed in each block are:

Block Computers

Human Resource 25

Finance 120

Conference 90

141 | P a g e
a. What will be the most appropriate block, where TTC should plan to
install their server?
b. Draw a block to cable layout to connect all the buildings in the most
appropriate manner for efficient communication.
c. What will be the best possible connectivity out of the following, you
will suggest to connect the new setup of offices in Bangalore with its
London based office: Satellite Link, Infrared, Ethernet Cable
d. Which of the following device will be suggested by you to connect
each computer in each of the buildings: Switch, Modem, Gateway


1. a
2. b
3. d
4. b
5. a
6. select instr("Class12 CS","CS");
select right("Class12 CS",6);
7. A HAVING clause is like a WHERE clause, but applies only to groups as a whole (that is, to the rows
in the result set representing groups), whereas the WHERE clause applies to individual rows.
A query can contain both a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause. In that case: The WHERE clause
is applied first to the individual rows in the tables or table-valued objects in the Diagram pane. Only
the rows that meet the conditions in the WHERE clause are grouped. The HAVING clause is then
applied to the rows in the result set. Only the groups that meet the HAVING conditions appear in the
query output. You can apply a HAVING clause only to columns that also appear in the GROUP BY
clause or in an aggregate function.

Any suitable example

8. 77
update student set marks=0 where roll is null;
9. select round(1905.675,-3);
select round(1905.675,1);
10. select class,sum(marks) from myschool group by class having class=11;
update myschool set marks=marks+0.1*marks;
11. select Area, count(*) from Salesman group by Area having count(*)>1
Select sum(sales) from Salesman
Select Sname,max(Dojoin) from Salesman
12. Select address,max(Sales) from Salesman group by address having address=”Delhi”
Select address,max(Sales) from Salesman where address=”Delhi”
13. 10


142 | P a g e
Static Webpage Dynamic Webpage

In static web pages, Pages will remain same In dynamic web pages, Content of pages are
until someone changes it manually. different for different visitors.

Static Web Pages are simple in terms of Dynamic web pages are complicated.

Static Web Page takes less time for loading Dynamic web page takes more time for
than dynamic web page. loading.

Website Webpage

A website is a collection of webpages A webpage is defined as a single document

or a solitary page of any website. Every
webpage is attached to a unique URL
address used to render or access that
particular page.

The website takes more time to develop than

a webpage.

The website URL does not include any The web page URL includes the extension.
extension. i.e., the path of the file.

15. select instr(name,lname)

select dayname(now()),monthname(now()),year(now());
select mod(power(3,5),5);
select lcase('I am here'),ucase('I am here');


Select scod, round(Sales,1) from Salesman

Select dayname(Dojoin) from Salesman
Select instr(Sname,”a”) from Salesman
Select substr(Sname,2,3) from Salesman where name like “%t”


Server can be placed in the ADMIN building as it has the maxium number of computer.
Repeater can be placed between ADMIN and SENIOR building as the distance is more than 110 m.
Also, hub/switch to be used in each building.
Radiowaves can be used in hilly regions as they can travel through obstacles.

143 | P a g e
Finance block because it has the maximum number of computers.

Satellite link

Sample Question Paper – 2 (Term-2)

Informatics Practices (065)
Class 12

Time: 02:00 Hrs Marks: 35

1. There are 16 questions in the question booklet.
2. Each question is compulsory.
3. The Question paper is divided into four sections - Section A containing 05 questions each
of 01 mark, Section B containing 05 questions each of 02 marks, Section C containing
04 questions each of 03 marks, Section D containing 02 questions each of 04 marks.
4. Options are available with the questions in Section D.

144 | P a g e

QNo. Question Marks

1 Write the output of the following command? 1

select truncate(123.789,-2);

(a) 120 (b) 130

(c) 123.78 (d) 100

2 Which of the following communication mediums will offer the highest 1


(a) Optical Fibre (b) Shielded Twisted Pair

(c) Unshielded Twisted Pair (d) Coaxial cable

3 For n devices in a network, what is the number of cable links required for a 1
mesh topology?

(a) n*2 (b) n*(n-1)

(c) (n-1)/2 (d) n*(n-1)/2

4 Which of the following protocols is used in real time internet based 1

(a) VoIP (b) SMTP

(c) POP3 (d) MIME

5 If on ‘1990-01-22', it was Monday, what will be the output of following SQL 1

select dayname('1990-01-22')+1;

(a) Error
(b) 1
(c) 7
(d) Monday


6 Consider the string “ PYTHON LANGUAGE ”. Write command to display: 2

(a) the length of the string after trimming spaces from the beginning and
(b)Position of string “LA” after trimming only beginning spaces from the

145 | P a g e
7 Given a table Orders (oid, cuid, item), Radhika applies the following 2
command to find cuid of those customers who have two or more than two
select cuid,count(*) from orders where count(*)>=2;
However, the code gives an error. Explain the reason and write correct code
to achieve the desired task.

8 Akash writes the following commands for a student table having attributes 2
roll, name, age and class.
Command1: select count(*) from student
Command2: select count(age) from student.
He gets the output 10 for the first command but gets an output 8 for the
second command. Explain the reason behind this difference.

9 Given a number n, write commands in SQL to 2

(a) compute cube of this number using SQL function.
(b) compute remainder on division of n by another number m using SQL

10 Anita has been given the below given orders table: 2

(a) How will she generate the following output using group by and aggregate
functions wherein the count of items for cuid are arranged in descending

(b) How will she count the number of distinct items in the orders table?


146 | P a g e
11 A student relation is given below: 3

(a) Write SQL command to display the class-wise count of students for those
classes who have more than 2 students.
(b) Write an SQL command to find the average marks for class XI and class
XII students.
(c) Write an SQL command to display the name and DOB of the youngest

12 Give suitable examples to explain the role of % and _ characters for pattern 3
matching in SQL.

13 Predict the output of below given SQL queries 3

a. select power(instr('abcd412','1'),3);
b. select substr(lower('ABC 123'),1,3)
c. select power(instr(upper('A@123'),'1'),instr(upper('A@123'),'2'));

14 Differentiate between the following 3

a. LAN and WAN
b. SMTP and POP3


15 Write the SQL commands which will perform the following operations? 4
a. To display the position of space character in your name (myname).
b. To display day, month and year from today’s date.
c. To compute 5 raised to the power remainder on dividing 15 by 4.
d. To display the leftmost as well as the rightmost character of the string

Consider the table Salesman with the given data

Write SQL queries using function to perform the following operation:

a. Display maximum sales for each area.
b. Display the month name from Dojoin of Salesman.
c. Display those addresses which anywhere contain ‘i’.
d. Display two characters from Sname starting from the first character
for those salesmen who belong to Delhi.

147 | P a g e
16 ABC is an online corporate training provider company for IT related 4
courses. The company is setting up their new campus in Kolkata. You as a
network expert have to study the physical locations of various blocks and
the number of computers to be installed. In the planning phase, provide the
best possible answers for the queries (i) to (iv) raised by them.

Distance between blocks:

Block (From) Block (To) Distance

Administrative Finance 60

Administrative Faculty studio 120

Finance Faculty studio 70

Also, the number of computers to be installed in each block are:

Block Computers

Administrative 20

Finance 40

Faculty studio 120

a. Suggest the most appropriate block, where ABC should plan to install
the server.
b. Suggest the most appropriate block to block cable layout to connect
all three blocks for efficient communication.
c. Which type of network out of the following is formed by connecting
the computers of these three blocks? LAN, MAN, WAN
d. Which wireless channel out of the following should be opted by ABC
to connect to students from all over the world? Infrared, Microwave,


A company XYZ Enterprises has four blocks of buildings as shown:

Center to center distance between various blocks

148 | P a g e
B3 TO B1 40 M

B1 TO B2 50 M

B2 TO B4 15 M

B4 TO B3 150 M

B3 TO B2 115 M

B1 TO B4 90 M

Number of computers in each block :

B1 140

B2 20

B3 18

B4 30

Computers in each block are networked but blocks are not networked. The
company has now decided to connect the blocks also
a. Suggest the most appropriate topology for the connections between
the blocks.
b. The company wants internet accessibility in all the blocks. The
suitable and cost-effective technology for that would be ___.
c. Which device will you suggest for connecting all the computers
within each of their blocks?
d. The company is planning to link its head office situated in New
Delhi with the offices in hilly areas. Suggest a way to connect it

Marking Scheme (Set – 2)

1. d
2. a
3. d
4. a
5. b
6. select length(trim(" PYTHON LANGUAGE "));
select instr(ltrim(" PYTHON LANGUAGE")," ");
7. The code gives an error because aggregate functions can not be used with where clause. The
correct code will be
select cuid,count(*) from orders group by cuid having count(*)>=2;
8. The reason behind this difference is that the count function when applied to an attribute does not
count NULL values. The age attribute must be containing two NULL values, hence the difference.
9. select power(n,3);
select mod(n,m);
10. select cuid,count(*) from orders group by cuid order by count(*) desc;
select count(distinct(item)) from orders;
11. select class, count(*) from student group by class having count(*)>2
select class,avg(Marks) from student where class=’XI’ or class=’XII’ group by class
select name, max(DOB) from student

149 | P a g e
12. % and _ are used for pattern matching in SQL. While % corresponds to 0 or more characters, _
corresponds to 1 character.
Consider the following customer table
custid name order
The query select * from customer where name like ‘%a’will match those tuples
where name of the customer ends with ‘a’.
The query select * from customer where name like ‘_ _ a’will match those tuples
where name of the customer is of the length three and the name ends with ‘a’.
13. 216
14. LAN vs WAN

Local Area Network Wide Area Network

Geographical speed is less. Geographical speed is more.

WAN comprises several LANs.

Its design and maintenance is easy. Its design and maintenance is difficult.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Post Office Protocol Version 3

Used to send emails Used to receive emails

The port number of SMTP is 25. The port number of POP3 is 110.

It is implied between sender mail server and It is implied between receiver and receiver
receiver mail server. mail server.

15. select instr(myname,’ ‘)

select day(now()),month(now()),year(now());
select pow(5,mod(15,4));
select left('PYTHON',1),right('PYTHON',1);


select area,max(sales) from Salesman group by area

select monthname(dojoin) from salesman
select(Address) from salesman where Address like ‘%i%’
select left(Sname,2) from Salesman where Address=”Delhi”

Faculty studio
Star topology
Satellite Connection

150 | P a g e

Star topology
Radio waves

151 | P a g e
Sample Question Paper Set - 3 (Term 2)
Session 2021-22
Subject : Informatics Practices (065)
Class XII
Max Time: 02:00 Hours Max Marks: 35

1. There are 16 questions in the question booklet.
2. Each question is compulsory.
3. The Question paper is divided into four sections - Section A containing 05 questions each
of 01 mark, Section B containing 05 questions each of 02 marks, Section C containing 04
questions each of 03 marks, Section D containing 02 questions each of 04 marks.
Options are available with the questions in Section D.

Section A
1. Which of the following is not a text function: 1
a. TRIM()
c. LEFT()
d. MID()

2. Which of the following is not a date function: 1

a. Month
b. Year
c. NOW
d. POW

3. Central computer which is powerfull than other computers is called as: 1

a. Client
b. Server
c. HUB
d. Switch

4. The device that can operate in place of a HUB is a : 1

a. Switch
b. Bridge
c. Router
d. Gateway

5. The combination of bus and star topology is called a: 1

a. Hybrid
b. Mesh
c. Tree
d. Ring

152 | P a g e
Section - B

6. Differentiate between Degree and Cardinality with example. 2

7. Consider the given table and answer the questions: 2

a. Identify the attribute best suitable to be declared as a primary key,

b. Insert the following data into the attributes ItemNo, ItemName and SCode respectively in the
given table STORE.
ItemNo = 2010, ItemName = “Note Book” and Scode = 25
8. Consider the given table and find the output of the given queries: 2

(i) SELECT Department, count(*) FROM Teacher GROUP BY Department;

(ii)SELECT Max(Date_of_Join),Min(Date_of_Join) FROM Teacher;

9. Write short note on Primary and Foreign key with example. 2

10. Differentiate between order by and group by clause with example. 2

153 | P a g e
Section C
11. Write short notes on the following constraints 3
a. Unique
b. Distinct
c. Where clause

12. Consider the following table and answer the questions from i to iii 3

(i) List the details of mobile whose name starts with „S‟ or ends with „a‟,
(ii) Display the Mobile supplier & quantity of all mobiles except „MB003‟,
(iii) List showing the name of mobile company having price between 3000 & 5000,

13. Write the commands for the following: 3

a. To remove the table named “Store” from the database.

b. To add one more column to the table with column name abc, datatypr varchar and size 10.
c. To arrange the values of the table according to the abc column in ascending order in output.

14. What is website? Differentiate between static and dynamic pages. 3

154 | P a g e
Section D

15. Write the SQL functions which will perform the following operations: 4
i) To display the name of the month of the current date .
ii) To remove spaces from the beginning and end of a string, “ Panorama “.
iii) To display the name of the day eg, Friday or Sunday from your date of birth, dob.
iv) To display the starting position of your first name(fname) from your whole name (name).


Consider a table SALESMAN with the following data:

Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations:
a) Display salesman name and bonus after rounding off to zero decimal places.
b) Display the position of occurrence of the string “ta” in salesman names.
c) Display the four characters from salesman name starting from second character.
d) Display the month name for the date of join of salesman

16. A company in Mega Enterprises has 4 wings of buildings as shown in the diagram 4

Center to center distances between various Buildings:

W3 to W1 - 50m
W1 to W2 - 60m
W2 to W4 - 25m
W4 to W3 - 170m
W3 to W2 - 125m
W1 to w4 - 90m

155 | P a g e
Number of computers in each of the wing:
W1 - 150
W2 - 15
W3 - 15
W4 - 25
Computers in each wing are networked but wings are not networked The company has now decided to
connect the wings also.
i.Suggest a most suitable cable layout for the above connections.

ii. Suggest the most appropriate topology of the connection between the wings.
iii. The company wants internet accessibility in all the wings. Suggest a suitable
technology .
iv. Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification if the company wants
minimized network traffic a)Repeater b)Hub / switch


The Virtual Connects organization has set up its new centre at Noida for its office and web-
based activities. It has 4 blocks of buildings as shown in the diagram below:

(i) Suggest the most suitable place (the Block) to install the server of this organization with a
suitable reason.
(ii) Which device will you suggest to be placed/installed in each of these blocks to efficiently
connect all the computers within these blocks?
(iii) Suggest the placement of a Repeater in the network with justification.
(iv) The organization is planning to link its office to an office in the hilly areas. Suggest a wayto connect it
economically. Justify your answer.


156 | P a g e
157 | P a g e
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. Degree: Number of columns in a table, Cardinality : Number of rows in a table.With suitable
7. a. ItemNo
b. INSERT INTO store (ItemNo,ItemName,Scode) VALUES(2010, “Note Book”,25);

8. Answers:

9. Definition of Primary and Foreign key with example.

10. Differece between order by and group by clause with example.
11. Definition of all 3 clauses
12. (i) SELECT * FROM MobileMaster WHERE M_Name LIKE “S%”;
(ii) SELECT M_Supplier, M_Qty FROM MobileStock WHERE M_Id<>MB003”;
(iii)SELECT M_Company FROM MobileMaster WHERE M_Price BETWEEN 3000 AND 5000;
13. (i)Drop table store;
(ii)Alter table store add column (abc varchar (10));
(iii)Select * from store order by abc;
14. Website: Collection of interrelated web pages
Static web page: Which has a fixed content and thus it gets delivered to user’s browser exactly as
Dynamic Web page: Which displays different content every time it is loaded.
15. i) monthname(date(now()))
ii) trim(“ Panaroma “)
iii) dayname(date(dob))
iv)instr(name, fname)

158 | P a g e

(i) Select sname, round(bonus,0) from Salesman;

(ii) Select instr(Sname, “ta”) from Salesman;
iii) Select mid(Sname,2,4) from Salesman;
alternative answer
iii) Select Substring(Sname,2,4) from Salesman;
iv) Select monthname(DateofJoin) from Salesman;

16. Ans. Most suitable layout according to distance is

ii. Star Topology

iii Broadband
iv. a. Not required.
Repeaters may be skipped as per above layout (because distance is less than 100 m)
b. In every wing (switch)

(i) The most suitable place to install the server is Block C as this place has maximum number of
(iii) Repeater may be placed when the distance between 2 buildings is more than 70 metres, i.e.,
Block B to Block C
Block A to Block D
Block B to Block D
(iv) Radio waves, because these waves are easy to generate, can travel long distances and can
penetrate mountains easily.

159 | P a g e

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