CRE PYQ (1988-2020) : BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)

BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)

1988 IIT Kharagpur

1. Liquid A decomposes by first order kinetics in an isothermal batch reactor. Fifty percent of A is
converted in 300 seconds. The time required for a conversion of 75% is
(A) 300 × 0.75/0.25 seconds (C) 300 ln (0.5/0.25) seconds
(B) 300 ln 1 seconds (D) 300 [ln (0.25)/ln (0.5)] seconds

2. In transition-state theory, the rate of reaction is derived by assuming that the activated complex is in
equilibrium with
(a) the products (c) both reactants and products
(b) the reactants (d) none of the above

3. The reaction A → B occurs in an isothermal catalyst pellet under steady state conditions. If the
diffusion of A into the pellet is the rate controlling step, the rate of diffusion of A is
(a) faster than the rate of reaction
(b) equal to the rate of reaction
(c) slower than the rate of reaction
(d) may be faster or slower, depending upon the kinetics

1989 IIT Kanpur

4. From the stoichiometry, one can say that the following reaction is non-elementary
N2 + 3H2 →2NH3
The reason is
(A) no elementary reaction has an order greater than 3
(B) the order of the forward reaction is not same as that of the backward reaction
(C) The reaction takes place in gas phase only
(D) none of the above

5. For the following reaction, the rate constant at 373K is 0.5 per minute
0.5A + B → C
The overall order of the reaction is
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0 (c) 1.5 (d) 0

6. A reaction A → B of unknown kinetics is to be carried out isothermally using two plug flow reactors
of equal volume arranged either in series or in parallel. In the parallel arrangement, the feed is split
equally between the two reactors. The total feed rate and the inlet concentration of reactants
respectively are same for both the arrangements. Which arrangement does give higher overall

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)

1990 IISc Bangalore

7. An exothermic gas phase reaction proceeds according to the equation 3A + 2B → 2R. The equilibrium
conversion for this reaction
(A) increases with increase in temperature
(B) decreases on dilation with an inert gas
(C) decreases with an increase in pressure
(D) is unaffected by the presence of a catalyst

8. What is the exit conversion of reactant A for a zero order reaction taking place in a CSTR with the
following data (rate constant = 1 mol/min-L) , feed concentration = 1 mol/L ; feed flowrate = 0.5 L/min
and reactor volume is 1L
(A) 50% (B) 75% (C) 100% (D) 200%

9. In a homogeneous gas phase reaction, A + 2B →R+S, what is the relationship between rA and rB
(A) 2rA = rB (B) rA= 2 rBoth (C) rA = rB (D) none of the above

10. A 10 m3 CSTR is used to decompose a dilute solution of A . The decomposition is irreversible with a
first order rate constant of 3.45 hr -1. If 95% decomposition of A is desired, the required feed rate is

11. For a unimolecular gas phase reaction A → Products, the reaction mechanism is given by
𝑘1 𝑘2 [𝐴]2
𝑘2 [𝐴] + 𝑘3
What would be the order of reaction at very high and very low pressures?

12. For an elementary reaction A+B→ products, the reaction rate at 500 K is 10 times of that at 400 K.
Calculate the activation energy of this reaction.

13. An irreversible homogeneous liquid phase reaction A→B+C is carried out in two isothermal flow
reactors of 100 litre capacity each operating at 600C. Find the exit conversion if both the reactors are
operated in series, when
(i) both the reactors are ideal plug flow reactors
(ii) An ideal plug followed by an ideal backmix reactor
additional data
feed rate is 20 L/min
feed concentration is 1 mol/L
rate constant 0.5 min-1

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)

1991 IIT Madras

14. The reaction of A and B produces the desire product R as well as the unwanted product S. What level
of reactant concentration (high, medium, low) should we use for the following reaction scheme in
order to maximize the conversion of A to R.
Reaction Scheme:
𝐴 + 𝐵 → 𝑅 𝑟1 = 𝑘1 𝐶𝐴 𝐶𝐵2
𝐴→𝑆 𝑟2 = 𝑘2 𝐶𝐴
A) low 𝐶𝐴, low 𝐶𝐵
B) High , Any 𝐶𝐴
C) High 𝐶𝐴, Low 𝐶𝐵
D) High 𝐶𝐴, Any 𝐶𝐵

15. Qualitatively, find the optimum temperature progression to maximize 𝐶𝑇 for the elementary reaction
scheme given below:

𝐸1 =25, 𝐸2 =10, 𝐸3 =25, 𝐸4 =35, 𝐸5 =40, 𝐸6 =25

E= Activation energy in KJ/mol;
(A) Decreasing “T”
(B) Increasing “T”
(C) Decreasing T first then increasing “T”
(D) “T” Remains constant.

16. Your company has two mixed flow reactors of unequal size for producing a specific product formed
by a homogeneous second order reaction. How should these reactors be connected to activate a
maximum production rate?

17. Fill in the blanks:

For a zero-order solid catalysed reaction having a Thiele Modulus equals to one, the value of
effectiveness factor is given by ___________

18. For a reversible exothermic elementary catalytic reaction of the type A ↔ B; find the optimum
operating reaction temperature a conversion level, 𝑋𝐴=0.8; Data: 𝑘1=𝑒(10−5000/𝑇); 𝑘2=𝑒(40−15000/𝑇);
Maximum allowable temperature (𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥) = 300k

19. The rate of a liquid phase reaction of the type A+B→ products; it is found to be independent of
concentration of A and B, equals to 1K mole/𝑚3 at 300K. Find the conversion in a mixed flow reactor

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
having volume equals to 2𝑚3 with feed concentration of A and S equals to 5K mole/𝑚3, feed flow rate
equals to 1 𝑚3/𝑚𝑖𝑛, and reactor temperature equals to 300K. If the activation energy of the reaction is
given as 83.1kJ/mole, find the volume of an isothermal plug flow reactor for the same conversion and
feed conditions as in the case of the above-mentioned reactor but with reactor temperature kept at

1992 IIT Delhi

20. 2A gaseous reaction, A→2B+C takes place isothermally in a constant pressure reactor Starting with a
gaseous mixture containing 50% A (rest inert), the ratio of final to initial volume is found to be 1.6 ,
the percentage conversion of A is
(a) 30 (b) 50 (c) 0.425 (d) 74

21. The conversion of a reactant, undergoing a first order reaction, at a time equals to three times the half-
life of the reaction is.
(a) 0.875 (b) 0.5 (c) 0.425 (d) Insufficient data.

22. The unit of frequency factor in Arrhenius equation is

(a) Same as those of the rate constant.
(b) Depends on the order of reaction.
(c) Depends on the pressure, temperature etc of the reaction.
(d) Cycles per unit time.

23. Transition state theory approaches the problem of calculating reaction rates by concentrating on the
idea of __________________
In the first order reaction, A→ products
The reaction becomes slower as it proceeds, because the concentration of A _______________, and
the rate is ___________________.

24. A homogeneous liquid phase reaction

A→ R ; −𝑟𝐴 = 𝑘𝐶𝐴2;
Takes place with 50% conversion in a well-mixed reactor operating isothermally. What will be the
conversion in the reactor is replaced by a plug flow type if equal size all else remaining the same?

25. Consider the set of elementary reactions

𝐴→ 𝐵

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
𝐴+𝐵→ 𝐶
𝐴+𝐷→ 2𝐸
At time t=0, a batch reactor is filled with a mixture of A and D. What is the relation between the
concentration of B and D after time t?

1993 IIT Bombay

26. The temperature dependence of chemical reaction rate in general can be written as
k = koTm exp (-E/RT). What is the value of m from collision theory, transition state theory and from
Arrhenius law?

27. Every two minutes, one reactor volume of feed is being treated at specified conditions in a continuous
reactor. What is the space velocity?

28. Choose the correct answer: For multiple reactions 2A→ R; 2R→S. The number of moles of S present
when the number of moles of A and R is 0.3 and 0.5 respectively (initially 2 moles of A are only
present) is
(a) 0.125 (b) 0.175 (c) 0.535 (d) 0.350

29. The irreversible gas-phase reaction A→3B will be carried out isothermally. The reaction is zero order,
the initial concentration of A is 2 mol/lit and the system contains 40% inert. The specific reaction gas
constant is 0.10 mol/L-min. Calculate the time required to achieve 80% conversion in a constant
pressure batch reactor.

30. At present a first order, isothermal, liquid phase reaction is being conducted in a cascade of two equal
sized mixed flow reactor to obtain 95% conversion. If a plug flow reactor of the same total volume
replaces this system, what is the increase in the production rate for the same conversion?

31. The observed rate using a cube of 2cm catalyst pellet is 10-8 mol/s-cm3 pellet , calculate the value of
first order reaction rate constant. The effective diffusivity is 0.01 cm2/s

32. For the gaseous reaction 2A→ B, where the feed consists of 50 mol% A and 50 mol% inert , the
expansion factor is
(a) 1 (b) -0.5 (c) -0.25 (d) 0

1994 IIT Kharagpur

33. To maximized the formation of R in the simulation reactions

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
A+B→R 𝑟𝑅 = 2𝐶𝐴0.5𝐶𝐵 2
We should have
(a) Low 𝐶𝐴, Low 𝐶𝐵 (b) Low 𝐶𝐴, High 𝐶𝐵
(c) High 𝐶𝐴, Low 𝐶𝐵 (d) High 𝐶𝐴, High 𝐶𝐵

34. Fill in the blanks

The Arrhenius equation for the temperature dependency of the reaction rate constant is ________

For a given conversion and a first order reaction, the volume required for a mixed reactor
is____________ than that for a plug flow reactor


• If the rate of the irreversible reaction A+B → 2C is kCACB, then the reaction is always elementary.
• Two mixed reactors of unequal size are available for producing a specified product, formed by a
homogeneous second order reaction. To achieve maximum production rate, the smaller reactor
should be placed in series before the larger reactor.
• For the same conversion, the holding time required in a batch reactor is always equal to space time
required in a plug flow reactor.
• The mechanism for the decomposition of CH3CHO into CH4 and CO in the presence of I2 is
CH3CHO+I2 → CH3 + HI +CO, slow
CH3I+HI → CH4I+𝐼2 , fast
Then the rate of disappearance of 𝐶𝐻3CHO is equal to 𝑘𝐶𝐶𝐻3 𝐼 and 𝐻𝐼 acts as a catalyst.

36. In a batch reactor an irreversible first order reaction A → R takes place. The reaction rate constant (k)
= 0.2/sec., and the initial concentration of A CAO = 0.1 mole/𝑚3. Find the conversion of the reactant
after 2 seconds.

37. The heat of reaction at 300 k and at one atmosphere pressure for the following gas phase reaction, A
+ 3B → C is -50,000 calories per mole of A converted. Data on the molar heat
capacity at constant pressure (cal/mol. K) of the various components are:
CP for A = - 0.4 + 80 × 10-3 T, T in K
𝐶𝑃 for B = 7; 𝐶𝑃 for C = 26
Calculate the heat of reaction at 500 K and at one atmosphere pressure.

38. Match the following

I. A→B→C A. rate of reaction of A shows a maximum with time
II. A+B→2B+C B. CB shows a maximum with time

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
C. CC shows a maximum with time
D. CB continuously decreases with time

39. The Thiele modulus for a first order isothermal reaction for a flat plate geometry catalyst is found to
be 2. Calculate the catalyst effectiveness factor.

40. 50% conversion is obtained in a CSTR for a homogeneous, isothermal, liquid phase, irreversible
second order reaction. What is the conversion if the reactor volume is five times the original-all else
remaining unchanged?

41. A homogeneous gas phase decomposition reaction 4A → B + 7S takes place in an isothermal plug
flow reactor. The reaction rate is, -rA = k1CA with k1 = 0.17 s-1; feed concentration of A (CAo) = 0.1
mol/m3. Feed Flow rate (FAo) = 0.17 mol/s.
Determine the size of the reactor in order to achieve 50% conversion

1995 IIT Kanpur

42. For an ideal mixed flow reaction (CSTR) the exit age . Distribution E(t) is given by
(a) A dirac delta function (b) A step function
(c) A ramp function (d) None of the above

43. The conversion XA and resistance time data are collected for zero order liquid phase reaction in a
stirred tank reactor, which of the following will be straight line
(a) XA VS τ (b) XA VS lnτ (c) VS τ d) XA(1 − XA) VSτ

44. The dimensions of rate constant for reaction 3A→ B are (L/gram mole)-min. Therefore the reaction
order is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

45. A first order reaction A→B occurs in an isothermal porous catalyst pellet of spherical shape. If the
concentration of A at the centre of the pellet is much less than that at the external surface, the process
is limited by

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
(a) Diffusion within the pellet (b) Reaction
(c) External mass transfer (d) None of the above

46. The rate constant of a chemical reaction increases by 100 times when the temperature is increased from 400
K to 500 K. Assuming transition state theory is valid, the value of E/R is
(a) 8987 K (b) 9210 K (c) 8764 K (d) 8621 K

47. For the first order reaction taking place in an isothermal batch reactor, 80% of liquid reactant is
converted to produce in 15 minutes. Calculate space velocity require to achieve same conversion in a
plug flow reactor and in a back mix flow reactor.

48. The rate of homogeneous liquid phase is given by -rA = kC2A this reaction takes place with 50%
conversion in a back mix reactor. What will be the conversion if this reactor is replaced by a bigger
one which is six times larger? All other conditions remain unchanged.

49. Liquid A decomposes in a batch reactor by a second order kinetics. If 50% of A is converted in a five-
minute run, how long it would take to reach 75% conversion.

1996 IISc Bangalore

50. The energy balance equation over tubular reactor under transition condition is
(a) An ordinary non-linear differential equation
(b) An algebraic equation
(c) A linear partial differential equation
(d) A non-linear partial differential equation

51. From collision theory, the reaction rate constant is proportional to

(a) e−(E/RT) (b) e(− E/2RT ) (c) √𝑇 (d) 𝑇𝑚𝑒(𝐸/𝑅𝑇)

52. The sequence in which three C.S.T.R.’s of volumes 5, 10 and 15 cm3will be connected in series to
obtain the maximum production in a second order irreversible reaction is
(a) 15, 10, 5 (b) 5, 10, 15 (c) 10, 5, 15 (d) 10, 15, 5

53. For a mixed flow reactor operating at steady state, the rate of reaction is given by
(a) − (b) + (c) 𝑋𝐴 (d) −
𝑉 𝑑𝑡 𝑉 𝑑𝑡 𝑉 𝑑𝑡

54. For a tubular reactor with space time τ and residence time θ, the following statement holds
(a) τ and θ are always equal
(b) τ = θ when the fluid density changes in the reactor

Shailendra Kumar Sir : +91-8317047762, Referal Code : SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
(c) τ = θ for an isothermal tubular reactor in which the density of the process fluid is constant
(d) τ = θ for a non-isothermal reactor

55. If the pore diffusion controls in a catalytic reaction, the apparent activation energy Ea is equal to
(a) The intrinsic activation energy E
(b) (E + ED) where ED is activation energy due to diffusion
(c) (E + ED)/2
(d) ED /2

56. The reaction A (l) = R(g) + S(g) is allowed to reach equilibrium conditions in an autoclave. At
equilibrium there are two phases, one a pure liquid phase of A and the other a vapour phase of A, R
and S. Initially A alone is present. The number of degrees of freedom are
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0

57. Given, 3𝐻2 + 𝐶𝑂 = 𝐶𝐻4 + 𝐻2𝑂, 𝐾𝑝 = 101.84

4𝐻2 + 𝐶𝑂 = 𝐶𝐻4 + 2𝐻2𝑂, 𝐾𝑝 = 101.17
The 𝐾𝑝 for the reaction CO+𝐻2𝑂 = 𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 is
(a) 103.01 (b) 10−0.67 (c) 10−3.01 (d) 100.67

58. The rate expression for a heterogeneous catalytic reaction is given by

-rA = k kA PA / (1 + kA PA + kR PR)
where k is surface reaction rate constant and kA and kR are adsorption equilibrium constants of A and
K respectively. If kRPR >> (1 + kAPA) the apparent activation energy- EA is equal to (given E is the
activation energy for the reaction, and ΔHR and ΔHA are the activation energies of adsorption of R and
(a) E (b) E + ΔHA (c) E + ΔHA - ΔHR (d) ΔHA + ΔHR

59. For a heterogeneous catalytic reaction A +B → C, with equimolal feed of A and B, the initial rate -rA0
is invariant with total pressure. The rate controlling step is
(a) surface reaction between adsorbed A and B in the gas phase
(b) surface reaction between adsorbed A and adsorbed B
(c) surface reaction between A in the gas phase and adsorbed B
(d) desorption of C

60. When an exothermic reversible reaction is conducted adiabatically the rate of reaction
(a) continuously increases (b) continuously decreases
(c) passes through a maximum (d) passes through a minimum

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
61. At a given space time τ, a mixed reactor is operated at a temperature which maximizes the
𝑘1 𝑘2
concentration CR of the desired product for the elementary reactions 𝐴 → 𝑅→ 𝑆
k1 = 0.0333 s , τ = 300 s, E1/E2 = 3, where E1 and E2 are the activation energies of the

two reactions. Find the value of k2 at this temperature. The feed to the reactor consists of pure A.

62. Match the items in the left column with the appropriate items in the right column

(i) RTD for laminar flow a. δ (t-τ )

(ii) RTD for a CSTR 𝑡
b. 𝑒𝑥𝑝 (– 𝜏)

𝜏2 𝜏
c. 2𝑡 3 𝑓𝑜𝑟 2 < 𝑡 < ∞

d. {exp (-t/τ )}/τ

63. The constant density isothermal elementary reaction A + B → C + D is conducted in a set-up consisting
of a plug flow reactor followed by a mixed reactor. A is in excess and hence the reaction may be
considered first order in B. Does reversing the order of the two units increase the production? Justify
your answer.

64. Acetaldehyde (A) decomposes to methane (B) and carbon monoxide(C) according to the irreversible
gas phase reaction𝐴 → 𝐵 + 𝐶 . 1 kmol/s of A is to be decomposed at 527°C and 1 atmosphere
in a-plug flow reactor. The first order rate constant k was 0.5 /s. Calculate the volume of the reactor
for 40% decomposition of A.

1997 IIT Madras

65. A reversible liquid phase endothermic reaction is to be carried out in a plug flow reactor. For minimum
reactor volume, it should be operated such that the temperature along the length
(a) decreases
(b) increases
(c) is at the highest allowable temperature throughout
(d) first increases and then decreases

66. The residence time distribution of an ideal CSTR is

1 1 1
(a) 𝜏 exp (− 𝜏 ) (b) 𝜏 exp (− 𝜏 )
𝑡 𝜏
(c) exp (− 𝜏) (d) exp (− 𝑡 )

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
67. The decomposition of A into B is represented by the exothermic reaction ↔ 𝐵 . To achieve
maximum decomposition, it is desirable to carry out the reaction
(a) At high P and high T
(b) At low P and high T
(c) At low P and low T
(d) At high P and low T

68. The gas phase reaction is carried out in an isothermal plug flow reactor. The feed consists of 80 mol%
A and 20 mol% inerts. If the conversion of A at the reactor exit is 50% then CA/CAo at the outlet of
the reactor is 2AB
(a) 2/3 (b) 5/8 (c) 1/3 (d) 3/8

69. For a first-order isothermal chemical reaction in a porous catalyst, the effectiveness factor is 0.3. The
effectiveness factor will increase if the
(a) Catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst diffusivity is reduced
(b) Catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst diffusivity is increased
(c) Catalyst size is increased or the catalyst diffusivity is reduced
(c) Catalyst size is reduced or the catalyst diffusivity is increased

70. The rate of the heterogeneous catalyst reaction 2A(g)+B(g)→ C(g) is

where KA and KC are the adsorption equilibrium constants. The rate controlling step for this reaction
(a) adsorption of A
(b) surface reaction between adsorbed A and adsorbed B
(c) surface reaction between adsorbed A and B in the gas phase
(d) surface reaction between A in the gas phase and adsorbed B

71. For a second-order liquid phase reaction A→ products, occurring in an isothermal plug flow reactor ,
the conversion id 50%. What will be the conversion if the plug flow reactor is replaced by a continuous
stirred tank reactor of the same volume ?

72. Liquid A decompose in a batch reactor by zeroth order kinetics. The initial concentration of A is 0.5
kmol/m3 and for a reaction time of 1200s, the conversion is 40%. Assume isothermal conditions.
Determine the rate constant for this reaction.
What will be the conversion for a reaction time of 3600s

73. The first order, exothermic, irreversible, liquid phase reaction A + B is to be conducted in an adiabatic
CSTR . The desired conversion is 70% and the reactor is to be operated at 353K. For the data given
below, find
a. the required volume of the CSTR

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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CRE PYQ (1988-2020)
BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
b. the feed temperature
Data : The rate constant at 353 K = 0.02 s-1
inlet volumetric flowrate = 0.01 m3/s
density of inlet stream = 1000 kg/m3
inlet concentration of A = 2 kmol/m3
Heat of reaction (independent of temperature) = -50000 kJ/kmol A reacting
Average heat capacity of inlet and outlet streams
= 2 kJ/kg-K

74. The liquid phase parallel reaction

A→R : rR = k1CA : k1= s-1
A→S : rS = k2 ; k2 = 0.3 kmol/m3s

is conducted in an isothermal plug flow reactor . The inlet concentration of A is 2 kmol/m3. No

products are present in the feed. If conversion of A is 80% , then determine the exit concentration of

1998 IIT Delhi

75. For reaction P + 2Q → 3R, molar rate of consumption of P is

(a) double of that of Q (b) same as that of Q
(c) half of that of Q (d) 2/3 of that of Q

76. Molecularity of an elementary reaction

P +Q → R + S is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

𝑘1 𝑘2
77. Second order consecutive irreversible reactions 𝐴 → 𝐵→ 𝐶 were carried out in a
constant volume isothermal batch reactor with different initial feed compositions. Reactor temperature
was same in all the cases. In experiments where the ratio of concentration of B to that of A in initial
feed was less than 0.5, the concentration of B increased first, reached a maximum and then declined
with time. However, for all experiments where this concentration ratio was 0.5 or above, concentration
of B decreased monotonically with time right from the beginning. What is the ratio of the two rate
constants (k1/ k2)?
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/2 (c) 2 (d) 4

78. A spherical porous catalyst particle of radius R is subjected to reactant A which reacts to form B by a
zero-order surface reaction A → B. Film mass transfer resistance is negligible and pore diffusion of
A is rate controlling. The effectiveness factor of the catalyst is reported as 7/8. Which of the following
statements is true?
(a) Inner catalyst core of radius R/8 does not participate in reaction.

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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BY Shailendra Sir (SKS50)
(b) Inner catalyst core of radius R/2 does not participate in reaction
(c) Inner catalyst core of radius 7R/8 does not participate in reaction.
(d)Effectiveness factor for a zero order reaction cannot be 7/8 as it must always be 1.

79. A liquid phase, first order, reversible reaction A ↔B is carried out in a continuous stirred tank reactor.
Molar densities of A and B are same. Other things (such as space time, flow rate, temperature)
remaining the same, a feed of pure A to the reactor results in 40% conversion of A, while a feed of
pure B results in 50% conversion of B. Estimate the reaction equilibrium constant. Assume steady
state operation in both the cases.

80. Steady state plug flow reactor (PFR) data for isothermal irreversible reaction A → B is as shown in
the table. Reactor space time was 10 seconds in both the cases. Other things such as feed and product
density, reactor temperature etc. are same in both the cases. If the reaction is known to be of non-zero
integer order, find the reaction order and the rate constant.

1999 IIT Bombay

81. Pure A in gas phase enters a reactor, 50% of this A is converted to B through the reaction A → 3B.
Mole fraction of A in the exit stream is
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/3 (c) 1/4 (d) 1/5

82. For the reaction A+B → 2B+C

(a) rA = rB (b) rA = −rB (c) rA = 2rB (d) rA = rB/2

83. The exit gas distribution curve E(t) ideal CSTR with residence time 𝜏, is given by
(a) e−t/τ (b) (1/𝜏)e−t/τ (c)1-e−t/τ (d) 1-(1/𝜏)e−t/τ

84. An endothermic second-order reaction is carried out in an adiabatic plug flow reactor. The rate of heat
generation is
(a) Maximum at the inlet of the reactor
(b) Maximum at the exit of the reactor
(c) Maximum at the centre of the reactor
(d) Constant throughout the reactor.

85. For the liquid phase zero- order irreversible reaction A→ B, the conversion of A in a CSTR is found
to be 0.3 at a space velocity of 0.1 /minute. What will be the conversion for a PFR with a space velocity
of 0.2/min? Assume that all other operating conditions are the same for CSTR and PFR.
(a) 0.15 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.9

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86. Consider the nth order irreversible liquid phase reaction A→ B. Which one of the followings plots
involving half- life of the reaction (t1/2) and the initial reactant concentration (CA0) gives a straight line
(a) CA0 vs t1/2 (b) 𝑙𝑛CA0 vs t1/2 (c) CA0 vs 𝑙𝑛 t1/2 (d) 𝑙𝑛CA0 vs 𝑙𝑛 t1/2

87. At a given value of E/R (ratio of activation energy and gas constant) the ratio of rate constant at 500
K and 400 K is 2 if Arrhenius law is used. What will be this ratio if transition state theory is used with
the same value of E/R?
(a) 1.6 (b) 2 (c) 2.24 (d) 2.5

88. An isothermal plug flow reactor is designed to give 80% conversion A for a second order liquid phase
reaction A→𝐵. Pure A at concentration 1 kilo mole/ m3 is fed to the reactor at a flow rate of 5 m3/hr.
The rate constant for the reaction at a specific operating temperature is 0.5 m3/kmole hr. When the
reactor is actually operated based on this design it was found that 30% of the initial reactor behaves
as a well-mixed reactor while the remaining behaved as a plug flow reactor. Calculate the conversion
obtained in such a reactor

89. Two parallel first-order reactions A→B and A→C are taking place in liquid phase in a well-mixed
batch reactor. After 60 minutes of operation, 80% of A has reacted while 2 moles of B per mole of C
was detected in the reactor. Calculate the rate constant k1 and k2 for the two reactions. Assume that no
B and C were initially present in the reactor

90. For the reversible reaction 𝐴 ⇔ 2𝐵, if the equilibrium constant K is 0.05 mol/l , starting from initially
2 moles of A and zero moles of B, how many moles will be formed at equilibrium?
(a) 0.253 (b) 0.338 (c) 0.152 (d) 0.637

2000 IIT Kharagpur

91. The experimentally determined ,overall order for the reaction A+B→ C+D is two, then the
(a) Reaction is elementary with a molecularity of 2
(b) Molecularity of the reaction is 2 but the reaction may not be elementary.
(c) Reaction may be elementary with a molecularity of 2
(d) Reaction is elementary but the molecularity may not be 2.

92. The reaction A→B is conducted in an isothermal batch reactor. If the conversion of A increases
linearly with holding time, then the order of the reaction is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 1.5 (d) 2

93. For the liquid phase parallel reactions

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A→ R, rR = K1C2A , E1=80 KJ/mole
A→ S, rS = K2CA , E1=120 KJ/mole
the desired product is R. A higher selectivity of R will be achieved if the reaction is conducted at
(a) Low temperature in a CSTR.
(b) High temperature in a CSTR.
(c) Low temperature in a PFR.
(d) High temperature in a PFR.

94. In solid catalysed reactions the diffusional effect are more likely to affect the overall rate of reaction
(a) fast reactions in catalysts of small pore diameter.
(b) fast reactions in catalysts of large pore diameter.
(c) slow reactions in catalyst of small pore diameter .
(d) slow reaction in catalyst of large pore diameter.

95. At a given temperature, K1, K2 and K3 are the equilibrium constants for the following reactions 1, 2,
3 respectively
𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑔) ↔ 𝐶𝑂(𝑔) + 3𝐻2𝑂 (𝑔)…….(1)
𝐶(𝑔) + 𝐻2𝑂(𝑔) ↔ 𝐶𝑂2(𝑔)+ 𝐻2(𝑔)……….…(2)
𝐶𝐻4(𝑔) + 2𝐻2𝑂(𝑔) ↔ 𝐶𝑂2(𝑔) + 4𝐻2 (𝑔)…….(3)
Then K1, K2 and K3 are related a
K1 K2
(a) K3 = K1K2 (b) K3 = (K1K2)0.5 (c) K 3 = (d) K3 = (K1K2)2

96. The conversion for a first order liquid phase reaction A → B in a CSTR is 50 %. If another CSTR of
the same volume is connected in serie, then the % conversion at the exit of the second reactor will be
(a) 60 (b) 75 (c) 90 (d) 100

97. The following half-life fata are available for the irreversible liquid phase reaction, A→ products
Initial concentration (kmole/m3) Half-life (min.)
2 2
8 1
The overall order of the reaction is
(a) 0.5 (b) 1 (c) 1.5 (d) 2

𝑘1 𝑘2
98. The first order series reaction is conducted in a batch reactor. The 𝐴 → 𝐵→ 𝐶. Initial
concentration of A, B, and C (CA, CB,Cc , respectively) are all non zero. The variation of CB with
reaction time will not show a maximum if
(a) K2CBo > K1CAo (b) K1CAo > K2CBo (c) CBo > CAo (d) CAo > CBo

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99. The reaction A →B is conducted in an adiabatic plug flow reactor ( PFR). Pure A at a concentration
of 2 kilo mole /m3 is fed to the reactor at the rate of 0.01 m3/sec. and at a temperature of 500K. If the
exit conversion is 20%, then the exit temperature ( in K) is
(a) 400 (b) 500 (c) 600 (d) 1000

Heat of reaction at 298 K= -50,000 kJ/kmole of A reacted, Heat capacities CPA = CPB = 100kJ/ kmole
K. (may be assumed to be independent of temperature)

100. The rate controlling step for the heterogeneous irreversible catalytic reaction
A(g)+ B(g) → C(g) Is the surface reaction of adsorbed A with adsorbed of B to give adsorbed C.
The rate expressed for this reaction can then be written as?
𝑘𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝐴 𝑝𝐵
(a) −
1+𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝐴 +𝑘𝐵 𝑝𝐵
𝑘𝑘𝐴 𝑘𝐵 𝑝𝐴 𝑝𝐵
1+𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝐴 +𝑘𝐵 𝑝𝐵
𝑘𝑘𝐴 𝑘𝐵 𝑝𝐴 𝑝𝐵
1+𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝐴 +𝑘𝐵 𝑝𝐵 +𝑘𝐶 𝑝𝐶
𝑘𝑘 𝑘 𝑝 𝑝
(d) [1+𝑘 𝐴 𝐵 𝐴 𝐵 ]2
𝐴 𝑝𝐴 +𝑘𝐴 𝑝𝐵 +𝑘𝐶 𝑝𝐶

Where kA,kB and kC are the adsorption equilibrium constants and k is the rate constant of the rate
controlling step.

101. The elementary, second order liquid phase reaction A+B→C+D is conducted in an isothermal plug
reactor of 1 m3 capacity. The inlet volumetric flow rate is 10 m3/hr and CAo = CBo = 2 kilo mole /m3.
At these conditions, conversion of A is 50% , now if a stirred tank reactor of 2 m3 capacity is installed
in series, upstream of the plug flow reactor, then what conversion can be expected in the new system
of reactors?

102. The following liquid phase reactions are carried out in a PFR, A+C→2B+P (rp=k1CACC ); A→D
(rD=k2CA); What is the ratio of moles of P formed to moles of D formed at the reactor exit if the
conversion of C is 50% , no product is present in the feed. CAo =CCo = 2 kmol/m3 ; k1 =1m3/kmol-s
and k2 = 1 s

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PART-2: 1 Marks Questions (CH)

2000 IIT Kharagpur

1. In solid catalyzed reactions, the diffusional effects are more likely to affect the overall rate of reaction
(A) Fast reactions in catalysts of small pore diameter
(B) Fast reactions in catalysts of large pore diameter
(C) Slow reactions in catalysts of small pore diameter
(D) Slow reactions in catalysts of large pore diameter

2. For the liquid phase parallel reactions

A → R, rR = k1C A2 ; E1 = 80kJ/mol A → S , rS = k2C A ; E2 = 120 kJ/mol
The desired product is R. A higher selectivity of R will be achieved, if the reaction is conducted at
(A) Low temperature in a CSTR
(B) High temperature in a CSTR
(C) Low temperature in a PFR
(D) High temperature in a PFR

3. The reaction A → B is conducted in a isothermal batch reactor. If the conversion of A increases

linearly with holding time, then the order of the reaction is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 2

4. The experimentally determined overall order for the reaction A + B → C + D is two. Then the
(A) Reaction is elementary with a molecularity of 2
(B) Molecularity of the reaction is 2 but the reaction may not be elementary
(C) Reaction may be elementary with a molecularity of 2
(D) Reaction is elementary but the molecularity may not be 2

2001 IIT Kanpur

5. The E-curve for a non-ideal reactor defines the fraction of fluid having age between t and t + dt
(A) At the inlet
(B) At the outlet
(C) In the reactor
(D) Averaged over the inlet and outlet

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6. The reaction rate constants at two different temperatures T1 and T2 are related by

k  E 1 1  k  E 1 1 
(A) ln  2  =  -  (B) ln  2  =  - 
 k1  R  T2 T1   k1  R  T1 T2 
k  E 1 1  k  E 1 1 
(C) exp  2  =  -  (D) exp  2  =  - 
 k1  R  T1 T2   k1  R  T2 T1 

7. The conversion for a second order, irreversible reaction (constant volume) A ⎯⎯

→ B , in batch mode
is given by
1 k 2CA0 t (k 2CA0 t)2 k 2CA0 t
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1+k 2CA0 t 1+k 2CA0 t 1+k 2CA0 t (1+k 2CA0 t) 2

2002 IISc Bangalore

8. An exothermic reaction takes place in an adiabatic reactor. The product temperature

____ the reactor feed temperature.
(A) Is always equal to
(B) Is always greater than
(C) Is always less than
(D) May be greater or less than

9. The extent of a reaction is

(A) Different for reactants and products
(B) Dimensionless
(C) Dependent on the stoichiometric coefficients
(D) All of the above

10. For an ideal plug flow reactor the value of the Peclet number is
(A) Zero (B) Infinity (C) 1 (D) 10

2003 IIT Madras

11. Find a mechanism that is consistent with the rate – equation and reaction given below
2 A + B → A2 B , (-rA ) = kC ACB
(A) A + B → AB; AB + A  A2 B

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(B) A + B  AB; AB + A → A2 B
(C) A + A  AA; AA + B → A2 B
(D) A + A → AA; AA + B  A2 B

12. An elementary liquid phase decomposition reaction A ⎯⎯

→ 2B is to be carried out in a CSTR. The
design equation is
XA X A (1 + X A )
(A) k  = (B) k  =
(1- X A ) (1- X A )

XA X A / (1 + X A ) 2
(C) k  = (D) k  C AB =
(1- X A ) 2 (1- X A )2

13. For a series of reactions A ⎯⎯

→ B ⎯⎯
1 k
→ C , (k1  k2 ) having the reaction system can be approximated

(A) A ⎯⎯
→B (B) A ⎯⎯
→B (C) A ⎯⎯
→C (D) A ⎯⎯

2004 IIT Delhi

14. For a packed bed reactor, the presence of a long tail in the residence time distribution curve is an
indication of
(A) Ideal plug flow (B) Bypass (C) Dead zone (D) Channeling

15. A first order gaseous phase reaction is catalyzed by a non-porous solid. The kinetic rate constant and
the external mass transfer coefficient are k and k g respectively. The effective rate constant ( keff ) is
given by
(k+k g ) 1
1 1 1
(A) keff =k+k g (B) keff = (C) keff =(k k g )2 (D) = +
2 keff k k g

16. An endothermic aqueous phase first order irreversible reaction is carried out in an adiabatic plug flow
reactor. The rate of reaction
(A) Is maximum at the inlet of the reactor
(B) Goes through a maximum along the length of the reactor
(C) Goes through a minimum along the length of the reactor
(D) Is maximum at the exit of the reactor

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17. The rate of ammonia synthesis for the reaction is represented as, N 2 + 3H 2 2 NH 3 is given by
1 3 1
r = 0.8 PN2 PH32 – 0.6 PNH
. If the reaction is represented as, N2 + H2 NH3 , the rate of ammonia
2 2 2
synthesis is
(A) r = 0.8PN0.52 PH1.52 - 0.6 PNH3

(B) r = 0.8PN2 PH32 - 0.6 PNH2


(C) r = 0.5(0.8PN2 P - 0.6 PNH


(D) r = 0.5(0.8PN0.52 PH1.52 - 0.6 PNH3 )

18. The rate expression for the gaseous phase reaction CO+2H 2 CH 3OH is given by
[Data missing]
(A)  = 1,  = 1,  = 1
(B)  = 1,  = 2,  = 1
(C)  = 1/ 3,  = 2 / 3,  = 1
(D)  = 1/ 2,  = 1,  = 1/ 2

2005 IIT Bombay

19. Which is the correct statement from the following statements on the Arrhenius model of the rate
constant k = Ae- E / RT
(A) A is always dimensionless
(B) For two reaction 1 and 2, if A1 = A2 and E1 >E2 then k1(t)>k2 (t)
(C) For a given reaction, the percentage change of k with respect to temperature is higher at lower
(D) The percentage change of k with respect to temperature is higher for higher A

20. For the liquid phase reaction A → P , in a series of experiments in a batch reactor, the half-life (t1 2 )
was found to be inversely proportional to the square root the initial concentration of A. The order of
the reaction is
3 1 1
(A) (B) 1 (C) + (D) −
2 2 2

21. For the reaction 2R + S → T , the rates of formation rR , rS and rT of the substances R, S and T
respectively, are related by

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(A) 2rR = rS = rT (B) 2rR = rS = − rT
(C) rR = 2rS = 2rT (D) rR = 2rS = - 2rT

2006 IIT Kharagpur

22. A first order reversible reaction A k2
B occurs in a batch reactor. The exponential decay of the
concentration of A has the time constant
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
k1 k2 k1 – k2 k1 + k2

23. An irreversible gas phase reaction A → 5 B is conducted in an isothermal batch reactor at constant
pressure in the presence of an inert. The feed contains no B. If the volume of the gas at complete
conversion must not exceed three times the initial volume, the minimum mol% of the inert in the feed
must be
(A) Zero (B) 20 (C) 33 (D) 50

24. The reaction 2 A + B → 2C occurs on a catalyst surface. The reactants A and B diffuse to the catalyst
surface and get converted completely to the product C, which diffuses back. Steady state molar flux
of A, B and C related by
(A) N A = 2 N B = N C
(B) N A = –(1/ 2) N B = – N C
(C) N A = 2 N B = – N C
(D) N A = (1 / 2)N B = N C

2008 IISc Bangalore

25. A species (A) reacts on a solid catalyst to produce R and S as follows

(1) A → R rR =k1C A2
(2) A → S rS =k 2C 2A
Assume film resistance to mass transfer is negligible. The ratio of instantaneous fractional yield of R
in the presence of pore diffusion to that in the absence of pore diffusion is
(A) 1 (B) >1 (C) <1 (D) zero

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2009 IIT Roorkee

26. The half –life of a first order liquid phase reaction is 30 sec. Then the rate constant in min −1 is
(A) 0.0231 (B) 0.602 (C) 1.386 (D) 2.0

(ii) For a solid-catalyzed reaction, the Thiele modulus is proportional to

Intrinsic reaction rate Diffusion rate
(A) (B)
Diffusion rate Intrinsic reaction rate
Intrinsic reaction rate Diffusion rate
(C) (D)
Diffusion rate Intrinsic reaction rate

27. For a homogenous reaction system, where Ci is the concentration of i at time t N i is the number of
moles of i at time t, V is the reaction volume at time t is the reaction time
The rate of reaction for species j is defined as
dC j  dC j  1 dN j  1 dN j 
(A) (B) −   (C) (D) −  
dt  dt  V dt  V dt 

2010 IIT Guwahati

28. For a first order isothermal catalytic reaction A → P , occurring in an infinitely long cylindrical pore,
the relationship between effectiveness factor  , and Thiele modulus  is
1 1
(A) = (B)  =  (C)  = 1 (D)  =
2 

2011 IIT Madras

29. Consider an irreversible, solid catalyzed, liquid phase first order reaction. The diffusion and the
reaction resistances are comparable. The overall rate constant (k0 ) is related to the overall mass
transfer coefficient (km ) and the reaction rate constant (k) as
kkm k + km k + km
(A) k0 = (B) k0 = (C) k0 = (D) k0 = k + km
k + km kkm 2

30. Reactant R forms three products X, Y and Z irreversibly, as shown below

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The reaction rates are given by rx = k xCR , ry = k yCR1.5 and rz = k z C R . The activation energies for
formation of X, Y and Z are 40, 40 and 5 kJ/mol respectively. The pre-exponential factors for all
reaction are nearly same. The desired conditions for maximizing the yield of X are
(A) High temperature, high concentration of R
(B) Low temperature, low concentration of R
(C) Low temperature, high concentration of R
(D) High temperature, low concentration of R

2012 IIT Delhi

31. Consider the reaction scheme shown below:

A ⎯⎯
→ B ⎯⎯
Both the reactions are of the first-order. The activation energies for k1 and k 2 are 80 and 20kJ/mol
respectively. To maximize the yield of B, it is preferable to use
(A) CSTR and the high temperature
(B) PFR and high tempera
(C) CSTR and low temperature
(D) PFR and low Temperature

32. The half-life of an nth order reaction in a batch reactor depends

(A) only on the rate constant
(B) on the rate constant and the order of the reaction
(C) on the rate constant and initial reactant concentration
(D) on the rate constant, initial reactant concentration and the order of the reaction

33. For an exothermic reversible reaction, which one of the following correctly describes the dependence
of the equilibrium constant (K) with temperature (T) and pressure (P)?
(A) K is independent of T and P
(B) K increase with an increase in T and P
(C) K increase with T and decrease with P
(D) K decrease with an increase T and is independent of P

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2013 IIT Bombay

34. The overall rates of an isothermal catalytic reaction using spherical catalyst particles of diameter 1
mm and 2 mm are rA1 and rA2

(in mol ( kg-catalyst ) h ) , respectively. The other physical properties of the catalyst are identical. If
-1 -1

pore diffusion resistance is very high, the ratio rA 2 / rA1 is

(A) 0.5 (B) 0.4 (C) 0.2 (D) 0.6

35. An isothermal liquid phase zero order reaction A → B (K = 0.5mol/m3 -s) is carried out in a batch
reactor. The initial concentration of A is 2mol/m 3 . At 3 seconds from the start of the start of the
reaction, the concentration of A in mol/m 3 is
(A) 0.8mol/m3 (B) 0.0mol/m3 (C) 0.5mol/m3 (D) 0.1mol/m3

36. The exit age distribution for a reactor is given by E (t ) =  (t - 4) , where t is in seconds. A first order
liquid phase reaction (k = 0.25s −1 ) is carried out in this reactor under steady state and isothermal
conditions. The mean conditions of the reactant at the exit of the reactor, up to 2 digits after the decimal
point, is
(A) 0.50 (B) 0.60 (C) 0.59 (D) 0.63

2014 IIT Kharagpur

37. The vessel dispersion number for an ideal CSTR is

(A) -1 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 

38. In order to achieve the same conversion under identical reaction conditions and feed flow rate for a
non-autocatalytic reaction of positive order, the volume of volume of ideal CSTR is
(A) Always greater than that of an ideal PFR
(B) Always smaller than that of an ideal PFR
(C) Same as that of an ideal PFR
(D) Smaller than that of an ideal PFR only for first order reaction

2015 IIT Kanpur

39. Which of the following can change if only the catalyst is changed for a reaction system?

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(A) Enthalpy of reaction (B) Activation energy
(C) Free energy of the reaction (D) Equilibrium constant

40. An irreversible, homogeneous reaction A → products, has the rate expression:

2C A2 + 0.1C A
Rate = ,
1 + 50C A
where C A is the concentration of A C A varies in the range 0.5-50 mol/m3 . For very high concentration
of A, the reaction order tends to:
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 2

41. For which reaction order, the half-life of the reactant is half of the full lifetime (time for 100%
conversion) of the reactant?
(A) Zero order (B) Half order (C) First order (D) Second order

2016 IISc Bangalore

42. Hydrogen iodide decomposes through the reaction 2HI H 2 + I 2 . The value of the universal gas
constant R is 8.314 J mol-1K -1 . The activation energy for the forward reaction is 184000 J mol-1 . The
ratio (rounded off to the first decimal place) of the forward reaction rate at 600K to that at 550 K

43. The variation of the concentrations (C A , CR and CS ) for three species (A, R and S) with time, in an
isothermal homogeneous batch reactor are shown in the figure below.

Select the reaction scheme that correctly represents the plot. The numbers in the reaction schemes
below, represent the first order rate constants in unit of s -1 .

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(A) (B) (C) (D)

44. For a non-catalytic homogeneous reaction A → B , the rate expression at 300 K is

10C A
– rA (mol m-3s -1 ) = ,where C A is the concentration of A (in mol/m3 ) . Theoretically, the upper
1 + 5C A
limit for the magnitude of the reaction rate ( – rA in mol m -3s -1 , rounded off the first decimal place) at
300 K is________.

2017 IIT Roorkee

45. The following reaction rate curve is shown for a reaction A → P . Here ( – rA ) and X A represents
reaction and conversion, respectively. The feed is pure A and 90% conversion is desired. Which
amongst the following reactor configurations gives the lowest total volume of the reactor (S)?

(A)CSTR followed by PFR

(B)Two CSTR’s in series
(C)PFR followed by CSTR
(D)A single PFR

46. For a solid catalyzed gas-phase reversible reaction, which of the following statements is always true.
(A) Adsorption is rate limiting
(B) Desorption is rate limiting

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(C) Solid catalyst doesn’t affect equilibrium conversion
(D) Temperature doesn’t affect equilibrium conversion

2018 IIT Guwahati

47. Liquid phase isomerization of o-xylene to p-xylene using a zeolite catalyst was carried out in a CSTR.
Three sets of kinetic data at different temperatures and stirring speeds were obtained as shown below.

The operating condition at which the reaction rate is not controlled by external mass transfer resistance
(A) T = 500 K; rpm = 3000
(B) T = 600 K; rpm = 1000
(C) T = 700 K; rpm = 1000
(D) T = 700 K; rpm = 2000

48. For a chemical reaction, the ratio of rate constant at 500 K to that at 400 K is 2.5. Given
R = 8.314 J mol−1K −1 , the value of activation energy (in kJ/mol) is
(A) 10.5 (B) 12.0 (C) 15.2 (D) 18.4

2019 IIT Madras

49. For a first order reaction in a porous spherical catalyst pellet, diffusional effects are most likely to
lower the observed rate of reaction for
(A) Slow reaction in a pellet of small diameter
(B) Slow reaction in a pellet of large diameter
(C) Fast reaction in a pellet of small diameter
(D) Fast reaction in a pellet of large diameter

50. The desired liquid – phase reaction

D+E ⎯⎯
→G rF = k1CD2 CE0.3
Is accompanied by an undesired side reaction
D+E ⎯⎯
→G rG = k2CD0.4CE1.5
Four isothermal reactor schemes (CSTR: ideal Continuous – Stirred Tank Reactor; PFR: ideal Plug
Flow Reactor) for processing equal molar feed rates of D and E are shown in figure. Each scheme is
designed for the same conversion. The scheme that the most favorable product distribution is:

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(A) (B)

(C) (D)

2020 IIT Delhi

51. In a laboratory experiment, a unit pulse input of tracer is given to an ideal plug flow reactor operating
at steady state with a recycle ration, R = 1 . The exit age distribution E (t ) , of the tracer at the outlet of
the reactor is measured. The first four pulses observed at t1 , t2 , t3 , and t 4 are shown below.

In addition, use the following data and assumptions

• R is defined as ratio of the volume of fluid returned to the entrance of the reactor to the volume
leaving the system
• No reaction occurs in the reactor
• Ignore any dead volume in the recycle loop
If the space time of the plug flow reactor is  seconds, which one of the following is correct?
(A) t1 = , t2 = 2, t3 = 3, t4 = 4
 3
(B) t1 = , t2 = , t3 = , t 4 = 2
2 2
 2 4
(C) t1 = , t2 = , t3 = , t4 =
3 3 3
   
(D) t1 = , t2 = , t3 = , t4 =
2 4 8 16

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L2 k
52. The square of Thiele modulus, M T , is given by M T2 = , where L is the characteristic length of the
catalyst pellet, k is the rate constant of a first order reaction, and D eff is the effective diffusivity of the
species in the pores. M T2 is a measure of
rate of reaction timescale of reaction
(A) (C)
rate of external mass transfer timescale of pore diffusion
rate of pore diffusion timescale of pore diffusion
(B) (D)
rate of reaction timescale of reaction

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PART-2 : 2 Marks Questions (CH)

2000 IIT Kharagpur

1. The rate controlling step for the heterogeneous irreversible catalytic reaction
A( g ) + B( g ) → C ( g )
Is the surface reaction of absorbed A with absorbed B to give absorbed C. The rate expression for this
reaction can be written as
(A) (C)
1 + K A PA + K B PB  1 + K A PA + K B PB + KC PC 
(B) (D)
1 + K A PA + K B PB  1 + K A PA + K B PB + KC PC 

2. The reaction A → B is conducted in an adiabatic plug flow reactor (PFR). Pure A at a

concentration of 2 k mol/m3 is fed to the reactor at the rate of 0.01 m /s and at a temperature of
500 K. If the exit conversion is 20% then the exit temperature (in kelvin) is
H 2 = −50000kJ / k mol
CPA = CPB = 100kJ / k mol-K
(A) 400 (B) 500 (C) 600 (D) 1000

3. The first order series reaction A ⎯⎯ → B ⎯⎯ → C is conducted in a batch reactor. The initial
1 K 2 K

concentrations of A, B and C (C A0 , CB 0 , CC 0 respectively) are all non-zero. The variation of CB

with reaction time will not show a maximum, if
(A) K 2CB0  K1C A0 (C) CB0  C A0
(B) K1C A0  K 2CB0 (D) C A0  CB0

4. The following half-life data are available for the irreversible liquid phase reaction, A → products:
Initial concentration Half-life (min)
(kmol/m 3 )
2 2
8 1

The overall order of the reaction is

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(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 1.5 (D) 2

5. The conversion for a first-order liquid-phase reaction A → B in a CSTR is 50%. If another CSTR of
the same volume is connected in series, then the percentage conversion at exit of the second reactor
will be
(A) 60 (B) 75 (C) 90 (D) 100

2001 IIT Kanpur

6. The first-order, gas phase reaction A ⎯⎯ → 2 B is conducted isothermally in batch mode. The rate of
1 k

change of conversion with time is given by

dX A dX A
(A) = k1 (1 − X A )2 (1 + 2 X A ) (C) = k1 (1 − X A )
dt dt
dX A dX A k1 (1 − X A )
(B) = k1 (1 − X A )(1 + 0.5 X A ) (D) =
dt dt (1 + X A )

7. For a vapor phase catalytic reaction A + B → P . Which follows the rideal mechanism and the
reaction step is rate controlling, the rate of reaction is given by (reaction step is irreversible,
product also adsorbs)
(A) −rA = (C) −rA =
1 + K A PA + K p PP 1 + K A PA + K B PB + K P Pp
kPA2 − k1Pp (D) −rA =
(B) −rA = 1 + K A PA
1 + K A PA + K p PP

8. The mean conversion in the exit stream, for a second order, liquid phase reaction in a non-ideal
flow reactor is given by

 
k2C A0t 1
(A) 
1 + k 2C A 0t
E (t )dt (C)  1 + k C t 1 − E (t ) dt
0 2 A0

 
1 exp(−k2C A0t )
(B) 0 1 + k2CA0t E (t )dt (D) 
1 + k C
2 A0t
E (t )dt

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2002 IISc Bangalore

9. In the hydro dealkylation of toluene to benzene, the following reaction occur

C7 H 8 + H 2 → C6 H 6 + CH 4 2C6 H 6 → C12 H10 + H 2
Toluene and hydrogen are fed to a reactor in a molar ratio 1:5. 80% of the toluene gets converted and
the selectivity of benzene (defined as moles of benzene formed/per moles of toluene converted) is
90%. The fractional conversion of hydrogen is
(A) 0.16 (B) 0.144 (C)0.152 (D) 0.136

10. A batch adiabatic reactor at an initial temperature 373K is being used for the reaction A → B .
Assume the heat of reaction is −1kJ/mol at 373K and the heat capacity of both A and B to be constant
and equal to 50J / mol-K . The temperature rise after a conversion of 0.5 will be
0 0 0 0
(A) 5 C (B) 10 C (C) 20 C (D) 100 C

11. A pulse tracer is introduced in an ideal CSTR (with a mean residence time  ) at time t = 0. The time
taken for the exit concentration of the tracer to reach half of its initial value will be
(A) 2  (B) 0.5  (C)  /0.693 (D) 0.693 

2003 IIT Madras

12. Following isothermal kinetic data are obtained in basket type of mixed flow reactor for a porous
catalyst. Determine the role of pore diffusion and external mass transfer processes.
Pellet concentration
rate of ( − rA )
Diameter of the
1 1 High 2
2 1 Low 1
2 1 High 1

(A) Strong pore diffusion control and mass transfer not controlling
(B) Both pore diffusion and mass transfer not controlling
(C) Both pore diffusion and mass transfer controlling
(D) Mass transfer controlling

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13. A step input tracer test is used to explore the flow pattern of fluid through a vessel of total volume
equal to 1 m3 having a feed rate of 1 m3 /min.

Identify for each curve in Group I a suitable flow model from the list given under Group II.

Group 1 Group 2
P. Curve 1 1. PFR and CSTR in series
Q. Curve 2 2. CSTR with dead space
3. PER in series with a
4. CSTR and dead

(A) P − 4, Q − 3 (B) P − 4, Q − 1 (C) P − 2, Q − 3 (D) P − 2, Q − 1

Common Data for

Questions 14 & 15

The following gas phase reaction are carried out isothermally in a CSTR

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A → 2 R; r1 = k1PA ; k1 = 20 mol/(s-m3 -bar)

A → 3R; r2 = k2 PA ; k2 = 40 mol/(s-m3 -bar)
Total pressure =1 bar, FA0 =1 mol/s ; feed is pure A
14. The volume of a CSTR required for a fractional conversion equal to 0.3 due to the first reaction is
(A) 0.011 (B) 0.021 (C) 0.275 (D) 0.375

15. What is the maximum possible value of FR (mol/s) ?

(A) 1/3 (B) 1/2 (C) 2/3 (D) 2

16. A liquid phase reaction is to be carried out under isothermal. The reaction rate as a function of
conversion has been determined experimentally and is shown in figure given below. What choice of
reactor or combination of reactors will require the minimum overall reactor volume, if a conversion
of 0.9 is desired?

(A) CSTR followed by a PFR

(B) PFR followed by a CSTR
(C) CSTR followed by a PFR followed by a CSTR
(D) PFR followed by a CSTR followed by a PFR

17. A CSTR is to be designed in which an exothermic liquid phase first order reaction of the type A → R
is taking place. The reactor is to be provided with a jacket in which coolant is flowing. Following data
is given
C A0 = 5kmol/m3 , X A = 0.5;
feed temperature = reactor temperature = 400C rate constant at 40 C = 1min

(H ) = −40 kJ/mol,

 = 1000kg/m 3 ; C p = 4 J/g-0C

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q =10−3 m3 / min ( and C p are same for the reactant and product streams)
The amount of heat to be removed is
(A) 2/3 kW (B) 1 kW (C) 5/3 kW (D) 4 kW

2004 IIT Delhi

18. Pick the wrong design guideline for a reactor in which the reaction A → R (desired) and A → S
rR  k1  a−b
(undesired) are to take place. The ratio of the reaction rate is =   CA
rS  k2 
(A) Use high pressure and eliminate inert when a > b
(B) Avoid recycle when a > b
(C) Use batch reactor or plug flow reactor when a > b
(D) Use CSTR with a high conversion when a > b

19. An irreversible aqueous phase reaction A + B → P is carried out in an adiabatic mixed flow reactor.
3 3
A feed containing 4 kmol/m of each A and B enters the reactor at 8 m /h .If The temperature of the
exit stream is never to exceed 390 K, what is the maximum feed inlet temperature allowed?
Data: Heat of reaction = −50kJ/mol , density of the reacting mixture =1000 kg/m 3 , specific heat of
reaction mixture 2kJ/kg-K .
(A) 190 K (B) 290 K (C) 390 K (D) 490 K

20. Consider a reversible exothermic reaction in a plug flow reactor. The maximum and minimum
permissible temperatures are Tmax and Tmin respectively. Which of the following temperature (T)
profiles will require the shortest residence time to achieve the desired conversion?

(A) (B)

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(C) (D)

21. A pollutant P degrades according to first order kinetics. An aqueous stream containing P at 2 kmol/m
and volumetric flow rate 1m 3 / h requires a mixed flow reactor of volume V to bring down the pollutant
level to 0.5 kmol/m .
The inlet concentration of the pollutant is now doubled and the volumetric flow rate is tripled.
If the pollutant level is to be brought down to the same level of 0.5 kmol/m , the volume of the mixed
flow reactor should be increased by a factor of
(A) 7 (B) 6 (C) 3 (D) 7/3

22. An isothermal aqueous phase reversible reaction P  R is to be carried out in a mixed flow reactor.
The reaction rate in ( kmol/m3 − h ) is given by r = 0.5C p − 0.125CR A stream containing only P enters
the reactor. The residence time required (in hour) for 40%conversion of P is
(A) 0.80 (B) 1.33 (C)1.60 (D) 2.67

23. For an isothermal second order aqueous phase reaction A → B , the ratio of the ratio of the time
required for 90% conversion to the time required for 45% conversion is
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 11 (D) 22

24. A second order liquid phase reaction A → B is carried out in a mixed flow reactor operated in semi-
batch mode (no exit stream). The reactant Aat concentration C AF is fed to the reaction at a volumetric
flow rate of F. The volume of the reacting mixture is V and the density of the liquid mixture is constant.
The mass balance for A is
(A) d (VC A ) = − F (C AF − C A ) − KC A2V (C)
d (VC A )
= − FC A − KC A2V
(B) d (VCA ) = F (C AF − C A ) − KC A2V d (VC A )
dt (D) = − FC AF − KC A2V

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25. The following gas phase reaction is taking place in a plug flow reactor, A+ B →C . A
stoichiometric mixture of A and B at 300K is fed to the reactor. At 1 m along the length of the reactor
the temperature is 360K. The pressure drop is negligible and an ideal gas behavior can be assumed.
Identify the correct expression relating the concentration of A at the inlet ( C A0 ) , concentration of A
at 1m ( C A ) and the corresponding conversion of A(X).
(1 − X ) (1 − X )
(A) C A = 1.2C A0 (C) C A = 0.83C A0
(1 − 0.33 X ) (1 − 0.33 X )
(1 − X ) (1 − X )
(B) C A = 1.2C A0 (D) C A = 0.83C A0
(1 − 0.5 X ) (1 − 0.5 X )

2005 IIT Bombay

Common Data for

Questions 26 & 27

The residence time distribution E (t) (as shown below) of a reactor is zero until 3 min and then
increases linearly to a maximum value E max 8 min after which it decreases linearly back to zero-
at 15 min.

26. What is the value of the mean residence time in min?

(A) 5.7 (B) 8 (C) 8.7 (D)12

27. What is the value of E max ?

(A) 1/6 (B) 1/8 (C) 1/4 (D) 1/3

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28. The rate of the liquid phase reversible reaction A → 2B is (kmol/m 3 -min) at 298 0
k , is
− rA = 0.02C A − 0.01CB , where the concentration C A and CB are expressed in ( kmol/m ). What is

the maximum limiting conversion of A achievable in an isothermal CSTR at 298K, assuming pure A
is fed at the inlet?
(A) 1 (B) 2/3 (C)1/2 (D) 1/3

29. Match the items in group I with those in group II.

P. Porous catalyst
Q. Parallel reactions
R. Non-ideal tubular
S. Gas solid non-catalytic reaction
1. Selectivity
2. Shrinking core model
3. Thiele modulus actor
4. Dispersion number
(A) P − 3, Q − 1, R − 4, S − 2
(B) P − 1, Q − 3, R − 2, S − 2
(D) P − 1, Q − 4, R − 2, S − 3
(D) P − 3, Q − 4, R − 1, S − 2

30. The gas phase reaction A → B + C is carried out in an ideal PFR achieving 40% conversion of A. The
feed has 70 mol% A and 30 mol% inerts. The inlet temperature is 300 K and the outlet temperature is
400 K. The ratio of the outlet molar concentration of A (assuming ideal gas mixture and uniform
pressure) is
(A) 0.60 (B) 0.30 (C) 0.47 (D) 0.35

31. The first order liquid phase reaction A → P is to be carried out isothermally in the following ideal
reactor configurations
(P) A 1m3 CSTR followed by a 1m3 PFR,
(Q) A 2m3 CSTR
(R) A 1m3 PFR followed by a 1m3 CSTR,
(S) A 1m3 CSTR followed by a 1m3 CSTR
The overall exit conversions X, for the above configuration P, Q, R and S, assuming identical inlet
conditions and temperature, are related as
(A) X P  X R  X S  X Q
(B) X P = X R  X S  X Q
(D) X P = X S = X Q = X R

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(D) X P  X Q  X R  X S

32. The rate expression for the reaction of A is given by

k1C A2
−rA = .
1 + k2C1/2A

The units of k1 and k 2 are respectively

(A) (mol−1m3s −1 ) , (mol−1/2 m3/2 )
(B) (mol−1m3s −1 ) , (mol1/2 m3/2 )

( )
(C) mol m −3s −1 , (mol1 2 m −3 2s −1 )

(D) (mol−1m −3s −1 ) , (mol−1/2 m3/2s -1/2 )

2006 IIT Kharagpur

1 −t / 
33. The exit gage distribution in a stirred reactor is given by E (t ) = e , fluid elements e1 and e2 enter

the reactor at time t = 0 and t =   0 , respectively. The probability that e2 exits the reactor before e1
1 1 −/  −/ 
(A) (B) e (C) e (D) zero
2 2

34. Consider the following elementary reaction network

The activation energies for the individual reaction are

E1 =100kJ/mol,E 2 =150kJ/mol, E 3 =100kJ/mol,E 4 = 200kJ/mol .
If the feed is pure A and the desired product is C, then the desired temperature profile in a plug flow
reactor in the direction of flow should be
(A) Constant at low temperature
(B) Constant at high temperature
(C) Increasing
(D) Decreasing

35. A reaction A → B is to be conducted in two CSTRs in series. The steady sate conversion desired is
X f . The reaction rate as a function of conversion is given by r = −1/ (1 + X ) . If the feed contains no
B, then conversion in the first reactor that minimizes the total volume of the two reactors is
(A) 1 − X f (B) 0.2 X f (C) 0.5 X f (D) 0.5(1 − X f )

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36. Consider the following reaction between gas A and two solid spherical particles B and C of the same
A + B ⎯⎯
→ Gaseous product
A + C ⎯⎯
→ Ash
The ash does not leave the particle C. Let t1 and t 2 be the time required for A to completely consume
particles B and C respectively. If k1 and k 2 are equal at all temperatures and the gas phase mass transfer
resistance is negligible, then
(A) t1 = t2 at all temperatures
(B) t1 = t2 at high temperatures
(C) t1  t2 at high temperatures
(D) t1  t2 at high temperatures

37. The rate, at which an antiviral drug acts, increases with its concentration in the blood C, according to
the equation
C50 + C
Where C50 is the concentration at which the rate is 50% of the maximum rate k. often the concentration
C90 , When the rate is 90% of the maximum, is measured instead of C50 . The rate equation then
1.8kC kC kC 0.9kC
(A) r = (B) r = (C) r = (D) r =
C90 + C  C90  C90 C90
 +C
 9 

2007 IIT Kanpur

Common Data for

Questions 38 & 39

The following liquid phase reaction is taking place in an isothermal batch reactor.
A ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
k1 ( first order )
→ B ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
k 2( zeroorder )

Feed concentration= 1mol/L
38. The time at which the concentration of B will become zero is given by the following equation
1 1
(A) 1 − e − k1t = k2t (B) t = infinite (C) t = (D) t =
k2 k1

39. The time at which the concentration of B will reach its maximum value is given by

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1  k1  1 k 
(A) t = ln   (B) t = ln  2 
k1  k2  k2 − k1  k1 

1  k2  1  k1 
(C) t = In   (D) t = In  
k2  k1  k2  k2 

40. Determine the level of C A0 (high, low, intermediate), temperature profile (high, low, increasing,
decreasing), which will favor the formation of the desired product indicated in the reaction scheme is
given below
A ⎯⎯
→ R ⎯⎯
→ S (desired ) A ⎯⎯
(A) High C A 0 ,increasing t, plug flow reactor
(B) Low C A 0 , increasing t, plug flow reactor
(C) High C A 0 decreasing t, mixed flow reactor
(D) High C A 0 decreasing t, plug flow reactor

41. The following rate concentration data are calculated from experiment. Find the activation energy
temperature (F/R) of the first order reaction

dp CA −rA T
1 20 1 480
2 40 2 480
2 40 3 500

(A) 2432 (B) 4865.6 (C) 9731.2 (D) 13183.3

42. A packed bed reactor converts A to R by first order reaction with 9 mm pellets in strong pore diffusion
regime to 63.2% level. If 18mm pellets are used what is the conversion.
(A) 0.39 (B) 0.61 (C) 0.632 (D) 0.865

43. The first reaction of A → R is run in an experimental mixed flow reactor. Find the role played by pore
diffusion in the run given below. C A0 is 100 and W is fixed. Agitation rate was found to have no effect
on conversion.

dp FA0 XA

2 2 0.8
6 4 0.4

(A) Strong pore diffusion control (B) Diffusion free

(C) Intermediate role by pore diffusion (D) External mass transfer

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44. A pulse of concentrated KCI solution is introduced as a tracer into the fluid entering a reaction vessel
having volume equal to 1m3 and flow rate equal to 1m3 / min .The concentration of tracer measured in
the fluid leaving the vessel is shown in the figure given below. The flow model parameters that fit the
measured RTD in terms of one or all of the following mixing elements, namely, volume of the plug
flow reactor V p ,mixed flow volume Vm and dead space Vd are

(A) V p = 1/ 6m3 ,Vm = 1/ 2m3 ,Vd = 1/ 3m3

(B) V p = Vm = Vd = 1/ 3m3

(C) V p = 1/ 3m3 ,Vm = 1/ 2 m3 ,Vd = 1/ 6m3

(D) Vm = 5 / 6m3 ,Vd = 1/ 6m3

45. The following liquid phase reaction is taking place in an isothermal CSTR
A ⎯⎯
→ B ⎯⎯
→C 2 A ⎯⎯
Reaction mechanism is same as the stoichiometry given above
k1 = 1min −1; k2 = 1min −1
CB0 = 0mol/L and CB = 1mol/L ,
k3 = 0.5L/mol-min;C A0 = 10mol/L
The solution for F/V (flow rate/reactor volume in min −1 ) yields.
(A) 6.7 (B) 6 and 0.5 (C) 2 and 4/3 (D) 8

46. A liquid phase exothermic first order reaction is being conducted in a batch reactor under isothermal
conditions by removing heat generated in the reactor with the help of cooling water. The cooling water
flows at a very high rate through a coil immersed in the reactor such that there is negligible rise in its
temperature from inlet to outlet of the coil. If the rate constant is given as k,heat of reaction ( −H )
,volume of the reactor V, initial concentration as C A0 ,overall heat transfer Tci is given by the following
(−H )VkC A0 (−H )VkC A0 e− kt
(A) Tci = T − (B) Tci = T −
(−H )VC A0 e − kt
(−H )VC A0
(C) Tci = T − (D) Tci = T −

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47. A well-stirred reaction vessel is operated as a semi batch reactor in which it is proposed to conduct a
liquid phase first order reaction of the type A → B .The reactor is fed with the reactant A at a constant
rate of 1L/min having feed concentration equal to 1mol/L .The reactor is initially empty. Given
k = 1min −1 , the conversion of reactant A based on moles of A fed at t = 2 min is
(A) 0.136 (B) 0.43 (C) 0.57 (D) 0.86

2008 IISc Bangalore

Common Data for

Questions 48 & 49

The liquid phase reaction A → products is to be carried out at constant temperature in a CSTR followed
by a PFR in series. The overall conversion of A achieved by the reactor system (CSTR+PFR) is 95%.
The CSTR has a volume of 75 L. Pure A is fed to the CSTR, at a concentration C A0 = 2mol/L and a
volumetric flow rate of a L/min. The kinetics of the reaction given by
−rA = 0.1C A2

48. The conversion achieved by the CSTR is

(A) 40% (B) 50% (C) 60% (D) 80%

49. The volumetric of the PFR required (in litre)

(A) 380 (B) 350 (C) 75 (D) 35

Common Data for

Questions 50 & 51

A liquid is flowing through a reactor at a constant flow rate. A step input of tracer at a molar flow rate
of 1mol/min IS given to the reactor at time t = 0 . The variation of the concentration (C), of the tracer
at the exit of the reactor is as shown in the figure.

50. The mean residence time of the fluid in the reactor in (min) is

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(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

51. The volumetric flow rate of the liquid through the reactor (in L/min) is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 1.5 (D) 4

52. The irreversible zero order reaction A → B takes place in a porous cylindrical catalyst that is sealed at
both ends as shown in the figure. Assume dilute concentration and neglect any variations in the axial

CA 02  r  2 
The steady state concentration profile is = 1+   − 1 , where  0 is the Thiele modulus. For
C AS 4  R  
0 = 4 , the range of r, where C A = 0 ,is
(A) 0  r  (B) 0  r 
4 2
(C) 0  r  R (D) 0  r  R

53. The homogenous reaction A + B → C is conducted in an adiabatic CSTR at 800K so as to achieve a

30% conversion of A. The relevant specific heats and enthalpy change of reaction are given by
C p ,B = 100 J/(mol-K), C p ,C = 150 J/mol K

C p , A = 50 J/(mol-K), H rn = −100 kJ/mol K

If the feed, a mixture of A and B, is available at 550 K , the mole fraction of A in the feed that is
consistent with above data is
(A) 5 / 7 (B) 1 / 4 (C) 1 / 2 (D) 2 / 7

54. The liquid phase reaction A → products is governed by the kinetics, (−rA ) = kC1/2
A .If the reaction

undergoes 75% conversion of A in 10 min in an isothermal batch reactor, the time (in min) for
complete conversation of A is
(A) 40 / 3 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) infinite

55. The elementary liquid phase series parallel reaction scheme

A→ B→C A→ R
Is to be carried out in an isothermal CSTR. The rate laws are given by
rR = k ' C A
rB = kC A − kCB

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Feed is pure A. The spacetime of the CSTR which results in the maximum exit concentration of B is
given by
1 1
(A) (B)
kk ' k '(k + k ')
1 1
(C) (D)
(k + k ') k (k + k ')

56. The gas phase reaction A + 3B → 2C is conducted in a PFR at constant temperature and pressure. The
PFR achieves a conversion of 20% of A. The feed is a mixture of A, B and an inert I. It is found that
the concentration of A remains the same throughout reactor.
Which one of the following ratios of inlet molar rate ( FA,in : FB ,in : Fl ,in ) is consistent with this
observation? Assume the reaction mixture is an ideal gas mixture.
(A) 2:3:0 (B) 2:2:1 (C)3:2:1 (D) 1:2:1

2009 IIT Roorkee

Common Data for

Questions 57 & 58

The liquid-phase reaction A → B + C is conducted isothermally at 50 0C in a continuous stirred Tank

Reactor (CSTR).The inlet concentration of A is 8.0g-mol/L .At a space time of 5 min, the
concentration of A at the exit of CSTR is 4.0g-mol/L .The kinetics of the reaction is
−rA = kC A0.5 .A plug flow reactor of the same volume is added in series after the existing CSTR.
57. The concentration of A(in g-mol/L) at the exit of the plug flow reactor is
(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 2.0 (D) 2.5

58. The rate constant (k) for this reaction at 50 0C is

 L 
 g-mol 
(A) 0.2   min − 1 (B) 0.2   min − 1
 L   g-mol 
 L 
 g-mol 
(C) 0.4   min − 1 (D) 0.4   min − 1
 L   g-mol 

59. An isothermal pulse test is conducted on a reactor and the variation of the outlet tracer concentration
with the time is shown below.

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The mean residence time of the fluid in the reactor (in min) is
(A) 5.0 (B) 7.5 (C) 10.0 (D) 15.0

60. The liquid-phase reaction A → B is conducted in an adiabatic plug flow reactor.

Inlet concentration of A = 4.0 kmol/m3
Density of reaction moisture (independent of temperature) = 1200 kg/m3 . Average heat capacity of
feed stream (independent of temperature) = 2000 J/kg-K . Heat of reaction (independent of
temperature) = − 120 KJ/mol of A reacting. If the maximum allowable temperature in the reactor is
800 K , then the feed temperature (in K) should not exceed?
(A) 400 (B) 500 (C) 600 (D) 700

2010 IIT Guwahati

Common Data for

Questions 61 & 62

A liquid phase reaction A → B is conducted isothermally in a CSTR having a residence time of 2 s .

The inlet concentration of species A is 2 mol/L , and the outlet concentration is 1mol/L .The rate law
kC A
for the reaction is −rA = where, k = 5mol/L-s
K + CA

61. If the same reaction is conducted in a series of two CSTRs with residence times 1s and 0.2s , then the
inlet concentration of A in mol/L , required to attain an outlet concentration of A in mol/L , is
(A) 2.64 (B) 2.00 (C) 1.64 (D) 0.54

62. The value of K in mol/L is

(A) 11 (B) 9 (C) 5 (D) 2

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63. An autocatalytic liquid phase reaction A + R → R + R , is conducted in an isothermal batch reactor
with a small initial concentration of R .Assume that the order of the reaction with respect to both
reactants is positive. The rate of reaction (− rA ) versus concentration C A , as the reaction proceeds, is
depicted by

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

64. Two reactors (reactor 1 and reactor 2) with average residence times 1 and  2 respectively are placed
in series. Reactor 1 has zero dispersion and reactor 2 has infinite dispersion. The residence time
distribution E (t )
 0 for t  1  0 for t  2
 
(A)  1  t − 1  (B)  1  t − 2 
  exp  −   for t  1   exp  −   for t  2
 2  2   1  1 

 0 for t  2  0 for t  1
 
(C)  1  t − 1  (D)  1  t 
  exp  −   for t  2   exp  −   for t  2
 1  2   2  1

2011 IIT Madras

Common Data for

Questions 65 & 66

In an aqueous solution, reaction P → Q occurs under isothermal conditions following first order
kinetics. The feed rate is 500 cm3 /min and concentration of P in the feed is 1.5×10-3 mol/m3 .The
reaction is carried out in a 5L CSTR . At steady state, 60% conversion is observed.
65. The rate constant (in min −1 ) is
(A) 0.06 (B) 0.15 (C) 0.21 (D) 0.28

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66. The 5 L CSTR is replaced by five CSTRs in series. If the capacity of each new CSTR is 1L, then the
overall conversion (in percentage) is
(A) 65 (B) 67 (C) 73 (D) 81

67. The following figures show the outlet tracer concentration profiles (C vs time) for a pulse input.

Match the figures in Group I with the reaction configuration in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Figure 1 I. PFR
Q. Figure 2 II. CSTR
R. Figure 3 III. PFR and CSTR
in series
in parallel



68. For a first order catalytic reaction, the Thiele modulus () of a spherical pellet is defined as
Rp k p
() =
3 De
Where,  p = pellet density
R p = pellet radius
De = effective diffusivity
k = first order reaction rate constant
If   5 , then the apparent activation energy ( Ea ) is related to the intrinsic (or true) activation energy
( E ) as
(A) Ea = E 0.5 (B) Ea = 0.5E (C) Ea = 2 E (D) Ea = E 2

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2012 IIT Delhi

Common Data for

Questions 69 & 70

The first order liquid phase reaction A → P is conducted isothermally in a plug flow reactor of 5L
volume. The inlet volumetric flow rate is 1 L / min and the inlet concentration of A is 2 mol/L
69. The plug flow reactor is replaced by 3 mixed flow reactors in series, of 2.0 L volume. The exact
conversion of A (in %) is
(A) 35.9 (B) 52.5 (C) 73.7 (D) 94.8

70. If the exit concentration of A is 0.5 mol/L , then the rate constant (in min −1 ) is
(A) 0.06 (B) 0.28 (C) 0.42 (D) 0.64

71. The elementary reversible exothermic gas-phase reaction A + 3B 2C is to be conducted in a non-

isothermal, non-adiabatic plug flow reactor. The maximum allowable reactor temperature is Tmax .To
minimize the total reactor volume, the variation of reactor temperature (T) with axial distance from
inlet (Z) will be

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

72. The rate controlling step for the solid catalyzed irreversible reaction A + B → C is known to be the
reaction of adsorbed A with adsorbed B to give adsorbed C. If pi is the partial pressure of component
i and K i is the adsorption equilibrium constant of component i, then the form of the Langmuir-
Hinshelwood rate expression will
p A pB
(A) rate 
1 + K A p A + K B pB + KC pc
p A pB
(B) rate 
(1 + K A p A + K B pB + KC pc ) 2
p A pB
(C) rate 
(1 + K A p A + K B pB + K C pc )0.5
p A pB
(D) rate 

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2013 IIT Bombay

Common Data for

Questions 73 & 74

Liquid reactant A decomposes as follows

A → R rR = k1C A2 , k1 = 0.5m3 /mol − s
A → S rS = k 2C A , k2 = 1s −1
An aqueous feed of composition C A0 = 30 mol/m 3 CR 0 = 2mol/m 3 , and CS 0 = 1mol/m 3 enters a CSTR in
which the above reaction occurs. Assume isothermal and steady state conditions.

73. What is the % conversion of A, to the nearest integer, so than the concentration of S in the exit stream
is 11.8 mol/m ?
(A) 90% (B) 40% (C) 60% (D) 50%

74. If the conversion of A is 80% the concentration of R in the exit stream in mol/m 3 , to the nearest
integer, is
3 3 3 3
(A) 40 mol/m (B) 50 mol/m (C) 30 mol/m (D) 20 mol/m

75. A first order liquid phase reaction is carried out isothermally at a steady state in a CSTR and 90%
conversion is attained. With the same inlet conditions and for the same overall conversion, if the CSTR
is replaced by two smaller and identical isothermal CSTR in series, the % reduction in total volume,
to the nearest integer, is
(A) 30% (B) 45% (C) 52% (D) 40%

76. The gas phase decomposition of azomethane to give ethane and nitrogen takes place according to the
following sequence of elementary reaction.
(CH 3 )2 N 2 + (CH 3 )2 N 2 → K1 (CH 3 )2 N 2
+ [(CH 3 )2 N 2 ]*
[(CH 3 ) 2 N 2 ]* + (CH 3 ) 2 N 2 → K 2 (CH 3 ) 2 N 2
+ (CH 3 )2 N 2
[(CH 3 ) 2 N 2 ]* → K 3C2 H 6 + N 2
Using the pseudo-state-approximation for [(CH 3 ) 2 N 2 ]* , the order with respect to azomethane in the
rate expression for the formation of ethane, in the limit of high concentrations of azomethane, is
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C)3 (D) 2

2014 IIT Kharagpur

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77. Determine the correctness of the following Assertion [a] and Reason [r].
Assertion: Significant combustion of coke takes place only ifit is heated at higher temperature in
Of air
Reason: C + O2 → CO2 is an
exothermic reaction.
(A) Both [a] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a]
(B) Both [a] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [a]
(C) [a] is correct but [r] is false
(D) Both [a] and [r] are false

78. Match the following:

(P) Tank in series model
(Q) Liquid-liquid extraction
(R) Optimum temperature progression
(S) Thiele modulus
(I) Non-isothermal reaction
(II) Mixer-settler
(III) PFR with axial mixing
(IV) Solid catalyzed reaction
(A) P-II, Q-IV, R-I, S-III
(B) P-I, Q-II, R-III, S-IV
(D) P-III, Q-II, R-I, S-IV

79. A vapour phase catalytic reaction (Q + R → S ) follows Rideal mechanism R and S are not adsorbed.
Initially, the mixture contains only the reactants in equimolar ratio. The surface reaction step is rate
controlling. With constants a and b, the initial rate of reaction (−r0 ) in terms of total pressure ( PT ) is
given by
(A) −r0 = (B) −r0 =
1 + bPT 1 + bPT2

aPT2 aPT2
(C) −r0 = (D) −r0 =
1 + bPT (1 + bPT ) 2

80. A homogeneous reaction ( R → P ) occurs in a batch reactor. The conversion of the reactant R is 67%
after 10 minutes and 80% after 20 minutes. The rate equation for this reaction is
(A) − rA = K (B) −rR = KCR2 (C) −rR = KCR3 (D) −rR = KCR0.5

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2015 IIT Kanpur

81. A catalyst slab of half-thickness L (the width and length of the slab >>L) is used to conduct the first
order reaction A → B . At 450K , the Thiele modulus for this system is 0.5. The activation energy for
the first order rate constant is 100KJ/mol . The effective diffusivity of the reactant in the slab can he
assumed to be independent of temperature, and external mass transfer resistance can be neglected. If
the temperature of the reaction is increased to 470 K , then the effectiveness factor at 470 K (up to two
decimal place) will be______
Value of universal gas constant = 8.314 J/mol.K

82. An isothermal steady state mixed flow reactor (CSTR) of 1 m3 volume is used to carry out the first
order liquid-phase reaction A → Products. Fresh feed at a volumetric flow rate of Q containing
reactant A at a concentration CAo mixes with the recycle stream at a volumetric flow rate RQ as
shown in the figure below.

It is observed that when the recycle ratio R = 0.5 , the exit conversion X AF = 50% when the recycle
ratio is increased to R = 2 , the new exit conversion (in present) will be:
(A) 50.0 (B) 54.3 (C) 58.7 (D) 63.2

83. The impulse response to a tracer pulse experiment for a flow reactor is given below

In the above figure, c is the exit tracer concentration. The corresponding E or E (normalized E) curve
is correctly represented by which of the following choices? Here,  is dimensionless time.

(A) (B)

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(C) (D)

2016 IISc Bangalore

84. A CSTR has a long inlet pipe. A tracer is injected at the entrance of the pipe. The E-curve obtained at
the exit of the CSTR is shown in the figure below.

Assuming plug flow in the inlet pipe, the ratio (rounded off to the second decimal place) of the volume
of the pipe to that of the CSTR is______

85. A porous pellet with Pt dispersed in it is used to carry out a catalytic reaction. Following two scenarios
are possible.
Scenario 1: Pt present throughout the pores of the pellet is used for catalyzing the reason.
Scenario 2: Pt present only in the immediate vicinity of the external surface of the pellet is used for
catalyzing the reaction.
At a large value of Thiele modulus, which one of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) Since the reaction rate is much greater than the diffusion rate, Scenario 1 occurs
(B) Since the reaction rate is much greater than the diffusion rate, Scenario 2 occurs
(C) Since the reaction rate is much lower than the diffusion rate, Scenario 1 occurs
(D) Since the reaction rate is much lower than the diffusion rate, Scenario 2 occurs

86. A liquid phase irreversible reaction A → B is carried out in an adiabatic CSTR operating under steady
state conditions. The reaction is elementary and follow the first order rate law. For this reaction, the
figure below shows the conversion ( X A ) of A as a function of temperature (T ) for different values of
the rate of reaction (−rA in mol m −3 s −1 ) denoted by the numbers to the left of each curve. This figure
can be used to determine the rate of the reason at a particular temperature, for a given conversion of

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The inlet stream does not contain B the concentration of A in the inlet stream is 5 mol/m 3 .The molar
feed rate of A is 100 mol/s . A steady state energy balance for this CSTR results in the following
reaction: T = 350 + 25 X A where T is the temperature (in K) of the exit stream and X A is the conversion
of A in the CSTR. For an exit conversion of 80% of A. the volume (in m 3 , rounded off to the first
decimal place) of CSTR required is______

87. The liquid phase reversible reaction A B is carried out in an isothermal CSTR operating under
steady state conditions. The inlet stream does not contain B and the concentration of A in the inlet
stream is 10 mol/lit . The concentration of A at the reactor exit, for residence times of 1 s and 5 s are
8 mol/lit and 5 mol/lit , respectively. Assume the forward and backward reactions are elementary
following the first order rate law. Also assume that the system has constant molar density. The rate
constant of the forward reaction (in s , rounded off to the third decimal place) is______

2017 IIT Roorkee

88. The curve measured during a pluse tracer experiment is shown below. In the figure c(t ) is
concentration of the tracer measure at the reactor exit in mol/litre at time t seconds. Calculate t m .

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89. The following liquid phase second order reaction is carried out in an isothermal CSTR at steady state
A → R(−rA ) = 0.005C A2 mol/m 2 .hr CSTR. The reactor volume is 2m 3 . The inlet flow rate is 0.5m /hr
and the inlet concentration conversion rounded to 2 decimal place is__________

90. Reaction A → B is carried out in a reactor operating at steady state and 1 mol/s of pure A at 4250
enters the reactor. The outlet stream leaves the reactor at 3250 C. The heat input to the reactor is 17kW.
The heat of reaction at the reference temperature of 250C is 30 kJ/mol. The specific heat capacities (in
kJ/mol.K) of A and B are 0.1 and 0.15, respectively.
The molar flowrate of B leaving the reactor, rounded to 2 decimal places, is _______ mol/s.

91. The following gas-phase reaction is carried out in a constant - volume isothermal batch reactor
A+ B → R + S
The reactants A and B as well as the product S are non-condensable gases. At the operating
temperature, the saturation pressure of the product R is 40 kPa.
Initially, the batch reactor contains equimolar amounts of A and B (and no products) at a total pressure
of 100 kPa. The initial concentrations of the reactants are C A, 0 = CB ,0 = 12.5 mol/m3 . The rate of
reaction is given by (− rA )− = 0.08 C ACB mol/m3 .s.
The time at which R just starts condensing, rounded to 1 decimal place, is ________.

2018 IIT Guwahati

92. A set of standard stainless-steel pipes, each of internal diameter 26.65 mm and 6000 mm length, is
used to make a plug flow reactor by joining them in series to carry out degradation of polyethylene.
Seven such pipes are required to obtain a conversion of 66% at 450 K. The minimum number of
standard 8000 mm long pipes of the same internal diameter to be procured for obtaining at least 66%
conversion under the same reaction conditions is ___________.

93. Hydrogenation of benzene is to be carried out using Ni (density = 8910 kg/ m3 ) as catalyst, cast in the
form of non-porous hollow cylinders, as shown below. The reaction occurs onall the surfaces of the
hollow cylinder. During an experiment, one such cylinder is suspended in the reactant stream. If the
observed rate of reaction is 0.39 mol ( m 2 of catalyst surface)-1 min-1, then the rate of reaction in mol
(kg of catalyst)-1 min-1 is _____________ (rounded off to three decimal places).

94. In a laboratory batch setup, reaction of P over a catalyst was studied at various temperatures. The
reactions occurring are

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P → 2Q, P → R
At the end of one hour of operation, the batch contains xP , xQ and xR mole fractions of P, Qand R
components, respectively. The mole fractions of product components ( xQ and xR )were found to vary
linearly with temperature as given in the figure.

If the yield of Q based on reactant P consumed (YQ ) at 25 C was found to be 0.40, then the value of
YQ at 60 C is ______ (rounded off to second decimal place).

95. A CSTR and a PFR of equal volume are connected in series as shown below to carry put a first-order,
isothermal, liquid phase reaction

The rate constant is 0.2 s . The space-time it 5 s for both the reactors. The overall fractional
conversion of A is _________ (rounded off to third decimal place)

96. The elementary second-order liquid phase reaction A + B → C + D is carried out in an isothermal plug
flow reactor of 2 m 3 volume. The inlet volumetric flow rate is 10 m /h . The initial concentrations of
3 3 −1 −1
both A and B are 2 kmol/m . The rate constant is given as 2.5 m kmol h . The percentage
conversion of A is ____________.

2019 IIT Madras

97. The elementary, irreversible, liquid-phase, parallel reactions, 2 A → D and 2 A → U , take place in an
isothermal non-ideal reactor. The C-curve measured in a tracer experiment is shown in the figure,
where C (t ) is the concentration of the tracer in g/m 3 at the reactor exit at time t (in min).

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The rate constants are k1 = 0.2 Liter/(mol min) and k2 = 0.3 Liter/(mol min). Pure A is fed to the
reactor at a concentration of 2 mol Liter. Using the segregated model, the percentage conversion in
the reactor is ___________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

98. The elementary liquid-phase irreversible reactions

−1 −1
k1 =0.4min k2 =0.1min
A ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ B ⎯⎯⎯⎯→ C
take place in an isothermal ideal CSTR (Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor). Pure A is fed to the reactor
at a concentration of 2 mol Liter. For the residence time that maximizes the exit concentration of B,
the percentage yield of B, defined as
 net formation are of B 
 consumption rate of A 100  , is ____ (rounded off to the nearest integer).
 

99. A first-order irreversible liquid phase reaction A → B (k = 0.1min −1 ) is carried out under isothermal,
steady state conditions in the following reactor arrangement comprising an ideal CSTR (Continuous-
Stirred Tank Reactor) and two ideal PFRs (Plug Flow Reactors). From the information in the figure,
the volume of the CSTR (in Liters) is ____________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).

100. The elementary irreversible gas-phase reaction A → B + C is carried out adiabatically in an ideal
CSTR (Continuous-Stirred Tank Reactor) operating at 10 atm. Pure A enters the CSTR at a flow
rate of 10 mol/s and a temperature of 450 K. Assume A, B and C to be ideal gases. The specific heat
capacity at constant pressure (CPi ) and heat of formation ( H i0 ) , of component i (i = A, B, C ) are

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CPA = 30 J/(mol K)
CPB = 10 J/(mol K)
CPC = 20 J/(mol K)
H A0 = − 90 kJ/mol
H B0 = − 54 kJ/mol
H C0 = − 45 kJ/mol
E  1 1 
The reaction rate constant k (per second) = 0.133exp   −   , where E = 31.4 kJ/mol and
 R  450 T  
universal gas constant R = 0.082 L atm/(mol K) = 8.314 J/(mol K). The shaft work may be neglected
in the analysis, and specific heat capacities do not vary with temperature. All heats of formation are
referenced to 273 K. The reactor volume (in Liters) for 75% conversion is _______ (rounded off to
the nearest integer).

2020 IIT Delhi

101. An elementary liquid phase reversible reaction P → Q is carried out in an ideal continuous stirred
tank reactor (CSTR) operated at steady state. The rate of consumption of P, −rP (in mol liter
liter −1minute −1 ), is given by
−rP = CP − 0.5 CQ

Where CP and CQ are the concentrations (in mol liter −1 ) of P and Q, respectively. The feed contains
only the reactant P at a concentration of 1 mol liter −1 , and conversion of P at the exit of the CSTR
is 75 % of the equilibrium conversion. Assume that there is no volume change associated with the
reaction, and the temperature of the reaction, and the temperature of the reaction mixture is constant
throughout the operation. The space time (in minutes) of CSTR is ___ (round off to 1 decimal place).

102. An exothermic, aqueous phase, irreversible, first order reaction, Y → Z is carried out in an ideal
continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operated adiabatically at steady state. Rate of consumption
of Y (in mol liter −1minute −1 ) is given by

−rY = 10 e
9 T
Where CY is the concentration of Y (in mol liter −1 ), and T is the temperature of the reaction mixture
(in K) . Reactant Y is fed at 500 C . Its inlet concentration is 1.0 mol liter −1 ,and its volumetric flow
rate is 1.0 liter minute −1 .
In addition, use the following data and assumptions
• Heat of the reaction = −42000 J mol−1
• Specific heat capacity of the reaction mixture = 4.2 g −1 K −1
• Density of the reaction mixture = 10000 g liter −1
• Heat of the reaction, specific heat capacity and density of the reaction mixture do no vary with
• Shaft work is negligible

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If the conversion of Y at the exit of the reactor is 90 %, the volume of the CSTR (in liter) is ____
(round off to 2 decimal places).

103. The liquid phase irreversible reactions, P ⎯⎯

→ Q and P ⎯⎯
→ R , are carried out in an ideal
continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operating isothermally at steady state. The space time of the
CSTR is 1 minute. Both the reactions are first order with respect to the reactant P, and k1 and k2
denote the rate constants of the two reactions. At the exit of the reactor, the conversion of reactant P
is 60 %, and the selectivity of Q with respect to R is 50 %. The value of the first order rate constant
k1 (in minute −1 ) is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (correct up to one decimal places).

104 A catalytic gas phase reaction P → Q is conducted in an isothermal packed bed reactor operated at
steady state. The reaction is irreversible and second order with respect to the reactant P. The feed is
pure P with a volumetric flow rate of 1.0 liter minute −1 and concentration of 2.0 mol liter −1 .
In addition, use the following assumptions
• The reactant the product are ideal gases
• There is no volume change associated with the reaction
• Ideal plug flow conditions prevail in the packed bed
When the mass of catalyst in the reactor is 4 g, the concentration of P measured at the exit is
0.4 mol liter −1 . The second order rate constant (in liter 2 g catalyst mol−1 minute −1 ) is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_(correct up to one decimal place).

105. The decomposition of acetaldehyde (x) to methane and carbon monoxide follows four step free
 k1  3 2 3

radical mechanism. The overall rate of decomposition of X is, − rA = K 2   C X = K overall Cx .

2 2

 3
2 K
Where K1 , K 2 , K 3 denotes the rate constant of the elementary steps with corresponding activation
energy (in KJ/mol) of 320,40 and 0 respectively. The temperature dependency of the rate constant
is described by Arrhenius equation. Cx denotes the concentration of acetaldehyde. The rate constant
for the overall reaction is KOverall. The activation energy for the overall reaction (in KJ/mol) is _ _ _

Shailendra Kumar Sir: +91-8317047762, Referral Code: SKS50

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