Moving Bed Reactors
Moving Bed Reactors
Moving Bed Reactors
Moving bed reactors are catalytic reactors in which the catalyst moves through the reac-
tor along with the reactants. They are open systems and operate at steady state .
The animation below shows the operation of a moving-bed reactor. Reactants (green)
and catalyst (white) enter the top of the reactor and move through the vessel. Once at
the bottom the catalyst (black) is removed and regenerated; products (blue) are removed
from the reaction system and the catalyst is regenerated and brought to the top of the
Equipment Design
This animation shows the basic operation within a moving bed reactor. Solid catalyst
pellets are continuously introduced at the top of the reactor, as are the fluid phase reac-
tants. The catalyst and the fluid flow together down the reactor. The reaction takes place
along the way, which establishes a concentration gradient. In some cases, a set of sam-
pling access ports may be installed so that one may collect data on reactant and product
concentrations. Heating coils or wraps can be included along the reaction chamber to
mediate heat from the reaction.
Usage Examples
Moving bed reactors are frequently used in wastewater treatment processes. They can be
tuned to the application by selecting specific microbes, but these types of reactors are
very effective at nitrification, denitrification, and chemical oxygen demand (COD)
reduction processes. Because moving bed reactors are also easy to build, it is also easy to
scale the reactor to meet different wastewater demands.
Process Engineered Water Equipment LLC , Camas, WA
BioprocessH2O , Portsmouth, RI
Fish, Barry Brent. A S tudy of M oving B ed and S imulated M oving B ed S eparators and
R eactors . Ann Arbor, MI: UMI 1988. Print.
Fogler, Scott H. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering . 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998. Print.
Hill, Charles G., Jr. An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics and Reactor
Design . New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1977. Print.
Perry, Robert H., and Don W. Green. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook . 7th ed. New
York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1997. Print.
Trambouze, Pierre, Van Landeghem, Hugo, and Wauquier, Jean-Pierre. Chemical Reac-
tors . Houston: Gulf Publishing Company, 1988. Print.
Walas, Stanley M. Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers . New York: McGraw-Hill
Inc., 1959. Print.
Sam Catalano
Alex Wozniak
Joel Holland