Definition of A Derivative
Definition of A Derivative
Definition of A Derivative
Definition of a Derivative
It is the slope! That is the derivative at the point (x, y): the slope of the line that you see
when you mega zoom into the graph of the function at a point. The process of zooming in
is a limit! You are looking at the behavior of the graph as you get closer and closer to the
point (x, y), which is the definition of a limit. We call this the tangent line to the graph at
the point (x, y), and the derivative is the slope of this line.
• We refer to the slope of a straight line as its rate of change.
• instantaneous rate of change – it is the change in output over the change in input
as you zoom into a specific location on the curve.
Remember that is read as "change in y over change in x" (not the change in your
pants pocket), and the symbol delta (Δ) refers to the change. Always remember: delta (Δ)
= "change in."
The formal definition is that the derivative of the function y = f (x) at the point xis written
Leibniz notation
• The derivative does not need to exist at all points in the domain of the
function. Derivative is pulling out all stops to impress us. He gets crazier by the
second! In fact, the derivative does not exist anywhere that the limit, which
defines the derivative, does not exist.
so we can multiply these two functions of Δx and apply the property of limits regarding
the product of functions. We find:
. Equality of these limits proves that these two derivatives must be equal.
2. Given two functions f (x) and g(x), we have a new function f (x) + g(x). If the
derivative of both functions exists, then where both derivatives are defined, we can take
the derivative of the sum and we find that:
Related Rates
Related rates problems are the most natural application of implicit differentiation. The
“related” piece of related rates comes from the relation that we will need to differentiate.
Lots of relating here. The “rate” is a cue that we will be required to take a derivative (a
derivative is in fact a rate). A derivative is a ratio describing a change in one variable
with respect to a change in another variable.
The main idea is to use some sort of formula that will allow us to compute the rate of
change of some quantity in terms of another rate of change that is easier to find.
Step 1. Draw a picture.
Step 2. Figure out what you know and what you are looking for.
Step 3. Write a formula.
Step 4. Use implicit differentiation
Step 5: Make sure you answered the question!
We know that this function (a derivative) also has a derivative, and if we try to take the
derivative again, we find what we call the second derivative:
Lo and behold, we can take the derivative again (are you weak in the knees?)! And, we
get something that we call the third derivative, which makes sense because, well, we took
the derivative three times:
We usually call these points local maxima and local minima However, if it turns out that
the local max or min(abbreviations, people) is actually the largest or smallest value
attained by the function anywhere, then we call it an absolute maximum or an absolute
Caution: We know that if a point is an extreme value, the value of its derivative there will
be 0. Unfortunately, the converse is NOT true. The derivative of a function at a point
might be zero, and yet it may not be an extreme value. (This is where a graphing
calculator can come in handy.)
Critical Points and Concavity
Consider the function f (x). The set of points that satisfy the equation:
f '(x) = 0.
are called critical points. These critical points come in three scrumptious flavors:
• maximum values
• minimum values
• inflection points
One way to determine the kind of point these are is to simply graph the function. By
looking at a graph, you can easily determine the sort of critical point we are dealing with.
Unfortunately, we aren't always allowed to use a calculator. But fortunately, if the critical
points are differentiable, the second derivative actually tells us what we need to know.
General Approach to Solving Optimization Problems
Draw a picture.
Determine what you are trying to maximize or minimize.
Introduce appropriate notation for variables.
Write two equations using the given information.
Substitute one formula for an unknown variable determined by given information into the
second formula.
Differentiate the formula and find critical points.
Determine if said critical point is a maximum or minimum.