Adjectives Script
Adjectives Script
Adjectives Script
1) Identify adjectives and use them in sentences to speak and write descriptively.
2) will be able to understand Types of Adjectives with their Examples.
Introduction: Definition of Nouns and Pronouns Show the title Page with
Hello Everyone, Hope you all some random images of A
are doing great. You all must The noun is the name of a person, boy, girl, Book, Park, drum,
have learnt about Nouns and place, animal or thing. For example Dog, Cat.
pronouns before and have Teacher, Deeksha, Dog, Fluffy, Drum
understood about it, if not I will etc.
quickly revise it for you.
The noun is the name of a Pronouns are words that are used in
person, place, animal or thing. place of nouns. For Example She, he,
For example Teacher, Maya, it etc.
Dog, Drum etc. Some are
proper nouns like Deeksha,
Fluffy the Dog and some are
Common nouns like Dog,
Teacher, Book etc.
Pronouns are words that are
used in place of nouns. For
Example She, he, it etc.
Now we know how to call -What is the colour of your school bag? Picture of the Schoolbag.
people, animals or things but -Is it big or small?
how do we talk about them and - how many pockets are there?
describe them?
We can do that with the help of
● Used to describe the
nouns (person, place,
animal or thing) and
pronouns in a
● It also indicates the
number, quality, size,
shape, and feelings
etc of a noun or
● What kind? How
many? Which one?
How much? Are a few
questions that tell
more about an
Adjectives are the describing Adjectives are the describing words -A tree becoming big and
words used for a noun and add used for a noun and add to the small.
to the meaning of a noun (or meaning of a noun (or pronoun). -An Elephant becoming thin
pronoun). -In other words, words used with a and thick.
-In other words, words used noun to describe it (kind, place, -A girl with red hair and
with a noun to describe it (kind, number, etc) are called adjectives. another girl with black hair.
place, number, etc) are called - The word ‘adjective’ means ‘added - Picture of 10 chocolates
adjectives. to’. Adjectives are one of the main increasing decreasing.
- The word ‘adjective’ means parts of speech of the English
‘added to’. Adjectives are one language.
of the main parts of speech of
the English language.
Example: I have a blue bag.
There is a gigantic tree.
Lizzie has black hair but Suzy
has red hair.
Note that- Adjectives usually
come before the noun they
Now let’s Understand the Types Descriptive Adjectives- As the name Picture of a blue diary.
of Adjectives. Rotating and opening closing.
suggests, these are words that
First, we will learn about
Descriptive Adjectives- As the describe nouns and pronouns. In
name suggests, these are other words, it adds an attribute to
words that describe nouns the nouns/pronouns. They are also
and pronouns. In other known as Qualitative Adjectives.
words, it adds an attribute to Examples: how can I describe my
the nouns/pronouns. They Diary.
are also known as My diary is blue in colour.
Qualitative Adjectives. They
tell us about the quality of It is rectangular.
the noun, like its shape, size, It has a cardboard cover.
origin, colour, quality or
opinion, material.
Now that we are ready to Forming Adjectives Two kids cleaning the floor
describe any person, thing, with the help of broomsticks
animal or place and tell more Example: Oh there is a lot of dust. and the floor has dust.
about it.
Oh, there is a lot of dust. yes, the house is Dusty.
yes, the house is Dusty.
We all have heard this and -we usually form the adjectives from
especially before Diwali. Every nouns or verbs and sometimes other
place looks dirty and dusty adjectives
Now think from where we got
this word “ Dusty”
Dust right. So Dust is the name
of a thing it’s a noun. And what
we did?
We formed an adjective from
the noun dust. where there is
dust it’s can be described by
the word ‘dusty’.
Examples: Friend (noun) – Friendly (Adj.)
Friend (noun) – Friendly (Adj.) Grace (noun)- Graceful
Grace (noun)- Graceful Enjoy (verb) - Enjoyable (Adj.)
Enjoy (verb) - Enjoyable (Adj.) Imagine(verb)- Imaginary (Adj.)
Imagine(verb)- Imaginary (Adj.) Red (Adjective)- Reddish (Adj.)
Red (Adjective)- Reddish (Adj.) Happy(Adjective)- Happily (Adj.)
Happy(Adjective)- Happily
- We usually add some letters at
- We usually add some the end of a word when forming
letters at the end of a an Adjective. These are called
word when forming an Suffixes.
Adjective. These are - Like - y, ly, ive, able, ed, less,
called Suffixes. full, ish etc.
- Like - y, ly, ive, able, ed, - Messy, Happily, lovable,
less, full, ish etc. Careless, Beautiful.
- Messy, Happily, lovable,
Careless, Beautiful.
Now You all can think of many
other examples like these.