CL-900i Series Alignment Guidance V1.0 EN

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CL-900i Series

Chemiluminescence Immunoassay

Alignment Guidance

IVD Global Technical Support Department

IVD Global Technical Support Dept.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter 1 Tools/Auxiliary Materials ................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 List of Equipment Tools ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Fixture Diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Excipient List ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2 Flow Block Diagram of Alignment Procedure ............................................................................. 7
Chapter 3 Preparations ................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Alignment Precautions ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Powering on the Analyzer .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Installing the Operation Software(Optional) ............................................................................................... 9
3.4 Screen Description .................................................................................................................................... 9
3.4.1 Start the operating software ................................................................................................................ 9
3.4.2 Alignment screen ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.5 Process Alignment Screen ...................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 4 Backup and Restore of Parameters ............................................................................................. 13
4.1 Backing up the Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Restoring the Parameters........................................................................................................................ 13
4.3 Modifying Parameters.............................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 5 Dispersion System Alignment...................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Carousel Rotary Position Compensation ................................................................................................. 17
5.3 Probe Position Compensation When Aspirating ...................................................................................... 19
5.4 Extreme Position Inspection of Aspirating Vertical Mechanism ............................................................... 19
Chapter 6 Incubation Module Temperature Alignment ............................................................................... 21
6.1 Incubation Module Temperature Calibration ............................................................................................ 21
Chapter 7 Photometer System Alignment .................................................................................................... 25
7.1 Vertical Position of the Shielding Cover ................................................................................................... 26
7.2 PMT Parameter Setup ............................................................................................................................. 26
7.3 PMT Initialization ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 8 Dispensing System Alignment ..................................................................................................... 29
8.1 Checking the Probe ................................................................................................................................. 31
8.2 Coplanar Alignment of the Probe and the Mixer ...................................................................................... 31
8.3 HP of Probe Mixing Position 1 ................................................................................................................. 33
8.4 HP of Probe Mixing Position 2 ................................................................................................................. 33
8.5 HP of Probe Wash Well ........................................................................................................................... 34
8.6 HP of Probe Disk Ra Position .................................................................................................................. 34
8.7 HP of Probe Disk Rb Position .................................................................................................................. 35
8.8 HP of Probe Disk Rc Position .................................................................................................................. 36
8.9 HP of Probe Disk Rd Position .................................................................................................................. 36
8.10 HP of Probe Sample Position ................................................................................................................ 36
8.11 Bar Code Scanner Initialization.............................................................................................................. 37
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8.12 Reagent Carousel Bar Code Scanning Check ...................................................................................... 38

8.13 Sample Carousel Bar Code Scanning Check ........................................................................................ 39
8.14 Vertical Home Position of the Probe ...................................................................................................... 39
8.15 VLP of Probe to Reagent Carousel ....................................................................................................... 40
8.16 VLP of Probe to Sample Position .......................................................................................................... 41
8.17 VLP of Probe to Mixing Position 1 ......................................................................................................... 41
8.18 VLP of Probe to Mixing Position 2 ......................................................................................................... 42
Chapter 9 Transport System Alignment ....................................................................................................... 43
9.2 Electromagnet Check for Cuvette Box .................................................................................................... 44
9.3 Finger’s Home Position ........................................................................................................................... 45
9.4 HP of Discarding Position ........................................................................................................................ 45
9.5 HP of the Right Cuvette Box .................................................................................................................... 46
9.6 HP of the Left Cuvette Box ...................................................................................................................... 47
9.7 HP of Incubation Module ......................................................................................................................... 47
9.8 HP of Dispersion Carousel IO Outlet ....................................................................................................... 48
9.9 HP of Mixing Position 1 ........................................................................................................................... 48
9.10 HP of Mixing Position 2 ......................................................................................................................... 49
9.11 HP of Substrate Mixing Position ............................................................................................................ 49
9.12 HP of Waste Drainage Position ............................................................................................................. 49
9.13 HP of Photometer Position .................................................................................................................... 50
9.14 VP of Right Cuvette Box Position .......................................................................................................... 51
9.15 VP of Left Cuvette Box Position............................................................................................................. 52
9.16 VP of Incubation Module ....................................................................................................................... 52
9.17 VP of Dispersion IO Outlet..................................................................................................................... 52
9.18 Vertical Position of the Mixing Position .................................................................................................. 53
Chapter 10 Hydropneumatic System ............................................................................................................ 54
10.1 Preparations for Fluidics Alignment ....................................................................................................... 54
10.2 Cleaning and Priming Substrate Tubes ................................................................................................. 54
10.3 Floater Check ........................................................................................................................................ 61
10.4 Vacuum Pressure Check ....................................................................................................................... 62
10.5 Waste Drainage Tube Check ................................................................................................................. 62
10.6 Sample Probe Wash Tube Check.......................................................................................................... 65
10.7 Check Hydraulic Pressure on Sample Probe Aspirating and Draining .................................................. 68
10.8 Dispersion Aspirate Tube Check ........................................................................................................... 69
10.9 Check Dispersion Wash Tube ............................................................................................................... 72
10.10 Check Dispersion Dispensing Tube..................................................................................................... 75
10.11 Prime Wash Buffer Tubes .................................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 11 Disassembly and Assembly of Cover, Shell and Components ........................................... 83
11.1 Disassembly and Assembly of Transparent Shielding Cover ................................................................. 83
11.2 Disassembly and Assembly of Front Vertical panel Assembly ............................................................... 83
11.3 Disassembly and Assembly of Reagent Aspirating Plate ....................................................................... 84
Chapter 12 Other Checks ............................................................................................................................ 85
12.1 Mechanical Reset of the Whole Unit ..................................................................................................... 85

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12.2 Indicator Check...................................................................................................................................... 85

12.3 Optical couplers Check.......................................................................................................................... 86
12.4 Whole Unit Discarding Cuvette.............................................................................................................. 87
12.5 Linked Cuvette Gripping ........................................................................................................................ 88
12.6 Reagent Refrigeration Temperature Check ........................................................................................... 89

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Chapter 1 Tools/Auxiliary Materials

1.1 Scope

This technology is suitable for the host alignment of CL-900i series.

1.2 List of Equipment Tools

Table 1.1 List of Equipment Tools

SN Code Parameter Precision Quantity

No less than
1 / Thermometer 1 set
2 / Clearance gauge 1.0~1.2mm 1
Hexagon wrench/cross screwdriver/flathead
3 / / 1
screwdriver/monkey wrench
4 / Diagonal pliers/needle-nose pliers/tweezers / 1
5 / Sample tube with bar code / 50
6 / Reagent bottle with bar code / 15
7 / Disposable syringe / 1
8 / High temperature tape / Several
9 048-007545-00 Small hole cover for incubating module / 1
10 105-005389-00 Clean substrate bottle / 6 sets
045-003099-00 BM20/BM21 new box-packed immunoassay /
11 2 sets
cuvette (containing tray)
12 BM10-J05-002 Sample position pseudo cuvette fixture (with S) / 3 sets
13 BM10-J08-002 Gripping depth positioning fixture / 4 sets
14 BM10-J08-007 Finger adjustment fixture (∮10) / 1
15 898-000719-00 Home position fixture of probe z / 1
16 898-000738-00 Dispersion aspirating probes height tool / 1
17 898-000720-00 Dispersion position IO fixture / 1
18 898-000736-00 Mixing position height tool / 1
Sampling position and mixing position center /
19 2 sets
898-000733-00 fixture
20 898-000737-00 Shading cover center fixture / 1

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1.3 Fixture Diagram

Gripper cup Gripper finger

clamping fixture adjusting fixture Cup clamping fixture for Dispersion aspirating
Sample probe Z initial gripper dispersion IO port of probe height fixing
position fixture dispersion carousel rotating fixture

Sample probe mixing

Position and sample Vertical extreme alignment tool of
Vertical alignment
position horizontal fixture sample probe mixing position
tool of shielding cover

Figure 1.1 Fixture Diagram

1.4 Excipient List

Table 1.2 Reagent Excipient List

SN Code Parameter
1 / Purified water
2 105-004838-00 Acid wash buffer

Table 1.3 Other Excipient List

SN Code Parameter Quantity

1 095-000051-00 Disposable gloves. PVC gloves, size M Several
2 099-000056-00 Superfine fiber dustless cloth (size 4" x 4") Several
3 A90-000041--- Rags Several
4 A90-000027--- Alcohol 99.5% Several

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Chapter 2 Flow Block Diagram of Alignment Procedure

General alignment procedure of BM50 main unit

Level-1 Process Level-2 Process


Alignment preparation

Upgrade operation Start the operating

Power on the whole
software software Back up the parameters
Connect peripherals unit
Check the CL-900i Power on the whole
operating software, and Enter the operating
Turn on all
unitthe power software Back up the parameters and
Connect PC/power line/ upgrade it to the latest switches database
external pipeline version where Account: ServiceCser
appropriate. Password:

Incubation temperature
alignment 1. Incubation
temperature calibration

Metering system
Metering system 1. Vertical position
Metering systemof the
alignment shieldingalignment
cover Transportation system
2. PMT parameter alignment 1
3. PMT initialization 1. Electromagnet check for
cuvette box
2. Finger’s home position
3. Discarding the horizontal
Transportation system
Dispersion system alignment Alignment 2
4. HP of the right cuvette box
1. Carousel rotary position 5. HP of the left cuvette box 1. VP of right cuvette box
Mechanical position compensation 6. Horizontal position of position
alignment 2. Probe position compensation incubation block 2. VP of left cuvette box position
when aspirating 7. HP of dispersion IO outlet 3. VP of incubation block
3. Extreme position check of the 8. HP of mixing position 1 4. VP of dispersion IO outlet
aspirating vertical mechanism 9. HP of mixing position 2 5. Vertical position of the mixing
10. HP of substrate mixing position
11. HP of discharging liquid level
Dispensing System\nAlignment 12. HP of photometric position

1. Install the sample probe

2. Probe & Mixer coplanar debug
3. HP of probe mixing position 1
4. HP of probe mixing position 2
5. HP of probe wash pool
6. HP of probe disk Ra position
7. HP of probe disk Rb position
8. HP of probe disk Rc position
9. HP of probe disk Rd position
10. HP of probe sample position
11. Vertical home position of the probe
12. VLP of probe to reagent disk
13. VLP of probe to sample position
14. VLP of probe to mixing position 1
15. VLP of probe to mixing position 2
16. Bar code scanner initialization
17. Reagent disk bar code scanning
18. Sample disk bar code scanning

Fluidics Alignment

1. Preparations for fluidics alignment

2. Cleaning and priming substrate
3. Waste tank floater check
4. Vacuum pressure check
5. Waste drain tube check
6. Check sample probe wash tube
Fluidics Alignment 7. Check hydraulic pressure on
sample probe tubes
8. Check dispersion aspirating tube
9. Check dispersion carousel drain
10. Check dispersion dispensing tube
11. Prime wash buffer tubes

Remove and install the shell assembly

1. Remove and install the transparent
Remove and install the Remove
2. Removeand
andinstall thethe
install shell assembly
front facade
shell assembly panel assembly
3. Remove and install the reagent
aspirating plate assembly


1. Indicator check
Other alignments 2. Optical couplers check
3. Whole unit wash cuvette
4. Linked cuvette gripping
5. Reagent refrigeration temperature


Figure 2.1 Flow Chart of Alignment Procedure

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Chapter 3 Preparations

3.1 Alignment Precautions

1. You must wear disposable PVC gloves when conducting all operations involving various reagents
and chemical solutions to prevent chemicals from touching the skin.
2. In case of stab, cut or scratch, the injured person should take off the protective clothing, clean the
hands and the injured part, use appropriate skin disinfectant, and seek medical treatment when
necessary. Record the cause of injury and related microorganisms and keep complete and
appropriate medical records.
3. Pay attention to electrostatic protection. If you need to touch the charged components on the board during
alignment, you must wear an anti-static ring or gloves to avoid damage to IC and charged components on
the board because of static electricity.
4. In the process of alignment, power off the machine when you insert, pull the plugs and adjust the position
of cables; hot-line work is not allowed, so as to prevent electric shock or damage to the board.
5. After each process, it is necessary to confirm whether the used fixture needs to be removed from the host
to prevent collision.
6. The fixture shaft (false needle or fixture shaft) and the fixture hole (pseudo cuvette, etc.) need to be aligned
freely when necessary.
7. Observe from 2 directions with a deviation of at least 90 degrees to confirm that the fixture shaft and fixture
hole are aligned.
8. When carrying out the operations related to sample probe and aspirating needle, wear disposable gloves
and gently handle needles to prevent deformation.
9. The purified water used during alignment must be fresh and clean. It is not recommended to use water
from the water supply module that has been operating for long to prevent contamination. If the water supply
module is to be used, confirm that the water quality of the module meets requirements, and fresh and clean
purified water must be used for aligning the substrate system.
10. In the case of assembly and disassembly of the substrate tubing system, pay attention to the cleaning of
the pumps, valves, pipes and joints to prevent pollution. Wear disposable gloves and clean the work
platform with alcohol to ensure no dirt.
11. If the parts that have been aligned are dismantled, it is necessary to align relevant alignment procedures
to confirm that the reassembly meets the requirements.

3.2 Powering on the Analyzer

Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Use the network cable to connect the PC and the analyzer and connect the power cord. The whole unit
should connect network port 1 of the alignment computer (network port on the computer motherboard).
Otherwise, the software will not connect to the machine after being installed.

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port 1

port 2

Figure 3.1 Align the location of the computer network card

2) Switch the main power to on and confirm the working status: all boards are powered on, the indicator is lit
on, and the two fans outside the power module are running. If the power supply presents abnormal smell
or smoke after being powered on, please power off for check immediately.
3) Remove the adhesive tapes used for covering the holes of the dispersion carousels and mixing components
completely (which can be torn off before the alignment after software installation).
4) After confirming that all parts work properly, perform subsequent alignment steps.

3.3 Installing the Operation Software(Optional)

According to the CL-900i operation software installation guide, upgrade the operating software to the latest

3.4 Screen Description

3.4.1 Start the operating software

Switch on the instrument, double click the shortcut icon on the desktop to start CL-900i operating software.
Account: ServiceUser, password: #BS8A#SEU.

3.4.2 Alignment screen

Path: Utility —> Maintenance —> Alignment. The screen is as follows:

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Figure 3.2 Application screen —> Maintenance —> Alignment (XX system alignment)

Unit screen description:

a. Click XX System Alignment to switch to the corresponding alignment screen.
b. The alignment order between alignment processes is executed in accordance with the sequence required
by technology.
c. The alignment processes in each unit are executed sequentially according to the process number in the

3.5 Process Alignment Screen

Process Screen Description:
1. Enter step 1 by default, and the current step is in dark.
2. When the operator is facing the front of the machine, the fine-tuning direction arrows are as follows:

Z axis: ----Vertically upward, corresponding to the keyboard button "↑"; ---- vertically downward,

corresponding to the keyboard button "↓".

X axis: ---- Horizontal to left, corresponding to the keyboard button "←"; ---- horizontal to the right,
corresponding to the keyboard button "→" .
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Y axis: ---- Horizontally backward, corresponding to the keyboard button "PgDn" ; ---- horizontally

forward, corresponding to the keyboard button "PgUp".

Rotation direction: --- Clockwise rotation, corresponding to the keyboard button "Q"; ---
counterclockwise rotation, corresponding to the keyboard button "E" .
3. In the case of fine-tuning step, the edit box of step can be modified. The edit box of step can be activated
by pressing ALT+S in the keyboard. After entering the number, click "Enter" or press it in the keyboard to
complete the setup.

4. In each step, click Continue or press ALT+C to perform the next step.
5. In each step, click Cancel or press ALT+X to restore the initial value of the alignment parameter, execute
necessary reset actions, exit the alignment process and return to the previous unit screen.

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Figure 3.3 Application interface > Maintenance > Alignment >XX alignment > XX process

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Chapter 4 Backup and Restore of Parameters

4.1 Backing up the Parameters

Enter Utility > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and restore of parameters.
Click “Backup” in the dialog box, and "Execute successfully" prompt dialog box will be popped up after the
backup is successful. Parameter backup is to back up the alignment information stored in the instrument CPU
buckle to the PC. For instance, CL900i is installed in drive D, and the backup file is in the
D:\Mindray\CL900i\OperationSoft\AlignmentTool\Parameterlist\Instrument sequence number _BackupPara.xml.

Figure 4.1 Application screen > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and
restore of parameters

4.2 Restoring the Parameters

Enter Utility > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and restore of parameters.
In the dialog box, click "Restore” and confirm the operation to restore parameters. After successful restoring,
"execute successfully" dialog box will be popped up and the parameter information refresh screen is obtained
from the instrument. Parameter restoring is to write the alignment information in the PC to the instrument CPU
buckle. For instance, CL900i is installed in drive D, and the alignment information in
D:\Mindray\CL900i\OperationSoft\AlignmentTool\Parameterlist\Instrument sequence number _BackupPara.xml
is written to the CPU buckle.

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Figure 4.2 Application screen > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and
restore of parameters

4.3 Modifying Parameters

Enter Utility > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and restore of parameters.
As shown in the figure below, select the compensation value column of the item to be modified and enter a new
parameter value. Press Enter, and the display format is: Current value > New value to be modified, and then
click Modify and confirm the operation to modify the parameter. After successful modification, "execute
successfully" dialog box will be popped up and the parameter information refresh screen is obtained from the
instrument. Modification is to write the parameter values on the screen to the CPU buckle of the instrument.

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Figure 4.3 Application screen > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and
restore of parameters

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Figure 4.4 Application screen > Maintenance > Alignment > Other > Common functions > Backup and
restore of parameters

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Chapter 5 Dispersion System Alignment

Enter Dispersion System Alignment screen.

Figure 5.1 Fluidics Alignment > Dispersion System Alignment

Dispersion System Alignment process:

carousel system

Carousel rotary position


Probe aspiration level offset


Figure 5.2 Flow Chart of Dispersion System Alignment

5.2 Carousel Rotary Position Compensation

Alignment index: The dispersion carousel is stopped at the dispersion position IO; place the fixture dispersion
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position IO tool (898-000720-00) gently, and observe whether the distances between the two sides of the fixture
and the two sides of the cover plate hole are even.
Alignment methods and procedure:

The alignment tool cannot

be inserted into the hole by
force, but should be placed
naturally. Check if the gaps
at two sides are uniform.

Figure 5.3 Dispersion Carousel Rotary Position Compensation

1) Click "1. Carousel rotary position compensation", and then click Continue to enter the next step.
2) According to the requirements and steps prompted by the software, place the alignment fixture 898-
000720-00 at the dispersion carousel position IO (placed gently and rough handling is not allowed. If it can't
be put in the hole naturally, adjust the parameters to appropriate position before placement). Click the
clockwise and counterclockwise arrows to adjust the compensation (remove the fixture before clicking the
arrows and continue. You should continue according to the software prompts. Observe whether the
distances between the two sides of the fixture and the two sides of the cover plate hole are even. If the light
is weak, you can observe with the help of the flashlight.

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Figure 5.4 Carousel Rotary Position Compensation Screen

Note: After alignment of the position, it is necessary to align the "horizontal position of the dispersion carousel
IO outlet" in the transport system alignment again.

5.3 Probe Position Compensation When Aspirating

Alignment index: Make the aspirating needle reach the bottom of the immune cuvette and raise it up. The
aspirating vertical mechanism runs to the bottom of the cuvette, and it is confirmed that the phase-3 aspirating
needle reaches the bottom of the cuvette and it is raised to 1~1.2mm.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Take three clean empty immune cuvettes. Raise the three aspirating needles manually and make them fall
naturally without stagnation. Mount the dispersion aspirating needle height alignment tool (898-000738-00)
at the upper end of the phase-3 aspirating needle nut, clamp the tube with the fixture, make the bottom
close to the upper end of the needle nut, and then tighten the fixture nut to clamp the tube tightly without
2) Click 2. Needle home position compensation, and then click Continue to pop up the cuvette prompt box;
place three cuvettes in turn according to the software prompts, and finally click OK to proceed the next step;
descend the aspirating lifting mechanism to make the aspirating needle to the cuvette bottom, so that the
needle can be lifted with the fixture.
3) Use a clearance gauge to stick the top surface of the phase-3 locking nut, and measure the gap between
the fixture and locking nut; the height should be ranged 1~1.2mm. If it does not meet the requirements,
adjust the position of the aspirating plate using the upper and lower arrows.
4) After completing the process, remove the three immune cuvettes according to the software prompt to
complete the alignment.

Clamp the
aspirating tube
and tighten the
manual nut
Press the probe
together with
the fixture, and
Close to the use a ruler to
898-000738-00 measure the
fixture bottom pressed gap. It
should be 1 to
1.2 mm.

Figure 5.5 Probe Position Compensation When Aspirating

5.4 Extreme Position Inspection of Aspirating Vertical Mechanism

Alignment index: The aspirating needle moves vertically to the bottom of the cuvette and the home position;
observe the tubes and wires are not twined and tied.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Enter Alignment > Dispersion system alignment >, click Common Functions, click To the home position
and To the bottom position of the cuvette; in the two extreme positions, observe the tubes and wires
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(wiring between aspirating vertical mechanism motor and sensor) are not interfered with the other
components, and not twined. (Note: To the bottom position of the cuvette performs the vertical reset of
the aspirating needle first and then the needle moves to the bottom position of the cuvette.)

The vertical mechanism The motor line and

does not pull the tube at optical coupler wire are
the limit position and is constrained.
not folded.

Figure 5.6 Extreme Position Inspection of Aspirating Vertical Mechanism

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Chapter 6 Incubation Module Temperature Alignment

6.1 Incubation Module Temperature Calibration

Alignment index: Temperature of the incubation module is tested under the ambient temperature of 15~30℃,
and the temperature correction parameter ΔT is calculated and configured to modify the temperature. The
temperature accuracy should be 37.0±0.15℃, and the fluctuation degree (Dxtre Diff) ≤0.2℃.
Note: 20 minutes after implementation according to incubation module temperature rising requirements in
Chapter 4, you can perform this step, and do not need to wait in step 2.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Enter 1. Calibration of Incubation Module Temperature alignment procedure from Alignment > Other
screen. Step 1: Prepare an immune cuvette with 500μL (0.5ml) purified water (placed in the incubation
module position (4, 1) in advance to save the heating time of the water);
2) Step 2: Confirm that the incubation temperature control unit has been switched on for 20min; enter the
temperature curve screen, and observe whether the temperature curves of sensor 1 and sensor 2 have
been stable.

Figure 6.1 Incubation Module Temp. Calibration Screen

3) Step 3: Place the immune cuvette with 500μL (0.5ml) purified water at the incubation module position (4,
1), and insert the thermometer probe into the bottom of the cuvette for measurement. After the temperature
gets stable, measure the temperature and record it every 30S, with a total of 20 temperature values.

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Figure 6.2 Position of the Cuvette for Incubation Module Temperature Test

Note 1: Insert the thermometer probe into the bottom of the cuvette, fix the probe (such as by using high
temperature tape) to prevent deviation, and then confirm that the probe cannot move downward with your hand,
or adjust the fixed position and angle of the probe connection, until the probe reaches the bottom of the cuvette.
Then, perform the test If you use high temperature tape for fixing, try not to stick to the surface of the incubation
module, and tear off the tape after the test is complete. Any residual gum on the surface of the incubation module
must be cleared carefully using the cotton stickers with alcohol, and make sure the fragments not fall into the

4) Step 4: Remove the thermometer after the test is complete; check the mean T within the range of 36.85℃

~37.15℃; according to the maximum value Tmax and minimum value Tmin, calculate the fluctuation degree
= (Tmax-Tmin), which is required to be ≤0.2℃.
5) Click Continue to enter the Temperature configuration screen; manually enter the thermometer
measured values (no matter whether the temperature accuracy exceeds the standard), and click OK. Click
Continue to complete the process; re-enter the process, and confirm the measured temperature according
to the method described in step (3) ~ (4); ultimately, it must meet the requirements of the index.

Figure 6.3 Test Setting of Incubating Thermometer

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A.1 Attachment - Instructions for use of FLUKE thermometer

1) Insert the temperature probe into port T1 of the thermometer, and then press the key to switch on
the thermometer power supply. If necessary, poswer cords of the thermometer must be plugged properly
first. Before measuring the temperature, power on the thermometer for 5 min.
2) Clear all the recorded data in the thermometer. In the Home, press RECALL to enter RECALL screen:
◼ If manual recording SAVE function is used, press NEXT twice to select Delete Saved, and then press
ENTER to enter the DELETE screen. If the screen displays Saved:ALL. Saved:ALL of X ENTER to
Delete, press ENTER twice to clear all records, and then the screen displays Saved Empty. Finally,
press RECALL to return to the Home.
◼ If the auto recording LOG function is used, press NEXT for 4 times to select Delete Logs, and then press
ENTER to enter the DELETE screen. If the screen displays Tags:ALL.……X records……, press
ENTER twice to clear all records, and then the screen displays Tags: ALL.……0 records. Finally, press
RECALL to return to the Home.

3) Press ℃℉ to make the screen display ℃.

4) Press SETUP to enter SETUP screen; press NEXT for three times to select Date/Time, and then press
ENTER to enter date and time to set DATE/TIME ADJUST screen; switch and set the date and time using
NEXT, ↑ and ↓. After completion, press SETUP to return to the Home.
5) After 5 min of warming up the thermometer, test and record the data according to the following
instructions (you can also use a stopwatch and thermometer to record one value every 30s manually by
pressing SAVE):

◼ In the Home, press SHIFT successively and continuously (SHIFT displayed in the lower right corner
of the screen) and LOG to enter AUTO LOG screen.
◼ Press ↑ and ↓ to set INTERVAL to 30S, and press ENTER to accept it.
◼ Press NEXT to switch to START; press ENTER to start auto recording, the screen enters the auto recording
state, and the bottom of the screen shows the auto record number LOG 1 and corresponding auto timing
0:00:00; press SAVE once immediately to record first data SAV01; record number and timing jump once
every 30s; press SAVE once immediately to record one piece of data every time LOG n changes, until
the record number jumps to LOG 20, and press SAVE once to record the 20th data SAV20.

◼ Press SHIFT successively and continuously (SHIFT displayed in the lower right corner of the screen)
and LOG to enter AUTO LOG screen. The screen highlights STOP. Press ENTER to stop auto recording.
◼ Press RECALL to enter RECALL screen, and the screen highlights Review Saved; press ENTER to see
the state of the temperature record (the bottom of the screen shows RCL n YYMMDD hh:mm:ss); press
↑ and ↓ to see the temperature record RCL01 ~ RCL20.
◼ Press RECALL to exit the record check.

6) Calculate the average value T of the recorded 20 pieces of temperature data according to

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(RCL01+RCL02+... +RCL20) /20, and record their maximum value Tmax and minimum value Tmin. You
cannot use STATS of the thermometer to see the maximum/minimum/mean value, which is not
corresponding to the temperature data recorded manually by pressing SAVE.
7) Clear all the data of manual recording SAVE and auto recording LOG in the thermometer after use.
8) Data Tag of auto recording LOG needs to be exported to the computer using the thermometer's matching
software and data line. Please refer to the instruction for use of the thermometer.
Note 2: The probes, as shown in the figure below should be protected; do not touch their heads and transparent
positions in the process of use; do not bend or extrude them; it is suggested that the transparent part of the
head should be protected with a hard protective sleeve immediately after use and put back in the packing box.

The head and transparent

part cannot be bent or

Hard protective sleeve

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Chapter 7 Photometer System Alignment

Enter Photometer System Alignment screen

Figure 7.1 Photometer System Alignment

Photometer System Alignment process:


Vertical position of the

shielding cover

PMT Parameter Setup

PMT Initialiation


Figure 7.2 Flow Chart of Photometer System Alignment

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7.1 Vertical Position of the Shielding Cover

Alignment index: Adjust the shielding cover so that the gap between the cover and the incubation module is
ranged 1~2mm in the shielding position, and the height of the waste discharge probe tip from the bottom of the
cuvette is ranged 0.6~0.7mm.
Alignment methods and procedure:

Waste position

Figure 7.3 Vertical Position Alignment of the Shielding Cover

1) Click 1 shielding cover position alignment; prepare a fixture (898-000737-00) and a clean cuvette. Then,
power off the shielding cover, place the fixture (898-000737-00) on the incubation module; place a cuvette
in the waste drainage position through the fixture hole, and slightly unscrew the concave end fastening
screw of the waste discharge probe (the waste discharge probe can be moved when force is applied); move
the shielding cover down to make it fit with the fixture. Meanwhile, adjust the height of the waste discharge
probe so that the probe just stops at the bottom of the cuvette, and then tighten the top thread (torque

Figure 7.4 Schematic Diagram of Waste Discharge Probe

2) Click OK to start auto calibration; the shielding cover automatically moves up, and stops at position zero to
complete auto calibration;
3) Click Continue to configure the parameters and finish the alignment.

7.2 PMT Parameter Setup

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Alignment index: PMT high voltage parameters and calibration factor τ1 and τ2 aligned in the photometer
module assembly are allocated to the whole unit.
Alignment methods and procedure:

Figure 7.5 Photometer Para Configuration Dialog Box

1) Select 2 PMT parameter setup to pop up the photometer parameter configuration dialog box; manually
input the high voltage parameter HV and calibration factor τ1 and τ2 parameters aligned when the
photometer assembly is assembled, and click OK to finish the parameter configuration. Component data
should be corresponded one by one without mistakes.

7.3 PMT Initialization

Alignment index:
1) Saved Count is ranged 2.55M~3.45M.
2) Dark current 0~200AD.
3) Dark count 0~350CPS.
Note: Perform this test after the incubation temperature in Chapter 6is aligned and the incubation module
temperature gets stable.
Alignment methods and procedure:

1) Select 3 PMT initialization to enter the process; click Continue to pop up the Photometer initialization
screen; click Initialization for the first time to pop up the waiting time; if you are sure that the incubation
module temperature has been stable before alignment, just wait for 1min and click Cancel, and then
automatically perform subsequent alignments, and display alignment results; the results should comply
with the requirements of the index. You need to wait for 10min countdown before going on if you perform
the alignment immediately after powering on the instrument.
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2) Automatically initialize the photometer, return the result after initialization, and show that the photometer is
initialized successfully.

Figure 7.6 Photometer Initialization Screen

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Chapter 8 Dispensing System Alignment

Enter Dispensing System Alignment screen

Figure 8.1 Dispensing System Alignment

Dispensing System Alignment process:

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Dispensing System\

Vertical home position of the


Bar code scanner

Probe & Mixer coplanar debug

HP of probe disk Ra position HP of probe mixing position 1 HP of probe sample position

HP of probe disk Rb position HP of probe mixing position 2
HP of probe disk Rc position Reagent disk bar code
HP of probe wash pool scanning
HP of probe disk Rd position
Sample disk bar code

VLP of probe to mixing position 1

VLP of probe to reagent disk VLP of probe to mixing position 2 VLP of probe to sample position


Figure 8.2 Flow Chart of Dispensing System Alignment

When Z axis is powered off during the sample probe alignment, press down the arm manually, so that the probe
tip can be adjusted to align the alignment position. Note that:
1. Protect the probe to prevent damage. The downward force should be moderate, avoiding excessive force
and fast speed, so that the probe tip touches the fixture or other parts.

2. The arm is near the guide rail. To prevent the deformation of the rocker arm and deviation of the probe tip,
manually press the arm near the Z-axis guide rail.

3. Before clicking Continue, keep your hands and other parts of the body away from the machine running area
to prevent bruising.

4. When moving the sample probe horizontally, it is necessary to confirm that the sample probe has been
lifted and the probe tip enters the swab completely.

Figure 8.3 Schematic Diagram of Probe Arm

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8.1 Checking the Probe

NOTE: Pay attention to
electrostatic protection

1. Protect the probe during the process of examination.

2. Electrostatic protection should be conducted in the case of liquid level detection wiring connection.
Installation methods and procedure:

Figure 8.4 Schematic Diagram of Probe Optical Coupler Block

1. Confirm that the wiring of the liquid level detection runs outside the probe and does not interfere with the
solder joint (the solder joint and partial insulating skin are wrapped by glue without bare core line), and the
connection plug is inserted into the liquid level testing board.
2. Make sure that the hose rotates in a circle, penetrates the cable tie clockwise at the bottom of the arm (the
cable tie cannot extrude tubes), and then is inserted into the probe; the hose is inserted over the step
surface. Adjust the size of the hose arc to ensure that the hose does not interfere with probe core.

Figure 8.5 Schematic Diagram of the Inner Wall Pipe of Sample Probe

3. Manually lift the probe to simulate probe collision. The probe should be able to fall to the bottom with no
stagnation; when the block shields the optical coupler, lamp D1 on the liquid level detection board is off,
and otherwise it is on. Observe the block is located in the center of optical coupler, with no contact with the
optical coupler.

8.2 Coplanar Alignment of the Probe and the Mixer

Alignment index: Adjust the mixing home position compensation and front and rear position of the mixing
baseboard, so that the probe can be aimed at the sampling position of the two mixing positions, the hole center
of the mixing position center fixture 898-000733-00, and the center hole of the bottom of the wash well.
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Alignment methods and procedure:

Click 1 Coplanar alignment of the probe and the mixer, and place Sampling position and mixing position
center fixture 898-000733-00 at the two mixing positions according to the software prompts and steps; move
the probe manually and make the probe tip align with the center hole of the two fixtures and that of the bottom
of the wash well; if the two holes in the mixing positions cannot be aligned at the same time, adjust the mixing
rotation parameters, and rotate the mixer by clicking clockwise or counterclockwise button until the center holes
of the two fixtures are aligned. (If necessary, you can slightly adjust the position of the mixing baseboard (knock
the baseboard carefully).
Tighten the four fastening screws on the mixing baseboard. First tighten the two screws on the diagonal, and
confirm that the tip can still be aligned with the center holes of the two fixtures, and then tighten the other two

The sample probe

can be aligned with
the hole center of
two fixtures
Four adjustment
screws. Tighten
the screws at the
opposite angles,
make sure that
the fixture is not
offset, and then
fasten the other
two screws

Align the probe tip with

the center hole at the
bottom of wash well

Figure 8.6 Schematic Diagram of Probe & Mixer Coplanar Alignment

Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment. Check that the four adjusting screws are
tightened firmly (torque
1. If the deviation between the front and rear centers of the wash well is large, you can loosen the fastening
screws on the wash well bracket and the upper cover plate to adjust them slightly.
2. After the process is completed, you need to re-align HP of probe mixing position 1, HP of probe mixing
position 2, HP of probe wash well, HP of mixing position 1 and HP of mixing position 2 in the transport
system alignment.
3. When moving the sample probe horizontally, it is necessary to confirm that the sample probe has been
lifted and the probe tip enters the swab completely.

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8.3 HP of Probe Mixing Position 1

Alignment index: Adjust the HP parameters of probe mixing position 1, so that the probe can be inserted into
the center hole of fixture 898-000733-00 on mixing position 1.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 2 HP of probe mixing position 1; place Sampling position and mixing position center fixture 898-000733-
00 at mixing position 1 in accordance with the software prompts and steps; move the probe above mixing
position 1, and manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the center hole of the fixture; if there
is a deviation, click the left and right arrows to adjust until meeting the requirements; click Continue to confirm
whether the probe meets the alignment requirements; if not, click the right and left arrows until meeting the

Figure 8.7 Schematic Diagram of HP of Probe Mixing Position 1

Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

Particular attention: Confirmation cannot be omitted. If you detect an HP deviation during confirmation, align
again until the requirement is met. HP of the following probes should be aligned according to this requirement
which will be not further described.

8.4 HP of Probe Mixing Position 2

Alignment index: Adjust the HP parameters of probe mixing position 2, so that the probe can be inserted into
the center hole of fixture 898-000733-00 on mixing position 2.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 3 HP of probe mixing position 2; place Sampling position and mixing position center fixture 898-000733-
00 at mixing position 2 in accordance with the software prompts and steps; move the probe above mixing
position 2, and manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the center hole of the fixture; if there
is a deviation, click the left and right arrows to adjust until meeting the requirements; click Continue to confirm
whether the probe meets the alignment requirements; if not, click the right and left arrows until meeting the

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Figure 8.8 Schematic Diagram of HP of Probe Mixing Position 2

Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

Particular attention: Confirmation cannot be omitted. If you detect an HP deviation during confirmation, align
again until the requirement is met.

8.5 HP of Probe Wash Well

Alignment index: Adjust the HP parameters of probe wash position, so that the probe can be aligned with the
center hole of the bottom of the wash well.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 4 HP of probe wash well; move the probe above the wash position in accordance with the software
prompts and steps; manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the center hole of the bottom of
the wash well; if there is a deviation, click the left and right arrows to adjust until meeting the requirements; click
Continue to confirm whether the probe meets the alignment requirements; if not, click the right and left arrows
until meeting the requirements.
Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

8.6 HP of Probe Disk Ra Position

Alignment index: Adjust the parameters of the sample probe in the reagent Ra horizontal position and in the
reagent carousel Ra stop position in order to align the sample probe to fit precisely with the Ra position’s cross
center of the reagent box.
Note: Remove the reagent pot aspirating plate on the reagent carousel before alignment (enter Dispensing
System Alignment > Common function; move the probe to mixing position 2, and then remove the aspirating

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Take down the reagent

pot aspirating plate

6# position loading
reagent bottle

Figure 8.9 Schematic Diagram 1 of HP of Probe Disk Ra Position

Alignment methods and procedure:

Click 5 HP of probe disk Ra position; load an empty reagent bottle at the reagent carousel 6#; move the probe
above Ra position; manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the Ra position’s cross center; if
there is a deviation, click the left and right, clockwise and counterclockwise arrows to adjust the probe position
and the reagent carousel position until meeting the requirements; click Continue to confirm whether the
requirements are met; if not, click the right and left arrows until meeting the requirements.

Align the probe tip

with the Ra cross

Figure 8.10 Schematic Diagram 2 of HP of Probe Disk Ra Position

Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

8.7 HP of Probe Disk Rb Position

Alignment index: Adjust the parameters of the sample probe in the reagent Rb horizontal position and in the
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reagent carousel Ra stop position in order to insert the sample probe precisely into the Rb position’s cross
center of the reagent box.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 6 HP of probe disk Rb position; load a reagent bottle at the reagent carousel 6#; move the probe above
Rb position; manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the Rb position’s cross center; if there
is a deviation, click the left and right, clockwise and counterclockwise arrows to adjust the probe position and
the reagent carousel position until meeting the requirements; click Continue to confirm whether the
requirements are met; if not, click the right and left arrows until meeting the requirements.
Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

8.8 HP of Probe Disk Rc Position

Alignment index: Adjust the parameters of the sample probe in the reagent Rc horizontal position and in the
reagent carousel Rc stop position in order to insert the sample probe precisely into the Rc position’s cross
center of the reagent box.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 7 HP of probe disk Rc position; load a reagent bottle at the reagent carousel 6#; move the probe above
Rc position; manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the Rc position’s cross center; if there
is a deviation, click the left and right, clockwise and counterclockwise arrows to adjust the probe position and
the reagent carousel position until meeting the requirements; click Continue to confirm whether the
requirements are met; if not, click the right and left arrows until meeting the requirements.
Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

8.9 HP of Probe Disk Rd Position

Alignment index: Adjust the parameters of the sample probe in the reagent Rd horizontal position and in the
reagent carousel Rd stop position in order to insert the sample probe precisely into the Rd position’s cross
center of the reagent box.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 8 HP of probe disk Rd position; load a reagent bottle at the reagent carousel 6#; move the probe above
Rd position; manually press the Z axis drive to make the probe close to the Rd position’s cross center; if there
is a deviation, click the left and right, clockwise and counterclockwise arrows to adjust the probe position and
the reagent carousel position until meeting the requirements; click Continue to confirm whether the
requirements are met; if not, click the right and left arrows until meeting the requirements.
Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

8.10 HP of Probe Sample Position

Alignment index: Adjust the horizontal position parameters of the probe at sample position, sample carousel
clockwise stop position parameters and counter clockwise stop position parameters, so that the sample carousel
stops at sample position in clockwise and counter clockwise directions, and the sample probe can be properly
inserted in the center hole of the sample fixture 898-000733-00.
Alignment methods and procedure:
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Click 9 HP alignment of probe sample position; place alignment fixture 898-000733-00 at the sampling
position according to the software prompts and steps; the sample carousel rotates counter clockwise and stops
at the sample position; move the probe above the sample position, and press the Z axis manually to make the
probe close to the fixture center hole; if a deviation exists, click the left and right arrows and clockwise and
counter clockwise arrows to adjust the left and right position of the probe and the counterclockwise stop
position parameters of the sample carousel to meet the index requirements.
Click Continue to confirm if the sample probe is aligned with the hole of the fixture. If a deviation exists, click
the arrows again to adjust the position until it meets the requirement.

Place the circular

arc surface at the
fixture bottom in
the test tube clamp

Align the probe tip

with the center
hole of fixture

Figure 8.11 Schematic Diagram of HP Alignment of Probe Sample Position

Click Continue; the sample carousel stops at the sample position clockwise; press the Z axis drive manually to
make the probe close to the fixture center hole; if a deviation exists, click the clockwise and counter clockwise
arrows to adjust the clockwise stop position parameters of the sample carousel to meet the index requirements.
Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.
Particular attention: Confirmation cannot be omitted. If you detect an HP deviation during confirmation, align
again until the requirement is met.

8.11 Bar Code Scanner Initialization

Alignment index: Execute the bar code scanner initialization command.
Note: The bar code scanner must be initialized before the first bar code scanning check.
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Alignment methods and procedure:

Click 10 Bar code scanner initialization; click Continue to execute the bar code scanner initialization
automatically, and exit the process automatically after completion.

8.12 Reagent Carousel Bar Code Scanning Check

Alignment index: Scanning is performed continuously; all bar codes are recognized correctly; repeated
scanning results are consistent.
Note: It is required to rotate the reagent carousel when loading the reagent box with a reagent bar code.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Before test, take 15 reagent boxes with bar codes (as shown in the figure below); the bar codes must be clear,
free of dirty and scratches and be pasted in the middle vertically.
For subsequent installation of the reagent boxes, pay attention to: the Ra gear of the reagent box is aligned with
the fixed large gear, and then leveled to clamp the tail of the reagent box until sound "snap" is heard.

Figure 8.12 Schematic Diagram of the Reagent Box Bar Code Paste

Click 11 Reagent carousel bar code scanning check; click the clockwise and counter clockwise on the screen
following the software prompts; place reagent boxes with reagent bar codes at all reagent positions; enter the
scanning screen and enter the scan times: 5 (cycles); click Start to scan the bar codes; feed back the
identification information, which should be consistent with the actual bar codes; the results of repeated scanning
comparison are consistent.

If NG exists,
confirm it, and
perform check
again till all the
positions are

The comparison
result is OK, and
all the bar codes
repeatedly 5 times
are identified and
Change to 5 consistent

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Figure 8.13 Reagent Bar Code Scanning Check Screen

Select OK to finish the alignment.

8.13 Sample Carousel Bar Code Scanning Check

Alignment index: Scanning is performed continuously; all bar codes are recognized correctly; repeated
scanning results are consistent.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Take 50 tubes with bar codes. The bar codes must be clear, free of dirty and scratches, not inclined, and pasted
flatly. Requirements for bar code pasting distances are shown in the figure below:

Bar code is within this region

Figure 8.14 Requirement for Sample Bar Code Position

Click 12 Sample carousel bar code scanning check; click the clockwise and counter clockwise following the
software prompts; place tubes with sample bar codes at all sample carousel positions; enter the scanning
screen and enter the scan times: 5 (cycles); click Start to scan the bar codes; feed back the identification
information, which should be consistent with the actual bar codes; the results of repeated scanning
comparison are consistent.
Select OK to finish the alignment.

8.14 Vertical Home Position of the Probe

Alignment index: Plane of the fixture slice 898-000719-00 is against the bottom of the wash swab, and the
probe moves downward automatically to detect the fixture, and then the fixture is removed. The software is
calibrated automatically to obtain the vertical home position parameters of the probe.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 13 Vertical home position of the probe; make plane of the fixture slice 898-000719-00 against the swab
bottom according to the software prompts and steps as well as the screen prompts; click Continue. The probe
moves downward automatically first, and then slows down and stops immediately upon detecting the fixture
plane. Remove the fixture following the prompts. The software automatically runs and calculates the home
position of the probe;
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The fixture plane is

against the bottom of
the swab

Figure 8.15 Schematic Diagram of Vertical Home Position of the Probe

Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

Note: After the vertical home position of the probe is aligned again, it is necessary to align the VLP of probe to
reagent carousel, VLP of probe to sample position, VLP of probe to mixing position 1 and VLP of probe to mixing
position 2 again.

8.15 VLP of Probe to Reagent Carousel

Alignment index: Place the reagent box at position 6#; the height between the home position of the probe and
the plane of reagent boxes Rb and Rc is calculated automatically, so that VLP of probe to reagent carousel is
calculated and obtained automatically.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 14 VLP of probe to reagent carousel. Load a reagent box at position 1# following the software prompts
and steps; Z axis is powered off when the probe horizontally moves to the above of Rc and returns back for a
certain distance. The probe spring guide column is pressed with hands, and the probe is moved down slowly,
so that the probe is just against the plane between reagent boxes Rb and Rc. You can stop when you feel that
the resistance increases obviously after pressing the guide column slightly (It is not allowed to press forcedly,
and the spring should not be pressed by the probe).

The probe tip touches

the upper surface of
reagent box

Figure 8.16 Schematic Diagram of VLP of Probe to Reagent Carousel

Click OK to start auto calibration; the probe is powered on, rises automatically and stops after finding position

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zero; the parameters are calculated, obtained, and configured automatically.

Select Continue to finish the alignment.

8.16 VLP of Probe to Sample Position

Alignment index: VLP of probe to sample position is calculated and obtained automatically after the plane
height above the probe sample rack is calculated automatically.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 15 VLP of probe to sample position. Following the software prompts and steps, Z axis is powered off
when the probe moves horizontally to the above of sample position and returns back for a certain distance. The
probe spring guide column is pressed with hands, and the probe is moved down slowly, so that the probe tip is
just against the plane on the sample position. You can stop when you feel that the resistance increases obviously
after pressing the guide column slightly (It is not allowed to press forcedly, and the spring should not be pressed
by the probe).

The probe tip

touches the
upper surface
of rack

Click OK to start auto calibration; the probe is powered on, rises automatically and stops after finding position
zero; the parameters are calculated, obtained, and configured automatically.
Select Continue to finish the alignment.

8.17 VLP of Probe to Mixing Position 1

Alignment index: Place alignment fixture 898-000736-00 at mixing position 1; the probe performs 6 bottom
detection actions at this position; if the height difference of 6 detections is less than or equal to 4 microsteps,
the height of the 6 detections is averaged and configured to the instrument. Otherwise, the calibration fails.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 16 VLP of probe to mixing position 1; place alignment fixture 898-000736-00 at mixing position 1
following the software prompts and steps; make the fixture bottom notch align the mixing base notch; make sure
the fixture is dry, and does not touch the probe. The probe will automatically run down slowly, and stops
automatically after contacting and detecting the fixture bottom of mixing position 1. Then, it rises automatically
to look for the position zero, repeats the action for 6 times, and configures the parameters after calculating the

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The bottom gap of

fixture is aligned with
the mixing base gap.

Figure 8.17 Schematic Diagram of VLP of Probe to Mixing Position 1

Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.

Note: For the alignment of VLP of probe to mixing position, whether the bottom is reached is determined based
on the change of capacitance AD produced after the probe tip contacts the fixture bottom, so it is necessary to
pay attention to the following matters:
1. Please check whether the bottom of the fixture is clean before alignment. Otherwise, please wipe it with a
cotton swab with alcohol before alignment.
2. VLP alignment cannot be performed before the horizontal position of the probe mixing position is aligned.

8.18 VLP of Probe to Mixing Position 2

Alignment index: Place alignment fixture 898-000736-00 at mixing position 2; the probe performs 6 bottom
detection actions at this position; if the height difference of 6 detections is less than or equal to 4 microsteps,
the height of the 6 detections is averaged and configured to the instrument. Otherwise, the calibration fails.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Click 17 VLP of probe to mixing position 2; place alignment fixture 898-000736-00 at mixing position 2
following the software prompts and steps; make the fixture bottom notch align the mixing base notch; make sure
the fixture is dry, and does not touch the probe. The probe will automatically run down slowly, and stops
automatically after contacting and detecting the fixture bottom of mixing position 2. Then, it rises automatically
to look for the position zero, repeats the action for 6 times, and configures the parameters after calculating the
Select Continue to save parameters and finish the alignment.
Note: For the alignment of VLP of probe to mixing position, whether the bottom is reached is determined based
on the change of capacitance AD produced after the probe tip contacts the fixture bottom, so it is necessary to
pay attention to the following matters:
1. Please check whether the bottom of the fixture is clean before alignment. Otherwise, please wipe it with a
cotton swab with alcohol before alignment.
2. VLP alignment cannot be performed before the horizontal position of the probe mixing position is aligned.

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Chapter 9 Transport System Alignment

Enter Transport System Alignment.

Figure 9.1 Transport System Alignment

system alignment

Electromagnet check for

Finger’s home position
cuvette box

HP of cuvette
HP of the right HP of the left HP of mixing HP of mixing HP of substrate mixing HP of dispersion IO HP of incubation HP of photometric HP of discharging
cuvette box cuvette box position 1 position 2 position port block position liquid level

VP of right VP of left cuvette

cuvette box Vertical position of the VP of dispersion IO VP of incubation
box position mixing position
position port block


Figure 9.2 Flow Chart of Transport System Alignment

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1. When adjusting the horizontal position of the gripper, manually press the center position of the upper
plane of the Z axis motor; do not press it forcedly to avoid collision.
2. When adjusting the horizontal position of the gripper, first roughly align the fixture hole center; do not
clear microstep movement when pressing the arrows to adjust the position. If offset exists in the case of
confirmation, microstep alignment can be performed again. At this time, microstep movement is zeroed,
and make sure to avoid collision with your hands and body.
3. The alignment fixture axis on your finger cannot be pressed into the fixture hole in the target position
forcedly. After alignment, gently press it down to the hole, and make sure the gap is uniform around it.
You can also rotate the fixture below. It should be rotated smoothly and cannot be choked by the axis.

Use fingers to
press gently

Even gaps
around the

Figure 9.3 Schematic Diagram of Gripper Position Alignment

9.2 Electromagnet Check for Cuvette Box

Alignment index: Electromagnets of the two cuvette box drawers are attracted normally. When the
electromagnets are attracted, the corresponding drawer cannot be pulled out; otherwise, it could be pulled out.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Click Electromagnet check for cuvette box; enter the alignment procedure, the two drawers can be pulled
out first according to the screen requirements. Then, drawer 1 is attracted and cannot be pulled out, while
drawer 2 is not attracted and can be pulled out; finally, drawer 1 is not attracted and can be pulled out, while
drawer 2 is attracted and cannot be pulled out;
2) Select Continue to return back to the Unit Screen and finish the alignment.

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9.3 Finger’s Home Position

Alignment index: When the fingers move to the home position, pinch the middle of the fingers with proper force
(to prevent deformation or damage) and check if they cannot be closed.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Click 2. Finger’s Home Position, and then click Continue to enter the next step.
2) Pinch the middle of the fingers with proper force. The fingers cannot be closed. If they do, check the big
and small cams and use the left/right arrow buttons to adjust them. In case the small cam is in front of the
big one, select clockwise arrow button to increase the opening parameter; otherwise, select counter
clockwise arrow button to decrease it, till requests are met.
3) Click Continue to confirm again that the fingers meet requirements. Click Continue once more to finish
the alignment.

Big cam
Small cam

Pinch the middle

part of finger

Figure 9.4 Cam

9.4 HP of Discarding Position

Alignment index: Adjust the position of the cuvette gripper fingers until the fingers are aligned with the center
position of the waste container opening in X axis and can enter the position of waste container opening in Y
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Click 3. HP of Discarding Position; adjust the front/rear and left/right positions of the gripper fingers
according to the software prompts and steps. Press the Z axis of the gripper manually. The fingers should
be aligned with the center position of the waste container opening in X axis (confirm that they can also
enter the gripper notch in Y axis); click Continue to confirm the position of the fingers meets the
requirements of the index. Otherwise, click the arrows again to adjust the position of the gripper fingers
until the requirement of the index is met.

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Observe from the lower

side of gripper X axis
arm: the gripper is at the
center of opening

Figure 9.5 Schematic Diagram of HP of Discarding Position

Note: If the waste container welds are not mounted, the position can be aligned after the welds are mounted,
but before discarding.

9.5 HP of the Right Cuvette Box

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 should align with the hole center of pseudo cuvette
fixture BM10-J05-002 at upper left corner, lower left corner and lower right corner of the right cuvette box.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Put 1 set of pseudo cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 into the upper left corner, lower left corner and lower
right corner of an empty cuvette box.

Place three
tools at these
three positions
at a time

Left Cuvette Box Right Cuvette Box

Figure 9.6 Schematic Diagram of HP of the Right cuvette Box

2) Click 4. HP of the right cuvette box; pull out the tray according to the software prompts and steps; load
the ready cuvette box and fixture on the tray, and place fixture BM10-J08-007 on the finger. According to
the software prompts, HP of 3 cuvette position holes in the right cuvette box is aligned; the fixture shaft
should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is uniform; otherwise, you
should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and right/left arrow buttons until
the requirements are met. After each position alignment is finished, click Continue to confirm whether the
position alignment meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow buttons again to adjust the position
(confirm the step microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met. Put
the fixture into the drawer when the drawer magnet is powered off, and then push the drawer for attracting
to prevent alignment errors.

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9.6 HP of the Left Cuvette Box

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 should align with the hole center of pseudo cuvette
fixture BM10-J05-002 at upper left corner, lower left corner and lower right corner of the left cuvette box.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Put 1 set of pseudo cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 into the upper left corner, lower left corner and lower
right corner of an empty cuvette box.
2) Click 5. HP of the left cuvette box; pull out the tray according to the software prompts and steps; load the
ready cuvette box and fixture on the tray, and place fixture BM10-J08-007 on the finger. According to the
software prompts, HP of 3 cuvette position holes in the left cuvette box is aligned; the fixture shaft should
be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is uniform; otherwise, you should
adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and right/left arrow buttons until the
requirements are met. After each position alignment is finished, click Continue to confirm whether the
position alignment meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow buttons again to adjust the position
(confirm the step microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met. Put
the fixture into the drawer when the drawer magnet is powered off, and then push the drawer for attracting
to prevent alignment errors.

9.7 HP of Incubation Module

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 should align with the hole center of pseudo cuvette
fixture BM10-J05-002 at lower right corner (1, 1), lower left corner (1, 12) and upper left corner (7, 12), of the
incubation module.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Put 3 sets of pseudo cuvette fixtures into the holes at the lower right corner (1, 1), lower left corner (1, 12)
and upper left corner (7, 12) of the incubation module, which should be installed in place.

Place alignment
tools at these
three positions

Figure 9.7 Schematic Diagram of HP Alignment of Incubation Module

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2) Click 6. HP of incubation module. Position alignment is completed following the software prompts and
steps. The fixture shaft should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is
uniform; otherwise, you should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and
right/left arrow buttons until the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the position
alignment meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position (confirm the
step microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.8 HP of Dispersion Carousel IO Outlet

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 can make the gripper hole in dispersion carousel
align with the hole center of dispersion IO position fixture 898-000720-00.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Click 7. HP of dispersion carousel IO outlet; place alignment fixture 898-000720-00 at the dispersion IO
outlet following the software prompts and steps, and put fixture into the gripper;

Fixture 898-000720-00

Figure 9.8 Schematic Diagram of Alignment of HP of Dispersion Carousel IO Outlet

2) The fixture shaft should be aligned with the center hole of the fixture, and the clearance is uniform; otherwise,
you should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and right/left arrow buttons
until the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the position alignment meets the
requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position (confirm the step microstep
movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.9 HP of Mixing Position 1

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 can align with the hole center of the sample position
pseudo cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 in mixing position 1.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Put 1 set of sample position pseudo cuvette fixture into the hole of mixing position 1. Click 8. HP of Mixing
Position 1. Position alignment is completed following the software prompts and steps. The fixture shaft
should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is uniform; otherwise, you
should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and right/left arrow buttons until

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the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the position alignment meets the
requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position (confirm the step microstep
movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.10 HP of Mixing Position 2

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 can align with the hole center of the sample position
pseudo cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 in mixing position 2.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Put 1 set of sample position pseudo cuvette fixture into the hole of mixing position 2.
2) Click 9. HP of Mixing Position 2. Position alignment is completed following the software prompts and
steps. The fixture shaft should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is
uniform; otherwise, you should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and
right/left arrow buttons until the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the position
alignment meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position (confirm the
step microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.11 HP of Substrate Mixing Position

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 can align with the hole center of the sample position
pseudo cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 in the substrate mixing position.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Put 1 set of sample position pseudo cuvette fixture into the hole of the substrate mixing position. Click 10.
HP of Substrate Mixing Position. Position alignment is completed following the software prompts and
steps. The fixture shaft should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is
uniform; otherwise, you should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and
right/left arrow buttons until the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the position
alignment meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position (confirm the
step microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.12 HP of Waste Drainage Position

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 can align with the hole center of the pseudo cuvette
fixture BM10-J05-002 in the waste drainage position.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Place the pseudo cuvette fixture in the photometer position on the incubation module.

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Place alignment
tool at the waste
drainage position

Figure 9.9 Schematic Diagram of HP of Waste Drainage Position Alignment

2) Click 11. HP of waste drainage position. Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 and sample
position pseudo cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 are aligned following the software prompts and steps.
The fixture shaft should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is
uniform; otherwise, you should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear
and right/left arrow buttons until the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the
position alignment meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position
(confirm the step microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.13 HP of Photometer Position

Alignment index: Finger adjustment fixture BM10-J08-007 can align with the hole center of the pseudo cuvette
fixture BM10-J05-002 in the photometer position.
Note: When adjusting the direction arrow in the position confirmation process, keep you away from the
movement range of the gripper to avoid collision.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Place the pseudo cuvette fixture in the photometer position on the incubation module.

Place alignment
tool at the

Figure 9.10 Schematic Diagram of HP of Photometer Position Alignment

2) Click 12. HP of photometer position. The finger fixture BM10-J08-007 and sample position pseudo
cuvette fixture BM10-J05-002 are aligned following the software prompts and steps. The fixture shaft
should be aligned with the hole of the pseudo cuvette fixture, and the clearance is uniform; otherwise,

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you should adjust the position of the gripper’s X and Y axes using the front/rear and right/left arrow
buttons until the requirements are met. Click Continue to confirm whether the position alignment
meets the requirements. If not, click the arrow button again to adjust the position (confirm the step
microstep movement is zeroed, and avoid collision) until the requirements are met.

9.14 VP of Right Cuvette Box Position

Alignment index: After cuvette position gripping at four corners of the right cuvette box, the bottom edge of the
gripper should be aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Take 4 cuvettes, place the cuvette depth fixture BM10-J08-002 in the cuvettes, and then place them in the
cuvette positions at the four corners of the right cuvette box.

Place the
fixture in
the cuvette

Place fixtures
The fixture at four corners
edge can
be seen

Figure 9.11 Schematic Diagram of VP Alignment of the Gripper

2) Click 13. VP of right cuvette box position. Gripping is performed at the cuvette positions at four corners
from the finger to the right cuvette box following the software prompts and steps; visually check whether
the bottom edge of the gripper is aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the
cuvette. If not, click the up/down arrow buttons to adjust the gripper until the requirements are met.

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9.15 VP of Left Cuvette Box Position

Alignment index: After cuvette position gripping at four corners of the left cuvette box, the bottom edge of the
gripper should be aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Take 4 cuvettes, place the cuvette depth fixture BM10-J08-002 in the cuvettes, and then place them in the
cuvette positions at the four corners of the left cuvette box.
2) Click 14. VP of left cuvette box position. Gripping is performed at the cuvette positions at four corners
from the finger to the left cuvette box following the software prompts and steps; visually check whether the
bottom edge of the gripper is aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette.
If not, click the up/down arrow buttons to adjust the gripper until the requirements are met.

9.16 VP of Incubation Module

Alignment index: After incubating position gripping at four corners, the bottom edge of the gripper should be
aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Take 4 cuvettes, place the cuvette depth fixture BM10-J08-002 in the cuvettes, and then place them in the
cuvette holes at the four corners of the incubation position.

Place fixtures at
four corners

2) Click 15. VP of Incubating Position. Gripping is performed at four corners from the finger to the incubating
position following the software prompts and steps; visually check whether the bottom edge of the gripper
is aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette. If not, click the up/down
arrow buttons to adjust the gripper until the requirements are met.

9.17 VP of Dispersion IO Outlet

Alignment index: After dispersion IO outlet gripping, the bottom edge of the gripper should be aligned with the
bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Take a cuvette, place the cuvette depth fixture BM10-J08-002 in the cuvette, and then place it in the
dispersion carousel position IO.
2) Click 16. VP of dispersion IO outlet. Gripping is performed from the finger to dispersion carousel position

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IO following the software prompts and steps; visually check whether the bottom edge of the gripper is
aligned with the bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette. If not, click the up/down
arrow buttons to adjust the gripper until the requirements are met.

9.18 Vertical Position of the Mixing Position

Alignment index: After gripping at mixing position 1, the bottom edge of the gripper should be aligned with the
bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Take a cuvette, place the cuvette depth fixture BM10-J08-002 in the cuvette, and then place it in mixing
position 1.
2) Click 17. VP of mixing position. Gripping is performed from the finger to the mixing position following the
software prompts and steps; visually check whether the bottom edge of the gripper is aligned with the
bottom edge of the gripper depth fixture groove in the cuvette. If not, click the up/down arrow buttons to
adjust the gripper until the requirements are met.

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Chapter 10 Hydropneumatic System

Select Utility—>Maintenance—>Alignment—>Hydro unit.
1. Before the alignment described in this chapter, confirm that relevant mechanical positions, except the deck
plate, have been aligned.
2. Fresh and clean purified water must be used for aligning the substrate system.
3. If the liquid path leaks or chemical fluid, such as wash buffer and substrate, drops, wear plastic gloves to
tighten the joints, and then use paper or cloth to wipe it to dry.

10.1 Preparations for Fluidics Alignment

1. Waste pipeline: Pipes and adapters for two waste outlets in the fluidics inlet and outlet module are
connected with the discharge pipe of the production waste; the waste sensor module is inserted into the
terminal of the component, and the waste sensor is placed correctly (do not pollute the waste floater when
the waste bucket is not used; Note that correct BM50 waste floater sensor 115-050123-00 should be used
because it is different from other products).
2. Inlet pipeline: Two wash buffer lines and bottle cap components are connected. Note that wash buffer 1 of
the fluidics inlet is connected to the wash buffer bottle cap assembly marked with "1”, and wash buffer 2 is
connected to the wash buffer bottle cap assembly marked with "2”.

Wa sh
buffer 1

Wa sh
buffer 2

Figure 10.1 Schematic Diagram of Fluidic Inlet and Outlet

Note: After loading the wash buffer, barrels for wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2 are not allowed to be exchanged
with each other.

10.2 Cleaning and Priming Substrate Tubes

Alignment index: Rinse the substrate tube with purified water, and empty the bubbles in the tube; clean the
tube with acid wash buffer, and empty the acid wash buffer; then, rinse the substrate tube with purified water
again, and empty the tube; finally, prime substrates, and tighten the joints.
1) Stop immediately in the case of liquid leakage; wear gloves to tighten the connector, and wipe out the leakage.
2) Fresh and clean purified water must be used for alignment. The following substrate process requirements
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are the same.

3) Avoid the substrate outlet tube and substrate spikes from contacting other objects or liquid. Otherwise, use
the acid wash buffer and purified water to clean it.
4) When no contamination and leakage occur, the substrate bottle can be used repeatedly. Use a clean and
sealed bag to pack it to keep the cap from contamination.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Clean with purified water Empty purified water Clean with acid lotion Empty acid lotion
for the first time for the first time for the second time for the first time

Use purified water substrate 1 Empty the positions of substrate Use acid lotion substrate 1 and Empty the positions of substrate
and substrate 2 to carry out 1 and substrate 2 16 times substrate 2 to carry out cleaning 1 and substrate 2 16 times
cleaning 16 times respectively respectively 16 times respectively respectively

Clean with purified water Empty purified water Priming substrate

for the third time for the third time for the fourth time

Use purified water substrate 1 Empty the positions of substrate Use substrate 1 and substrate 2
and substrate 2 to carry out 1 and substrate 2 16 times Load substrate 1 and substrate 2 for priming 25 times
cleaning 16 times respectively respectively respectively

Figure 10.2 Process of Cleaning and Priming Substrate Tubes

First, clean or empty the substrate:

1) Prepare 2 bottles of acid wash buffer 105-004838-00 (at least 50ml) and two substrate bottles with purified
2) Place the substrate tube in the waste container, and keep the two spikes positions vacant.
3) Enter the Alignment screen and select Fluidics Alignment;
4) Enter 2. Substrate tube cleaning - > Continue (C); operate following the prompts; click OK (A) as shown
in the figure below.

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Protect dispersion Remove the

IO port substrate drain tube

Remove the substrate Insert the substrate drain

tube holder (note to tube into the connector
protect the substrate (note to protect the
tube) connector and hose)

Figure 10.3 Schematic Diagram 1 of Cleaning Substrate Tubes

Note: Remove the screws carefully to avoid them from falling into the dispersion carousel; in this process, cover
the dispersion carousel IO outlet with high temperature tape and remove the tape after the operation.
Protect the substrate tube from bending. Protect the hose at the substrate joint and the joint outlet from
5) Step 2: Clean the substrate tube with purified water, and fill purified water in the two clean substrate bottles;
load them to positions of substrate L and substrate R, and then click Clean substrate on the software;
confirm that the operation is performed as required, and click OK to enter the cleaning screen. [Execution
Times] is 16 by default; the system automatically starts to clean the substrate channel L and channel R with
purified water; during the cleaning process, observe that the screen prompt turns gradually to bubbles are
not detected in substrate tube. Observe that the joints of the substrate tube are inserted in place without

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Insert the
conversion tube
in position
Insert the
conversion tube
to the root of
valve connector

Figure 10.4 Schematic Diagram 2 of Cleaning Substrate Tubes

6) Click Continue to go to step 3; empty the pure water in the substrate tube; remove the clean substrate
bottles with purified water at substrate L and substrate R; Click Empty substrate. The system indicates
that the substrate should be emptied. Confirm it and enter the empty screen. Set [Execution times] to default
to empty the purified water in channel L and channel R, and observe that the screen prompt turns gradually
to bubbles are detected in substrate tube, and then exit the screen after completion.

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7) Click Continue to go to step 4; clean the substrate tube with acid wash buffer; fill substrate bottles L and R
with acid wash buffer, and loosen the bottle caps; click Clean substrate, confirm that the two substrate
positions have been loaded with acid wash buffer; enter the wash screen, and set [Execution times] to
default; the system automatically starts to clean the substrate channel with acid wash buffer, and the screen
prompt turns gradually to bubbles are not detected in substrate tube. Exit the screen after completion.
8) Click Continue to go to step 5; empty the acid wash buffer in the substrate tube; click Empty substrate,
remove the acid wash buffer bottles of substrates L and R according to the prompt, and click OK to enter
the empty screen. Set [Execution times] to default to empty the acid wash buffer in channel L and channel
R, and observe that the screen prompt turns gradually to bubbles are detected in substrate tube, and
then exit the screen after completion.
9) Click Continue to go to step 6; clean the substrate tube again with purified water; click Clean substrate,
replace the purified water in the two clean substrate bottles according to the prompt; load them to positions
of substrate L and substrate R; enter the wash screen, and set [Execution times] to default; The system
automatically starts to clean the substrate channels L and R with purified water, and the screen prompt
turns gradually to bubbles are not detected in substrate tube. Exit the screen after completion.
10) Click Continue to go to step 7; empty the purified water in the substrate tube; click Empty substrate,
remove the purified water bottles of substrates L and R according to the prompt, and click OK to enter the
empty screen. Set [Execution times] to default to empty the purified water in channel L and channel R, and
observe that the screen prompt turns gradually to bubbles are detected in substrate tube, and then exit
the screen after completion.
11) After the substrate cleaning is completed, the screen prompts to restore the tubing installation. Because
you need to prime the substrate later, you can temporarily leave it. Tap Continue to complete the process;
Priming substrate:
1) Prepare balanced substrate; check that the balance time has 6 hours, and the substrate is within the shelf
Material Code Material Description Quantity
Chemiluminescent 2 bottles
substrate solution

2) Exit the alignment screen; enter Reagent - > Material management screen, and select Substrate L, and

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then click Load to pop up the loading screen; use a hand-held bar code reader to scan the bar code of the
substrate bottle, and load the identified substrate bottle (tear off the bottom foil of the substrate bottle) to
the position of substrate L. Load substrate R using the same method. After loading, loosen the substrate
bottle cap for further priming.

Figure 10.5 Schematic Diagram of Substrate Load

3) Return to Utility > Alignment > Fluidics Alignment; enter 4. Substrate Fluidic Prime (Note: do not enter 2.
Clean substrate tube), and click Continue to process the substrate tube following the screen prompts; the
step aims only to confirm the tube because the substrate tube is cleaned and not restored.
4) Go to step 2, and select the tube Substrate L& substrate R loaded with substrate, confirm that substrate is
loaded to the substrate L and substrate R according to the prompt. Click OK to automatically enter the
priming screen and start to prime. Substrate L and substrate R are primed for 25 times, and the tube status
should be Normal. The system exits the screen automatically when the operation is done. (If the priming is
interrupted midway, in order to avoid abnormality of the subsequent tests, you need to restart the process
to perform the complete priming process.)

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Figure 10.6 Schematic Diagram of Substrate Prime

5) Restore the substrate tube following the screen prompts in step 3.

5. Once the substrate tube is cleaned, screw up the nut of substrate tube holder and remove the substrate drain tube, and then mount it
back to the substrate tube holder; insert the plug into the substrate drain tube and put it back to the liquid separator. Please Note that
the insertion depth must be over 2 mm.

Note: Carefully install the screws. Do not drop screws into the dispersion carousel. Remove the protection cover
for the IO port of the dispersion carousel at the last step.
Protect the substrate tube from bending. Protect the hose at the substrate joint and the joint outlet from
Make sure the three hand-operated nuts are tightened.

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Insertion depth of
substrate drain tube
must be over 2 mm

Confirm it is

Remove at last
Fix with cable tie

Fasten the screws. Do

not drop the screws in
the dispersion

Figure 10.7 Schematic Diagram of Substrate Tube Restoration and Installation

10.3 Floater Check

Alignment index: High position of the waste tank floater indicates full, and low position indicates not full.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Click Alignment > Fluidics Alignment > 1. Waste Tank Floater Check, and enter the process; click
Continue to enter the screen. The floater state is displayed.
2) Change the position of the floater manually. Check if the floater position matches the status in the following
Physical Location of
Hydro Container Floater Name Software Display
Waste tank floater High/low Full
Waste tank
sensor Low position Not full

Full or not full

Figure 10.8 Fluidics Alignment - Waste Tank Floater Check

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10.4 Vacuum Pressure Check

Alignment index: The pressure displayed on the screen is less than -30KPa and the curve is steady. No alarm
is given when the vacuum is released.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Enter Fluidics Alignment > 5. Vacuum Pressure Check screen; then, click Continue to enter the
pressure drawing page;


Pressure stabilized under -30 KPa

Figure 10.9 Vacuum Pressure Check Screen

2) Click Start. The screen starts to draw the pressure curve. Execute Establish Vacuum. After the pressure
becomes stable, the primary vacuum pressure displayed should be no more than -30KPa. Then, execute
Release Vacuum and exit the page.
Note: Observe the pressure curve continuously. The pressure curve should be kept straight without gradual
upward trend. Otherwise, confirm whether leakage exists in the vacuum tube.

10.5 Waste Drainage Tube Check

Alignment index:
1) check the waste tube and waste drainage tube of the reagent pot are connected correctly with no leakage
in relevant tubes.
2) The waste can be discharged smoothly.
3) The tube is smooth after the waste drainage tube is clamped into the infusion tube clamp.
Alignment methods and procedure:
4) Enter Fluidics Alignment > 6. Waste Drainage Tube Check; view only alignment-related descriptions on
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the screen in the case of alignment. Fill a syringe with purified water for use.
5) Step 2: Click Reagent Compartment Draining in the lower right corner and enter Reagent Compartment
Draining screen; fill purified water slowly along the pot wall from the reagent pot suction plate window
(shown in the figure below), and execute the drainage for several times. In the process of drainage, confirm
the drainage tube runs to V10, V11, V12 and then to V13, to LP2 waste pump, and finally discharges from
the waste tube of liquid outlet. The tube is free from leakage, extrusion and bending, and the waste pump
runs smoothly. Then, click Continue after check.

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Use a syringe to
inject purified
water from this
position (hole at
the carousel

Liquid flow in the

condensate drainage Discharge
pipeline of reagent bin waste 2

Figure 10.10 Schematic Diagram of Waste Drainage Tube Check

⚫ Observe that the waste flows normally in the waste tube from the left side of the reagent carousel, bottom
of the reagent pot and the liquid inlet and outlet.
⚫ And confirm that the tube is not extruded or bent, and is free of leakage.
6) Step 3: Place a cuvette full of water in the Waste Drainage Position, and then click Waste Drainage at the
bottom right corner. A prompt box pops up: A cuvette full of water is place in the Waste Drainage
Position before waste drainage. Then, click OK to execute waste drainage once, and confirm that the
suction tube runs to the vacuum chamber, and then to LP2 waste pump, that the tube is free from leakage,
extrusion and bending, that the waste pump runs smoothly, and that the hose connected to the waste
discharge probe is clamped into the infusion tube clamp. Then, click Exit and operate according to the
prompt "Please remove the cuvette at the waste drainage position".

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Make sure a reaction

cuvette full of water
is placed at the waste
liquid draining

Figure 10.11 Schematic Diagram of Waste Drainage Probe Tube Check

⚫ Remove the cuvette and confirm that there is no residual liquid at its bottom (liquid beads on the wall are
7) Select Continue to exit the screen.

Waste pipe
clamped in the
The pipeline perfusion tube
cannot be folded clamp

Figure 10.12 Schematic Diagram of Waste Discharge Probe

10.6 Sample Probe Wash Tube Check

Alignment index:
1) Check if the probe wash tubes and components are properly connected with no leakage in relevant tubes.
2) The sample probe can eject liquid continuously, and the liquid in the wash tank can be discharged smoothly.
3) The swab is connected to the tube correctly and inserted into place, and the inlet tube is filled with no
Alignment methods and procedure:
4) Before priming, check the wash buffer on the left of the instrument and the state of the two sensors on the
component. Lamp of the sensor is on before priming.
5) Enter Fluidics Alignment > 7. Check sample probe wash tube; check that connectors between the
sample probe and the tube are tightened, and click Continue;
6) Step 2: Click Check at the lower right corner; enter the number and tube and select wash buffer 1 or wash
buffer 2; click Start to clean and prime inner and outer walls of the probe. Clean and prime probe inner and
outer walls of wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2, respectively. (Set the execution times to default); bottle cap
tube of wash buffer 2 should be kept empty when wash buffer 1 is primed (do not put it into the bucket),
and vice versa. During priming, observe the tube priming of wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2, and wait for
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the liquid to be continuously ejected from the sample probe. (Stop immediately and check it if leakage
occurs during execution or the liquid enters into the tube slowly).

When wash buffer 1 is selected, place the

bottle cap pipeline inlet of wash buffer 1 in
the water tank and keep the bottle cap
pipeline of wash buffer 2 empty; when it is
switched to wash buffer 2, place the bottle
cap pipeline inlet of wash buffer 2 in the
water tank, and keep the bottle cap pipeline
of wash buffer 1 empty. The two bottle cap
pipelines cannot be placed under the liquid
level of purified water tank at the same time.

Figure 10.13 Prime Sample Probe Wash Tubes Screen

⚫ Set the priming times to default first. After completion, the probe inner and outer wall tubes should be filled.
If the tubes are not full or no liquid can be observed (the screen indicates bubbles detected), it is necessary
to confirm if the tubes are connected correctly.
⚫ Priming should be performed for both wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2; bottle cap tube of wash buffer 2
should be kept empty when wash buffer 1 is primed, and vice versa. Otherwise, it is not easy to find the
incorrect connection of wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2.
⚫ When performing priming, run the sample probe first into the wash well to perform inner wall priming. Then,
life the probe to carry out outer wall and swab priming.
7) Confirm the two inlet tubes of wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2 and the probe sampling tube. The wash
buffers should run to V15 and V16 from the inlets; two syringes, V17, probe, swab, tubes and joints are
free of leakage; confirm that the tubes of the two wash buffer check assemblies are filled with liquid with no
bubbles; after the liquid is primed, the sensor indicator is off; the two sensors correspond one by one, 1
connecting wash buffer bucket 1 and 2 connecting the wash buffer bucket 2; the software screen indicates
that tubes of wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2 are connected correctly, and no bubbles are detected.

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The indicator
The indicator is
goes out after
on (which can be
liquid is primed observed at the
board back) in the
priming status

Figure 10.14 Wash Buffer Bubble Check

8) Observe the sample probe can eject fluid continuously into the wash well.

Observe that the probe Check if the pipe on the

sprays water to the rocker arm is filled with
wash well and is liquid and free of air
drained smoothly bubbles, and there is no
leakage at the joint

Figure 10.15 Schematic Diagram of Prime Sample Probe Inner Wall Wash Tubes

9) When cleaning and priming probe outer wall, observe the swab tube is filled with liquid, and no liquid drips
from the swab after the priming is completed.

The liquid inlet

(thin) pipe and
liquid outlet (thick)
pipe cannot be
connected reversely

The liquid
inlet pipe is Inserted in
filled with position
liquid and free
of air bubbles

Figure 10.16 Schematic Diagram of Prime Sample Probe Outer Wall Wash Tubes

10) Check and confirm that the waste tube connected to the swab runs to V18, and the wash well to V18, and
then from V18 to waste pump LP1 and finally to the liquid inlet and outlet, with on leakage, and the liquid is
smoothly discharged to the waste barrel.
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Waste 1 tube
drains waste

Figure 10.17 Schematic Diagram of Waste 1 Tube

11) Complete check and stop priming.

10.7 Check Hydraulic Pressure on Sample Probe Aspirating and Draining

Alignment index: The alignment software detects hydraulic pressure automatically, the screen displays pass,
and the three sections of pressure curve have no exception.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Preconditions: Prime Sample Probe Wash Tubes is completed;
2) Enter Fluidics Alignment > 8. Check Hydraulic Pressure on Sample Probe Aspirating and Draining
screen. Preparations: connect water buffer 1 of fluidics inlet to purified bucket and to waste bucket, and
click Continue.
3) Step 2: Click Continue; measure hydraulic pressure on sample probe aspirating and draining, and enter
the pressure curve screen; observe the pressure curve, complete the check and return pass.

curve stable

Figure 10.18 Check Hydraulic Pressure on Sample Probe Aspirating and Draining screen

Note: The system detects automatically, performs syringe suction, slow and fast drainage, and automatically

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draws three curves.

Observe that the three curves should be stable with no obvious fluctuations or instability (as showed in the figure
below). Otherwise, check whether the inner wall wash tube has leakage.



Check if the
pipeline of sample
probe leaks

Figure 10.19 Check of Hydraulic Pressure Exception on Sample Probe Aspirating and Draining

10.8 Dispersion Aspirate Tube Check

Alignment index:
1) Dispersion phase-1, phase-2, phase-3 dispensing probes can perform dispension, with no connection
error; the tube is full of liquid, with no leakage or overflow.
2) The waste is discharged smoothly and free from leakage.
3) The dispersion drainage tube has been restored and installed, and it is clamped into the infusion tube
clamp. The tube is smooth without excessive bending.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Enter Fluidics Alignment - 9. Check or Empty Dispersion Aspirate Tubes; prepare containers filled with
purified water, and click Continue;
2) Step 2: Click Phase-1 Aspiration at the lower right corner. The screen indicates Immerse phase-1
aspirating probe into purified water. Click OK after completion; the default aspiration times is 1 (increase
as required); click Start to perform dispersion aspiration; observe whether phase-1 dispersion aspirating
tube is full of wash buffer in the process of execution with no leakage. If phase-1 aspiration is not performed,
check whether phase-1 tube is incorrectly connected to phase-2 and phase-3 tubes. If so, correct the
connection. Then, click Exit and then Continue; observe whether the liquid is discharged from the waste

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Aspirating probe
The sample installation position
probe aspirates Aspirating probe of phase 1
liquid. Observe installation position
the process that of phase 3
the pipe changes
from the empty
status to the
liquid aspirating
status, and the
liquid column
moves until the
pipe is filled.

Figure 10.20 Schematic Diagram of Check Dispersion Dispensing Tube

Click Continue. The screen will instruct you to wipe phase-1 aspirating probe with dust cloth and put it back in

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Figure 10.21 Restoring Installation Prompt of Dispersion Aspirating Probes

3) Step 3: Perform Phase-2 Aspiration with the same method; perform multiple dispersion aspirations, and
observe whether phase-2 dispersion aspirating tube is full of wash buffer with no leakage, and liquid is
discharged from the waste tube.
4) Step 4: Perform Phase-3 Aspiration with the same method; perform multiple dispersion aspirations, and
observe whether phase-3 dispersion aspirating tube is full of wash buffer with no leakage, and liquid is
discharged from the waste tube.
5) Click Continue to exit the screen after completion; clean the aspirating probe with dust-free cloth and put
it back; the tubes should be connected correctly: phase-1 T38 connects to V06, phase-2 T42 connects to
V07, and phase-3 T46 connects to V08. The tubes are mounted back in place; the tubes are smooth without
bending, and are clamped into the infusion tube clamp.

The dispersion
aspirating tube
has been
clamped into the
perfusion tube Aspirating probe
clamp installation
position of phase 1

Aspirating probe
installation position
of phase 3

Figure 10.22 Installation Diagram of Three Phases of Aspirating Probes Tubes

Note: Phase-1, phase-2 and phase-3 aspirating tubes are confirmed one by one and connected correctly.

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10.9 Check Dispersion Wash Tube

Alignment index:
1) Check if the dispersion wash tubes and components are properly connected and inserted in place with no
leakage in relevant tubes.
2) The three phases of wash tubes are filled with liquid with no bubbles.
3) The liquid inlet tube is thin below the swab, and the liquid outlet tube is large above the swab. The tube is
smooth without bending, and is clamped into the infusion tube clamp.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Preconditions: Prime Dispersion Dispensing Tubes is completed and Check Drainage Tube is
2) Enter Fluidics Alignment > 10. Check dispersion wash tube.
3) Step 2: Click Check at the lower right corner; connect the purified water tank to the fluidic ports of
wash buffers 1 and 2, and connect the waste tank following the prompts. Enter the priming screen;
first select wash buffer 1 and input priming times (2 times by default); confirm the bottle cap tube of
wash buffer 1 is put below the purified water level, and remove the bottle cap tube of wash buffer 2;
click Start to perform phase-1 cleaning for several times; observe whether the tubes from V14 to
dispersion syringe and from V05 to swab are full of liquid and waste is removed from the swab without
leakage. If phase-1 wash tube is not filled with liquid, confirm whether it is connected to phase-2 or
phase-3 tubes incorrectly.

When wash buffer 1 is selected,

place the bottle cap pipeline inlet
of wash buffer 1 in the water tank
and keep the bottle cap pipeline of
wash buffer 2 empty; when it is
switched to wash buffer 2, place
the bottle cap pipeline inlet of
wash buffer 2 in the water tank,
and keep the bottle cap pipeline of
wash buffer 1 empty. The two
bottle cap pipelines cannot be
placed in the purified water tank at
the same time

⚫ After wash buffer 1 priming is completed, perform wash buffer 2 priming with the same method, remove the
bottle cap tube of wash buffer 1 and put the bottle cap tube of wash buffer 2 below the purified water level,
aiming to fill T16 tube; confirm that the tube is free of extrusion, bending and leakage.

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Figure 10.23 Dispersion Dispensing Tubes - Wash Buffer 2

⚫ Times of priming: The tube can be filled by default under normal circumstances. If no liquid is observed,
check if the tube is connected correctly.
⚫ Dispersion wash tube swab inlet pipe (below, thin) and outlet pipe (above, large) can not be connected

Pipe clamped in
the perfusion
tube clamp
Phase-2 drain tubes

Phase-1 drain tubes

Pipe clamped in
the perfusion
tube clamp

Phase-3 wash tube

The swab inlet tube

(thin) and outlet tube
(thick) of wash tube in
the first phase cannot be
inserted inversely

The phase-1 swab

dispensing tube of wash
tube is filled with liquid
and free of air bubbles
and does not leak, and
the hose is inserted in
position and cannot be
bent or folded

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Figure 10.24 Schematic Diagram 1 of Prime Dispersion Wash Tubes

Exit the screen after completion, and select Continue.

4) Step 3: Click Cleaning/Emptying at the lower right corner; perform phase-2 wash tube priming with the
method in step 2; observe whether the tube from V19 to swab is filled with liquid, and waste is discharged
from the swab, with no leakage; confirm that it is connected correctly with phase-3 (perform wash buffer 1
priming only).

The swab inlet tube

(thin) and outlet
tube (thick) of wash
tube in the first
phase cannot be
inserted inversely

The phase-2 swab

dispensing tube of wash
tube is filled with liquid
and free of air bubbles
and does not leak, and
the hose is inserted in
position and cannot be
bent or folded

Figure 10.25 Schematic Diagram 2 of Prime Dispersion Wash Tubes

5) Step 4: Click Emptying/Priming at the lower right corner; perform phase-3 wash tube priming with the
method in step 2; observe whether the tube from V20 to swab is filled with liquid, and waste is discharged
from the swab, with no leakage (perform wash buffer 1 priming only).

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Pipe clamped in
the perfusion
tube clamp

The phase-3 swab

inlet tube (thin) and
outlet tube (thick) of
wash tube cannot be
inserted inversely

The phase-2 swab

dispensing tube of wash
tube is filled with liquid
and free of air bubbles
and does not leak, the
hose is inserted in
position, and the tube
cannot be bent or folded

Figure 10.26 Schematic Diagram 3 of Prime Dispersion Wash Tubes

6) Select Continue to finish the alignment, and exit the screen.

⚫ Click Cleaning/Emptying from phase 1 to phase 3 in turn to complete each phase priming. If you click
Continue and skip a phase priming by mistake, click Cancel to exit the process to start again.
⚫ Do not miss Wash Buffer 2 priming.
⚫ Check that phase-1 and phase-3 wash tubes are clamped into the infusion tube clamp.

10.10 Check Dispersion Dispensing Tube

Alignment index:
1) Check that tubes from the external wash buffer bucket to dispersion dispensing tube and waste drainage
wash tube are connected correctly. The three dispensing tube are connected properly; all tubes have no
leakage, no bending, and are clamped into the infusion tube clamp.
2) The three phases of dispensing probe tubes are filled with liquid with no bubbles.
3) The waste drainage wash tube is filled with liquid with no bubbles.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Enter Fluidics Alignment > 11. Check dispersion dispensing tube; preparations: place clean cuvettes
at three positions in the lower right corner of the left tray, as shown in the figure below; load tray 1 in place,
and click Continue.

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Figure 10.27 Schematic Diagram of Prime Dispersion Dispensing Tubes - Place Cuvettes

2) Step 2: Perform phase-1 dispensing tube priming; click Check at the lower right corner. The screen prompts
When priming, please connect wash buffer 1 and wash buffer 2 at fluidics inlet to the purified water
buckets, and connect the waste bucket; click OK to enter the priming screen; input the number of priming,
and select Wash buffer 1 (only wash buffer 1 is used in this step because the wash buffer 2 barrel has
been filled in the last step) to prime wash buffer 1 for several times (the number of priming is default);
observe the priming of wash buffer 1 and tubes filled with liquid (stop immediately and check it if leakage
exists or liquid enters into the tube slowly).
⚫ For wash buffer 1 inlet tube and dispersion dispensing tube, confirm that the wash buffer inlet runs to V14,
V01, and then to syringe when intaking; it runs from the syringe to V01 and V02 (phase-1 tube T24 connects
to V02, phase-2 tube T27 connects to V03, and phase-3 tube T31 connects to V04), and then to dispensing
probe. The tube is filled with liquid, and tubes and connectors are free of leakage.
⚫ Take the default number of priming. It is necessary to confirm whether the tubes are connected properly if
the tube is still not filled or no liquid is found after completion.
⚫ In order to avoid connection error of dispensing tubes, the 3 phases of dispensing tubes will aspirate fluid
in turn in the process of dispersion and priming. After priming is completed, observe whether the liquid
primed into the cuvette by the aspirating probe tube is aspirated. Remove the cuvette after completion; the
liquid should be emptied.

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Pipe clamped
in the
3rd perfusion tube
column clamp


Preh eating

Figure 10.28 Schematic Diagram of Prime Dispersion Dispensing Tubes Check

3) Step 3: Perform phase-2 dispensing tube priming with the same method in step 2; prime wash buffer 1 (the
number of priming is default), and observe wash buffer 1 priming; the tube is filled with liquid gradually, and
tubes and connectors are free of leakage (stop immediately and check it if leakage exists or liquid enters
into the tube slowly).
4) Step 4: Perform phase-3 dispensing tube priming as in step 2; prime wash buffer 1 (the number of priming
is default), and observe wash buffer 1 priming (phase-3 dispensing tube is preheated by the incubation
module, and the tube is longer. The number of priming is greater than that of the first two phases); wait for
the fluid to be ejected continuously from the dispensing probe (stop immediately and check it if leakage
exists or liquid enters into the tube slowly). The tube is filled with liquid gradually, and tubes and connectors
are free of leakage. Finally, click OK to exit the screen.
5) Click Continue to enter Waste drain tube checking, and execute automatically once; grippe the cuvette
to the waste drainage position; perform waste tubing wash priming, and observe whether the tubes between,
in front of and behind V23 and V09 are filled with liquid, with no leakage. After completion, discard the
cuvette and exit the process.
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Figure 10.29 Screen of Prime and Check Waste Drainage Probe Wash Tubes

⚫ Observe the three phases of dispensing tubes, without bending and breaking;

The tubes cannot

be bent or folded
at the bend

⚫ If the priming fails, confirm whether the dispersion carousel overflows. If overflow exists, it is necessary to
remove the aspirating and dispensing mechanism to check and remove the overflow from the dispersion
pot, and start priming after the trouble is eliminated.
⚫ Priming must be executed in accordance with the sequence of the process. If you click Continue and skip
a phase priming by mistake, click Cancel to exit the process to start again.
⚫ Do not miss the inspection of the waste drainage wash tube.

10.11 Prime Wash Buffer Tubes

1) Prepare one barrel of clean wash buffer and connect it to the hydro inlet through the bottle cap
2) Tubes of waste 1 and waste 2 are connected to the waste drainage tubes or waste buckets. The waste
buckets are connected to sensors, and the waste floater sensor is placed properly (do not pollute the
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waste floater when the waste bucket is not used; Note that correct BM50 waste floater sensor 115-
050123-00 should be used because it is different from other products).
3) Tube of wash buffer 1 or wash buffer 2 is connected to the corresponding wash buffer bucket (the
wash buffer bucket is connected based on the actual use; a bucket of wash buffer is enough usually).

Wash buffer 1

Wash buffer 2

Note: Wash buffer 1 of fluidics inlet is connected to the wash buffer bottle cap component marked with "1”, and
wash buffer 2 is connected to the wash buffer bottle cap component marked with "2". If wash buffer 1 and wash
buffer 2 are loaded, their buckets can not be exchanged.
4) Load wash buffer: Enter Reagent > Consumables management; load wash buffer 1 or wash buffer 2 as
required; input the inventory and click Load.

Note: The buckets connected to wash buffer 1 bottle cap component and wash buffer 2 bottle cap component
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cannot be exchanged. If part of the wash buffer is left after testing, mark the wash buffer inventory XX% on the
screen and the bucket in order to reduce waste. When loading the wash buffer bucket again in the future, you
can fill in the inventory XX% directly. Try not to use the wash buffer with other models. Otherwise, the inventory
may be inaccurate, resulting in intaking failure.
5) Enter Alignment - Fluidics Alignment, perform the priming process, and confirm that all tubes are normal
and free of bubbles after the wash buffer is replaced.

Prime the wash buffer tube to be

used (wash buffer 1 or 2) according
12. Prime wash buffer tubes to the prompt on the interface, and
select the default times.

Enter the Wash buffer tube priming process, click Continue, and place a cuvette at the lower right corner
of the left tray following prompts.

Select a tube loaded with wash buffer, and then click Continue.

When entering the priming screen, the system automatically primes the sampling probe tube, dispersion
wash tube and dispensing tube, and the state of corresponding tubes is returned on the screen.

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After execution, alignment procedure is completed; the left tray can be loaded again, and a cuvette is added.
Note: After the above priming is completed, you can enter Reagent > Consumables management, and
perform Recover wash buffer if the tube is abnormal and has bubbles during follow-up test process.

Perform System recovery, wait for completion of system recovery, and switch the state to Standby. (If the
system is in standby, skip this step);

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Chapter 11 Disassembly and Assembly of Cover, Shell and


11.1 Disassembly and Assembly of Transparent Shielding Cover

1 Switch off the power supply of whole unit;
2 Open the front left door, pull out the two drawers, and use a hexagon wrench to unscrew the M3X12 hex
fastening screws (with spring pad);
3 Press the middle position at the bottom of the transparent cover, lift it up, and remove the transparent cover;
4 Reinstall the transparent shielding cover following the steps mentioned above in a reverse order.

11.2 Disassembly and Assembly of Front Vertical panel Assembly

5 According to 11.1 , remove the transparent shielding cover;
6 Remove two rubber covers on the machine and unscrew two M4X20 fastening screws;
7 Press both sides of the front vertical panel, loosen slowly when hearing the sound of "crack", and the front
vertical panel assembly will automatically pop out (Note: hold the front side of the front vertical panel
assembly gently to avoid damage);
8 Unplug the cables in the front vertical panel and remove the front vertical panel assembly;
9 To reinstall the front vertical panel assembly, follow the steps mentioned above in a reverse order.

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4X20 screw

Figure 11.1 Disassembly and Assembly of Front Vertical panel Assembly

11.3 Disassembly and Assembly of Reagent Aspirating Plate

1 Move the sample probe to the mixing position;
2 Unscrew two M3X8 fastening screws with a cross screwdriver;
3 Remove the reagent aspirating plate;
4 To reinstall the reagent aspirating plate, follow the steps mentioned above in a reverse order.

Two small cross recessed pan head screw

assemblies M3X8

Figure 11.2 Disassembly and Assembly of Aspirating Plate

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Chapter 12 Other Checks

12.1 Mechanical Reset of the Whole Unit

Alignment index: Perform Mechanical Reset of the whole unit without any abnormal alarm.
Alignment methods and procedure:
Enter Utility > Maintenance > Alignment > Other; enter 4. Mechanical Reset of the whole unit, and click
Continue to start the mechanical reset of the whole unit; observe the sample probe assembly, gripper assembly,
reagents carousel assembly, sample carousel assembly, dispersion carousel assembly, waste drainage
assembly, mixing assembly, dispersion syringe assembly, sample syringe and wash syringe are reset with no
abnormal warnings.

12.2 Indicator Check

Alignment index: The cables are correctly connected and the indicators work normally.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) The right side panel and waste tank welds have been installed and the indicator cables have been
2) Enter Alignment - > Other, click 7. Inspection of Indicators and Optical Couplers to enter the alignment
process screen, and click Continue to pop up the check screen.

Figure 12.1 Indicator Check Screen

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Indicator of the
Waste Container

Indicator of disk
Indicator of disk Left-Turn key
Left-Turn key
Indicator of disk Right-Turn key
Indicator of disk
Right-Turn key

Indicator ofof
the the
Indicator of the
Indicator of the Indicator of
Substrate Start indicator (press)
Substrate L Key
Substrate L Key Substrate RRKey
the Start Key

Indicator of the Waste

Container Key

Figure 12.2 Schematic Diagram of Indicator of the Start Key

3) Instructions to lamps on the transparent shielding cover and panel are as shown in the figure above. Select
any indicator and click on-off. The indicator should work accordingly with same light color and light intensity,
without obvious differences and defects. Note: Check the indicators of the same group and same assembly
or close to each other to make sure their cables are correctly connected.
4) Note: Exit the screen after check, and confirm that all indicators are off.

12.3 Optical couplers Check

Alignment index: Optical couplers for waste containers, left and right anti-collision optical couplers of the
sample carousel work normally.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Enter Alignment - > Other, click 7. Inspection of Indicators and Optical Couplers to enter the alignment
process screen, and click Continue to pop up the check screen; select Optical Couplers Check.
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Figure 12.3 Optical Couplers Check Screen

2) Simulate blocking the left and right anti-collision optical couplers of the sample carousel. The check results
should be correct in block and unblock statuses.

Left and right crashproof optical

couplers of sample carousel

Figure 12.4 Schematic Diagram of Anti-Collision Optical Coupler of Sample Carousel

3) It is unblock when the waste tank is removed; otherwise, it is block. Exit the screen after the check.

12.4 Whole Unit Discarding Cuvette

Alignment index: Discarding all cuvettes is normal. All cuvettes are discarded into the waste container.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Place one empty cuvette at the cuvette positions at the four corners of the incubation module, photometer
position, waste drainage position, dispersion carousel operation position and three mixing positions each.

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2) Enter Alignment - > Other, click 5. Whole Unit Discarding Cuvette, enter the process. The software
automatically discards the cuvettes at the incubating position, photometer position, waste drainage position,
mixing positions and dispersion operation position. All the cuvettes are cleared and discarded into the waste
container. During this process, there should be no empty gripping, bumping or dropping of cuvettes.

12.5 Linked Cuvette Gripping

Alignment index: Perform All cuvettes function. There should be no alarm, abnormal noise or jamming. Check
that FPC does not interfere with any parts during gripping.
Note: This alignment should be performed after Whole Unit Discarding Cuvette. There is no discarding during
this process.
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Place one tray full of cuvettes respectively on trays 1 and 2, and load them in place.
2) Enter Alignment > Other, click 6. Linked Cuvette Gripping and then click Continue following the screen
prompts until Linked Cuvette Gripping dialog box pops up; set the number of testing to 1 by default and
the type to Whole Cuvette Positions; select tray 1 and tray 2. The gripper starts to grip, transport and
place the cuvettes on the tray. During this process, there should be no alarm. Otherwise, check the analyzer
assembly and alignment state for causes.

Figure 12.5 Linked Cuvette Gripping Screen

3) When gripping at the dispersion IO outlet, observe the gripper should not interfere with the dispersion hose.
4) In the process of gripping, observe that FPC should not be rubbed or interfered with other components.

⚫ The cuvettes used in linked cuvette gripping test can be reused. It is not recommended to use these
cuvettes for other performance tests.

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12.6 Reagent Refrigeration Temperature Check

Alignment index: Reagent refrigeration temperature should be within 2.0~8.0℃;
Alignment methods and procedure:
1) Confirm that the top cover of the reagent carousel has been installed and the reagent refrigerant has been
2) Enter Alignment - > Other; enter 3. Graph trends of reagent carousel temperature; refrigeration
temperature should fall within the range of 2.0~8.0℃ after the temperature gets stable.


Figure 12.6 Rgt Refrig Temp Curve Screen

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