Self Awareness and Values Development: Objectives
Self Awareness and Values Development: Objectives
Self Awareness and Values Development: Objectives
Self-concept is the image of who and what you are in relation to yourself
and to other people. This refers to the attitudes, feelings, moods and behaviors
you project in yourself vis-à-vis the world. It is the totality of what and who
you are including your strengths and limitations, abilities and inabilities,
capabilities and incapabilities – the totality of what you are in place and time.
Coursebook in CWTS I
Self Awareness and Values Development
Coursebook in CWTS I
Self Awareness and Values Development
Coursebook in CWTS I
Self Awareness and Values Development
The concept of man can also be seen in the light of his duty and responsi-
bility and relationship with his Creator, his fellow human beings, his nation and
the environment he ought to protect to assure the perpetuation of his race. Man
by nature is religious and his religiosity is the foundation of his hope; and gives
meaning to all his activities. By himself man cannot survive; he needs to
Coursebook in CWTS I
forge himself with other human beings to make life wholesome and worth-
while. The following are distinct Filipino virtues and good habit:
Self Awareness and Values Development
Coursebook in CWTS I
Self Awareness and Values Development
Exercise No.2
Self Awareness
and Values Development
Name:___________________________________________ Score:
Course & Year Date:
1. As a moral being man has to develop what value in order to assert himself?
4. Man is the only living being that can think and is capable of
articulate speech, but as an intellectual being, he needs the value of
Coursebook in CWTS I
12. An expression of one’s high regard to human beings by loving and caring
instead of using them.
Self Awareness and Values Development
14. An expression of faith and confidence in the power and authority of
the Almighty.
a. Student
b. Friend
c. Daughter/ son
d. Filipino citizen
a. Physical Being
b. Psychological Being
c. M o r a l B e i n g
Coursebook in CWTS I
d. Intellectual Being
e. Social Being
f. Economic Being
2. Make a list of the things that you hate about yourself and the
things that you hate about others.
Yourself Others
1. 1.
2. 2.
0 . 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.