3Rd Person Controller Fly Mode (Mobile)
3Rd Person Controller Fly Mode (Mobile)
3Rd Person Controller Fly Mode (Mobile)
Thank you for acquiring the 3rd Person Controller + Fly Mode (Mobile) asset for the Unity 3D
This asset provides a basic setup for a 3rd person player controller on touchscreen devices.
Includes scripts for the player basic movements, camera orbit and a Mecanim animator controller.
Also includes ready to use virtual buttons and analogs.
The basic locomotion modes includes walk, run, jump, sprint, aim & strafe, and also an extra fly
mode. Also comes with a dynamic third person camera, with full collision detection.
This asset features 2 types of touch controlled prefabs: virtual buttons and virtual analogs. The
VirtualInput class also included, similar to Unity's standard Input class, contains all the basic static
functions to control the player with the on screen virtual buttons and analogs (multi-touch
The demo scene presents a basic setup for the inputs used on the containing player behaviours. The
default controls are mapped as follows:
You can press the virtual button to see the input commands on the example scene.
A detailed tutorial on how to setup the essential files on a custom project, and how to properly
configure the virtual input prefabs is provided on a video that can be accessed through the following
There are two types of prefabs in this asset: virtual buttons and virtual analogs. In order to setup
custom controls, you can simply drag these prefabs inside a UI Canvas on the scene.
If you want to use a custom behaviour you acquired or created, or if you want to adapt any other
script to properly work on a mobile device, you just need to remap the calls to the static functions of
the Unity’s default Input class for the equivalent static functions of the VirtualInput class, that comes
with this asset:
More details upon the VirtualInput class functions, that is handled by the prefabs, are presented on a
section below, which provides a detailed view of the class.
A touch controlled button. After dragging this prefab to the scene, you need to define the following
customization properties:
A touch controlled analog, similar to the present on modern gamepads. After dragging this prefab
to the scene, you need to define the following customization properties:
• Source Image (in analog): defines an image to represent the analog base on screen.
• Color (in analog): defines the color of the analog base.
• Source Image (in stick): defines an image to represent the analog stick on screen.
• Color (in stick): defines the analog stick color when not pressed.
• Input X Axis: the input axis name controlled by the horizontal movement of the virtual
• Invert X: whether or not to invert the Horizontal axis.
• Input Y Axis: the input axis name controlled by the vertical movement of the virtual analog.
• Invert Y: whether or not to invert the Vertical axis.
• Dead: size of the virtual analog dead zone.
• Sensitivity: the speed to move towards target value, considering the analog stick position.
• Button Name: name of the virtual button (activated by double touch, simulates the press
analog action).
• Press Color: the virtual analog stick color when pressed.
Warning: do not modify the Anchor Preset defined for a virtual analog, or it may not work as
When configuring the Capsule Collider on your own character avatar, you may carefully avoid the
following situation:
If the collider end is positioned above the mesh end, the character will get stuck when trying to
move. Do not let the avatar mesh surpass the collider!
The correct position is set when the bottom of the collider is at the same level or under the mesh
The ThirdPersonOrbitCamBasicMobile class manages all the third person camera features, such as
orbiting around the player, FOV changes, and zooming in/out to avoid collision. This script has the
following external parameters:
• Vertical Aiming Speed: the speed of camera orbit on the vertical plane.
• Max Vertical Angle: the maximum angle to limit camera orbit on the vertical plane.
• Min Vertical Angle: the minimum angle to limit camera orbit on the vertical plane.
• X Axis: the default horizontal axis input name (for virtual analogs).
• Y Axis: the default vertical axis input name (for virtual analogs).
Hint: you can setup a virtual analog, containing input axes with the names defined in the X Axis and
Y Axis parameters, to control the third person camera. Also remember to adjust the virtual analog
axes sensitivity and dead zone to match your needs.
The BasicBehaviourMobile class manages which player behaviour is currently active or overriding
the active one, and call its local functions. This behaviour also contains a basic setup and common
functions used by all the player behaviours. This script has the following external parameters:
Hint: this behaviour uses the Unity’s default Horizontal and Vertical input axes to control the player
movement. You can configure a virtual analog containing input axes with these names, in order to
move the player.
The MoveBehaviourMobile class corresponds to walk, run and jump behaviour, it is generally the
default behaviour. This script has the following external parameters:
• Run Speed: the player’s default running speed (controlled by a Blend Tree).
• Sprint Speed: the player’s default sprinting speed (controlled by a Blend Tree).
• Speed Damp Time: the delay to change between the locomotion animations when
changing speed.
• Jump Height: the default jump height reached.
• Jump Inertial Force: the default inertial horizontal force applied to the player when on air,
between jumping and landing. The higher it is, the longer the jump distance will be.
Hint: this behaviour uses Unity’s default Jump input axis to handle the jumping action. You can
configure a virtual button to control it.
The AimBehaviourBasicMobile class handles the aim and strafe movements. The following
external parameters are present:
Hint: you can setup a virtual button to control the aiming action, using the Aim Button parameter as
the controlled input.
The FlyBehaviour class handles fly action. The following external parameters are present:
Hint: you can setup a virtual button to control the flying, using the Fly Button parameter as the
controlled input.
The VirtualInput class is a simplified version of the Unity’s standard Input class, containing the basic
static functions that handles inputs by virtual buttons and axes. The following equivalent functions
are present:
• GetAxis: returns the value of the virtual analog axis passed as parameter.
• GetAxisRaw: returns the value of the virtual analog axis passed as parameter, with no
smoothing filtering applied.
• GetButton: returns true while the corresponding virtual button or virtual analog is held
• GetButtonDown: returns true during the frame the user pressed down the corresponding
virtual button.
• GetButtonUp: returns true the first frame the user releases the corresponding virtual
• GetKey: returns true while the user holds down the corresponding key.
• GetKeyDown: returns true during the frame the user starts pressing down the
corresponding key identified by name.
• GetKeyUp: returns true during the frame the user releases the corresponding key.
The author acknowledges some third-party assistance that facilitated the production of the demo
examples within this asset. This includes the Carnegie-Mellon University mocap library and the
fellows that contributes to the Unity Answers website.
This document is part of the 3rd Person Controller + Fly Mode (Mobile) asset, that can be acquired
through official channels – such as the Unity Asset Store.
If you obtained this asset trough unofficial ways, I kindly ask you to consider giving support for the
great assets to come!
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