7 Unity - Transforms
7 Unity - Transforms
7 Unity - Transforms
What is Transform
• Transforms have three visible properties −
the position, the rotation, and the scale. Each
of these have three values for the three axes.
• Transform is used to determine the Position,
Rotation, and Scale of each object in the scene.
• 2D games usually do not focus on the Z-axis
when it comes to positioning.
• Position: This is the position of the transform in X, Y,
and Z coordinates
• Rotation: This property defines the amount of rotation
(measured in degree) an object is rotated about that axis
with respect to the game world or the parent object.
• Scale: The scale of the object defines how large it is
when compared to its original or native size.
First Script
• Scripting is imperative to making games in
Unity. Scripting is the process of
writing blocks of code that are attached like
components to GameObjects in the scene.
Scripting is one of the most powerful tools at
your disposal, and it can make or break a good
• To create a new script, right-click in your Assets
and go to Create → C# Script. You can also use
the Assets tab in the top bar of the engine.
Default IDE of the script
What is MonoBehaviour?
• Script name as a class deriving from MonoBehaviour
• MonoBehaviour is a vast library of classes and
methods. It helps all the scripts in Unity derive from
one way or the other.
• Two private scripts that do not have any return types,
namely the Start and Update methods.
• The Start method runs once for the first frame that the
gameObject this is used on is active in the scene.
• The Update method runs every frame of the game
after the Start method.
Basic Movement Scripting
• Every GameObject has at least one
component − Transform.
• Transform of a gameObject also shows up
as variables in the scripting side of Unity
so we can modify it via code.
• All components in Unity have properties,
which are accessible through variables in
Movement script
• Create a new script, and name it
• Let us create a public float variable
named speed. Making a variable public in
Unity has a great advantage −
– The variable shows up as a modifiable field
inside the editor, so you don’t have to
manually adjust the values in code.
Movement script
• Next, drag and drop the script from the
Assets onto the GameObject. If you do it
correctly, this is what you should see in the
GameObject’s properties −
Example of the code
Code in brief
• A floating point variable named h (for horizontal), and its value is given
by the Input.GetAxisRaw method. This method returns -1, 0 or 1
depending on which key the player has pressed on the up/down/left/right
• The Input class is responsible for getting input from the user in the form
of key presses, mouse input, controller input, and so on.
• Next, we are updating the position of our gameObject to a new position
defined by creating a new Vector2. The Vector2 takes 2 parameters,
which are its x and y values respectively. For the x value, we provide the
sum of the object’s current position and its speed, effectively adding
some amount every frame the key is pressed to its position.
• Save this script and head back to Unity. Unity will automatically update
all scripts once it compiles successfully, so you don’t have to reattach
the script again and again.