Creative Writing: Output-Based Examination
Creative Writing: Output-Based Examination
Creative Writing: Output-Based Examination
Creative Writing
Meaning and Poem is creative and Poem is thoughtful Most of the poem is Poems appear to be
original. It is evident that the and creative. A creative, but thoughtless or
Originality poet put thought into their couple of phrases or appears to be rushed. Work is very
words and uniquely ideas may be rushed. This is repetitive, and ideas
conveyed their ideas and revisited, but the evident in the poet's are unoriginal.
emotions. overall product is redundancy or use
carefully written. of cliches.
Sensory Details Vivid, detailed images Clear sensory Some use of Difficult to
and intensely felt images are used image, idea, or visualize image or
emotion make the poem to portray ideas emotion emotion
come alive. or emotions
Grammar Proper use of A couple of The poet's There are
English/Tagalog/Cebuan spelling or intended meaning numerous
o spelling and grammar grammar is confusing by spellings or
is used consistently mistakes are several spelling or grammar errors,
throughout each poem. evident, but do grammar errors. making the
Punctuation is utilized not diminish the Punctuation may poems difficult to
when necessary. meaning of the be misused. understand.
poem. Punctuation is
Punctuation is used incorrectly.
utilized when