100 People Curriculum-Global Issues
100 People Curriculum-Global Issues
100 People Curriculum-Global Issues
If the World were 100 People ……………………………………………….p. 24
The Language of OAI ……………………………………………………….p. 26
October 25, 2010
Welcome to the 100 People Foundation’s Global Issues through our Lens curriculum
guide for secondary schools! We are thrilled that you are considering implementing this
program into your classroom, and we hope you will find the lessons useful in exposing
This curriculum guide is intended for middle and high school social studies teachers who
wish to integrate current events into the classroom in a meaningful and collaborative way.
The curriculum is divided into four units with a total of 40 lessons, and it is designed to
span the entire academic year. Each lesson is approximately 40 minutes in length and is
In addition to the lessons, you will find rubrics for project assessment, supplementary
handouts, weekly homework assignments, and a list of New York State educational
standards that can be aligned to the content of the lessons. We hope that you will find the
The following standards can be aligned to the aims and objectives in each lesson plan in
the curriculum guide. The complete list of standards and skills can be found at
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of major
ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the
broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives.
2.1c: interpret and analyze documents and artifacts related to significant developments and events
in world history
2.3a: investigate the roles and contributions of individuals and groups in relation to key social,
political, cultural, and religious practices throughout world history
2.3b: interpret and analyze documents and artifacts related to significant developments and events
in world history
2.4d: investigate important events and developments in world history by posing analytical
questions, selecting relevant data, distinguishing fact from opinion, hypothesizing cause-and-
effect relationships, testing these hypotheses, and forming conclusions
2.1e: Analyze changing and competing interpretations of issues, events, and developments
throughout world history.
2.2c: Analyze evidence critically and demonstrate an understanding of how circumstances of time
and place influence perspective.
2.2d: Explain the importance of analyzing narratives drawn from different times and places to
understand historical events.
2.2e: Investigate key events and developments and major turning points in world history to
identify the factors that brought about change and the long-term effects of these changes.
2.3b: Explain the dynamics of cultural change and how interactions between and among cultures
has affected various cultural groups throughout the world.
2.3c: Examine the social/cultural, political, economic, and religious norms and values of Western
and other world cultures.
2.4a: Identify historical problems, pose analytical questions or hypotheses, research analytical
questions or test hypotheses, formulate conclusions or generalizations, raise new questions or
issues for further investigation.
2.4c: Plan and organize historical research projects related to regional or global interdependence.
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the
geography of the interdependent world in which we live — local, national, and global —
including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surface.
3.1c: investigate why people and places are located where they are located and what patterns can
be perceived in these locations
3.1d: describe the relationships between people and environments and the connections between
people and places
3.2a: formulate geographic questions and define geographic issues and problems
3.2b: use a number of research skills (e.g., computer databases, periodicals, census reports, maps,
standard reference works, interviews, surveys) to locate and gather geographical information
about issues and problems
3.2d: interpret geographic information by synthesizing data and developing conclusions and
generalizations about geographic issues and problems
3.1c: Investigate the characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on the
Earth’s surface
3.1d: Understand the development and interactions of social/cultural, political, economic, and
religious systems in different regions of the world.
3.1e: Analyze how the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and
control of the Earth’s surface
3.2a: Plan, organize, and present geographic research projects.
3.2b: Locate and gather geographic information from a variety of primary and secondary sources
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how
the United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions
to allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the U.S. and other
national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and
nonmarket mechanisms.
4.1a: explain how societies and nations attempt to satisfy their basic needs and wants by utilizing
scarce capital, natural, and human resources
4.1d: understand how people in the United States and throughout the world are both producers
and consumers of goods and services
4.1g: explain how nations throughout the world have joined with one another to promote
economic development and growth
4.2a: identify and collect economic information from standard reference works, newspapers,
periodicals, computer databases, textbooks, and other primary and secondary sources
4.2d: develop conclusions about economic issues and problems by creating broad statements
which summarize findings and solutions
4.1a: Analyze the effectiveness of varying ways societies, nations, and regions of the world
attempt to satisfy their basic needs and wants by utilizing scarce resources.
4.1c: Understand the nature of scarcity and how nations of the world make choices which involve
economic and social costs and benefits.
10 weeks
In this unit, students will be introduced to the Mission of the 100 People Foundation and
the Ten Areas of Critical Global Concern. Students will have opportunities to access
prior knowledge of current global events, and they will collaborate in small groups to
explore the issues in depth. By the end of the unit, students will create a Collaborative
Poster that uses visual images and research-driven text to best represent this issue, and
they will present their projects to the class.
Essential Questions
• How do statistics and demographics help us better understand the world and its
• How do we access information that helps us better understand the areas of critical
global concern?
• How do visual images help us interpret issues of global concern?
What does the word “population” mean? List as many factors that make up a
population. Example: age, gender, etc.
Students share responses in groups. Write the factors on the board. Factors can include
gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, native language/dialect, literacy
skills, education, social class, physical health/ability, etc.
Lesson (10 minutes):
• The 100 People Foundation helps students understand major issues that people
around the world face every day. They do this by framing the global population
as 100 people.
• This course will examine some of these issues in depth. Now, imagine what the
world would look like if the total global population (about 7 billion people) were
actually 100 people.
Collaborative Practice (20 minutes): Give students about ten minutes to independently
complete the handout titled “If the World were 100 People…” In partners, students
compare numbers. Open the comparisons to the group (3-4 students) and have students
discuss some similarities and differences in their responses. Monitor conversations to
ensure students are on task. Make note of any striking comments.
Share/Summary (6 minutes): Watch the 100 People Trailer (4 min. 24 sec., available on
website). As students watch, they write the actual statistic to the right of each
demographic listed on the handout. When the video is finished, go over the actual
statistics so that all students have time to write in the real facts. Discuss.
Homework: Share your handout with someone at home. Discuss the differences
between your own ideas and the real numbers. Write a one-paragraph reflection. What
statistics surprise you the most? Why? Which surprise you the least? Explain.
• Work with struggling students during Collaborative Practice time. Make sure that
English Language Learners (ELLs) know words like hemisphere, Buddhist, and
LESSON TWO: A Web of Global Issues
Do Now (10 minutes): Explain that the 100 People Foundation has identified “Ten Areas
of Critical Global Concern.” In small groups, students have five minutes to brainstorm
the issues. One person is the scribe and writes the issues down. The goal is to come up
with ten issues per group.
Students share out their issues with the whole class while the teacher charts responses in
a web on the board. Continue charting until all groups have shared and the web has
substantial information.
• Have students write an official list of the Ten Areas of Critical Global Concern in
their Journals. Explain that, based on the web, the class has already identified
these problems. Use a different color marker to circle the ten issues: WATER,
ENERGY, SHELTER, WAR, WASTE. If there are any issues that were not
brainstormed by the class, write them down and make a note of this.
• Put a star next to the issue WATER. Explain to students that the 100 People
Foundation is currently working with high school students who are investigating
each of the issues around the world. Show students the 5-minute video that
addresses WATER as a global issue. Students should try to write down three
facts or ideas that stand out from this video. When the video is finished, select a
few students to share their notes aloud.
Collaborative Practice (10 minutes): Ask students to choose the issue from the official
list that is most important to them. Students should write in their Journals for 10 minutes
about this issue. Offer students the following prompts to help them write:
Homework: “Study the list and consider the three issues that you feel most connected to,
the three issues that you would love to spend the year researching and exploring in depth.
Make a Top Three list explaining in detail why each one appeals to you. You should
write one full paragraph for each issue (3 paragraphs total) in your Journal.”
• If there is an issue that the students themselves did not initially brainstorm,
consider using this issue as a model issue for future lessons.
• To activate prior knowledge, ask students what they already know about WATER
as a global issue before they watch the short film. Ask them what they want to
know about this issue.
LESSON THREE: We Know and We Want to Know
Aim: Students will be able to access prior knowledge on a particular subject and pose
questions for preliminary research.
Materials: KWLH graphic organizer handout, copies of photos with essential questions,
100 People video
Do Now (5 minutes): Before students come into the classroom, place copies of the photo
and question for each issue on each of the tables. (These photos and questions can be
found on the website). Have students sit with their collaborative groups, based on their
Homework response. Some students will sit at the WASTE table; others will sit at the
ENERGY table, etc. Ideally, groups of 3-4 students will work best. When students find
their partners and tables, have them each share one reason why they are excited to
explore this particular issue.
• Explain to students that they will be working in these collaborative groups one
period per week for the rest of the year. “As a class, we will look in depth at all
ten issues, but your collaborative group will become experts on your one issue.”
• Direct students’ attention to the photo card and essential question on their table.
Have one group hold up their photo, state their issue and read the question aloud.
(ie. “Shelter: How can people gain access to adequate shelter and safe, livable
communities?”) Explain that these essential questions will help guide your group
in your research and exploration. Ask students to write their essential question
somewhere in their journal where they can refer to it.
• Tell students that they are about to watch another 5-minute documentary from the
100 People Foundation. This video will look at WATER as a global issue. Ask
students what they know about water as a global issue of concern. Write down a
couple ideas on the board under a “K (What I Know)” chart heading.
• Ask students what they want to know about WATER as an important global issue.
Tell students to frame this as a question. Example: “How do people in
developing countries find access to clean drinking water?” Write a student’s
question on the board under a “W (What I Want to Know)” chart heading.
• As the students watch the video, have them write down one thing that they learn
about WATER as a global issue. At the end of the video, give them a few
minutes to write down new questions that arise based on the contents of the video.
Share out.
Collaborative Practice (15 minutes): Distribute copies of the KWLH chart. Students
will work in their collaborative groups to access fact-based prior knowledge as well as
questions that they want answered about their issue. Groups should aim for 5 examples
in each section of the KW chart. Explain that students will visit the LH sections of the
organizer at a different time. Circulate around the room to ensure that groups are on task.
Homework: Research a question from your chart. Try to find the answer (or part of the
answer) in your research. Bring in an article from a recent periodical that somehow
addresses this question. Highlight the part of the article that you think best begins to
answer the question. In your chart, write what you learned in your own words (3-5
sentences). Bring your article and your chart to the next class. Be prepared to share
• Offer students a list of reliable websites where they might be able to research their
questions and find accurate information. (ie. Nytimes.com,
nationalgeographic.com, etc.)
• If time permits, give students a short quiz at the beginning or end of the class.
Ask them to write down the ten issues from memory.
LESSON FOUR: Sources of Information
Aim: Students will be able to narrow down broad ideas into specific topics for research.
Do Now (10 minutes): When students are seated, play the 100 People documentary on
TRANSPORTATION. Have someone from the Transportation group read their essential
question aloud: “How can we find ways to transport ourselves without relying on fossil
At the end of the video, ask students to brainstorm ways that the high school student in
the film found out information about TRANSPORTATION as a global issue. Write
down as many sources of information as possible.
• Ask students from each group to share information sources. Chart responses on
the board in the form of a web. Students should copy the web in their Journals.
Research methods should include: newspaper/magazine articles, TV news
shows, radio shows, books, maps, atlases, encyclopedias, web searches,
documentary films or videos, podcasts, college lectures/classes/seminars (i-
Tunes U), interviews, experiments, observations, first-hand experiences,
surveys, performances, etc.
• For this class, you will be primarily focused on the following three sources:
1. Online newspapers/magazines (NY Times, Science.com)
2. Online encyclopedia (Wikipedia)
3. Interviews with adults
• Ask students to explain what a search engine does. Give an example of a broad
search vs. a narrow search: SPORTS vs. WOMEN’S BASKETBALL. Even
SOUTH FLORIDA. Model this idea in the form of an idea web on the board.
Collaborative Practice (15minutes): Each student creates an idea web in their Journals
that starts with the big issue in the center and specifies the topic. The end result should
be 2-3 narrow topics that might yield articles in a web search. Remind students to stay on
task. It’s easy for an idea web to veer off course. Stay focused on the issue of global
concern, and make sure that the narrow results are the specific topics you are most
interested in exploring in relation to this issue.
After students have had about 10 minutes of independent practice, give them some time
to share their narrow topic ideas with their collaborative group. Discuss any overlapping
Share/Summary (5 minutes): Open up the discussion to the class. Invite students to
share specific topic ideas aloud.
Homework: Search the web for a specific newspaper or magazine article that addresses
one of your narrow topics. Highlight the parts of the article that interest you the most.
Bring it in to share.
LESSON FIVE: Summarize and Reflect
Aim: Students will be able to summarize an article and compose a personal reflection.
Do Now (10 minutes): Watch the 5-minute documentary on HEALTH from the 100
People website.
Ask students to write a short summary (3-5 sentences) of the video. Invite students to
share their summaries aloud.
• Explain that a summary gives the main idea and several important supporting
details in your own words. We can summarize an article the same way we
summarize a documentary film. Teach students the model for a one-paragraph
3. Conclusion – one final statement that solidifies your stance and ties up your
reflection. This can take the form of an open-ended question.
Collaborative Practice (15 minutes): Students write a Summary and Reflection for the
article they found for Homework. The two-paragraph response should follow the
structure from the lesson.
Walk around the room to ensure that students are on task. Offer ELLs and struggling
writers a graphic organizer to help them with the paragraph structure.
Summary/Share (5 minutes): Swap papers with a partner. Read your partner’s work.
Write a positive, constructive comment on a post-it and stick it to the paper. Hand it back
to the writer.
• Anticipate that some students will not have their Homework articles. Have
several hard copies of articles on hand for students to use for the assignment.
• You can chart or Powerpoint the content of the lesson, or you can give students a
handout with the model paragraphs. The back of the handout can include lines for
them to write their own summary/responses.
LESSON SIX: Observe, Analyze, Interpret
Aim: Students will be able to observe, analyze and interpret a visual image.
Materials: 100 People video, OAI handout, photo of Darren Hamley, post-its
Do Now (5 minutes): “Swap images. Spend one minute with your partner’s image.
Write down one strong observation on a post-it. After a minute, rotate clockwise around
the table. Repeat until everyone in the group has seen and observed all of the images.
Make sure the observation you write is different than the ones above it on the post-it.”
• Show students how to make a 3-column OAI chart. Model how to write
statements of observation, analysis, and interpretation by using the photo of
Darren Hamley. (This can be photocopied and distributed to students or projected
on a screen.) Read aloud and model the following as students look closely at the
• Analysis: The solar panels reveal an alternative use of energy. Since they are
attached to the car, it might signify a new type of solar-powered vehicle.
Hamley’s attire shows that he is a man of adventure, and he might be driving a
long distance to show that solar cars are the cars of the future.
Collaborative Practice (10 minutes): Have students make a three-column OAI chart in
their Journals. Label the chart: MY IMAGE of _(name of issue)__. Students should
write 3-5 observations, 3-5 analyses, and one or two sentences of interpretation.
Guide students to write in complete sentences. Circulate to ensure students are on task.
Explain that “a picture contains a thousand words” and can be forever open to conflicting
interpretation. Select students to read their interpretations aloud while holding up their
images for the class to see.
Summary/Share (10 minutes): Watch the 5-minute documentary on ECONOMY from
the website. Ask students think analytically and interpretively while watching. Students
should watch the video from an OAI perspective, and they should take notes that will
help them formulate strong analyses and interpretations.
Give students a couple minutes to write at the end of the video. Ask students to share any
analyses or interpretations on ECONOMY.
Homework: Swap images (last week’s HW) with a partner. Complete a formal OAI
chart (headed and typed or neatly written) for your partner’s image. Use complete
sentences. Refer to the handout for using the language of OAI.
LESSON SEVEN: Image Combination with Multiple
Aim: Students will be able to synthesis research and visual information into a central
Do Now (10 minutes): Watch the 100 People video on EDUCATION. Ask students to
identify the message in the story that is being told about the issue of Education. Have
someone from the Education group read their essential question aloud: “How can more
people gain access to a better education?”
At the end of the video, students write down what they consider to be the main message
of the documentary. What message does the video get across? How does it make this
point clear? What is the viewer left to think about?
• Explain that all documentaries convey some sort of message to viewers. Even a
simple photograph tells some sort of story that is intended to make the viewer feel
a certain way or produce a specific kind of reaction.
• The goal of this project is to take a stand on the issue and clearly communicate
your group’s viewpoints. It’s okay of members of your group disagree on certain
points, but you should work together to establish what you consider the most
imperative aspect of the issue.
**If possible, offer students a model of a collaborative poster. See if students can explain
the message.
Collaborative Practice (20 minutes): Students in each group should spend this time
working together to draft a plan for their collaborative poster. They will have an entire
period the following week to assemble the work so it can be shared. Here are the steps
each group should follow:
1. Share OAI work in rotation and discuss as a group. Write down some points of
commonality among the images.
2. Brainstorm ideas for a clear message. Try to come up with three ideas based on
your research, images, analyses, and interpretations.
3. Choose the one idea that you think sends the strongest message. Phrase your
idea in a statement: “It is clear from our poster that
4. Sketch a preliminary design for your poster. How will you arrange all of the
images? What text will you include? Where will the text appear on the poster
and how? How will you link the images and the text together visually?
5. Once you have started to draft your ideas for the poster, decide what each person
in the group can do next to make the poster a strong teaching tool with an
important message. For example, do you need to add stronger images? Do you
need to do more research and find another article about your topic?
Share/Summary (5 minutes): Give groups the opportunity to share any progress they
have made on the poster. Allow students to voice questions or concerns about the
Homework: Next steps. Whatever you and your group decided in #5, complete that task
for next week. Next class will be a full work period. Poster board, scissors, glue, tape
and markers will be provided, but all other materials are up to you and your group.
• If time permits, hand out copies of the rubric and read aloud as a class. Make sure
students know exactly how they will be assessed on this project.
LESSON EIGHT: Collaborative Poster
Aim: Students will collaborate in small groups to create a poster and presentation.
Materials: Poster board for each group, scissors, tape, glue sticks, markers, highlighters
Do Now (5 minutes): Watch the 100 People documentary on ENERGY. Have a student
from the Energy group read the essential question aloud: “There are enough renewable
energy sources to power our planet indefinitely. How can we make better use of them?”
Lesson (5 minutes):
• Discuss the message. Was this an effective teaching tool? Ask the ENERGY
group to compare the message in the video to the message they are trying to
convey in their collaborative poster.
Collaborative Practice (25 minutes): Students have the remainder of the class to work
on their posters. Give each group a copy of the rubric so they can refer to it while
Explain that groups will present their work to the class in the coming weeks. Groups
should be prepared to discuss their research findings, the significance of their images, and
the message they are trying to convey.
Share/Summary: Tell students which groups will be presenting in next week’s class and
the following week’s class. Explain that each group will have 5 minutes to present and
answer questions.
LESSONS NINE and TEN: Project Presentations
Half of the groups will present in LESSON NINE, and the other half will present in
LESSON TEN. Each class should follow the following Agenda:
• DO NOW: Watch remaining videos (SHELTER, WAR and WASTE) and have
students in those groups read aloud their essential questions.
• Gallery Walk: Posters are displayed around the room. Students walk freely
through the space and write comments and questions on their Gallery Walk
handout. (10 – 15 minutes)
• Presentations: Each group has 5 minutes to present and answer any questions
from the class. While groups are presenting, students are listening and writing
down connections on their handout.
If the World were 100 PEOPLE:
____ Females
____ Males
____ Children
____ Adults
____ Adults age 65 and older
____ Asians
____ Europeans
____ Africans
____ people from the Western Hemisphere
If the World were 100 PEOPLE:
50 would be female
50 would be male
20 would be children
There would be 80 adults, 14 of whom would be 65 and older
The Language of Observation, Analysis, and Interpretation
How can we use language to focus our observation, analysis
and interpretation of images?
I observe… I discern…
I see… I detect…
I notice… I recognize…
I can identify... I can locate…
UNIT ONE -- RUBRIC for Project Assessment: Collaborative Poster
Good: The poster contains strong images and excerpts of text from each member of the group.
Most of the images and excerpts of text work together to address the issue.
Fair: The poster contains a limited number of images and some text. Some of the images and text
work together to address part of the issue.
Poor: The poster is incomplete or contains very little relevant content. The project lacks focus
and does not address the issue.
Good: The contents of the poster reflect some point of view on the issue and reveal a solid
understanding of the issue.
Fair: The contents of the poster reflect a limited perspective on the issue and reveal a limited
amount of understanding on the issue.
Poor: The poster does not reflect a point of view or reveal any understanding of the issue.
Good: The poster shows solid effort and an attempt to present the work creatively. In both the
poster and the oral presentation, there is evidence that students in this group collaborated
Fair: The poster shows some degree of effort, although the overall presentation might lack
creativity. There is some evidence that most of the students in this group worked together
Poor: The poster and presentation show limited effort, little creativity, and little evidence that
students collaborated.