Gas Level Detecting System
Gas Level Detecting System
Gas Level Detecting System
IOT Based Harmful Gases Level Detection System for Underground Sewages
Abstract :- This project aim is to provide a solution to detect a level of harmful gases
present in underground. some cities adopted under- ground drainage system to maintain good
healthy and cleanliness, safety city. if the system isn't properly managed then pure water is
contaminated with drain water and infections Dis eases might get spread.. This system is
helpful to people who cleans the drainage and causes many health problems. Due lack of
proper gas leakage detecting system dangerous accidents were occurred. To reduce all these
problem and accidents the gas leakage detecting system should needed in drainage systems.
The detecting system is introduced with gas sensor like methane, air quality sensor, one
Wifi module to receive data from sensor, one cloud server to display level of gas present in
Keywords Drainage channel · air quality sensor · wifi module · cloud server
Ram Sandeep K
ECE Department, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation,
Shruti suman
ECE Department, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation,
2 K and shruti suman
IoT proves to be a reliable one for drain observation by resolution the issues like toxic gas
detection, level observation and outputting the result action exploitation the formula in
economical manner. think about the state of affairs in paper [1] the authors ar purposed the
way to notice gas and alert us concerning the run and conjointly automatically shut down
the knob of the gas cylinder to seize any run of gas by exploitation C2000 flute MCU.
In paper [2], the author has used the direct cylinder pressure observation system (cpms) for
the utilization of pressure device directly mounted on the transport cap of the cylinder. The
pressure within the cylinder is measured unendingly by the pressure device and the
information are going to be unendingly sent to the system exploitation the frequency
Technology. The output of the pressure device is analog signal, that once placing the
cylindrical surface produces the electromagnetic radiation that is detected by the RFID and
communicated by the controller. Once the pressure reaches the edge worth the controller
sense the message to the machine dialer.
In paper [3],the sewerage level monitored exploitation magnetic float level device. The
minimum and most levels ar set and level sensor keeps on observation the amount of the
sewerage. once the amount reaches the most point the device detects and sends the signal
to the controller wherever the alert message is generated and dispatch the message to the
municipal and corporation in before overflow. The message is repeatedly sent till the
amount reaches to the minimum set.
In the paper [4], the author have used water flow device for level detection. once the several
device reach the edge level, the indication of several worth of the device is being sent to the
microcontroller. the placement of the hole is send to the municipal corporation through
GSM and GPS. The device calculates the water rate for each second and readings are going
to be displayed within the serial monitor.
In paper [5], the author used wireless device network that communicate some device nodes
that ar enforced in some areas. The sensor used ar downfall device, water level device and
speed device. Hardware on the node device unit, signal learning, processor, real clock
(RTC), SD cards, frequency modules and provide unit. Water level device is employed to see
the water level and contributes to calculation of water discharge. Stages of drain
Title Suppressed Due to Excessive Length 3
observation system ar style of device nodes, design of communication units, and style of
layout for device nodes, style of information system.
The utilization of a underground sewage monitoring system sets in place a useful approach
to remind individuals or facilities employing these workers, to evacuate areas when ppm
levels of certain gases goes more than recommended. this protects lives of the
workers working in harmful environments and saves them from hazards. Organisations
often employ to scrub drainages however no system is in place to test on hazardous levels. a
wise system is defined as a cyber-physical system or an embedded system, that may process
sensor data and assure a wireless communication to the server. Different
system’s are proposed earlier by scientists researching the environmental pollution and air
hazards thanks to industrial sewage. for instance, IoT can be used to address
the pollution problem, as proposed in pollution to test Ground-level ozone and stuff that
provides rise to respiratory dis- eases like dioxide, nitrogen oxides or airborne particles
caused by emission of polluting gases from vehicles that degrade air quality. In survey a
design is proposed that brings in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
for pollution monitoring system, called Wireless Sensor Network pollution Monitoring
System (WAPMS). This utilizes Air Quality Index (AQI) because the main parameter and
employs data aggregation algorithm to merge data to get rid of duplicates and separate
out invalid readings.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is broadly being perceived by analysts as a standout
amongst the foremost modern advancements with the conceive to significantly change
wellbeing, security and addresses real effects inside the overall public. This break through
in technology may
be employed in collaboration with sensors, and a wise system is meant for drainage
Arduino UNO software and Wifi module are the primary components which make up this
project model. Wifi module enable to read sensor data. Further, these real time ppm values
are simultaneously updated to cloud using ThingSpeak IoT platform. The graphical
representation of ppm values of these gases is plotted using the analytics tools in
ThingSpeak. Finally the status of gas level and The data of the ppm values of the sensors
can be stored and monitored by user. so as to avoid any accident that might occur with the
labour working at the sewage tanks and rescue them from health issues caused because of
these harmful gases.
Node MCU ESP-8266:- The Node MCU ESP8266 development board comes with the ESP-
12E module containing ESP8266 chip having Tensilica Xtensa 32-bit LX106 RISC
microprocessor. This microprocessor supports RTOS and operates at 80MHz to 160 MHz
adjustable clock frequency. Node MCU has 128 KB RAM and 4MB of Flash memory to store
data and programs. Its high processing power with in-built Wi-Fi / Bluetooth and Deep
Sleep Operating features make it ideal for IoT projects. Node MCU can be powered using
Micro USB jack and VIN pin (External Supply Pin). It supports UART, SPI, and I2C
MQ-5 sensor:- The Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ5) module is useful for gas leakage detection (in
home and industry). It is suitable for detecting LPG,CH4,H2,CO Due to its high sensitivity
and fast response time, mea- surements can be taken as soon as possible. The sensitivity of
the sensor are often adjusted by using the potentiometer
the system methodology which includes Arduino UNO software execute the process. The
simulation of sensors, and wifi module , and calling is done on this software
Calibrating the sensors-MQ series sensors use a small heater inside with an electro-
chemical sensor inorder to measure different kind of gases combinations. It is
recommended to calibrate the detector for 5000 ppm of CH4 concentration in air and use
value of Load resistance (RL) about 20KΩ. The sensor itself yields a analog voltage that can
be transformed using an ADC. The transformed value can be used in designs to get the ppm
Connecting Wifi Module to Thing Speak:- Thing Speak is an IoT platform that uses
channels to store data sent from devices. By altering the settings in Channel configuration,
creation of a channel is done, and then data is sent to and from the channel and retrieved in
the same way. Channels are made public to share data. There is use of the REST API calls
such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
MQTT Publish method can also be used to update a channel feed and MQTT Subscribe to
receive messages whenever there is a channel update.
Sending the readings to Thing Speak server and analyzing graphs using MATLAB in Thing
Speak. Thing Speak is an open source IoT platform with incorporated Wi-Fi chip. In the
proposed design, it is used to take readings from sensors and upload the value of gas
percentage level on the cloud using wifi module that uses HTTP protocol for updating
We use Thing Speak IoT platform to update the gas level values the. The hardware setup is
first made with coding simulation. The code is run after wifi module is set up. The
following steps are initiated to precise work with the proposed system Real time
implementation of system
As observed from the graphs plotted by ThingSpeak analysis tool, the data charted by
sensors, Graphical analysis of result threshold for CO is breached, alert is done and levels
are again brought down after this poin As it can be seen, data from sensors is charted in real
time and can be observed on a minute by minute basis.
Drainages are a way to test on hazardous release of gaseous components into the
environment in areas inclusive of both residential and industrial premises. Sewage, on
natural decomposition, often ends up in production of toxic gases. These gases is poisonous
if inhaled for a long period of time and may cause chronic illnesses in men, if it's introduced
within the body in high concentrations. tank gases contain dioxide, hydrogen sulphide
(H2S), methane, ammonia, dioxide, CO2 and traces of CO. These toxic gases thus become
dangerous especially for sewage workers and cleaners and sometimes cause their death.
Therefore, to stop exposure to such workplace hazards, an IOT based monitoring system
was proposed and designed which monitored their levels and analyzed the quantities
present within the environment.
Sensor networks are considered because the key enablers for the IoT paradigm. This paper
addresses all about smart and real-time Drainage monitoring system through IoT
applications. By using various sensors like gas detection can monitor the real time scenario
of system by for detecting the issues in system. By doing this we will} able to take particular
action on the issues as we are going to receive the first alerts of level increase. This paper
are often used to design the smart and real time system for monitoring likewise as
troubleshooting purpose.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our guide, Dr. SHRUTI SUMAN for his
enriching insights, immovable faith and encouragement throughout our project work. He
provided with a stimulating atmosphere for doing research and despite of his busy
schedule, provided timely help and genial support for completion of this research work.
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