No.47 Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard
No.47 Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard
No.47 Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard
1. Scope
2. General requirements for new construction
3. Qualification of personnel and procedures
3.1 Qualification of welders
3.2 Qualification of welding procedures
3.3 Qualification of NDE operators
4. Materials
4.1 Materials for structural members
4.2 Surface conditions
5. Gas Cutting
6. Fabrication and fairness
6.1 Flanged longitudinals and flanged brackets
6.2 Built-up sections
6.3 Corrugated bulkheads
6.4 Pillars, brackets and stiffeners
6.5 Maximum heating temperature on surface for line heating
6.6 Block assembly
6.7 Special sub-assembly
6.8 Shape
6.9 Fairness of plating between frames
6.10 Fairness of plating with frames
6.11 Preheating for welding hull steels at low temperature
7. Alignment
8. Welding Joint Details
8.1 Typical butt weld plate edge preparation (manual welding and semi-automatic welding)
8.2 Typical fillet weld plate edge preparation (manual welding and semi-automatic welding)
8.3 Butt and fillet weld profile (manual welding and semi-automatic welding)
8.4 Typical butt weld edge preparation (Automatic welding)
8.5 Distance between welds
9. Remedial
9.1 Typical misalignment remedial
9.2 Typical butt weld plate edge preparation remedial (manual welding and semi-automatic welding)
9.3 Typical fillet weld plate edge preparation remedial (manual welding and semi-automatic welding)
9.4 Typical fillet and butt weld profile remedial (manual welding and semi-automatic welding)
9.5 Distance between welds remedial
9.6 Erroneous hole remedial
9.7 Remedial by insert plate
9.8 Weld surface remedial
9.9 Weld remedial (short bead)
1. IACS “Bulk Carriers - Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structure”
2. TSCF “Guidelines for the inspection and maintenance of double hull tanker structures”
3. TSCF “Guidance manual for the inspection and condition assessment of tanker structures”
4. IACS UR W7 “Hull and machinery steel forgings”
5. IACS UR W8 “Hull and machinery steel castings”
6. IACS UR W11 “Normal and higher strength hull structural steel”
7. IACS UR W13 “Allowable under thickness tolerances of steel plates and wide flats”
8. IACS UR W14 “Steel plates and wide flats with improved through thickness properties”
9. IACS UR W17 “Approval of consumables for welding normal and higher strength hull structural steels”
10. IACS UR W28 “Welding procedure qualification tests of steels for hull construction and marine structures”
11. IACS UR Z10.1 “Hull surveys of oil tankers” and Z10.2 “Hull surveys of bulk carriers” Annex I
12. IACS UR Z23 “Hull survey for new construction”
13. IACS Recommendation No. 12 “Guidelines for surface finish of hot rolled plates and wide flats”
14. IACS Recommendation No. 20 “Non-destructive testing of ship hull steel welds”
1. Scope
It is intended that these standards provide guidance where established and recognized shipbuilding or national
standards accepted by the Classification Society do not exist.
1.1 This standard provides guidance on shipbuilding quality standards for the hull structure during new
construction and the remedial standard where the quality standard is not met.
1.2 In this standard, both a "Standard" range and a "Limit" range are listed. The "Standard" range represents
the target range expected to be met in regular work under normal circumstances. The "Limit" range represents the
maximum allowable deviation from the "Standard" range. Work beyond the "Standard" range but within the
"Limit" range is acceptable. In cases where no ‘limit’ value is specified, the value beyond the ‘standard’ range
may be accepted subject to the consideration of the Classification Society.
1.3 The standard covers typical construction methods and gives guidance on quality standards for the most
important aspects of such construction. Unless explicitly stated elsewhere in the standard, the level of
workmanship reflected herein will in principle be acceptable for primary and secondary structure of conventional
designs. A more stringent standard may however be required for critical and highly stressed areas of the hull, and
this is to be agreed with the Classification Society in each case. In assessing the criticality of hull structure and
structural components, reference is made to ref. 1, 2 and 3.
1.4 Details relevant to structures or fabrication procedures not covered by this standard are to be approved by
the Classification Society on the basis of procedure qualifications and/or recognized national standards.
1.5 For use of this standard, fabrication fit-ups, deflections and similar quality attributes are intended to be
uniformly distributed about the nominal values. The shipyard is to take corrective action to improve work
processes that produce measurements where a skew distribution is evident. Relying upon remedial steps that
truncate a skewed distribution of the quality attribute is unacceptable.
2.1 In general, the work is to be carried out in accordance with the Classification Society rules and under the
supervision of the Surveyor to the Classification Society
2.2 Welding operations are to be carried out in accordance with work instructions accepted by the
Classification Society.
2.3 Welding of hull structures is to be carried out by qualified welders, according to approved and qualified
welding procedures and with welding consumables approved by the Classification Society, see Section 3. Welding
operations are to be carried out under proper supervision by the shipbuilder. The working conditions for welding
are to be monitored by the Classification Society in accordance with UR Z23.
3.1.1 Welders are to be qualified in accordance with the procedures of the Classification Society or to a
recognized national or international standard. Recognition of other standards is subject to submission to the
Classification Society for evaluation. Subcontractors are to keep records of welders qualification and, when
required, furnish valid approval test certificates.
3.1.2 Welding operators using fully mechanized or fully automatic processes need generally not pass approval
testing provided that the production welds made by the operators are of the required quality. However, operators
are to receive adequate training in setting or programming and operating the equipment. Records of training and
operation experience shall be maintained on individual operator’s files and records, and be made available to the
Classification Society for inspection when requested.
Welding procedures are to be qualified in accordance with URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the
Classification Society.
Personnel performing non-destructive examination for the purpose of assessing quality of welds in connection
with new construction covered by this standard, are to be qualified in accordance with Classification Society rules
or to a recognized international or national qualification scheme. Records of operators and their current
certificates are to be kept and made available to the Surveyor for inspection.
4. Materials
All materials, including weld consumables, to be used for the structural members are to be approved by the
Classification Society as per the approved construction drawings and meet the respective IACS Unified
Requirements. Additional recommendations are contained in the following paragraphs.
All materials used should be manufactured at a works approved by the Classification Society for the type and
grade supplied.
4.2.1 Definitions
Minor Imperfections: Pitting, rolled-in scale, indentations, roll marks, scratches and grooves
Defects: Cracks, shells, sand patches, sharp edged seams and minor imperfections
not exceeding the limits of table 1 in case that the sum of the influenced
area exceeds 5% of the total surface in question
Depth of Imperfections or defects: Tthe depth is to be measured from the surface of the product
Minor imperfections, in accordance with the nominal thickness (t) of the product and the limits described in Table
1, are permissible and may be left as they are.
Table 1 Acceptance lLimits for depth of minor imperfection, for acceptance without remedies
Imperfection surface area Ratio (%) is obtained as influenced area / area under consideration (i.e. plate surface
area) x 100%.
For isolated surface discontinuities, influenced area is obtained by drawing a continuous line which follows the
circumference of the discontinuity at a distance of 20 mm. (Figure 1)
For surface discontinuities appearing in a cluster, influenced area is obtained by drawing a continuous line which
follows the circumference of the cluster at a distance of 20 mm. (Figure 2)
4.2.3 Remedial of Defects
Defects are to be remedied by grinding and/or welding in accordance with IACS Rec.12. Lamination
Investigation to be carried out at the steelmill into the cause and extent of the detected laminations. Severe
lamination is to be remedied by local insert plates. The minimum breadth or length of the plate to be replaced is to
• 1600 mm for shell and strength deck plating in way of cruciform or T-joints,
• 800 mm for shell, strength deck plating and other primary members,
• 300 mm for other structural members.
Local limited lamination may be remedied by chipping and/or grinding followed by welding in accordance with
sketch (a). In case where the local limited lamination is near the plate surface, the remedial may be carried out as
shown in sketch (b). For limitations see paragraph 4.2.2.
(a) (b)
Loose weld spatters are to be removed by grinding or other measures to clean metal surface (see Table 9.13), as
required by the paint system, on:
• shell plating
• deck plating on exposed decks
• in tanks for chemical cargoes
• in tanks for fresh water and for drinking water
• in tanks for lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, including service tanks
5. Gas Cutting
Free Edges:
Standard Limit
Strength Members 150 µm 300 µm
Others 500 µm 1000 µm
Welding Edges:
Standard Limit
Strength Members 400 µm 800 µm
Others 800 µm 1500 µm
6.3 Corrugated bulkheads (see Table 6.3)
6.4 Pillars, brackets and stiffeners (see Table 6.4)
6.5 Maximum heating temperature on surface for line heating (see Table 6.5)
6.6 Block assembly (see Table 6.6)
6.7 Special sub-assembly (see Table 6.7)
6.8 Shape (see Table 6.8 and 6.9)
6.9 Fairness of plating between frames (see Table 6.10)
6.10 Fairness of plating with frames (see Table 6.11)
6.11 Preheating for welding hull steels at low temperature (See Table 6.12)
7. Alignment
The quality standards for alignment of hull structural components during new construction are shown in Tables
7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. The Classification Society may require a closer construction tolerance in areas requiring special
attention, as follows:
Edge preparation is to be qualified in accordance with URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the
Classification Society.
Some typical edge preparations are shown in Table 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 and 8.6 for reference.
8.1 Typical butt weld plate edge preparation (manual and semi-automatic welding) for reference - see Table
8.1 and 8.2
8.2 Typical fillet weld plate edge preparation (manual and semi-automatic welding) for reference - see Table
8.3 and 8.4
8.3 Butt and fillet weld profile (manual and semi-automatic welding) - see Table 8.5
8.4 Typical butt weld plate edge preparation (Automatic welding) for reference - see Table 8.6
8.5 Distance between welds - see Table 8.7
9. Remedial
All the major remedial work is subject to reporting by shipbuilder to the Classification Society for approval in
accordance with their work instruction for new building.
TABLE 6.1 – Flanged Longitudinals and Flanged Brackets
Breadth of flange
± 3 mm ± 5 mm
± 3 mm ± 5 mm per 100 mm of a
compared to template
Straightness in plane of
flange and web
± 10 mm ± 25 mm per 10 m
TABLE 6.2 – Built Up Sections
d ≤ 3 + a/100 mm d ≤ 5 + a/100 mm
± 10 mm ± 25 mm per 10 m in length
TABLE 6.3 – Corrugated Bulkheads
Mechanical bending
Material to be
suitable for cold
R ≥ 3t mm 2t mm flanging (forming)
and welding in way
of radius
Depth of corrugation
± 3 mm ± 6 mm
Breadth of corrugation
± 3 mm ± 6 mm
h : ± 2.5 mm h : ± 5 mm
Pitch and depth of swedged
corrugated bulkhead compared Where it is not aligned with Where it is not aligned
with correct value other bulkheads with other bulkheads
P : ± 6 mm P : ± 9 mm
- 10 -
TABLE 6.4 – Pillars, Brackets and Stiffeners
4 mm 6 mm
± D/200 mm ± D/150 mm
a ≤ t/2 mm t
dmax – dmin ≤ 0.02 × dmax
- 11 -
TABLE 6.5 – Maximum Heating Temperature on Surface for Line Heating
Mn Cr + Mo + V Ni + Cu
Ceq = C + + + (% )
6 5 15
- 12 -
TABLE 6.6 – Block Assembly
Distortion ± 10 mm ±20mm
Squareness ± 5 mm ±10mm
Squareness ± 10 mm ± 15 mm
Distortion ± 10 mm ± 20 mm
Squareness ± 5 mm ± 10 mm
Twist ± 10 mm ± 20 mm
Squareness ± 10 mm ± 15 mm
Twist ± 15 mm ± 25 mm
- 13 -
TABLE 6.7 – Special Sub-Assembly
Distance between
upper/lower gudgeon ± 5 mm ± 10 mm
Twist of sub-assembly of
stern frame 5 mm 10 mm
Dimensions and tolerances have to fulfill engine and equipment manufacturers’ requirements, if any.
- 14 -
TABLE 6.8 – Shape
± 15 mm
The deviation is to
± 30 mm be measured from
the design line.
Cocking-up of aft-body
± 20 mm
The deviation is to
± 15 mm be measured from
the design line.
- 15 -
TABLE 6.9 – Shape
- 16 -
TABLE 6.10 – Fairness of Plating Between Frames
Parallel part
4 mm
(side & bottom shell)
Shell plate
8 mm
Tank top plate 4 mm
Longl. Bulkhead
Trans. Bulkhead 6 mm
Swash Bulkhead
Parallel part 4 mm 8 mm
Covered part 7 mm 9 mm
Bare part 6 mm 8 mm
Second deck
Covered part 7 mm 9 mm
Outside wall 4 mm 6 mm
Covered part 7 mm 9 mm
- 17 -
TABLE 6.11 – Fairness of Plating with Frames
Bulkhead - ±5 l /1000 mm
l = span of frame
(minimum l = 3000 mm)
- 18 -
TABLE 6.12 – Preheating for welding hull steels at low temperature
Base metal Minimum
temperature needed preheating
preheating temperature
Normal strength
A, B, D, E Below -5 oC
Higher strength
steels Below 0 oC
(TMCP type) 20 oC 1)
AH32 – EH32
AH36 – EH36
Higher strength
Below 0 oC
1) This level of preheat is to be applied unless the approved welding procedure specifies a higher level.
- 19 -
TABLE 7.1 – Alignment
a ≤ 0.15t strength
member t is the lesser plate
a ≤ 0.2t other thickness
but maximum 4.0 mm
Alternatively, heel
Strength member and line can be used to
higher stress member: check the alignment.
t1/2 a ≤ t1/3
t1/2 t2/2 Where t3 is less than
Other: t1, then t3 should be
t2/2 a ≤ t1/2 substituted for t1 in
the standard.
t1 < t2
Alignment of fillet welds
t2/2 t2
t1/2 t1/2
- 20 -
TABLE 7.2 – Alignment
Strength member
a = 8.0 mm
a ≤ 0.04b (mm)
b (mm)
d ≤ L/50
a ≤ 2.0 mm a = 3.0 mm
a ≤ 2.0 mm a = 3.0 mm
- 21 -
TABLE 7.3 – Alignment
a ≤ 2.0 mm a = 5.0 mm
s ≤ 2.0 mm s = 3.0 mm
- 22 -
TABLE 8.1 – Typical Butt Weld Plate Edge Preparation (Manual Welding and Semi-Automatic
Welding) for Reference
Square butt t ≤ 5 mm
G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm see Note 1
Different plate edge preparation may be accepted or approved by the Classification Society in accordance with
URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the Classification Society.
For welding procedures other than manual welding, see paragraph 3.2 Qualification of weld procedures.
- 23 -
TABLE 8.2 – Typical Butt Weld Plate Edge Preparation (Manual Welding and Semi-Automatic
Welding) for Reference
G = 3 to 9 mm G = 16 mm see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm see Note 1
Different plate edge preparation may be accepted or approved by the Classification Society in accordance with
URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the Classification Society.
For welding procedures other than manual welding, see paragraph 3.2 Qualification of welding procedures.
- 24 -
Table 8.3 – Typical Fillet Weld Plate Edge Preparation (Manual Welding and Semi-Automatic
Welding) for Reference
Tee Fillet
G ≤ 2 mm G = 3 mm see Note 1
Inclined fillet
G ≤ 2 mm G = 3 mm see Note 1
G = 16 mm
Single bevel tee with permanent backing
see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm
Different plate edge preparation may be accepted or approved by the Classification Society in accordance with
URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the Classification Society.
For welding procedures other than manual welding, see paragraph 3.2 Qualification of welding procedures.
- 25 -
Table 8.4 – Typical Fillet Weld Plate Edge Preparation (Manual Welding and Semi-Automatic
Welding) for Reference
G ≤ 3 mm see Note 1
G ≤ 3 mm see Note 1
Different plate edge preparation may be accepted or approved by the Classification Society in accordance with
URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the Classification Society.
For welding procedures other than manual welding, see paragraph 3.2 Qualification of welding procedures.
- 26 -
Table 8.5 – Butt And Fillet Weld Profile (Manual Welding and Semi-Automatic Welding)
θ ≤ 60° θ ≤ 90°
h ≤ 6 mm
D ≤ 0.8 mm
for other
s ≥ 0.9sd
a ≥ 0.9ad sd = design s
ad = design a
over short weld
D ≤ 0.8 mm
- 27 -
Table 8.6 – Typical Butt Weld Plate Edge Preparation (Automatic welding) for Reference
Different plate edge preparation may be accepted or approved by the Classification Society in accordance with
URW28 or other recognized standard accepted by the Classification Society.
For welding procedures other than manual welding, see paragraph 3.2 Qualification of welding procedures.
- 28 -
Table 8.7 – Distance Between Welds
d ≥ 0 mm
for strength
member The “d” is to be
measured from the
d ≥ 10 mm
toe of the fillet weld
to the toe of the butt
for other
d ≥ 0 mm
for cut-outs
d ≥ 30 mm
- 29 -
Table 9.1 – Typical Misalignment Remedial
a > 0.2t1 or a > 4 mm
release and adjust
Alignment of fillet welds Strength member and higher stress member Alternatively, heel line can be
t1/3 < a ≤ t1/2 - generally increase weld used to check the alignment.
throat by 10%
Where t3 is less than t1 then t3
a1 should be substituted for t1 in
a > t1/2 - release and adjust over a
minimum of 50a standard
t1/2 t2/2
t2/2 Other
a > t1/2 - release and adjust over a
minimum of 30a
3 mm < a ≤ 5 mm:
weld leg length to be increased by the same
amount as increase in gap in excess of 3
a > 5 mm:
members to be re-aligned
- 30 -
Table 9.2 – Typical Misalignment Remedial
- 31 -
TABLE 9.3 – Misalignment Remedial
When 5 mm < s ≤ 10 mm
nib to be chamfered and built up by welding
When s > 10 mm
cut off nib and fit collar plate of same height
as nib
20 mm ≤ b ≤ 50 mm
- 32 -
TABLE 9.4 – Typical Butt Weld Plate Edge Preparation Remedial (Manual Welding and
Semi-Automatic Welding)
- 33 -
TABLE 9.5 – Typical Butt Weld Plate Edge Preparation Remedial (Manual Welding and
Semi-Automatic Welding)
- 34 -
TABLE 9.6 – Typical Fillet Weld Plate Edge Preparation Remedial (Manual Welding and
Semi-Automatic Welding)
30° to 45°
Liner treatment
t2 ≤ t ≤ t1 Not to be used in
G ≤ 2 mm cargo area or areas
a = 5 mm + fillet leg length of tensile stress
through the
thickness of the
- 35 -
TABLE 9.7 – Typical Fillet Weld Plate Edge Preparation Remedial (Manual Welding and
Semi-Automatic Welding)
- 36 -
TABLE 9.8 – Typical Fillet Weld Plate Edge Preparation Remedial (Manual Welding and
Semi-Automatic Welding)
- 37 -
TABLE 9.9 – Typical Fillet and Butt Weld Profile Remedial (Manual Welding and Semi-Automatic
Where D > 1 mm
undercut to be filled by welding
Where D > 1 mm
undercut to be filled by welding
- 38 -
TABLE 9.10 – Distance Between Welds Remedial
- 39 -
TABLE 9.11 – Erroneous Hole Remedial
θ = 30 – 40°
G = 4 – 6 mm
1/2t ≤ t1 ≤ t
l = 50 mm
The fitting of spigot
Or pieces in areas of high
open hole to over 300 mm and fit insert plate stress concentration or
fatigue is to be approved
by the Classification
Other Society.
open hole to over 300 mm and fit insert plate
t1 = t2 L = 50 mm, min
open hole to over 300 mm and fit insert plate
Or fit lap plate
t1 = t2 L = 50 mm, min
- 40 -
TABLE 9.12 – Remedial by Insert Plate
L = 300 mm minimum
B = 300 mm minimum
R = 5t mm
100mm minimum
L min ≥ 300 mm
Welding sequence
(1) →(2) →(3) →(4)
- 41 -
TABLE 9.13 – Weld Surface Remedial
Arc strike Remove the hardened zone by grinding Minimum short bead to be
(HT steel, Cast steel, Grade E of mild or other measures such as overlapped weld referred Table 9.14
steel, TMCP type HT steel, Low temp bead etc.
- 42 -
TABLE 9.14 – Welding Remedial by Short Bead
Short bead for remedying scar (scratch) a) HT steel, Cast steel, TMCP type HT Preheating is necessary at
steel (Ceq > 0.36%) and Low temp 100 ± 25°C
steel (Ceq > 0.36%)
- 43 -
1. Scope
2. General requirements to repairs and repairers
3. Qualification of personnel
3.1 Qualification of welders
3.2 Qualification of welding procedures
3.3 Qualification of NDE operators
4. Materials
4.1 General requirements to materials
4.2 Equivalency of material grades
5. General requirements to welding
5.1 Correlation of welding consumables to hull structural steels
5.2 General requirements to preheating and drying out
5.3 Dry welding on hull plating below the waterline of vessels afloat
6. Repair quality standard
6.1 Welding, general
6.2 Renewal of plates
6.3 Doubler on plates
6.4 Renewal of internals/stiffeners
6.5 Renewal of internals/stiffeners - transitions inverted angles/bulb profiles
6.6 Termination of straps
6.7 Welding of pitting corrosion
6.8 Welding repairs of cracks
6.9 Grinding of shallow cracks
1. IACS “Bulk Carriers - Guidelines for Surveys, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structure”
2. TSCF “Guidelines for the inspection and maintenance of double hull tanker structures”
3. TSCF “Guidance manual for the inspection and condition assessment of tanker structures”
4. IACS UR W 11 “Normal and higher strength hull structural steels”
5. IACS UR W 13 “Allowable under thickness tolerances of steel plates and wide flats”
6. IACS UR W 17 “Approval of consumables for welding normal and higher strength hull structural steels”
7. IACS Z 10.1 “Hull surveys of oil tankers” and Z 10.2 “Hull surveys of bulk carriers” Table IV
8. IACS UR Z 13 “Voyage repairs and maintenance”
9. IACS Recommendation 12 “Guidelines for surface finish of hot rolled steel plates and wide flats”
10. IACS Recommendation 20 “Guide for inspection of ship hull welds”
1. Scope
1.1 This standard provides guidance on quality of repair of hull structures. The standard covers permanent
repairs of existing ships.
1.3 Restoration of structure to the original standard may not constitute durable repairs of damages originating
from insufficient strength or inadequate detail design. In such cases strengthening or improvements beyond the
original design may be required. Such improvements are not covered by this standard, however it is referred to
ref. 1, 2 and 3.
2.1 In general, when hull structure covered by classification is to be subjected to repairs, the work is to be carried
out under the supervision of the Surveyor to the Classification Society. Such repairs are to be agreed prior to
commencement of the work.
2.2 Repairs are to be carried out by workshops, repair yards or personnel who have demonstrated their capability
to carry out hull repairs of adequate quality in accordance with the Classification Society’s requirements and this
2.3 Repairs are to be carried out under working conditions that facilitate sound repairs. Provisions are to be made
for proper accessibility, staging, lighting and ventilation. Welding operations are to be carried out under shelter
from rain, snow and wind.
2.4 Welding of hull structures is to be carried out by qualified welders, according to approved and qualified
welding procedures and with welding consumables approved by the Classification Society, see Section 3. Welding
operations are to be carried out under proper supervision of the repair yard.
2.5 Where repairs to hull which affect or may affect classification are intended to be carried out during a voyage,
complete repair procedure including the extent and sequence of repair is to be submitted to and agreed upon by
the Surveyor to the Classification Society reasonably in advance of the repairs. See Ref. 8.
3. Qualification of personnel
3.1.2 Welding operators using fully mechanised of fully automatic processes need generally not pass approval
testing, provided that production welds made by the operators are of the required quality. However, operators are
to receive adequate training in setting or programming and operating the equipment. Records of training and
production test results shall be maintained on individual operator’s files and records, and be made available to the
Classification Society for inspection when requested.
4. Materials
4.1.2 Replacement material is in general to be of the same grade as the original approved material. Alternatively,
material grades complying with recognised national or international standards may be accepted by the
Classification Societies provided such standards give equivalence to the requirements of the original grade or are
agreed by the Classification Society. For assessment of equivalency between steel grades, the general requirements
and guidelines in Section 4.2 apply.
4.1.3 Higher tensile steel is not to be replaced by steel of a lesser strength unless specially approved by the
Classification Society.
4.1.4 Normal and higher strength hull structural steels are to be manufactured at works approved by the
Classification Society for the type and grade being supplied.
4.1.5 Materials used in repairs are to be certified by the Classification Society applying the procedures and
requirements in the rules for new constructions. In special cases, and normally limited to small quantities,
materials may be accepted on the basis of alternative procedures for verification of the material’s properties. Such
procedures are subject to agreement by the Classification Society in each separate case.
4.2.1 Assessment of equivalency between material grades should at least include the following aspects;
- heat treatment/delivery condition
- chemical composition
- mechanical properties
- tolerances
4.2.2 When assessing the equivalence between grades of normal or higher strength hull structural steels up to
and including grade E40 in thickness limited to 50 mm, the general requirements in Table 4.1 apply.
4.2.3 Guidance on selection of steel grades to certain recognised standards equivalent to hull structural steel
grades specified in Classification Societies’ rules is given in Table 4.2
5.1.1 For the different hull structural steel grades welding consummables are to be selected in accordance with
IACS UR W17 (see Ref.5).
5.2.1 The need for preheating is to be determined based on the chemical composition of the materials, welding
process and procedure and degree of joint restraint.
5.2.2 A minimum preheat of 50o C is to be applied when ambient temperature is below 0°C. Dryness of the
welding zone is in all cases to be ensured.
5.2.3 Guidance on recommended minimum preheating temperature for higher strength steel is given in Table 5.1.
For automatic welding processes utilising higher heat input e.g. submerged arc welding, the temperatures may be
reduced by 50o C. For re-welding or repair of welds, the stipulated values are to be increased by 25 o C.
Mechanical - Tensile strength; equal or higher Actual yield strength should not exceed
properties - Yield strength; equal or higher Classification Society Rule minimum
- Elongation; equal or higher requirements by more than 80 N/mm2
- Impact energy; equal or higher at
same or lower temperature, where
Table 4.1 Minimum extent and requirements to assessment of equivalency between normal or higher
strength hull structural steel grades
5.3 Dry welding on hull plating below the waterline of vessels afloat
5.3.1. Welding on hull plating below the waterline of vessels afloat is acceptable only on normal and higher
strength steels with specified yield strength not exceeding 355 MPa and only for local repairs. Welding involving
other high strength steels or more extensive repairs against water backing is subject to special consideration and
approval by the Classification Society of the welding procedure.
5.3.2. Low-hydrogen electrodes or welding processes are to be used when welding on hull plating against water
backing. Coated low-hydrogen electrodes used for manual metal arc welding should be properly conditioned to
ensure a minimum of moisture content.
5.3.3 In order to ensure dryness and to reduce the cooling rate, the structure is to be preheated by a torch or
similar prior to welding, to a temperature of minimum 5oC or as specified in the welding procedure.
Table 4.2 Guidance on steel grades comparable to the normal and high strength hull structural steel grades given in Classification Society rules
Steel grades according to Classification Societies’ rules (ref. 5) Comparable steel grades
Note : In selecting comparable steels from this table, attention should be given to the requirements of Table 4.1 and the dimension requirements of the product with respect
to Classification Society rules.
Carbon equivalent Recommended minimum preheat temperature ( 0 C )
tcomb ≤ 50 mm 2) 50 mm<tcomb ≤ 70 mm 2)
tcomb >70 mm 2)
Ceq ≤ 0.39 - - 50
Ceq ≤ 0.41 - - 75
Ceq ≤ 0.43 - 50 100
Ceq ≤ 0.45 50 100 125
Ceq ≤ 0.47 100 125 150
Ceq ≤ 0.50 125 150 175
Mn Cr + Mo + V Ni + Cu
1) Ceq = C + + + (%)
6 5 15
2) Combined thickness tcomb = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 , see figure
= =
t1 t2 t1 t2
6. Repair quality standard
Slag, grease, loose mill scale, rust and paint, other than primer, to be removed.
6.2 Renewal of plates
2 3
1 2
4 1
R = 5 x plate thickness 4
100mm 100mm
min. 100mm
Local doublers are normally only allowed as temporary repairs, except as original compensation for openings,
within the main hull structure.
Size of
d d
tf 15o
b2 Transition angle
Flanges tf = tf2
bf = bf2
Length of flatbar 4 x h1
Assymmetrical arrangement
Strap t b
Increased throat
Taper /b > 3
Symmetrical arrangement
Increased throat
Strap t b
Taper /b > 3
Fig. 6.6 Termination of straps
Shallow pits may be filled by applying coating or pit filler. Pits can be defined as shallow when their depth is less
than 1/3 of the orginal plate thickness.
Welding direction
Grind flush
Finish outside pit Start outside pit
3 2 1
Fig. 6.8.a Step back technique Fig 6.8.b End crack termination
3 2 1
Fig 6.8.c Welding sequence for cracks with length less than 300 mm
Fig. 6.8.d Groove preparation
(U-groove left and V-groove right)