Computation of Added Mass and Damping Coefficients Due To A Heaving Cylinder
Computation of Added Mass and Damping Coefficients Due To A Heaving Cylinder
Computation of Added Mass and Damping Coefficients Due To A Heaving Cylinder
127 - 140
Abstract. We present the boundary value problem (BVP) for the heave
motion due to a vertical circular cylinder in water of finite depth. The BVP
is presented in terms of velocity potential function. The velocity potential
is obtained by considering two regions, namely, interior region and exterior
region. The solutions for these two regions are obtained by the method of
separation of variables. The analytical expressions for the hydrodynamic
coefficients are derived. Computational results are presented for various
depth to radius and draft to radius ratios.
1. Introduction
They discussed the formulation of the linear water ware theory and de-
velopment of the simplest two-dimensional solution for standing and progres-
sive waves. An introduction to various offshore structures are described by
Chakrabarti [2]. He presented wave theories using stream and potential func-
tions and wave force on structures of common geometrical shape such as cylinder,
sphere. Floating structure dynamics were discussed by him in details. Numer-
ical results for the added mass of bodies heaving at low frequency in water of
finite depth were presented by McIver and Linton [6]. Rahman and Bhatta [8]
presented the closed form solutions for the added mass and damping coefficient
of a large surface-piercing bottom-mounted vertical circular cylinder undergo-
ing horizontal oscillations. They studied the high-frequency and low-frequency
behavior using asymptotic forms. Debnath [4] presented theoretical studies of
nonlinear water waves over the last few decades. His work is primarily devoted
to the mathematical theory of nonlinear water waves with applications. He stud-
ied the theory of nonlinear shallow water waves and solitons, with emphasis on
methods and solutions of several evolution equations that are originated in the
theory of water waves.
Rahman [9] presented an introduction to the mathematical and physical as-
pects of the theory of water waves. He discussed the wave theory of Airy, non-
linear wave theory of Stokes, tidal dynamics in shallow water. He mentioned
about the dynamics of floating offshore structures. Johnson [5] presented an
introduction to mathematical ideas and techniques that are directly relevant to
water wave theory. Beginning with the introduction of the appropriate equations
of fluid mechanics, together with the relevant boundary conditions, the ideas of
nondimensionalisation, scaling and asymptotic expansions are briefly explored.
In the present work, we formulate the boundary value problem for a floating
heaving circlular cylinder in water of arbitrary uniform depth. Here we consider
the heave motion of the cylinder with the assumption that there is no incident
wave. We present computational results for added mass and damping coefficients
for the heaving cylinder for various depth to radius and draft to radius ratios.
2. Mathematical formulation
∂ 2 φ 1 ∂φ 1 ∂2φ ∂2φ
+ + + 2 = 0, (1)
∂r2 r ∂r r2 ∂θ2 ∂z
g − σ2 φ = 0 at z = 0, (2)
= 0 at z = −h, (3)
= w on r ≤ a, z = −b, (4)
= 0 at r = a, −b ≤ z ≤ 0 (5)
where σ represents the angular frequency and w is the heaving velocity. Due to
symmetry in θ−direction, we assume φ and w take the forms
φ(r, θ, z) = ψm (r, z) cos mθ, (6)
w= wm cos mθ, (7)
Now we consider the whole fluid region as two regions, interior region and exterior
region. Interior region is the region below the cylinder, i.e., the region where
r ≤ a, z ≥ −h and z ≤ −b. Exterior region is the region where r ≥ a and
−h ≤ z ≤ 0. We seek the solution for interior and exterior regions now.
130 Dambaru Bhatta
3. Interior solution
Z −b
wm a2
I0p = (z + h)2 − dz
(h − b)2 −h 2
" 2 #
wm (h − b) a
= 2−3 . (17)
6 h−b
Z −b
wm 2 a2
Inp = (z + h) − cos kn (z + h)dz
(h − b)2 −h 2
2(−1)n wm (h − b)
= . (18)
n2 π 2
4. Exterior solution
βm0 Hm (s0 r) X
βmj Km (sj r)
ψm = (1)
Zs0 (z) + Zsj (z) (23)
Hm (s0 a) Km (sj a)
where βmj ’s are constants, Hm (s0 r) is the Hankel function of first kind of order
m and Km (sj r) is the modified Bessel function of second kind and order m. Here
s0 and sj satisfy the relations
σ2 = gs0 tanh s0 h, (24)
σ = −gsj tan sj h j = 1, 2, .... (25)
In deriving the solution (23), we use the following notations :
Zs0 (z) = Ns0 2 cosh s0 (z + h), (26)
Zsj (z) = Nsj 2 cos sj (z + h), (27)
132 Dambaru Bhatta
1 sinh 2s0 h
Ns0 = 1+ , (28)
2 2s0 h
1 sin 2sj h
Nsj = 1+ . (29)
2 2sj h
Now at r = a , we have
ψm (a, z) = βmj Zsj (z). (30)
The functions Zsj (z) are orthonormal over [−h, 0] as shown below
1 0 2 1 0 cosh2 s0 (z + h)
Z (z) dz = dz
h −h s0 h −h Ns0
1 sinh 2s0 h
= h+
2hNs0 2s0
= 1. (31)
For j = 1, 2, 3..., we have
1 0 2 1 0 cos2 sj (z + h)
Zsj (z) dz = dz
h −h h −h Ns0
1 sin 2sj h
= h+
2hNs0 2sj
=1 (32)
Z 0 Z 0
1 1 cosh s0 (z + h) cos sj (z + h)
Zs0 (z) Zsj (z) dz = p p dz.
h −h h −h Ns0 Nsj
Considering the following integral
1 0
I= cosh s0 (z + h) cos sj (z + h) dz
h −h
1 0 h s0 (z+h) i
= e + e−s0 (z+h) cos sj (z + h) dz
2 −h
so that we have
Z h s0 u
2I = e + e−s0 u cos sj u du
es0 h s0
= 2 2 (s0 cos sj h + sj sin sj h) − 2
s0 + sj s0 + s2j
Computation of added mass 133
e−s0 h s0
+ (−s0 cos sj h + sj sin sj h) + 2
s20 + s2j s0 + s2j
= 2 (s0 sinh s0 h cos sj h + sj cosh s0 h sin sj h)
s0 + s2j
= cosh s0 h cos sj h (gs0 tanh s0 h + gsj tan sj h)
g s20 + s2j
=0 (33)
because of σ2 = gs0 tanh s0 h = −gsj tan sj h [equations (24), (25)]. Also for
l = 1, 2, .. , m = 1, 2, .. and l 6= m, it can shown that
1 0 1 0 cos sl (z + h) cos sm (z + h)
Zsl (z) Zsm (z) dz = p p dz = 0. (34)
h −h h −h Nsl Nsm
Hence Zsj (z) are orthonormal over [−h, 0].
Thus due to the orthonormality of the functions Zsj (z), βmj can be obtained
from (30) as
1 0 (e)
βmj = ψ (a, z)Zsj (z)dz. (35)
h −h m
5. Matching condition
Z −b
L0sj = Zsj dz, (40)
h−b −h
Z −b
Lnsj = Zsj cos kn(z + h)dz. (41)
h−b −h
for −h ≤ z ≤ −b,
βmj Gmj Zsj (z) = 0 for − b ≤ z ≤ 0 (45)
wm a2
Gm0 = − (46)
2(h − b)
knaIm (kn a)
Gmn =− (47)
Im (kna)
s0 aHm (s0 a)
Gm0 = (1)
Hm (s0 a)
sn aKm (sn a)
Gmn = (49)
Km (sn a)
Now multiplying the equations (44) and (45) by Zsl (z), l = 0, 1, 2... and inte-
grating in the regions of validity and adding them we get
mαm0 X∞ X∞
Gm0 + L0sl = αmn Gmn Lnsl + βmj Gmj δsj sl . (50)
2 n=1
Now substituting the values of αmn from equation (39), we get a system of
Elj βmj = Xml (51)
Computation of added mass 135
Elj = −mL0sl L0sj + Gmj δsj sl + 2 Gmn Lnsl Lnsj , (52)
h−b n=1
mI0p L0sl X
Xml = Gm0 L0sl − + Inp Gmn Lnsl . (53)
2 n=1
Decomposing the radiated force into components in phase with the acceleration
and the velocity, the added mass, µ and damping coefficient, λ are obtained as
λ ρ 2π a (i)
µ+i = φ (r, θ, −b)r dr dθ. (55)
σ w θ=0 r=0
Since θ integration is from 0 to 2π, and the integrand contains cos mθ, there will
be contribution for m = 0 only.
" ( 2 )
λ πa2 ρ 1 1 a α00
µ+i = w0 (h − b) − +
σ w0 2 8 h−b 2
2 h − b X (−1)n α0nI1 (kn a)
π a n=1 nI0 (kna)
( 2) X ∞
πa2 ρ 1 1 a
= w0(h − b) − + β0j L0sj − I0p
w0 2 8 h−b j=0
2 h−b X
∞ n
(−1) I1(kn a) X∞
+ 2 β0j Lnsj − Inp
π a n=1 nI0 (kna) j=0
2) X ∞
1 1 a
= πa (h − b)ρ
+ + γ0j L0sj
3 8 h−b
4 h−b X∞ n
(−1) I1 (kna) X∞
(−1) n
+ γ0j Lnsj − 2 2 (56)
π a n=1
nI0(kn a) n π
where γ0j = w0 (h−b) .
136 Dambaru Bhatta
7. Computational results
To compute added mass and damping, we need to solve the equation (57) first.
We verify the convergence of the solution by the following way.
Figure 2 Figure 3
Fig. 2: Real part of the solution γ01 of equation (57) as function of Np . Fig. 3:
Imaginary part of the solution γ01 of equation (57) as function of Np .
Figure 4 Figure 5
Fig. 4: Real part of the solution γ01 of equation (57) as function of Nn . Fig. 5:
Imaginary part of the solution γ01 of equation (57) as function of Nn .
138 Dambaru Bhatta
The real and imaginary parts of the solution γ01 are shown in Figure 4 and
Figure 5 respectively.
From the results computed, we see excellent truncation properties for Np and
Nn. From this observation, we choose Np = 20 and Nn = 20 for further compu-
tational purpose.
Truncating the equation (56), added mass and damping coefficient can be
written as
"( 2) X Np
µ + i λσ 1 1 a
= + + γ0j L0sj
S 3 8 h−b j=0
( Np )#
4 h−b X (−1)n I1 (kna) X (−1)n
+ γ0j Lnsj − 2 2 (61)
π a n=1 nI0(kn a) n π
where S = πa (h − b)ρ and
(−1)n Ns0 2 (h − b)s0 sinh s0 (h − b)
Lns0 = , (62)
(h − b)2s20 + n2π2
(−1)n Nsj 2 (h − b)sj sin sj (h − b)
Lnsj = . (63)
(h − b)2s2j − n2 π2
Computational results of (61) are presented next. Non-dimensional added mass
and damping coefficients are presented in Figure 6 through Figure 9 as functions
of s0 a. Figure 6 shows the computational results of non-dimensional added mass
for depth to radius ratio 3 (h/a = 3) and draft to radius ratios, b/a = 1.5, 1.0,
Figure 6 Figure 7
Fig. 6: Added mass for various b/a and h/a = 3.0. Fig. 7: Added mass for various
b/a and h/a = 5.0
Computation of added mass 139
Results of added mass for h/a = 5 and b/a =1.5, 1.0, 0.75 are presented in
Figure 7. For h/a = 3, 5 and b/a = 1.0, added mass is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Figure 9
Fig. 8: Added mass for various h/a and b/a = 1.0. Fig. 9: Damping coefficient for
various b/a and h/a = 5.0
Fig. 10: Damping coefficient for various b/a and h/a = 5.0
Results of damping for h/a = 5 and b/a =1.5, 1.0, 0.75 are presented in Figure
10. In these calculations, we take Np = 20 and Nn = 20. At the same depth of
water (for h/a fixed), heave added mass is higher for higher draft of the cylinder
140 Dambaru Bhatta
(for larger b/a). For the same draft of the cylinder (for b/a fixed), added mass
is higher for lower depth of water (smaller h/a). For all cases variation in added
mass becomes smaller and smaller for wave numbers larger than 3 (s0 a > 3).
Damping coefficients for all the cases are approaching to zero for s0 a > 3.
8. Acknowledgement
Author would like to thank the referee for his encouraging remarks.
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Dambaru D. Bhatta received his PhD from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Currently he is a faculty in the Department of Mathematics, University of Texas-Pan
American, TX, USA. His research interests include applied mathematics, partial differential
equations, water wave, wave-structure interactions, fractional differential equations, digital
signal processing.
Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas-Pan American, 1201 W. University
Drive, Edinburg, TX 78541, USA
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