Automatic Street Lights Using Ir Sensors: Punith N S 15BCE0378

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Smart Street light is an automated system which automates the street. The main aim of Smart Street light is to reduce
the power consumption when there are no vehicle movements on the road. The Smart street light will turned to be
ON when there are vehicles on the road otherwise the lights will be switched OFF. With advancement of
technology, things are becoming simpler and easier for everyone in the world today. Automation is the use of
control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and
services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization, whereas mechanization
provided human operators with machinery to assist the users with the muscular requirements of work, automation
greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly
important role in the world economy and in daily experience. Automatic systems are being preferred over manual
system. The research work shows automatic control of streetlights as a result of which power is saved to an extent.
The Smart street light provides a solution for energy saving which is achieved by sensing an approaching vehicle
using the IR sensors and then switching ON a block of street lights ahead of the vehicle. As the vehicle passes by,
the trailing lights switch OFF automatically. Thus, we save a lot of energy. So when there are no vehicles on the
highway, then all the lights remain OFF.


Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy and in daily life. Automatic systems are
being preferred over manual system. The research work shows automatic control of streetlights as a result of which
power is saved to some extent. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization .
Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist the users with muscular requirements of
work, automation greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Basically, street
lighting is one of the important parts. Therefore, the street lamps are relatively simple but with the development of
urbanization, the number of streets increases rapidly with high traffic density. There are several factors need to be
considered in order to design a good street lighting system such as night-time safety for community members and
road users, provide public lighting at cost effective, the reduction of crime and minimizing it is effect on the
environment. At the beginning, street lamps were controlled by manual control where a control switch is set in each
of the street lamps which is called the first generation of the original street light. After that, another method that has
been used was optical control method done using high pressure sodium lamp in their system. Nowadays, it is seen
that the method is widely used in the country. The method operates by set up an optical control circuit, change the
resistance by using of light sensitive device to control street lamps light up automatically at dusk and turn off
automatically after dawn in the morning. Due to the technological development nowadays, road lighting can be
categorized according to the installation area and performance, for an example, lighting for traffic routes, lighting
for subsidiary roads and lighting for urban center and public amenity areas.

Problem definition:

The concept is simple, whenever a vehicle passes the light above it and the in front of it starts to glow. As the
vehicle moves forward the previous lights switches off. Hence saving power. The lights turn off only when the next
sensor is activated. if a car turns off, then the light will stay on till next sensor is hit. The IR sensor detects the
vehicle and switches on the LED. Arduino uno is used for controlling LED's.
The lights turn off only when the next sensor is activated. if a car turns off, then the light will stay on till next sensor
is hit. A timer for light to last sensor only. This can we removed if we add a 4th sensor.This model is for a single car
only. For high traffic we will need to use an array of IR sensor along the road.

Literature Survey

[2] have proposed about Street Light Glow on detecting vehicle movement using sensor is a system that utilizes the
latest technology for sources of light as LED lamps. It is also used to control the switching of street light
automatically according to the light intensity to develop flow based dynamic control statistics using infrared
detection technology and maintain wireless communication among lamppost and control terminal using ZigBee
Wireless protocol. It also combines various technologies: a timer, a statistics of traffic flow magnitude, photodiodes,
LED, power transistors.

[3] have surveyed on Street Lighting System Based on Vehicle Movements. The system operates in the automatic
mode which regulates the streetlight according to brightness and dimness algorithm and light intensity. The control
can be made according to the seasonal variation. It includes a time cut-out function and an automatic control pattern
for conserving more electricity. The whole project was implemented using a PIC microcontroller.

[4] proposed a ZigBee based Remote Control Automatic Street Light System. The system is designed with the help
of ZigBee modules that helps in detecting the faulty lights and control the light. It also discusses about an intelligent
system that takes automatic decisions for ON/OFF/DIMMING considering the vehicle movement or pedestrian and
also the surrounding environment. PIR motion sensor is used to detect movement of both living and non-living

[5] haveimplemented design of traffic flow based street light control system with effective utilization of solar energy
in the year 2015. They used the renewable source of energy i.e. the solar power for street lighting. They have also
used 8052 series microcontroller and is developed by replacing the normal bulbs with the LEDs due to which the
power consumption is reduced by 3 times. Sensors are placed on either side of the road which senses the vehicle
movement and sends the commands to the microcontroller to switch ON and OFF the lights. Here all the street lights
remain switched off and it glows only when it senses the vehicle movement. Hence, because of the microcontroller,
even when its night the lights are switched off.

[6] have analyzed the street light with auto tracking system by which one can increase the conversion efficiency of
the solar power generation. Here, the sun tracking sensor is the sensing device which senses the position of the sun
time to time and gives the output to the amplifier based on light density of the sun. Sun tracking sensor is LDR,
amplifier unit is used to amplify the LDR signals which converts low level signals to high level signals and the
output is given to comparator. The LM324 IC is used as an amplifier. Comparator compares the signals and gives
the command to AT89C51 microcontroller.
[7] reports on the two installation case studied in Scotland and Wales and explains the details and benefits of the
technology. The system was called as MINOS that had a track record of over 100,000 units installed and working

[8] describes a comparative analysis of photovoltaic (PV) street lighting system in three different lamps. Namely, a
low pressure sodium lamp, a high pressure sodium lamp and a fluorescent lamp have been used for installation in
each mast to determine the suitable system to install in a typical rural area of Thailand. All three systems have been
mounted with the same module type and wattage in different places within the Rajamangala Institute of Technology,
Thanyaburi district, Pathumthani province of Thailand. An operation of solar street lighting system can be divided
into 2 period of time, namely, at 18.00-22.00 hours and 05.00-06.00 hours. The design of a control circuit was
experimentally done in this work. The aim of this work is to determine the appropriate system to install in a typical
rural area or a typical rural village of Thailand. RadhiPriyasree

[9] explains a system to reduce the power consumption of street lights by avoiding inefficient lighting which wastes
significant financial resources each year. This is done by dimming the lights during less traffic hours. For this
purpose PIR sensor is used which detects any movement. This work also aims at reducing the fatal crashes and road
accidents caused due to alcohol consumption. This is done using skin sensors placed in vehicle doors and also using
breadth sensors inside the vehicle. By implementing this death rates due to drunk driving can be reduced to a great
extent. The prototype has been implemented and works as expected and will prove to be very useful and will fulfill
all the present constraints if implemented on a large scale. It also aims at detecting consumption of alcohol by the
driver and if it exceeds certain level it impairs the driver from entering into the Vehicle. This prevents occurrence of
accidents or any fatal crashes. This initiative will help the government to save this energy and meet the domestic and
industrial needs. From this literature survey, the methods each one has implemented and used is simple and easy to
understand. These papers and journals has given many ideas to further implement a much efficient system and make
things automated. The presentations are simple and clean with all the necessary information needed for a basic
learner or reader

Schedule Timeline :

Topic Selection 15-FEB-2017

Gathering Requirements 17-Feb-2017

Planning 22-Feb-2017

Coding 26-Feb-2017

25% Imlementation of circuit 8-Mar-2017

50% Implementation of circuit 10-Mar-2017

75% Implementation of circuit 13-Mar-2017

Implementation completion 16-Mar-2017

Testing 21-Mar-2017
Final Testing 24-Mar-2017

Completion 3-Apr-2017

Proposed Model

The proposed model is given in the

circuit below
Fig 4: Circuit of automatic street lights

This is our model which consists of an Arduino UNO board, IR Sensors, LEDs . We would like to connect our
circuit as given in the diagram above and then program with Arduino such that if IR Sensor value is high the LED
glows in sequence.

Block Diagram:
Fig 5: Block Diagram

Working Principle:

The principle of this project is mainly based on the working of the IR Sensor. We ave provided a 5V of supply to the
circuit which consists of IR sensors, LEDs( street lights) , arduino , etc. The working of the circuit is like when a
movement is being detected by the 1st IR sensor which leads the first two LEDs to glow , here it has been
programmed to glow one after the other by giving delay time. The first set of LEDs glow, until the second IR sensor
detects a movement .Similar to the 1st Ir the second one works. For the last led we dont have a determining IR sensor
for it to stop glowing so we time its duration of glow.

Fig 6: Working of IR Sensor

This is then written into the Arduino board as the IRs were set as a Pin Inputs. The microcontroller which is then
programmed to set the pins containing LEDs high.


Hardware requirements:

a) Arduino Uno R3 Arduino Uno R3[11] specifications are ATmega328 microcontroller, operating voltage at 5v,
input voltage 7 to 12v, input voltage limit up to 20v, digital I/O pins 14, analog pins 6, DC current 40mA, flash
memory 32KB including 0.5KB used by boot loader. SRAM of 2KB, EEPROM of 1KB and clock speed of 16 MHz
some of the Features of Arduino UNO are power: can be USB connection or external power supply, with 7 to 12
volts recommended. The Arduino UNO provides power pins for other devices, the variants are 5v 3.3v and vin
IOREF pin for optional power. Arduino Uno is a 2KB of SRAM and 1KB of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory). There are various input and output pins where 14 of them are digital pins with
serial transfer and external interrupts and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) pins and 6 analog pins. Arduino differs
from all the preceding boards which does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip.

Fig 7: Arduino UNO board pin diagram

b) Infrared sensor An infrared sensor [12] is an electronic device that emits in order to sense some aspects of the
surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the motion.These types of sensors
measures only infrared radiation, rather than emitting it that is called as a passive IR sensor. Usually in the infrared
spectrum, all the objects radiate some form of thermal radiations. These types of radiations are invisible to our eyes
that can be detected by an infrared sensor.The emitter is simply an IR LED and the detector is simply an IR
photodiode which is sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength as that emitted by the IR LED. When IR light falls
on the photodiode. The resistances and these output voltages, change in proportion to the magnitude of the IR light
Software Requirements:

Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10



read IR1

led1 =ON


led2 =On


read IR2

value2 = IR2


read value2







The working procedure of the Smart street light using IR sensors is explained below. The following are the different
steps included in building a Smart street light.

1. Connect all the IR sensors to port numbers 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively (digital) which is the input signal to the
Arduino board.

2. Connect the ground of all the sensors to GND port.

3. The LED’s which are the output signals, are connected to port number 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively.

4. Again connect the ground of all the sensors to GND port.

5. Power is passed to the Arduino (7-12V)

6. Connect arduino to laptop to program the board using arduino IDE


int IR1=8;

int IR2=9;

int value1=0,value2=0;

int LED[4]={3,4,5,6};

void setup() {

// put your setup code here, to run once:


for(int i=0;i<4;i++){



void loop() {

// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


















Fig 11: Implementation of Project

Testing and Debugging:

--> Sensor 1 - LED 1 & 2 is on with delay in between

--> When sensor 2 is activated - LED 2 turns off, 3 & 4 turn on with delay in between.

-4th LED is timed to turn off in sometime .

Fig 12: Serial Monitor Values

Result Analysis and Observations / Future Enhancements

In this project we set conditions for the street lights to turn ON when necessary and turn Off other times. The unit
will monitor the conditions of various certain parameter considerations and take approriate actions as follows:

> if no vehicles on road : turn off the lights

> if a vehicle on road : turn on a certain block of light ahead of vehicle

The Smart light system can be further extended to make the current system in two-way traffic, making the system
more flexible in case of rainy days and introduction of ways to control the lights through GSM based service.


The project is designed to detect vehicle movement on highways to switch ON only a block of street lights before of
vehicles and to switch OFF the behind lights to save energy. Now a days during night all the lights On in highway ,
which results in waste of lot of energy when no vehicle there. This project can be used to meet the energy crisis by
switching On only the required lights and letting others to remain turned OFF.

By using Smart Street light, one can save surplus amount of energy which is done by replacing sodium vapor lamps
by LED and adding an additional feature for security purposes. It prevents unnecessary wastage of electricity,
caused due to manual switching of streetlights when it’s not required. It provides an efficient and smart automatic
streetlight control system with the help of IR sensors. It can reduce the energy consumption and maintains the cost.
The system is versatile, extendable and totally adjustable to user needs.

 The system is now used only for one way traffic in highways.

 Continuous use of IR sensors even in day time.

 Not switched on before the sunset



[2]. Street light glow on detecting vehicle movement using sensor S. Suganya, R. Sinduja, T. Sowmiya& S.

[3]. Survey on Street Lighting System Based On Vehicle Movements K.Santha Sheela,S.Padmadevi,

[4]. ZigBee Based Remote Control Automatic Street Light System Srikanth M, Sudhakar K N,

[5]. Design and implementation of traffic flow based street light control system with effective utilization of solar
energy, International journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, IJSEAT, Vol 3, Issue 9, September
-2015 M.Abhishek, Syed ajram shah, K.Chetan, K,Arun Kumar,

[6].Analysis of Solar energy based street light with auto tracking system, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol 2, Issue 7, July 2013 C.Bhuvaneshwari,
R.Rajeswari, C.Kalaiarasan,

[7]. Steve Chadwick,“Street Light Monitoring – a Practical Solution magazine” November/December 2002

[8]. “Intelligent Street Lighting System Using Gsm” International Journal of Engineering Science Invention ISSN
(Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726Volume 2 Issue 3 March. 2013

[9]. “Wireless internet lighting control system”,Budike, E.S. Lothar (Power web Technologies), US patent
7,167,777, Jan 23, 2007.



[12]. Tarun Agarwal. Retrieved from


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