SSRN Id3871011
SSRN Id3871011
SSRN Id3871011
Chaitali Manani, Prem Gandhi, Shweta Gade, Chetan Bansode, Dr. Sandhya Kadam
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology Sion, Mumbai, India,,,,
Abstract— Lighting consumes a huge amount of energy, by the streets late in night. In this system, when the vehicle is
which improving the efficiency is a significant challenge. Smart approaching near street light, light will be turned to full
street lights which use light-emitting diode (LED) lights for intensity, when the vehicle is moved away, the street light
illumination and monitoring is being used for less power automatically turns to low intensity. The street lights used in
consumption and environmental
K. J. Somaiya Institute ofefficiency. As smart
Engineering and street light
Information this system are
Technology LED
Sion, lights which
Mumbai, Indiaconsumes less electricity.
system with detection of vehicle for the use of traffic is not been This system also detects speed and distance of vehicle from
widely used, Smart street light system using raspberry pi is an street light with the help of headlights and taillights.
intelligent system of street light which minimizes the problem of
electricity power consumption which is caused late at night when
the street lights are working. The street light work for nearly 12 II. RELATED WORK
hours i.e from evening 18:00 to next day morning 06:00AM To work on proposed system, technical details are
which are not majorly used from 23:00PM to 05:00AM. As for studied by surveying different papers based on the given
the mentioned 6 hours, there are very less vehicles as well as
system [1]. In this paper [2], the system is used for street
people on the streets and a huge wastage of electricity. Smart
street light system using raspberry pi as the proposed system lights when a vehicle moves at night the light turns to 100%
focuses on minimizing the power consumption as well as to intensity. The components used in this system are arduino,
detect the velocity or speed of the vehicle. The system is designed led, ldr and ir sensors. Advantage of this system is intensity
using LED, PIR sensor, LDR sensor, SD card, camera module, is dependent on vehicle and this system saves power
with all this components which are connected and controlled consumption. Disadvantages of this system are multiple IR
using raspberry pi. This system will detect the vehicle and it sensors are used for a single street light. In this system [3]
turns the street light to full intensity when the vehicle passes and light intensity is reduced when there is no movement and
the street lights are automatically turned to low intensity if not turns to full intensity when there is movement. The
required and it also detects speed and distance of the vehicle
components used in this system are microcontroller, laser
from street light.
gate, led. Advantages of this system are when there is no
Keywords— detection, electricity, vehicle, consumption, movement lights are turned to low intensity and this system
raspberry pi, intensity, minimizes. saves power consumption. Disadvantages of this system are
laser gate is needed to be connected to all the street lights. In
I. INTRODUCTION this system [4] street lights are off when there is no
movement and turns to full intensity when there is
Lights are essential and one of the most important movement. The components used in this system are
components of building the environment. Lights are very
microcontroller, photo diode, led. Advantages of this system
important at night as it helps to maintain safety of people and
is Street lights are turned off when there is no movement on
to prevent crime. There are lights on each and every street,
highways, parking lots etc. As for every 30 meters, there is a roads and it saves a lot of power consumption. In this
street light. So, we can imagine how many lights may be system [5] camera is used to detect the vehicle, using
there in a city or in the country and worldwide. As these kalman filter and optical flow. The components used in this
street lights are used by public widely consuming more system are camera, image processing, machine learning.
electricity. We thought of solution for saving electricity. Advantages of this system is it can detect vehicle upto
With such a huge number of street lights and a huge amount 20km/hr and velocity of vehicle can be calculated. A
of power consumption, there is a huge usage of electricity in disadvantage of this system is it can not detect object in
cities and there is a lot of pollution and emission of carbon cluster. This system [6] is used to detect the movement of
dioxide. As of now energy saving and environmental vehicle and calculate the speed of the vehicle by using block
awareness is trending in current research, from the technical extraction. The components used in this system are camera,
view, light emitting diode is commonly used as solid state matlab ,digital video recorder. Advantages of the system are
light source technology in general applications, because of velocity and distance of vehicle can be calculated.
less power consumption, long life and no use of mercury gas Disadvantages of this system are it is very complex and time
as compared to conventional lamps. consuming. This system [7] contains vehicle detection and
Electricity consumed by lights nearly accounts for 25% tracking using datasets of headlights and taillights. The
of world electricity consumption out of which 10% is used in components used in this system are camera, image
public areas such as street lights, parking lots etc. The street processing, machine learning. An advantage of this system
lights are ON from 18:00 to 06:00 which is for 12 hours. Out is velocity of vehicle can be calculated and it has high
of which for nearly 6 hours there are very less vehicles and accuracy. Disadvantage of the system is motorcycles
people on the streets from 23:00PM to 05:00AM. The streets velocity can not be calculated.
lights remain ON which causes electricity consumption. This Many papers[8] - [14] are studied in detail and
contributes to a huge waste of energy and therefore it is compared for its advantages, disadvantages and power
important to manage this waste more efficiently in order to consumption and proposed an Intelligent system using
create a better world. Conventional street light system use Raspberry- Pi which can be used in near future and useful
constant illumination of light which leads to high energy for the people.
consumption up to 60% of total electricity expenditure.
The proposed system as Smart street light system using
raspberry pi is an intelligent system which can control the
street light to optimize the problem of power consumption of
J. Generating Predicitions:
Then we set category index using the label map created
for our dataset, we also set images on which prediction to be
K. Hardware Model:
As we are done with the software part now we start with
the hardware part. We are using the raspberry pi, we connect
all the components to the raspberry pi and we can see the
output on the breadboard. We need to connect the sd card to
laptop and we have to completely format the sd card and
then place the sd in raspberry pi. Then we need to open the
network and sharing in laptop and connect ip address of
Ethernet cable and open putty and type the ip address and
we get started with raspberry pi. Graphical interface xming
need to be opened then the raspberry pi will open in system
tools so now we can start the raspberry pi software and enter
the code in raspberry pi so we get the desired output. Fig 4. Circuit Diagram
Fig 5(b). Output Of Original Image By proper study and implementation of the system,
the desired output is obtained. The image results are already
displayed as the original image (input) there is no detection
of vehicle and when we process the image through the
software we get the desire output as we can see above the
output has the square boxes in front of the vehicle which
means the system has detected the vehicle. As we can see
from figure 5(a) the vehicle are moving so from their
headlights and taillights we can see in figure 5(b) that the
vehicle are now covered with green boxes which indicates
that system has detected the vehicle movement, And same
can be seen in figure 6(a) and 6(b). In figure 7 we have got
the partial output of the system we can see that raspberry pi
is connected and we can see that the LED is turned on.
The proposed system saves a large amount of energy by
controlling electricity consumption. For now, there are
yellow conventional lights used in majority of the cities and
Fig 6(a). Original Image states, and replacing it with LED lights that can save power
consumption. This system uses sensors as well as camera for
detecting the vehicle and turning the streets lights to full
intensity and low intensity depending on detection of vehicle.
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