The 21st century is striving hard to save electrical energy. Street lights are essential, but
expensive, therefore there is need to optimize the system in a way that it is affordable and
efficiently conserves energy. At the beginning, street lamps were controlled by manual
control where a control switch is set in each of the street lamps which is called the first
generation of the original street light. After that, another method that has been used was
optical control method done using high pressure sodium lamp in their system. Nowadays, it is
seen that the method is widely used in the country. The method operates by set up an optical
control circuit, change the resistance by using of light sensitive device to control street lamps
light up automatically at dusk and turn off automatically after dawn in the morning. The main
problem that manual controls on the street lights face is that there would be a lot time taking
during evening times when they are to be switched ON and a significant waste of energy is
done at morning at all could not be turned OFF together at once. Another way in which the
wastage is done is that at midnights lights glow at full intensity although there is not much
traffic. Therefore, there is a need to come up with a system which overcomes the problems of
existing systems. A system which reduces manual control and would efficiently save energy.
This could be done by using low power, robust and efficient components. In this scenario,
when the street lights are in working functionality over the whole night that consumes a lot of
energy and reduces the lifetime of the electrical equipment such as electric bulb etc.
Especially in cities’ streetlights, it is a severe power consuming factor and also the most
significant energy expenses for a city. In this regard, an intelligent lighting control system can
decrease street lighting costs up to 70% [3] and increase the durability of the equipment. Due
to the technological development nowadays, road lighting can be categorized according to the
installation area and performance, for an example, lighting for traffic routes, lighting for
subsidiary roads and lighting for urban center and public amenity areas. The LED is
considered a promising solution to modern street lighting system due to its behavior and
A part from that, the advantages of LED are likely to replace the traditional street lamps such
as the incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp and High Pressure Sodium Lamp in future but
LED technology is an extremely difficult process that requires a combination of advanced
production lines, top quality materials and high-precision manufacturing process.
S.Suganya et al [2] have proposed about Street Light Glow on detecting vehicle movement
using sensor isa system that utilizes the latest technology for sources of light as LED lamps.
It is also used to control the switching of street light automatically according to the light
intensity to develop flow based dynamic control statistics using infrared detection technology
and maintain wireless communication among lamppost and control terminal using ZigBee
Wireless protocol. It also combines various technologies: a timer, a statistics of traffic flow
magnitude, photodiodes, LED, power transistors.
K.Santha et al [3] have surveyed on Street Lighting System Based on Vehicle Movements.
The system operates in the automatic mode which regulates the streetlight according to
brightness and dimness algorithm and light intensity. The control can be made according to
the seasonal variation. It includes a time cut-out function and an automatic control pattern for
conserving more electricity. The whole project was implemented using a PIC
Srikanth et al [4] proposed a ZigBee based Remote Control Automatic Street Light System.
The system is designed with the help of ZigBee modules that helps in detecting the faulty
lights and control the light. It also discusses about an intelligent system that takes automatic
decisions for ON/OFF/DIMMING considering the vehicle movement or pedestrian and also
the surrounding environment. PIR motion sensor is used to detect movement of both living
and non-living things.
M.Abhishek et al [5] haveimplemented design of traffic flow based street light control system
with effective utilization of solar energy in the year 2015. They used the renewable source of
energy i.e. the solar power for street lighting. They have also used 8052 series
microcontroller and is developed by replacing the normal bulbs with the LEDs due to which
the power consumption is reduced by 3 times. Sensors are placed on either side of the road
which senses the vehicle movement and sends the commands to the microcontroller to switch
ON and OFF the lights. Here all the street lights remain switched off and it glows only when
it senses the vehicle movement. Hence, because of the microcontroller, even when its night
the lights are switched off.
C.Bhuvaneshwari et al [6] have analyzed the street light with auto tracking system by which
one can increase the conversion efficiency of the solar power generation. Here, the sun
tracking sensor is the sensing device which senses the position of the sun time to time and
gives the output to the amplifier based on light density of the sun. Sun tracking sensor is
LDR, amplifier unit is used to amplify the LDR signals which converts low level signals to
high level signals and the output is given to comparator. The LM324 IC is used as an
amplifier. Comparator compares the signals and gives the command to AT89C51
Steve Chadwick [7] reports on the two installation case studied in Scotland and Wales and
explains the details and benefits of the technology. The system was called as MINOS that had
a track record of over 100,000 units installed and working successfully.
RadhiPriyasree [9] explains a system to reduce the power consumption of street lights by
avoiding inefficient lighting which wastes significant financial resources each year. This is
done by dimming the lights during less traffic hours. For this purpose PIR sensor is used
which detects any movement. This work also aims at reducing the fatal crashes and road
accidents caused due to alcohol consumption. This is done using skin sensors placed in
vehicle doors and also using breadth sensors inside the vehicle. By implementing this death
rates due to drunk driving can be reduced to a great extent. The prototype has been
implemented and works as expected and will prove to be very useful and will fulfill all the
present constraints if implemented on a large scale. It also aims at detecting consumption of
alcohol by the driver and if it exceeds certain level it impairs the driver from entering into the
Vehicle. This prevents occurrence of accidents or any fatal crashes. This initiative will help
the government to save this energy and meet the domestic and industrial needs.
From this literature survey, the methods each one has implemented and used is simple and
easy to understand. These papers and journals has given many ideas to further implement a
much efficient system and make things automated. The presentations are simple and clean
with all the necessary information needed for a basic learner or reader.
Existing system
The traditional lighting system has been limited to two options ON and OFF only, and it is
not efficient because this kind of operations meant power loss due to continuing working on
maximum voltage. Hence, wastage of power from street lights is one of the noticeable power
loss, but with the use of automation, it leads to many new methods of energy and money
saving. Industry of street lighting systems are growing rapidly and going to complex with
rapid growth of industry and cities. Automation, Power consumption and Cost Effectiveness
are the important considerations in the present field of electronics and electrical related
technologies. To control and maintain complex street lighting system more economically,
various street light control systems are developed. These systems are developed to control
and reduce energy consumption of a town's public lighting system using different
technologies. The existing work is done using HID lamps. Currently, the HID is used for
urban street light based on principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is not controlled by
any voltage reduction method as the discharge path is broken.
Brightness of the lights in the rear view mirrors which causes a problem for drivers in
front of your vehicle.
Proposed system
In this regard, controlling lighting system using Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), IR obstacle
detector sensor and Arduinotogether is proposed in the past. In the meanwhile, the
importance of smart light system has motivated a lot of studies and the series of research
work has been done. In previous works, the street light systems are based on LDR, and most
of them are passive infrared receiver based systems that are controlled with timers and analog
circuits. Sun tracking sensors are also utilized to power OFF the street lights by the detection
of the sunlight luminance. Furthermore, street light control with the use of solar energy, and
ZigBee based system to control street light have also been implemented. Distinguished from
turning ON/OFF the electricity, another approach is introduced to dim the light in fewer
traffic hours that might be useful to reduce the power consumption, but the electric bulbs are
in continuous usage condition. To the best of our knowledge, a need is still existed to design
a system that controls the dim light.
The most natural solution is to control the street lights according to the outside lighting
condition. This is what our paper is aiming for in smart lighting system in which the street
lights will be turned OFF when there are no motion detections or day-time, otherwise the
lights will be remained Dim/ON. Our proposed design is aimed at efficiently replacing any
light systems that are manually controlled, and this is accomplished with the properly
arrangements of microcontroller ArduinoUno, IR obstacle avoidance sensor, LDR, and
Resistors. In this scenario, when the intensity of sunlight impinges with LDR, street lights
can be further controlled as per the desired requirement, automatically.
Components Specifications
Light dependent resistors, LDRs or photo resistors are often used in circuits where it is
necessary to detect the presence or the level of light. They can be described by a variety of
names from light dependent resistor, LDR, photo resistor, or even photo cell .Although other
devices such as photodiodes or photo-transistor can also be used, LDRs or photo resistors are
a particularly convenient electronics component to use. They provide large change in
resistance for changes in light level.
In view of their low cost, ease of manufacture, and ease of use LDRs have been used in a
variety of different applications. At one time LDRs were used in photographic light meters,
and even now they are still used in a variety of applications where it is necessary to detect
light levels.
A photo resistor or light dependent resistor is a component that is sensitive to light. When
light falls upon it then the resistance changes. Values of the resistance of the LDR may
change over many orders of magnitude the value of the resistance falling as the level of light
increases. It is not uncommon for the values of resistance of an LDR or photo resistor to be
several megohms in darkness and then to fall to a few hundred ohms in bright light. With
such a wide variation in resistance, LDRs are easy to use and there are many LDR circuits
available. The sensitivity of light dependent resistors or photo resistors also varies with the
wavelength of the incident light.
LDRs are made from semiconductor materials to enable them to have their light sensitive
properties. Many materials can be used, but one popular material for these photo resistors is
cadmium sulphide, CdS, although the use of these cells is now restricted in Europe because
of environmental issues with the use of cadmium. Similarly cadmium CdSe is also restricted.
Other materials that can be used include lead sulphide, PbS and indium antimonide, InSb.
Although a semiconductor material is used for these photo resistors, they are purely passive
devices because they do not possess a PN junction, and this separates them from other
photodetectors like photodiodes and phototransistors.
LDR Symbol
The LDR symbol used in circuits is based around the resistor circuit symbol, but shows the
light, in the form of arrows shining on it. In this way it follows the same convention used for
photodiode and phototransistor circuit symbols where arrows are used to show the light
falling on these components.
The light dependent resistor / photo resistor circuit symbols are shown for both the newer
style resistor symbol, i.e. a rectangular box and the older zig-zag line resistor circuit symbols.
It is relatively easy to understand the basics of how an LDR works without delving into
complicated explanations. It is first necessary to understand that an electrical current consists
of the movement of electrons within a material. Good conductors have a large number of free
electrons that can drift in a given direction under the action of a potential difference.
Insulators with a high resistance have very few free electrons, and therefore it is hard to make
the them move and hence a current to flow.
An LDR or photo resistor is made from any semiconductor material with a high resistance. It
has a high resistance because there are very few electrons that are free and able to move - the
vast majority of the electrons are locked into the crystal lattice and unable to move. Therefore
in this state there is a high LDR resistance. As light falls on the semiconductor, the light
photons are absorbed by the semiconductor lattice and some of their energy is transferred to
the electrons. This gives some of them sufficient energy to become free from the crystal
lattice so. This results in a lowering of the resistance of the semiconductor and hence the
overall LDR resistance. The process is progressive, and as more light shines on the LDR
semiconductor, so more electrons are released to conduct electricity and the resistance falls
LDR structure
Structurally the photo resistor is a light sensitive resistor that has a horizontal body that is
exposed to light. The basic format for a photo resistor is that shown below:
The active semiconductor region is normally deposited onto a semi-insulating substrate and
the active region is normally lightly doped. In many discrete photo resistor devices, an
interdigital pattern is used to increase the area of the photo resistor that is exposed to light.
The pattern is cut in the metallisation on the surface of the active area and this lets the light
through. The two metal areas act as the two contacts for the resistor. This area has to be made
relatively large because the resistance of the contact to the active area needs to be minimized.
This type of structure is widely used for many small photo resistor or light dependent
resistors that are seen. The inter digital pattern is quite recognizable .The materials used for
photoresists are semiconductors and include materials such as CdSe, CdS, CdTe, InSb, InP,
PbS, PbSe, Ge, Is, GaAs. Each material gives different properties in terms of the wavelength
of sensitivity, etc.
Light dependent resistors, LDRs or photo resistors fall into one of two types or categories:
Intrinsic photo resistors: Intrinsic photo resistors use un-doped semiconductor materials
including silicon or germanium. Photons fall on the LDR excite electrons moving them
from the valence band to the conduction band. As a result, these electrons are free to
conduct electricity. The more light that falls on the device, the more electrons are liberated
and the greater the level of conductivity, and this results in a lower level of resistance.
Extrinsic photo resistors: Extrinsic photo resistors are manufactured from semiconductor
of materials doped with impurities. These impurities or dopants create a new energy band
above the existing valence band. As a result, electrons need less energy to transfer to the
conduction band because of the smaller energy gap.
Regardless of the type of light dependent resistor or photo resistor, both types exhibit an
increase in conductivity or fall in resistance with increasing levels of incident light.
One important aspect associated with photo resistor or light dependent resistors is that of the
latency, or the time taken for the component to respond to any changes.
It takes a noticeable amount of time from any changes in light level before the LDR /
photoresists attains its final value for the new level of light and for this reason the LDR /
photo resistor is not a good choice where there are reasonably rapid changing values of light.
However when the light changes take place over a period of time they are more than
The rate at which the resistance changes is called the resistance recovery rate. The LDR /
photo resists normally responds within a few tens of milliseconds when light is applied after
total darkness, but when light is removed it can take up to a second or so for the resistance to
reach its final level. It is for this reason that one of the specifications normally quoted in the
photo resistor datasheets is the dark resistance after a given time, typically seconds. Often
two values are quoted, one for one second and another for five seconds. These gives an
indication of the latency of the resistor.
Photo resistors are found in many different applications. They have a very simple structure
and they are low cost and rugged devices.They are widely used in many different items of
electronic equipment including photographic light meters, fire or smoke alarms as well as
burglar alarms, and they also find uses as lighting controls for street lamps. Extrinsic
photoresists are provide sensitivity for longer wavelengths and as a result they are popular as
info-red photodetectors. Photo resistors can also be used to detect nuclear radiation.
There are several specifications that are important for light dependent resistors, LDRs / photo
resistors. These photo resistor specifications include:
B. Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno R3 is one kind of ATmega328P based microcontroller board. It includes the
whole thing required to hold up the microcontroller; just attach it to a PC with the help of a
USB cable, and give the supply using AC-DC adapter or a battery to get started. The term
Uno means “one” in the language of “Italian” and was selected for marking the release of
Arduino’s IDE 1.0 software. The R3 Arduino Uno is the 3rd as well as most recent
modification of the Arduino Uno. Arduino board and IDE software are the reference versions
of Arduino and currently progressed to new releases. The Uno-board is the primary in a
sequence of USB-Arduino boards, & the reference model designed for the Arduino platform.
ArduinoUno R3 Specifications
Flash Memory -32 KB, and 0.5 KB memory is used by the boot loader
SRAM is 2 KB
In Built LED
The ArduinoUno R3 pin diagram is shown below. It comprises 14-digit I/O pins. From these
pins, 6-pins can be utilized like PWM outputs. This board includes 14 digital input/output
pins, Analog inputs-6, a USB connection, quartz crystal-16 MHz, a power jack, a USB
connection, resonator-16Mhz, a power jack, an ICSP header an RST button.
Power Supply
The power supply of the arduino can be done with the help of an exterior power supply
otherwise USB connection. The exterior power supply (6 to 20 volts) mainly includes a
battery or an AC to DC adapter. The connection of an adapter can be done by plugging a
center-positive plug (2.1mm) into the power jack on the board. The battery terminals can be
placed in the pins of Vin as well as GND. The power pins of an arduino board include the
Vin: The input voltage or Vin to the arduino while it is using an exterior power
supply opposite to volts from the connection of USB or else RPS (regulated power
supply). By using this pin, one can supply the voltage.
5Volts: The RPS can be used to give the power supply to the microcontroller as well
as components which are used on the Arduinoboard. This can approach from the input
voltage through a regulator.
3V3: A 3.3 supply voltage can be generated with the onboard regulator, and the
highest draw current will be 50 mA.
GND: GND (ground) pins
We know that an arguing Uno R3 includes 14-digital pins which can be used as an input
otherwise output by using the functions like pin Mode (), digital Read(), and digital Write().
These pins can operate with 5V, and every digital pin can give or receive 20mA, & includes a
20k to 50k ohm pull up resistor. The maximum current on any pin is 40mA which cannot
surpass for avoiding the microcontroller from the damage. Additionally, some of the pins of
an Arduino include specific functions.
Serial Pins
The serial pins of an Arduino board are TX (1) and RX (0) pins and these pins can be used to
transfer the TTL serial data. The connection of these pins can be done with the equivalent
pins of the ATmega8 U2 USB to TTL chip.
The external interrupt pins of the board are 2 & 3, and these pins can be arranged to activate
an interrupt on a rising otherwise falling edge, a low-value otherwise a modify in value
PWM Pins
The PWM pins of an Arduinoare 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, & 11, and gives an output of an 8-bit PWM
with the function analog Write ().
The SPI pins are 10, 11, 12, 13 namely SS, MOSI, MISO, SCK, and these will maintain
the SPI communication with the help of the SPI library.
An arguing board is inbuilt with a LED using digital pin-13. Whenever the digital pin is high,
the LED will glow otherwise it will not glow.
The TWI pins are SDA or A4, & SCL or A5, which can support the communication of TWI
with the help of Wire library.
An analog reference pin is the reference voltage to the inputs of an analog i/ps using the
function like analog Reference().
This pin brings a low line for resetting the microcontroller, and it is very useful for using an
RST button toward shields which can block the one over the ArduinoR3 board.
The communication protocols of an ArduinoUno include SPI, I2C, and UART serial
An Arduino Uno uses the two functions like the transmitter digital pin1 and the receiver
digital pin0. These pins are mainly used in UART TTL serial communication.
An Arduino Uno board employs SDA pin otherwise A4 pin & A5 pin otherwise SCL pin is
used for I2C communication with wire library. In this, both the SCL and SDA are CLK signal
and data signal.
SPI Pins
MOSI (Pin11)
This is the master out slave in the pin, used to transmit the data to the devices
MISO (Pin12)
This pin is a serial CLK, and the CLK pulse will synchronize the transmission of which is
produced by the master.
SCK (Pin13)
The CLK pulse synchronizes data transmission that is generated by the master. Equivalent
pins with the SPI library is employed for the communication of SPI. ICSP (in-circuit serial
programming) headers can be utilized for programming AT mega microcontroller directly
with the boot loader.
The programming of an Arduino Uno R3 can be done using IDE software. The
microcontroller on the board will come with pre-burned by a boot loader that permits to
upload fresh code without using an exterior hardware programmer.
We can also upload the program in the microcontroller by avoiding the boot loader using
the header like the In-Circuit Serial Programming.
A LED (light-emitting diode) is a PN junction diode which is used for emitting visible light
when it is activated, as presented in Fig. 4. When the voltage is applied over its elements,
electrons regroup with holes within the LED, releasing energy in the form of photons which
gives the visible light. LEDs are semiconductor devices. Like transistors, and other diodes,
LEDs are made out of silicon. What makes an LED give off light are the small amounts of
chemical impurities that are added to the silicon, such as gallium, arsenide, indium, and
nitride. When current passes through the LED, it emits photons as a byproduct. Normal light
bulbs produce light by heating a metal filament until its white hot. Because LEDs produce
photons directly and not via heat, they are far more efficient than incandescent bulbs. Not
long ago LEDs were only bright enough to be used as indicators on dashboards or electronic
equipment. But recent advances have made LEDs bright enough to rival traditional lighting
technologies. Modern LEDs can replace incandescent bulbs in almost any application.
LEDs are based on the semiconductor diode. When the diode is forward biased (switched on),
electrons are able to recombine with holes and energy is released in the form of light. This
effect is called electroluminescence and the color of the light is determined by the energy gap
of the semiconductor. The LED is usually small in area (less than 1 mm2) with integrated
optical components to shape its radiation pattern and assist in reflection.
LEDs present many advantages over traditional light sources including lower energy
consumption, longer lifetime, improved robustness, smaller size and faster switching.
However, they are relatively expensive and require more precise current and heat
management than traditional light sources.
Applications of LEDs are diverse. They are used as low-energy and also for replacements for
traditional light sources in well-established applications such as indicators and automotive
D. IR Sensor
IR sensor is very popular sensor, which is used in many applications like it is used in Remote
control system, motion detector, Product counter, Line follower Robots, Alarms etc. IR
sensor basically consist an IR LED and a Photodiode, this pair is generally called IR
pair or Photo coupler. IR sensor work on the principal in which IR LED emits IR radiation
and Photodiode sense that IR radiation. Photodiode resistance changes according to the
amount of IR radiation falling on it, hence the voltage drop across it also changes and by
using the voltage comparator (like LM358) we can sense the voltage change and generate the
output accordingly.
The placing of IR LED and Photodiode can be done in two ways: Direct and Indirect.
In Direct incidence, IR LED and photodiode are kept in front of one another, so that IR
radiation can directly falls on photodiode. If we place any object between them, then it stops
the falling of IR light on photodiode. And in Indirect Incidence, both the IR LED and Photo
diode are placed in parallel (side by side), facing both in same direction. In that fashion, when
a object is kept in front of IR pair, the IR light gets reflected by the object and gets absorbed
by photodiode. Note that object shouldn’t be black as it will absorb all the IR light, instead of
reflect. Generally IR pair is placed in this fashion in IR sensor Module
Pin Configuration
The IR sensor module consists mainly of the IR Transmitter and Receiver, Opamp, Variable
Resistor (Trimmer pot), output LED in brief.:
IR LED Transmitter
IR LED emits light, in the range of Infrared frequency. IR light is invisible to us as its
wavelength (700nm – 1mm) is much higher than the visible light range. IR LEDs have light
emitting angle of approx. 20-60 degree and range of approx. few centimeters to several feets,
it depends upon the type of IR transmitter and the manufacturer. Some transmitters have the
range in kilometers. IR LED white or transparent in colour, so it can give out amount of
maximum light.
Photodiode Receiver
Photodiode acts as the IR receiver as its conducts when light falls on it. Photodiode is a
semiconductor which has a P-N junction, operated in Reverse Bias, means it start conducting
the current in reverse direction when Light falls on it, and the amount of current flow is
proportional to the amount of Light. This property makes it useful for IR detection.
Photodiode looks like a LED, with a black colour coating on its outer side, Black colour
absorbs the highest amount of light.
LM358 Op amp
Photodiode’s series resistor voltage drop > Threshold voltage = Opamp output is High
Photodiode’s series resistor voltage drop < Threshold voltage = Opamp output is Low
When Opamp's output is high the LED at the Opamp output terminal turns ON (Indicating
the detection of Object).
Variable Resistor
The variable resistor used here is a preset. It is used to calibrate the distance range at which
object should be detected.
Obstacle Detection
Wheel encoder
E. Resistors
A resistor is a passive electronic component, used with other electronic components such as
LEDs and sensors to prevent or limit the flow of electrons through them. It works on the
principle of Ohm’s law which prevent overflow of voltage.
V = IR
Resistors are used as part of electrical networks and electronic circuits. They are extremely
commonplace in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various
compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such
as nickel/chrome).
The primary characteristics of resistors are their resistance and the power they can dissipate.
Other characteristics include temperature coefficient, noise, and inductance. Less well-known
is critical resistance, the value below which power dissipation limits the maximum permitted
current flow, and above which the limit is applied voltage. Critical resistance depends upon
the materials constituting the resistor as well as its physical dimensions; it’s determined by
Resistors can be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits, as well as integrated circuits.
Size, and position of leads (or terminals) are relevant to equipment designers; resistors must
be physically large enough not to overheat when dissipating their power.
Resistors are common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are
ubiquitous in most electronic equipment. Practical resistors can be made of various
compounds and films, as well as resistance wire (wire made of a high-resistivity alloy, such
as nickel-chrome). Resistors are also implemented within integrated circuits, particularly
analog devices, and can also be integrated into hybrid and printed circuits.
The series inductance of a practical resistor causes its behavior to depart from ohms law; this
specification can be important in some high-frequency applications for smaller values of
resistance. In a low-noise amplifier or pre-amp the noise characteristics of a resistor may be
an issue. The unwanted inductance, excess noise, and temperature coefficient are mainly
dependent on the technology used in manufacturing the resistor. They are not normally
specified individually for a particular family of resistors manufactured using a particular
technology.[1] A family of discrete resistors is also characterized according to its form factor,
that is, the size of the device and position of its leads (or terminals) which is relevant in the
practical manufacturing of circuits using them.
The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI unit of electrical resistance, named after Georg Simon Ohm.
An ohm is equivalent to a volt per ampere. Since resistors are specified and manufactured
over a very large range of values, the derived units of milliohm (1 Mω = 10 −3 Ω), kilohm (1
Kω = 103 Ω), and megohm (1 MΩ = 106 Ω) are also in common usage.
The reciprocal of resistance R is called conductance G = 1/R and is measured in Siemens (SI
unit), sometimes referred to as a mho. Thus a Siemens is the reciprocal of an ohm: S = Ω – 1.
Although the concept of conductance is often used in circuit analysis, practical resistors are
always specified in terms of their resistance (ohms) rather than conductance.
Theory of operation
Ohm’s law
The behavior of an ideal resistor is dictated by the relationship specified in Ohm’s law:
Ohm’s law states that the voltage (V) across a resistor is proportional to the current (I)
passing through it, where the constant of proportionality is the resistance I.
This formulation of Ohm’s law states that, when a voltage (V) is present across a resistance I,
a current (I) will flow through the resistance. This is directly used in practical computations.
For example, if a 300 ohm resistor is attached across the terminals of a 12 volt battery, then a
current of 12 / 300 = 0.04 amperes (or 40 milliamperes) will flow through that resistor.
The working procedure of the Smart street light using IR sensors is explained below. The
following are the different steps included in building a Smart street light.
2. Connect all the IR sensors to port numbers A1, A2, A3 which is the input signal to the
Arduino board.
4. The LED’s which are the output signals, are connected to port number 3,5and 7
After connecting all these devices to the corresponding pins in Arduino according to Fig.17,
the arduino Software from the official website “” is downloaded and
installed. Then arduino Uno is connected to the computer using the USB cable and installed
the driver software on the computer to write, compile and run the software code on Arduino
The Fig 17 is the block diagram of the Smart streetlight. It works in accordance with the
varying sunlight. Whenever there is sufficient sunlight in surroundings, LDR exhibits high
resistance and acts as an insulator, while in darkness this LDR behaves as low resistance path
and allows the flows of electricity, this LDR’s operates with the help of IR sensors, these
sensors are activated under low illumination conditions and these are controlled by an
AT89C51 micro controller, The heart of Arduino circuit is the low power, high performance
Arduino micro controller is programmed by embedded assembly programming language for
implementing these tasks; this program is stored and operated by means of storage device
EPROM, while coming to the functional block i.e. LDR, these LDR’s are in expensive,
smaller in size, less complexity, highly reliable, low power applications, minimum risk with
greater accuracy.
The proposed system depends on the detection of vehicle movement using IR sensors. The IR
sensor is a proximity sensor which consists of an emitter LED and a receiver LED embedded
in it. IR radiation is constantly emitted by the emitter LED. When this radiation is blocked by
some metal or reflecting object at a distance, the IR radiation gets reflected by the object can
be detected by observing the receiver LED. This principle can be used to detect vehicles on
pedestrians or the on street roads and accordingly switch the successive streetlights to full
intensity, as long as the vehicle blocks the IR sensor radiation, fixed to the street light near to
the ground. The resistance of LDR changes in accordance with the intensity of the light falling
on it. When high intensity light (sunrays) fall on it it sends signal to arduino which turns OFF
the street lights during daytime whereas in absence of light, the output of LDR changes will
detect the object (Presence of vehicles). IR transmitter will transmit IR rays, if any object
(vehicle) comes in range of this IR ray then the object will reflect this IR rays which is sensed
by IR receiver. When object (vehicle) is detected it will transmit the signal to the
Initially all the LEDs will be glowing with dim (less) intensity. When vehicle comes near to
the first IR sensor then IR sensor will detect it & first street light will glow with full intensity
& second, third and fourth street light will glow with dim (less) intensity. As vehicle moves
forward, the 2nd IR sensor will detect its presence, consequently second street light will glow
with full intensity as well as first, third & fourth street light will glow with dim (less) intensity.
Similarly when vehicle comes near to the 3rd IR sensor, fourth street light will glow with full
and first, second & fourth street light will glow with dim (less) of intensity. At the end, when
vehicle comes near to the 4th IR sensor, Fourth Street light will glow with full and first;
second & Fourth Street light will glow with dim (less) intensity. UNO ARDUINOR3
Microcontroller is the most important part of our project. When the object (vehicle) will pass
through the Street then the IR SENSORS [6] will detect the object and then it will give the
signal to the corresponding pin of the microcontroller. It will receive the signal from IR
Sensor, check conditions and process them according to program. After that it will give output
and control the street lights. It will give full intensity to the corresponding street light of
detected vehicle by IR sensor. The flow chart shown in fig. 6 describes the whole process.
The source code for the above mentioned procedure is described below which is written in
arduino development software.
The hard work and the efforts has been done in this project to reduce the side effects of the
previous and current street lighting system used in our area, and to find a solution to save the
power. If this project will be implemented on a large scale then it will be very useful and will
fulfill all the present constraints. The table 4 shows the comparative analysis in terms of cost,
time and other relevant specification.
3. On-state time of street Manual control from Depend upon presence of object
light sunset to sunrise from sunset to sunrise
The table below shows the successful testing and verification of various components of our
project which include arduino, IR sensor, LDR sensor and led lights. It also shows the desired
results which are obtained during successful implementation.
The image showing the testing connection of the ir module is also shown below in which the
LED mounted on the module glows when it detects any object thereby showing the module is
working satisfactory.
The table 6 shown below will give the different conditions of Street lights (LED)
corresponding to the status of IR sensor. These conditions are observed during working of the
project and depict the condition of the street lights during non peak hours, when the traffic is
least active ,thus requiring less level of illumination. The detection of any movement of the
vehicle by the mounted IR senor module triggers the change in intensity of corresponding
street light, from dim to fully bright, therby providing adequate illumination for the moving
vehicle or pedestrian.
1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D D D D
2. 1 0 0 0 0 0 F D D D D D
3. 0 1 0 0 0 0 D F D D D D
4. 0 0 1 0 0 0 D D F D D D
5. 0 0 0 1 0 0 D D D F D D
6. 0 0 0 0 1 0 D D D D F D
7. 0 0 0 0 0 1 D D D D D F
The figures shown below show the appearance of our project model which show different
vies of our model.
The proposed streetlight automation system is a cost effective and the safest way to reduce
power consumption. It helps us to get rid of today's world problems of manual switching and
most importantly, primary cost and maintenance can be decreased easily. The LED consumes
less energy with cool-white light emission and has a better life than high energy consuming
lamps. Moving to the new & renewable energy sources, this system can be upgraded by
replacing conventional LED modules with the solar-based LED modules. By using Smart
Street light, one can save surplus amount of energy which is done by replacing sodium vapor
lamps by LED and adding an additional feature for security purposes. It prevents unnecessary
wastage of electricity, caused due to manual switching of streetlights when it’s not required.
It provides an efficient and smart automatic streetlight control system with the help of IR
sensors. It can reduce the energy consumption and maintains the cost. The system is versatile,
extendable and totally adjustable to user needs. With these efficient reasons, this presented
work has more advantages which can overcome the present limitations. Keep in mind that
these long-term benefits; the starting cost would never be a problem because the return time
of investment is very less. This system can be easily implemented in street lights, smart cities,
home automation, agriculture field monitoring, timely automated lights, parking lights of
hospitals, malls, airport, universities and industries etc.
As this is an intelligent & good system but it has some limitations, so there are still some
improvements needed in the system. We can go to a wireless module which will increase the
lifespan of our system, & also help in detection of fault because wire damaging is major
problem today. In addition to this we can control the traffic lights, depending on amount of
traffic in particular direction, necessary actions could be taken. At last , this model could be
implemented with few modifications as a source of revenue; as charging station for battery
operated vehicles. Moving with the new & renewable energy sources, this system can be
upgraded by replacing ordinary LED modules with the solar based LED modules.
In creating tomorrow’s city environment, public lighting delivers more than illumination.
Lighting is essential for orientation and most importantly, for safety perception. It’s also part
of the economic conversation and can have a profound effect on the attractiveness of a city,
which in turn impacts tourism.
And of course, modern LED lighting offers great cost savings. Culturally, public lighting can
help in the staging of sporting events, lighting busy parts more brightly as fans arrive while
keeping quieter residential areas at a lower level. It also offers the flexibility and dynamism
to become part of the expression of a city’s identity, emphasizing the character and diversity
of areas within it. Lighting benefits everyone across the social spectrum – the young and old,
businesses and individuals. And finally, public lighting is at the heart of the debate on
environmental concerns, with new answers to questions of sustainability, light pollution and
wildlife preservation. Across the globe, the city is evolving rapidly and its lighting with it.
Allowing cities to adapt public lighting to all kinds of changing conditions and situations,
while realizing energy and cost savings. And by digitizing your data you have the freedom to
use it in many different ways.
Lighting management software combined with LED luminaries can reduce energy use by
more than 70% as well as significantly lowering CO2 emissions. It’s an opportunity to make
our city more attractive, dynamic and environmentally responsible, along with saving money.
It helps you to take control of your public lighting infrastructure – a very visible indication to
the people that the city government is making good decisions and using their money wisely.
Flexible public lighting can also help to improve road and street safety by illuminating “dark
corners”, individual roads and streets, and increasing light levels at junctions and pedestrian
In fact, whatever their age, gender or interests, citizens expect their city to be a pleasant place
to work and live. Controllable lighting offers a bright, lively, and varied cityscape to not only
increase the local people’s sense of security and well-being but to transform a city’s
The city can become an inviting place for residents and visitors alike, easily integrating
cultural events. So if there’s a central festival or city event that people are celebrating, your
lighting department can match the lighting to the atmosphere, while keeping residential areas
at a lower level. This allows them to be flexibly dimmed depending on the weather, traffic
movement, or organized events, saving further energy. Together with communications and
control of individual light points, the entire lighting network can now be controlled centrally
from an operator’s computer.
This type of control can provide us with complete control of its lighting system. Lighting
operators can now activate, control and monitor each individual light point, aligning the
city’s lighting output with day-to-day requirements. Energy consumption is therefore
optimized, along with maintenance management, via constant monitoring and diagnosis
across the network. This level of flexibility and control also facilitates better management of
energy consumption peaks, while always ensuring safe conditions for both vehicles and
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