Electrohydrodynamics: The Taylor-Melcher Leaky Dielectric Model
Electrohydrodynamics: The Taylor-Melcher Leaky Dielectric Model
Electrohydrodynamics: The Taylor-Melcher Leaky Dielectric Model
TXT AR023-02
Taylor-Melcher Leaky Dielectric Model
Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 1997.29:27-64. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
by State University of New York - Binghamton on 05/19/13. For personal use only.
D. A. Saville
Department of Chemical Engineering, Princeton University Princeton,
New Jersey 08544
KEY WORDS: electrified drops and jets, suspensions, interface charge, bulk charge
Electrohydrodynamics deals with fluid motion induced by electric fields. In the
mid 1960s GI Taylor introduced the leaky dielectric model to explain the behavior
of droplets deformed by a steady field, and JR Melcher used it extensively to
develop electrohydrodynamics. This review deals with the foundations of the
leaky dielectric model and experimental tests designed to probe its usefulness.
Although the early experimental studies supported the qualitative features of the
model, quantitative agreement was poor. Recent studies are in better agreement
with the theory. Even though the model was originally intended to deal with sharp
interfaces, contemporary studies with suspensions also agree with the theory.
Clearly the leaky dielectric model is more general than originally envisioned.
The earliest record of an electrohydrodynamic experiment is in William Gilbert’s
seventeenth century treatise de Magnete, which describes the formation of a
conical shape upon bringing a charged rod above a sessile drop (Taylor 1969).
Nineteenth-century studies of drop dynamics revealed how radially directed
forces stemming from interfacial charge offset surface tension (Rayleigh 1882),
but until the 1960s most work focused on the behavior of perfect conduc-
tors, (mercury or water) or perfect dielectrics (apolar liquids such as benzene).
This began to change following studies on poorly conducting liquids—leaky
dielectrics—by Allan & Mason (1962). Another branch of electrohydrody-
namics, electrokinetics, deals with the behavior of charged particles in aqueous
electrolytes (Saville 1977, Russel et al 1989). However, there are signifi-
cant differences between the behavior of electrolytes and leaky dielectrics. In
electrolytes, electrokinetic phenomena are dominated by effects of interface
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charge derived from covalently bound ionizable groups or ion adsorption. Near
a surface charged in this fashion, a diffuse charge cloud forms as electrolyte ions
of opposite charge are attracted toward the interface. A concentration gradient
forms so that diffusion balances electromigration. Then, when a field is im-
posed, processes in this diffuse layer govern the mechanics. In electrokinetics,
applied field strengths are small, a few volts per centimeter, whereas in elec-
trohydrodynamics the fields are usually much larger. With perfect conductors,
perfect dielectrics, or leaky dielectrics, diffuse layers associated with equilib-
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rium charge are usually absent. Accordingly, development of the two subjects
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1 Depending on the keywords used, computer literature surveys turn up hundreds of papers on
The differential equations describing EHD arise from equations describing the
conservation of mass and momentum, coupled with Maxwell’s equations. To
establish a context for the approximations inherent in the leaky dielectric model,
it is necessary to look on a deeper level. Then the leaky dielectric model arises
naturally through a scale analysis. As noted earlier, the hydrodynamic model
consists of the Stokes equations without any electrical forces; coupling to the
electric field occurs at boundaries, so forces from the bulk free charge must be
negligible. Moreover, the electric field is solenoidal. The next section examines
how to establish conditions under which these approximations are appropriate.
Scale Analysis and the Leaky Dielectric Model
Under static conditions, electric and magnetic phenomena are independent since
their fields are uncoupled (Feynman et al 1964). Insofar as the characteristic
time for electrostatic processes is large compared to that for magnetic phe-
nomena, the electrostatic equations furnish an accurate approximation. When
external magnetic fields are absent, magnetic effects can be ignored com-
pletely. From Maxwell’s equations, the characteristic time for electric phenom-
ena, τc ≡ εεo /σ , can be identified as the ratio of the dielectric permeability2
(εεo ) and conductivity3 (σ ). For magnetic phenomena the characteristic time,
τ M ≡ µµo σ `2 , is the product of the magnetic permeability, µµo , conductivity,
and the square of a characteristic length. Transport process time-scales, τ P , arise
2 The rationalized Meter-Kilogram-Second-Coulomb (MKSC) system of units will be used.
3 The conductivity will be defined explicitly in terms of properties of the constituent ions. For
the present note simply that conductivity has the dimensions of Siemans per meter, i.e., C2 -s/kg-m3 .
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
∇ · εεo E = ρ e (1)
∇ × E = 0. (2)
E is the electric field strength, and ρ e is the local free charge density. Boundary
conditions derived from Equations 1 and 2 using the divergence theorem and
a pill-box system spanning a portion of a boundary show that the tangential
components of E are continuous and the normal component jumps by an amount
proportional to the free charge per unit area, q, that is,
kεεo Ek · n = q. (3)
Here k(·)k denotes the jump, “outside–inside,” of (·) across the boundary, and
n is the local outer normal.
Electrostatic phenomena and hydrodynamics are coupled through the Maxwell
stress tensor. A simple way of seeing the relationship between Maxwell stresses
and the electrical body force is to suppose that electrical forces exerted on free
charge and charge dipoles are transferred directly to the fluid. For a dipole
charge Q with orientation d the force is (Qd) · ∇E. With N dipoles per unit
volume, the dipole force is P · ∇E; P ≡ N Qd defines the polarization vector.
The Coulomb force due to free charge is ρ e E, so the total electrical force per
unit volume is ρ e E + P · ∇E. This force can be transformed into the divergence
of a tensor, ∇ · [εεo EE − 12 εεo E · Eδ], using Equations 1 and 2. The tensor
becomes the Maxwell stress tensor, σ M ,
· µ ¶ ¸
1 ρ ∂ε
εεo EE − εεo 1 − E · Eδ,
2 ε ∂ρ T
upon inserting the isotropic influence of the field on the pressure (Landau &
Lifshitz 1960).
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Using the expression for the electrical stress produces the equation of motion
for an incompressible Newtonian fluid of uniform viscosity,
ρ = −∇p + ∇ · σ M + µ∇ 2 u. (4)
Alternatively, upon expanding the stress tensor the electrical stresses emerge as
body forces due to a non-homogeneous dielectric permeability and free charge,
along with the gradient of an isotropic contribution,
· µ ¶ ¸
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Du 1
ρ = −∇ p − εo ρ E·E
Dt 2 ∂ρ T
− εo E · E∇ε + ρ e E + µ∇ 2 u. (5)
For incompressible fluids, the expression in brackets can be lumped together
as a redefined pressure.
EHD motions are driven by the electrical forces on boundaries or in the
bulk. The net Maxwell stress at a sharp boundary has the normal and tangential
1° °
°εεo (E · n)2 − εεo (E · t1 )2 − εεo (E · t2 )2 °
[σ M · n] · n =
2 (6)
[σ M · n] · ti = qE · ti
after absorbing the isotropic part of the stress into the pressure as noted above. It
is understood that ti represents either of two orthogonal tangent vectors embed-
ded in the surface. Denoting a characteristic field strength as E o and balancing
the tangential electrical stress in Equation 6 against viscous stress yields a ve-
locity scale of q`E o /µ = εo `E o2 /µ. The same scale appears when the normal
stress or the bulk electrical forces are used. With εo E o2 as a scale for pressure,
Equation 5 can be cast in dimensionless form as
τµ ∂u 1
+ Re u · ∇u = −∇ p − E · E∇ε + [∇ · (εE)]E + ∇ 2 u. (7)
τ P ∂t 2
Here the symbols represent dimensionless variables with lengths scaled by ` and
time by the process scale τ P ; Re is a Reynolds number, ρ`u o /µ ≡ ρεo `2 E o2 /µ2 ,
when the electrohydrodynamic velocity scale is used for u o . Choosing ρ =
103 kg/m3 , µ = 1 kg/m-s, ` = 10−3 m, and E o = 105 V/m gives Re ≈ 10−4
and a viscous relaxation time, τµ ≡ `2 ρ/µ, of 1 ms approximately. For a
dielectric constant of 4 and a conductivity of 10−9 S/m the electrical relaxation
time, εεo /σ , is 35 ms.
Equation 1 shows how the field is altered by the presence of free charge. In
liquids, charge is carried by ions, so species conservation equations must be
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
included to complete the description. Free charge density and ion concentration
are related as
ρe = ez k n k . (8)
Here e is the charge on a proton and z k is the valence of the k th species whose
concentration is n k . Note that some of the species may be electrically neutral,
that is, z k = 0. Molecules and ions are carried by the flow and move in response
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are fast, it is convenient to imagine that the reactions are almost at equilibrium.
At equilibrium, the local rate of reaction is zero, so K ≡ k+ /k− = n 2 n 3 /n 1 .
This complicates matters because at equilibrium one of the conservation laws
must be discarded to avoid an overdetermined system.
To scale the problem consistently, note that the concentrations of the two
ionic species will be much smaller than the concentration of the neutral con-
stituent. Accordingly, it is convenient to use different concentration scales.
Neutral species concentrations are √ scaled with a bulk concentration denoted as
n 0 and ionic concentrations with n 0 K . Using ω0 as a mobility scale (any
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one of the three mobilities) and k+ n 0 as a reaction rate scale produces the
conservation law for the neutral species,
τ D ∂n 1
+ Peu · ∇n 1 = ω1 ∇ 2 n 1 − Da[n 1 − n 2 n 3 ] (12a)
τ P ∂t
and for each ionic species,
τ D ∂n k
+ Peu · ∇n k = β∇ · [−z k n k ωk E]
τ P ∂t
n0 1
+ ω ∇ n + Da
k 2 k
[n − n 2 n 3 ], k = 2 , 3. (12b)
The new symbols represent a characteristic diffusion time, τ D ≡ `2 /ω0 k B T ;
a Peclet number, Pe ≡ `u o /ω0 k B T ≡ `2 εo E o2 /µω0 k B T (the ratio of the
rates of ion transfer by convection to diffusion); a dimensionless field strength,
β ≡ ` eE o /k B T ; and a Damkoler number, Da ≡ k+ `2 /ω0 k B T (the ratio of
a characteristic diffusion time to a characteristic reaction time). The reaction
term can be eliminated from Equation 12b using Equation 12a to obtain
" r # " r #
τD ∂ n0 1 n0 1
n +
n + Peu · ∇ n + k
τ P ∂t K K
" r #
n 0
= β∇ · [−z k n k ωk E] + ∇ 2 ωk n k + ω1 n 1 , k = 2, 3. (12c)
To compute local concentrations for systems in local reaction equilibrium,
Equation 12c is used with k = 2 and k = 3, along with the equation for re-
action equilibrium obtained from Equation 12a for Da 1.
Equations 12c for k = 2 and k = 3 can be combined to furnish an expression
for the dimensionless charge density, ρ e = (n 2 − n 3 ),
τD ∂ e
ρ + Peu · ∇ρ e
τ P ∂t
= β∇ · [−(n 2 ω2 + n 3 ω3 )E] + ∇ 2 [ω2 n 2 + ω3 n 3 ]. (13)
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From Equations 1 and 13 the characteristic charge relaxation time can now
be identified (in dimensional form) as εεo /e2 (ω2 n 2 + ω3 n 3 ) ≡ εεo /σ. To
guide simplification of these equations, the magnitudes of the various groups
are estimated for small ions with a characteristic radius4 , a, of 0.25 nm using
the Stokes-Einstein relation, (6π µa)−1 , for the mobility. Then Pe ≈ 105 , β ≈
103 , and the diffusion time τ D ≈ 106 s. Estimating the size of the other di-
mensionless groups will require knowledge of the dissociation-recombination
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k+ = k− K . (16)
σ = e2 (ω2 n 2 + ω3 n 3 ). (17)
For a conductivity of 10−9 S/m with 0.25 nm ions, n 2 = n 3 = 1020 m−3 ( ≈ 10−7
p so n 1 = 1024 m−3 ( ≈ 10−3 mol/liter). Thus, n 0 /K ≈ 107 and
Da n /K ≈ 107 . To complete the simplification we need to know the charge
Equation 1 in dimensionless form is
3∇ · E = ρ e = z(n 2 − n 3 ); (18)
3 ≡ εεo E o /e ` n 0 K . Using the numerical values already defined, 3 ≈ 10−4 ,
suggesting the fluid is electrically neutral on the millimeter length scale. For
4 For comparison, the radius of a sodium ion in water is 0.14 nm. The size of the charge carrying
ions in apolar liquids is largely a matter of speculation, but the presence of traces of water makes
it likely that the charge carriers are larger than the bare ions.
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
as long as Pe3/β 1. With the numerical magnitudes given thus far, Pe3/β
≈ 10−2 , prompting the approximation expressed by Equation 19.
To complete the description, charge conservation at the interface must be
investigated. Here it is convenient to start with Equation 9 and integrate across
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an interface with the provision that there are no surface reactions. Using the
s-subscript to denote surface concentrations and operators, and ignoring any
special transport processes such as lateral surface diffusion, leads to
∂n ks ° °
+ u · ∇ s n ks = n ks n · (n · ∇)u + ° −ωk ez k n k E + ωk k B T ∇n k ° · n.
k = 2, 3. (20)
τµ ∂u
+ Reu · ∇u
τ P ∂t
= −∇ p − E · E∇ε + ∇ · (εE)E + ∇ 2 u & ∇· u=0 (70 )
∇ · σE = 0 (190 )
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τc ∂q τc
+ [u · ∇s q − qn · (n · ∇)u] = k −σ Ek · n (220 )
τ P ∂t τF
kεEk · n = q (30 )
1° °
°ε(E · n)2 − ε(E · t1 )2 − ε(E · t2 )2 °
[σ M · n] · n =
2 (6)
[σ M · n] · ti = qE · ti
Note that the equations are written in dimensionless variables using the scales
defined in the text. The equation of motion is for nonhomogeneous fluids with
electrical body forces. The hydrodynamic boundary conditions, continuity of
velocity and stress, including the viscous and Maxwell stress, are assumed.
Primes denote dimensionless forms of the parent equations.
Electrokinetic Effects
Although Equation 19 may be adequate for p millimeter-lengthP scales, it would
fail if free charge on the Debye scale, κ −1 ≡ εεo k B T /e2 (z k )2 n k , produces
important mechanical effects. As noted earlier, charged interfaces attract coun-
terions in the bulk fluid and repulse co-ions on the Debye length scale. Electric
and hydrodynamic phenomena on this scale are responsible for the ubiquitous
behavior of small particles in electrolytes, so it is natural to ask whether similar
effects might be important here. In fact, Torza et al (1971) suggested that such
effects could be responsible for the lack of agreement between the theory and
their experiments on fluid globules.
To see whether the lack of agreement is due to electrokinetic effects we can
use the numerical data already put forth. This leads to pthe following estimates:
κ −1 ≈ 10−7 m, 3 ≈ 1, Pe3 ≈ 10−3 , Da ≈ 10−4 , Da n 0 /K ≈ 10−1 and β =
10−1 . Accordingly, on the Debye scale the relation between charge and field
is represented by Equation 18 while the species conservation equations 12
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
τ D ∂n 1
= ω1 ∇ 2 n 1 (23a)
τ P ∂t
τ D ∂n k
= β∇ · [−z k n k ωk E] + ωk ∇ 2 n k
τ P ∂t
n0 1
+ Da [n − n 2 n 3 ], k = 2, 3. (23b)
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These equations are clearly more complex than those for Ohmic conduction,
which omits entirely any accounting for individual species. Is this complex-
ity necessary? In the following sections, experimental and theoretical results
based on the leaky dielectric model are reviewed for several prototypical prob-
lems so as to assess the model’s effectiveness and the extent to which more
detailed treatments taking account of diffuse layer effects are warranted. To
date, none of the experimental studies show major electrokinetic effects despite
the indications of the scale analysis.
Drop Motion in External Fields
Allan & Mason (1962) encountered paradoxical behavior when non-conducting
drops suspended in non-conducting liquids were deformed by a steady elec-
tric field. Conducting drops became prolate, as expected, but non-conducting
drops often adopted oblate configurations. Oblate shapes were completely un-
expected since analyses of static configurations predict prolate deformations,
irrespective of the drop conductivity. Drop deformations can be analyzed with
several methods. O’Konski & Thacher (1953) used an energy method; Allan
& Mason (1962) balanced electrical and interfacial tension forces. For small
deformations of conducting drops in dielectric surroundings, either procedure
9 aεεo E ∞
D= . (24)
16 γ
Here E ∞ is the strength of the applied field, a is the drop radius, and γ is
interfacial tension. The deformation, D, is the difference between the lengths of
the drop parallel and transverse to the field divided by the sum of the two. Given
that the drop is a conductor, it is easy to see why the shape is prolate since the
pressures inside and outside the drop are uniform, initially, with the difference
balanced by interfacial tension and the sphere’s curvature, 2γ /a. Therefore,
non-uniform electric stresses must be balanced by interfacial tension on the
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
deformed surface. Since the sphere induces a dipole into the incident field,
charge on the sphere’s equipotential surface varies as cos ϑ; ϑ being measured
from the direction of the field. The field normal to the surface varies in a similar
fashion. Accordingly, the electric stress at the surface varies as cos2 ϑ, pulling
the drop in opposite directions at its poles.
Dielectric drops in dielectric surroundings also become prolate in steady
fields, irrespective of the dielectric constants of the two fluids, that is,
9 aεεo E ∞2
(ε̂ − ε)2
D= (25)
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16 γ (ε̂ + 2ε)2
with circumflexes denoting properties of the drop fluid (O’Konski & Thacher
1952, Allan & Mason 1962). Here deformation results from polarization forces
since free charge is absent and the electric stresses are normal to the surface.
Allan & Mason’s (1962) anomalous results led Taylor (1966) to discard the
notion that the suspending fluids could be treated as insulators. Although the
suspending fluids were poor conductors (σ < 10−9 S/m) Taylor recognized that
even a small conductivity would allow electric charge to reach the drop interface.
With perfect dielectrics, the interface boundary condition (see Equation 3) sets
the relation between the normal components of the field to ensure that there is
no free charge. For leaky dielectrics, charge accumulates on the interface to
adjust the field and ensure conservation of the current when the conductivities
of the adjacent fluids differ. The action of the electric field on surface charge
provides tangential stresses to be balanced by viscous flow. Taylor used the
charge calculated from a solenoidal electric field to compute the electric forces
at the interface of a drop and then balanced these stresses with those calculated
for Stokes flow. This procedure led to a discriminating function to classify
deformations as prolate or oblate:
2M + 3
8 = S(R 2 + 1) − 2 + 3(S R − 1) . (26)
5M + 5
Here S ≡ ε/ε̂, R ≡ σ̂ /σ, and M ≡ µ/µ̂. Prolate deformations are indicated
when 8 > 1, and oblate forms are indicated when 8 < 1. Qualitative agreement
between theory and experiment was found in nine of the thirteen cases studied
by Allan & Mason (1962). In the other four (prolate) cases, ambiguities in
electrical properties hampered a test of the theory.
According to Taylor’s leaky dielectric model, tangential electric stresses
cause circulation patterns inside and outside the drop. As further confirma-
tion of the theory, McEwan and de Jong5 photographed tracer particle tracks in
and around a silicone oil drop suspended in a mixture of castor and corn oils.
Toroidal circulation patterns were observed, in agreement with the theory.
5 McEwan & de Jong’s photos are presented in an addendum to Taylor’s paper (1966).
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
fluid pairs were studied in steady and oscillatory (up to 60 Hz) fields. In steady
fields, oblate deformations were observed in eight systems, in qualitative accord
with the theory.
Although the qualitative aspects of the theory were vindicated, the quantita-
tive agreement was very disappointing. The deformation always varied linearly
with a E ∞ , but the proportionality factor exceeded the theoretical value in all
but one case, and the slopes were larger by a factor of two in more than half the
systems. In one case, the measured slope was four times the theoretical value.
In none of the systems was the measured slope less than the theoretical value,
suggesting that the deviations are due to factors other than normal experimental
Alternating fields offer additional insight into leaky dielectric behavior. As
expected with alternating fields where forces vary as a E ∞2
cos2 (ωt), the defor-
mation consists of steady and oscillatory parts (Torza et al 1971)
D = D S + DT . (28)
The steady part, Ds , has the same form as Equation 27, but the 8-function is
8S = 1
S 2 R(11+14M)+15S 2 (1+M)+S(19+16M)+15R 2 Sτ 2 ω2 (M+1)(S+2)
− ,
5(M+1)[S 2 (2+R)2 +R 2 τ 2 ω2 (1+S)2 ]
where ω is the angular frequency, and τ represents a hybrid electrical relax-
ation time εo ε/σ̂ . According to Equation 29 the steady part of the deformation
vanishes at a certain frequency and may shift from one form to the other with
changes in frequency. Torza et al (1971) measured the steady part of the defor-
mation for all 22 systems in 60-Hz fields and obtained results similar to those for
steady fields. The deformation was proportional to a E ∞ , and in five cases the-
ory and experiment were in quantitative agreement. With the other systems the
measured slopes exceeded the theoretical values by substantial margins. The
transition from oblate to prolate deformation was reported for one system—a
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
silicone oil drop in sextolphthalate with S ≡ ε/ε̂ ≈ 2.2 and R ≡ σ̂ /σ < 0.07.
However, the observed transition frequency (1.6 Hz) was considerably lower
than predicted (2.5 Hz), although the two could be brought into agreement by
lowering S to 1.8. In this context the authors state: “This suggests that ac-
curate measurements of the dielectric constants of the phases are crucial to a
quantitative test of [the theory].” This observation will be revisited shortly.
Some of the disagreement about oscillatory fields could be ascribed to the
omission of temporal acceleration. Torza et al (1971) used a quasi-steady ap-
proximation, tantamount to ignoring ρ∂u/∂t in the equations of motion. Upon
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the diffuse layer, electrokinetic processes due to space charge are relevant. The
intermediate region is electrically neutral, and charge transport by diffusion,
electromigration, and convection are equally important. In the outer region,
the electrohydrodynamic equations prevail. Solving the differential equations
involved matched asymptotic expansions, and because of the altered structure
of the problem, the distributions of velocity and stress differ from those de-
rived using the leaky dielectric model. Nevertheless, the final expression for
drop deformation is identical to that derived by Taylor (1966). Electrokinetic
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effects don’t appear to contradict conclusions drawn from the leaky dielectric
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adequate, but as the figure indicates, the behavior is quite sensitive to the drop
conductivity. Vizika & Saville (1992) compared theory and experiment for the
oscillatory part of the deformation with one system; excellent agreement was
Further encouraging comparisons between theory and experiment were re-
ported by Tsukada et al (1993), who studied deformations with the castor
oil–silicone oil system. Castor oil drops in silicone oil gave prolate deforma-
tions, oblate deformations were found with the fluids reversed. In addition to
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formations in steady fields. Except for the inclusion of finite deformations and
Figure 1 Deformation measurements for fluid drops (Vizika & Saville 1992). Drops are prolate
or oblate depending on whether D > 0 or D < 0. The dashed lines represent calculations made
with the leaky dielectric model using measured fluid properties; solid lines are least-squares repre-
sentations of the experimental data. In Figure 1b the theoretical line for the upper set of data is not
shown since it falls on the regression line for the lower data; for this system the difference between
theory and experiment is large.
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
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Figure 1 (Continued)
inertial effects, the standard leaky dielectric model was employed. At small
deformations, numerical results agreed with those from Taylor’s linear theory.
With larger deformations, substantial differences appeared. Most of the dif-
ferences between the finite element calculation and the linear theory were due
to interface deformation since the Reynolds number in the calculations was al-
ways small. For prolate drops, the numerical results and Taylor’s theory agreed
with the experimental data for 0 < D < 0.07. With larger deformations, for
example, for D ≈ 0.2, the finite element solution was better than the linear
theory but still predicted smaller deformations than those observed. In ad-
dition, the agreement between Taylor’s theory and the experiment for oblate
drops exhibited a puzzling feature, that is, for large deformations the linear
theory was closer to the experimental results than the nonlinear finite element
These three studies constitute the most comprehensive test of the theory
wherein interface charge arises from conduction across an interface. The agree-
ment between theory and experiment is encouraging, and there seems little
doubt that, insofar as drop deformation is concerned, the theory does a satis-
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Figure 2 The steady part of the drop deformation in oscillatory fields (Vizika & Saville 1992).
factory job. Nevertheless, only a limited number of fluids have been studied,
and even in these cases, conductivities have not been controlled. Questions as
to finite amplitude effects or charge convection due to interface motion remain
to be investigated.
In situations discussed thus far, charge convection has been ignored since
τC /τ F 1. To investigate the influence of charge convection, the Hadamard-
Rybczynski settling velocity for a spherical drop can be studied. Although no
experimental studies exist, calculations with the model indicate a substantial in-
fluence. First note that the velocity will be unaltered if a steady field is imposed
because, as long as charge convection is negligible, the net charge is zero and
the field exerts no net force on the drop. However, an asymmetric charge dis-
tribution creates a net force; charge convection due to sedimentation generates
the necessary asymmetry. The relevant boundary condition is Equation 220
rewritten for steady flow,
∇s · (uq) = k−σ Ek · n. (30)
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Figure 3 The unsteady part of the drop deformation as a function of frequency for silicone drops
in castor oil (Vizika & Saville 1992). Torza et al’s (1971) theoretical result is shown for two values
of the drop conductivity; other parameters correspond with measured values.
Given that interface charge induced by the action of an electric field in leaky
dielectrics has important effects on quasi-static motions, the next task is to
inquire as to its effects on drop stability.
Drop Stability and Breakup
To provide a context to study the role of tangential stresses it is helpful to
recall work on perfect conductors and dielectrics. Studies of drop dynamics6
and stability began with Rayleigh’s celebrated 1882 paper “On the equilibrium
of liquid conducting masses charged with electricity.” His analysis pertains
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and cylinders.
7 Recall that the rationalized MKSC system is used here. In Rayleigh’s notation, ε = 1/4π .
8 The linearization is based on the size of the deformation relative to the undeformed drop.
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
and boundary conditions. The relation between field and charge is given by the
dimensionless form of Equation 3,
kεEk · n = q, (37)
with charge scaled on the charge density on the undeformed drop, Q/4πa 2 .
The scale for the electric field, E o , is Q/4π εo a 2 . Charge on the interface is
conserved, and for β 1 the balance is
τc ∂q τc
+ [u · ∇s q − qn · (n · ∇)u] = (ω2 n 2 + ω3 n 3 )E · n.
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τ P ∂t τF
To conserve charge, ion mobilities in the outer fluid must be zero so that the
current on the right-hand side represents conduction from the interior. For
Rayleigh’s perfectly conducting drop, the local charge balance is unnecessary
because: (a) the field is nil inside the drop, and (b) charge transport is instan-
taneous so that the convection and relaxation terms vanish. The remaining
boundary conditions are continuity of velocity and stress, and the kinematic
These equations have been solved to investigate how relaxation alters
Rayleigh’s results (Saville 1974). Both viscous forces and charge relaxation
effects were included, but general conclusions were obscured by the awkward
transcendental form of the characteristic equation. However, asymptotic meth-
ods can be used to identify the salient features. The result for a slightly viscous
drop in the absence of a suspending fluid is rather surprising in as much as
Rayleigh’s result (see Equation 33) is recovered as the stability criterion. Even
when charge relaxation by conduction is slow, charge convection still redis-
tributes charge so rapidly that the oscillation frequency is given by Equation
33. A similar explanation was proposed by Melcher & Schwartz (1968) in their
study of planar interfaces. Although EHD effects fail to alter the oscillation
frequency, damping rates are affected. If the damping rate is denoted as δ, then
the amplitude of the oscillation decays as exp[(iω R − δ)t]; ω R represents the
Rayleigh frequencies from Equation 33.
First, note that with instantaneous relaxation the damping is volumetric and
Rayleigh’s theory gives
· ¸1
ν aγ 2
δ ≈ (2n + 1)(n − 1) 2 for 1 (39)
a ρν 2
for a drop with kinematic viscosity ν. When electrohydrodynamic effects are
included and the oscillation time is comparable to the conduction time, that is
when εεo ωo /σ ≈ O(1), damping is slower:
δ ≈ (2n − 3)(n − 1) 2 . (40)
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
for a viscous drop with dielectric constant ε̂ and viscosity µ̂ in a fluid with ε
and µ where µ̂ µ and (aγ /ρ̂ ν̂ 2 ) 2 1. The next topic concerns behavior
beyond the range where a linear treatment is acceptable.
To form a simple model, the breakup of isolated drops or drops in external
fields can be treated by approximate methods. A spheroidal approximation
(Taylor 1964) yields an accurate expression for the stability of an isolated
charged drop or an uncharged drop in an external field. More recent work9
shows that prolate shapes evolving below the Rayleigh limit are unstable to
axisymmetric perturbations while oblate shapes above the limit are stable to ax-
isymmetric perturbations but unstable to nonaxisymmetric perturbations. Thus,
the Rayleigh limit turns out to be the absolute limit of stability.
Dimensional analysis indicates that the criterion for instability of a conduct-
ing drop immersed in a gas and stressed by an external field has the form
aεo E ∞
> C. (42)
Taylor’s spheroidal approximation (Taylor 1964) gives C = 2.1 × 10−3 for
D = 0.31, in good agreement with experiments on soap films. The limiting
deformation corresponds to a drop with an aspect ratio of 1.9. Above this point
the drop is seen to throw off liquid as a fine jet.
Taylor (1964) analyzed the region near the spheroidal tip, which becomes
conical (a “Taylor cone”) at the limit of stability. For a cone with a vertex
angle of 98.6◦ , electric stresses on a conducting surface are balanced exactly
by surface tension. It turns out that conical tips also exist as static solutions
when one perfect dielectric is immersed in another and S ≡ ε/ε̂ ≤ 17.6 (Ramos
& Castellanos 1994a). At the limit the vertex angle is 60◦ . For S < 17.6, two
solutions exist. One has a vertex angle larger than 60◦ ; the other is smaller. At
S = 0 the vertex angles are 0 and 98.6◦ , the latter corresponding to Taylor’s
solution for an equipotential cone.
9 Pelekasis et al (1990) and Kang (1993) provide useful summaries of the dynamical stability
More extensive analyses of the static behavior of drops disclose behavior con-
sistent with this picture: Sherwood (1988, 1991) studied free drops; Wohlhuter
& Basaran (1992) and Ramos & Castellanos (1994b) analyzed drops pinned
to an electrode. According to the various computations, a dielectric drop im-
mersed in another perfect dielectric elongates into an equilibrium shape as the
field increases when S > S1 . For S > S2 > S1 the drops become unstable at turn-
ing points in the deformation-field strength relation. In the range S1 > S > S2
there is hysteresis; drops are stable on the lower and upper branches of the
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are close to the value identified as the maximum value for the existence of a
cone. Wohlhuter & Basaran (1992) and Ramos & Castellanos (1994b), who
studied pendant and sessile drops between plates, delineate other quantitative
effects due to contact angle, drop volume, and plate spacing.
How do EHD phenomena modify this picture? Interestingly, solutions for
a leaky dielectric cone immersed in another leaky dielectric fluid exist for
R ≡ σ̂ /σ > 17.6, independent of the dielectric constants (Ramos & Castellanos
1994a). Because of tangential stresses, the fluids are in motion (Hayati 1992).
As before the cone angle is less than 60◦ , and two solutions exist as long as
the conductivity ratio is large enough. The balance between electrical stress
and interfacial tension determines the cone angle, and the normal component
of the viscous stress is zero. As required, the tangential electric stress along
the periphery of the cone is balanced by viscous stress. A circulation pattern
exists inside and outside the cone with fluid moving toward the apex along the
interface and away from it along the axis. One might conjecture that a certain
level of conductivity is necessary for the formation of a sharp point and the
ensuing micro-jet (see below).
Allan & Mason (1962) and Torza et al (1971) observed three modes of drop
deformation and breakup at high field-strengths: (a) water drops in oil deformed
symmetrically, and globules pinched off from a liquid thread; (b) castor oil drops
in silicone oil deformed asymmetrically with a long thread pulled out toward the
negative electrode; and (c) silicone oil drops in castor oil flattened and broken
up unevenly. For modes a and b the initial deformation was prolate; for mode c
it was oblate. The breakup of oblate drops in steady fields involved a complex
folding motion with a doughnut-like shape. In an oscillatory field, small drops
were ejected from part of the periphery.
Sherwood (1988) dealt with symmetric deformations (mode a) using a bound-
ary integral technique. Perfect conductors or perfect dielectrics deform into
prolate shapes in steady fields. With perfect conductors, the tips have a small
radius of curvature, and Sherwood’s algorithm predicts breakup at the tip with
critical field-strengths close to those found by Taylor (1964) and Brazier-Smith
(1971). Perfect dielectrics display similar overall behavior, and the maximum
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
aspect ratio is near that predicted by energy arguments. With the leaky dielectric
model, drops elongate and take on a shape with fattened ends connected by a thin
neck. Since the calculation is quasi-static, transient behavior can be followed in
cases where breakup occurs. Here the leaky dielectric model depicts drop elon-
gation followed by breakup into individual droplets, behavior consistent with
experimental results. In a leaky dielectric, electrohydrodynamic stresses flatten
the almost-conical tips formed in perfect dielectrics or conductors. Sherwood
defines two sorts of drop breakup: the electrostatic mode where a conical tip
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develops and breakup is via tip-streaming, and the EHD mode following insta-
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becomes important near the apex (Ramos & Castellanos 1994b, Fernandez
de la Mora & Loscertales 1994), has eluded analysis to date.
Stability of Charged Cylinders (Free Jets)
Shortly after Rayleigh’s pioneering paper (Rayleigh 1882), Bassett (1894)
showed how charge destabilizes a cylinder by a mechanism similar to that
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found earlier with drops. Nevertheless, the process is more complex because a
cylinder may be unstable even in the absence of electrical forces. If the wave-
length of a corrugation exceeds the circumference, then a varicose surface may
have a smaller area than a circular cylinder and be unstable because it has a
lower (free) energy. By studying the dynamics of a charged, inviscid cylinder,
Bassett showed that an axisymmetric disturbance of wavelength λ will grow if
· 2 · ¸¸
α Io0 (α) aεo E ∞ K o0 (α)
1−α −
1+α > 0. (43)
Io (α) γ K o (α)
Here α ≡ 2πa/λ, a is the radius, Im ( ) and K m ( ) denote modified Bessel
functions of order m with the prime sign denoting differentiation, and E ∞ is
the (radial) field strength at the surface. When the inequality fails, the cylin-
der oscillates. The quantity on the left of Equation 42 is proportional to the
growth rate when the cylinder is unstable and to the oscillation frequency
when it is stable. For an uncharged cylinder, instability is indicated when
α < 1, that is, when λ > 2πa. Electric charge expands the range of unstable
wave numbers and increases growth rates. For aεo E ∞ 2
/γ = 1, the range is
approximately 0 < α < 1.35 (λ > 1.5πa). Interestingly, charge destabilizes
non-axisymmetric deformations that are otherwise stable; the relation for these
modes may be obtained from Equation 42 by equating the index of the Bessel
functions with the mode for the angular deformation, cos(mϑ), and changing
1− α 2 to 1− α 2 − m 2 . Viscous effects dampen the motion, but their effect is such
as to make some non-axisymmetric motions relatively more unstable (Saville
1971a). The theory for charged cylinders is in qualitative accord with Huebner’s
(1969) finding of non-axisymmetric modes of breakup with highly charged wa-
ter jets. Similar behavior exists with highly viscous cylinders, where, in addi-
tion to destabilizing non-axisymmetric modes, the presence of charge lowers
the wavelength of the most unstable mode. Charge relaxation on an initially
uniformly charged jet does not appear to have been studied, although given the
importance this process has with axial fields, the topic is of considerable interest.
Taylor (1964) observed that “induced charge has a very powerful effect in
preventing the break up of jets into drops under certain circumstances and an
equally powerful effect in causing violently unsteady movements ultimately
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
disintegrating the jet into drops in others.” Taylor was referring to the effects
of a field aligned with the axis of a water jet. Raco’s (1968) experiments with
poorly conducting liquids also show a strong stabilizing effect. These results
produce a quandary of sorts. Axial fields promote stability with dielectric jets
(Nayyar & Murthy 1960) because of the action of the normal component of
the electric field on the deformed interface. But the required field strengths are
much larger than those encountered by Taylor, and the dual nature of electric
forces noted by Taylor does not appear to be consistent with the behavior of
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perfect dielectrics.
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stress due to induced charge. Before deformation the surface is free of charge
since the field is parallel to the surface. Upon deformation, the interface tilts
in the field and conduction processes induce charge. The normal stress is
proportional to
aεεo E ∞ (1 − σ̂ /σ )(1 − ε̂/ε)
− Io (α)K o (α)αζ (z, t), (46)
γ Io (α)K 1 (α) + σ̂ /σ Io (α)K 1 (α)
and the tangential stress induced by the deformation is proportional to
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aεεo E ∞ (σ̂ /σ − ε̂/ε)
− ζ (z, t). (47)
γ Io (α)K 1 (α) + ε̂/ε Io (α)K 1 (α)
So the sense of the stress depends on the relative magnitudes of both the electri-
cal conductivities and the dielectric constants. However, the combined action
of the two stresses makes it possible to stabilize the cylinder to disturbances of
any wave number with smaller fields than those needed with perfect dielectrics
(Saville 1970; Mestel 1994, 1996).
Figure 4 shows the growth rate parameter, ω, for a disturbance growing
as exp(ωt). Note that a value of aεεo E ∞ 2
/γ slightly larger than 0.005 suf-
fices to stabilize the cylinder for ε̂/ε = 78. This result is encouraging since
Taylor found a water jet was stable with aεεo E ∞2
/γ ≈ 0.005 and unstable when
aεεo E ∞ /γ was lowered to 0.003. Cylinders with smaller dielectric constants
require larger fields, as would be expected from the amount of charge con-
ducted to the interface by a deformation. For ε̂/ε = 2, stability requires
aεεo E ∞2
/γ > 0.03.
Axially directed fields completely stabilize highly viscous cylinders (Saville
1970, Mestel 1995). Recall that when viscous effects dominate, infinitely long
wavelengths are the most unstable when capillary forces operate alone on the
interface. Whatever the viscosity, EHD effects produce both tangential and
normal stresses so that with highly viscous cylinders the main issues are quan-
titative. Analysis shows that stability of a highly viscous cylinder is ensured
aεεo E ∞ 1
(σ̂ /σ − ε̂/ε) ≥ . (48)
γ 2
Intermediate situations where the mechanical properties of both cylinder and
surroundings are included are best investigated numerically using the charac-
teristic equation in its implicit form (Saville 1970).
Although the leaky dielectric model with rapid relaxation of surface charge
shows promise in conjunction with the behavior encountered in Taylor’s (1969)
experiments, it still fails to capture the oscillatory behavior noted upon increas-
ing the field. One means of addressing this matter is to include charge relaxation
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
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Figure 4 The stability parameter, ω2 , for a slightly viscous leaky dielectric cylinder in an axial
field as a function of the wave number of the deformation, α, for ε̂/ε = 2 (Saville 1971b) and
various values of a ε̂εo E ∞
2 /γ . The dashed line represents behavior of a perfect dielectric with
2 /γ = 0.1.
a ε̂εo E ∞
As expected, EHD effects tend to stabilize the axisymmetric mode, but not
completely and only up to a certain value of aεεo E ∞ 2
/γ . With τ R = 0.5, the
growth rate of the most unstable axisymmetric mode diminishes by a factor
of 28 for aεεo E ∞ 2
/γ = 0.005, whereas a field of this size would completely
stabilize the jet if charge relaxed instantaneously. In addition, the wavelength
is diminished by more than a factor of 2 and growth is oscillatory. Further in-
creases in aεεo E ∞ 2
/γ increase growth rates and oscillation frequencies slowly.
Equally important, however, non-axisymmetric modes are destabilized; similar
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behavior was found earlier with perfectly conducting jets. Thus, the whip-
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considerable effort has been devoted to the study of liquid bridges (Hurle
et al 1987). For our purposes they offer an ideal configuration to compare
theory and experiment. As Plateau noted, a liquid column is stable insofar as
its circumference exceeds its length. Put another way, the column is stable as
long as its aspect ratio (L/d) is less than π . Here, electric forces play roles
similar to those encountered with jets, but study along these lines is only just
Gonzalez et al (1989) studied the behavior of an almost isopycnic system
and provided the first theoretical treatment of perfect dielectric behavior. In
their experiment, a 50-Hz field aligned with the axis of the bridge was used to
stabilize columns with aspect ratios larger than π. The alternating field tends
to suppress effects due to interface charge and thus achieves perfect dielectric
behavior. Here the stability boundaries depend on three dimensionless param-
eters: the aspect ratio (L/d), the dielectric constant ratio (ε̂/ε), and the ratio of
electric stress to surface tension (aεεo E ∞
/γ ). There are even and odd modes
of deformation, and the form that is asymmetric to the mid-plane is least stable.
Because of the way the dielectric constant ratio enters the stability criterion (cf
Equation 44), the arrangement of fluids has almost no effect on the instability
boundary. This is in sharp contrast with the situation for leaky dielectrics where
interchanging fluids has a marked effect as seen from Equations 46 and 47. Fig-
ure 5 depicts a comparison between the linearized theory and experiment for
a castor oil–silicone oil system. The poor agreement for L/d ≈ π appears to
be due to the density mismatch (Gonzalez & Castellanos 1993, Ramos et al
Leaky dielectric behavior was studied using steady fields with castor oil–
silicone oil systems by Sankaran & Saville (1993), who identified two tran-
sitions: departure from a perfect cylinder and pinch-off. These transitions
are separated by a wide margin as shown in Figure 6. As Figures 5 and 6
show, leaky dielectrics require lower field strengths than do perfect dielectrics.
Equations 46 and 47 reveal that, providing the ratios of conductivities and di-
electric constants have the proper magnitudes, interchanging the bridge and
bath fluids can reverse the signs of the normal and tangential stresses. Hence, a
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
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Figure 5 The behavior of a liquid bridge in 50-Hz axial fields (Gonzalez et al 1989). The line
shows the boundary between stability and instability calculated for a perfect dielectric. According
to theory and experiment the arrangement of the fluids is immaterial; either may be used as the
bridge with little change in the boundary.
Figure 6 Stability boundaries for leaky dielectric bridges (castor oil in silicone oil) in steady fields
as functions of the aspect ratio (Sankaran & Saville 1993). Upper points denote the perfect cylinder
transition; lower points indicate pinch-off.
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
Aqueous Suspensions
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Until this point, attention has centered on EHD phenomena in systems with
sharp interfaces. Nevertheless, the summary equations in the “Balance Laws”
section clearly indicate EHD effects are possible when there is a volumet-
ric distribution of charge or smooth variations in the dielectric constant. Do
experiments support this view and to what extent do theory and experiment
In a noteworthy study, Rhodes et al (1989) demonstrated EHD effects with a
dilute aqueous suspension. Weak, 20-V/cm, 100-kHz fields were used to avoid
electrophoresis and electro-osmosis, which are proportional to the applied field.
High frequencies also rendered the effective dielectric constant of the suspen-
sion close to that of the electrolyte. The experiment was carried out as follows:
First, flow of an electrolyte solution (the buffer) was established in a rectangular
duct with electrodes in the sidewalls. Then, flow of a thin jet of a polystyrene
latex suspension was initiated, and a continuous filament of suspension was
carried through the electrode region by the buffer flow. When the conductivity
of the sample exceeded that of the electrolyte solution, the suspension filament
was stretched in the direction of the (oscillating) field, taking on an elliptical
cross section. Since the interface was diffuse, the absence of interfacial ten-
sion as a restoring force allowed the cross section to deform continuously. In
contrast, when the conductivity of the filament was lower than the surrounding
solution, deformation was transverse to the applied field. The main EHD force
appears to arise from free charge in the bulk induced by the applied field. Such
behavior is precisely what would be expected from the leaky dielectric model,
and Rhodes et al analyzed a cylindrical cross section with a sharp interface
analogous to Taylor’s (1966) treatment of a drop. Their discriminating function
for the cylinder is
8 = R 2 + R + 1 − 3S. (49)
At the conditions of the experiment, 100 kHz, the dielectric constant of the
suspension is close to that of the electrolyte, so S ≈ 1. Accordingly, for R > 1
the deformation should be prolate, and for R < 1, oblate, in agreement with the
experimental results.
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
The Rhodes et al (1989) treatment lumps all the electrical forces into ef-
fects at a sharp interface. To investigate the behavior of a diffuse transition,
the model equations (see “Summary Equations” section) were solved with a
gradual transition in the distribution of dielectric constant and conductivity
(Saville 1993). Induced charge effects were suppressed to show that field
changes due to variations in conductivity combined with the ∇ε-body force
produce deformations analogous to those predicted by the Rhodes et al treat-
ment. Thus, similar deformations arise from either free charge or polarization
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Figure 7 The behavior of barium titanate suspensions with different conductivities. The suspen-
sion on the left has a higher conductivity than the suspending fluid; on the right the conductivity is
lower. In each case the field is vertical (Trau et al 1995a). Time increases from top to bottom.
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Figure 8 Flow patterns due to induced free charge and dielectric constant variations in a thin
transition region (Trau et al 1995a).
The development of the leaky dielectric model formed an important step in
the construction of a unified treatment of electrohydrodynamics. The model
encompasses a wide range of phenomena in polar as well as apolar liquids. As
noted earlier, the leaky dielectric and electrokinetic models of electrohydro-
dynamics represent behavior in two rather separate circumstances: the former
when free charge is induced by the field, the latter when it is an intrinsic prop-
erty of an interface. In either case, it is the interaction of charge with the applied
field that produces dynamical effects. Both sorts of behavior are encompassed
by the same fundamental theory, with simplifications appropriate to the cir-
cumstances at hand. Insofar as the behavior of poor conductors is concerned,
November 28, 1996 9:31 Annual Reviews CHAPTER2.TXT AR023-02
Taylor’s recognition of the pivotal role of charge transport and Melcher’s in-
cisive use of the model were truly significant steps. Their contributions to the
development of the model justify referring to it as the Taylor-Melcher model.
Although the Taylor-Melcher model involves approximations at several lev-
els, it finds support in most of the experimental studies to date. Certainly its
qualitative predictions are in full accord with the experimental data. However,
there is much to be gained from further efforts to test the theory, to uncover
new phenomena and establish boundaries on its applicability. Studies of liquid
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fields are used to probe charge relaxation processes, are particularly promising.
NASA’s Microgravity Science and Applications Division has provided support
for my recent work on electrohydrodynamics. I am indebted to Drs. Basaran,
Castellanos, and Mestel for providing compilations of their work, along with
copies of unpublished manuscripts.
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