Safety Smarts Program Parent Handout 2021
Safety Smarts Program Parent Handout 2021
Safety Smarts Program Parent Handout 2021
If your child gets lost, your child should: If, after step 1, your child has
STOP! Remain in the same place they lost sight of you. not found you, teach your
LOOK all around to see whether they can find you. child to use the “A” of Asking
YELL your name loudly if they do not see you.
for help from the ABCD’s of
LISTEN quietly so they can hear if you are responding.
the Safety Program.
your children
Safe Helpers.
Safe Helpers.
•SafetyProgram Special Tip: Have a family code word that your child can use when
•SafetyProgram Special Tip: Have a family code word that your child can use when
they need to be picked up from a situation in which they feel uncomfortable.
they need to be picked up from a situation in which they feel uncomfortable.
Trusted Adults Don’t Ask Kids for Help. (They should ask other adults for assistance)
I never go ANYWHERE or take ANYTHING from someone I don’t know… no matter what
they say.
Tricky people can be someone I know or don’t know. It’s not what they look like, it’s
what they say or want me to do. I won’t get tricked!
I know my name, address and phone number… and my parents’ names and cell
phone numbers too.
Practice makes perfect. Review your Safety Program rules often and share with your parents!
Remember: you have the right to be safe at home, school, and everywhere.
If you ever have a yucky feeling about anyone, tell a trusted adult who will help you… a
parent, teacher, rabbi or even a friend’s parent.
THE OFFER TRICK Children should not accept gifts without your
A child is offered something desirable – like permission. Use teachable moments, like when a
candy, money, toys, or a ride. friend or relative offers a gifts, to practice this
concept with your child.
THE ANIMAL TRICK Teach your children to never enter anyone’s vehicle
A cute or interesting animal is used to get the
child to follow or enter a vehicle or home.
or home without your permission.
THE EMERGENCY TRICK Instruct your child to never go anywhere with anyone without
Someone fakes an emergency and offers to asking the permission of the adult in charge. Have your child
take the child to another location. practice saying, “I can’t go with you until I check with my
mom/dad/teacher” in a firm voice and walking away.
THE HELP TRICK Adults should ask other adults for help, not children. Have
The child is asked to help with something your child practice saying “I can’t help you” in a firm voice.
such as directions, looking for a lost pet, Teach children to stand at least one to two arms’ lengths away
carrying something. while interacting with unknown adults.
THE “BAD” CHILD TRICK Teach your child to always check with you or the adult in
Someone accuses the child of doing charge before going anywhere with anyone. Instruct children
something wrong and says the child must go to immediately tell you if someone approaches them or tries
with him or her. to take them away.
THE FLATTERY/MODEL TRICK Instruct your child not to accompany anyone anywhere
Someone compliments the child and asks to without your permission. Teach older children that a
take his or her picture. The person may legitimate photographer or casting agency will try to talk to a
promise the child fame or fortune. parent or guardian, not a child.
THE OPEN-THE-DOOR TRICK Remind your children they shouldn’t open the door for anyone
Someone tries to get the child to answer the when you aren’t home. Let them know legitimate service
door when the parents aren’t home. people will return.