A Survey On Smart Irrigation System Using Iot
A Survey On Smart Irrigation System Using Iot
A Survey On Smart Irrigation System Using Iot
Abstract - Agriculture is the most important and backbone for all developing and developed countries. Smart
Agriculture is an integrative way in which it target on expanding the cultivation of crops and also developing the
flexibility of farmers to climate collision. Automatic irrigation can be done through an IoT. It helps the farmer to
supply the water without their presence in the farm field. In this survey is mainly focused on automatic irrigation
concepts. Some of the techniques are reviewed in the following literature survey for the benefit of farmer and
also to increase the rate of agriculture. By using those techniques, the water conservation can be increased and
also the work load can be reduced for the farmer.
Keywords - Irrigation system, IoT, Smart systems, Smart agriculture, Decision Support Systems.
Agriculture is the harvesting of land for more crop growth and also improving the livestock. IoT - is the
Internet of Things, where IoT is a shared network or things that interact with each other. Because of the water
scarcity, the automatic irrigation steps can be made. In IoT many of the sensors are connected along with
microcontroller. By using the sensor, the value can be assembled. Then the gathered datas are compared with
the actual data base. According to that predefined data the irrigation is supplied automatically. The irrigation can
be done both continuous and periodic wise based on the weather condition. Automatic irrigation is used to
overcome the unnecessary water flow. Mostly the water is supplied through drip irrigation or the sprinkler. IoT
applications are increasing the quantity, quality and cost effectiveness of agricultural production
A. Farm Field Monitoring and Irrigation Automation Using IoT
In this paper it mainly focuses on the irrigation purpose. By working under the mentioned sensors, the
irrigation management can be performed perfectly .The collected value from the sensor and the irrigation
controller are coordinate with Wi-Fi network. With the help of that specified application, the person can able to
know the present situation of the land .Based on the current valuation, the water can be irrigated. As reported by
weather forecasting, the water supply can be done to the farm field either periodically or continuously .Here
naive Bayes algorithm is used to get the accurate result, the user can get the proper value like how much level of
water needs to irrigate. With the guidance of that application, the farmer can built the decision at which
condition they want to supply water [2].
B. Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things (IoT) Solution in Agriculture
This paper illustrates the automatic irrigation to improve the water conservation. Here RFID and WSN are
used along with the ZigBee protocol. In this paper it replaces the function of human to human and human to
machine to the Machine to Machine process. If the soil is dry then the RFID based on ZigBee Platform is used
to send ID to the reader, then it recognize the node. After that, it sends the exact value of data for irrigation
processes without human intervention. The farmer can get the information through system or mobile. Here the
water can be supplied throughout the land by sprinkle method. In the automatic irrigation method 50% of the
water can be reduced when compared to the manual irrigation. By applying this procedure, the yield of the crop
is heightened [2].
C. Smart Drip Irrigation System using Raspberry pi and Arduino
This paper holds the concept about drip irrigation by applying both the raspberry pi kit, Arduino. Python
language is written on both the kit. If less amount of water is identified by the sensor then a signal will be
forward to pi, through the microcontroller. As soon as the report can be send to the e-mail, to turn ON the motor
for X minutes. Then the water is supplied only for X minutes, after that the motor become idle state .This setup
having the water tank, in which it contain the ultra sound distance sensor to measure the water level in the water
tank. By using this it contain the threshold value where the water tank does not leads to empty and also does not
leads to overflow of the water. The cost for building this automatic irrigation method is cheap and easy to use
D. A Decision Support System For Managing Irrigation In Agriculture
Here it examined the SIDSS. Depends upon the moisture level in soil and environmental condition, the water
is supplied on weekly bases. This paper is focused only on the citrus cultivation. Traditionally the decision can
be taken by the experienced farmers for better irrigation, but now decision support system, is used for better
irrigation. two machine learning techniques PLSR and ANFIS are used under DSS. By using this method a
person who does not have any idea about the agriculture can also able to irrigate the correct amount of water to
the farm field [4].
E. IoT Based Auto Irrigation System Using Soil Moisture Sensor
In this paper the automatic irrigation is constructed with the support of pump motor. The motor will turn ON
or OFF automatically. The signal received from the microcontroller and the soil moisture is used to turn ON the
water pump. While begin the process, the power is supplied to the microcontroller. The level of the moisture and
the humidity is noted. According to the moisture content, the water is supplied. If the sensed value is less than
fixed value, the irrigation motor will turn ON. This can be controlled over the app or system using the internet
connectivity. It is used to overcome the unnecessary water flow [5]. Santhi P et. al. have proposed the DGLCM
for green Bio- Technology to increase the rate of agriculture [8].
In this paper many of the techniques are followed to maintain the automatic irrigation. To promote
sustainable agriculture to all, this paper helps in promoting agriculture by effectively predicting the crop,
monitoring the crop production and also the water supply to the crop. The information about the crop is given to
the user for better monitoring during the cultivation. This helps in cultivation of crops by anyone and they need
not be a farmer or an agriculturist. This development will be useful to anyone who wants to cultivate and will
help them though they do not have basic knowledge about this field. In future, the classification [6] and object
segmentation [7] is combined with IoT to achieve better efficiency.
[1] M.Vinoth, G.Vithiya “Farm Field Monitoring And Irrigation Automation Using IoT”International Journal of Engineering &
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[2] Zulkifli, C. Z.* and Noor, N.N “Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things (IoT) Solution in Agriculture” Pertanika J. Sci. &
Technol., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 91-100, 2017.
[3] Nikhil Agrawal EngineeringManager, Siemens “Smart Drip Irrigation System using Raspberry pi and Arduino”, International
Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, 2015.
[4] H.Navarro-Hellian,J.Martinez-del-Rincon,R.Domingo-Miguel,F.Soto -Valles,R.Torres-Sanchez, “A decision support system for
managing irrigation in agriculture” Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 124, pp. 121-131, 2016.
[5] Human Jamal, AbhilshaLal, ShashankSingh,R. SaiSwaplin,ShamimBano, ShailendraSingh, “IoT Based Auto Irrigation System Using
Soil Moisture Sensor”, IJSRCSEIT, vol.2, no.3, 2017.
[6] E.T.Venkatesh,P.Tangaraj, S. Chitra, “Classification of cancer gene expressions from micro-array analysis”, International Conference
Innovative Computing Technologies (ICICT), 2010.
[7] S.Thilagamani , N. Shanthi,” Gaussian and gabor filter approach for object segmentation”, Journal of Computing and Informatio n
Science in Engineering,Vol.14,Issue 2, pp. 021006, 2014.
[8] P.Santhi, R.Vikram,” Implementation Of Classification System Using Density Clustering Based Gray Level Co Occurrence Matrix
(DGLCM) For Green Bio Technology”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics”,Vol.118, No.8,PP. 191-195, 2018.