org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Abstract— Smart irrigation systems using IoT technology check the status of their plants and adjust the settings if
are gaining significant attention as an efficient solution to the needed.
water scarcity challenge in agriculture. These systems consist of
sensors, controllers, and a cloud-based platform that collects The benefits of a smart irrigation system using IoT are
real-time data about soil moisture content, weather conditions, increased water efficiency, reduced costs, and improved crop
and plant water requirements. The data is analyzed and used to yields. By reducing water wastage and optimizing irrigation,
regulate water supply to the crops, resulting in reduced water the system helps to conserve water resources and minimize
consumption and significant savings in water resources. Field water bills. The system also enables farmers and landscapers
experiments have shown that smart irrigation systems can to better manage their irrigation schedules, reducing the risk
increase crop yields by 25% and reduce water consumption by of over or under-watering, which can damage crops and
40%. This system is designed to be automated and allows users plants. Additionally, the smart irrigation system can be
to monitor and control the irrigation process remotely through remotely controlled through a smartphone app or web-based
a smartphone app or a web interface, making it easy for farmers interface, providing convenience and flexibility to users.
or gardeners to manage their irrigation systems from anywhere,
at any time. The smart irrigation system helps to conserve water The smart irrigation system using IoT technology is an
by using only the required amount of water and preventing effective solution to address water management challenges in
over-watering, leading to a significant reduction in the cost of agriculture and landscaping. With its ability to optimize
irrigation. The system has the potential for large-scale irrigation, conserve water, and improve crop yields, the
deployment and can benefit farmers worldwide, making it a system can help to promote sustainable farming practices and
powerful tool to optimize irrigation processes, conserve water, enhance the quality of life for communities.
and improve crop yields.
Keywords— Smart irrigation systems, IoT technology, water II. LITERATURE REVIEW
scarcity, agriculture, sensors, controllers, cloud-based platform, Agriculture is a crucial sector for providing food and
soil moisture content, water consumption, crop yields livelihoods for people around the world. However, traditional
irrigation systems have proven to be inefficient, resulting in
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) excessive water usage, crop loss, and environmental
degradation. With the increasing demand for food production
The demand for water is increasing rapidly due to
and the need for sustainable water management in agriculture,
population growth and industrialization, and agriculture is the
there is a growing need for more efficient irrigation systems.
largest consumer, accounting for about 70% of total water
The solution lies in smart irrigation systems powered by the
consumption worldwide. To address this issue, smart
Internet of Things (IoT).
irrigation systems using Internet of Things (IoT) technology
have gained significant attention in recent years. These Smart irrigation systems offer several advantages over
systems consist of sensors, controllers, and a cloud-based traditional irrigation systems. One of the main challenges with
platform that collects real-time data about soil moisture traditional irrigation systems is that they often over-water or
content, weather conditions, and plant water requirements. under-water plants, leading to crop loss and environmental
Based on this data, the system can be automatically controlled degradation. Smart irrigation systems can address these issues
to optimize water usage and improve crop yield. by automating the irrigation process and using sensors to
collect data on soil moisture and other environmental
This thesis report aims to provide an overview of the smart
conditions. This data can then be analyzed to determine the
irrigation system using IoT and its benefits in agriculture. The
optimal amount of water needed for each plant or crop. By
system uses sensors, weather data, and machine learning
using IoT-enabled smart irrigation systems, farmers can
algorithms to optimize water usage based on the current needs
conserve water, increase agricultural productivity, and reduce
of plants. These sensors measure the soil moisture level,
labor costs.
temperature, humidity [1], and other environmental factors
that affect plant growth. The system is connected to the In recent years, there has been a significant increase in
internet, allowing for remote monitoring and control. Users research on smart irrigation systems that use IoT technology.
can access the system from their smartphones or computers to A study by S. S. Saranya et al. (2021) suggested a smart
E. Communication Protocols
Communication protocols are used to ensure that the
different components of the smart irrigation system can
communicate with [3] each other. There are several
communication protocols used in IoT-based smart irrigation
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a
lightweight messaging protocol that is used to send data
between devices. It is often used in IoT applications because
it is simple to use and requires minimal bandwidth.
Figure 1: Flow chart
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to
III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE transfer data over the internet. It is commonly used to access
A smart irrigation system using IoT typically consists of a web pages but can also be used to transfer data between
network of sensors and devices that gather data on soil devices.
moisture levels, weather conditions, and other environmental
factors, and use this data to automate the watering of crops or H. CoAP
other plants. These devices communicate with a cloud server,
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is a lightweight
which stores and processes the data and sends commands back
protocol designed for use in constrained networks, such as
to the devices to control the irrigation system.
those used in IoT applications. It is similar to HTTP but uses
The system architecture of a smart irrigation system less bandwidth and is more suited to low-power devices.
includes three primary components: a cloud server, an IoT
gateway [4], and sensors/actuators. The cloud server is the
main element of the system and is responsible for storing and LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a
interpreting the data gathered by the sensors, as well as issuing wireless protocol used for long-range communication
commands to the actuators to regulate the irrigation system. between devices.
The IoT gateway is an essential component of the system as it
provides connectivity and interoperability between various
devices and cloud platforms. It serves as a connection point
between the sensors and the cloud platform.
The sensors are the devices that are used to measure
various environmental parameters like soil moisture,
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www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
IV. IOT GATEWAY weather patterns, monitoring flood risks, and managing
The IoT Gateway serves as a vital component in a smart irrigation systems.
irrigation system, facilitating connectivity and interoperability The user interface of the smart irrigation system provides
between various devices and cloud platforms. Its role is a platform for users to interact with the system. This interface
illustrated in the diagram, where sensors responsible for can be in the form of a web or mobile application, offering
assessing [5] environmental factors like temperature, real-time data on environmental parameters and the irrigation
humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity are connected to schedule. The control system of the smart irrigation system
the IoT gateway. manages the [6] irrigation activities based on data collected
from the sensors. It incorporates actuators and valves
responsible for controlling the flow of water to the plants.
Effective communication between the system
components is facilitated by a specified communication
protocol, determining the structure and format of the
transmitted data. Well-known IoT protocols like CoAP
(Constrained Application Protocol) or MQTT may be
employed to ensure seamless and standardized
communication within the smart irrigation system.
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