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org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 5 May 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882

Smart Irrigation System Using I.O.T

Shudhanshu Ranjan Shreyansh Maurya Sumit Chaudhary
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Kalinga University Kalinga University Kalinga University
Raipur, India Raipur, India Raipur, India

Manoj Kumar Das

Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Vijayalaxmi biradar
Kalinga University Department of Electrical Engineering
Raipur, India Kalinga University Raipur, India

Abstract— Smart irrigation systems using IoT technology check the status of their plants and adjust the settings if
are gaining significant attention as an efficient solution to the needed.
water scarcity challenge in agriculture. These systems consist of
sensors, controllers, and a cloud-based platform that collects The benefits of a smart irrigation system using IoT are
real-time data about soil moisture content, weather conditions, increased water efficiency, reduced costs, and improved crop
and plant water requirements. The data is analyzed and used to yields. By reducing water wastage and optimizing irrigation,
regulate water supply to the crops, resulting in reduced water the system helps to conserve water resources and minimize
consumption and significant savings in water resources. Field water bills. The system also enables farmers and landscapers
experiments have shown that smart irrigation systems can to better manage their irrigation schedules, reducing the risk
increase crop yields by 25% and reduce water consumption by of over or under-watering, which can damage crops and
40%. This system is designed to be automated and allows users plants. Additionally, the smart irrigation system can be
to monitor and control the irrigation process remotely through remotely controlled through a smartphone app or web-based
a smartphone app or a web interface, making it easy for farmers interface, providing convenience and flexibility to users.
or gardeners to manage their irrigation systems from anywhere,
at any time. The smart irrigation system helps to conserve water The smart irrigation system using IoT technology is an
by using only the required amount of water and preventing effective solution to address water management challenges in
over-watering, leading to a significant reduction in the cost of agriculture and landscaping. With its ability to optimize
irrigation. The system has the potential for large-scale irrigation, conserve water, and improve crop yields, the
deployment and can benefit farmers worldwide, making it a system can help to promote sustainable farming practices and
powerful tool to optimize irrigation processes, conserve water, enhance the quality of life for communities.
and improve crop yields.

Keywords— Smart irrigation systems, IoT technology, water II. LITERATURE REVIEW
scarcity, agriculture, sensors, controllers, cloud-based platform, Agriculture is a crucial sector for providing food and
soil moisture content, water consumption, crop yields livelihoods for people around the world. However, traditional
irrigation systems have proven to be inefficient, resulting in
I. INTRODUCTION (HEADING 1) excessive water usage, crop loss, and environmental
degradation. With the increasing demand for food production
The demand for water is increasing rapidly due to
and the need for sustainable water management in agriculture,
population growth and industrialization, and agriculture is the
there is a growing need for more efficient irrigation systems.
largest consumer, accounting for about 70% of total water
The solution lies in smart irrigation systems powered by the
consumption worldwide. To address this issue, smart
Internet of Things (IoT).
irrigation systems using Internet of Things (IoT) technology
have gained significant attention in recent years. These Smart irrigation systems offer several advantages over
systems consist of sensors, controllers, and a cloud-based traditional irrigation systems. One of the main challenges with
platform that collects real-time data about soil moisture traditional irrigation systems is that they often over-water or
content, weather conditions, and plant water requirements. under-water plants, leading to crop loss and environmental
Based on this data, the system can be automatically controlled degradation. Smart irrigation systems can address these issues
to optimize water usage and improve crop yield. by automating the irrigation process and using sensors to
collect data on soil moisture and other environmental
This thesis report aims to provide an overview of the smart
conditions. This data can then be analyzed to determine the
irrigation system using IoT and its benefits in agriculture. The
optimal amount of water needed for each plant or crop. By
system uses sensors, weather data, and machine learning
using IoT-enabled smart irrigation systems, farmers can
algorithms to optimize water usage based on the current needs
conserve water, increase agricultural productivity, and reduce
of plants. These sensors measure the soil moisture level,
labor costs.
temperature, humidity [1], and other environmental factors
that affect plant growth. The system is connected to the In recent years, there has been a significant increase in
internet, allowing for remote monitoring and control. Users research on smart irrigation systems that use IoT technology.
can access the system from their smartphones or computers to A study by S. S. Saranya et al. (2021) suggested a smart

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irrigation system that uses IoT to monitor soil moisture levels, temperature, humidity, and light intensity. These sensors are
meteorological conditions, and water flow rates. The method usually placed at strategic locations in the field, and they
managed to maintain crop output while cutting water use by collect data periodically. The actuators are the devices that
up to 40%. Another study by S. Chatterjee et al. (2020) regulate the irrigation system, based on the data received from
suggested a smart irrigation system that combines IoT and the sensors.
machine learning approaches to optimize water use for
various crops. By using soil moisture and temperature sensors, A. Actuators
as well as weather data, the system estimates crop water needs Actuators are the devices used to control the irrigation
and controls irrigation accordingly, resulting in water savings system based on the data collected by the sensors. There are
of up to 30%. several types of actuators used in smart irritation system.
Commercial IoT-based smart irrigation systems are also
available on the market, such as Rachio, Weathermatic, and B. Electric valves
Netafim. These systems use sensors and weather information Electric valves are used to control the flow of water
to optimize water use for agriculture. A study by through the irrigation system. They are connected to the water
Sundaravadivelu et al. (2021) highlighted the potential supply and can be opened or closed to regulate the amount of
benefits of smart irrigation systems, including water water delivered to the plants. Electric valves can be controlled
conservation, improved crop yields, and reduced labor costs. remotely using a mobile app or other interface, based on data
The authors suggested that IoT-based systems can help collected by the sensors.
farmers make informed decisions about irrigation, such as
when and how much water to apply based on real-time data.
C. Pumps
Pumps are used to move water from a water source to the
Kaur and Singh (2021) proposed a smart irrigation system irrigation system. They can be used to provide water pressure
that maximizes water utilization in agriculture by combining or to lift water to a higher elevation. Pumps can be controlled
sensors, actuators, and controls. The system can be remotely using a variety of methods, including manual switches, timers,
managed using a smartphone app or online interface and is or sensors.
intended [2] to function independently. Zhang et al. (2021)
reviewed the various technologies and agricultural uses of D. Controllers
smart irrigation systems. The authors emphasized the Controllers are used to manage the overall operation of the
importance of utilizing accurate sensors to gather information irrigation system. They receive data from the sensors and use
on soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and other variables, it to control the electric valves, pumps, and other devices in
as well as the need for effective communication protocols and the system. Controllers can be programmed to adjust irrigation
data processing algorithms to optimize water use. schedules based on changing environmental conditions, such
as rain or temperature.

E. Communication Protocols
Communication protocols are used to ensure that the
different components of the smart irrigation system can
communicate with [3] each other. There are several
communication protocols used in IoT-based smart irrigation

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a
lightweight messaging protocol that is used to send data
between devices. It is often used in IoT applications because
it is simple to use and requires minimal bandwidth.
Figure 1: Flow chart
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used to
III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE transfer data over the internet. It is commonly used to access
A smart irrigation system using IoT typically consists of a web pages but can also be used to transfer data between
network of sensors and devices that gather data on soil devices.
moisture levels, weather conditions, and other environmental
factors, and use this data to automate the watering of crops or H. CoAP
other plants. These devices communicate with a cloud server,
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is a lightweight
which stores and processes the data and sends commands back
protocol designed for use in constrained networks, such as
to the devices to control the irrigation system.
those used in IoT applications. It is similar to HTTP but uses
The system architecture of a smart irrigation system less bandwidth and is more suited to low-power devices.
includes three primary components: a cloud server, an IoT
gateway [4], and sensors/actuators. The cloud server is the
main element of the system and is responsible for storing and LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) is a
interpreting the data gathered by the sensors, as well as issuing wireless protocol used for long-range communication
commands to the actuators to regulate the irrigation system. between devices.
The IoT gateway is an essential component of the system as it
provides connectivity and interoperability between various
devices and cloud platforms. It serves as a connection point
between the sensors and the cloud platform.
The sensors are the devices that are used to measure
various environmental parameters like soil moisture,
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IV. IOT GATEWAY weather patterns, monitoring flood risks, and managing
The IoT Gateway serves as a vital component in a smart irrigation systems.
irrigation system, facilitating connectivity and interoperability The user interface of the smart irrigation system provides
between various devices and cloud platforms. Its role is a platform for users to interact with the system. This interface
illustrated in the diagram, where sensors responsible for can be in the form of a web or mobile application, offering
assessing [5] environmental factors like temperature, real-time data on environmental parameters and the irrigation
humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity are connected to schedule. The control system of the smart irrigation system
the IoT gateway. manages the [6] irrigation activities based on data collected
from the sensors. It incorporates actuators and valves
responsible for controlling the flow of water to the plants.
Effective communication between the system
components is facilitated by a specified communication
protocol, determining the structure and format of the
transmitted data. Well-known IoT protocols like CoAP
(Constrained Application Protocol) or MQTT may be
employed to ensure seamless and standardized
communication within the smart irrigation system.

Figure 2: Data flow through network V. SENSORS

Equipped with a WiFi module, the IoT gateway joins The Sensors play a crucial role in measuring and
nearby wireless networks, while its software utilizes protocols monitoring environmental parameters such as soil moisture,
like Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, and Zigbee to establish temperature, humidity, and rainfall. These devices are
connections with the sensors. The gathered data from the strategically placed in fields to collect periodic data, enabling
sensors is transmitted to the IoT gateway, which processes and efficient management of resources and improved
forwards it to the cloud platform using the MQTT (Message decisionmaking in various domains.
Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol. This enables the Soil moisture sensors are electronic devices used to
cloud platform to store and make the data available for measure the moisture content in soil. Typically composed of
analysis and visualization through a mobile application. two metal probes inserted into the soil, they measure the
electrical resistance between the probes. As soil moisture
The mobile application interacts with the cloud platform increases, the resistance decreases, allowing the sensor to
via a REST (Representational State Transfer) API, enabling estimate the soil moisture level. These sensors find
users to remotely monitor and control the smart irrigation widespread use in agriculture to monitor soil moisture levels
system. Users can set watering schedules, adjust irrigation and determine the need for irrigation. They are also valuable
levels, and receive alerts based on specific conditions. in landscaping and gardening, ensuring appropriate water
supply for plants. Some sensors are designed for continuous
Within the ecosystem of the smart irrigation system, monitoring, while others are portable for spot-checking soil
sensors play a crucial role in collecting data on environmental moisture in different areas. However, it's important to consider
parameters. For instance, the soil moisture sensor measures soil types, calibrate sensors, and account for factors like
moisture content by utilizing two metal probes inserted into temperature and soil salinity that may affect accuracy.
the soil, assessing electrical resistance changes as moisture
levels fluctuate. These sensors are widely employed in
agriculture, landscaping, and gardening to ensure optimal
water usage for plants. However, it's important to consider
factors such as soil type, calibration, and potential influences
on accuracy, such as temperature and soil salinity.
Another vital component is the humidity sensor, also
known as a hygrometer. It measures moisture or water vapor
levels in the air or other gases using different techniques, Figure 3: Soil Moisture sensor
including capacitive, resistive, and thermal conductivity
sensors. Humidity sensors find applications in weather Humidity sensors, also known as hygrometers, measure
monitoring, HVAC systems, food storage, and industrial the amount of moisture or water vapor in the air or gases. They
processes. They are commonly incorporated into home come in various types, including capacitive, resistive, and
appliances like dehumidifiers and air conditioners to regulate thermal conductivity sensors. Capacitive humidity sensors,
humidity levels effectively. the most commonly used type, measure the capacitance of a
material that changes with humidity. Resistive humidity
Temperature sensors, available in various types such as sensors detect resistance changes, while thermal conductivity
thermocouples, thermistors, RTDs, and IC sensors, detect and sensors measure changes in thermal conductivity. Humidity
convert surrounding temperature into electrical signals. These sensors find application in weather monitoring, HVAC
sensors play crucial roles in applications such as thermostats, systems, food storage, industrial processes, and home
industrial process control, medical devices, and appliances such as dehumidifiers, humidifiers, and air
environmental monitoring systems. Devices like refrigerators, conditioners. They play a vital role in maintaining optimal
ovens, and HVAC systems rely on temperature sensors for humidity levels for comfort, preservation, and process control.
precise temperature control.
Rainfall sensors are utilized to measure precipitation
levels, including rain, snow, sleet, or hail, at specific locations
over a given period. Tipping bucket sensors, weighing
sensors, and optical sensors are among the common types
used. Precipitation data collected by rainfall sensors is vital
for weather monitoring and forecasting, agriculture,
hydrology, and other applications. It aids in predicting
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capabilities accessible through a user-friendly mobile app or
web interface. This convenient feature grants farmers and
gardeners the ability to oversee and control their irrigation
systems from any location, proving particularly advantageous
for individuals who frequently find themselves away from
their properties or managing multiple fields and gardens
In essence, the advent of an IoT-based smart irrigation
system holds the potential to revolutionize the approach to
Figure 4: DHT11 – Temperature & Humidity Sensor
watering plants and crops, ushering in a new era of heightened
Temperature sensors are electronic devices that measure effectiveness and sustainability in agricultural practices.
the temperature of their surroundings and convert it into an
electrical signal. Different types of temperature sensors VII. CONCLUSION
include thermocouples, thermistors, RTDs (Resistance
Temperature Detectors), and IC (Integrated Circuit) sensors. Through In conclusion, the implementation of an
Thermocouples generate [7] a voltage proportional to the IoTenabled smart irrigation system brings numerous benefits
temperature difference between two junctions made from to farmers, gardeners, and the environment alike. By
different metals. Thermistors are resistive elements that leveraging real-time data and automation, these systems
change resistance with temperature, while RTDs exhibit linear optimize water usage, mitigate the risks of over- and under-
resistance changes. IC sensors utilize integrated circuit watering, and enhance crop yields and overall plant health.
technology and offer high accuracy, small size, and low power The convenience of remotely monitoring and controlling
consumption. Temperature sensors are widely used in irrigation systems through user-friendly mobile apps or web
thermostats, industrial process control, medical devices, and interfaces is particularly advantageous for individuals
environmental monitoring systems as well as refrigerators, managing multiple fields or gardens. This capability not only
ovens, and HVAC systems. simplifies the management process but also saves time and
Rainfall sensors are essential in measuring precipitation, money, ultimately fostering more efficient and sustainable
including rain, snow, sleet, or hail, over a specific period at a agricultural practices.
particular location. Different types of rainfall sensors include Furthermore, the adoption of smart irrigation systems
tipping bucket, weighing, and optical sensors. Tipping bucket integrated with IoT technology plays a crucial role in water
sensors use a small bucket that tips over when a specific conservation and reducing the environmental impact of
amount of precipitation accumulates, triggering a sensor to agricultural activities, which is increasingly significant in the
record the rainfall. Weighing sensors measure the weight of face of global water scarcity concerns. By maximizing water
precipitation on a sensor plate, while optical sensors detect the efficiency and minimizing wastage, these systems contribute
presence and intensity of precipitation using light. Rainfall to sustainable water resource management and help address
sensors find applications in weather monitoring, agriculture, the pressing challenges associated with water shortage.
hydrology, and other domains requiring accurate precipitation
data. They provide insights into total precipitation, rainfall The utilization of IoT-enabled smart irrigation systems
intensity, and duration, contributing to weather prediction, holds immense potential to revolutionize crop cultivation
flood monitoring, irrigation management, and more. practices and promote the responsible use of water resources.
By embracing this technology, we pave the way for a more
sustainable and resilient future, where agriculture can thrive
while minimizing its ecological footprint.


The potential for further advancements in smart irrigation
systems using IoT technology is extensive and diverse,
Figure 5: Rainfall sensor
opening up numerous areas for research and development.
One promising avenue is the integration of smart irrigation
VI. RESULTS systems with other IoT technologies, such as soil moisture
sensors, weather stations, and crop sensors, to gather more
Through the utilization of IoT (Internet of Things) precise data and enhance the accuracy of system forecasts and
technology, a smart irrigation system presents an recommendations.
exceptionally efficient and productive approach to watering
plants and crops. By employing sensors, controllers, and Another area of exploration is the incorporation of
connectivity devices, this advanced system is capable of machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms into
gathering and analyzing real-time data pertaining to soil smart irrigation systems. By leveraging historical data,
moisture, weather conditions, and other factors that weather patterns, and other variables, these systems can
significantly impact plant growth. optimize watering schedules and improve water efficiency.
Subsequently, based on the insights derived from the Integrating smart irrigation systems with crop
collected data, the smart irrigation system can make necessary management systems is another avenue for development. This
adjustments to watering schedules, thereby optimizing water integration would provide farmers and gardeners with a
usage and preventing the issues associated with both comprehensive overview of their crops, including insights
overwatering and underwatering. This dual benefit of into soil health, pest and disease management, and more.
conserving water resources and reducing expenses is Water quality monitoring is another potential area of focus.
accompanied by the assurance that plants receive the By considering factors like salinity and pH levels, the
appropriate amount of water at precisely the right time, integration of water quality sensors can aid in optimizing
consequently fostering healthier and more fruitful growth. water usage and ensure optimal conditions for plant growth.
The integration of IoT technology empowers the smart Furthermore, cloud-based data analysis can play a
irrigation system with remote monitoring and management significant role in smart irrigation systems by gathering and

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analyzing data from multiple farms or gardens. This approach
can reveal insights into local water usage patterns and guide
targeted conservation efforts.
The scope for further advancements in smart irrigation
systems using IoT technology is vast, offering ample
opportunities for innovation and improvement. As water
scarcity becomes an increasingly pressing issue, the
development of more efficient and sustainable agricultural
practices is crucial, and smart irrigation systems using IoT
technology are poised to play a vital role in addressing this


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