Unpacking - Ma. Janel Mañalac - Beed-3a
Unpacking - Ma. Janel Mañalac - Beed-3a
Unpacking - Ma. Janel Mañalac - Beed-3a
Grade: 6 The learner listens critically; The learner will actively perform a EN6LC-Ia2.3.1 EN6LC-Ia2.3.3
communicates feelings and ideas monologue that applies different views EN6LC-Ia2.3.2 EN6LC-Ia2.3.6
Quarter: 1st orally and in writing with a high level of of the real world and delivers it using a EN6LC-Ia2.3.8 EN6LC-Ia2.3.7
proficiency; and reads variety of methods or devices, as well Analyze sound devices
Topic: ENGLISH various text types materials to serve as words and experiences that (onomatopoeia, alliteration,
learning needs in meeting a wide highlight the viewpoint. assonance, personification, irony and
Writer: Ms. Ma. Janel N. Mañalac range of life’s purposes. hyperbole) in a text heard (K)
EN6V-Id12.3.2 EN6V-Id12.4.1.2
EN6V-Id12.4.2.2 Infer meaning of
figurative language using -context
clues -affixes and roots -other
strategies (K)
EN6RC-Id-6.8 EN6RC-Id-6.9 Analyze
figures of speech (simile, metaphor)
EN6G-Id-3.3 Compose clear and
coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: -aspects of
verbs (K)
EN6VC-Id5.1.4 Describe different
forms and conventions of film and
moving pictures (characterization) (K)
EN6RC-Ie6.10 EN6RC-Ie6.11 Analyze
figures of speech (hyperbole, irony) (K)