FIDP 21st Century
FIDP 21st Century
FIDP 21st Century
Core Subject Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No of Hours/ Semester: 40 sessions/ 5
meetings in a week
Core Subject Description: This course aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine
and World Literature through an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Power Standard: Use critical approaches to literature in understanding and interpreting a 21 st century literary text.
What to teach? Why teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?
Highest Enabling
Strategy To Use in
Performance Standards Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skills to Assess Developing the
Highest Thinking
Most Skills to Assess
Content Essential
Topics Flexible Assessment
Activities Enabling
Beyond KUD KUD Teaching
Minimum Complete Most Essential RBT Level (FAA) General
Minimum Classification Classification Strategy
Performance Check/s Strategy
A. The learner Philippine The learner will be An Writing a close analysis Differentiate/co Make a critical Representation Role Playing
Philippine will be able Precolonial able to adaptation and mpare and interpretation on
Precolonial to Literature demonstrate of a text into critical interpretation of contrast the selected Reporting
Literature understand understanding and other literary various 21st short
and appreciation of 21st creative texts and doing an century literary stories and Charades
Spanish appreciate Century forms using adaptation of genres and poem in the
Colonial the elements Philippine literature multimedia. these require from the Knowledge the ones from Phil. Reflection
Philippine and contexts from the learner the earlier
Literature of 21st regions through: the ability to: Understandin genres/periods Understandin Understanding Open
century g citing their g ended
Philippine a written close identify the geographic, elements, questions
literature analysis and linguistic, and ethnic structures and
from the critical dimensions of Philippine traditions
regions. interpretation of a literary history from pre- (EN12Lit-Id-
literary text in terms colonial to the 25)
of contemporary
form and theme, (EN12Lit-Ia-21)
with a
description of its
context value the contributions of
derived from local writers to the
research; development of regional
literary traditions
B. The learner Close a written close An identify representative Explain the Reporting Collaboration Poetry writing
Philippine will be able Reading analysis and adaptation texts relationship of
Poetry: Its to of Filipino critical of a text into and authors from each context with the Poem writing Participation Spoken word
Form, understand Poetry interpretation of a other region (e.g. engage in text’s
Language, and literary text in terms creative oral meaning Quiz Presentation Project and
and Speech appreciate of forms using history research with (EN12Lit-Ie-30) event organizing
the elements form and theme, multimedia focus
Close and contexts with a on key personalities from Knowledge Understanding Silent reading
Reading of of 21st description of its the students’ Doing
Filipino century context region/province/ town) Understandin Evaluating Arts and crafts
Poetry Philippine derived from (EN12Lit-Ib-22) g
literature research Oral reading
from the analyze the figures of
regions. speech and other literary
techniques and devices in
the text
C. The learner Techniques a written close An appreciate the Explain the Presentation of Songs Communication Reflection
Techniques will be able of Fiction analysis and adaptation contributions literary,
of Fiction to critical of a text into of the canonical Filipino biographical, Question and Answer Collaboration Silent reading
understand interpretation of a other writers to the linguistic, and
and literary text in terms creative development sociocultural Essay Group
appreciate of forms using of national literature contexts and discussion
the elements form and theme, multimedia (EN12Lit-Ic-24) discuss how
and contexts with a they enhance Essay writing
of 21st description of its infer literary meaning the text’s
century context from meaning and Empathy
Philippine derived from literal language based on Understandin enrich the Doing Creating mapping
literature research usage g reader’s
from the (EN12Lit-Id-26 understanding Applying Song
regions. (EN12Lit-Ie-28) performance
Produce a
of a literary text
by applying
skills (EN12Lit-
D. The The learner The a written close An appreciate the Explain the Understanding Play Performance Connecting Reader’s
History of will be able History of analysis and adaptation contributions relationship of Theatre
Philippine to Philippine critical of a text into of the canonical Filipino context with the Evaluating Question and Answer Communication
Theater understand Theater interpretation of a other writers to the text’s meaning Performing a
and literary text in terms creative development Knowledge (EN12Lit-Ie-30) Doing Creating Quiz Participation play
Creative appreciate of forms using of national literature
Presentation the elements form and theme, multimedia (EN12Lit-Ic-24) Do self- and/or Class discussion
of a Play and contexts with a peer assessment
of 21st description of its choose an of the creative Question and
century context appropriate multimedia adaptation of a answer
Philippine derived from format in interpreting a Understandin literary text,
literature research literary text (EN12Lit-Ie- g based on
from the 31.1) rationalized
regions. criteria, prior to
E. The learner The a written close An value the contributions of Explain the Game 1.Representatio Reflection
Archipelagic will be able Modern analysis and adaptation local writers to the literary, n
Non- to Essay critical of a text into development of regional biographical, Infographics Silent reading
Fiction understand interpretation of a other literary traditions linguistic, and 2. Connection
and literary text in terms creative (EN12Lit-Ic-23) sociocultural Question and answer / Group work
The appreciate of forms using contexts and Communication
Modern the elements form and theme, multimedia analyze the figures of Understandin discuss how Understandin Understanding Essay Playing a game
Essay and contexts with a speech and other literary g they enhance g
of 21st description of its techniques and devices in the text’s Applying Quiz Making
century context the text meaning and Doing infographics
Philippine derived from (EN12Lit-Ie-27) enrich the
literature research reader’s Essay writing
from the understanding
regions. (EN12Lit-Ie-28)
Explain the
relationship of
context with the
text’s meaning
F. Literary The learner Literary a written close An identify the geographic, Differentiate/co Group presentation Communication Class reporting
Criticism will be able Criticism analysis and adaptation linguistic, and ethnic mpare and
to critical of a text into dimensions of Philippine contrast the Reaction paper Collaboration Close reading
Functions understand interpretation of a other literary history from pre- various 21st
of Literary and literary text in terms creative colonial to the century literary Critical paper Reflection
Criticism appreciate of forms using contemporary genres and
the elements form and theme, multimedia (EN12Lit-Ia-21) Knowledge the ones from Understandin Understanding Question and answer
Writing a and contexts with a the earlier g
Critical of 21st description of its value the contributions of Understandin genres/periods Evaluating Quiz
Paper century context local writers to the g citing their Doing
Philippine derived from development of regional elements, Classifying
literature research literary traditions structures and
from the (EN12Lit-Ic-23) traditions
regions. (EN12Lit-Id-
Do self- and/or
assessment of
the creative
adaptation of a
literary text,
based on
criteria, prior to
G. The The learner The a written close An identify the geographic, Explain the Group reporting Collaboration Group
Future of will be able Future of analysis and adaptation linguistic, and ethnic relationship of Discussion
Philippine to Philippine critical of a text into dimensions of Philippine context with the Oral reading Communication
Literature understand Literature interpretation of a other literary history from pre- text’s Essay writing
and literary text in terms creative colonial to the meaning Question and answer
appreciate of forms using contemporary (EN12Lit-Ie-30) Poem analysis
the elements form and theme, multimedia (EN12Lit-Ia-21) Essay
and contexts with a Knowledge Produce a Understandin Understanding
of 21st description of its identify representative creative g Poem analysis
century context texts representation Applying
Philippine derived from and authors from each of a literary Doing
literature research region (EN12Lit-Ib-22) text by applying
from the multimedia
regions. skills (EN12Lit-
H. Finding The learner Finding a written close An identify the geographic, Apply ICT Multimedia presentation Communication Writing reports
the will be able the analysis and adaptation linguistic, and ethnic skills in
Literary to Literary critical of a text into dimensions of Philippine crafting an Essay Quiz bee
Space understand Space interpretation of a other literary history from pre- adaptation of a
within You and within literary text in terms creative colonial to the literary text Quiz Class reporting
appreciate You of forms using contemporary (EN12Lit-Ie-
the elements form and theme, multimedia (EN12Lit-Ia-21) 31.2)
and contexts with a Knowledge Doing Applying
of 21st description of its identify representative Do self- and/or
century context texts peer- Creating
Philippine derived from and authors from each assessment of
literature research region (EN12Lit-Ib-22) the
from the creative
regions. adaptation
of a literary
based on
prior to
Performance Task: The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) has commissioned artists, writers, and critics, from the literary scene for
its compilation of contemporary Philippine literary works. This compilation aims to provide an encyclopedic anthology of works, together with illustrations
and original unpublished works. Thus, form a group with three members each and agree as to who will have the following roles: (1) a critic who will write a
short critical paper on a literary piece by a Filipino author, (2) an artist who will illustrate a scene in the literary piece, and (3) a writer who will write an
original piece with a similar theme as that of or inspired by the literary piece.
Flexible Instructional Delivery Plan (FIDP)
Core Subject Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No of Hours/ Semester: 40 sessions/ 5
meetings in a week
Core Subject Description: This course aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine
and World Literature through an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Power Standard: Use critical approaches to literature in understanding and interpreting a 21 st century literary text.
Content Content Most Performance Standards Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skills to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy To
Standards Essential Use in Developing the Highest
Topic Thinking Skills to Assess
Minimum Beyond Complete KUD Most KUD RBT Level Flexible Enabling Teaching
Minimum Classification Essential Classification Assessment General Strategy
Competencies Activities (FAA) Strategy
A. The The learner Looking a written close critical paper that identify Knowledge compare and Understanding Understanding Group discussion Representation Arts and crafts
Filipino- will be able Beyond the analysis and analyzes representative contrast the
Chinese in to Text or at critical literary texts in texts and Understanding various 21st Slide presentation Silent reading
World understand the Text interpretation relation to authors from century
Literature and of a the context of the Asia, North literary Reflection Concept
appreciate literary text in reader and the America, genres and mapping
Looking literary texts terms of form writer or a critical Europe, Latin their elements, Essay writing
Beyond in various and theme, paper that America, and structures, and Class discussion
the Text genres with a interprets literary Africa traditions Quiz
or at the across description of texts using any of (EN12Lit-IIa- from across Writing a
Text national its context the 22) the globe travelogue
literature derived from critical (EN12Lit-IId-
and cultures. research; approaches situate the 25)
texts in the
an adaptation of a context of the understand
text into other region, literary
creative forms nation, and the meanings in
using multimedia. world context and
(EN12Lit-IIc- the use of
29) critical
appreciate the strategies
cultural and (EN12Lit-IIh-
aesthetic 36)
diversity of
literature of
the world
B. The learner South-East a written close critical paper that explain the K compare and U Understanding Collaboration Pair work
Southeast will be able Asian analysis and analyzes texts in terms contrast the
Asian to Countries critical literary texts in of literary U various 21st D Evaluating Participation Library research
Countries understand interpretation relation to elements, century
and of a the context of the genres, and literary Presentation Class discussion
A Brief appreciate literary text in reader and the traditions genres and
Introducti literary texts terms of form writer or a critical (EN12Lit-IIb- their elements, Class Writing activity
on to in various and theme, paper that 32) structures, and demonstration
Formalism genres with a interprets literary traditions Literary
across description of texts using any of understand from across Quiz criticism
national its context the literary the globe
literature derived from critical meanings in (EN12Lit-IId-
and cultures. research; approaches context and 25)
the use of
an adaptation of a critical examine the
text into other reading relationship
creative forms strategies between text
using multimedia. (EN12Lit-IIh- and context
36) (EN12Lit-IIg-
C. The The learner Postcolonial a written close critical paper that identify K apply ICT D Creating Communicatio Visual mapping
Civilization will be able Literature analysis and analyzes representative skills in n
of East to critical literary texts in texts and U crafting an Applying Group and pair
Asia understand interpretation relation to authors from adaptation of a Collaboration work
and of a the context of the Asia, North literary text
Postcolonial appreciate literary text in reader and the America, (EN12Lit-IIij- Poetry Slide
Literature literary texts terms of form writer or a critical Europe, Latin 31.2) interpretation presentations
in various and theme, paper that America, and or spoken
genres with a interprets literary Africa do self- and/or word Oral reading
across description of texts using any of (EN12Lit-IIa- peer- performance
national its context the 22) assessment of
literature derived from critical the Question and
and cultures. research; approaches situate the creative Answer
texts in the adaptation
an adaptation of a context of the of a literary
text into other region, text,
creative forms nation, and the based on
using multimedia. world rationalized
(EN12Lit-IIc- criteria,
29) prior to
D. All The learner An a written close critical paper that compare and Knowing explain the Doing Understanding Connecting Online research
about will be able introduction analysis and analyzes contrast the texts in terms
Western to to Marxism critical literary texts in various 21st Understanding of literary Evaluating Communicatio Silent reading
and understand interpretation relation to century elements, n
Southwest and of a the context of the literary genres genres, and Sharing of
Asia appreciate literary text in reader and the and their traditions Participation experiences
literary texts terms of form writer or a critical elements, (EN12Lit-IIb-
An in various and theme, paper that structures, and 32) Group Context clues
Introduction genres with a interprets literary traditions from discussions
to across description of texts using any of across the and Comparison and
Marxism national its context the globe presentations contrast
literature derived from critical (EN12Lit-IId-
and cultures. research; approaches 25) Quiz Art exhibition
Performance Task: The International Association on Comparative Literature is holding its annual research conference, which seeks to invite scholars in
the arts and humanities to share their research on various literatures. As a scholar, you plan to submit a research to the conference.
Literal Transfer: The learner is able to create a comparative critical paper on various literature.
MS. Bernadette T. Mercadera Mrs. Ma. Gracia V. Corral SR. ANNIELYN A. AJEJADO, A.R.
Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator School Principal