Century Literature From The Philippines and The World
Century Literature From The Philippines and The World
Century Literature From The Philippines and The World
Core Subject Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World No of Hours/ Semester: 80 hours
Core Subject Description: Study and appreciation of literature of the world originally written in the 21st century.
Culminating Performance Standard: This course aims to engage students in critical study and appreciation of 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and
the World encompassing their various dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
Reviewing the FIDP of
Based on
21st Century Literature from
the Philippines and the World
With the
and Criteria
skills that
By using for Success
shall be What
the in
championed student-
GRASPS completing
Based on the by 21st centered What What Topic
characteris the PT, what
Culminating Century Improved PT of the Feedback Feedback flexible Formative (s) ensure
tics of a Enabling
Standard of Literature 21st Century Mechanism Mechanism teaching Questions the
PT, Formative
the 21st from the Literature from the (Assessment (Assessment modality shall lead developmen
identify Assessment
Century Philippines Philippines and the FOR AS will lead to the t of the
the Activities
Literature and the World Learning) Learning) towards the completion desired
Standards will enable
from the World completion of EFAA? skills?
& Criteria the student
Philippines together of the
for to
and the with the EFAA?
Success successfully
World other skills
implied by
1.Communica 1.Communica “What in The United Nations Content, EFAA/EAA The teacher: The teacher Online/ 1. How can Literary
tion Skills tion and the long run Children’s Fund 1. 1. guides the Offline I use my genres,
2.Thinking technology after (UNICEF) Quality of Accomplish Communica learners to: Task learning in traditions
Skills (creative and completing has approved your Adaptation ment of the tes to the Completion identifying and forms
(Critical and innovation) the subject literary multimedia given student the 1. recognize literary form Asian
Problem can learners adaptation to literary learning the learning genres, literature
Solving) 2.Thinking do on their feature your analysis competencie competencie forms, and and cultures
Technology Skills own with advocacy that Creativity/ worksheet s to be s achieved traditions
Skills (Critical and what they highlights either of Originality (Choice achieved per to better
3.Communica problem learned?” the identified goals , Board) that lesson: 2. assess the understand
tion and solving) namely: SDG 3- will weaknesses the real
Technology After senior Good health and inculcate the - recognize of the world?
Clarity and
Skills high school, Well Being, SDG content of the literary learner
(creative and learners are 4-Quality the piece genres, 2. How can
on of the
Innovation) able to: Education and such as forms, and 3. I
4.Problem SDG 8Decent literary traditions of acknowledg incorporate
Solving Skills 1. Work and genres, the literary e the my
5.Collaborati incorporate Economic Growth, traditions pieces in weaknesses knowledge
on Skills the views to create workable and forms. Asian and turn into in Asian
and solutions on and regions. strength literature to
significance today’s pandemic. Fidelity to EFAA/EAA through deepen my
of literary the 2. several understandi
- . identify
pieces in the As a social media Completion the practice and ng about
real world. influencer, you and Aspects of of concept guidance. individual
the differences
your team are diagrams and differences
2. create tasked to produce a Medium 4. as well as
that will similarities
digital creative adaptation used. contemplate cultures,
identify the of literary
media through differences on the practices,
output genres,
microfilm/p and deficiency and
through the traditions
odcast/graphic similarities for beliefs?
use of and forms
pages of your of literary improvemen
combining in Asian
approved chosen genres, t 3. How can
media– literary text. regions.
traditions I be a better
classic and 5. appreciate individual
modern and forms - produce a
The output will be in Asian the to be a
together. creative
evaluated by regions. accomplish good
UNICEF ment of the example
3. value ion of the
representatives EFAA/EAA learning among
education literary text
based on the 3. competencie others and
through given
following criteria: Interpretati s to be the
research in through
content, quality of on of the agent of
the global posters,
adaptation (script), impact of change?
perspective poems,
in terms of creativity/originalit the literary spoken
developing y, clarity and text given words, etc.
oneself and organization of the through the
contributin artistic use of
g to the performance posters,
community , and fidelity to the poems,
as a whole. technical spoken
aspects of the word, etc.
“What real medium used.
can learners
in where
they can
perform the
Performance Task of the 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Performance Scenario: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has approved your literary multimedia adaptation to feature your advocacy that highlights either of the
identified goals namely: SDG 3- Good health and Well Being, SDG 4-Quality Education and SDG 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth, to create workable solutions on today’s
As a social media influencer, you and your team are tasked to produce a creative adaptation through microfilm/podcast/graphic pages of your approved chosen literary text. The
output will be evaluated by UNICEF representatives based on the following criteria: content, quality of adaptation (script), creativity/originality, clarity and organization of the artistic
performance, and fidelity to the technical aspects of the medium used.
Content The adaptation showed an The adaptation demonstrated a The adaptation demonstrated The adaptation does not
excellent understanding of the good understanding of the some understanding. There was demonstrate understanding of
subject. important literary subject. Important literary an attempt to analyze literary the subject. There was either no
themes, characterizations, and themes, characterizations, and themes, characterizations, and attempt to analyze literary
parts of the plot were analyzed parts of the plot were analyzed plot aspects. However, either themes, characterizations, and
and presented well. fairly well. One or two important important aspects were missing, aspects of the plot, or if there
aspects may have been left out or analysis needed further was an attempt, it was highly
though. There could have also development. inaccurate.
been further analysis.
Quality of Adaptation (script) The adaptation through it The adaptation through its script The adaptation through its script The adaptation through its script
s script exceptionally highlights highlights either one of the does not include any of the three does not include any of the
either one of the identified goals identified goals from the 17 identified goals from the 17 identified goals from the 17
from the 17 UNICEF SDG by UNICEF SDG by enumerating () UNICEF SDG but present one of UNICEF SDG. The script does
enumerating () or more examples examples which are relevant and the other 14 goals. The script not present any evidence in the
which are relevant and timely . timely. The script also presents a lacks the number of textual elements of the text from
The script also presents an good number of textual evidence evidence in the elements (such research.
excellent number of textual ( ) in the elements (such as as theme, characters,
evidence ( ) in the elements theme, characters, characterization, setting and
(such as theme, characters, characterization, setting and plot), which only shows two or
characterization, setting and plot)of the chosen goal and three evidence of the goal and
plot)of the chosen goal and presented in an accepted/ lacks research.
presented in an exemplary manner which is grounded from
manner which is grounded from research.
The creative literary adaptation The creative literary adaptation The creative literary adaptation The creative literary adaptation
demonstrates more than 5 demonstrates 3 or 4 unique demonstrates less than 3 unique relies on existing models, ideas,
unique and surprising adaptation adaptation conventions. adaptation conventions. or directions; not new or unique.
Showcases some personal Showcases an average personal Showcases little creativity,
Showcases an excellent personal expression, clever at times in expression, a few original originality and/or effort, only uses
expression, exceptionally clever showing understanding through touches enhance the project to materials and ideas in typical
and original in showing deep personal experiences and show some understanding ways in understanding the
understanding through personal thoughtful observations based on through personal experiences adapted literary text.
experiences and thoughtful the adapted literary text. and observations based on the
observations based on the adapted literary text.
adapted literary text.
Clarity and Organization of the The adaptation shows an The adaptation shows a good The adaptation lacks the The adaptation does not show a
artistic performance excellent progression of ideas progression of ideas and progression of ideas and progression of ideas and does
and presents an exceptionally presents a complete and clear presents an incomplete story. not present a story. Elements
complete and clear story. All story. All elements () needed in Few elements () were presented were not put together, and the
elements needed in the creative the creative adaptation are put and put together but organization organization is poorly evident.
adaptation () are put together in together in an acceptable is fairly evident.
an outstanding manner. manner.
quiet environment without quiet environment with minimal semi-quiet environment with noisy environment with constant
background noise and background noise and some background noise and background noise and
distractions. distractions. distractions. distractions.
Transitions are smooth and Transitions are smooth with a Transitions are uneven with Transitions are abrupt and
spaced correctly without noisy, minimal amount of ambient inconsistent spacing; ambient background noise needs to be
dead space. noise. noise is present. filtered.
Podcast length keeps the Podcast length keeps the Podcast length is somewhat long Podcast is either too long or too
audience interested and audience listening. or somewhat short to keep the short to keep the audience
engaged. audience engaged. engaged.
Performance Task of the 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Performance Scenario: The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has approved your literary multimedia adaptation to feature your advocacy that highlights either of the
identified goals namely: SDG 3- Good health and Well Being, SDG 4-Quality Education and SDG 8-Decent Work and Economic Growth, to create workable solutions on today’s
As a social media influencer, you and your team are tasked to produce a creative adaptation through microfilm/podcast/graphic pages of your approved chosen literary text. The
output will be evaluated by UNICEF representatives based on the following criteria: content, quality of adaptation (script), creativity/originality, clarity and organization of the artistic
performance, and fidelity to the technical aspects of the medium used.
Content The adaptation showed an The adaptation demonstrated a The adaptation demonstrated The adaptation does not
excellent understanding of the good understanding of the some understanding. There was demonstrate understanding of
subject. important literary subject. Important literary an attempt to analyze literary the subject. There was either no
themes, characterizations, and themes, characterizations, and themes, characterizations, and attempt to analyze literary
parts of the plot were analyzed parts of the plot were analyzed plot aspects. However, either themes, characterizations, and
and presented well. fairly well. One or two important important aspects were missing, aspects of the plot, or if there
aspects may have been left out or analysis needed further was an attempt, it was highly
though. There could have also development. inaccurate.
been further analysis.
Quality of Adaptation (script) The adaptation through it The adaptation through its script The adaptation through its script The adaptation through its script
s script exceptionally highlights highlights either one of the does not include any of the three does not include any of the
either one of the identified goals identified goals from the 17 identified goals from the 17 identified goals from the 17
from the 17 UNICEF SDG by UNICEF SDG by enumerating () UNICEF SDG but present one of UNICEF SDG. The script does
enumerating () or more examples examples which are relevant and the other 14 goals. The script not present any evidence in the
which are relevant and timely. timely. The script also presents a lacks the number of textual elements of the text from
The script also presents an good number of textual evidence evidence in the elements (such research.
excellent number of textual ( ) in the elements (such as as theme, characters,
evidence ( ) in the elements theme, characters, characterization, setting and
(such as theme, characters, characterization, setting and plot), which only shows two or
characterization, setting and plot)of the chosen goal and three evidence of the goal and
plot)of the chosen goal and presented in an accepted/ lacks research.
presented in an exemplary manner which is grounded from
manner which is grounded from research.
The creative literary adaptation The creative literary adaptation The creative literary adaptation The creative literary adaptation
demonstrates more than 5 demonstrates 3 or 4 unique demonstrates less than 3 unique relies on existing models, ideas,
unique and surprising adaptation adaptation conventions. adaptation conventions. or directions; not new or unique.
Showcases some personal Showcases an average personal Showcases little creativity,
Showcases an excellent personal
expression, clever at times in expression, a few original originality and/or effort, only uses
expression, exceptionally clever
showing understanding through touches enhance the project to materials and ideas in typical
and original in showing deep
personal experiences and show some understanding ways in understanding the
understanding through personal
thoughtful observations based on through personal experiences adapted literary text.
experiences and thoughtful
the adapted literary text. and observations based on the
observations based on the
adapted literary text.
adapted literary text.
Clarity and Organization of the The adaptation shows an The adaptation shows a good The adaptation lacks the The adaptation does not show a
artistic performance excellent progression of ideas progression of ideas and progression of ideas and progression of ideas and does
and presents an exceptionally presents a complete and clear presents an incomplete story. not present a story. Elements
complete and clear story. All story. All elements () needed in Few elements () were presented were not put together, and the
elements needed in the creative the creative adaptation are put and put together but organization organization is poorly evident.
adaptation () are put together in together in an acceptable is fairly evident.
an outstanding manner. manner.
Fidelity to the technical aspects The graphic pages excellently The graphic pages satisfactorily The graphic pages present or The graphic pages does not
of the medium used present or use elements of a present elements or use of a use few elements of a graphic present or use elements of a
graphic illustration such as graphic illustration such as illustration such as composition, graphic illustration such as
composition, panels, gutters, composition, panels, gutters, panels, gutters, captions, speech composition, panels, gutters,
captions, speech bubbles and captions, speech bubbles and bubbles and thought bubbles captions, speech bubbles and
thought bubbles. thought bubbles thought bubbles